HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-27, Page 5Il Term Opens Sept. Gth,
0011, YoNen AND AMMAN/MR STA. e
Ono of the largest and boat commer.
Mal pelmets in the DomMiou. A11 of
our graduates., are ubsolutely sure of
4001348g posItiono. Strong staff of
teaobors; modern courses ; epieudid
equipment. Ever etndent thoroughly
oatle2ed, Write for our magnificent
catalogue. Addr000:—
W. J, ELLIOTT, Prinolpal.
.fV5ii •@g �$ ic�4r5 4:i
And whop up gondto him or
Term opens April litb, 1904
Two Coureeo—
Oommorotal and Shorthand.
Send for College Journal.
A. L. MoINTYRE, Manager.
itgagt3G39�id$ -irlesagikxia5Paci'
Successor to Dr. J. A. McNnughtou
Brussels, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclinic Post Graduate
School of. Medicine and Surgery, Now York.
Member of College of Physicians and Sur -
mons of Ontario.
Office and residence Memo e0 formerly oo-
cupled by Dr. McNaughton.
Diseases of women a specialty.
cont. F. B. SCOTT, Brummml%.
• Isener of Marriage Ll0ensee. Of.
nee at Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels.
DHRBIONED 1388 several good FarinO 100
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Towoahlpe
Of Morris and Grey. F S. BOOTT,Brnesels
C. O. V.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. F.,
Brussels, moats in their Lodge Room, Blatt -
hill Block, on the 2nd and last Tuosdave of
each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome. I JAS. BURGESS, 0. R.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
• pen, will ee11 for better prim, to
better men, in lase time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
ho won't charge anything. Dated and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application. c
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the office of THE PoaT, granola. 2241
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet.
Urinary Collage, le prepared to treat all die -
eases of domeetleated animals :in a oompet-
ant manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. Calle
promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et.,
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta.
Successor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stat.
lard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro.
politan Beak.
. Barrister, Solicitor, .Couveynneer,
Notary Publio, &0. OlD0O—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Oeutral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. PnOuDYooT, E. 0. R. 0. IIAY0
• G. F. BLAIR.
Offices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Clumpy & Holt,
60008108, ONTARIO.
Graduate of the Royal 0o11oge of Dental
Sweetmeat Ontario end Firet•olaes Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uutvoraity. Office
nett to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
131 0521415.
11 Fall Term Opens Sept. 5 ti
/il) ,/rDRA
ft It Paye to get a business education
a and it page to get it in the school
1.1 whioh can do most for Ito etudouto
after , they graduate, This hobool is
recognized to be one of the bust Bntl-
nose oollogoo In Canada. All our grad.
4wansecure poeftlono, Realness'Cof-
leges frequently hpply to tie to secure
our graduates an tone ore.
def Write for our tree Catalogue,
t't -
WiNGHAM 2, Soorr'o now 00ment blaokemlth
shop io ready for 000upation for whioh
he to devoutly thankful atter attempting
to do bueineeo gime the fire in the little
amity shop. B. T P,um'e shop le siva
completed anda largo sign, one of the
kind that "he who rues may read"
adorns the upper portion of the front
and Beat walla. In both chops the
patent forges will bo pktoed in the rear
eo as to afford double spaoo for tying
horeee for shoeing,
Lulsiness College
Let the Searchlight of Practice
Illuminate the dark Iplacet of Theory.
The young pian or woman meet be able to
do the work required by tlda exacting
ago or gave way to those who oar,
The Wingharo Buoit000 (lollop has the fut-
ilities for oupplylag what.the Waimea
world demands.
It is u foot that a knowledge of Sliorthand
and Typewriting pays a dividend every
day In the yo8r, As an investment it is
bettor thou a gold bond.
Enter NOW—no vacation,
For full information wrllo or oall on
President, Principal. '
12 yearn tenchlog experience.
',oval Boas Items,
Crvxo Holiday on Friday, Angast 11th.
NRI. Tuesday will be the lot of Aug.
SEND ae the news. The Oman are al.
ways welcome.
PH11818 pie nice and driving partials
are very popular here this 0080031.
THE POST will be 25 years ander the
preee131 management on Tueedoy of next
week, Aug. let.
Ton monthly meeting of Howiok
Mutual Inenranoe Co, will be held at
Gorrio on Saturday of this week.
BRuoonrs Bowling,Clab is not repro
Bunted at London tournament owing to
the inability of a rink to get away.
Recce on the Driving Park, Brunel'',
013 Thursday end Friday, August 23rd
and 24th. See outline program on page
8 of thio issue.
Ir is said P. Ament will continue the
manufacture of butter printo formerly
condooted by Fred. Ademe, who has
removed to Fordwiob.
EAST HURON Fall Fair will be held
Thureday and Friday, Oot. 5 & G. Hon.
N. Monteith, Minieter of Agriculture,
bag been invited to be preeeut.
FRED. ADAMS and family removed to
Forwioh last Friday where we hope they
will prosper. Mre. McKinley, milliner,
has leased the Adams residence, Hill
OWING to the removal of J. W. Duncan,
from Bulimia another appointment will
have to be made as Fourth Divioion
Court Clerk. The present applioante are
said to be Frank Stratton and R. L.
Tug telephone fever is becoming pros.
alent in town. Private 'phones now
connect It, Leatherdale'e reeidenoe and
their store and F. R. Smith has one
between hie drag store and hie home,
More will follow i1 is veld.
TRE Clinton New Era of Leet week
gays : We are informed that Dr. Cilie•
holm, M, P., for Emit Heron, purposes
making hie home in the Weet. It ie Bald
he will hold hie Beat for the present par.
lament bot will not ran again.
SATURDAY of thio week a epeoial meeting
of Huron Co. Council will be held at
Clinton to inspect the addition to the
Hoose of Refuge, dinners the Equalization
question, and deal with other matter° of
interest. .Ex Warden° Bowman and
Kerr have been invited to be present.
IN all probability Fletoher Sperling
will lease a part of the atone building
being rebuilt by Walter Lowry, Mil
atreet, and will nee it for an implement
show room. Mr. Lowry will utilize the
basement and upper flat for hie Bale and
feed stables and will have abundance of
R0ADE00 of TRE POST will be sorry to
hear that Richard Rumford whose illneee
waoreported mayoral weeks ago, has not
improved se wee anticipated, but has
gradually grown woroe, until hie 0013
dltion is muting hie friends grave
anxiety. 3,81r. R¢nstord was formerly
known by a goodly number of Brueoelitee
owing to hie being here on various oo-
oagiow; i0 connection with the Balt
Werke here. We hope a change for the
better will Boon 013000,
MEDLLO FOR FALL PAIR..—The direetore
of the East Huron Agricultural Society
have reoeived an offer from Eyrie Broa.,
the well known and enterprising owners
of Diamond Hall, Toronto, to present
two handsome and valuable medals. doe
of eilver and ono of bronze, for oom
petition et the Fall Feld. in Braeeele on
003. 5 & 6. The silver medal Imo been
placed ae the first prize for ten pounde of
table butter, in rolls or prints, open only
to ferment' competition, and the bronze
medal as the drat prize for aged abort
horn bull. Both these classes have
etwaya strong Competition. and the
generous offer made by Eyrie Broe.
ahonld increase the number of mom
petitors. The Board greatly appreciate
the Irindneee of the donors.
ENTgn0D 100TH Y1A11.-0o July 6.11,
Mrv. Holmes, mother of Go. Treasurer
W. R. Ho'me's, entertdl her 100th year,
having been born in Kilkenny, 1001004,
in 1806. She waft married on May 6th,
1838, to her late husband, came to Cana
da on her wedding`Irip, and hoe resided
on the old homestead at Holmeeville ever
Mime. The venerable lady hue been iu
many respects a remarkable woman, her
mental activities even now being beyond
that of many w0111011 twenty yearn' ln•r
janitor. An aoaideut a few years ago by
which she broke a hip joint, has kept
her in the house ever eines, but she atilt
►akee on aotive interest in oarrent events
and retains all her old fondness for read
ing. Her burband lung ein0e paered
away, but three sone and four daughters
remain who surround their mother with
affectionate rare.
BowglssG.-Friday forenoon three rinks
of Kincardine bowlere 003%0403003 on the
morning train and played an enjoyable
game with our howlere, winning by a
score of 74 to 56, The player's and
aeons were ae follows :—
Bouloo1o. WoNcnAM.
T. Farrow, W. Itettan,
W. Loatherdale, B. Kerr,
J. Hewitt,I3. Clark,
D. 0. Roue, ek.,28 R. J. Stewart, ek.20
0. Broadfoot, R. Walker,
A. B. MacDonald, 0, MaoPbereon,
A, 0. Meofarlane, Gt. Tinnier,
Ii Downing, ek..21 J. D. Miller, ek,.,19
J. Ballengee, 13. Wood,
0, Leathordale, W. J. Breloe,
R. P, Feild, Robt. Rose,
H. Jameo, ek, ...11 Dr, M'Donald, ek 85
Totale.,,..,55 74
Wi vitro w tookrethe afternoon adb nt inw b
Wingham tattelg they and a beat with
the kitty hunters of that town, Brae•
Oslo will likely send three or todr rinko
to Hmoardine en August 11th, the, date
of the Exoareion and our Oieio louder,
Wm, Newcombe is veneering hie reel.
deuoo with cement bloake,
0. P. R. oouotruotion ie going forward
with a 'mob at present in this neighbor.
hood. Day gauge and night gunge are
being used,
Mrs. J. A. Jackson hag arrived from
Ponoka, Alberta, and will make en ex.
tended visit with her parents, J. 0, and
Mre. Emigh,
Rt. Rev. David Williams, D. D., bleb.
op of the diooaae of Huron, officiated in
Trinity church, Blyth, on Sunday oven•
ins and conducted confirmation 8400100.
A garden party under the auspices of
the Epworth League of Blyth Mothodiet
cherub, will be held on the paraouage
grounds on Wednesday evening, Aogu.t
The annual union Sunday eohool ex
oarsion to Kincardine will be held on
Tuesday, August let. A. .special train
will leave Mitchell at 7 15 a. m. and call
at all intermediate etatione between that
town and Kincardine,
Mise Kate Barr severe her oonneotion
with the Blyth Ipoetoffiee. For the peat
three years and a half she has been the
popular and efficient aoeietont to Poet
master MoKionou and leaven the Blyth
offiae to except an iuiportant position in
the Goderich postoffioe.
Ladles Aid Society of the Blyth
Methodist ohuroh cleated the following
ofitaere:—Mre, Myles Yonug, president;
Mre. T. J. Backstop, first viae president;
Mrs. John Mains, second vice president;
Mre. John Wilford, eeoretary; Mre.
Robert Slater, Treasurer; Mre. George
King, ohaplain ; Mre. S. H. Gidley, as.
askant chaplain ; Mre, J. H. Ohellew,
organist; Mre, W. H. MoElroy and Mre,
J. E. Coombe, auditors.
Ile mechaniom, like delicate machinery,
by even a slight cause ie eo dioarranged
as to be practically aeeleeo. A headache
is no trifling matter beoauee the etomaeh,
kidney' and liver are sure to be affeoted.
To Imre the amuse of headaohee and
prevent new ettaoke, tine Ferrozone ;
it aide the stomach by supplying
nourishing blood, vitalizes the nerves and
brain instantly. Ferrozone braoee—
givee tone—elevatee your spirits. No
emot health bringer known. Fifty oenle
per box of fifty chocolate coated tablets
et all dealers.
Olivia Holiday, Wednesday, August 2nd.
The 0. P. R. oontraatore have started
night work.
M. P. Lame baa been appointed to the
staff of the Bank of Commerce, hie Bret
station being the Goderiob branch of the
The smell of the burned wheat is one
of the evidences of the destroyed elevator.
It is in evidence in town and for milee
out of town.
Iaepeator Tom ie away on a trip to
Manitoba to visit his son and graodohild,
and view the fields of golden grain on the
prairies, atter whioh he will prooeed to
the Pacific Coact, and return by way of
San Francisco and Denver.
Reoent militia appointments in the
33rd Baron regiment are:—To be Major,
Capt. A. Wileou, Seatorth, viae Major
Youag, appointed Lieut.• Colonel ; to be
adjutant, Capt. W. H. Gundry, Goderich.
Lieut. J. Galt is permitted to resign hie
Al a epeoial meeting of the Collegiate
Institute Board, applioatione for the
position vacated by Mr. Bailey on the
Collegiate 'staff were considered, and in
the and Sheriff Reyuoldo moved, second-
ed by Mr. Acheson, that Mies Janet M.
Blyth, of Orchard, be engaged at a salary
of 5600 per ageism. The motion oarried
'At a meeting of the direotorate of the
Goderich Elevator sad Transit Co., held
in Toronto, it was resolved to sok for
tendert] for rebuilding theelevator, and,
should the tenders oome within the
oompany'e resources, to proceed with the
work of rebuilding at 01300.' The loser.
ante on the burned elevator bag been sat.
iefaotorily settled.
The following is a list of the prime to
be put up at the bowling tournament in
Goderiob on Angnet 15 and 16 :—Trophy
matoh—let, four heavy extra heavy out
glees berry bowls, in eases ; 2nd, four
eilver mounted China salad owls, Aa
sooiatiou matob—lot, four eilver mounted
out glare water pitohere ; 2nd, tour heavy
out glass water bottles. Coneolotiun
moloh—let, tour Dopper hot water ket
time 1 2nd, two dozen cot glass tumblers,
engraved. Doublet] — let, two Doulton
were bottled, alerting eilver mounted ;
2nd, two vele of four out 81804 unite,
with sterling eilver apoane in 00000.
Bingloo—let, eel steel Eaglith fish and
game 0130001.e 1 2nd Monk ware e4eiu got,
8 pieoee.
Boob day the past week, hundreds of
teams have been driven to the 'nine of
the barntd elevator, and loaded with the
damaged wheat. The general priors
charged was 80o. per bag, and vary few of
the w¢gono left the ground's without a
piled up load. On [leveret days teams
were 011 the ground before the day's work
wan oommeneed and there wee always a
long line waiting during the dinner boar
and atter 6 p. m.
It is a COM m.111 aumpl.int with women.
The right trea•ment le Nerviliue, which
penetrates to the vent of the pain im.
mediately. Norvaline warms and soothes
the 0110010d parte, draws out the irrita
tion and pain, eflows the patient epee
after one rubbing. No liniment so safe,
Nearly fifty years in nee.
Atwood Orange Lodge captured the
firth prize for lorgeel attendance at the
recent celebration in Stratford.
We regret to repel that Mre. (Rev.)
H, MoBaiu'e baby boa been very serioaely
ill at the home of J. W. MoBain.
Ou Sunday, July 30th, three new
elders will be ordained in the Presby.
terisn abut oh, They are Dr. D. A. Kidd,
Alex. Simplon and Miobael Little.
The Baptist Church hoe been mach
improved in appearance by receiving a
goat of white paint, Ed. Huck had the
Mre, Wherry, mother of Samuel
Wherry, 13th von.. West, who livee in
Lietowel, and who hue been ill ulnae the
firot of the year, is, we ere glad to re•
port, mean improved in health. Mre.
Wherry is 86 years of age, eo that her
recovery is no doubt doe to ooretnl
nursing and to an excellent oonetitution.
Judge Barron has 000o hie declaim]
in regard to the Bronghton•MoLory ap•
peal against their aeeeeement in the
Logan.Maitland Drain. MoLory'e ap•
peal ie diemiesed with costa and Brough.
tone appeal he ouotained as regards
aeeeeement against him for benefit, the
Judge claiming that Broughton does not
re0elve benefit from the Logan -Maitland
dram. The ae08eenlen0 againot him is,
therefore, to be distributed among the
others conoeroed in the Bahama in pro-
portion to their rating. We understand
that MaLory intends to path hie claim
for damages egalnet the township, not.
withstanding the Judge's deoiaion being
against him Oda time.
Jae. Fox says llyonred will Give Relict—
Sold Under Guarantee..
The season for hay fever -le almost at
hand, and many people feel that they will
be compelled to go away in order to
avoid the sneezing and other annoying
eymptome of this disagreeable Sommer
James Fox wishes us 10 aonounoe that
when Hyomei is egad as a preventative
or a mare, there will be no hay fever. He
advisee daily treatment with Hyomei for
two or three make before the aerial time
for the annual appearance of hay fever.
It this is done the attack will be prevent.
ed. However if the preventative treat•
meat is not started soon enough and the
disease makes ite appearance, nee
Hyomei 018 or seven times daily and
relief will be given at once.
There is no etomaoh dozing when
Hyomei is used. Breathed through the
neat pooket inhaler that comes with
every outfit. its medicated air reaches
the 133i13nte0) air cella, killing all .perms
and eoothing and healing the irritated
m00ao0e membrane.
The complete Hyomei outfit for 51,
eztra bottles only 50 oente. It ie the
only pure for hay fever Bold by James
Fox ender a guarantee to refund the
money if it does not give satisfaction.
Wm, Irving, W. M., and 3. J. Foster,
Secretary, of Bernard Lodge A. F. & A.
M., were in Hamilton last week attend.
tug the annual meeting of the Grand
Rev. Mr. Hardie and family left last
week for their Bummer cottage at
Oliphant. Rev. Mr. Cobourg, late of
Paris, ie to fill Mr. Hardie's pulpit in
Knox Church during hie absence..
Mayor Wetton and Councillor Haw
kine, the deputation appointed by the
Town Council, went to Toronto to in•
terview the Government in reference to
having the bridge° on Wallace and Main
streets included in the good roads 'scheme
recently adopted by Perth County
Council. The Government is very will-
ing to contribute its apportionote share,
namely, 0133 third of the total expends.
tura. The latter, however, will have to
be arranged through the County Council
23c. for Wool
3. T. WOOD
Proprietor of the Excelsior Knitting Mills, Brussels, is
prepared to pay 23 cents per pound, cash, for any
quantity of good Wool delivered at his Mills. Splen-
did stock of choice goods consisting of Tweeds, Flan-
nels, Flannelettes, Cotton Shirtings, Cottouades, &e,,
brought in from the best Mills, and Blankets, Yarns
and Sheetings made in our own Mills of choice stock,
to give in exchange for Wool. An advance of 2 cents
per pound allowed for Wool in trade. Now is the
time to market your Wool.
Strictly Fair Dealing our Principle.
K *Oome and see us before going elsewhere.
Jll,lh,,lkne'Ib'll'4e'ti.nb It'hi'hAldry
Knitting Mills
in a000rdange with Roads Improvement
Tit I1,''an surveying party left here
on _Voodoo y of Met week to survey u
tawnohip In New Ontario, L. Bolton,
Mr, Foe.vorih, and A. G. Hawkins, our.
saying engineers, and Thoe.Kay and
Roy Paul of town, and G. 0, Gerib of
Wellesley, oomprlee the party, The
township which Mr. Bolton hes received
a t/01311 113180011 from the Ontario Govern•
meat to survey le named Smellie, the
Southern -extremity of whioh is five
miles north of the 0, P. R. main line,
about twenty five miles week of Dryden.
They dleembark at Barnwell flag elation,
which is only two miles Beat of the
Meridian line
when they strike North to,
the boundo of Smellie township. The
latter ie six miles squere. Mr. Bolton
oxpeate to be away nearly two menthe,
Grey CouncilMeeting.
The Oonnoil met pursuant to order in
the Township, Hall Ethel ou Monday
July 17th 1906 at 10 a. m. Members all
preeeut, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of
last meeting read and approved.
Moved by John Grant, eeoonded by
Deacon Johnston that the agreement of
the contractor on the McDonald
Munioipal Drain se exeouted, be esteemed
and that the Reeve be authorized to Digo
the same on behalf of the corporation and
that the oorporstion Beal be attached
thereto. Carried.
Moved by Duncan Johuelon, eeoonded
by John Brown that the contract of the
Oox Municipal Draiu be giveo to William
Steveneon for the cum. of 53,000, 00 n•
tract to be completed on or before the
let day of Deoember A. D. 1906..
Moved by John Brown; eeoondod by
William Fraser that the ooutraot of the
Fork's bridge and MoFarlene bridge be
given to A. Hill & Co. of Mitchell, for the
rum of 51500 to be completed on or before
the let of Oot. 1905. Carried,
'Moved by John Brown, eeaooded by
Duncan Johnston thatthe 000traot of
the McDonald bridge be given to A. Hill
& Co., prion to be $1,560, to be mom•
plated on or before Oot. 1031] 1905.
Moved by William Fraser, eeoonded
by D. Johnston that the Clerk ask for
tenders for the construction of dement
abutments for the Fork'e, McFarlane and
McDonald bridged. 'Tenders to be open.
ed on the 29th day of July 1906 at 8
p. m. at Ethel. Carried
Moved by William Fraser, seconded by
Duncan Johuslon that the following
6000ante be paid. Carried.
Robert Lowe, repairing culvert,
Hall Drain $ 75
William Lowe, oommatatiou
statute labor 3 00
William Lowe, shovelling gravel 3 00
Mre. Francis Miller, gravel 3 44
Mark L. Oerdiff, gravelliug
S. R. 2,00n;13 85 QO
Thomas Alaook, gravel 10 80
Arthur Smith, repairing culvert
S. R. 1, con, 16 3 50
John Steles, shovelling gravel5 00
Peter Tarr, grading and grovell•
ing lot 26, eon, 5 9 70
Robert M. McDonald, gravel29 04
Henry Holtzman filling washout
lot 34, oon, 4 2 00
George, MoDonald shovelling
gravel 1 25
Richard Jaoklin, filling i13 White's
bridge approsoheo 121 00
W. M. Sinclair, aompleling
deolaratione re Kendall snit,
Balfour, MoDonald, Howard
dobenturee and Oox drain.,5 00
A McDonald, impaction of Ethel
bridge abutments, oontraotor
and townehip'e portion 35 00
John MoTaggart, refund on
Howard MumDrain 28 00
John Bandere, refund on Oox
Man. Drain 116 00
Philip Ament, refund on Cox
Man, Drain 87 00
John W. Sanders, refund on Cox
Mao. Drain 80 00
Daniel Cooper, refund on Cox.
Mon. Drain 66 00
William Rothwell, refund on Oox
Man. Drain 44 00
Iiao Lake, refund on Oox Mau.
Drain 66 00
John Gainor, refund on 0t x Man.
Drain 46 00
Thomas Stevenson, refund on Cox
Mon. Drain 82 00
Miobael Kreuter, refund on Cox
Man. Drain 81 00
Jacob Kreuter, refund on Cox
Mao. Drain 58 00
Julia Menzie, refund on Oox Man,
Drain 85 00
John Gorealitz, refund on Cox
Men. Drain
Mou, Drain 37 00
Augue Campbell, refund ou Cox
85 00
William J. Beirnee, refund on
McDonald MumDrain 31 00
John Franoio Beirne, refund on
MoDonold Man. Drain 00 00
Waaey Young, refund on Mo.
Donald Moe. Drain 60 00
John Young, refund ou McDonald
Man, Drain 12 00
Job L. King, refund on Balfour
Mon. Drain 47 00
Alexander MaAllletcr, refund on
Balfour Man. Drain 83 00
Wm, McLennan, ri4und on
Balfour Muth Drain 8 00
Sarah Ann Grainger, refund on
Balfour M. Dram 11 00Wm.
Daniel Spillet, obovellinggravel., 5 00
Daniel Nsabel, gravel 7 44
John Hanna, gravel 816
John Hanna, travelling 013 bdy,
of Grey and Enna, Grey's share 3 20
S. S. Co.e, payment in full for
Ethel bridge abutment. 844 00
John Compbntl repairing culvert
S. R. b, can. 11 2 00
Neil McNair 'quellzing U, S. B
No, 4, Grey and 17 ma, No. 3,
W. G. E.' No. 4 G. W 16 00
Alfred Ward, on MoDonald Winn,
Drain 9 00
,amen Maker, on McDonald
Drain 9 00
A. Sanders taking lumber off oar 90
John Jamieson, taking Inmber cff
oar 90
IMO) Jaoklin, drawing plank for
ot1100r10 S. R. 5, con, 1. 8 00
Jahn Huffman, gravel 15 28
W. Hnmilt.,n, temporary road et
White's bridge end gravelling15 00
Joetph Ooombe lnep otlon of
work on White bridge approaeh
es .... ....... ...... 12 00
Mre. Peter Erb, train fare and
hoop for a time at Berlin
Hospital .. 15 00
Moved, eeoonded and parried that the
Donnell do now adjourn to meet at Dail of
Reeve. Jo88 M0l1ro001, Clerk,
Mx x/xmp'''>y<7p�rd��: lo°. r /R''t +gil tx X i ''t ' " s3
Ma g kin Business Hum
We are in the Second Week
of Our Great Clearing Sale,
Tenthusiasm in im b e. We have o inolination 40 000 man words
The mos a Y
emphasizing the volae's. We prefer to have you come and judge for
yourself. Oome early, oome often, the store is at your disposal. Ioepeot
the goods, ask questions, buy if you with, with the dietinot understanding
that if the goods are not as represented you get your money beck. Apply
the teat to any of theme linea :
—Prints, in light and dark colors, regular 10e, for GQo.
—Prieto, extra wide, fast colors, worth 12io, sale prior] 7Qo.
—A table full of Wash Goode, in Gtugbame, Lineae, Cbambraye,
Zephyrs, eto„ at half pride.
—Have yon lean our Printed Sateone, worth 15o for 5o.
—Ladies' Silk and Satin Bette, in black and oolore, good value at 35a and
40o, eels price 26o,
—Lodieo' Dollar frames, in ell eizee, blaok and white, 5o.
— Ladies' Black Batten Skirts, with 6 frills, worth 51, for 76o.
—Ladies' Oashmere Hose, eine 8, 9 and 9, worth 25a for 150.
Lace Mitto, in blacks, browns, drabs, tans and oxblood, worth
20o, 26a and 350, your choice for 10e.
— Laoe Ourtaine, 3, yards long, 60 ioohee wide, worth 61.50 for 61,.
—Boya' Kniokers, to corduroy, tweed and serge, in all sizes, just reoeived,
e snap at 50o per pair.
—Carpele, in tapeety, wool, Bruseele and union, 15 per cent. off.
—When you want Fresh Family Groceries at right prices call and see our
stook. We are quoting low prices for Sugar during this sale.
'7�c�a �.p ��rr,,�. wrpai�p7� wq�9� a� ��+q�p
f so "�..,�n . " o t .r e' fox' oxo 'l d •o C XX X o ' +Xr •X C
vxRa r dC II
Our Fine and Up-to-date stock of Bug-
gies is now on the market and we invite
intending purchasers to call and inspect.
They are all made of best material with
the very latest improvements.
Have you seen our fine display of Oak
made Wagons ? Every one warranted to
be as represented.
Repairs and Painting promptly attended to.
Tops Relined and Covered and made as good
as new. Call and see us.
C O.
Notice of applioetion for the transfer
of limner, of the Qoeen'e Hdtel, Listowel,
from C. Lilian to Joe. A. Boehmer, who
Any.quantity of Wool
wanted for which the
Highest Market Price
will be paid. Wool will
be taken in at No. 2
Storehouse or the Flour
and Feed store.
Alf. Baeker,
bas purchased the property, appears.
Mr. Boehmer takes poseeesion on Aug.
Have placed in stock a
fine assortment of late
Songs, 'Waltzes
and Two-steps
All sold at 1- price
25 C. .A. I-1