HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-3, Page 5Fall Term Opens Sept, 5t17: ELLIOT TORONTO, ONT. Con Terme AND ALxxeenen See. IT One of the largest and beet oommor, Mal sehoola in the Dominion, .111 of our graduates aro absolutely euro of meourlug poaittone. Strong staff of teaohere ; moderu Gourmet ; epieedld eguipueeut. Every sendent thoroughly satisfied Write for our magnificentbatalggtie, Address :- W. J, ELLIOTT Principal. n al, p LeR'i�� 1t i��l�F�� ifs @ai $ i 41r5S1' 15 TRAIN UP A CHILD And whoa uhepr ctod him or at? L/STOW£L,/ l oWado, ttTerm opens April lith, 1904 Two Conree- Commercial and Shorthand, Send for College Journal, A. L. MOINTYRE, Manager. iksa5asaSatsa*is gets * MEDICAL CARDS. DR. R A. BURNS - Successor to Dr. J. A, McNaughton Brussels, Ontario Graduate of Polyclinic Poet Graduate - School of Medloine and Surgery, Now York Member of College 01 Physicians and Sur - 800n0 of Ontario. Office and residence acme as formerly oe- oupied by Dr. MoNe.ugbton. Diseases of womou u epoolalty. BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER cont, F.B. SCOTT, Brussels, NAT H. MOORAOKEN-- V • leaser of Marriage Licensee. Of- fice at Gr000ry, Turnberry street, Brussels, 'WARMS FOR SALE -THE UN- DEneIaNED bee mayoral good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townebipe of Morrie and Grey. F B. SOOTT,BTueeele C. Co. `. Court Prinoesu Alexandria, No.24, 0. 0. F., Brunets, moot] in their Lodge Room, Blas - hill Block, on Co 2nd and Met Tuesdays of each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAB. BU1G$88, 0. R. A, E. MELLIBH, R, B. M. MORRISONI Issuer of' Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM' INeaaeno0, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. F . S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - San, will sell for better prices, to better men In lane time and less chargee than any other Auctioneer in Beat Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can alwayo be arranged at this office or by p onions! application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable, Ba]ee arranged for at the office of Too PoOr, Brueoele, 220 VETERINARY. ■r■!V.i• A. CUNNINGHAM- e Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet. urinary College, le prepared to treat an die- esees of domesticated animals ;in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. Calle promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary -Font doors North of bridge, Tnrnbelxy et., Brunets. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. • B. MACDONALD- A•B e Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta, Buoeeeeor to O. F. Blair, Office over Stan- dard Bank. Brnoaele. 8olioitor for Metro- politan Bank. WM. SINOLAIR- e Barrister, BoIioltor, ,Couveyauoer, Notary Public, ho. Office -Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Standard Bank. pttOIJDF00T,• HAYS & BLAIR- 11ARIIIBTE$8. SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC; ETC. W. PnovDsooT'R. 0, It: 0. Hem G. F. BLAB. Offices-Thoseformerly occupied by Messrs Cameron tic Molt. 60131111I911, Oteremo, DENTISTRY' DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of'ibe Royal College o1 Haute) Burgeons Of Oulario and Firet•olasr Honor Graduate of Toronto University. O111oe next to.Brewer'e Photograph Gallery, BUttsel L8, ittt�.r" 8 Fall Term Opens Sept, 5if CENTRAL /// STRATFORD. ONT. pf It paye to get a business education j and it pays to get it lu the Sobool whlbb Dau 110 molt for its students after , they graduate, Thin reboot le reoogpplzed to be one of the best Best. nese Colleges in Canada, All our grad. urates secure ppceitloue. Buoineee dol• rBanos frequently apply to ns to maitre Ynor graduatoa a8 tonehero, fl M rite for our free Cataloged, SWAM, 4' & MoLAWILAN, Prinoipale, WINGHAM Business College I,ei the Scareirllgllt or practice Illuminate the dark places or Theory. The young man or woman meet be able to do Cho worts required by Obis exaotiug ago �or give trey to those wile can, The W,ingbare Bneln000 College has 1110 foo. Halos for supplying what the business worm tlemnuds. It ei a trot that a knowledge of shorthand and 'rypowriting pays a divldeud every day in the your, Aa an investment it is hotter than ag old band, Fluter N W-uoI Fur full iulormattoa write Or Oat] on Ono. BI'o'ToB, N. REGINALD FLETOnaa, Presideut, Priuolpai, 12 years toaobing oxporienee, .ori Itivsxemst Tows Connell will be held next Mon. day evening. BUSINESS has been quiet einoe the harvest set in. BntitrEn raaae on BrneoeloDriving Park, August 23rd and 24th. $1400 le offered in prize. BAnntexan SmoraIn bas had an sooty, - lens plant placed n hie residence and S well pleased with he light. Olvro Holiday o Friday of next week, August 11th. An exouraion will be ren to Kincardine on that day by special trail, A cement walk as been put down at Dr. Holmes' redid noe, William etroot, "Dunedin" is the name given to the home and may be read in the walk. Bnaaenre Voters' Liel for 1906 ie out,. There are 412 names in all being divided as follows :-Part I, 302 ; Part II, 77 ; Part III, 33. The number of Jurors are 183. List was first pooled np on Monday of this week. OWING to the absence of Will Hooter at Stratford, Jame Jones wee elected Noble Grand for Western Star Lodge, I, 0. O. F. Brateele to oomplete the;bol. an00 of the term. Be makes a capital officer. A raw from here attended the circuit at Liatowel Friday. 'boos who didn't go were well aware that the oircne went by epeoial train through town aa early Sat- urday morning they were awakened by the eoreeohing of 111 whistle. P08TMABTER Farre completed bis 16th year ae poetmaeter of Brueoele on Mon- day and hoe pat in any a busy hour daring those years For the poet week be We been a trifle' under the weather" so unne0al thing forhim but we hope be will soon be o, k. LAST week SamuelDarter diepoeed of hie hoose and lot. E izibeth Bt., to Mre. Askin, formerly of the 14111 eon. of Grey, or the Bum of 3475 and the pnrohaser ill get possession on Nov, let. Me. Carter bought the property from Robert ndereon last Winter, Tnz funeral of thelate Mime Elia Dill - worth, of Ethel, pared through town 0n onday afternoon t Brunets oemetery, umber from town attended. Deceased e related to the Sharpe family of Brno - els and was known to a number in iiia orality who were orry to hear of her amigo. L 1 n h m e T a g e m I h rt e 0 e Taos, A. HAwxINo, with most sincere hanks to the people of Brunets and the urronnding country for paoi patronage, nnonnoes with regret thee in order to Driller, pnrone bie studies in music, be ill leave Brueoele next Spring. Any iebing to take advantage of hie in. ructions while he remains should make pplioation at their earlioet convenience, hose preparing for the mid•Winter aminatiooeehould resume their studies once,, WILL Raxova Fagg Tom -it -The. eople of Brneeele and locality will b rprlsed to learn that T. A. Bawkine, well and favorably known in musical roles, oontemplatee removing from town ith a view of proseautiug hie studies in e divine art. He think° of leaving ter the mid. Winter examinations. Mr, awkine has been a resident of Brneeele r the past 14 years and how the town 11 manage to get along without him a problem THE POST ie not able to eve. For the past Rue years he hoe en orgeniet and choir leader in Melville atoll and prior to that time rendered miler service in St, John's (thumb in wn. Hie efforts have been marked ch a large measure of moose in in• noting the youth and beauty of this mmunity in the maiden] art. I. 0, 0. F. D80Ont110N.-Bnnday after. on upwards of 50 members of extern Star Lodge, L 0. 0. F. Brunelle mad tip in procession at their Hall and d by the town Band and marshalled W. 0. Smith, marched to the Came- y where the graves of doomed three - ked brethren and their wiveo were iced and • floral deooratione left iD eu of kindly rememberanoe. In the were Mre, Albert Crooke, Mre. J. M. donor, Wm. Spence, 'Mre, Jae. wart, Jae, Wilson, T. Fletcher, Mrs. R. Elliott, Mre, B. Dark, A. Good, o. Booker, W, Roddiok, Wm, Ooruieh, hut' Hamilton, A. Stewart, D. A. ale, A. Webetor,. -Donald $Deft, or. le end Mre . Scott, .Geo. and Mre. yoroft, P. and Mre, ,Tliompoon, Mre Mooney.,,; The interesting ceremony. taken part in: by A. McGuire, R,' lberdale, W. H. McCracken, and W. - Kerr, There was a.largo attendance niookere at the. cemetery., oust or R0FUaa,-Friday of last week members of the House of Refuge mitlee, eoneisting of Warden Miller Meeero. Oanlolon, Iebietor, Mo. zee, McNaughton and Clerk Lane, at Clinton, along with Arohiteot Mo de, of London. An inspection was e of the addition to the House of nge, resetting in its aooeptanoe from oontrnotor, 8. S. Cooper, For aa 3257.90 were claimed, the' ohief e being additiooaol footing ;for walla i plumbing additional $1645 ; in, et on 000utity 340,50. There wao ged np spinet Oonttadtor 3278 made n part by extra visit of architect, 0 ; Ineoranoe, 3117 ; fnel, 3132 ; orlon for the flooring, 316, In the adjutlment the one amount wee o to bolanoe the other. The 310,00 y fee toe delay in completing aon• was not pat into forge. Mr. Coop hao uow reoaived 37.200 on the not and the balance 31,800 ie retain r 85 dale. The architect le to re. 310 fair every trip he made from on and has already boon aid $85. did hie work moot satiefootorily, nr Contain an inopeotor received 0 ; A. McKenzie, inspector of wood. A M A 1 d w at T ex at SO 00 of th at H to wi is SO be ob ei Io wi Gtr co no torW lea by ter lin vie tok lief 0'O Ste H. Ge Art Bm and Ha W. wee -Los 11, ofo H the Com and Ken met Bri mad Ref the extr Reno $126 tete char 3G0 dedn final mad a do traot Coop eontr ed 10 eeive Lond Ile Arth 392 0 1=4;*CZ/C4C4i=fit=i6=41181°S812 work, bee teeeleed $100 on n000tmt; and I, Worthington, of London, wee paid1$20 for inepootiag the pinmbin1 and beating important', 113e now adcll1fon le 9004 building and will prove of great value in the better arrangement of inmates, oat• tog for the eiok, and pr' party housing tae), eta, The County Council is well oath -lied i d w tb the work dope only very eorry for the ledione delay, New telephonee have been piaoed in Alex. Straohan'e dry good, store and Iho Central Hotel, Others will follow In the coming weep, LAST Sunday afternoon, while at the cemetery, Jno. Currie wrenched bio ankle, ul1 ret I I I I n month or so ago,andre- aDmed the "limp" for a few days. Wo hope he will hove batter look for the time to Dome, D1R11 AT WINDSOR. --.711171138 Hyslop,. nephew to Mre, Jno. Broadfoot and Woo. D. Ronald, of Bruesele, pard Nttore'o debt at Windoor, on July -, De had been in poor health for some time. Mr. Hyslop wait a resident of Broeao)s at one time, being an employee in the Ronald Fire Engine Works, W 1nLhnen . Fall Fair will be held here Sept. 28 and 29, Joe Bowman ie home from a trip to the West. Anguat 12111 ie the date of the h 0. 0. P. Exentsion to Detroit. Mre, (Dr) Renoedy and ohildren are holidaying at Kincardine. The Band will hold a Garden Party on the evening of Augoet 10111. A large addition will be built to the Union furoitore factory here this Fall. It is said Hanna & Co, have parohoeed the St. Helene store property and will refit it. Sunday School Exonreion to Kin. °ordine look place on Tuesday of this week. L. Krone ban Bold out hie restaurant here to Leak Kennedy, formerly of Clinton. - Dr. Chisholm M. P., will leave shortly for the West to assist hie eon in eeleeting a median! practice. Dr. McDonald has been laid up from a tore arm but is some better. He was thrown out of his buggy. THE 000T OFA CORN Is thoroughly removed by Putnam', Corn Extrootor. No soar left, no pain, for Putnam'° ie purely vegetable and cackling no caustics. Uao only Put- nam's Corn Extractor. P38vtlm, After an illness that lasted 13 weeks, Mies Margaret Mocomb passed peace• fully away on Friday evening, July 14th, dropsy being the oaoee of death. De- ceased wee in her 84th year and wan one of the pioneers of this part of Huron county. Mies Mo0omb was born in Paisley, Bootland, and cisme to Canada with her father's family in 1841. They Bret settled in Qoebeo, then they moved to Hamilton and later to East Zorra township, Oxford County. Thirty -nice years ago fait April they moved to Morrie towoehip and nettled on lot 5, Con. 9, where deoeaaed and her two brolbere, James and John, remained en• 111 nearly five years ago, when they re. moved to Blyth. James McComb died on January 15th, 1903. The father of deceased died in Morrie 37 years ago and the mother 34 years ago. The remaining members of Ibe family are Mre. James Craig, of Morris ; Mre. John Cameron, of Grey, and John Ma- Comb, of Blyth. Mise McComb, wan a conefetent and faithful member of the Blyth Presbyterian church. So anxious was she to be in God'e house and with God's people each Sunday that for many years she made it doe of her prinoipa] datiee to walk from the farm in Morrie to the obnrob in Blyth, seldom missing a eervioe. Belaro,ve. Dr. and Mre. Perdue, of Clifford, visit- ed at Obae, MoOrae'e. Mre. Uglow, of Ingersoll, is the guest of Rev. and Mre. Jones. David and Thos. Carroll, of Orange. vilte, vititea at Jae. Owen's. Armstrong & Co., also Clegg & Co., obipped bogs and sheep on Monday. Mies Eva Ooaltee, of Buffalo, is visit- ing at J. Olegg'e and with other Rhonda. Willie and Louie Birnie, of Exeter, are upending the vaoation at Mr. Stone- henge's. The Fall wheat is all out. It is of splendid quality and will, be all boogied this week. Mies Cassie Stewart, of Grey, bag re• turned home after ependiag holidays at Mts. Sproat',. Wm. Watson, oontraotor, has been ]aid off work for a oouple of weeks owing to a lame book, Evangelist Coaitee, of Chicago, is ,ponding hie holidays with friends in the vioinity of Belgrave, Miele Carrie Potter, of the Nile, has re. tnlned home after spending a few days at Mrs, Wray'e. Burnley ever number to hear Biuhopent to t{Nilliunth onu Confirmation aorvfuo wap held. Rev. J. J. Haotie and wife are opeod. ing their vacation in Detroit and other Western oitie., We with theme pleasant time and a ante return, There hae been (pita a lot of dement aidowalk laid down In Belgrave by etotuto labor tide Bummer, which adds very mach 10 the appoaranee of our vi (l age. The Ledieo' Aid of the Methodist Church, Relgrave, have a town 000ial at the borne of Garner Nioholepn, on the evening of August 4:11, , W i u h um BraesBaud will be in aptandunoe, The liti Ie girl of John Wighlmau'e an the gravel road, while playing in the barn yard, was attaalced by a vioione pig, and badly bitten about the arms and ehoa'dere. Had it not been for the weenie of the ohild drawing the otten• lion tt the mother iu the hoose, the child would likely have beau killed, TO STOP A LIt3ING BART. Babies ory beoau•e they are skit, It may be a pain in the stomach, polio, or orampe-bat in any ogee a few drops of Nerviline soothes away the distress and allows the baby to Bleep peacefully. 5Vhere there are young children there should also be Nerviline, It ]arae all the minor ailments just as promptly ea the doctor -and not so expensive. For near- ly fifty yeare Poloon'e Nerviline bac been the great household remedy of Canada. Sod everywhere in large 25o. bottles. Clan Con. The drone was here last Saturday. Apple orop will be light Chia year in this locality. George liodgene hoe been laid op in Toronto Hoopital. Jno, and Biro, Shaw are visiting rola. tivee at Port Eight. Jno. Wiseman will represent Clinton Odd Fellows at Grand Lodge, Special meeting of the 0o. Connell was held here on Saturday of last week. 10 tickets were sold here for Exoaroion• iota far the Stratford Herald Excursion to Sarnia. While on a trip West W. E. Newcomb was laid up in the Winnipeg Hospital for a abort time. Several rinks of bowlers attended the tournament at London last week and re- port a good time, Union Sabbath Sobool Excursion to Goderioh took place on Tbareday of laet week. 660 tiokate were sold here. J, Martin, an employee of B. B. Cooper, fell from a eoaffold fn the Kingsbridge obureb and received quite a shaking up, The 12th of Jnly Committee were in the hole owing to the wet day and the Conned paid 350 to aid in the alearnnoe. Tuesday of last week Rev. Dr, Stewart oelebraled his 60th birthday. He bac been pastor of the Willie church here for 27 years. - Cloelerich . Progreso on 0. P. R. menstruation is Goderioh looks its beet at thisnation of the year. Coneiderabfo building is in progress in town and looality this moon. Co. Clerk Lane ie holidaying at Bt. Catharines with hie eon Barrister Lane. The number of Summer 010110re f0 hardly up to the meal standard this year. The greet round the Court Honer ie in good shape and is an elegant pleas for driving or wheeling. Our bowlers were away last week to London, 4 duke strong, but we did not fetob home the trophy, The town Coauoil is dimmed to grant a franchise to the proposed Gas Co. II ie expeoted it will be utilized for house. hold parpooen. Fairr made in the building of the new North Street Mellott. diet ohuroh. With good weather the brink work will soon be completed. It will be a fine edifice. It id said the G. T. R. may build a large grain elevator near the jail and put their aiding along aide of the bank instead of below it. A preliminary ear• vey has been made. Thursday of Met A., second daughter of John A. Bessie andMar. garet Walker, and niece of Barrister Blair, died of meningitis, aged 9 years. She was ill for about five weeks. Inter - went wag made to Maitland oemetery on Saturday afternoon, Mra. R+by Williams, of Colborne, who was a daughter of the late Sheriff Bynd• men, of Huron, died ort Wednesday and was buried here on Friday, service being held in Bt. George's church. A some- what noteable figure at the funeral was Mr. Haldane, who wee the first Prinoipal of Goderioh High School. About two weeks ego P. F, Blair, brother of G. F. Blair, of town, lost 80 sores of orop from a bailatnrm. He is in the Red Deer Iooulity. N. 'W. T. Two eons who were oat iu the storm onffered Borne - what. Every pane of glees in the aide 23c. for 1111s'W4Je1,1oOl lllxdle'll '10101 J. T. WOOD of Proprietor of the .Excelsior Knitting Mills, 1:3rnssels, is prepared to pay 23 cents per pound, cash, for any quantity of good Wool delivered at his Mills. Splen- did stock of choice goods consisting of Tweeds, Flan- nels, Flannelettes, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades, &c,, brought in from the beet Mills, and Blankets, Yarns and Sheetings made in -our own Mills of choice stock, to give in exchange for Wool. An advance of 2 cents per pound allowed for Wool in trade. Now is the time to market your Wool. Strictly Fair Dealing our Principle 11""Oome and see us before going elsewhere. , IlLill,l Ihall'IIIIII,'.III'logt•tb'111411'ti^ Excelsior�, Knitting Mills I312.C7'SSLiLS• of the house from whiob the storm pane were broltell to pie0ee. A vt.ry ;Peasant afternoon was spent by members 11 the it., 0. U, W. and their todiet at P.,r.,t Farm last Friday, Niee pins, foot bel,, croquet and a tug of war were on the program and with a quiet word occasionally interjected in behalf Of the Soofety under whose aaepime the pio•nic was held. Goderioh has a strong lodge and Maeter Workman Lailhwaite and his afficers and membere 11{pre en a livening np toil Fall and Whiter. Rev. Da, Uma Dote IN Contemn 8111/ - worm -The the luau,io I bt, Ure, D. D, dlocterddenly loot Saturday while sitting in his garden in the presence of Mioe MooDeuald au,1 hie nurse, Dr. Ure woo ateiokeo with paralysis June let and np to a week or so ago his life was despaired of. lteoently, hie manila and phyeioal vigor began to return, and be mode euob progress it wao hoped he would recover. Dr Ure was born in Lanark- shire, Scotland, in 1823. When nineteen years of age he rattled in Hamilton and completed hie tbeologioai o0ar00 in 1850. NO SATISFACTION IN EATING. Food does you ro good, Fon can't d gut -consequently you're afraid to eat ; tongue in coated, mo0lh taste° bad, stem aob le bloated, Pretty soon you'll be overcome by weakneee and nervone prim• tration. Beet preroription for your OOodition le Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake end Butternut. For dyspepsia and indigbe• lion it is donbtfal if a better remedy will even be devieed, There pills bring new etreugth and vitality to the stemeoh. and digestive organa ; they build up the general health aninstill snob vim and restating power into the system that Bien- nium Is impossible ; try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Proposed Changes in the Dominion Cabinet. The long•talked of ehsnges in the Fed- eral Cabinet may be looked for about September 1st, They are said to involve the retirement of Mr, Fitzpairiok, Sir Richard Cartwright and Mr. Scott. Mt. Fitzpatrick will likely succeed Chief JDetme Ronthier at Quebec, altbongh he ooald, if so deeirone, become Chief Jae - title of Supreme Court, but be and big family prefer to live in Qoebeo. If Mr, Ayleowortb can be persuaded to enter the Cabinet be will be the new Minister of Justice. For the oonetituenoy, if be has no objection on the spore of distance, Gaspe is at bio disposal. When Mr. Booth goes out Mr. Lemieux will be ap. pointed Secretary of State, and either Hugh Guthrie or Leighton McCarthy 8olioitor General, Arab. Campbell's name is freely mentioned as Sir Rioh• and Oartwright'e 000000Dr. The foremast of Cabinet ohangee, to take place in September, made above by the Globe's Ottawa oorreepondenb, gives an illaetratioo of the way in wbioh the bietorio figures of the formative per. iod of confederation are painting from the eoene. When Sir Wilfred Laurier formed bie Ministry in 1896, the mem. hers were Sir Riohard Cartwright, Kir Oliver Mowat, Mr. Fielding, L. H. Devise, Mr. Blair, Mr. Paterson, Mr. Mnlook, Mr. Tarte, Mr, Borden, Mr, Fieber, Sir Henri Joly, Senatar Scott, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Geoffrion, and Mr. Dobell-toe two latter without portfolio. Mr. Bitton name in shortly afterwards. When the Cabinet changes go into force the Premier will only have fire of hie or• igiuel colleagues lett, namely, Messrs. P'iolding, Paterson and Maher, Sir Wm. Mnlook and Bir Frederick Borden, SIB RICHARD'S CARESS. Of the retiring Miniature, Sir Riohard Cartwright and Mr. Booth will still ao1 as Senators, bob they will no longer take a plans in the forefront of the battle. Sir Riohard ie in his seventieth year, and for forty.two year° has been in public life, Since 1866 he hoe been Minister of Trade and Commern°, SENATOR BoOTT. Hoo. Riohard W. Soott, Secretary of State, is in hie 81st year. He is a bar rioter by profession, Laving studied law in the late foortiee of the last century. Mr. Smolt began his professional career at Bytowo, or Ottawa, and was Mayor of what is now the'unite! some 53 years ago. Mr. Scott became a member of the Legis. latnre for Ottawa in 1857, and wee de- feated In 1863. In November, 1873, he was palled to the Federal Mioietry by Mackenzie, and became Seoretnry of State, with it seat in the Senate. He went oat with his chief in 1878, and came baok with Laurier to the came poet in 1896. During the long period of Opposi- tion he was one of the leaders of the Liberal party in the Benet°. Perhaps Mr. Soott'e moat memorable legislative work was to hammer into shape the Gan. ads Temperance Act, of 1875,' popularly' known ae the Scott Act. Tnn MINIMS, IF dolmen. Mr. Fitzpatriok,the retiring Minister of Justice, to one of the ablest lawyere and one of the moat forceful poroonalitlee in Canadian public life, - Hie friends ray Mum the only thing that makes the poli moat sreuo eveu tolerable to him is an no 00eional boot with sum.t legal foemen. worthy of hie tbeol. The Minister of Jaetioe le 51, and wag born in Quebec of Ielah Catholic naivete, Ile was oalled to the bar in 1876, and hod beeomo eo moll a leader of the bar that be was chosen in 1885 as Ri,.l'a oblef (moose], Among Cho other fomone people who have palled in the elognont Filzpa'rfck when hard pressed were Honore Meroler, Thome(' McGreevy and Rernest Panned. lir. Fitzpatrick beonme Solicitor General in 1896, owning 10 Ottowa !tom the Qno• bee Legielature, in whiob he had held a seat for six years prior to 1899, When Mr, Mille died Mr. Fitzpatrioh became Minister of Jnatioo, He hoe of late mule no ee0ret of hie wish to get book to bie law hooka. CHARMING EibBlNINIT-V, Pewees beaatiee pay particular attention 10 the purity of their blood, knowing that nntritione blood means soft delicate skin, bright eyes and enduring nerves. Those wheee twills are so delighful, use Ferrezone beeanee ft's tate rxaet food needed to tone and etlmulate the blood. tern E3130 invigoratee, branoe, taede-mit make] theta dainty, vivaeioue women so pleasant to meet. You'll have the rosy b-oom of hoa:tlt, dash and epirit, the satielsetion and joy rf true health after Wing ger*cle80, You ehoebd get Verroz0ne today. Bold everywhere in 50o, bears. L IWC ek CO, 4 .F3zfXTi� �� Co,, NEW CORSETS. We do an immense trade in Ladies' ' Corsets. We have just re- ceived a full assortment entto the latest from the Following wellknown makers :-Cromptons, C. & W., B. & C„ U. & A„ C. B. C. and B & I. We show a large assortment at Summer Corsets fu net and batiste in all sizes. Below we mention a fete of the leading lines we carry :- -D. & A. Tape Girdles, in all sizes regular 5o0, for 15c- -B. & C. Summer Corsets, made of strong net and line baptiste, in all sizes, at 250, 300, 451 and 5oc. -C. & W, Erect Form Straight Front Corsets, made of fine jean and coutil, steel filled, veru special at 5oc, 750 and $tt, -Crompton's Corsets, in all their best makes, at 5oc, 75e, BI and 30.25 -C. B. C Corsets in the June Bride, Peggy from Paris and Batwing styles, something new, at i3e and Sr, -B. & C, Corsets, made of fine percale and baptiste, in the dip hip, loug hip, etc., new models at 40o, 75c and ex. -Ladies' Shoulder Braces, Ask to see them at 3511. Suazr,er Gods We are selling 'off our Summer Dress Goads, Mullins, Chem - brays, Zephyrs, Prints, Shirt Waists, Underskirts, etc„ at terrific reductions in prices to clear. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. ri I XX XX � X�q.�. :„ qqtrr, " u�r a�r,,�a,� 24 ... ry,� q ��n aey+•n�o+lhs rY�m,:lu-odlw.�+ee�+•o `�7�ro�c�eo�c�s01 wi.JR4 wrda � BU Our Fine and Up-to-date stock of Bug- gies is now on the market and we invite intending purchasers to call and inspect. They are all made of best material with the very latest improvements. Have you seen our fine display of Oak made Wagons ? Every one warranted to be as represented. Repairs and Painting promptly attended to. Tops Relined and Covered and made as good as new. Call and see ua. aril+ c 0. BRAS S Ez S Notice of appliostion for the transfer of license of the Queen's Hotel, Listowel, from 0. Zdiiax to Joe. A. Boehmer, who Wo. E Any quantity of Wool wanted for which the Highest Market Price will be paid. Wool will be taken in at No. 2 Storehouse or the Flour and Feed store. J3aleker, BRUSSELS. has parohesed the property, appears. Mr. Boehmer takes poeseeeion on Ang. 1st. ONE R08, Have placed in stook a fine assortment of late American Songs, Waltzes and Two-steps All sold at 1- price u5 C. T11 A. 0