HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-3, Page 8. J -lard Road
Is the one over which you pass if your Feet
are Tender,
If your Feet trouble you,
If the Flesh is tender,
If they get tired,
If they sweat -
Nyals° Foot Eas'em will Relieve You.
Ali Ili IV II, Ilr'tr'i,'IWL�'a�'VMi'V
Trains leave Brunelle Station, North
said South, as follows ;
GOINe Bo4Ta Oorna NORT0.
Mail 7:05 a.m 1 Mixed 8440 a,m
Mixed 11:25 a.mI Mail.. ......1:88 p.m
Express 8:02p.m l Express ...... 8:51 p.m
faux' Etta t.ems.
A ebiel'e amang ye bakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
LIMIT frosts these nights.
GEO. BEST shipped a oar of hoge to
2 CARS of Cattle were shipped to Mont.
real by J. Clegg.
Goer. time is being made by some of
the oolbs on the half mile track,
Taos. Newsom rebuilt a culvert last
week 2 miles South of Brussels.
Pune% found atter Tan POST At Home
Taeeday evening. Owner may have it
by proving property.
Tan new cement stable at the Amer.
ioan hotel will be ready for occupation
on Saturday evening of this week.
Fein progress is being made with the
improvements at the Garfield block and
another week or so should see it com-
Trion Bute. have the foundation
reedy for a new brick stable at the rear
of the electric light power house to re-
pleae the one destroyed by fire last May.
It will be built at ones.
of the public is oslled to the very com-
mon practice of driving over the iron
bridge at Brussels, "fall tilt," contrary
to law. It ie the intention of the
authorities to make an example ot those
who pereiet in it. So we give this hint to
save future trouble.
Lase Monday evening the Oommittee
appointed to ooneider the extension of
the carriage baaioeae in Brussels,
met in the Ooutwit Chamber when a
lengthy disaaseion was gone into and
feats and figures given, atter which an
adjournment was made to ascertain some
neoeeaary outside information.
Dree.—On July 25th, Glenn, the infant
eon of Wm, and BIiMa Sample, of 8amlt
Ste, Marie, died, aged 8 menthe. The
little fellow was only i11 for a few hours
from cholera iofantnm. The many old
friends of Mr. Sample in Bruesele will be
sorry to hear of the demise of his bright
little son.
AN APOLo !. 8 B issuinga
0 W perposed ed
p p
email Daily to emphasize our 25th anni•
vereary but with pressers of work, get-
ting settled, and a balk on the part of our
engine we found it impoeeible but give
two pages additional to oar regular home
this week. Everybody should read the
adobe. and we bops they will find the
reminiscent articles of interest,
Orem Hamm—Friday of next week
will be the Oivio Holiday in Brunelle
and the places of business will be closed.
The annual Sabbath school Excursion
will be run to Kinoardioe on that day.
Special trail will leave Brussels at 8.40
o'olook and will get to Kincardine at
10.20. The return fare will be 85 menta
for adults and 45 cents for ohildren.
Train will leave Kinoardine et 6.30
26 years ago as follows:—Wm. Van -
stone & Sone, Flour Mill { Town & Bur-
rows, Lime works; D. A, Waddell, bar -
nese; Dnnoan McIntosh, woollen mill;
J. D. Ronald, foundry ; J. Leokie, bank-
er ; W. R. Wilson, foundry { Joseph
Jobneboo, baker, etc.; T. Fletcher,
jeweller ; Hayorolt Bros., tinsmiths;
Mrs. Riede, and Mies Roddick, millin-
ery; Dr. Graham, drug Ettore; G. A.
Deadman, druggist ; Bennett, Smith, &
00., planning mill; Jas. Drear, hard-
ware; R. W. Took, general morohaot;
Drew° & Sons, grooerie°; Geo. Good &
Co., msrobants; W. Y. Motleaoken,
groceries, In the above list there is not
one 'meteorite in whiob the same parties
aro in business today although a few are
still in Bruesele.
I. 0. F.—As announcement in last
issue a Companion Court of the I, 0. F.
wen organized on Monday evening with
the following goodly staff of offiosre who
were duly installed by the Supreme
Deputy, the Rev. James MoOanl :-0. D.
Mrs, I. 0. Rieberde ; 0. R„ Miss Kate
Wilson; P. 0. R., Miss Asenath 0. Mil.
ligan ; V. 0. R., Miss Lizzie Rossi Or-
ator, Mee. 50. A, Baines; R. S„ Mies
Annie Roes; F. 8., Mise Isabella
Strachan; S. W., Miss 8. E, Faction; J.
W., Mies Isabella Livingston; 8, B.,
Miss M. E, Wood; J. B., Mies Mabel
Zimmer; S. J. 0., Mies Luella Roes.
Mach enbheeiasm was manifested by
the ladies and an effort moat strenuous
will be nude to double their number by
the end of the present month, and so 55.
ogre the prize of a magnifloent set of re-
galia and badgee for the oi8oere offered
by the Supreme Obiet Ranger, Oronhya•
tekha. The next meeting will be held
conjointly with the subordinate on the
Sed Monday of the month, Through the
generona kindness of Mr. Betz, the mem-
bers of both Comte were treated to a
timely supply of choice foe -Cream at the
mega of. the Meeting,
J. MCDONALD shipped a oar of lumber
to Toronto.
A can of dairy butter was shipped from
Brueaels factory to Montreal.
A. 0. DAMES forwarded a car of bogs to
Oollingwood, and three oars of cattle to
Teem are 82 inmatee in the House of
Refuge, Clinton. One of the females
died Leat weak.
25 oente in advenoe gets THE POST for
mew aubaaribere on a trial trip for the
balance of 1905.
Mae (DR.) Bums will be at home after
Monday, August 14th, residence, Mill Bt,
formerly 000npied by Dr. MoNaugbton,
Special Exoarsion train leaves
Breesals on Civic Holiday for Kincardine
at 8.40 a. ed. Return tare is 85 Dents for
adults and 45 cents for children, Take
the trip and enjoy the holiday.
De. OVENS, M. D., Surgeon, Oooalist,
Speoialiet, Diseases of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and glasses fitted properly.
Will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brussels,
on Tuesday, Sept. 19th. Hours 8 a. m,
to 1.30 P. m.
BANES WILL omosm.—Owing to Friday of
next week being Oivio Holiday and the
other Madness plane (losing for that day
both banks have arrauged to do likewise
so people should govern themselves
Gruen Lonox.—James Sones end Epb.
Oober will attend the I. 0. 0. F. at
Brookville next week, as repreeemtativeo
of Western Star, No, 149, Brussels. The
former has been drafted o0 one of the
important Committees.
Tax Imported heavy draft stallion,
Klondike, owned by A, Hewitt, of Kin•
oardine. died the otber day from acute
indigestion. He was valued at $2,000,
and weighed over 2,200 pounds. It win
be a heavy loss to the owner.
',TEXAS Goy." the trappy pacing
stallion of Moore Bros., bas been on the
eiok list this week with acute indigestion,
with doubts expressed as to the result of
the sickens. The animal was Some
better on Thursday, however.
BT pard eleewbere in Tan Pose Ibis
week it will be seen that Mies Kate Mo.
Kinlay, of Brussels, is prepared to give
vocal lessons or inetreot on the violin.
She bas studied at the Ooaservatory,
Toronto, and under Mrs. Norton, of
Detroit, and brings with her to town a
good reoord for masioal ability.
OusTOMs OlwicxR Delp: The following
item clipped from the London Free Press
of Tueaday of last week refers to the bee•
band of Mise Lottie 8male formerly of
Brussels :—Thomas Sutherland, the well-
known United States custom offioer at
the Grand Trunk depot, passed away
yesterday afternoon at bis residence, 853
Hellmatb avenue. The late Mr. Suther-
land was born in Scotland and moved to
this country with his parents when a
yoaog mac. For many pure be was an
employee of the Grand Trunk, and was
appointed to a responsible position in the
company's eervioe at Port Huron. Three
yeare ago he was appointed to the position
in the United States Inatome eervioe,
whiob be held at the time of his death.
Deceased is survived by a widow and
five ohiidren as follows :—James, of
California : William, Duluth ; Mrs.
Boyne, Port Heron ; Mrs. Vintise, De-
troit, and Mies Jennie, at home.
OUR AT HoME,—Tnesday afternoon and
evening TEE Pose held its At Home in Ha
new premises when we were favored witb
the company of hundreds of ladies end
gentlemen from town and oonntry, with
a few visitors from longer distanoes.
The whole affair was very informal, so
much so that everybody went where they
liked and did as they pleased. Oar new
baildingoame in for many oomplimente
and snores of congratulatory words were
spoken relative to oar premises and oar
26 yeare proprietorship of Taxi POST,
interspersed with good wishes for the
time to come. To entertain oar mete
choice piano solos were well rendered by
T. A. Hawkins, and Misses Rose Clerk
and Maggie MoLaooblin ; taking violin
and piano duets by H. L. Jackson and
Mies Jean MoLanahlin : trombone and
piano duos by W. A. Grewar
and Mies MoLanoblin that elicited
applause ; and several trios on violin, 00r.
net and piano that won encores. The
town Band pub their beat foot forward
and on the street and indoore pleased the
visitors immensely. To add further to
the interest the Odd Fallows very kindly
threw open the doors of their splendidly
appoieted Hall, (situated in Tag retie,
block) the beauty and attraebiveneee of
which called forth man' enooniome.
We thank all for their call, the friendly
greeting, and kindly assistance. The
piano need was a choice one, a Cabinet
Grand Hemtzman from the show room of
R, Leatherdale & Son, who are the sae.
oeseful agents for Brunets and looality.
Oar epeeist' thanks are due to the whole.
sale stationery firm of Megan. Bantle,
Gillies & Co., of Hamilton, who in
congratulatory note, kind words by Mr.
Rano, their well known representative,
on Tuesday, and a highly prized gift of
oak inkstand with bottles, and silver
envelope opener, Deme to hand for our
25813 anniversary, The silver plate on
the stand bears the following neatly let,
tared ineoriptlon :-1880 Ton BnueemLs
Pose 1905, W. H. Kerr. It was after
10 o'clock when we bade the last depart-
ing guest good night and now have settled
down to the customary routine of news.
paper life with a grateful heart to both
God and man for the blessings of the
past gttatter of it sontetry,
Standard Bank of Canada
Or$4'.1,1917..,TSISF 2 107.0
TOTAL ASSETS OVE1b 1af,000,000
A. General. I3ntaleing Bntelllot ace Treensrtete'.tl
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and opwarde received on whloh
is added to actuante every six months and becomes principal.
—MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any person,
on y for whiob no charge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oourteoue attention.
A. 0. MAOFARLANE, Aroma.
Tae Tennis and'Lawn Bowling Clubs
will likely arrange games with Kincar-
dine ou exa0reion day—Friday of next
RoOLLIN EoNoeTON DEAD.— datarday of
Nat week the sad intelligence was reoeiv-
ed by R. T. Hingeton, of Brussels, that
his nephew, Romain, eldest eon of Dr. J.
W. Hingatoo, of Chicago had died. The
young man was 19 years of age; and had
jest completed a saocees(nl term at
College and for a holiday took a trip to
Gold Field, Nevada. IOaide of two
weeks from the time be left be tools
appendiaitie and Was operated upon for
it un the following day, which was the
25th of July, Mr. Hingeton paseed away
with relatives, but neither his fattier nor
members of the family were there, not
expecting that the operation would be
nadertaken udbit misdeed. Owing to
dietauoe interment was made where be
died, The family is almost heart broken
over the sad and sudden bereavement and
the old Mende of Dr. Hingstou in this
locality will hear with regret of the
demise of bis eon, who was o very prom•
ising young man,
Business Locals.
SERVANT wanted at ono°. Apply to
Fon obeap millinery go to Misses Hub.
kirk. See our 50 cent hate.
New buggy end an E & D. bicycle for
Bale obeap. Apply to JAS. BALLANTTNE,
OOMrORTAEL0 house and lot, with stable,
pump &a., oouveniently located on Queen
street for sale. Apply to Tas POST.
500 pkgs. batter wanted—ohoiae-17o
Gash or trade. Don't mise our July and
Aug. Bale. Geo. E. KING,
tf Wingham.
HORSE blanket and bag of oats found.
Owner may have the same by proving
property and paying for this notice by
oalliog on Obas. Bozell, Lot 3, Con. 9,
25 Years at the Helm.
The writer on August 1st, 1880, or 25
years ago last Tuesday, took the editorial
helm of the etannab little oraft, known as
Tag Bausssns POST, then 7 years on the
sea of life, end daring tae swiftly tuning
years has made an effort to keep the
prow poiniing in the right direction. In
succeeding "old salve" like the MoGilli-
daddy Brea., we knew something of the
responsible post we 000npied and we ant.
fered several spasms of palpitation of the
heart bat as we became aoouebomed to
themotions of the
ship and got our
journalistio sea lege we egaered away
according to the oharb we undertook to
sail by, viz„ to do our best to promote
the inbereete of the community and at
the same time to pot a few "life preaer-
vere" in the looker in the ebape of honest.
ly earned coin. If We do say it ourselves
we think we bays met with a measure of
amen. A goodly share of it is due to
the pablio generally who stood by us in a
mush praiseworthy manner and for whiob
we ere very grateful and hereby aoknow.
ledge it.
It was not always smooth sailing in
those 25 years and many a breeze has
filled our sails and an ooeaeional gale
tbresbened to blow lee out of the water but
we staid on deok end never suffered ship.
wreok. In tbess years we have had one
vessel manned by various good seamen
among them W. H. Auld, now of the
Eesex Free Press ; A. M. Kay, poetmaoter
al Stratford ; Ernest Gerry, deceased ;
W. F. Scott, of New Liskeard ; R. S.
Pelton, of the News, Tempel° ; W,
Bfillantyne, of the Emanate Journal ; 0.
E. Turnbull, of Tomato; Eph.Downing,
in Manitoba ; Harry MoOrae, of
Mitchell ; Will. Good, of Emerson, Man.,
and Norman McGuire, of Preston, and
fair skippers in the person of Mies May
Kerr, who became Mre. 0. E. Turnbull ;
Mise Eva Turnbull, of Goderiob ; Mise
Nina Rogers in Mount Forest ; Miss Ada
Mainprize now Mrs, W. H. Stewart,
Brussels; and Miss Olive Mainprige, of
Our present staff aonsiste of Jno. Bal.
lantyne, who bus been our faithful let
mate for a good many pure, J. Leslie
Kerr, Athol Maify)uerrie, Misses Vinic
Edwards and Fermis Thomeop and
Alonzo Jackson. We have been vary
fortunate in these associated with as and
have great plsaeure in noting the pro.
gross marking the career of a goodly
number of them as they promoted to sail
brigs of their own.
During these 26 years every newspaper
in the County, barring one, has changed
proprietors in whole or pert, fume of
them a number of time, but throdgb
cloud and seeable° we have had the gdod
fortune to often make the port eve sailed
for and our craft is in better shape today
than ever.
How long we may oontinue to
sail it we cannot say bat our purpose for
the future ie to do our beet ; to be fair to
everybody ; to endeavor to be worthy ot
a sbare of the kind words said of us and
bye and bye to meet our "Captain face to
faoe when we have aroseed the bar."
t:Il(JttC11 tel ILII Es
Juo. MoAllieter gave nu address on
the street on Sabbath evening.
There will be Sigh Maes sud sermon
in the Catholic oharnb, Brussels, uest
Sunday at 10.30 a. m.
The Mission Band of Melville church
will be addressed Saturday afternoon, at
3 o'clock, by Rev. Mr. Rubinson.
Wednesday evening Mr. Robiueon gave
a very interesting sddreeo at Melville
°burnt) o❑ Mission work among the
colored people.
Rev, Mr. Robinson preaobed an inter.
eating dieoourse last Sabbath morning on
"Conformation and Transformation" in
Melville church.
In a02neation with the l§lsthodist Sala
bath School next Sunday afteruo0u, the
regular monthly Mtsnionary eolleotion
will be takeu and the clay will be ob.
served as Flower Sunday also in the
The Summer Sabool of Wingham Dia•
trait epees at Kiooardine uu Monday
evening of next week, A fine bill of fere
will be presented. Get n copy of the
Souvenir Program at Tag POST. 25o,
pays for 11,
Next Sabbath will be the quarterly
communion service in the Methodieb
Church. Sacrament at the close of the
morning 5ermou and testimony meeting
following the regular evening eervioe,
The pastor will preach,
Rev. Mr, Madan', of Toronto, gave two
splendid eermone in the Methodist
ohurob on Sabbath. The morning theme
was "God rejooing in a sinner's salve.
tion" and the evening snbjeot "The
Saviour seeking sinners." He ie strongly
evangeliatio in hie style, with a ohoiae
command of expressive language, and
rivits hie palate so that they hold. The
expository eommente ou the Soriptnre was
of a most iostreobive and unique aurae -
ter, Rev. Mr. MOOaul will be welcom-
ed baok on any future oo000ion,
Mise Hazel Lowry is visiting in Lan-
"Bobs" Campbell is holidaying at Lon.
tg;Mise Florence Tbomeou is holidaying
le Galt,
Mies Hattie Downing is visiting ab
Barb. Gerry, of Wingbam, was in town
On Tuesday.
. y
Oharlie Zilliax, of Listowel, is renew-
ing old friendships in Brueaels.
Mrs. Hall, of Dakota, ie vieitiug Mise
Alioe Jewibb, Mill street.
hire, Chas. Seel, of Cadillac, Mich.,
was a visitor in Brunets this week,
*Mies Ada Bonner, of New York, Is a
visitor with Mrs. D. Ewan, Bruesele.
Misses Fannia and Myrtle Friendebip,
of Teeewater, are visitors in town this
Mrs. Martin Farrow and children, of
Toronto, are visiting at Postmaster
Mrs. J. T. Durgin, of Toronto, was the
guest of her Mater, Mee. D. 0. Rose,
We are pleased to see Brine Boobb able
to be out again after hie shake up from
typhoid fever.
Mee. Strachan, Willie and Isabel' left
Wednesday for a visit with London rela-
tives and friends,
Will, Duncan and bride arrived home
from their wedding tour to the East
Wednesday evening.
B, Simmons and wife, of Wroxeter,
were visitors at Jno. film:none', John
street, on Thursday,
Mrs. Watson Ainlay and Mrs. George
Beaker were visitors with Wire. Hugh
Molntosb, McKillop.
Warden Miller, of Wroxeter, was a
caller on Tam Poem on Tuesday and ex.
pressed his good wishes.
Gordon and Mot. Moossy drove over to
Clinton to visit Richard Raneford who
has been dangerously ill,
Jerry Curtis ie spending a portion of
his vacation with hie sister, Mra, Jae.
Elliott, Mill St, Bromide.
DANS Lillian Mooney, arrived mately at
Omaha lent Sunday morning. She bad
eevoral boors delay in Chicago,
Miens Jennie and Ella MoArter en.
joyed a holiday visit with relatives at
London and Tilsomburg. The latter is
extending her visit.
Mee, Richard Dicke, of Melrose High-
lands, Mase„ is the guest at Thee. Moore,
William ebreet. She is a slater to Mr.
Moore, This is her first visit to Bras.
Mr. Cornjsp the student supplying the
English oburab pulpit at Borrie, Ford -
wish and Wroguter was a visitor ia'town
on Thursday and favored THE POST with
a oall.
Rev. K. J. Beaton, of Port Stanley, is
in town. He will spend the next week at
the Summer School at Kincardine a° be
18 the President of Wingham District
Epworth Len ue.
Mee Mary Roddick, of London, is the
guest of her aister, Mrs, Robert Sample,
Tarnberry street. The visitor was a
former resident of Breseote for a number
of run and well known.
CAPITAL—Pald pp $11,000,000
RESE1IYE l Udl) - - 031,000,000
REV, It, R, WARDEN, D. 0„
President, Vtoe-P resident,
01100. 11nA0518LW, n I.A, RIB Notion lin W MOR'rtMan MARE, 18,0. D. a, '1'00M°0N, x, 0,
Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Neese Discounted,
Sa Mg my/ BsPa"ld rarnavar
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT BATES allowed on all e0me of 01 anis opwarde
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
Mutely and Mre. MOLennan have re.
torted to their home in London after an
enjoyable visit with relatives and friends
in Huron 0o, Mr, MoLennan's health
was mitah improved by We outing.
D. W. and Mite, Onrtis and Mies 'Vel.
ma, of Cadillac, Mich„ are renewing old
friendships in Bruesele and looality,
Mre. Ourtie was formerly Mies Code who
was a resident of Brussels for three years
one time.
Frank Ham, of Lnaknow, was a caller
on Braude friends on Wednesday. It is
throe years eine° the Baca family moved
to the Sepoy tows. Freak has pat two
yeare in at the drug hardness and bas
grown very considerably, Olerenoe is in
the bank.
EE.appenings of 25 Years
enott ISSUE 00 Atm. 6, 1880,
New wheat is coming in.
Auaou Dulmage goes to Lakelet.
Our orioket team was defeated at Clin-
ton on Monday,
Herr & Auld made their bow, to the
public ea proprietors of TM! POST.
A son of Thoe. Leadbr'aber fell from a
buggy and sprained bis loft arm badly,
Eli Fray had his hand painfully in-
jured by the tongue of a waggon falling
on it.
The new residence of John Halliday
is receiving the finishing touohea from
the painters,
Samuel Hodges, of Grey, is lying very
ill with consumption, having been ailing
for the past 4 years.
Dr, McTaggart, of Parkhill, was in
town on business with MoIntoeh &
MaTeggart's Bank hero.
Some of the farmers in Ethel locality
have threshed their Fall wheat and
report 80 bushels to the acre,
Robb, Kueobtel, (now Dr.,) returned
last week after a pleasant trip of two
months in England and Scotland.
• The proceeds of a day's threshing by
Taylor & Innen at the farm of John
Sbiele, I4bh eon., Grey, was 312 beetle's
Rev. C. E. Stafford, of Teessvater,
will preach Sabbath School anniversary
sermons in the Methodist church next
Some person or persona entered the
pasture field of John MoLauohlin, lot 11,
con, 12, Grey and out the hair off the
tail of a 2 year old heifer.
Aaron Panabaker, Deputy Grand,
assisted by rue officers of Ethel Division,
S. 0. T. organized a lodge in Whit -
field's Hall, 11th eon. Gray, on July 81st.
Caledonian Society of Brussels elected
the following officers :—President, Jno,
Alexander; Seo,-Treas., Jno. Shaw;
Committee, Thos. Ballantyne, Juo.
Campbell, Jas, Young, D. McGillicuddy,
F. 0. Rogers, 3, E. Smith, F. 8. Scott,
J. Leckie, P. Scott, D. Scott, F. Van-
ani 0.R. Cooper.
veolo MUM 00 Ano. 13, 1880.
Lawyer Wade is away on a trip to
New York and Boston.
Report says B. Gerry is likely to enter
into business in Wingham.
John Leckie, Reeve of Brussels, left on
Friday on a driving tour to Sarnia.
Public School re -opens Wednesday,
Miss Joan Ross takes the place of Miss
Metiers, MoGillicady will leave for
Goderiohon Aug. 24th to assume control
of the Signal,
Wm. Mann, of Newry, bought the
flour mill of the late firm of Sheriff &
Neal, paying $5,200.
Mr. Deubow's threshing machine
threshed on the farms of Robert McKay
and Jno. Molntosh, 8th con. of Grey.
600 bushels of Fall wheat last Thursday.
A quoit match Was played with Wing-
bam. The following Bruseelitee took
part :—R, Piercy, T. Ball, A. Young, J.
Took, A. R. Morris, J. MoIntoeh, T. and
11. McKinney, G. Cameron and Geo.
A. Webster has handed us the follows
ing report from B• easels Flax mill ;—
No. of haude in mill, 22 ; outside, 28 ;
total, 50 ; wages per week, over 0180 ;
tons of flax bought, 102 ; price, 012 per
ton. Total paid out for weed, 01,104,
As Mies 2,Sary A, Long, a000mpanied
by her father, were driving into Bruce
eels from the 10th con. of Grey, when
opposite MuNaughton's brink yard, one
aide of the shaft came down pausing the
horse to run away, Mies Long was
thrown from the buggy and badly injur-
Before a orowd of 2,500 people on the
Athletic Grounds, Markham, Monday
the Lockett Hill Clipper football team
met the Soot° of Dundee in the final
home•end•home games for the champion•
sbip of Ontario. The grounds were very
wet, whish many thought would militate
against the borne team, but the little
tallow° amended in bolding thole heavy
opponents down to a tie of 1 goal each,
whiob, with the °core of 2 to 0 at Dans
des, makes the final snore of 8 to 1 for
the Clippers and give° the holders of the
Stratton Cup the intermediate champion-
ship of Ontario also. The play certainly
demonstrated the epporipriby the
Clippers, and show° them to be 7705h the
better balanoed team, and capable of
going the distance in the mud, as they
bad all the beet of the play in the loot
half. The r twas amore
fl s goald after
eight minatee play in the first half, by
"Bill" Maxwell. The Soots soared theirs
in the aeoond halt, Caldwell doing the
Wok atter 12 minutes, in whiob the
Olippsrs looked to have all the beet ot the
piety. H. W, Brown of Berlin gave
complete eatistaotiou as referee. The
line up was au follows :—Daodao—Goal,
Jook Fletcher; bucks, Schwartz, Han -
000k; half-baoks, Stook, Walker, Jim
Fletober; forwards, Chutland, MacAulay,
Reid, Lyons, MoGardie. Loonet
Goal, Bennett; Bennett; beaks, Layman, Spoar-
tord; half -becks, Ratner, Robinson,
Spoarford 1 forwards, E. Maxwell, N.
Beeson, Simpson, W. Maxwell, J. neat-
OR1v .
MCDsNALD.—In GranbroOk, on July
19th, to Mr. and hire. A. McDonald, a
LAMONT,—In Grey, on Jnly 15th, to Mr.
and Mee. Alex. D. Lamont, a daagh•
axon _
Dmweeru.—Ia Grey, on July 29th, Ella
E., second daughter of Robert and
Violet E. Dilworth, aged 28 years, 1
mouth and 4 days.
HrgoeTON.—At Gold Field, Nevada, U,
8„ on July 26th, Romain, eldest son
of Dr. J, W. Hiogeton, aged 19
SAMPLE,—In Sault Ste. Marie, on July
25th, Glenn, infant eon of Wm. and
Eliza Sample, aged 8 months.
SRv-vas .-i,E M1i,R>r YtT6,
Fall Wheat 90 92
Barley 40 40
Peae 60 65
Oats 40 40
Butter, tube and rolle16 17
Eggs per dozen 14 15
Hay per ton 5 00 6 00
Floor, per bbl 6 60 6 60
Hoge, Live 6 25 (3 25
Wool 23 23
Salb, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Potatoes per bas 45 45
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 26
A pupil in vocal maiie of Mrs, Nor-
ton, of Detroit, in prepared to giye tnetruu.
tion in vocal music and the violin, Terms
on application.
It le worth while to begin your
war aeon Flies early in the
season. They are more easily
kept out of the home when killed
in detachments than if you wait
for a general slaughter,
Fifes are now known to be
distributors of diaeaee and eboald
never be harbored for a day. We
have the beet of ebiaky and pois-
oned Fly repent, Iuesot Powders
and all the other exterminators
on Alexander street, Brussels. Elig-
ibly located,} acro of land, For further
Particulars as to price, terms, eta„ apply to
M118. A, MINTER, Thomas street, Brus-
sels. 4-t1
Ea wanted, holding and Masi certi-
ficate. Duties to commence after Summer
holidays, A plication° to be received up
to 8 5. m, on July elst. Applicants to state
salary wanted and give recommendabiouo.
62.4 WM. DAUBED/0,
800,-Treae., Craobrook, Out.
and 2 sores of land for sale on Walnut
street, Brussels, Brisk house, good stable,
hard and soft water, small orchard, tee.
Property 15 good shape, Immediate posses-
sion can be given. For further particulars
apply on the premises. Will also sell two
good Jersey Cows, one a thorn' bred.
5241 Proprietor, Bruesele,
Voters' List, 1905.
Mnuleipnlity er rife Village of Brussels,
Cotmly of lhirou,
Notice ie hereby given that I have trans•
milted or delivered to the peraone tnention-
ad in Emotions 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters'
Lists Act, the (melee required by Bald Seo.
Cons to be so trausmitted or delivered of
the Iter made, pursuant to said Aot, of all
persons appearing by the last revised Ae-
sesemont Moll of the said Municipality to
be entitled to vote in the amid Municipality
at Elections for Members of the Legislative
Assembly and at Municipal Elections : and
that the said list was first posted up in my
office, at Brussels, on 'the Thirtyflrat day of
July, 1805, and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examlee Ibe
said list, and, If any omissions or any other
errors ars found therein, to take immediate
proceedings to have the said srr'6re correct•
ed according to law.
Dated this 9rd doy,of AngustbA,.D,1015,
F. B. 50055,
Olstk of Brussels.
of Our Great
Removal Sale
tne1r49lastni vile edea lt.liee
Stock must be reduced to its lowest limits before re-
moving to our new premises in the Garfield Block, Brus-
sels. The following are a few of the many Bargains we
are offering you :-
-20 only Ladies' White Shirt Waists,
size 32 only, last season's styles,
and worth regular Loo, 1.50, 1,00,
Sale Price 250.
--25 ends Fancy Dress Duck, worth
regular 124c and 150
Sale Price roc.
—3 doz. Ladies' Cloth Gapes, worth
regular 50c
Sale Price 3740
—5 pieces White India Dress Linen,
worth regular 250
Sale, Price 190
—5 dozen pairs Ladies' Corsets, worth
regular 500 and hoc
Sale Price 39c
—lo dozen pairs Boys' Extra Heavy
Ribbed Cotton Stockings, guaran-
teed fast color, worth regular 25e,
Sale Price 190
--5 dozen pairs Ladies' Teffetta and
Lace Gloves, iu Cream, Black and
Tan utters, worth l'egular, 250
Sale Price 19c
—6 dozen pairs Ladies' Pure Silk
Gloves, worth regular 5oc and 5oc
Sale Price 580
—25 ends Fancy Colored Silk, worth
regular 750 and Loo
Sale Price 35c
—5 ,pieces Extra Heavy Cottonede,
worth regular 250
Sale Price 200
—35 ends Fancy Colored Dress Mus -
lies, worth regular 250
Clearing Pride roc
— 15 pieces 'guaranteed Fast Colored
Sale Price gp
—15 dozen Ladies' Cashmere Stock-
ings, in Plain and Ribbed, sizes 84,
9, 94, worth regular 250
Sale Price 190
— 5 dozen Men's Heavy Grey Wool
Socks, worth regular 15c
Sale Price I24c
—3o only Ladies' Fancy Wash Collars,
worth regular 250 and 3oc
Sale Price 190
— 0 dozen Ladies' Silk Belts in Black,
Cream and Colored, whiob we
clear at the following prices :-250
for 190 ; 500 for 390 ; 750 for 55c
I,00 for 75.
—Dress Goods, Trimmings, Sateens,
Whitewear, Flannelettes, Flannels,
Prints, Parasols, alt at Reduced
J. Ferguson
& Wet