HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-27, Page 71111\1:A410H gliN
ov. Charles Wagner Draws Lessons From
the Shortcomings of Jesus' Disciples.
Now, when Jesus was irk BethanY, ' of the wonsaa's act that she herself
o the house of Simon IlIkk tepee, there had not I, heugh 1 of: -"For Ilk that
ame unto him a Woman having a)1 she heLh obeyed 1 hie ointment on
Latinate(box of 'cagy precieue olut- :my body slick clie it fur my Innial."
,ent and pouved it oh hie head as he ;The :nein neholy of this remark clocks
at at meat. But "when the diselp- nol; detract from us loo,;„„o or
SEM it they had indignation, say- hunarreue tomb.' 11 is oral of the
kg, To what Imrpose Is this waste?
or this ointment, might have been
• id for much and given to the poor.
'hen .resus uncierstooct it, he fetid
nto them, Why troubl8 111 the 8110-
00? For oho hath wrought. a good
'irk upon me, Mr ye have the poor
ways with you, but mo yo have not
vays. For in that sho bath poured
Is oiiitnient 00 my body, she did
for my burial. Verily, I say unto
u, eheresoever this gospel sliall- be they are peonanant facts, as per -
oohed in the whole world, there menet:E. as Christ lolt, who la
all also this, that this woman 1104 the passerby of one day, but the
th done, Ike told for a memorial 1 eternal contemporary. The facts
her. -St. Idatthsw xxvio 6-13.
My brethren, we open this evening
very beautiful 'goapol. Christ, feel-
s that the end was near, and being
Irrounded by a *ague hostility- that
ts beginning to make itself felt and
stretch out its hand toward its
zy, wished to go for the last 11003
Detimey-to Bethany, which
ans "my house," Ire wished to
them where Ile was understood,
ore Ile was loved, where He felt
knself at home, and where, in the
sou of the holiest and most par-
ka friendship, tho Son of Man re-
'eshed flis heart, thus showing that,
though Ire could love enemies,
le also knew the beginning end the
/reface of that other love -how to
love His frienda. Ire enjoyed friencls
sliiP and He allowed those who were
attached to Him to make those
demonatrations that sometimes
oontain so much Power for good.
Therefore Ho had come there, with
what feelings *we 00.0 imagine. He was
seated at . the table of7a, man of
whotn traditional legend relates ((or
the Holy Scriptures do not speak
of it) that he had boon cured by
Christ of that horrible disease lep-
WOW, But no matter. Christ could
barciSv sit or walk in anv Place upon
which He bad not spread some light
.or done Some good. Wherever He
woo, He was on a battbeneld where
Ho came to meaSure wovds with the
'enemies of mankind, or on some two-
pitious ground where- Ire endeavored
to cultivate goodness, tenderises's, for-
;give:less, the Spirit of God, etod to
:SOW with a genoroue haml the seed
that sprouts for tlie Shoed= of God.
gents of the gospels,
All that is related in the gospel,
my brethren, is not a nomenelatuve
of classified and dated facts; they
are facts that are 1iVIlIg and eternal.
hey have this in common with the
grains of wheat which own to us
from remote centuries, yet are 0111
alive, geeminating und frottrul.
All that, proceeds front the 0001
and tree gospel happens conatantly.
While Ire was there an unknown
woman appeared and anointed His
'Stead with a perfurue whose penetrat-
ing and subtle smell at once proved
to these present that something very
precious had been tient.
The disciples (another gospel says
"some people," but Matthew says
'1110 disciples" and names them)
that is most personal, most 11000.0(1oried out at this. There was an
in our thoughts, in our feelings, and
'explosion of elisapproving murmurs. we olar it up on the altar M wor-
Why that waste? Why such extrava- or tho mtcroai clod.
game? Would it not have been bet-shipBut if our incense docks not vo-
ter to use it to bestow alms upon xac
e tly the kind that is 11511-
4110 Poor? In speaking thus the clis-
ally burned some disciple& would wish
doles spoke for the Master told sub -
that Allergens His story are not Meth
that have happened only once ancl
exceptionally, but facte that happen
In tha very essence of things, that
happen, se to speak, in eternity.
Thus, the disciples will always
speak for the Mnsise en0 will utter
in His noose words that, are c011 -
teary to Hie spirit when they do uot
give heocl to the spirit that animates
them. Do yon remember how they'
once said to the :Master, "Lord, wilt
thou that we command flee to conse
down from heavon and consulne
And another time they said to
Mina "Master, we saw one casting
out devile in Thy name, and he 101-
loweth not m, 0.011 we forbada hint,
bemuse he followeth not us." But
the Master replied, "Forbid hire not,
for he that is llot; against us is on
our part."
On another occasion the disciples
placed thonksolves as a rampart
around the smiling Christ and triad
to prevent the little children from
coming to Him. And for what ma-
sons Decease they disturbed the
Master. But the Master said to
them, as lie opened His arms and
kootdo them stand back, Ho said to
them as Ire opened His heart that is
as wide 08 the world, and in which
all the childrenon earth: will. ever
find shelter, "Suffer the little chil-
dren to come unto me."
How great is the difference between
the disciples' words and the Master's
intentions! The disciples speak for
the Maeter. How often have they
glvee pain in the past and do they
still inflict pain upon some simple
souls wbo wish to honor and serve
Obrist according to the dictates of
their hearts and according to a
method that is not the official
To each of us a special soul has
been given, in which a perfume burns
that is more precious than all the
perfumes of the Orient. It is all
totuted themselves for Bina It was
n abuse aliat was customary to them
ne1 which ie still very usual in the
distiples of tho present day. They
love to speak in the name of tho
Master, so as to clothe the infirmity
ot their own words with the colos-
sal and divine authority' of 'the Ono
ehons they call Master.
That night, thertfore, UM disciples
crushed tho root' woman with tho
'weight of their words and their ma-
Mitious reproaches. But tho One
who was most concerned in it in-
stead of Joining them remained ell -
mkt. When he had mettsUret1 what
had taken place, the gotion M t•he
W00131)1 and LIM intervention of Eis
sitnply am] quietly, with
that voice that hacl said, "All power
is given unto me in heaven and in
earth," Ea uttered the mildest, the
most familiar, the /310511 merciful, the
most indulgent words that could be
Said at such a time. He speaks tO
the angry disciples, drat with that
smile that lias throwa a ray of light
over the .daglateeS of our world ile
says, "Wify trouble yo the woman?"
In speaking thus Ire seems to say
to Ills disciples: -"Take heed; you
have acted in such a Way and said
ueh words as to give pain to a kitt-
en soul. She came in all sincerity,
e a child full of good intentions
ci Who carried them out fearlessly,
the candor of its soul; but you
ve rebuked her, you throw the cold
ter of your vexed reason 'upon the
nderness and warmth of her heart;
u ecatter the frost of ynnr SOMA -
sae mad yout utilitarianism on the
Beate flowers of sentiment that
ave bloasomeel in her soul.
"Vim do not know What yOU haste
ohe, _You. have given pain, Why
Id yolk, do tide? When one gives
pain to others there shotild• he some
*engem for it, and It should betty be
one if there la rip othee Waal.
"So these Scales theta 1 brieg to
you; on one aide put the pain you
have inflicted Open this woman, Mita
soul, for this stranger is a soul, and
on the other side place yotrr good
reasOuP, all you twelve, youe best
reasone, and then tell me whether
they are worthy of tolled: yew have
dorm? Why teouble ye the w0i05187"
A sileriee. The Master had spoken.
Just mew dieciplea had etkokell
In the Meriter's natee. Nene that the
Meeter speaks for rihnself 11, 18 quite
awither thOtg, Nothillg could Mani
the nerrow-miriderillos 111 the Ills-
elplos let:ese *1' '8310113 the broadmind-
edness of tale Medal*, lo tide treigle
a1O11212ll 1IO omen finds an eeplanatioS,
to prevent 1.1$ from offering it up in
the name of the Lord, who, they say,
only caree for ona kind, of one
spacial skikipa and origia. According
to them the Lord has a preform -me
for certain products. Well, this is
not so, for He has Raid quite the op-
posite, 'rho sante spirit that is in
Ilini declared it in the Old Testa:-
ment:-"Clive rim thy bort,"
Members of the Norwegian Parlia-
ment Must Serve if Elected,
The Norwegian Parliament is elect-
ed very differently from that of
this country'. It consists of 114
members, many of whom sit in. the
House undo: protest,. 'All Norwoglalls
over ttventy-flve yore of age, who
satisfy certain condttions of real -
donee, otc., mot 138 the local parish
church once in three yeavs, and
Choose one man out of every hundred
present to select tho meznbers of
Parliament for the country, The men
so selected aro bound to servo,
whether they like the honor or not,
Inonediately Parliament meets, one-
fourth of the members are chosen to
form the Upper House, the retnainieg
three-fourths coestituting the Lower
1101190. They do not believe In bolus
at the mercy of the chance of birth
and 11 House of Lords would not be
tolerated by them for a moment. The
Uppor House may send back a bill
twice but after the second rejection
both Houses vote together as one. In
that case, however, a majority of
two-thirdis necessary to pass the
Sir Honry Dwing tells that ot ono
time visititig Shakespeare's birth-
place be had a slight MON:flame With
a. reStio of the vicinity. Doing a
quizzical frame of mind, Sir Hoary
addressed a few quotione to tho fel-
low, and in raply obtained some il-
luminating Information.
"That'e Shakespeare's house over
there, I belle:Yob Sir Henry inbo-
cetitly remarked.
"Have yott ever bead thero?"
"I believe Mr, Shakespooto 111 dead
how, (Jan you tell me how long?"
"Int's see, he wrote, did he
"Oh, yes, ho did ems/nat."
"What Was it he wrote?"
"Well, 1 thictle i1. was theHeible,"
A Traveller.s Experience in That.
Of the progress of medlrai scienro
the Pepsine people know Ill tle, They
divide diseases into two classee, hot
and cold, A cold rembedy la applied
L o a, "hut" kilt -unite, end 0, 1104 00/11-
41t1y to 0 "COW" one. In "Willi 1110
P1410/1104 40 11011011," thd 01141101. 401 IS
07400'iUllelf W11 11 (4,)0 of their PAP.
The erkketing before I left Itivera for
Jitidah W/18 suffering from a 1110k-
stiff and beat it gradually into tho
mom". To be ealeu with not pud-
Coelzroaches dislike borax, so scat -
se k ie. 4 L 11•001,17 11111,)',) 1));ty N1/117(1g11.11P
"1? , ,, ,, , .71ILY :30.
sef and they NVIll speedily disappear. Lessor:. V. Manasseh's Sir. and He -
41 Mien marble 18 el0,14, 011 eprinkle pentane°. Golden Text,
, L I..., ) 1 n e powerilered borax where it. is
`4-4"1"1.4444"44.' I*4.414444-''' stained, anti t hen wash the marble
SOMIS DAINTY DISlilli, with warm miter, using a cant flan -
Some Extraordinary Ruildinge
Which Have Lately Boon
At Salt Lake City there lately
stood 0. "eltinkikey-housg" 'with only
Ing headache, and my Mewls odvimed ing-powder, add 111 1L thr.111 41111'1141 1:1111:1, twlea a wook, If worn toe long to 111011 erected by a Mormon,
ofIo.;1,r11111.2\10.1kotlakes--Illend half tt
1 a t • if you wimb st.ockings wpio.,w0:1 lv,,11c,),tne-ti'll:shobstt:501,\I"to.0.0t1 Sutieudtieexeifk;:f. 113 10.ing,1"oret,100o,3.w.aokhsig1,1,,akohodfh:No015.. misptpoisovads
I ,-- them lOr 01011 11 Peir roalocei sagswo,
Vara" 31anaaavhssKing 01 'Judah, eiw,
3. H1011111. 100iztby thus separating the r
o01110, tslt stals Aab 01 (1:1311crrantsne is.f a th,y are 1111 tbreainto hobi son of lieekab oral falla* of A111"nhoped 1 1)81)13 dontestie 114Ea0.mMopped0.111 1 rw 01041 almonds, wim wa,h,,/, N,011)0111038lmH a111111
' . . • . 1 '
in tint East, they never break the Lk eam three 0)(1101's oi batter w-ith 181310)80 Ink mod ed before t wing worn. 14.1mo a4 11 I.. •I it iii 0110 41 A» 11414"1 '''.
ire of N110000 1Vil 11 0 t• c 1.11 ark on :Moans is building a
um three ounces of sagas. add t" it 'two When waling new brtstd use a knife tOr,,,,,,i ,r„leil,'„11,roslos.0„1. 1 14,r,ey.iso: 1,,,i,r IR,. 01 pr,dwly the opposite kind.
mother, The ekistomury opening is nggnt bnat in gratinallY the drY in that has been dipped in vtn*y hot, . . iii i ' 1 ' It will hitvo no stairs, altd, being
beits sr en le was Me ve years old.
to imp:ire if soot are in health. 1 g''''dientn• Tin' (Imigh 8)1 1111(1 ha water. 1Aujo p., 1,00,re 11 ((1 .tho ars of enormous estent, all the interior
told tIM doetor, M answer 1.0 ids rather stilt Put rough 1) 11') of It if washing blue is gritty 11 is a 01 h is 1)1113 rrigo, rooms eill be lighted from the roof.
queetion, that 1 had a bad hoculaehe, on to a greased baking-sheel , :disk s.,i,,,, th,, 1. lc L., ,, Hut f,,,,,, 1„,1 it 41011 Ili 84,wy
Sunni 111! '1 to tho north of Vrague,
and had come to him to be cured, He with o1 (380(1(15, anti bake in a quirk ow,,,lo al ways I nod 1,, a , 1
"--'•-- ---- - - --- ---- - though this, on Um. %chide, toes probe
..-... _gay.. oe ---- -- a emme. ably peaceful ancl prosperous, except in 230111q1lia, is a house built exactly
aeked me oa whieh side tho head ovxena; bag, kept for the puraose, awl must to thc mottc„), or .r,,ii. .• ph t 1.11 a fortress. 9he wallo, which
loon. e a ten -
ached. I touched the. fond, wheeettp- .nutlatie Pudding . -You are tight he used very judiciously. slope outward into a deep ditch,
on he fell to rubbing it vigorously In thinking that this pudding" is uev- 13efore cooking sago soak it In cold that of the writer of 2 Kings and
Isave "salients" 514111 111 t 0 those or
portions, it is always popular. Mix- wash the grains sell
water for an hour, p0111. 11301 oit'; 1.)„, osoflsous oseoot 01 ha, raga, and /11 real fortress, 00 the roof ane two
,, 1 f ti Ch r 'cl - ' e tired en
with ihe palm of his !right hand, call- er out of season, Made in these pro -
fetch the necessary epparatue for tee -'" - Aiinr thin the' picture unfolded is a dark one gigantic
,, together a (1)010100 of a pound of process sago may he $ 1 i et ci in wooden gime. The guns
with ditches,
Leg out the Whi 10 40 the urchin to
ams need. In 0, few minides he came crumbs, a quarter of a pound of stt- 1. 1 1,1 6100 as ( ta- ied1.4"- no - - indeed. All tho superstitious and are terraced and fitted
forthcoming operation. 'Hui bay die- snot, a quarter of a pound uf bread-
peamjses or um timo of a parapet furrowed with. 11 ('1100303
back, bearing In both htuals a round, gar, two ounces of ground rive. Whip Boll Green Vongetables as 1ngews alma were reit:trod-Iced and given anti, last of ell, a number of deep
hollow Plate of clay in which were next two ounces of marmalakle, and Have a large saucepan full of inst-
ant' anY wiii "nb a fo" °'-'1"'"-- royal swietion. Foreign worships pits. '11118 only access is along' a rbar-
were blended with the worship of ...le- row path. This house was hulit by
up two eggs in a. separate 110\0, add
a few lumps of burning charcoal bailing want." tbnnw 11 1131'v"gnta'' hovah, and altars were erected in un Austrian war -enthusiast named
Ihe next things he brought in wino then mix all the ingredients together Nos, cool cook fast without a over
a couple of Mem tools about toque and steam for three hours. ' tho named courts of the temple at M. Custine, of Orleans, possesses a
many parte of the land, and 00011 111 Kraesse,
lightly. Pour into a buttered mould tllc
the length or 1111 ordinary pencil, to- ()reamed eod is useful for high tea. 'fee stains that are obstinate will Jerusalem, unto the gods of the pito- "litreary" house. Outside, 3.1. CuS,
geth-r with a cup filled with a black Make a good white sauce with one gskycerok
be removed after equal parts of pies round about Israel. FlorcerY, tine's residence shows nothing .-tin;;-
liquid, coneruseci, if 1 mistake not. ounce of butter rolled into one ounce m and yollc of egg. (101113 been
witchcraft, : raft, and tbe dealing with faol- common, but inside it is "furnished
of starch and the soot of an oil of 110U0 and three-quarters of a, pint
lamp, The (1001,01'thrust the rods of sthito stoelc, or milk and salter. water.
applied and allowed to dry on. Af-
tmwards wash out, in clear, cold 111111' spirits and wizards was resort- with lit.,rature froth cellar to roof.
ed to; the shedding ef human blood The walls are papered with covers
A healthy child's head should ho and in religious sacrifices Wtle 1.10.00dUC011,
in the glowing charcoal, The fear Season this highly with pepron, salt anti title -pages from French elassies,
of being 131.4111(1,1 bathed MY brow in' ouel lemon -juice. When cooked and " 31100111:7 aaPerneillan anti "1" on the doore (3, (1 pitinteil tire features
washea once every week in summer '`"
sweat. 'rho ifoefor assured am I had cmite smooth, add two hard-bollod with soap and tepid water, and in fanatieikon became a comsat -tient part of great writers, and the only pie -
no cause to be afraid. eggs (chopped) and about half EL 11), Of religi011e 0000111011;00 evervalterc, tures IWO 0001108 from famous novelsi
'rho tips of the rode by this time of colci fish, freed from skin and winter not so frequently. leroquent phis aW,Ial apostasy or Manasseh ono Novo, ono room io ssoolly da -
'1110 keeps the hair perfectly
wive red-hot. Having dipped them I bone. Dot all beat together slowly hecdthy and removes tale dandrutr. brought upon him the dire punish -
voted 10Vicaor Irogo, anothckr to
nrel thea raieed kd 1881 oice in fill ill- erescents of fried. bread awl some posed to the air and damp I knotv went, Jehovah briefly mentioned 111 .m.01100
and a third to Haloes:.
in tho cup of ink. Ito closed his eyes, Place on a hot dish, garnish with For keeping brass bright when ex-
eunt -alien that lasted Revere]. min- 011011)e1 ParsleY• Serve hot. of twilling better than fine emery- .
to -day's lesson (verse li.), aad only ' .
utes. Not a, single word could I Kidneys with Spaghetti. - Take powdev made into a paste with par- 011(0
the timely repentance of the wicked
king smuts to have prevented the A mechnktical house is the freak of
understend. When it was over, lie some fine macaroni or spaghetti, alibi, Apply this like any other po- • destruction of the kingdom at an American. 0111/011 who has been
reading Mr. II. (1. Well's 'writings on
opened 1118 UM, 011(1 saying the word break it in 1)10008, and hog Ill salted 11811, and with plenty of "elbow 11118 lime'
0„, a 1110 1.011,, now cool, 00 ors, sheep's kieluoys, cut them. in slices, For brown boots 1350 this simple re_ nations -The abominations referred Were built without any jottings by
9. After the abominations of Use the future civilivation. The walle
"Dismillab," proceeded to draw with water till tender. SkM them or fotir grease" the result is excellent.
80111•SOn With salt, pepper, and minced
lightly in dripping. cipe, 1011 1011 Willi sent roe by 0. cor- to are specified in the following pouring connrote. ina
to , temporary
right temple, five aca,par,11„}m, yaw
crossed by five limiatestal once thin bnrbst and frY respondent who usad it in the vor"s• wooden mould. The roof is entirely
Put them in Et stewpan wh ha
magic lileroslyrItics hoicks were in- with tomato conserve pia or good gravy, wen flavored boot trade for years: Scrape off two 'Whom Jehovah east out before the of iron and glass. There are no
forming sixteen tiny 81)l)0,1'08, Several
scribed in the same manner behind - ' . Make 0 ring ounces of beeswax, place in a jar children of Israel -Contrary to the staircases. the three floors being sup -
with one gill of turpentine, and (115- express command of
Jehovah, the plied by hoists',
my ears and on the nape of rny el spaghetti on a dish, scatter grat- solve it by heat. When cold apply
• ed clime° over, and put the kidneys this to the boots, using a flannel.
°Titer every operation tlie good doe- In the centre, Brown the cheese on Polish by rubbing with the palm of
tor 1101(1(1 pause to ask me, "Is the the spaghetti with a salamander 01'
pain gone now?" Four thnes clicl I o k '' the d.
dren who commence music
hot shovel. Chil
tell the truth; then, fearing further 0)10
Veal and Ham Pies -Cut should not be expected to sit at the
tattooing, I assured the persevering one pound and a half of veal very piano for more than ten or fifteen
finely, also a quarter of a pound of minutes at a time. At brat this will
little man that I thought I was bet-
bacon; ads!. a little nutmeg., pepper be sufficient for the day, but as the
ter. am 80. 11,. oil 111110 ens lot Mad
His joy knew no 1101.11101.0. ITO 110C1 chop coa rsely. Mix W1411 1110 illtoreSt 111 11111810 grows, this may be owa eeligion. .-
supplemented by another lesson or I 3. High places -Compare Word
said the Roma was left to him as an meat and add sufficient gravy to two. 1111 a child is fully developed Studies for Lesson of July 2.
inheritance from hie father, cool that Inoieten all. Dredge the mixture with never allow a longer practice than Baalim-The plural of Deal, which
on no account must I wash 01 It the flour. and if you hctve It, add a half -an -hour,
would retina. meant literally lord, but which was
signs until the next clay, or the pain grate of lemon -rind. Make some nice This Slum Will Keep. -Dissolve a , also the title of tho supreme god of
short crust, using very little water quarter of 0 pound or the best semi the Canaanites, worshiped in differ-
-------4---- in the mixing, roll out thinly, and atithic in three-quarters of a pint of ' ent places under somewhat different
MORE WONDERS IN EGYPT. lino small patty -pans. Fill these eold wa(er. When quite dissolved, aspects, hence the plural.
with the veal mixturo, wet the edges ,,d,) In', toaspoonsful of glycerine Asheroth-The plural of Asherah, a
Tomb Discovered More Than 3,000
Years Old.. sacred tree Or pole; paced beside on
altar or shrine bearing sometimes an
image or other designation or sign of
the god or goddess to whom the
shrine was sacred.
Israelites en entering Canaan hall Nearly all the domestic work is
permitted many of tho inhabitants accomplished hy machinery. Each
of the land to remain undisturbed DOOM is equipped witlt a vacuum.
among them. These retained their dust -remover; washing-up is done by
idolatrous rellgioti, and from them a machine 13111011 cleans and dries
as well as from surrounding heathen twcnty plates in a minute. The tom-
netions the Israelites learned and peretture of each room can be eon -
copied praetices and ceremonies
which corrupted and defiled their tnrooIo
elanfo. fT41120efiocliistne
entrance, asid can be laid very rapid-
A home of a very clifferowt type is
that inhabited by M. Kumnin, of
Orerbienbaum, near Pt. Petersburg. rt
is an exact reproducktiou of the dwel-
ling of a mediaeval Reardon bovard
or chief. Nothing, save the fireplaces
Is knoclern in style, and even the use
of gas is barred. When at home 11r.
Enzinirs in order to be M harmony
with lils serromuliogs, invariably
dresses in old Resale/a eostame.
Another Russian freek-lionse was
that of M. von ThauSeta which
In the Valley of the Tombs of the
Kings, in Egypt, Mr, Theodore M.
Davis has recently uncovered one of
the finest stores of Egyptian anti-
quities which has been brought to
light in modern times, it is in a
tomb, discovered a/most by aceiclent,
which had not bkken opene(1 since the
Eighteenth Dynasty, more than three
thousand years ago.
Beneath a pile of debris by which
the explorer's curiosity had been
aroused, diggers found rut opening
through which thoy penetrated into a
sepulchred chamber fifteen by thirty
Ozoi, and eight feet high. Li it wero
objects of the greatest value. On the
left Wel%) two wooden sarcophagi,
painted black and gold, within which
Were the mummy cases of a 111011 end
a, woman. Tho cases themselves were
double, tho outer being completely
plated on the outside with gold ex-
cept where the faces of the 1111(01.-
10108 were represented, and lined with
&loot'. TM inner cages were similar-
ly plated With gold externally, and
lined with gold -leaf.
Beyond them the floor was covered
with large sealed jars of wine or oil,
and shell-like boxes of black -painted
wood, each containing a piece o;
of tho pastry, cover each pm, and mai one ounce of honey, btrain the
make a little hole in tho top. Put mixture through flannel. The gly-
itto a good hot oven and bake for cerine prevents the gunkine,dpw1)10j101'h
half an oots These will be very tram creams% and 0001(11(3' 1)1)
useful and tasty for your picnics. dry. Ten drops of oil or cloves Bahl -
Excellent bread ina„v. be made els ed to the mixture will keep it good
follows: Put ono 0111100 of yeast into for a long 1...,,
a basin with 011e teas,poonful of
caster sugar and beat them, together
with a wooden spoon till liquid, add
one pint and a, half of tepid Water,
tit three pounds and a half of flour foe it to swim int Let the fat
into et largo basin, make a well in throw off a blue smoke before using.
the middle, and strain the yeast and Drop in only 0110 P10110 at a lime,
water into it. Work in a. little flour and cook tin a light brown. Drain
from tho sides and set, it down to on thick paper before the flre for a
rise. This is called setting the few moments before putting on the
ononge, When it has stood for doyley to servo.
twenty minute.s the surface will bo -
covereith babbles; take it up and
work ad wll tho flour in 13'I 111 your hand, HINTS 011 CANNING.
and knead till tho dough has all
worked off the hands. Then 001100 It
with a cloth and pot near the fire to
rise for two hours, Next tueli it on
to a board and knead for a quarteo
of an hour. This quantity will make
two balf-querte,V11 loaves. Divine
the dough, make at into smooth balls scaled. Have upon the range or
without, any creeks. If the bread is stove a pan in which each empty
to bo baked in tins, flour 1110111, put can is set to be filled after It is roll -
in the dough, cut or prick the top, col in hot water, Lay elastic and
and set to rise for half an bour. Put top close to your hand, fill the can
the breckd itito 0. bot oven for a to overflowing, rentembming that tho
fruit will sink as it cools and that
a vacuum invites tho air to enter;
put on thks top without the loss of a.
sewed, screw as tightly as you can,
cunt as the contents and the can cool
screw again and again to fit the con-
traction of metal and glass.
arse glass cans alwaye. Keep them
In a, cOol, dark plaeo, and dry as
well as cool. The light will rause
them to ferment, and also to chango
the color.
A11 the host of heaven -Sun, moon, Wed for a fow 1,r1 1' Months near
'rho difficulty in frying fish can lies and stars' the. worship of which was arsasss It was built to resemblek a:
quickly overcome icyou use plenty of 3.07ressly forbidden (comp Dout a. Greek Orthodox Church% with a
perfectly boiling fat, Dry the fish and also Ze h. 1. 0
thoroughly, and helve sufficient rat el. Built altaMPin the lense of .Ick- bright ,green roof, and turnip -like
cupolas adorned with gold mid salver
hovah-The erection of altars to
stars. The peasants of the neighbor -
strange gods in the courts of tho
hood regarded the freak -house aa an
teraple, together With 4110 ill 1 00f1110-
1114,)1 to religion, and made the
election of human sacrifices mention -
builder's Tiro so uncomfortable that
ed in the next Ve080, ft101110t1 4110
soeght satiety in flight. Two days
climax of abominations.
later the house was burnt down, as
6. rags through the fire -Offer ns
11' the newspapers reported, "loY aeci-
living burnt sacrifices to the 8-0
d(11111t.''111landelstarrnis, 0, tri11111811: gentle -
Valley of the son of Ilinnom-Lit-
alio supplies wood -pulp to
orally, the valley of 1100-1114100111, man,
many English 'paper factories, him,
self inhabits o paper lionse. The.
"saeletent" of the house is built
timber, but everything else, even the
drainpipes, le made of compressed
paper. The furniture is all of paper,
Sorcery -Pretended employment of nal. 03010110 011 1000101 occasions,
preternatural agencies, magic, witch- Paper dishes and plates are 1.1504,
is absolutely fire -proof, and, to show
craft, etc. Mantielstamin boasts that his Ifouea
Thom that had familiar spirits -
his confidence, settees to insure it.
Persone not unlike our modern spiri-
tualist rneditnne, who professed to be IN- noom Pon Ram MUNTRY,
in totteh With tile spirit world. The A "geographical house" is owned
witch of Endor (1. Sam. 28) was by Herr lIassonfratz, of Trieste.
such a potson. hivcry room roprosents a country of
Wizards -Not differing greatly from the globe. Thus the Japanese room
sorreerers and magiciaes.
7. The house of God -Tho templ. Piet1ir(, 011e1ornatltslieSIasis1
In this house , will I put kny room 01113/ 111)13111513 furniture and de-
meat/ono, and so on. The garden,
ttgtinnlypscelifsodi-nweelsotilletetnnaT1hue0 arrayed in nine national terraces,
presence of Jehovah, it is monied, each growing acelimatised plante,
of necessity exeludes all other gods. An "Old 110010,18 TiOUSil" Was
1100p10 1111C100 tho leadership
king actilally went to greater ex. altia;itino..oinitd tshoreose kniaszokselcksodthdeowth1.411,11dfieor
-In their apostasy from Jehotkah the
God" (Elrod. 90, 5).
9. Did ovil more than the natioes
0100.1' 8t0111)lil)113l 10
1lW011111'lS 1111170 V1ll'('d at
or thorr to suit a Northern climate. After
131(110011 exact 111111a11011 1Tor,f,yrocItittietalifeitttnehnie.
the sykeen of heating being adapted'
"I, jebovah, thy God, am a. jealous
Glass hoeses 0.00 common. Mr.
Isaac Harailton. of Tampa, Florida,
their solemnity which might be en- • •
the grandson of o ---------,.n. o ---------,.n. in which
Examine cans and rubbers narrow-
ly before you begin operations. See south mid southwest of Jerusalem,
that the screw is in order, the cakt just outside the city.
without crack or nick, the elastic Augury -Consisting, possibly, as
firm and closely fitting. Clet new among tho it/mains, fa 111,'
rubbers every year. of birds In their flight and of various
Dove the fruit boiling hot when natural phenomena.
quarter of an hour, and then remove
cooked moat, neatly WraPPm1 In it to a cooler part for an hour mid
black muslin. On top of them wets a, ft half. When clone stand 14 On Its
chariot, broad ociugh for two per-
sons, richly painted and onernsted
with gold. The leaflike. work of it
woe as 1001111 21,0 1011011 11004
Near at (15.1111 130111 four alabaster
jars, with tops of the lineet Egyp-
tian workmanship, in which had been
placed the entrails of the dead. Two
other alabaster 1,11005, With 1101011W
and of most enquisite work, Were al-
so there.
In the other end of the tomb W000
malty small objects, among thorn.
seven pixies of modals, one of stamp-
ed leather, the rest of papyrus. Ono
pair was gilded. Chairs of finest
make, wondeful boxes, wooden
things with the paint 0.5s
as it was in the days of long ago,
were also thore. Although many sin-
gle finds have been as excellent as
the indtvitlual objects from tale again and as soon as begins to
tomb, no such collection of artistic 1.11101(10) (381 the pan remove from the
workmanship has ever been brought tire, add the stigma quickly, stir Well
togetber for 00010011 01011 to SCO. Thnd
e arm
eove the shunt, then turn at
chariot, in completeness mad beauty once Into the glasses. Currants
of form, is unique. Even the wooden should bo gathered Ma a slear, dry
tires on 'its six -spoked wheels aro day arid befol•e they are fully ripe
still the. The olleetion 1,11111 cer- Daked Huckleberry' Immpling.--lits
ly d uch w
to the orld's24,101010. onn e teaspoosalt, roar teaspoons
lodge of tho historym
and etletoS Of. be:kirks powder, and 0, half cop of
the Eighteenth, ' Dynasty, and will eyes with 0130 quart of. flour. Rub
also enlarge the.' ettment conception in one-third of a elm of butter. Wet
Of the artistic taste aad the skill of ,tt with milk or' Water sufficient to
workmanship of the ancient Em
gyp- ake a dough that v111 Iccep in
tiats FOr the story -writer who de- shane whet: tisoPPod kft011, 511000*
sires att at:curate picture of tho oc- Wash 00(1 dry one pint of berries and
couterments of royalty in that epoch roll thorn in hour, Mix them light -
it Will bo invaluable. ly into the 11000. Drop tho dough
Alt interesting fast in contiettion front the end 01 a large spoon on to
with the discovery is that the tomb a wolf buttered dripping pnri. Have
had evidently been visited last by the dumplings some distance apart,
robbers in the ago to which it be- Balm about twenty minutes and servo
longed, and that the entratiders had with snowdrift sauce.
been frightened away before they Snowdrift Sauce, -$3o11 0110 '38(1)'38(1)had obtained more than, possibly, milk and thicken With one table- A.N EVIDLINT ALT EliNzkTE
whet store of 5)11111lid gold and silver spoon flour worked 1511100111 in a lit -
the toinb may have contained, or tle cold water, (look five minutes; "Etho married him in 513)11111 of siva
150Me treasure of precious stones, add ono eel 49110011 Of salt and set onlmaition, didn't she?
11805.3/aY to 0001cream orte heaping "
"Yes, If her marriage doesn't turn
tablespoon of butter with 0110 COP of ;
0011 .113011, she'll only have herself to
A man cab get used to anyttlitig-- 1108011088)!stigar, and one teaspoon of hlallin."
4(111101)14(111101)1the fool notions Of his rela-. 'yearn& and boob 11311,) lite cool, Cita. timid a'ronieus, WhY? Wilet*s
tiVee. tined /ailki beat tho whits of ono egg 1)1103)11111111)1103)1111111 her blaming him?",
side to cool.
Currant Catsup. -Ten pounds of
currants mashed and strained
through a cloth. Add one quart via--
egos, five pounds of granutabeel su-
gar, three tabluspoonS of (Annan -ton,
two of allspice, and one each c,f
cloves nod salt, and ono -half tea-
spoon or red popper. Boil it slowly
01311e hour and put up in small bot-
Currant Jally.-Bruise and squeeze
the currants until all the Juice ts
out, then strain through a flannel
and put the juice ort to bell for fif-
teen minutes. Strain again, measure
for and allow the same measure of
sugar. Bring the juice to boiling
CHINESE pouTErrtss.
Ivo hoar a gootl deal about the
politeness of Orientals, and no doubt
their manners have the charm of tremes of idolatry.
traditional restraint and gravity. . Droughupon them „
One suspects, however, that an ,ie- 11t Assy-
Intuit. of humor somothnes enters 111t0
.tto to ria-Tfact of a goont he Assyrian monuments testify
tlroly lost 'epos the Western 01,801-'r(7OtiOIl 111
western. A810 against Asshur-bani-pal, 15 building' a large hOuSe entirely of
Ver. AS, an example of this WO 11101
1*3 rutatam's 110.80 1101111110 011 "011111080
Lilo lmt T0101 and Country," this cur-
ious bit of mingled sarcasm and de-
ference: A Ohinamau, wearing his
finest gown of silk, called at a houso
where he happened to disturb a rat
which was regaling itself out. of a
jar standing on a beam over the
door. In its 'flight the rat opset the
oil upon tho visitor, 'ruthing Ids lino
raiment, When the host appeared the
visitor suppressed his rage, and
said: "As X was entering your hon-
orable dwelling, 1 frightened your
honorable rat, and while it W85 try -
i1)4( to escape it upset your honor-
eblo jar of oil over my poor, and
insignificant clothing. This explains
tho contemptible oondition in which
I ,find myself in yone honorable pres-
lklocks of darkened glass. The roof
Judah may have Ixon involVed. No 115 to consist of a• series of thicsk,
Assyrian inscription known at prok
502111 mentione specifically thin capti- Ntv0106t1h1E1Pwailr'
OntneLlian"g todOntlrloteet COVirld
Banes explains in the Cain-
tivity of Manasseh, though as Dr. froAmhionjir
usz6y. built efikfroly of dinusod
bridge Bibles "the restoration of ritilway, carrlag,es may be seen near
Manasseh after this to his kingdom Thule-resth, Eight Oarrintlea, jaram-
is not increclibie, for Necho I of ed closely together on a fouttelation
Egypt was fired put in fetters and of concrete, merle a 00111(000.01h10 Attlf
taXtlel"C'a1110till1StfitibteareakIlYt7 Il:r411"ilt)'01C8- 11,00d in his (seem dwelling for wows
roomy buyelow. The owner has
hooks fastoried into the nostrils or years.
captives, a eruel practice or the Ilut for sheer freakiness nothing
Assyrians. . becttli the house of a Marseilles
To Babylon -Babylon, while emit at rrettelltnitn, Thif.1 hOnae has 110
t11/3 0100 the capital of Assyria, wa„s dows whatever, and is lighted ins
nevertheless coo of the royal rest- voila:MY by electricity, The (Avner,
(Immo cities, and hence tho prisoners who ie a 01011 1110/1, reeently went
may well have been taken thither in- holytheindd
,atrdayastighlito, conbtionot htoinTedoif
stead of to Nineveh, the capital. l
latives and servants doing so -Pear -
son's Weekly,
13, This %WOG Clearly 1110:41,011/08 "I know, old cha+----pple;""saill Dobbs
the putpose 01 tbe Chronicler's nar- "elle hati her faults. and 0, +Atones,
re.tiSe ete 0. Whole, which is to allow and all thatt but X-% love her, and
that apostasy from Jehovah brought cen't liVe WillhOut ber.". "JUst so,t4
desteuntion mice the natiom addle cabnly replied hin friend; !'hut the,
repentanco and loyaltY to Jehovah. question isn't that. Oisti • you 'It*.
brought with it pardon and ;the with hell That's it, Old fol10*,-.0a4
blessieg of PrinapOrttr,
011 ltvoi, hitt •
12, The God of his fathers--,Teho-
volt, whom he had forsaken, had not
boon Ids God,