HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-10, Page 8Hot Weather
—Citrate of Magnesia,
—Essence of Rennet,
—Effervescent Phosphate of
—Tartaric Acid,
—Toilet Soaps,
—Sea Salt for Bathing,
—Bath Sponges,
—Talcum Powders,
They furnish a large amount of Comfort
is almost here again and we
are ready with a fresh sup.
ply of all kinds of
Pure Pickling Spices
We keep a full line and give
careful attention to filling
the Recipes for Pickling
for the Summer time, Spices.
!'b'l5 b,11,'1111 ,'I,r41,'I,� I,rIi,l5'l
Trainefeave Brueeele Station, North
and South, a3 follows:
Mall 7:06 am Mixed 3:40 mm
Mixed... ..... .11:25 9.mMall .. 1:93 panBzpreso..... 9:02 p.m I Express �,,,3:51 p.m
A ohiel'o amang ye takiro notes,
faith he'll 1 prem it.
Thain the advte.
CuT the weeds.
ONE rink of bowlers, if nob more will
attend the tournament at Goderioh next
25 GENTS gate THE POST for the balance
of the year to new eubeoribere. Send it
to the absent ones.
Goon progreee has been made at the
Rose mill in its re•OOnotraotion into a
Sale stable by Walter Lowry.
"Twin Guy," the pacing stallion,
owned by Moore Bros., died last week and
found a resting place at the race teen.
Loox at the bills announcing one of
the beet entertainments ever given in
Bruseele Town Hall, Tharsday Ang,
The fine new cement stable at the
Queen's Hotel ie now ready for occupa-
tion and ie fitted up in modern style with
eleatrio, lights &o.
$500.00 has been expended in the pur-
chase of furniture and other neoeeseriee
for the reoently completed addition to the
Honee of Refuge at Clinton,
MRs, S. Stun or,, had the misfortune
to sprain onetof her aoklee the other day
while pinking berries in the bush but we
hope she will soon be all right.
MOVING PIoTOR11e.-111aetrated songs
and views of life among the poorer
Mlaeoee in New York on Thursday night
Aag, 172h. Town Hall, Brnseela,
Tae Young People's Soafety of Mel-
ville oharoh are having an entertainment
that le nnnenally attractive on Thursday
Aag. 17th, in the Town Hall. See small
LAST week Orrie Crone, Mill St., wae
etnng near the left eye by a bee which
caused such a awaiting that the optio
WAS olosed_for a day or 80. , He ie all
right now.
Iyie expeoted that two epecial nom -
O en trains will be run on Friday to Kin.
oardine to accommodate the crowd, The
danoknow Boys' Band will furnish a
musical program.
JNo. MCFADDEN is training a pair of
likely young aeoinee on the Driving Park
Coarse. Ooa belongs to himself and the
o ther is the property of hie brother at
Sault Ste. Marie.
JOVENILE Baoo:Ball is to the front on
Victoria Park these days. A ohoicer
style of language on the part of some of
the playere would be appreciated by
those residing near the Park.
Tam storehouses at the G. T. R. are
open now for the receipt of grain and are
in Charge of the same warehousemen ae
last year viz., Robert Oliver and A,
Somers, both well known to •tbe public.
Dn. Oven, M. D., Sargeon, °oculist,
Spoolaliet, Diseases of Eye, Ear and
Noce treated and glaaeee fitted properly.
Will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brussels,
on Tuesday, Sept, 19125. Hoare 8 a. in.
to 1,80 p. m.
Toe Pon wiehea to return hearty
thanks to the many friends who have BO
generously supplied as with begun einoe
removing to our new office. The &were
bave been admired again and again by
our many vieitoro.
A O. Dams ie having a cement stable
built on hie property, William street, to
take the place of the frame one palled
down, The new building will be fitted
ont with Ibe modern improvemento, P.
J. McDonald hag the contract.
A Femme= aubeoriber in remitting
for THE P002 Saye :—I am well oatiefied
With THE POST, It 88e1110 like home to
me to read the news of that locality.
Hope you will be enoaeeelnl in your new
home for a good many years to Dome,
Soorsoan RAOEL,—The program of races
On the } mile tr8ok at Brussels will take
plane on Wednesday and Thureday, 28rd
and 24212 Mete, when a bill of fare cal-
culated to pleaee the most pronounced
oport will be prevented in trotting, paoing
and running noes.
LAST Saturday J. J. Gilpin completed
the moving of bio implements, sewing
maabinee, eta. tram the old stand op-
posite the Town Hall, where be has been
located for the past 21 }mare, to the new
premises in THE Pon block where bo
inay now be found.
Tam oanvae need weeks ago for the K.
0. T. M. Garden Party on Victoria Park
hag not yet been folded up and returned
to the Town Hall. It coot money to pro.
ante it and should be oared for better
than at present. It does not improve the
appearance ot the Park either 20 its
present condition,
Tan POST regret(' toletate that Roger
Browatt, of Wingham, who has been ill
with typhoid fever for the peat eight
weeks, hag been Considerably worse dur.
ing the past week with something like
aongeetion of the brain. We hope he
will soon take a change for the better.
The young man it A nephew to G, A. And
Mrs, Deadman,
FSIDAY of this week will be Civic Holi-
A 8050808 from Brussels attended the
Concert 9.2 Jamestown Wednesday even•
A. O. Dame shipped three oars of
cattle to Montreal. T.Nolao, of Walton,
also forwarded two oars of cattle to the
came port.
THE blank driving mare of George
Oardiff preeeoted her owner with a fine
Manbars filly on Thnreday morning of
this week.
OonroLAINT has been made of boys steal-
ing from orchards and tramping over
vegetable beds in gardens. A few names
of intruders have been eeoared and are.
turn visit may not be very oardially re.
BANES wILL CLOSE.—Owing to Friday of
this week being Civic Holiday and the
other baeineee planes closing for that day
both banks have arranged to do likewise
so people should govern themselves
Fours rinks of Wingham bowlers paid
Brussels a visit on Wednesday afternoon
and played an interesting game with our
sphere Ku/idlers on Maitland lawn. The
visitors were viotorione by 13 shots on
the total. It was a good game.
drilling a well on the farm of Wm.
Bailey, is Elma township, Monkton
locality, last week George Edwards came
upon evidence of coal oil et a depth of 50
feet. The samples enured will be proper.
ly tested and it is hoped good 2880120 will
OTHING:On Saturday, Aug. 12212, between the
hours of 10 and 11, to the boy or man
who will exclaim on entering the store,
"Regent Brand tailored suits and over.
Coate" we will give him a Christy cliff or
eoft felt bat or some other present tbat
he will like. A. R. SMITH, North End,
Taos. A. HAWKINS, with most einem.0
thanks to the people of Braosele and the
surrounding country for past patronage,
animation with regret that in order to
farther pursue his studies in music, be
will leave Brueeele next Spring, Any
wishing to take advantage of hiein-
straati0ne while be remains ehonld make
application at their earliest convenience,
Those preparing for the mid -Winter
examinations should resume their studios
at once.
THE Hensel! Observer says :—"B. B.
Gann, Dr. Chisholm, and Mr. Lewis have
returned from Ottawa each with a
thousand dollars more than they expeot-
ed to have when they $ret went to
parliament. It is evidently better to be
born lnoky than wealthy." Tam POST
notion that several of the M. P.'s have
been making donations to the Agrionl.
tarsi Societies. The address of the
Seoretary.Treaenrer of Ent Huron
Society ie W. H, Herr, Brueeel9, Ont.
Om of THE OLD Bo2e.—An old time
resident of this locality it visiting in
Brussels and vicinity thio week in the
preen of Matt. Armstrong, a eon of
William and "Aunt Sally" Armstrong, of
pioneer days. Mr. Armetroog has been
in the United States for the past 22
years but appeare to be about the eame
old Matt. as of old. He was known far
and near,in the bygones as the phenom.
enal catcher of the old "Clipper" Baee
ball team of Brunets when along with
Jim and Dave Rose, Will. Grewar, Ja011
Shaw, Nobe, Gerry, Andy Currie, Jim
Ballantyne, Jim Stratton, Oen. Vanetone,
Charlie Kneohtel and Alex. Wilson,
many a battle was fought on the diamond
and many a victory recorded. As a good
many of the old "Olippere" are stili here
it wail proposed that a game be played
daring Mr. Armetrong'e vieib. The visit.
or's father ie still alive, residing at Lear -
tum, Mitch., and is now over 80 years of
age. Of the other members of the
Armstrong family, Annie, now Mrs. H.
T. Ingereoll, lives in the eame plane as
her father ; Sarah (Mrs. Boyle) is a
resident of Edgemont, Nevada ; Jno. le
in Buffalo. N. Y. ; George at Spokane,
Washington;Ter. ; Will, at Bellingham in
Washington ; and Lysander at Milwau-
kee, and all doing fairly well. Matt. is
engaged at the lambering in Louisiana,
where he hag spent the past eight years
with profitable reenite. Mr. Armstrong
notes many changes in Brussels dnriug
hie anemia and says be is familiar with
more nameo on the monumente in the
cemetery, where he visited the family
plot, than in town. His visit t0 Brunets
has recalled many inoidente of former
Business Locale.
Banyan wanted at oeoe. Apply to
Mae. W. M. StemaI0.
Fon cheap millinery go to Misses Hab.
kirk. See oar 50 cent hate.
Timm millinery apprentioee wanted
by Sept. let. Mme STRaoMMN.
NEW baggy and an n& D. bioyole for
Bale cheap. Apply to Jae. BALLANTYN0,
COMFORTABLE house and lot, with etable,
pump &c., oonveofently located on Queen
street ter sale. Apply to Timm Pose,
A WATlcnroos cape found. Owner may
have same by proving property and pay•
ing for t25i8 notiao by calling at THE
COMFORTABLE dwelling rooms to let over
My store, soft water, Peseeoeion can bo
Ono at am, 1, 0, RooaAoos,
Standard Bank of Canada
=8,x,.A,OH,T�SSS2 m 1842
FOND 610,00,000
A ererrera1 riet.M 1lta 13meiuelao4 Ur ran rgaeted
Accrued Iatereet le added to accounts every six months and Mammas principal,
Joint /Deposit Accounts—A. SPECIAL CONVENIENCE in use In our Savings De.
partment is the ',Joint Deposit" u000unt. Money may bo deposited or withdrawn
by either of the. two members of the household, This system is a great oonvou-
10080 to many residing in town, but mom partlonlarly se to farmers, as in the latter
ease whether man or wife comes to town either eau attend to the Banking, An-
other feature of the system le that in ease of the death of Dither party the money
can be withdrawn by the survivor without Dost, We will tell you more about our
methods if you will kindly pall or write,
Married Women and Minors may make and withdraw depoelte without thein-
tervention of tiny person.
only for whioh no charge is made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and ooarteouo attention.
500 pkge. butter wanted—ohoioe-17o
Oath or trade. Don't mise our July and
Aug, sale, GEO. E. KING,
tf Wingham,
SALT.—Any quality of good clean aolt
of all kinds at Brueeele Salt Works for
local retail sales. Salt inn be got only by
calling at the Brussels Salt Works.
Ootoronz0BLa dwelling and aorta of
land ; choice traits different varieties ;
tor sale or rent, pos0eeeion given Sept.
let. I, 0. RICHARDS.
Hones blanket and bag of oats found.
Owner may bave the same by proving
property and paying for tbie notice by
tailing on Ohm. Rozeil, Lot 8, Oon.9,
DWELLING rooms to let over Currie's
and Downing Bros.' atone ; soft water,
very convenient rooms, possession given
Sept. lat. Apply to I. 0. ll100ARDe,
In order to wake up the trade will sell
Summer unite at lees than half price.
Men's two piece flannel tweed suite, 2
pieoee worth $7,00 for 93,00, the $4.00
kind for $2 00, the $3.50 Men's Linen
Suite for $1.50. Regent Brand and
Pioadilly mita and overooate will anon be
here and dou't you forget it. A. R.
lemma, North End, Wingham.
Brussels Council..
The regular monthly meeting of Brae.
eels Oooucil was held on Monday evening
in the Council (Member, all the members
present except Councillor Jones, who woe
absent from town.
Minutes of last meeting read and
A000ante were presented as follows :—
A. MoLaaohliu, eatery 925.00
Jae. Fox, telephone eta 1.65
P. J. McDonald, repairs to cement
sidewalks 22.00
On motion of S. T. Plum, seconded by
W. F. Stewart the accounts were ordered
to be paid.
The question of W. M. Sivalair'e bill
of aoote in the Sewer Bait was 000eidered
and on motion of W.F. Stewart, seoonded
by R. Thomson it was decided to pay him
$825 in fall, as against $983 presented.
Cold storage, n0 it relates to the project
of Committer Thomson, was dieoueeed
for a ehort time. It was agreed that as
soon ae the site is deanitety chosen that
a epeeist meeting of the ()outwit will be
held to deal with the neoeeeary Bylaw to
be submitted on to exemption of taxes.
Weighmaeter MoLauohlio reported the
proceeds of the scales for the month of
July to be $40 00.
Oounoilthee adjourned,
B. Gerry was elected as repreeentative
to the District meeting of Wingbam
District next Fall from Brunets Metbo.
diet church. Meeting will likely be held
at Teeewater.
The Wingham District Summer
School is in progress at Kincardine thie
week with a fine .program and large
abtendanoe, Rev, T. W. Ooeeoe and W.
H. Kerr bad a share in the addreeeee,
Last Sabbath morning Mr. Robinson
diecoureed thoughtfully on "Burden
Bearing" and at the evening eerviee
"Zaooheue and blind Bartimene" were
the subjects chosen for a well direoted
Appropriate to the o0Casion were the
dieooaroeo of Rev. T. W. Coaen° in the
Metbodiet ohurah Met Sabbath. The
morning theme was "Obriet'e agony in
Gethsemane," and in the evening 'The
direct witness of the Spirit," A large
number partook of the internment in the
morning and took part in the testimony
meeting in the evening.
The Orchestra of the Methodist Bab.
bath Sohool is making good progreee and
is preparing a oboioe lot of new eeleo.
Mons. There are 8 members viz., H. L.
Jackson (Conductor), let violin : Mine
Martha Smith and Richard Cardiff, 2nd
violins ; W, R. Mooney, Sate ; H, R.
Brewer, cornet ; Will. Griffith, from.
bone ; W. J. McCracken, bags viol ; and
MSS Bertha Armstrong, organiat.
At the Methodist Sabbath School,
Brunets, last Sabbath afternoon a ren.
station was given by Bert. Lott and chart
addressee by B. Gerry and Rev, T. W.
Coeeos. The former dealt with the duty
of Tbankegiving and before contending
moved that a hearty vote of thanke from
the school be tendered to Rev, Dr. With.
row, Toronto, Editor of the S. S. papere,
for their exoellenoy, parbioalaely along
the line of instilling true potriotiem and
showing in a very pleasing way the great
poseeosione and possibilities of the
Dominion of Canada. Postmaster Far-
row seconded the motion in a few appro.
priate words and the eohool ananimouely
and very heartily adopted it. "Onward"
and "Pleasant Hoare" have taken the
plane of the library in that lichee! for
years 80 the real value of these weekly
visitors ie well known. No eohool will
make a mistake in taking them. The
monthly Mieeionary collection laet Sun.
day was $6.77,
Jobn Brown, ex.M. P. for Haldimand,
died at Dunnville after a lingering 211.
Charles T. Bunting, a well known
fruit grower of Grantham, died at St,
The Cabinet approved of plane of the
G. T. P. from Portage la Prairie, 274
mjleo Westward.
An employee of a London hotel was
fined for oellingoigere on Sunday. The
Cate i8 to be appealed,
Capt. E, B. and Mee. Anderson of
King's Royal, near Owee Sound ode -
butted their golden Wedding.
®Stratford Ia010000 olab leaves this week
to play lacrosse with a team in Chicago.
Wingbam Laoroeoe team lost in an
exhibition match with Kincardine in the
latter town on Tuesday by a some of 4
goals t0 1.
Seatorth has challenged the Galt foot
ball beam to play for the championship
of Canada, whioh title they claim to
Muth Damage Done
by a Manitoba Blow.
Melita notion was swept by the worst
storm in its history Tuesday night, which
caused great damage to crops and build-
ings, and in addition, caused the death of
Mrs. Sohn Elliott, Sourisford, who was
crushed beneath the ruins of their Mime.
Their new home in coarse of erection
was oleo damaged. As reports come in
the damage is learned to be widespread
ancf serious. In Melita the loss is heavy,
The North end of the town seemed to
have suffered most. Several of the
heaviest losers are Loucks, Shearer, J.
Anderson, Mayor, MoOallum and Connor.
All these farme were, badly hailed, while
to the North the most damage was done
by wind and rain.
CAPITAL—Paid np $1,000,000
RESERVE FUND • • $1,000,000
REV, R. H. WARDEN, to, 1)„ S, 3, M00RE,
President. Vice-Preeideut,.
TROD, RRADe1A0, F,I.A, me 1I0N010 8020. W. MORTIMER CLARE, 11.0, D. a, T0OM°0N, 8, 0.
JOHN 711113TBR008
Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Sam S VSNR DirraDriretwxr
Interact at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of $1 and upwards
in:09ea3SR'LS° 'h:'am=
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
At Coulter a number of box care were
overturned by the wind.
GREENwes.—At Crystal City, Man„ en
July 81st to Mr. and Mre. J. F.
Greenway, a eon.
REINHaRT,—At Yellow Grose, Aoea., on
July 21st, Charles Reinhart, former-
ly ot MoKillop, at the advanced
age of 93 years and 6 menthe,
Wingham papers please copy.
I Notional, Toronto Aug. 26 -Sept 11
Western, London Sept. 8-16
Teeewater Sept, 22-23
Sept. 26-27
Listowel Sept. 26-27
Ripley Sept. 26-27
Northwestern, Goderieb Sept 26-27
Bayfield Sept. 28-29
Wingham Sept. 28-29
Harrietoi Sept. 28-29
Atwood Oot, 3-4
Luoknow Oat. 4-5
East Huron, Brunie Oot, 5-6
Oat. 7
Dungannon Oot. 12-13
Members of the municipal Council, sr-zvmmmw..,s ,
who have jnet driven in from all parte of
the municipality, report very serious Fall Wheat
Batter, tube and reale
Eggs per dozen
Hay per ton
Floor, per bbl
Hoge, Live
Salt, per bbl., retail
Potatoes per bee
Apples (per bbl.)
damage to crops, especially at Elva,
Pierson and Waekada.
The brink fire wall separating the
Morse hardware store and MoJannet'e
general store was completely wrecked.
Myles' stable was turned upside down
and Fred. Thompson's atable wrecked ;
dozens of panes of glass were broken and
about a dozen chimneys blown down.
The storm covered about two mike
wide, and its length is unknown, al-
though it travelled ea far as Coulter, near
Deloraine, where it assumed proportions
of a tornado. There wae fortunately
comparatively little hail around here.
Roethern, Aug. 8.—During the fierce
electrical storm on Thursday, details of
whioh have just arrived from Radiaon, on
the 0. N. R., Walter Scott, farmer, wa8
holding his horse by the head when the
animal was killed by lightning. Scott
was badly injured and may not recover.
Several animals were killed in the same
Deloraine, Aug, 8.—A belt of grain a
mile and a half wide, South of Waskada,
was badly hailed, and the barn of Mr.
Day, South of here, was struck by light-
ning and destroyed along with two horses,
wagons, harness and bay. Little dam-
age was done to Grope around here, but
over the boundary In Dakota, it left a
path of ruin.
6 00
6 60
7 00
6 00
6 60
7 00
1 00 70
45 45
1 00 1 25
SALE. — The undersigned offers his
desirable property in Graham's Survey for
sale, containing 85 aeras, with a good brick
house and frame barn on 1t. For further
partioulare apply on the premises.
51tf SAM1J0L HOGGABD, Brussels.
aod'O acres of land fur sale on Walnut
street, Brussels. Brick house, good stable,
hard and soft water, small orchard, .k0.
Property in good shape. Immediate posses-
sion can be given. For further particulars
apply on the premises, Will also sell two
good Jersey Cows, one a thoro' bred.
52-tf Proprietor, Brussels,
Special Train, Time and Fares as Follows :
1,0a86 T1.1l10
PALMERSTON 7 15 a. m.
RIPLEY 10.00
Arriving at 'Kincardine at 10,20,
Returning, Will Leave Kincardine at 6,30 p m.
Fare, Adults Children
$1.16 60%
1.15 60
1.10 55
1.05 55
1.00 50
.96 50
.85 46
.80 40
.70 35
.05 35
.55 80
.40 20
Tickets only good for one day, except from Palmerston to Atwood
inclusive, which are good to return on following day.
Arrangements are being completed for Tenni°, Lawn Bowling, Baee Ball and
other Sports in Kincardine whioh will add to the entertainment of the Visitor°. A
short program of Gamee foe Children will also be given Free to Everybody,
shouM arrange to go and spend the day at the Lake.
Iaoum(jcnt St, aoluve Church, Supt. Melville S. S. Supt, Melhodi0t r3, S.
A pupil Ito vocal music, of Mrs, Nor -
too, of Detroit, is prepared to give instruc-
tion in voanl mos/cited the violin. Terme
on application.
Huron Oa., containing 100 acres. There is a
clearance of 90 aerie, the land being in
splendid condition. Upon the farm is a
brick house, bank barn, low barn, pig house, H OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE
ie.,also good orchard. Poseee8 on given 1..1 on A10200568 street, Sr0000le. Alig-
next Spring, with privilege , of putting Fa11 ably located, i acre of land. For further
wheat in. For farther partioulare apply ou pariiet11300 ae to priori, terms. eta., apply to
the premlace to WM, MoNflBB, Pxopriotor, I MRB. A, HIINTER, Thomas street, Brun -
or F. 8. Scott, Brussels. 51-tt 0010. 4.21
ebeing Lot 20, Con. 19, Grey townehi
When you buy Rubber get it. Yon
get part eometbing else in many of
the Rubber Goods sold. Our Rub-
ber Goode are bought direct of the
manufacturers and we pink the man-
ufactarere oarefully. These goods
are fresh, the quality ie assured and
the prices are the lowest at whioh
goods of the quality can be cold.
XXXX=XX xxxxxxxxxxe
Great August Sale
August is always considered one of the dullest business months in the
ear, but Y ever dull with t no, and we have decided to make this the
busiest August in our history by giving our customers the greatoetbargains
ever given in Huron County, Below we quote a few prices whioh will give
you an idea of what you may expect when yon visit our big Oath Store
—White Fancy Striped Musline, very epecial, worth 8o, for 35o.
—White Muoline in fanny woven designs, regular 10e, for 5o.
— Muslin Embroidery, 4 inches wide, worth 8o, for 4}o.
—Flaked Chambraye, in pink and blue, was 15o, now 90.
—Men's Silk Neckties, in knots and four -in -bands, in light and dark
colors, new designs, worth 260, for 18a.
—Men's Silk Bows, in new styles, very special, worth 20o, for 5o.
— Ladies' Leather Belts, in blaok and tan, regular 25o, for 10o,
— Ladies' Silk Belts, in black and oolore, were 500, now 26o.
—Ladies' Corsets, in all the beet makes, at 250, 35a, 60o, 75o and $1.
—Ladies' Tape Girdles, D. & A. and Crompton make, were 60a, now 23o.
—Boys' Tweed Knickers, good value at 500, now 350.
—20 lbs. Redpath's Granulated Sugar for $1.00. 23 lbs. Brown Sugar
for $1.00. Canned Tomatoes, Aylmer goods, per can 8110. Canned Corn,
Delhi and Aylmer goods, per 0011 9o. Canned Peas, Aylmer geode, vary
special, per Dan 5,9o, Selected Ranine, great value, per ib, 55o. Gleaned
Currants, very special, per lb 55o. 10 bare Laundry Soap, (the 6o size) for
25o. 6 doz. Clothes Pine, a great snap, for 5e, 2 cane of British Colum-
bia Red Salmon for 25o.
gyzgHii �gphesgt�aPPrwigc�ec�yPaaipd�pforqBButttqe�pr and Eogg�gs..p�ay�w
xxxexxxxe�6elu+ M dT�4e4DC ..100 .g4da.+�'bd001C
of Our Great
Removal Sale
Stock must be reduced to its lowest limits before re-
moving to our new premises in the Garfield Block, Brus-
sels. The following are a few of the many Bargains we
are offering you :-
-2o only Ladies' White Shirt Waists,
size 32 only, last season's styles,
and worth regular 0.00, 0.50, 2.00.
Sale Price 25c.
--25 ends Fancy Dress Duck, worth
regular 0z5c and 150
Sale Price roc.
—3 doz. Ladies' Cloth Capes, worth
regular 500
Sale Price 3750
—5 pieces White India Dress Linen,
worth regular 250
Sale Price 090
—5 dozen pairs Ladies' Corsets, worth
regular 500 and 6oc
Sale Price 39c
—To dozen pairs Boys' Extra Heavy
Ribbed Cotton Stockings, guaran-
teed fast color, Worth regular 250,
Sale Price ige
--5 dozen pairs Ladies' Taffetta and
Lace Gloves, in Cream, Black and
Tan colors, worth regular, 250
Sale Price 0gc
—6 dozen pairs Ladies' Pure Silk
Gloves, Worth regular 500 and 6oc
SalePrsce 38C
.,5 en Is Fancy Colored Silk, worth
regtilar 750 and 1,o0
Sale Price 350
—5 pieces Extra Heavy Cottoned°,
worth regular 250
Salo Price 200
—35 ends Fancy Colored Dress Mus-
lim, worth regular 25e
Clearing Price roc
—05 nieces 'guaranteed Fast Colored
Sale Price 5c
—15 dozen Ladies' Cashmere Stook•
ings, in Plain and Ribbed, sizes 8},
9, 95, worth regular 25e
Sale Price r9c
—5 dozen Men's Heavy Grey Wool
Socks, worth regular 050
Sale Price laic
—3o only Ladies' Panel; Wash Collars,
worth regular 250 and 3oc
Sale Price roc
,-6 dozen Ladies' Silk Belts in Black,
Cream and Colored, which we
clear at the following prices :-25e
for roc; 5oc for 39e; 75c for 55c
Leo for 75.
—Dress Goods, Trimmings, Steens
Whitewear, Flannelettes, Flannels,
Prints, Parasols, all at Reduced
J. Ferguson
Sa CO.