HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-27, Page 8pi Iia—rd Road
Is the one over which you pass if your Feet
are Tender,
If your Feet trouble you,
If the Flesh is tender,
If they get tired,
If they sweat—
Nyals' Foot > as'em will Relieve You.
SOUTHERN ExTENexoN W. a. & n.
Trains Leave Brueeele Station, North
and South, ae followe :
GOINa eoaTa HoIno N°ATH,
Mall 7:05 a.m 1 Mixed 5140 am
Mtxed,.._....11:25 a.mMail -,,1:88 p,m
Exprose 9:M p.m I „.,-, Express -.-. 8:51 p,m
runt Ce s Item,
A °biel's among ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
Sawn us tbe news, we'll do the rest.
R. TaoatsON shipped a oar of batter to
LOCAL news may be read on page 5 also
this week.
Bnuseeae Council will meet next Mon-
day in regular session.
A ma of hogs wee Bent to Palmerston
tbie week by Geo. A. Beet.
Pau,n, AAIENT reoeived a oar of lumbar
and a car of ehiogies this week.
KEEF your eyes open for THE DAILY
Peer next week, Ooe rent a oopy will
pay the bill.
Doo. MooRE has given hie residence a
new drone of green paint which makes a
ooneiderable improvement,
THE Street Committee has engaged
P. J. McDonald to repair the damaged
places in the cement sidewalk and men
are at work at it now.
Tans week Watson Ainlay has been
busy plaetering the West wall of the
Queen's Hotel so ae to repair the emorob-
ing it received by the fire last May.
B. S. OoLE and assistants are basy this
week repairing the building bought by
Walter Lowry, formerly the Rose flour
mill. Mr, Cole has the carpentering to
Tan house and sore lot of Jae. Coop.
er bas been bough; by D. Jamieson for
$450, The purchaser has taken posseas•
ion. Mr. Cooper and family have re•
moved to Wingbam.
A FRIEND bee sent Tag Pose a oopy 0f
the Daily Colonist, Toronto, dated Dec.
11th, 1857, This takes ne back Dearly to
ancient history, although the paper ie in
a good state of preservation.
DURING the past week, in addition to
the resident ministers, we noticed in town
Rev. D. Perris, of Wingham ; Rev. Mr,
McLean, of the same town ; Rev. Mr.
Tiffin, of Trowbridge ; Rev. Mr. MaCaol,
Toronto ; Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Ethel ;
Rev. Mr. MacNab, of Walton ; Rev. Mr.
McRae, of Oranbrook, and Rev. Mr.
Baker, of Walton, We ought to be good
with this galaxy within oar borders.
L 0. F.—The regular meeting of Court
Maitland will be held in the Foreetere'
Hall on Monday evening, Jaly 31st, when
a joint initiation of Companion and
Subordinate Court members will be held
and steps taken to complete the organiza-
tion of a new Oompanion Ooort. All
members of the Court are urgently asked
to be present punctually at 8 o'clock,
Deputy Supreme Chief Ranger Rev.
Jamee McCaul will be present and will
occupy the °hair.
AT ATwooD.—Two loads of Odd
Fellowe drove from town to Atwood on
Wedneeday evening and took part in
special Lodge exercises. Brunets
Degree team pat on the and Degree and
Listowel team the 3rd. The Brunets
oontingent report a good time bat owing
to the long drive and late hoar in atari-
ing on the homeward trip the hours for
slumber were no longer than desired by
many of the three linkere. Atwood
brethren bad everything in apple pie
order and gave the visitore a very
pleaeant few boars.
HYMENEAL —A quiet event was celebrat•
ed at the home of J. R. Wangle, Brant.
Lord, on Thursday of last week, when
hie second daughter, Mies Helen
Mende, was united in marriage to Dr.
R. A. Barns, ot Brunetti. The ceremony
was performed by Re -v, Mr. Wright,
rector of St. John's Church, in the
preeenoe of only the immediate
relatives. The bride was becomingly
attired in a gown of white point d'eeprit
over white organdie and was given away
by her father. Both were unattended.
Dr, and Mrs. Burne, left on the 3 40
train for Toronto, Montreal and pointe
East. On their return they will reside
in Brussels.
death aacnrred Monday morning at the
Stratford oily hospital of James Lewis
McRae, aged about 59 yeare. Deoeaeed
had been a resident there tar the pet ten
yeare or so and was formerly engaged in
Square timber °entreating in western
Ontario and along the Ottawa Valley.
He also patented the automatic lawn and
park merry-go-round, and wee aesooiated
in thin with George E. Riobardoon, of
Stratford. He was unmarried. Mr. Mo.
Rae teas born in the Ottawa Valley
country and name Weetwerd to Braseals
25 or BO yeare ago. He wag a halt
brother to J. A. MoNaagbton, Mies
Lizzie MaNanghton and Mre. John Lowe,
of this locality. Mho subject of this
nobiee was a man of bright, keen intellect
who might dimity have attained eminence
had he planned lite that way. Funeral
bookS l oet
a atratioedn
o Wednesday.
WiseMcNaughton attended from Brus•
eels, Deranged was a son of the late
Mia. Hebert McNaughton by a prior
IF you do not receive your paper re-
gularly let Da know,
REEVE HENDERSON has proclaimed Fri.
day, August 11th, aa Civic Holiday for
Brneeels. Mark down the date.
MlseES CARRIE Hareems and Dolly
Beaker and Harry Ainlay took part in a
Garden Party program in McKillop
Thursday evening of last week.
R. LEATnsnnALE & BON have diepoeed
ot two Oabinet Grand Heiotzman Weiner!,
upright eaeea, to Mre. Haneald, of Ethel,
and L. Eokmier, Morrie townehip.
ONE of the houses opposite the Nation.
al Flour Mill is being rained and will be
thoroughly overhauled and improved by
W. F. Stewart and when completed will
likely be 000npied by W. H. and Mre,
Lens's gray waterproof with doable
°oiler lost between Oranbrook and the
14114 con. Grey. Gloves and papers in
pooket. Finder will greatly oblige by
leaving at Craabrook P. 0. or Tmo POST.
L. McNeil.
LAST week we reoeived a copy of the
prize list of Moosomin, (Man.) Fell Fair,
whioh will be held on Augnet 8th. The
Secretary -Treasurer is J. M. L. Young,
a former resident of Brueeele, Mre.
Young was formerly Mies Lucretia
Oliver, of ihie place.
CONCRETE MIxER.—Wedneeday of this
week P. J. McDonald received an Ideal
Automatic Oonorete Mixer, run by a 8
horse power gasoline engine, the outfit
being manufactured in Brantford. The
machine was set to work at the Queen's
Hotel stable where cement floors were
being put in and worked well. It should
facilitate the work in good style ae there
is no lost time and the automatic rip.
pliaooes are very complete.
been decided to hold the annual de-
coration of Odd Fellows' graves in
Brussels Oemetery on Sunday afternoon
next. The procession, headed by the
town Band, will leave the I. 0. 0. F.
Hall at 3.30 o'clock, the brethren
assemblinga halt hoar earlier com-
mittee is in oharge of notifying relatives
as to bogaets. Members of the Order
are asked to attend without farther
Rem ON Ana. 23 & 24 —The Direotora
of Broeeele Driving Park Association
will present the following program of
speed oonteete on tbe ,} mile track here
on August 23rd and 24th :—Firet day,
2.35 pace, purse $200; 2 24 pane, for
5200 ; and a 2 19 pane for a eimilar sum.
2nd day there will be a 2 40 trot for
$200 ; 2 28 pace, puree being $200 { and
the closing race will be a 2.12 pane for
3200. A ,} mile running race, beet 2 in 3
for parse of 5100 will also be on the list,
Entries will oloee on August 16th. R.
Thomson ie President and A. B. Mao.
Donald, Secretary.
Early Wednesday morning of hie wish
Joa. J., eon of Thos. Strachan, lot 3, eon.
3, Grey, lefthome without any intimation
as to where he was going and hie where•
abouts are not known by his friends who
are anxious about him. He is 25 yeare
ot age, about five feet 9 inches tall, dark
hair and will weigh about 150 pounds.
Was dressed in brown cook ooat, derry
pante and a peak cap. Any information
concerning him will be thankfully
reoeived. Telephone or telegraph to
Brussels. Taos. STRAoaAN.
WORRIER have been engaged at the
Garfield block arranging the changes
desired by J. Ferguson & Co. and D. 0.
Roes before their 000npation of the stores.
The plate glen front has been taken out
and larger glass will be substituted for
part of it. Gement walk will be put in
to the doorway and the ehelving widened.
It is the intention of the new proprietors
to expend considerable money in fitting
up the premieee in the most modern
manner both in their own interests and
that of their caetomere. An arobway
hoe been oat between the two etoree. It
is expected the building will he ready
about September let.
KILLED IN WINNIPRO.—In the sad ao•
oldent that happened a Short time ago in
the city of Winnipeg, amused by a tornado
blowing down a building, Herbert White,
whose parental home was et Hartney,
Man„ was instantly killed along with a
few Where. •Deeeaesd was a nephew of
J. J. Gilpin, of Braseele. Be wae'28
years of age and was the youngest eon of
the late Henry White, a well known
resident of Blanchard townehip, Perth
Co. for many yeare. The family moved
West 19 yeare ago. Young Mr. White
wee employed in a drag store in Winni-
peg. Hie remains were taken to Hartney
for burial.
OA0D OF TarNES.—To the officers and
members of Ooort Primes Alexandria
of Brueeele :— I with to exnreae my
gratitode to the brethren of the above
Court for their great kindneee to me in
my late bereavement. Aleo to expreee
through you, to the High Court my sin•
sere thanks for the prompt payment of
$1000;1 on the lite of my late hue.
bane, George Rogers. Wishing your
noble Order every prosperity, and that
you may long 9onrieh to meet in the
noble work of aiding the widows and
fatherless is the prayerful with of
-Moan Sincerely,
JANE Roane,
rJuly22,l 0
Brussels, 9 5.
I also with to hink the members of
Court Prfnaeea Alexandria for their kind
letter of ootidoleoee in the lose of my late
buaband, alga for the floral pillow. They
were very mach appreoiated.
Standard Bank of Canada
r7. $TAmx-aw memo 1072
TOT&8 ASSETS OYER 10,000,000
.A. General 13ah1sina- JetnalneSra Trn.lnvaOTC d
BANK"" --,
—DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on which
is added to amounts every six monthe and beaomee principal.
—MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any person,
only for whioh no oharge is made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and courteous attention.
ANOTHER lot Of coal hes come for Wil
ton & Gillespie, 2 dare this week,
Now that the Raseian-Japanese war is
quiet two oitizene of town bad a battle on
Tuesday evening, both on land and on
Sea—well hardly on Bea but on water if
the ditch had not been dry.
FELL OCT OF LOFT.—Last week Willie,
eon of Ohas. McKay, Turnberry street
North, fell out of the loft into wbioh bay
was being put and was quite eeverely
injured. We trust be will soon be o. k.
Henn, eon of George Walker, tell off
a pile of lumber while holidaying with
relatives in Wawanoab and brake both
bones in his right arm at the wrist. We
hope be will eoou be as well as ever.
AT a special meeting of the town
Connell, held on Monday evening the
balance olaimed for legal expenses, by W.
Proudfoot, of Goderioh, in Sewer snit,
pine costa for writ, amounting in all to
about $100.00, was ordered to be paid.
WELCOMING Soonde—The Young
Peoples' Booiety of Melville aburoh gave
a most enjoyable time Tuesday evening
on the beautiful lawn of Druggiet Fox as
a welcoming socia! to Rev, Mr. Robinson,
who le supplying Rev. Dr. Roes' pulpit.
There was an informal program consist-
ing of numerous phonograph selections
by Carl Holmes : chorus by a number of
little girle ; piano solo by Miss Jessie
MoLauohlin : soloe by Percy Richards
and Doogald Strachan ; quartette by
Mines Taylor end Hebkirk and Messrs.
Robertson and Habkirk ; and short
fraternal 'addresses by Elder Watson,
and Reeds. Meeere. Robinson, Lang Ford,
of 8t. John's church ; Omens, of the
Methodist (thumb, and McOaal, of
Toronto. The latter spoke on a plan
whereby a new ohnroh edifice could be
erected and no one feel it a burden and
urged his auditors to talk up the qnee.
lion. A taety lunch of bread and batter,
cake, ooffee, etc., was served atter whioh
the company separated for their several
homes. It was a very happy way of
getting acquainted with Mr. Robinson
but if he remembers n11 the nitmee and
faoes of the people he met be will be ex-
tremely clever.
A DANDY Jon.—This week Geo. Mol.
doou has his 'bus on the regular route to
the depot looking as epic and span as
when first bitched to. It Lae been in
the Ewan & Go. paint and trimming shop
for some weeks and name out a credit to
the shop. It is painted a bright yellow
with green panels, striped with blank,
red and brown. On one panel is a land.
eoape copied from a Quebeo scene and on
tbe other aide a capital representation of
Golden Gate, California. It is band
scrolled in gold, 10 books of gold leaf
being need. 'Old Union Baa" is the
legend along the top, done io green, alum-
inum and yellow colors. On the entrance
door ie the portrait of a maiden about to
partake of a cup of Red Feather Tea.
Wheels have new rime, rlvetted between
the spokes and new wide tires. Sash is
grained and glass is extra weight for
windows. In interior the enabioning is
oar pineh of fine texture with linoleam
on the floor, while landscapes, marine
menu end a mirror brighten op the
panels. The varnish need came from W.
Harling & Soo, of Merton, Surrey, Eng.
land, wbioh is in itself a goarantee of its
excellence. The ;painting and artistic
work was the handiwork of W. 0. Smith,
of this town, whose ability in this class
of painting is not excelled in oily eetab•
Iisbments and he has been warmly
complimented on tbie turn out.
In many casae basses have! been sent to
Belleville at high expense to be refitted but
Ewan & Co. have proved their ability to
do this work iu Snob a style and at email-
er expense that should ensure them e
large °bare of this olaee of trade. Take
a good look at the Muldoon bus and you
will then be disposed to speak oommeod-
story worde of the Ewan &l Co, eetab.
liebment, as all work is done with the
same oare and ability.
Business Locals.
Szavear wanted at ono°. Apply to
Moe. W. M. SIecalio.
Fon abeap millinery go to Misses Hob -
kirk. See our 50 sent bate,
NEW buggy and an Id & D. biayele for
sale obeap. Apply to JAo. BALLANTsxs,
CoMFORTAIMe hoose and lot, with stable,
pump &a., conveniently Ionated on Queen
street for sale. Apply to Tan Pon.
500 pkge. butter wanted—choice-170
each or trade, Don't mise our Jaly and
Aag, sale. Geo. E. Bina,
tt Wingham,
Holten blanket and bag of oate found.
Owner may have the came by proving
property and paying for this notice by
dolling on Ohae. Rozell, Lot 8, Con. 9,
When the antiseptic vapor of "0aterrho•
zone" be inhaled it spreads through the
breathing organa, carrying healing and
health to the sore spoke, An irritable
throat "Catarrbozone" pores in five
minutes, bronchitis it soothes in'etantly,
weak lunge are fed and quickly nouriebed
back to health. To be free from oolde
and ooaghe, to avoid bronobiUe—vee
Catarrhozone ; it le preeoribed by more
than twenty thodeand phyeieiena in
America alone, and need by the
people of nine nations.
The Peary polar expedition sailed from
Montreal food inepeetore ootlfisoated a
ton and it half bf bad food.
Ab Seaforth on Wednesday evening the
borne team defeated Goderioh in a 0. L.
A. match by a score of 11-1.
Daniel Sheppard, a well known barrio.
ter of Gananogoe, committed] suicide
under painful oironrnetanoee,
The British navel equadron, ander
oommaud of Prince Louie, of Battenburg,
will arrive at Quebec on August 10th.
The proposed visit of the Corinthians
to Canada has been called off. The
Corinthians would have been satisfied
with an invitation and a goarantee, bat
even that bad not been forthcoming.
The standing of the tennis in District
No. 2, of the 0. L. A„ is as fol'owe :—
Won Lost To Play
Wingham 6 1 1
Kincardine 2 3 3
Listowel 1 5 2
t111tl1RLII C11t11,5M.
Rev, Mr. McGee!, of Toronto, will
preach in the Methodist church here
Dent Babbatb, morning and evening. He
ie an able expounder of the Truth.
Last Sabbath Rev, T. W. Omens die•
aoareed in the morning on a very in-
teresting theme viz "A good old age."
It was fell of encouragement to the
elderly people and nage advice to the
more youthful. "Three oandidatee for
diaoipleehip" was the evening enbjeot.
At the weekly prayer service in Mel
viile church next Wedneeday evening Mr.
Robinson will give an address on "The
eooial and religious condition of the
colored people of the South." He has
spent some time in Tenueeseeetbdyieg
this interesting problem and will be able
to discuss it with a knowledge whereof
be epeake.
Sabbath last Rev. F. A. Robinson, B.
A., took charge of the services in Melville
church as supply daring Rev, Dr. Roes'
vacation. He is an agreeable speaker, a
Wear thinker and praobioai in his de.
dnotione, ''Tbe preaching of righteous.
nese" was thelenbjeet'of,tbelinitial;eermon
and "A life with a purpose," having
reference to Daniel, was the evening
theme. The reverend gentleman is a
graduate nee
n of Queen's and is on hi a
g Q a hut
year in Tbeology at Knox. We hope
he will find hie tarrying in Brneeels an
enjoyable one.
The Stralbroy Deepatoh of Wednesday
hoe the following in part, in commenting
upon Rev. Mr, Clefts proposal to leave
Stratbroy : Should he leave us, many in-
cluding himself, will feel that an
aeeooietion of decided spiritual profit and
pleasure has been abruptly severed.
During his residence in Strathroy, the
reverend gentleman has become exceed
ingly popular in the secular work pertain.
ins to the several denominations es well
as his own Ie addition to the popularity
he has derived from the pulpit Mr. Olnff
is beloved to a like extent by the moo ou
the street. He bee a cheery word and
warm bandolaep for all, that will be
missed should he accept the inducements
now held out. The rector'e family, too,
will leave no with the same regret that le
expressed by Sbrathroy, at hie de.
Citizens in Counsel.
Cold Storage adopted and a Commitee
appointed to enquire Into I'roepeclo
of Larger Carriage Factory.
Monday evening a pebble meeting was
held in the town hall to ooneider the er-
ection of a cold storage plant by Conn.
eider Tbomeoe;to dimes Schemes for
the erection of a carriage factory or the
broadening of the Ewan & Co. basiness ;
and the working of the flax mill.
Reeve Henderson presided and after
stating the object of the gathering naked
W. H. Kerr to introduce the cold star.
age question in the abeenoe of Mr.
Thomson. The proposition is to erect a
Dement building with latest devices for
performing the work desired and cepa.
ble of accommodating from 15 to 18 oar•
Made ot produce. Coat of plant to be
from 54,000 to $5,000. 14Ir. Tbomeon
asks exemption from taxes for five yeare
outside of Badness and Sobool rates.
Braiding will be emoted next Fall and
made ap to date in every respeot. T.
Farrow, J. Caber and W. M. Bioclair gap
ported the proportion.
Moved by W. M. Sinclair, aeeonded by
W. H. Herr that tbie meeting of citizens
heartily supports the idea and sake the
Connell to prepare and submit a By-law
to the property owners at ae early a
date as possible. Carried unanimously,
Mr. Thomson woe, away geeing several
cold storage planta tend will see others
before building so as to be in line with
the beet. Hie intention ie to allow °tor•
age of butter, eggs, oheeee, fruit, etc. own•
ed by others inthe boildi ng se well as hie
own goods. Several sites are being con-
sidered but none deolded upon yet.
The Carriage Factory came up next
and a general dieoueeion of the rebuilding
of the ()ober rectory recently destroyed
by fire ; the forming of a joint stook Co. ;
the enlarging of Ewan & °de. factory ;
the establishment of the °ober bneineee
at the Ament factory and other plane
were euggeeted, B. Gerry, J. ()ober, D,
Ewan, J. D. Ronald, T. Farrow, W. M.
Sinclair, L'. S. Scott, W. H. Herr and
others joining in the informal dieouseion.
To bring the flneotI
on into more
for it
was moved by B. Gerry,
eeconded by H. R. Brewer that a Com-
mittee be appointed to consider the
matter and report later to ooneiet Of W,
W. Herr, T, farrow, Dr Ewan, J. Cober,
CAPITAL—Paid op 51,000,000
RESERVE FUND • • 51,000,000
REV, It, H. WARDEN, De D„ Directors
8, J, A1001181,President. Vice -President,
Tn0t. BEADED 8W, F 0,8, GIB 00E010 MR W. MORTIMER GLARE, ILO, D. E. T101.1800, 8, 0,
.7PRN FIR8193010000
Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Interest et HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all Boma of 31 and upwards
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
OM' 111111111.=•111111M0611111111.1.1•Il.
W. M. Sinclair, B. Gerry, J. Leckie
and. Reeve Henderson. Thie was carried
and Committee will meet next Monday
evening for formulate plans of procedure.
Little time was lett to dieouss the Flex
mill re -opening but it will oome up again
no doubt. There was a fairly good
attendance at the meeting and ooneider•
able interest manifested.
BEAtr.—In Weieer, Idaho, on July 7,11, to
Mr. and Mre. J. Ohae. Beam, former.
ly of Brussels, a eon.
Dnanow•—At Carlisle, N. W. T., on July
7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deobow,
formerly of Broeeele, a daughter.
HTenoi,—In Howiok, South Boundary,
on July 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben.
Eyelet; a daughter.
Nloaoo.—In Morrie, on July 181h, to Mr.
and Mre. Jas. Nichol, 0 eon.
BunNe-WAD0s,—On July 20tb, at the
reeidenoe of the bride's parents,
Brantford, by Rev. Mr. Wright, Mies
Helen Maude, second daughter of
Mr. J. R. Waugh, to R. A. Burne,
M. D., of Brussels.
MOORAE,—Io Stratford, on July 24tb,
James Lewis Mn0ae, aged 59 year°.
MOFFATT.—At Toronto, OD Jnly 18th,
Robert Moffatt, of Turnberry, aged
78 yeare and 6 months.
Mo0oto.—In Blyth, on Jaly ]4,b, Mine
Margaret Mo0omb, in her 84th year.
TenrMeo.—Io Ethel, on July 23rd, Leacha
Pollard, beloved wife of David Tyre.
mac, aged 34 yeare, 8 months and 27
8R'ta.mS T-,9 dS.A,RKOJ'S'EI,
Fall Wheat 90 92
Barbey 40 40
Pearl 60 65
nate 40 40
Butter, tube and rolls10 17
Eggs per dozen 14 15
Hay per ton 6 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 6 60 6 60
Hoge, Live 6 25 6 25
Wool 23 23
Se; t, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Potatoes per has 45 45
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 26
premise of the undersigned about
Jane 25th. If not olaimed by ,owner it w111
be offered for Bale, 8.2
Ol80, CUNNINGHAM, V.S„ Brussels.
ER wanted, holding 2nd Clam Corti -
fiesta. Duties to nommeee° after Summer
holidays. Applications to be received up
to s p, m, on July 8108. Applicants to eters
salary wanted and give recommendations.
Seo,-Treaa„ Cranbrook, Out,
and 2 acres of land for sale on Walnut
street, Brueeele. Brick house, good Stable,
hard and soft water, small orchard, &e.
Property in good ebape. Immediate posses-
sion can be given. For further partroolare
apply on the premises. Will also Bell two
good Jersey Cows, one a Blore' bred.
02.11 Proprietor, Brocade.
It ie worth while to begin your
war open F1105 early in the
eenaow, They are more easily
JAW out of the home when killed
in detachments than it yon wait
for a general elaugbter.
Flies are now known to be
dietribatoreof disease and Should
never be harbored fora day, We
have the beet of etioky and pole-
oned Fly Papaya, Ioesot Powders
and all the other exterminators
for sale, -A Peerleee Separator in good
repair with good duster ettaobed and belts
all nearly new. A ootten drive belt 110 feet
long, nearly new, Also a Maple teat Grind-
er, nearly now. Separator is ready for
season's work. Terme of Bale to suit put.
chaser, Apply to
10. PEASE,
Lot 21, Con, 0, Morrie,
1.8 Bluevale P. 0.
Voters' List, 1905.
Municipality of the Township of lrlorris.
County of Huron.
Notice 1e hereby given that I have trans-
mitted or delivered to the persona mention-
ed in seolionn 8 and 0 of the Ontario Voters'
Lists Aot, tbo copies required by said see,
Cone to be so transmitted or delivered of
the list made, pursuant to said Act, of all
pereoue appearing by the last revised As.
sesemont Roll of the said Municipality t0
be entitled to vote in the acid Municipality
at Elections for Members of the Legislative
Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and
that the said list wee tint posted op in my
office, at Morrie, on the Twenty-sixth day of
July, 1005, and remains there for lnnpeetion.
Eleotors areaalled upon to examine the
said Bet, and, if nay omissions or any other
errors are found therein, to take immediate
pr0000dinge to have the eaiderrore correct•
ed according to law.
Dated this 55th day of July, A.D. 1005.
Clerk of Morrie,
YPIN9A'S'Iba6'p: Yi tr4NW1'I,n1.'W'Y.VJV:'IJW'YJUi W'W'Y,'W'Y; W'W'WYJVJW'W'W+•
In order to reduce my stock before removing to new premises in the Garfield
Block, Brussels, I have decided to give you an opportunity of a lifetime for buying
High:class Goods at Small Prices. Wide-awake and discriminating
Judges of Good Bargains will not lose a minute in taking advantage of this Phen-
ominal Low Price Sale. The following are a few of the many Bargains I am offer-
ing you :—
Men's Ready-to-wear suits at $4.90
50 Men's Ready-to-wear suits in wool tweed,
good Italian lining, well made, all sizes 34 to
44, regular price 7.50, sale price ... ... $4.90
Men's Ready-to-wear suits at $6.90
50 men's Ready-to-wear suits in all wool
tweek, nice range of patterns, regular price
58.50 to $10.00, sale price ... ... .., $6 90
Men's Ready-to-wear suits, all sizes, $10.00
75 men's Ready-to-wear suits made of the
beet Scotch tweed and English worsted, best
twill Italian lining, beautiful range of patterns
ranging in price from $13.00 to $14.00, during
sale $10.00
Men's Odd Suits at $8.50
50 men's suits of broken lots in firm
Scotch tweed and English worsted, all sizes,
ranging in price from 59.50 to $12.00. We
have grouped the lot during this sale at $8.50
Men's Pant at 75 cents per pair
100 pair of men's tweed pants, well made,
regular price $1.25, sale price ... ... ..,75c.
Men's Pants at •$2,00:
100 pair of men's firm worsted pants, nice
range of patterns, regular price $3.25, during.
sale.for per pair .. $2.00 Ordered Suits at a Big Discount during sale.
Men's Hats at 49 cents
25 dozen men's fine fur felt hats in soft
and stiff, odd sizes and broken lots ranging in
price from $1.75 to $2.50. We have grouped
the lot at .,. 49e.
Youths' 3 piece Suit at $4.90.
75 youths' fine tweed and serge suits, well
made, lined with good Italian, regular $6.00 to
$7.50, your choice during sale- ... ... $4,90
Boys' 2 piece Suits at $2.90
100 boys' 2 piece suits, good serviceable
suits, well made with good lining, during sale
Boys' Knickers at 39c.
50 pair of boys tweed knickers, strongly
made, regular price 500 to 75e, during sale 39c.
Boys' Knickers at 69c.
50 pair (Lion Brand) knickers, made of
fine wool tweed, double seat and double knees,
regular price 85e and 95c, sale price ... 69c.
Men's Fine Cambric Shirts at 54c.
Men's fine cambric shirts, nice patterns,
fast' colors, -best 75e goods in the market, all
this season's .goods, sale price ... ...54o.
. in Hat and Furnishing Stock
And its Cut! 'hut I Cut ! all over our Store, We are not going to tire you
with a long advertisement about this Great Cut Price Sale that opens 'Saturday,
29th July, but we beg you to read whatwe write and fail not to visit i our place.
of business during this Sale.
D. (y. R O S Sg The Loading Clothier.