HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-17, Page 1Vol. 34. NO, 6 ew Advertisements. Brussels ream -Turf Chub. Sidewalk tendere-F. S. Scott. c Writing Tablete-F. 11 Smith. Fall mantles -McKinnon & Co. 3 10 days more -J. Forgueon de do, * Tenders vcanted.-A. B. Macdonald, le istrict getos, asemet s to ve.' Mtge Allie McKelvey, of Toronto, le home for a visit. Mies Brown, of Toronto, is the guest of her either, Mre. P. Moffatt. Alre. Curtsy, of Hamilton, is visiting er stater, Mrs, Alex, Brvane. Pates Aegis Robertson, of Toronto, anb a week with her friend, Mies Jen- nie Simpoon. Mrs. Wm. Tenant Rua Min Edith Tenant, of Manistique, Mich„ were visit. ors att Mre, Jae. Wallace% Last Sunday evening George Maeou, of Wingham, was the preaoher in the Nall ere. Rev. Mr. MoLean, of Wingbam, will preaoh next Sunday evening. PUMPS TANKS and WINDMILLS ~at Still in the businees handling Pumps of all kinds, both iron or wood. The Marvel Windmill, one of the best makes, is handled by us. Water Tanks of varione sizes made to order. Repairs promptly attended to and at reasonable prices. Orders left at Tau POST, PIMA NIN will have our prompt atteution. A. RAYMANN PUMP MAKER, CRANBROOK photos. Our Studio is Upeto=date Special attention given to Summer Visitors whom we will be pleased to have call on us. We make a Specialty of Out -door Viewing, Homes, Groups, &c. 1114•1•' BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1906 OWNIIIIIIMM110114.81•1•1100. ilMil.01161•1012116,11111.041.5.1.....3 MOO Pare. J. K. Itioherdson, of St. Mary's, returned home after Emending a couple of weeke with her brother, Dan. Rotterdam'. Mrs. Walter Longman, of Detroit, was Oohing her aunt, Mrs. Woe. Frail*, and other friends, for a few daye, She le $ daugbter of Mara Reid, formerly of Bruseels, Flab 08 1. Wm. Buttery and W. E. Balmier are off for the West next Fall. Mies Lamont ie the octet of her stater, Mrs. Smith, at the G. T. It. depot here. 'Atm. Spenoe bas gone to Winginten for three weeks tut relieving operator in the offioe there. Miss Olive Baynard ia home again after visiting friends in Luoknow and other pieties for aeveral weeke. Wee. Heath and W. P. Freeman were out trout tithing Monday and neoured about three dozen of the spec:Wed beauties. Principal Freeman leaves Saturday for hie school in Nottawa after speeding a few wealth' holidays with his parents here. Mrs. Simpeon and Miss Lily, who have been visitiog Mende in Gorrie, Winghern, Clinton and VatIla tor the peat month, are home again. School will re.open on Monday next. Mine Shannou will be back as principal but who the mei:limit will be does not seem to be very clear at present. We oongratulete our young friend, Mies Nellie Hamad, ou anooessfully painting at the examinetion. Bhe ie now qualified to attend the Model School. Geo. and Mre. Imlay took in the I, 0. 0. F. exarirsion from Wingham to Sarnia hot Saturday aud vieited their daughter, Min Ada. They also visited relatives and friends in Detroit and Port Huron. ie 25 years since he and Mrs. Imlay were away un a trip like thin together and Geo. says he felt thee much younger, and we believe; be looke it since he thine book. 813111Vitz Lansidb tur v. Mex. Rose'sr., coutinnes very poorly. Oat harvest te general. The sample of Full wheat threshed in this part is poor. Peter Garditter lute purohand a trac- tion engine 10 000 hay preseing. Pete. is quite a business chap. Munn Bros., the well known saw miller°, are further equipping their plant by putting in a shingle mill. Another little ohttp in Goderich oan eay "Daddy's on the ramjets." ,A,. R. Small hes now it son and heir. J. W. Mowbray has had a tempting offer to aot as mechanical adviser for it manufacturing firm in Toronto. Win. mad Mee. Haokwell and Mies Mary E, went to Kincardine with the excursion from Brunie oo Friday of lad week. Wm. McCallum's new house is nearing completion. Never mind Billy, some girl will promiee to be more than a sister to you. Rev. A. laaeNab will preaoh at Bethel et the usual hour on Sunday. He has been spending a menthe holiday° at the lake shore. Solomon Bell has moved from Stmt. ford to the farm of J. 3, Irvine on the 12th line. J, Irviue, jr., the present tenant, will try something elm Alex. Gardiner, we are aorry to eay, is not recovering very eatiefaotorily from big reoeut illneee. It is the hope of his many friends lbat he will finally be restored to hie canal good health, Donnie Brea, the veteran thresbers, Hhive purchased another "Monaruh" nap .. R ter. The one dinoarded wee in good R• BEWER twit WATODES which will pass inspection on any railroad. We have a well selected -n RAE o AD tbams, Elgins, Reginas and stock of High Grade Wal- . other celebrated makes. We can assure you by dealing v with us you will receive the best value that money can buy and perfect satisfaction. II. L. JACKSON LEADING JEWELER WATCHES P. s. -our Repair work speaks for Satutfaotion or no charge. YE OLD FIRM Leatherdales' working order but the firm making title kind is going out of bovine° and they waneed to secure a new oee, Woll LOSs. MAD Dark is the gueet of Mies Violet Carter thin week. Rev, and Sirs. 15.8. Baker are vieiting relativee In Wyoming. M, Morrison upset a few days with Mende in Hallett this week. Next Sunday afternoou Rev. Mr. Kitty will preaoh in St. George'e thumb, John MoDonald ie preparing the mill for the turning out of hie heading stook. There wite no rervice in Daff's church last Sunday, Rev, Mr. MacNab being absent. Attester Wilber Armettong, of Hartle. ton, formerly of Walton, is at present vieiting at W. Neal's. Geo. and Misses Annie and Maud Ferguson end J. W. and Mrs. Morrisou spent Sunday in Hullete. J. Boyd Morrison, who has been in Manitoba Inc some 13 years, teas rummy iug old aoquaintanoes iu this vicieity this week. It is 7 years einoe he paid a form er visit to hie home le Walton and he is a welcome vieitor. The °how of Duff's ohnrols are having an entertaiument of exceptional rnerit on Thursday night, Auguet 24th. The story of "Christie's Old Organ" has been told to more audience:a than any other coory ever pablisbed. The viewe thrown on Otto (itinerate are exceedingly beautiful, There will be moving piatures and illus. tented songs to add variety and pleasure. This will be the only opportunity of 'tee- ing this program as Maseru. Robineon and Cornish restarts to Eaetern Ontario next week. Por the past twenty-seven years we have been in the Furni- lure, Undertaking and Music Business in this town, and to day we are in a better position than ever to supply the wants of the people of this community. Two years ago we extenaively remodelled our store and added a LARGE LINE OF CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS. We un- doubtedly have the largest assortment in any of our lines in the County. As August is a very quiet month in the Furniture Line and as we have made some very large purchases at Reduced Prices we mill give a. :Special 10 Lenrt. Discount gAnsil During the Yonth W r oxe LaC r. Bobcat opened in the Town Hall on Monday. Mies Etta Smith is the guest of rola- tives in Durham, Stewart Gillies, of Spry, is the peat of Normal' Herrie. Mine Janie Howe returned from Lead. bury on Saturday. Mho Musgrove, of Whiteohuroh, is the guest of Mies E. Henry. Somereille Hamilton, of Toronto, ie visiting his parents near here. A.. and Mee. Wallaae, of Toronto, are guests of Mrs. T. G. Hemphill. Mies Effie Goodfellow, of Toronto, is vieiting her aunt, Illre. J. Earner. Mies Sara Bray, of Hamilton, is renew- ing acquaintances in this vicinity. Pare. F. V. Dickson went to Dorham on Saturday for a few day' visit. Mrs. R. Moffatt and daughter have returned from a viett in Turnberry, Alex. Smith, of Owen Sound, is spend' ing a few holidays with hie parents here. Mies Helen Stewart, of Woodbridge, is the pleat of her aunt, Olre. 0,0. Stewart, Mies Clare Rutherford et:aerial:Lied it large number of her friends teat Tuesday eveuiug. Mita Alioe Walker, of Niagara Falls, is visiting her grandmother, Mee. J. Gibson. Mrs. A. Goodfellow, of Wiarkon, is reuewing soquaintancee in and around the village. Mies Nettie Ewing, of Teeewater, is spending some holiday° with leer deter, Mee. Geo. Allen. Miss Myrtle Thompson and Harry Ainlay, of Brussels, epent Sunday with Mien attary Smith. The Misses Duff have returned to Bluevale, after spending a week witb Miee Jeseie Itoberteon. Miss DMA flazlewood reit:lined from Oolorado lad week looking meals better for her nix weeks holidays. John Brawn, of Tavistock, visited bie parents Dr. and Mrs. Brawn last week. John is ou the lookout for a btatineee having sold his drug store In Tavistook. Mre. 3. A. Edgar, of Howiok township, and her father, Robert Forrest, of At- wood have 3000 00 a trip to Spokane., Waehington Territory, U. S., where they will enjoy about it month or six weeks. We wish them a good time and it sate return. Among those who attended the Esau:m- ilieu from Brussels to Kitionedine taut Friday were Mims Mary Smitb, Nellie Black, Amelia Bellamy, Tens Rae, Nellie Martin,Rinda Martin'Lulu Rutherford, Roaie Smith, W. MoLean, Alex. Smith and Scott Black. Call at any time and inspect our Goods. We consider it a vleatntre to ehow thera. 1.4atherdale St Son "God be with you kill we meet again." Thee the gueste eeparated winbing Mr, and Mrs, Livene a happy and glorioue future, They lett on the early Monday morning train for their borne in Ingersoll carrying witb them the beet wiehee of the community. David MoNair and John lInether arrived borne learn Lieber, Jast week, where they have been for the past eix months, For the next two Sabbaths Rev George Jewitt, of Dutton, will take aharge of the services in the Methodiet °Mimi) here. Rev, R. F. and Mre. Cameron and baby, of Brampton, nre vieilitig relatives and friends in Oranbrook and locality. They are welcome vieitore. Wes Lib. MoLatioblirt, who recently returned Dom a trip to tile West, left Friday of lest week for Sydney, 0, B , where she hoe accepted 0 situation in a mullittery eatebliehment. We are pleased to oangrettilate Willie Cameron On hia doable emcees in the reoent exansineaion at Brun:eels, He passed the Junior Teachere' examination end also the Junior Matriouletion. bright future ia before him we believe. Mor Cannon minutee may be read on page 5 of this iasUe. Jas. Sharp, 5011 line, took iu the exonr sten to Detroit last Saturday. Mrs. Jno. Olegg and Mine Hood, of Sunshine, attended the Summer School at Kincardine last week. A large number from this townehip took in the Exoureion to Kincardine last Friday and report a good time. Mee Maud Jaaksou, 8th line, and the Misses Scott, of Toronto, took in the exonreion to Detroit last Saturday. JOD. and Mre. Sherrie were visiting at the home of Geo. (=Ashok, is Teeswater, Mrs. Natick ie an aunt to Mr. Shoed°. James Russell, 5th line, who has been poorly, is improving quite niaely we are pleased to state and was able to attend church Go Sundey teat. Franaie DeWolf, 410 line, has not been as well ae usual during the paet week but we hope be will soon be better, Be is peat 82 years of age but hae been a very hearty mau in his day. At the teat meeting of Morris Council Richard Proctor wee re -appointed Tax Collet:tor for 1905 at a eatery of 985 00. Mr. Proctor has filled the °Moe for the pad fetv years and does it well. P. A, Black, of Owen Bound, io vieiting with relativee and old friends in Morrie, Grey and Brussels. Hie health has not been as good as usue.1 for a titne but we hope he will aeon be as vigoroue ee ever, John and Mrs. McGregor and daughter, of Washington Oity, U. S., were viettore at Allen Adams, 5th line, on Wednesday. Mr. McGregor is a aouein 00 tare. Marne. The Other has been a resident of Wash ington for the past 30 years. The Misses Fleming, who were rest. dents at Sunshine for years and who have been in the House of Refuge, Olin ton, for the past 6 mouths, are eh:thing in Morris for a week or so. They speak well of the tnanagement of the place and the ability ef Caretaker Frenth to look after hie big family of over 80. GOING WNST.-Lutlier Pepper, who hae lived on the 2od line for the past 7 years, has deoided to remove to the Northweet ancl will leave in abont three weeks for Saskatoon. He will hold an nuotion gale of hie farm stook, implemente, tto., on Tuesday, 290h inst. Mre. Pepper and Amity will not leave for a month later. The many old friends of the family will be sorry to know they intend temoving but will heartily with them Godspeed in theie new home. Criteekerstok. A lanais club will be organized here this week. sobool will re.open on Monday ot next week. W. Ballo.ntyne left Wednesday morn. ing for the Weet. Mies 011ie Ballantyne, of Atwood, vieited here last week. Myrtle MoDonald has arrived home from a visit with relatives and friends in Toronto. A game of foobell between Ethel and the Oranbrook team will be played on A. MoDonald'e field on Thursday evening. 0. Keeling, wife and ohildren, of Oar. giil, Ont., were vieitore with Mr. and Mrs. Helm. The ladies are reletivee. At the regnIer meeting of the Ohrietian Endeavor Society last Sunday evening eix bee? Annotate membere were enrolled. WEDDING Bzw,s.-"Maple Lodge," the home of Jae, and Mrs. Dining, was the Beene of a pretty wedding Saturday after - boon when their eldest daugleter, Miss Adak E., wee united in marriage to James A. Livens, of Ingersoll, in the preset:tie of about forty goods. At four o'olook, ae the ;Arsine of the Bridal March from "Lohengrin" played by Mise Maggie Switzer, were sounding, the bride and grown, unattended, took their plamte on the verandah, under a floral and evergreen hi:4130010e.: They Newel:Meted. ed by Rae. T. Weeley Obeens, of Begonia, who tied the matrimonial knob, The beautiful bride looked charming in a gown ot pehrl gray talk with lime trim- nsinge and carried a hognet of pale pink "Lathyri," After the migrate's- Noes to the newly wedded couple the gOeste eat down to an elaborate spread of good things peovided for the manteion. Atter supper n program Wag presented eoneieting of inetrutnentel mud°, song, spenhes and finally the parting hymn, W 1-1,K.ER1, Prop Remember the BRUSSELS Wednesday and Thursday, Alla 51 24 Classes will be Filled and Races,3e1ler than ever. Goketoto4oNotemeAsNra Pastobawkeas~. iffonorieff neighborhood wbo &misted in getting the program up are to be oongtat- elated on ite cameos. 'Pee Manor (Aseinlboia) Advocate, of Anon 4th, speaks 01 the daughter of N. M. and Kra Riobardson, formerly of the 7th con , as follows :-trire. N. al. Mob ardeon and Mies Anna have arrived hatne from Toronto, where the latter has been atteuding the Conservatory of ?dada for the pato year. Miss Anna is to be con- gratulated on her brilliant theme at the recent 0,ouservatory examinations tit piano, harmony and rudiments, having obtained honors in alt three subjects. She will returo Beat in September to eontinne her stndiee. ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. encores:tinge account or a 'Coyne From New York to Liverpool. Dear FIome Folic :-rn do my beet to give you your usual weekly letter, but Otto oeaselees unrest of the Atlantic seems to have possessed me, and I hear nothing bet the "swish, swieb" of the waters and my thoughts will aimply not mettle down to bueinese. We left Philadelphia on Tuesday at 1 Molook, arriving in New York about 2.90, going direct to the Holland House, where we stayed until next morning. The Holland House isn't so large as the Waldorf-A..4mA, but as my companion remarked in her own peculiar eament, "Yon cannot make a mistaketin coming to the Holland Houpe-it is immensely proper." When I signed a ohs& for my own dinner for $5,95 that night, I thought it ought to be "immensely proper" for I ordered a very eimple din- ner in order to be economical for the family, far they instated on securing a room for me alone -they are ahvays do- ing things like that. They had friends to dinner that night, and you oan imagine what it course dinner for four would coat at that rate. Next morning we drove to the wharf and when the gang plank was lifted. Hrs. R. flame around and said :-"Well, they can't get you now -you're off to Europe um until September," for we were all sure that the eubstitute for the Now England Hospital would wire me, ",Regret, but can't keep appointment" at the last minute. The "Teutonic" is it nice little boat, 665 feet long, 350 craw, 1410 passengers; it is not nearly so fine as the "Baltic" by any menme but she sails as steady 09 onn be and 1 haven't had the slightest no- tices of being gerteick. The first day out we made 415 miles ; eeeond day, 421 miles; thira day, 416 miles, and yester- day in the face of a good N. E, wind, 434 miles. The paesengere walk about the deok for exercise, morning, noon ana nigIst. People who never think of get- ting up and going for a witlk before breakfast at home, rise and religiously promenade the deck for half au hour or more before going to the dining room. Onr second day out we sailed into a regular "sollool" of whales; their spouts oould be seen on all aidee and everybody wall gazing over the rail watching the monstere oome to the eurface to breathe and then dealt off after their frightened prey -porpoises -which we saw darting through the water with lightning -like rapidity. It created a great, deal of ex- oitement and was a pleasant break in Otto monotony. The third day was of still greater in- terest, The sky was dull and leaden in appearance and it looked as though rain would surely fall. Juat after luncheon X looked out of my stateroom and away to the North I saw a white etreak seem- ingly come out of the olouda and get larger and larger. Soon everyone saw it, and a sailor ventbred the information that it was a "water -spout." Later an- other broke about three miles away and we could see it very plainly so it must 'have been of immense size, and in 70 few minutes we all shauted, ''Look out I Here's the sterns I" ana with a sudden squall another broke about 100 yards from the ship. Mr. R. got bo photograph of it if it turns out good. We all hurried tt3: its et A good many have threehed their Fall wheat. Mre Frank Harrieun is visiting rela. tives on the 10th con. Mies theta Buena is visiting Mien Pearl Bbarp in Brnseela, thee Bray, of Hamilton, te visiting bee uncle, Win. Bray, 16th con. The raspberry/ imp bee been very good in the Bomb Etas part of Grey. Mies Florenee Motley, of Bt. Martel, is visiting relatives and friends around Monorieff. Mies E ispy E. Moore, of New York, is viaiting Mimeo McArthur, 6th 000. lebe ie 0 cousin. Quite a large melee of Fall wheat will be pnt in this season in Grey township judging by report. Wm. Mann, who had the miefortune to brealt one of his ribs, we are pleased to say, A able to be to work again. Greywas well represented at the excursion to llinciardiee last Friday. It was a delightful dey for an outing. 93,823.80 is the amount asked by the 0o. this year from Grey toweship. Thie is quite a raise over 1904, viz., 91,140.45, Daring the past week Cheater Arm. strong, 10th coo., has been used up with &bemuses requiting the doolor's attention, Wm. and fare. Watts, ot Guelph, were visitors for a few dale that week ab G. D. Spoken% 12th non. The former ie a brother 6o Mrs, Spelean. Harry Allen, who ie at present staying with John Osborne, 16th tom, is an acquaintance of Mrs, Oeborne's brotheret family in Nottingham, England. Mrs. Joseph Biggs who has been visit. ing her sister, Mrs. G. /1. Speiran 12011 non., left on Monday of Otte week for bet home at Heaney, Man. Her eone ao. oompanied her. J.:mph Ociombee wae appointed Inepeo. tor at McFarlane's and MeDonald's bridge abtamente at $1.50 per day., and Edward Collis will perforrei similar dney at the Forks' bridge at the same pay. Mre, Jemee Harrigon was a welcome visitor with her brother, lohn Osborne, 16th eon., they not having seen each other for over 80 years. The visitor's hero° ie near Carnarveron, Haliburton Co. The Garden Party in commotion with Monorieff B. S. WON oertainly 11 0000000. The evening woe fine. The program, negated by the Brodhagen Brass Band, was eplendid, and the large plumber of people assembled seemed to enmy them• Delves very Muoh, The goring people of Ino, strapping fellowe, indefatigable; if You One spot them when they speak, nothing eke be to be done, they play leap -frog about the deok. One lad's hat went overboard nod he said, "Never mind I've got another in the hold." In Otto couree of an hour he re -appeared with another, which he had hunted out of his trunk ametsget a hundred of others in the hold, The weather hao been all that could be desired ; we have been Railing along Otto 400 wallet of latitude for three days end to -day catered and now run N. E. fee O. ter, Ireleaid. By wireless tele- graphy we get flees of the "Corona" delayed in a fog off Newfoundland, F.rtunaboly our course was too far South so ening we are befogged off the Melt coast we are pretty sure of a swift voyage. We passed a steamer to -day carrying lumber and cattle, and when she Caine il1 sight ehe ran up the Union Jaok and you ought to have beard those lads shout. Wish 1 bad been it boy too I Now I think I ought to go to bed, I'm sleepy all the time. Some of the people eat all the time but how they keep it down in tholl quantities is more than I one see. We get breakfast at 8 a. m., broth served on deok at 11 a. m., lunch- eon e.t 1.30, teit tweed on deck at 4 p. in., and dinner at 7 p. itt. I out out the be- tween meale, and then can't manage to stow away the qoantities my neighbors do, but I could sleep for six weeks I think if I got the chrome, to will eay Good -night. Tours lovingly, Manx It, FINDIATIIR. Savoy Hotel, Embankment Gardens, London, July 8th. Dear Horne Folk 2-0.0 yon see frorn Otto above. I have arrived in the o a old oily of London, and have seated myself to write you about the rest of my voyage. We had a delightful trip, the weather was all that could be deeired, and tbe ocean at times was almost as smooth as a sheet of glaes. The 4th of July was celebrated on board by the Amer - Mans present, in the usual way, minus Otto fireoracke.s. It wae ended by a "tug of war," eix Americans againet six Englishmen- and excitement ran ht.& aud wheu at the aid of the first Mel, Otto Amerioans pulled the Englishmen over the line the cheers went up from many loyal throats, and one big fat American whom I heard arty be weighed 195 pounde, ran out and threw hie arma about the neck of their "auohor" big fellow 6 foot 3 inches tall and weighing about 225 pounds-aud (Moot- ed, "Olt Billy you're the stuff I" "Billy" pioked him up in emit arms and lifted him about three feet off the deck and we all laughed, even two young English- men who had looked pretty glum. Mre. It. came 'wound and said "Oh -you aren't cheering are you ?"-"My turn is coining Mrs. R., and if it doesn't, I'd rather be dofoatel with old England them win with Uncle Sam, good fellow thoogh he is," said I. But my turn did come when they °hanged places, and I followed them down the deok and cheered too, with my two glum Englishmen at my side, and sure enough the Yanks had to come, "Billy" too, little by little, while we shouted -"they're corning boys, you've got them I" until we were hoarse. Yon oan imagine the excitement at the 3rd trial. A celebrated lawyer of New York, who is English by birth and had shown little interest in the eports called to a more athletic fellow than himself ; -"Say, going to poll ?" "Yea, think so." "Well here take my rubber soled shoes, they bold bettee than youre.'' And off oame the shoes and on they went on the feel of hie friend. I told him to keep Mrs. It. in her chair while I went to see how it came oft; at first it seemed pretty even but those title thick set, musonlar inglishmen hung on like bull dogs, and when eve saw the first sign of Otto tag coming over to their side we raised an encouraging shout; I beard a tense "Pull boys pull, for Heaven's sake pull I" and looking around I eaw one of my glum friends bending over the guard rope with white face and alinched hands, evidently oompletelyl lost to everything but that game. We won just the same, and I got my shout in after all and I told Mr. W. that hie shoes did it - "They never did better work" said be, and then he told me that he used to own O villa at Alexandria Bay. "And say do you know I used to row over to Brook- ville jug to see a Union Jack?" Here he was a reeident of New 'York for 15 years, married to one of New York's eFonr Hundred," all of his ioterests in U. S. and yet deep down in his heart he was loyal to that libels sea girt island. At dinner that night the Oaptain asked no all to rise and :dog ',My country 'tie of Thee" and they did -Then someone proposed "God save the King" and one more we sane. Toasts to President Roosevelt and King Edward VII follow. ed, and when aomeone shouted "Three °beers for Captaiu MoKinstry I" not a voice was silent, so the 4th of July end- ed very pleasantly to every one. Wedneedity morniug broke doll and gray and at breakfast tve became aware that the mad of Ireland was in sight, but it was not until 11 a.m. that we aould gat a good vxew at all and then To cotdd see the varied shades of green, broken by an mica:atonal little white cottage or anti grey ruins of en old bar- onial pile. At Queenston we landed about '250 passengers, and we eteatned on up the coast entering St. George's Channel about 9 caolock p. re. still very ligIst, and the long twiligbts was the aubjeot of conversation for the evening, When I awoke next a. to. we were lying ab Liverpool dooks, and after an early brettkfaet we got the 8,45 train foe Lon - dots arriving hero about 12.80 non, Mr. Y.'s valet 0100 110 with the rector ear and we were non whirled down the strand to the "Savoy," I don't tell you anything about Louden yet, 1 havn't got in order, I'Ve never boon off the streets since we came. We motorea through Ilydo Dna Regent Parke thie morning, out to Cryetal Palitee this after- noon, and yeeterday wo Yietved froM inside, but it aeon paned away and the deoltetvere soon orowded onae more, A gentlemen Mid Ile he had crossed the 17. Atlentie 00 timea and had never seen ono befoee, so it ie (evidently an unnsual ocaturrence in the aTorthern waters. To -day we had church getvioe in the dining -room, the ptilpit beitag a table made higher by pillowe and covered by a good all "Itnioil Jaak," whiob cheered my heart to see, There's nothing can take the place of the old Jetok on land or sea, there ie but one bilitlg that ottn equal it Rila that is th'is Leaf." Thee° 000 0. number of Driglishem 001 board, Westminater Abbey, Buoltitigharn Palace Marlborough House etc., and went to a tea gardeu in the afternoon, I'm hay- ing a delightful time, everyone Home to thiok it theta duty to show me 005t y- 012105 that is to be seen. Mies X. has a little "Bleotrio rousbout" of her own and the old (?) folk take the big oar, and we take the little one. The dining ro 1010 here are superb, BO are the prices of oourse, but that ie only money -and it doesn't went when you have an un- limited bank account. Now I'll UT to write you more about, London next time Kindest regards to everyone. 311. H. le. High School Examinations, We give below the na.meti of the sno. ceeeful oandidatee who wrote on the Fligh &hoot Examinations from the varlooe Coutinuatiou Schools in East Huron. Thee° &hoofs were very thooessful aud their reoord would gladden the hearts of the prinoipale of many of the smaller High Sohoole of the Provinoe. BRUSSELS. station 000011000.' Bryaue, Oumeron, Dark, Dav- idson, Forrest, Hansuld, MoArter, Game McCracken, John v. McCracken, Mo• Donald, Argo Rose, Bertha Roue, (with leer:ore), Gertrude Roes, Smitb, Wilton. 3011000 ,MLATRIOULATION. Completed Illatrioulation. - Cameron, Hingston, NtoDonald, 0.030 Roes, Bertha Rosa. WINGHA.M. AMON unmans'. Ansley, Craig, Currie, Davidson, Davie, Ethel ra. Ferguson, Garrick, Lit:Water, Nay, Rintoul, Sharp, Troy, Troy. BLYTH. 3II91I031 THSONERS,' Bell, Jeukine, Slater, Stewart. 011011011 0111311N. There will be High Mass uext Sunday in the Catholic: churn Brussel& Rev, Mn. Katy, of Greaten, will eon. dnot the Berea:es ia So. John'a Church here next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Forney, formerly of Gerrie, will succeed Nev. Mr. Lowe,of Wingbam. The latter removes to London. Iu Melville church on Sunday morning there will be a Heaveet Thanksgiving aervioe with music appropriate to the omission. Mee Ada Sharp, formerly with the Army here, gave a short address at the Epworth League in the Methodist Murat last Sabbatb evening. Last Sunday Mr. Robinaon dwelt on "The Duty of Cheertulneea" in the morning in Melville Oburoh and "How much °west thou?" at the eveoing service. Rev. C. W. Seamdere B. A., well known to a number ot Brume hoe, has been appointed to the iuoumbenoy of Luoknow Englith Church. He will no doubt do well. In the Methodist obtaah last Sunday morning the peeler'0 topie wan "The herald of the Divine Ring" wed the evening theme Wart "The extension of the Divine Kingdom," Both were gooddie- courser'. Rev. T. W. and Mrs. Cosene and son are away for a few weeks holidays at London, Port Stanley and other points. The pulpit of the Methodist Oburoh will be °tempted by Rev. George Jewitt for the next swo Sabbaths. Rev. Dlr. Cos - ens witl officiate at Dutton. The induction of Rev. W. 1, Chaff as rector of Sc. James' oburch, Stratford, will take place on Sunday morning next at eleven o'clock. The introdnotion win, at the nattiest of the Bishop of Huron, be oonclaoted by the Venerable Archdett. oon Mackenzie, D. 0. L,, of Brantford, who will also preach tbe sermon. Tbe boly communion will be administered at Otto elm of the service, The County Sunday Behool Maeda. tion is merengue for the organization of Township assooiatious so as to promote Otto work. Grey and Morris townahips have had Ranh KLI institution for yeare end North MaKillop ban ehared in the Walton Ageoniation. Howtok township holds an annual Onvention which bas been marked with no emelt themes. The leant Aesoolation to wbere the most praatioal work Oen be and is done, as Sonde}, &hoot workers well know, Two barns in the vicinity of Mate., Man., one near Tweed and one near Pet• erboroa were etrnak by lightning and burned. I. 0, 0, F. -The Ontario Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. F. met in Brookville last week, The rehires for the years 1902, 1908 and 1904 °bowed that the I. 0. 0, F. was gradually overooming the yearly toes heretofore sustained through suspensions. The inerectee in membership this yene Is 1,843. Grand Master reaommended that the proposed reeolution making it legal for State grand bodies to adopt to law authorizing the institution of lodges upon the petition of live third degree members in good standing, or upon the applioation of tweety.eightlpersons eligib e to memberehip in the order, be passed. SatleaOtiOn MSS expretieed with the Relief Memotation, whoee membership was now 18,400, and would be 20,000 next year. The report of the Grand Sore- tary, 3, B. Ring, thowed that the honde Aimed for lode officers amounted to 9137,580. The wee of the lodges bonded was 0304 64. The Odafellows, Ithrue was repouted ie 0. satiefacitoty oonditiot The sone of 91947 had reciently been rr- calved from lodgee mid individuate, tinte placing the aorne in good financial eon. ditiou. The receipts were 98,894.72 awl expenditure 98,858 07, leaving to tiredly balance of 9241 67, The meets amounted to 920,586.47. 'The general recloipte Were 915,966 48 end expendituee 914,000 68. The treastiree reported n belanoe on hami an Dettember 31, 1004, of 42,08849, H. N. Jenninge, of Palmerston, was ablated Grand Senior Wooden; 1. 3, Elliott, of Wingthani, Deputy Grand Patriarch foe No. 18.ttticl If. It. BloWett, oi ingtowel, the Motor, the House of Parliament, le the NetIr (Amid Nutt%