HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-3, Page 4i'll!!!""lik'st'''s see Cixt Airnstis ust. THURSD AY , AUG. 3, 1905. Bavonte lute a splendid Free Publ Library oonteining over 3,000 hooka an yet We potent to affirm that there a mores of people is {hie locality who hay not availed themselves of its use, Tber is an annual greet made by the Oonnoi whit* is of owaree paid by the taxpaye Ooneequently every ratepayer le a dock bolder and as suoh should not be a ellen partner bat very alert to the euemesfa carrying on of Ellie institution. The bee end meet up—to—dale books are on th Ithelvee, the leading Magazines are on tb Utile and deity and weekly newepaper on file so that en abundant supply of in formation is at the command of ever reaident. & oases' visit to the Librar and a few minutes' chat with Mies Min nie MoNangiation, the obliging Librarian will oonvinoe you of the nnemploye advantage00 easy of aooaeo, Wha applies to Broasele will be true as regard the Librarieo al Ethel and Walton ale we have no doubt, What oan be done liven ap the inliereet in these Librariee Yon will no dealt have some suggestion that would prove praotioel if the pablio knew what they were, 80 re 0 1, r, 7 IT is said the Provincial Government will cancel the commission of the Justices of the Peace and appoint a new lot. In many oases this will be a good move, if the proper oleas ot people ere plaoed in office, ae the liet was badly in need of revision. Being a magistrate, while an honorable cam, le not the most pleas— ing job in the world, and more eaffe than coppers come to the dispenser of Jastioe. There have been inetanoee where the holder of the oftioe has overstepped hie duties bat in the seniority of oasea the reluotance of J. P.'s to accept of respell— eibility has been marked Std the result is mores of them had little or no acquaint. anon with law or procedure in even very simple oases. The fees fot the amount of work entailed have been ridiculously small and it was not maoh wonder that Magistratee sometimes dodged their duty rather then spend hoary listening to some wrangle the t in the end probably would peter ont. There le not mach neoessity for local law and yet when airoumatanoes arise neoesei. toting 11 the Court should be (tarried on with at least a fair share of ability, Where appointments are made and the appointed do not qualify within six months the commission ahould be an— nulled and another choice arranged for. Reminiscences by Ti. IlloGillicud Barlyj in the year 1873 I decided to establish a newepaper in some oonntry town or village, if a favorable opportunity offered. My capital was not large, aa I had recently been through tbe printer% strike in Toronto, which had somewhat depleted my exchequer ; bat, as I was in my twenty-third year, I bad the ambi• tion of youth with me and confidence that I could make the undertaking a mouse. My brother, Thonue,—some four years younger than I—had also learned the printer's trade, and as he wee willing to become a partner, we at onoe began to look around for a location. In April an edvartieemenb appeared in the Toronto "Globe," whiob atated that the village of Lnoknow was a deeirable place in whiob to establish a weekly newepaper, and inviting correspondence to be sent to James Somerville, who was familiarly known as "the father of Look. now," I addressed 0 letter to Mr. Somerville, but received no answer, Tema afterward, when he and I were oat on the political "atump," be laughingly told me that my letter wae unanswered be. came he thought the eignature wee hogne, as there were no Sootoh Mo. GIllioaddy's Red be didn't believe that any other nationality shonld have the right to me "Mao" in front of a name. About the middle of May another advertisement op/meted in the "Globe" getting forth the advantages of a location for newspaper development. This named Brussels as the Reid of operations, and was signed by J. R. Grant, at that time and for years subsequently, pote0:40e of the village, / wrote at moo to IbIr, Grant, and received a reply stating that no pledges would be given, bat that any person attuning a paper in the village would have a good motion of country to depend upon, and that if the right man watt at the helm, and the right sort of newepaper we; turned out, no doubt the veoture would prove anooessful. Mr, Grant was also dubious about the bona fides ,of my name, evidently ;—at that time it was nob "fanailiar aa a household word." The encouragement given was not panionlarly strong, bat after talking the matter over with my brother, it wee de. oided that I thould take a trip to Brunets, to apy out the land, But here We were met with a dffloulty. Mr. Grant, in big lettet, had stated that 'Intends was in the Owenby of Huton, and the Map Of Huron Octenty did not above the village of Bennett, and the Cenadian Almoner: did net give Brussele outside of Ilaron County, to MoGillieudtly appeared to be known in Brunel; and Luoknow. Bub file fed only made my queet more earneet, and I at ouoe ed to go to Brneeela. With this object in view ,I took train for Guelph, whore 1 intended 10 make publish the tint edition of the paper on further atgolrY. Upon arriving at Ono date, we ;lowed ono that it would be Guelph I met a man from the village of a better advertisement 1.1 the theet if the Clifford, wi) told me that a mehillinnt first number contained a report a the who was doing businese in that place had opening of the railwey. We were agelett formerly resided in Brussels. The name of the merchant was David Mattison, and I found him at Clifford. Mr, Mollison oxplalned to nee that Brussel* we; a newly ineorporated village, which had been epeoially named for the °cession, Previoue to the let of January of that year it bad been well and favorably known by the name of Ainlayville,—hay. ing been milled after Ainlay, the original settler on the Grey toweship side—but the inoorporation had put other notions into the heads of the village promoters, and the new village was inoorporated ander what was oonsidered by the natives to be the more imposing name of Bruseele. It waen't to he wondered at that I could not find the plant on the map. That evening, after a hearty supper, I was driven to Wroxeter by the Clifford livery man, and pat up at a hostelry whiob watt kept by a Boniface who was locally knotvo ae ''Crazy Bit." I found him to be a fairly wethinfortned man, who knew the history of every one for miles around, and who would ask more questions iu a minute than one could wawa in a year. To be fair to him, however, I am boned to say that he never failed to give an answer to any question that you felt like asking him, The answer might not be relevant, bat you 801 60 answer all the eame. That long Sentra r evening, oo the "stoop" ef the hotel, ae "Crazy Bill" oated it, I got the pedigree of nearly every Brneselite of any importance, and a good deal of side bietory of others who were not so im. portant. roe, Patel 8" pin 41liow in order for getting out the Fetter. In the interval the leading men hed deoideti to bold a "thilwaY otlenitill" 10 the villege on Dominion Bey, and al. thongh my brother and I had intended to Next morning when Charlie Nathan, the stage driver, awing his span of bays in front of the hotel, I was ready to get aboard, and after a hearty handshake from "Crazy Bit," I was on my way to Brunets, where the stage arrived about 8 ()look. My first meal in the village was under the hospitable roof of the old North American Hotel, not the present anteater°, but that whiob preceded it and was burind down many yeara ago. "Aunt Bally" Annebrong, ae fine a speed - men of country landlady as one would wish to see, presided at the table, and gave me the latest nears ; and by the time the meal was ended, I knew the etyle, shape end make of the men who were probing the village to the front. After breakfast I called upon Mr. Grant, the postmaster, who oleo kept a drug store amen the way from the hotel at which I was staying. I found him to be an extremely polite and affable person, aomewhat minions, hot a good sort, tater all, and later on, when I knew him better, we became good lriends, and are bo this day. He immediately went around with me and inirodooed me to John Leckie, Dan. McDonald (now Surrogate Clerk of Goderioh, but at that time the legal luminary of the village of Brussels and adjoining townshipa,) big "Pate." Thorium and a hoot of others who comprised the brawn and brain of the district. Those wbom I met made a good impression on me, end I made op my mind to spend a few days longer in Brussels and see more of it. The second day after I arrived Van• atone's mill was "raised," and almost every man in Morris and Grey, for miles bat*, with a sprinkling from Torn. berry, Hallett and MoKillep, was there. It was during the era of "bees" and the raising of Bill V&netone'e mill was a red letter day in Bruasels, eo far as "bees" went. Jim Stretton was "grog boob"— for that time even "quilting bees" were not ran under the auepioee of the W. O. T. IL—and the way the framework of that mill went together was what Jim entheeiastioally termed "a nation to sinners ;" or ea Henry Wordsworth Long. fellow would say, "the morning atm the task began—the evening saw its °loge," I was introduced to every horny fisted eon of toil on tin grounds that day by 000 or other of the leading men, of whom John Latakia, the then Reeve of the village, and at present residing in ''your midst," as the local oorrespondents say, was chief. Before the sun sank to rest that day I bad &goodly number of [mince in nay note bet* which was to form the ntualeue of the sabeoription list of env BM:ISMS POsT. Next morning 3 took the stags to Sea. forth, where 1 boarded the Grand Tooth Railway train for Toronto, for at that time the Wellington, Grey and Brum &thetas:, eltheugh in the Gonne of con. situation, and within numerable die. tanoe was not completed to Bennett'. The day was the 28ed day of May, 1878 and I then and there deoided 18 begin the publioatiort of it newepaper in Bressele early in Jnly. On my nittirn to Toronto, I visited Walleye Printieg Supply Home and made all neoeseary arrangements for the equipment of a village oonntey netre.. paper—from a "getting stick to a Wash. Buten hand prese."—By the middle of June the material 0700 ehipped to in the list of post.offieea. Evidently, 1 Braude, via Seafeeth. A Week later nay 13.useele, Ontario was as little known brother and I arrived in Brassele, and to that oonatuaion also by the fan that n portion of our plant, whioli had been shipped to Seaforth, and thence teemed to Brassele, bad been nide•traoked 00030 Where b1tW0.11 Torouto and Settforth, and al the abets of John White, the tetunster, ably aseleted by his son, "King Billy," had been unable to lactate it. Dominion Day, 1873, was a great day for Brun:eels. The greod beetled was held in Veustone's mill, whin] had been "raised" en the day before May the 24 and had been floored and auffiaieutly fixed up to nub.° the epread to be laid. It was the only hall in the village at thrtt time that meld accommodate the gueste. Among them present from outside I well remember some of the old railway workera from Hamilton snob as Mr. Burton, afterwards Chief Jateioe of Ontario ; Got, 2laGivern; Sheriff Arable MoKellar ) Adam Brown (eow poet mann of Hamilton) and °there, Adam Brown, the only one left, and I met at a dinner in Hamilton two years ago, and had an exohange of renainiennoes of the oocaeion, I need not go into a history of the evente of that great celebration in Brume's, for are they not all emblazoned in olear long primer print oo the fan page of the first number 01 1110 first news- paper printed in the village of Brussels en the 10t11 of July in the year of oar Lord, 1873 ? Suffioe to say, that my brother and I thereafter spent 7 happy and successful years in Brunets, publish- ing Tim Pose weekly and printing job - work "with mantles nud dispatch." At the end of that time we alarmed of the plant to Meters. Herr & Auld, who took possession on Aug. 1, 1880. W, H. Kerr, the senior partner of the firm to whom we sold, ie now proprietor, baying grown grey in the service of the people of Brnseels and Ban Enron generally. That,he may long °cannon to bold down the editorial olattir, and be as emanated in the future as he has been in the peat in making Teta Pon a pewee for the welfare of the district iu which it is published, is the earneat desire of the founder at the journal. D. MoGrsx,mtions. Ottawa, July, 25, 1905. e'emeasssesettereseesesseteeeeeeese 4why s weary sa MKT 2,ElitzlisitunizEWER,Mtvontiztestmenrgracm=angoisfog2g,15, Ahrnye Heelless and Weak len't 311teral— Bet It's Ihnigerotte, Yon hive to 0711*1* herd. This TWOS IV 10143 of nerve 1,,ree 1.81,1 I, ars (loan the body feeler tlimi WI bit 01*1 np. rht, n'l o 11., 1 1*10 frp1 g you otuth Oulu IT 8 in, how 'you InthAt get mere Viten v. The we've y our blood non t be turned into untt loopt and bol thug notarial, Tttie is jest what happens in ming Ferrozone, which rennet; the blood and nerves and =taloa 8001) 00300 do the sr, rlt IliRbIlalure igp 0113 of it. Ferrozone quickly lueremes your Weight, brings appetite and healthy oolor, Unite a reserve of tiger into the system that defies wearinese, exhaustion, debit. ity, or Richness of any kind. The enornaons strengthening power of Ferrozone ie proved in the ease of Mrs. Ndward Hill, of Orr Lake, Out., who eays "Two years ago I bad a nervone break. clown. Al night I teased testleesiy in bed, unable to gee any rest from Weep. In the morning I coffered from over— powering weakness. My appsbite wee poor. I grew pale, thin and despondent. A alight backing oough also added to my burden. "My dootor mid to try Ferret:one, and it did mo good in a few days. I inoreae— ad in strength, the nervou.. Demotion dis— appeared, and with my appetite oeme batik my color and good spite.° I have gained over 10 pounds in weirld, and at my age of 56 I ormaider Ferro:woe is a menet" (Biened) al re, Ed wet q 11111, ,REMBI1IBBR THIS : Ferrc zme ie a true b0nio—po an aloobnlie stimulant. Fiftv chocolate coated tablete III a hog for 50 cents, or six boxes for 32 50, at all dealers.or N. G. Poleon 0*a Ilertford, Conn., U S. A., and Kingston, Ont, IS TOPIC CATARRH ANT ROMPER ? Probably getting worm all the time. Why not give ap that snuff end stop dos. lug your stomach 1 The one sure treat. ment le "Oatarrhozoue," sure 10 0008 be oaten it gem where the disease really ie. Certain to oars in your gam beoeuee 11 bas restored ten of Manmade worse than yen aro. Cotarrliezue is is thorough eine beeenee 1. destroys the MD ea ea svlI as the effeets of the disease. Re in is prompt, oore is quick etch time powerful remedy which Is guaranteed to cote Catarrh in any part of the Peso, throut, bronobial tubes or lunge. Two elevators and a storehouse, the property of E. Berwioke, wore destroyed by fire at Shelbourne. David Walker of Merrittou, white walking on the G. T. R. tracks, wee streak by a, train and decapititted. Following the notice 01 1125 oanoellation ol the Oorintbien football tom cornea the announcement that a combination of Eng lab and Benton Association players will surely some. They will have only one team, and the sotieduled games on• flounced ars se follows :—Sept. 9. Mont- real ; Sept. 12, Berlin ; Sept. 16, Tor. onto ; Sept. 20, Hamilton; Sept, 23, Galt. The players are Fry, Sir Charles IMIEMIS.211.1(0 DAN GEROD8 GERMS IN 81IIKER. Strengthen the Stomach With Mi-o-na and Keep Well. A wealthy philanihropiet in New York and aid you in naturally and easily di. spends thousands of dollars every Sum- gestiog the food. It is the only remedy flier providing milk for the babies, with known that oures indigestion and atom - the result that the mortality ia great!y aoh troubles by etrengthening the dips - decreased, He apprectiates the fact that tive system. 11 10 guarauteed to Make a disease germs are oommon in the Sum- complete and permanent cure in all dia. our and that the stocuaoh must be kept eases of the stomech excepting cancer. healthy to ruin their attacks. Mi 0.10 restores complete health to Older people do not live on a milk diet the whole 0)51010 and onres head•aohes, to insure health, bat they oan so streng. sleeplessness, pains and distress after then the stomach and digestive organs by eating, vertigo, heart buru, and the the use of Mi-o-na that they too, will be general debility which result from a weak free from Meknes, in the Summer season. stomaoh and imperfect Memnon. Take a Mi -one. tablet before each A guarantee to refund the money if meal, and it will soothe and heal any Ml.o.uo does tut show help, is given with inflammation that may be present In the every 50 cent; box. Ask J011:108 Fox to iiniug of the ntonamb, give tone and thew you the guarantee. strength. to the whole chgeative eystem, 4.010:10SII efrri<,....„'Tios-mmumnmiatuoitufintaimmil • 10-44 Ottaterornititinittifft ItAlgelLynu . JgolligLIN 100111161Enilifilor W Neils tress Shoes must be fashionably correct. Ours are. These shoes are comfortable because they fit inside. The outline is handsome and the shoes are made to keep their shape and appearance till worn out. Prices are right for right goods:A, —Men's Fine Shoes from $1.25 to $4.50. We have special makes by t. D. King, George A. Slater and other popular makers all of which are up-to-date fitters and wearers. HARNESS DEPARTMENT.—Single Harness, reduced prices for 30 days, Dusters and Lap Rugs, a nice assortment. Trucks and Satchels, w"Oonatortstble Dwelling Rooms to let, also dwelling for sale. nzialiatanna.1 1' t to B 0 00 in order to reduce ray stock before removing to new premises in the Garfield Block, Brussels, 1 have decided to give you an opportunity of a lifetime for buying Ilighgclass Goods at Small Prices. Wide-awake and discriminating Judges of Good Bargains will not ]ose a minute in taking advantage of this Phen- ominal Low Price Sale The following are a few of the many Bargains I am offer- ing you Men's Ready-to-wear suits at $4.90 50 Men's Ready-to-wear suits in wool tweed, good Italian lining, well wade, all sizes 34 to 44, regular price 7.50, sale price ... $4.90 Men's Ready-to-wear suits at $6 90 50 men's Ready-to-wear suits in all wool tweak, nice range of patterns, regular price $8.50 to $10.00, sale price ... ... $6 90 Men's Ready-to-wear suits, all sizes, $10.00 75 men's Ready-to-wear suite made of the best Scotch tweed and English worsted, best twill Italian lining, beautiful range of patterns ranging in price from $13.00 to $14.00, during sale $10.00 Men's Odd Suits at $8.50 50 men's suits of broken lots in firm Scotch tweed and English worsted, all sizes, ranging in price from $9.50 to $12.00. We have grouped the lot during this sale at $8.50 Men's Pants at 75 cents per pair 100 pair of men's tweed pants, well made, regular price $1.25, sale price ... ...76e. Men's -Pants at $2.00. 100 pair of men's firm worsted pants, nice range of patterns, regular price $3.25, during sale for per pair ..• $2.00 Men's Hats at 49 cents 25 dozen men's fine fur felt hate in soft and stiff, odd sizes and broken lots ranging in price from $1.75 to $2.50. We have grouped the lot at 490. Youths' 3 piece Suit at $4.90. 75 youths' fine tweed and serge suite, well made, lined with good Italian, regular $6.00 to $7•60, your choice during sale ... $4.90 4.0.11•1•MIMI•11.••• Boys' 2 pieee Suits at $2.90 100 boys' 2 piece suits, good serviceable suits, well made with good lining, during sale at $2.90 Boys' Knickers at 39c. 50 pair of boys tweed knickers, strongly made, regular price 50e to 75c, during sale 39c. Boys' Knickers at 69c. 50 pair (Lion Brand) knickers, made of fine wool tweed, double seat and double knees, regular price 85o and 950, sale price ... 69c. Men's Fine Cambric Shirts at 54o. Men's fine cambric shirts, nice patterns, fast colors, best 75e goods in the market, all this season's goods, sale price ...54C. Ordered Suits at a Big Discount during Salo. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR SPOT CASH ONLY. e is in 41. and Furnishing Stock And its Out ! Cnt ! Cut! all over our Store. We are not going to tire you with a long advertisement about this Great Cut Price Sale that opens Saturday, 29th July, but we beg you to read what we write and fail not to visit our place of business during this Sale. IINOMM•aMtnam. S S The Leading Clothier, I Kirkpatriolc. Roose, Milnee, Houndefield, Woodwarth, Fitobie, Balstone. Preal- dent Bentley, of the English League ate. companies the team. Safe blowers made en unsuccessful at- tempt to wreak the ode in the Welland institute. Bight additional men will leave Weise. ley Barraoks, London, for the Halifax garrison. Stratford ratepayers carried a by law guaranteeing 380,000 bonds or the Dominion Thread Go. Two young men were sent to jail for prize -fighting at Montreal and two pro- moters of the fight were fined. Convicts of the 'Kingston penitentiary made trouble becanini they were dieentia- fled with the food served to them. REMEDY FOR, RAY Fffirat. after Teeing other Treatmentm, lly• ()met Wee Used With Perfect sueeese. Before the discovery of Hyomei the only advises. phyaiolan meld give hie hay fever petlents, wag to go away from home, but now anyone who is enhj•ot to this (flume, oan if Hyomei ia used, stay at home without fear of the Ittnlittll attack of anetzing, watery eyes, and other discomforts, J. F. Forbes, a well.knoWn Western taliroed men, whose le Me is at McCook Nebraska-, writes I hen meet had atiy r r• lief from any remedy for hay fey ev," len3Porarily, until I disoovered 1130 merits of elyornei. I always reciorn. mend it wheu omission requires. There is no offensive or dangerous stomach dotting when Hyoniei is 81000.This reliable remedy for the ours of all 61550000 of the respiratory mane Is breathed through a DOR pooket inhaler Out mimes with every outfit, so that the air taken into the throat and lenge is Wee that of the White Mountathe or other health mons, where hey fever 18 00 known, The foot that Jae. Fox agreett to re. fund the mohey to any hay fever sufferer 0,00 meg Hyenas' withoutguesses, guesses, should inaptre oonlidenoe in ite pewee. 16 tffeot ours. A complete nut. fit ooste only 31 00 and extra bottles but 50 oents. REAL ESTATE, rIBOIC]71 FARM FOR SALE, •1/4. 1 being Lot 20, Oen. le, Grey township, Mucron 00., 0004,1 Ong 100 aorta, There la a Ottumwa of 00 0.0000, the land being in eplendid oonditiou, triton the term to a b1.10** 00000, bank barn, low barn, pig house, eke ,able good orchard, Posseiallon given boat Spring, with prlVilege M vatting Fall Wheat is, Fot rther )*101100 11000 opply the pronneee to WO. 54et401113, Proprietor, or Ti, S. 800tt, Dements, 0141 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR UM.— The. undersigned offers Ole desirable property in Grabatu.s Survey for eel°, containing 8f tierce. with a good brick house 600frame barn 00 11. Por further nartiontare apply ou the premises. 511f SAMUEL IFIOGOAND, Brussels. 11INE FARM FOR SALE, BE- A.. lug Lot 12, Con, 14, Grey, containing 100 acres, 85 of which 000 cleared and bal- ance in hardwood bush. Frame house, new bank barn, orehard,-dm, on premises with abendanao of spring water. Place le well fenced ; is in good condition and no waste laud. 8 miles from either Brussels or Wal- ton. Por further particulars apply on the premises or if by letter to Cranbrook P.O. NEIL DIINOANSON, 504 Proprietor. MILL AND FARM PROPER. TY FOR BALM—Property ie Lot 29, 0on.10, township of Groy,Oeunty of Rurou, containing 100 fumes. 86 aims cleared and fenced, balance bush and pasture land, There are two good dwelling houses, driving abed, two elables, 8100 0607, lath, shingle, and chopping m111, all in good working order and surrounded by good country. 5 acres of good gravel and sand with lots of demand, also moulds for manufacturing oemeut tile, Property will be sold cheap 11 sold at once as proprietor wishes to go West. Pm further partionlats apply to 14 PETLB 70,1118. elnuarieff P. 0. neeeeeiero=see sem.. Tail oill Boll & DO YOU KNOW ? After 14 75000 00 older instructor of Sir Irmo Pitman's Shorthand and Touch Typewriting in the Western Ontario Shorthand and Business /leadenly of the City of Loudon, MISS MORF'HY 110.13 been engaged by the bitten Business Col- lege, Liston'. We mu guarantee alt our worthy graduate Stenographers lucrative positions. OPENS SEPTEMBER 4TH Write or [tall. Grao. SPOTTON, Thous 79 Principal, ililessrs. Dodds 86 Elabkirk thank the Public for the pat- ronage extended since open- ing our shop in the Stretton l3lock, Brussels. We keep a new, well select- ed stock of goods and attend to the manufacture of the same in a Fashionable and Workmanlike manner. High Claes Tailoring our Specialty Satisfaction assured to all our Customers. We give our personal supervision to all departments of our business. Give us a Trial Order. 71)