HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-10, Page 4Ib'e lieu err .n$'t, TEU SDAX, AUG. 10, 1905. Islorrlee. lownehip Connell met last Manday, Miss Rebeoee Jaokeon, of Mimic°, to renewing old triondehipe in Morrie, Blyth and Brunie. Fooa'BALLEIte,-Tbe following from the West will be of iutereet :-Frobisher and Coalfields, being tied for oup honors in the Southern Aeailtibola Football league, the preoideot of the ieogue ordered the game played on July 20th et Eetevau. Both tame hied to that point determined to do or die, as this was the third time they bad come together, the former eeoree being 1 to 0 in Frobieher'e favor, the other proving a tie game with the, eoore 1 to 1, The afternoon was extremely hot. Tbe teams lined up et 4 o'alook, B. Watt, of Eve:Ohara, acting fn the capacity of reteree. The play wee fact and farioue right from the drop of the het, the speed of the Frobieher playere letting them take the aggreeeive, while the OoeIflalda stubbornly reeieted the onslaught. The bell aped back and forth and at the end of seven minntea the beautiful combination of the Frobiober forwards succeeded in platting the sphere between the bare. Both teams fought heroically until bait time, the brilliant plays being loudly applauded. The Frobisher lade being the smaller of the two teame, held the greater part of the eympatby of the onlookers, and deserved• ly keeping it. se they pursued the defence of their opponents, only good fortune, with intense effort prevented fnrtbur eooring during this half When play was again resumed, the Coalfields' muscle wee expected to oat• last their opponents, but not eo. Tbe gull* passes and rushee upon the deal• lielde' goal was rewarded in seven minutes by a second eoore. This some- what disheartened some of the large fellow°, while others grew ugly and at. tempted to i0oapaoilate the aggreeeors. But the Frobiehere boyo were on their mettle and bad the asp in eight and again scored. This wee the last game, the oup being won by a there of 3 to 0, It would be bard to individualize, as the play was a feast to lovers of the sport. The victors lined up se follows :-Goal, Whitley ; beaks, MoCanl ; Oapt., Man. roe 1 haft -books, Brandon, Moduteheoa and Woodrow ; forwards, Forsythe, Gardiner, MaFetridge and Mawhiuoey, ClItutono The Collegiate Board of Trnetees hae ,engaged Mies G. McC. Waterwortb, of Ridgetowo, ae oommeroial specialist, et a salary of $650 per year. Isaac Dodd met with a nasty aooident the other day, He wee carrying a bee hive in hie arms, when be tripped ou a stake and, falling forward, out hie lip eo badly that a doctor had to be called in to sew up the wound. Mrs: Waudby, from near Wingbem, who has been an inmate of the House of Refuge for several years, died, at the age of 77 years. The remains were in• terred in the House burying ground, service being oondooted by Rev. Mr. Gana°. A barrow full of shavings, left standing in the furnace room of Cooper's factory, took fire daring the absence of the lire• man on Monday of Last week and it took great activity on the part of the men to prevent the flames from spreading. The barrow itself was pretty badly barn. ed. One night recently one of the inmates of the Howse of Refuge, William 8omer• ville, opened the window of the room in which be wae sleeping and tumbled out, Two of hie matee, who were aroused by bie movements, got their eyes open in time to eee him disappear. The fall was too much for William who ie now "At Rest." Thos. Johnston, of Zurich, brother of 0. Johnaton, recently met with a rather peculiar end serious aooident. He was turniug his horses out to pasture, when be gave one of them a kink se it passed him. It switched ire tail, which tangled °boat bie foot and then threw him on his back. The horse then ran around the field, dragging Mr. Johnston along, and joet ea it jumped the fence the hair parted. Mr, Jobneton bad his arm and several ribe broken, and was otherwise injared. loteetoveel. E. 0. Thornton, manager of the Morrie Plano Oo., has returned to town from Winnipeg, where he spent a couple of weeks on a baeineee trip. At a special meeting of the Town donnail Monday, Aug. 14th, was selected as Cieio holiday, and Mayor Watson hae ironed his proclamation aoaordingly. George Forbes, 01 New York, bee ar- rived in town to recuperate after en attack of diphtheria, which prostrated him after the departure of the family for their Sommer home in town. The Public School Board at its meeting appointed Wm. Bartley ea caretaker of the school, ata salary of $365, in the plane of Mt. Hardman, who reeigned and has left town. There were twenty.one appiiaationa in for the position. Geo. Campbell of St. Louie, and Mre. Williams, of Toronto, arrived in town last week and are the goeste of their parents, Col. and Mrs, D. D. Campbell, Mrs. Geo. Campbell, who bat been in town for the pet week or two, ie also a visitor et Argyle Place. M. MoD. Fleming and Albert Wahl, President and Manager of the Lietowal Furniture Co„ have returned to town atter spending about ten days in Chicago and Grand Rapide, attending the annual exhibitions onto Amerioau Furniture Manafautarers held at thee oentree, AooiooNTe.-A very painful and dis- treseiog aooident motored Wednesday evening of last week, the victim being Walter Johnston, who was assisting W. Pelton to lower a pump in a well with e windlats, crowbar and chain. The pump elipged too gelidity and the crowbar was thrown out. It atraalt Mr. Johnaton a terrible glancing blow in the face. A, Dr, we Bent for and coming quickly, the Buffeter wae attended to, several stitches being required. To give an idea of the tone of the blow it to stated that the iron flew twentyfive feet from the well and had it etrdok the man fairly it would certainly have killed hire. Another bad aooident watt that wbioh betel Mrs. Slimm, mother of Charles Sltmm, the florist. She woe out pinking berries with a neighbor woman, when in mooing a fence ebe lost bei balance and fell upon her arm, her dregs catching in the tease. Atter being released ehe kept 00 picking, but tbearm beoame swollen so quickly and became go painful that site returned to town Ind was relieved by a Dr., who reduced thefrnoture, Joseph Wilson, tinsmith, employed with A. Howard ee Co., bad the mtefort. une to fracture some of hie rube in a very simple manner, imp h m tins , Wbus riding on a dray seated on a chair, the waggon enddeuly gave a lurch, throwing him against the side of the dray and to the groped, the eonougeiolt fracturing two or three Al Ilia ribs, He hae since been laid up, At Erie, Pa., r'aeeo an Toeeday of last week, in the 2,25 pauo, Pearl Tipping, the Listowel mare, took emend money iu a bunch at twelve, being beaten by Elea, the favorite, in straight heate. Tbe time NUS 222}, 218j:, 2.1$ . Hazzard, the Listowel trainer, drove Pearl `Pipping. Uoneiderable Stratford money was up ou the Lietowal mare. IJf erttea ll, 3. Sydney Weiemiller, eco of D. Weis - miller, ie preatiefng dentistry in Toronto. Tbe following are the members of th, Free Library Board elected by the School Board, W. MoKay, H. Reynolds and AIL Saraten. J. E. McDonell hae made the par abase of a new driver, of which he is vera proud, It ie a fine stepper in both epee(' and appearance, J. Williams, of Zuriab, hae commenced the ereotion of a fine eterehouee on the Jaokeon property just opposite the station. The building will be 40x60 feet, and will be a greet aonvenienoe in shipping. While driving a wild steer to the slaughter house Jos. Hudson was thrown down and hauled around ooneiderably. Tbe animal knocked R. Higgins on the leg causing him to walk with e limp. Heneoll is fast coming to the front in the field of sports, and now a bowline slab le the latest addition. It already hae a membership of 20 with prospeete of fine additions. Reeve Smalleoombe bee arranged to prepare the ground which ie expected to be ready for September. IC'orawl ch. The dement walk will be extended to the railroad this 'season. A cement pavement bee beau laid in front of the Arlington block, A C. P. R. gang hae brightened the walls and woodwork of the waiting room and office of the station here, Mise Mary Dnlmage baa gone to viol, friends in Blaevale and Morrie townebip, after spending a short holiday with Miss Maggie J, McBee, Word wee received by Jae, Mathews, er„ last week of the death of Wm. J. Brampton, who kept store in Wade Bros.' eland some years ago, at Olde, Alta., on Thursday, July 13th, aged 51 years, 9 menthe and 12 days. Sotheran'e bridge, just West of Ford wish, hae been repaired by Clelland Bros, The centre abutment was swept away by the flood last Spring and carried down to Bobt. Sandereou'e Sate. The veranda in front of the Downey block is being torn dawn and a new veranda and balcony will be erected in its place, Mr. Downey is making con- siderable improvemeute on hie bloats 'bie season. Rev. J. and Mrs. Hoeeer have arrived home from an enjoyable trip. Daring their vacation they have visited London, Kent Bridge, Windsor, Detroit and South Woodslee. At the latter place on San• day July 23rd, Mr. Haeeer preaohed to the Snuday School and Epworth League in aonneotien with the dedicatory eer- vices of the church. The new ohurob acct over $10,000. A MILLION DOLLARS SQUANDERED. It ie eetimated this sum wall wasted last year by people trying to find a ogre for catarrh. Foolish for eufferere bo experiment when its so well known that "Oatarrhozooe is the only remedy that cures permneatly. Other trealmente only relieve, but Oatarrbozone ouree permanently and prevents the dieeaee from ever returning. "I bad Caterrh •c ire worst form" writes G. F, Fadden, of Ruyan, Que. I wee eo bad that ordinary medicine didn't ever relieve ; boo Oatarrh000ne cored perfectly." No chance of dieap ointment with Catarrh• ozone -it's pertain as death to mire your Catarrh -just try it. ,s.twooa. The tennis court ie becoming a very popalor resort with the young people these days. Atwood Oddfellowe paraded to divine service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday lest at 2.45 p, m., when the Rev. W. H. Harvey, of Brantford, preached. te,Townehip Olerk Fullerton has began the creation of bie new office next to the new Foreetere' Hall, Mesere, Oogbiin and Henry are doing the clement work for the foundation. The etruetare is to be of briak. George Crooke, of Balgonia, Asea., ar- rived home on Monday of last week. Hie coming was 000aeioned by the ser• ions illness of hie Biota!, Effie, He lett Regina on Thursday night on the Imper• Lai Limited, •and One made quick time. The Annivereary services of the Bap. tiet Chnroh, Atwood, will be held in the obarob hero on Sunday, Sept, 10th, 1905, when Rev. Mr, Bunt, of Spring. ford will preach at 3 p. m, and 7 p. m. On Monday evening following the Fur. sign ilfiesionary meeting will be bald. Alex, Cameron end hie eon, Colin, have each taken up a quarter section of land in the West, about forty mites North of Balgooie. Mr. Cameron likes the ooa0• try very muob. Mrs. deuteron and daughter Alma will likely join them in the near future. Rumor has it that the Elam House may have a new botelkeeper in °barge. V. Ioerger, of Listowel, the proprietor, hag demanded $800 a year rent from the present lessee, J. Mielhaueen, who can- not see hie way clear to pay snob n heavy rent. He bee been paying $600 a year for the peel twa years. The taxes for Elma township will be about the Game ae last year, except the County rate, wbioh ie slmoet 31,000 higher than beet year, Township rate will be about the same as teat year, and W. G. and B. railway rate ie 1-10 mills lower; Stratford and Huron Railway tate same all last year; Guelph and Godorieh Railway rate 1-10 mills lower than lest year. NO AGONY 18 CREATED. Than finding it impoeeible to breath jfreely beoanee of Asthma. Oatarrhozone instantly relieves end aures for all time, • 'dee Only Oabarrbozone for Astbma and Btonohitis, MOORE Bus. IIave placed in stock a lisle assortment of late rz' American Songs, 'Waltzes and Two-steps All sold at 4 price 250_ A033 Grewar Has a choice stock of Canned Goods of all var- ieties, the very thing for the hot weather. Large range of Fancy Cakes. Agent for Stewart's High Grade Chocolates. Our Ice Cream, Crushed Fruits and Summer Drinks are delic- iously Cool and Refreshing. Triy- Red. Rose Tea IT IS GOOD. hotos. Our Studio is Up' toodate Special attention given to Summer Visitors whom we will be pleased to have call on us. We make a Specialty of Out -door Viewing, Homes, Groups, &c. H1R. BREWER J. W. erney LEADER IN Ice Cream Summer Drinks Fruits Confectionery Give us a Call TELEPHONE NO. 5. OUR STOCK OF Dry Goods Groceries Boots & Shoes Crockery, &c. 1S ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE A NICE RANGE OF Ladies' Ready-to-wear Hats ON ORDER FOR FALL. Don't Albs Seeing 'bent. McDonald ETHEL "WESTERN" A WINNER, 11,nv Inc London. Exhlblllen tine ltd. bored is Educational Features while embeal log eitterinlrunent as trell. Forthtrt i,ht years the people of ye,, y e e Western Otttarto and poiute more diietant have been visiting the Weeterrt Fair. Mute come to be recognized go the great rallying point for all the peep e of Ibis peuiusnda. Small wee ire beginning. It can't live, said onlookers. No annual fair of its dimeoeions had ever been made to pay ire way before. Bat the Wcetern Fair was established on a Belle and logical foundation, It started oat to foster and develop the sgUaultural and indnetrial arte. It aimed to make farmers better farmere ; to make artiaaue better arWieans ; to keep the people posted in a practical way in the general progress of the world. It hae adhered oloeely to these linos, and ie now the foremost agrionitural and indnetrial annual fair in North America from an edooabional standpoint. Its entertainment features are always olean and bright. This year the cele- brated Ninety first Highland Band will give three couaerte daily ; Monsieur Brelonue will leap the gap in midair on a eteam automobile, and Prof. Hardy, the Amerioau Blondiu, who has several times oroeted the Niagara Gorge on a Blender rope, will give daily performances on the bigh wire. Thie year it will be bele from Sept. 8 to 16. PALE AND ANXIOUS, Your Countenance Indicates the Body's AW''ul Struggle for health. Impoeeible to work or think clearly when there is no reserve of vigor, no aooriehmeut to the blood, no eapply of nerve energy. The life of the halt -sick man is pitiful, in fact, almost criminal, when bounding strength is eo quickly derived from Ferro. zone. This nutritive tonin is guaranteed to etrengtben all men, women and children. Weak organa get new foroe, vital energy is generated. Muscle and fat ere added, healthy oolor be restored, and the blood fairly tingles with new toned Zile. Read the evidence of Jno, Carter, of 424 King et, Diet, Toronto, who Saye : "Atter a severe attack of Grippe my health was almost shattered, I Buffered constantly from nervousness and dye. pepeia, At night I would waken with terrible palpitation and heart pains, Work became a great , ff rt. At ten in the morning I woe so tired and week I could hardly work another minute. "Then pure a bad attack of rhenma- tism, which laid me up in bed. I ooald scarcely lift the weight of a pound, and to stoop or bend was impossible. My druggist recommended Ferrozone, and be knew what be was talking about, for it rebuilt my etreogbb, gave me abundant appetite, better blood, and new nerve energy, Tbe rheamatiem has disappear. ed. 1 weigh more, feel refreshed and vigorous, and am able to work ten hoar° o day. Ferrozone did it all." You will be steadied, toned and strengthened for all time to oome with Ferrozone. Get the genuine in 50a. boxes or six for $2.50, et all dealers, or N, 0. Poison dr, Co., Hartford, Conu,, U. S. A., or Kingston, Ont, Perth County. Wednesday was observed all Civic Holiday in Mitchell. The receipts of the Mitchell agenoy of the 0, P. R. for the month of July were 3502 in exceee of any previous month. Tbe Mitchell Advocate uuderetands that tbirty minietere have made appli- nation for a omit to the pastorate at ,Knox church, Mitchell, Two experts from Toronto were at Mitchell daring the week examining the eieotria light machinery. Their report will be received in a few days. Mr. Forrester baa a number of Iodiane pulling flax at Mitobell. Some of them are rather fond of fire water, and one of the party gave an exhibition on the street° Thnreday of how it effeote the red man. The Mitchell rink skipped by Dr. Bur- ritt won the second prize in the Aeeoa• iation competition at the London tonrua. ment. The bowlers were :-E. F. Davis, T, 8. Ford, Dr, Wood and Dr. Bnrritt, Each eeoeived a beautiful eat glee's bowl. COUNTY OFFICERS' SALARIEe, - The re. port of the Iospeotor of Legal Officere has been seeded and ebowe the following emolument's received by judicial effioete in Perth county daring 1904 :-Sheriff John Houle -Total earnings and salary, $1,770.89, payable as follows ; From Government, 3916.94 ; from county, 3461.44 ; from general public, 3392.55. Judge Barron, Surrogate Judge and Looal Master -Total earnings end ealary, $1,723, of wbioh the Government pays 3873 to him in the former and 3850 in the latter office. G. G. McPherson, K. 0., ainoo Marob 24, 1904, Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace -Total earnings and ealary, $2,043.03. He was paid 3507.11 by the Government for duties se drown Attorney. Hie earnings as Clerk of the Peace were paid as follows : From Goveromeut, $179.15 ; from county, 31,140 39 ; from general public, 3134 38, W. 0. Masorip, Loosl Registrar, County Court Clerk and Surrogate Registrar - Total earnings and salary, 39,152.90. As registrar ha received 3675 from the Gov. ernment, and 3250 80 from the general public. As County Court Clerk be re• oeived 3255.55 from the general public, and 31,971.55 from the general public ae Surrogate Registrar. Ex Ald, J. i3. Parnell died at Ottawa, aged 67 years. Wm. Ironsides of London, aged 74 years, committed suicide. Burglars got 31,600 worth of jewellery exhibited at the Brandon Fair, Toronto policemen carried off the hon• ore at the Ottawa polioe games, P. 0. Barrett, of Hamilton, won the ohampionehip et the police games in that city. Tbe Cabinet decided that the law meet take its course in the Date of Charles King, eutenoed for murder at Slave Lake. George Saoklae of Hamilton was fined 320 end costa or thirty daye in jail for Belling los cream on Saodaye. Ao ap• peel le being taken on the ground that foe cream in food, REMOVAL SALE w'Id'IdVI'V; 404dV.'VA4dtl4d4,'t�41An4i'1,'b'4'V,N,'V,'lll Y,'4.'N,'V''uVJW'V,'V,'4��1 In order to reduce my stock before removing to new premises in the Garfield Block, Brussels, I have decided to give you an opportunity of a lifetime for buying Highaclass Goods at Small Prices. Wide-awake and discriminating Judges of Good Bargains will not lose a minute in taking advantage of this Phen- ominal Low Price Sale The following are a few of the many Bargains I am offer- ing you Men's Ready-to-wear suite at $4.90 50 Men's Ready-to-wear suits in wool tweed, good Italian lining, well made, all sizes 34 to 44, regular price 7.50, sale price .., ,.. $4.90 Men's Ready-to-wear suits at $6 90 50 men's Ready-to-wear suits in all wool tweek, nice range of patterns, regular price $8.50 to $10.00, sale price .., ... ,., $6 90 Men's Ready-to-wear suits, all sizes, $10.00 75 men's Ready-to-wear suits made of the best Scotch tweed and English worsted, best twill Italian lining, beautiful range of patterns ranging in price from $13.00 to $14.00, during sale $10.00 Men's Odd Suits at $8.50 50 men's suits of broken lots in firm Scotch tweed and English worsted, all sizes, ranging in price from $9.50 to $12.00. We have grouped the lot during this sale at $8.50 Men's Pants at 75 cents per pair 100 pair of men's tweed pants, well made, regular price $1.25, sale price ... ... ...75c. Men's Pants at $2.00. 100 pair of men's firm worsted pants, nice range of patterns, regular price $3.25, during sale for per pair ... .,. ... .,. $2.00 Men's Hats at 49 cents 25 dozen men's fine fur felt hats in soft and stiff, odd sizes and broken lots ranging in price from $1.75 to $2,50. We have grouped the lot at ... ... ... ... ... „ ,,, 49o, Youths' 3 piece Suit at $4.90. 75 youths' fine tweed and serge suits, well made, lined with good Italian, regular $6.00 to $7.50, your choice during sale ,,. ... $4.90 Boys' 2 piece Suits at $2.90 100 boys' 2 piece suits, good serviceable suits, well made with good lining, during sale at $2.90 Boys' Knickers at 39c. 50 pair of boys tweed knickers, strongly made, regular price 50e to 75c, during sale 39e. Boys' Knickers at 69c. 50 pair (Lion Brand) knickers, made of fine wool tweed, double seat and double knees, regular price 850 and 95c, sale price ... 69c. Men's Fine Cambric Shirts at 540. Men's fine cambric shirts, nice patterns, fast colors, best 75c goods in the market, all this season's goods, sale price ... ... ...54o, Ordered Suits at a Big Discount tiering sale. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR SPOT CASH ONLY. Cuts in Hat and Furnishing Stock And its Cut ! Cut ! Gut ! alI over our Store. We are not going to tire you with a long advertisement about this Great Cut Price Sale that opens Saturday, 29th July, but we beg you to read what we write and fail not to visit our place of business during this Sale, D. C. R Q S s, The Leading Clothier. -AT- Jllo.Doualdsofls the balance of the stock of BUGGY DUSTERS will be cleared out at COST. See our Fly Nets and Save Your Horses. Good Stock of Trunks and Valises. Our Assortment of Single Harness is A 1. Call and See us. "Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot" IF NOT BUY YOUR Groceries, Confectionery Crockery Glassware --AT- THOMSON'S NOW IS THE TINE TO GET WELL, Nature Helps Mi-o-na Cure Stomach Troubles in Short Order. It The Summer menthe are the beat in the whole year for the treatment and cure of etomaoh troablee. The oot•door life, with natural exercise, the fruit and berries which are so freely eaten, all help to restore healthy notion to the digestive oroans. Now when Nature will aid Ml.o.ne. in curing indigeatlon and giving eirength to the stomach and whole digestive eyetem, is the beet time to nee Ibis remarkable remedy. Taken before each meal, Mi o•oa will 'teethe and heal the inflamed and irate'. ed lining of the stomach and solar please, and etrengtheu the nerves of the digestive tract. Used at any time of the year, it cures all diseaees of the stomach, except. fug canner, but in the Summer months it Ovals health and strength twice as qutok. lyIf you Buffer with headaches, indigos. tion, inflatoenoy, epeoks before the eyes, fermentation, heart burn, dizziness, or have a variable appetite, and a general feeling of deaportdenoy or weaknese, it ehowe aiearty that the etomeoh ie not digesting the food se it should„ Instead of the food being assimilated and making riob, rod blood slid good, solid fieeh and muscle, it ie turned in the stomach into a sour, slimy, fermenting matte that emotes gates, distress after eating, and poieonooe germs that fill the whole body with poor health. Just one little tablet tent of a 50 cent box of Mi•o•na for a few days, and all thio will be changed for the better, and health restored. Aek James F. x to chow you the Mi o•ua guarantee. 23c. for Wool illeetoteteelli'l'la'lll'llptet e .J. T. WOOD Proprietor of the Excelsior Knitting Mills, Brussels, is prepared to pay 23 cents per pound, cash, for any quantity of good Wool delivered at his Mills. Splen- did stock of choice goods consisting of Tweeds, Flan- nels, Flannelettes, Cotton Shirting°, Cottonades, Sac., brought in from the best Mills, and Blankets, Yarns and Sheeting° made in our own Mills of choice stock, to give in exchange for Wool. An advance of 2 cents per pound allowed for Wool in trade. Now is the time to market your Wool. Strictly Fair Dealing our Principle Come and see us before going elsewhere. 011,1110110110110110111.1‘.1%.1010111.1,01 Excelsior •T Kni in Wood tt Mills N ia' RAJ SSE11.,S.