HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-27, Page 4Nrusods Vat,
2'.11URSDAY, JULY 27, 1905,
WINTER wheat cutting commenced haat
Friday in the Lethbridge diatriot, North.
weal Territory, and is now in full owing,
It le said to be a good Drop.
Gammon is considering the projoot of
putting in a gas plant, Some people
think there is gas enough there already
bat it may be the exploded variety,
Son MoKENzxo BowooL, who has long
and faithfully eerved his party and this
Dominion, hae resigned hie position ae
leader of the Opposition in the Senate
but will retain hie seat.
Pnnulsa Barone, in good old Englieh
bulldog style, will not resign ae loader
nor will his Government vacate the
treasury benches. They believe in the
old British motto, "What we have we'll
IT is rumored that F. W. Hodson,
Canadian live stook Commissioner, may
resign and Hon. John Dryden be appoint-
ed in hie stead. The former may take a
more Inorative position in the II. 8, He
hae been receiving $3 000 per annum.
Gomm riflemen cannot only shoot well
at a mark and win Bigley trophies bot
they can make "'moires " in real service
ae the Boers toaod out to their sorrow -
those who were not too dead to give evi•
donee -during the South African cam-
paign. We believe the local rifle clubs
are all right end ehould be fostered.
Trot orop prospects in Manitoba and
the Northwest are of a moat rosy char.
aoter and a tremendously,big harvest ie
expected. Government experts figure se
follows :-Total wheat, nearly 4,000,000
boebale ; oats, over 1} million bnehele ;
and barley, 526,000 bushels. There ie no
rust and with plenty of harvesters the
Western farmer should be in a happy
Tag Ozer of Ramie and the Kaiser of
Germany have been holding a Oonfer•
enoe and it is supposed that one item in
it ie what to do with the Jape. Rossi&
wants peace no doubt but the old bear
bates likee everything to get down on its
marrow hones. Russia talks peace with
the same double shuffle style that the war
was entered upon. The Jape will see no
doubt that fair play is not only meted
out but the document's properly signed
and sealed before she lets go her hold.
Bona idea ot the forthcoming orop of
school teachers may be arrived at from
the fact that 6,000 candidate(' wrote at
200 centres in the repent Examination for
noo•profeesional teachers, matriculation
and scholarship examinations. There are
72,000 examioation papers now ander the
eagle eye of the examiners in Toronto.
The weight of the papere were 2 ton, it
is said. All the candidates will not be
successful, of course, bat even half the
number will add materially to supply the
need of birch wielders. Results will be
made known about August 12th.
A n.tanow minded oodger has soggeeted
that Dr. Ogler be asked to apply hie
chloroforming theory on members of the
Senate at Ottawa so that while the use -
Meese (?) of that valuable adjunct to
our law -making will not be interfered
with, the elderly gentlemen who are on
the "shelf" may be peaaefolly removed
to a Snmmerland and the oonotry'e
fiaanaeo saved to the extent of the Baler.
ieo ant off. This plan would not work
however as the planes of the veterans
would only be filled by more robust in-
dividuals who would likely look out for
larger salaries than have been. Guess
we're eleoted no matter how it goes.
THE harmony and agreeability - with
whiob the M. P.'e at Ottawa voted for
the inoreaee of their indemnity irreepeet-
ive of party linee, ie beautiful in the
extreme. "Behold how good and how
pleasant a thing it ie for brethren to
dwell together in unity" eurely applies
here ae tar as the expression of the salary
grabbere but the voice of the people will
perhape not tend to the peaaetnt sagnis.
icon of the receipt ot the gaol. An old
maxim says "Love lightens labor" but it
appears the parliamentarians believe that
ducats also tend to "lightening" prooeee
even at the dolt of being struck by ballot
box lightning when next election comes
Now that the Japanese have worked
!their way to the front by their daring
land well planned oampaigna and thereby
have improved the outlook for the
K7hineee ea well es themselves theta ie an
agitation on the North American Con-
tinent to remove or remodel the laws now
dealing with their coming this way oo
what the restrictive Manses may dis-
appear. The dismission ie opening np a
big question with a very peononnaed
anti.party who will no doubt be hoard
item in stentorian tonee. Dome aver
that while the eo nailed "Yellow Petit'
la likely to tied in the eoale nation•
ally that for many reaeone the law
of partial or attempted eboinsion should
not be abrogated as they think It oaouot
be done without imperilling the interests
of the home people.
Words of Cheer.
Tito Baosenne Pon has entered on its
thirty-fourth year, Tao POST le a good
paper, and Brother Kerr baa our best
wishes for continued emcee, Ho de•
eervem well of the community which hie
paper so efficiently nerves. -Signal, Gode.
Tits BRUSSELS PoeT hae entered its
thirtyfourth year. Though grey hairs
have found their way to the editor's head,
Tint Portz shows no sign of tailing, be.
oauee of increasing age, for it ie always
fresh and newsy,-Advanoe, Wingham.
THE BnussoLo Poem hae bntered on its
34th year. Brer. Kerr is still at the
helm, ae sprightly acid vigorous as ever.
We congratulate bins heartily on hie moo.
vase in the realm of newepaperdom and
true(' that he may be spared many years
to guide the destinies of To PoaT. Brer.
Kerr edits a live, newsy paper and the
people seem to give him loyal support. -
Bee, Atwood.
THE BRUSSELS POST oommenaed its 34th
volume last week. With Editor W. H.
Herr at the helm Tne POST hae enjoyed
an unbroken era of prosperity. THE Pon
will remove to line new premieee in the
course of a week or eo. - Free Preee,
Second Session to be held at tttneardine
beginning August 7111.
The oeoond Summer School of the
Wingham district will be held in Lens -
downs Park, Kincardine, beginning on
August 7th and continuing until August
13th. The corporation has granted the
park to the aeaooiation condnoting the
School and they have prepared a good
program. The advertieing matter is
being dietribnted and there will be cheap
excursion rates along the line.
The announcement on the program
tells those who are desirous of attending
that there will be healthful recreation,
splendid accommodation and choice
The following program will be preeent•
ed from day to day :-8 30 9.00, morning
watch ; 9 10, bible study i 10 10 45,
'study Claes ; 11-12, school of methods ;
7 30-8, cooseoralion service ; 8 8.15, gong
service ; 8 15 9, address ; 9 10, address.
The epeakere who will preside eaoh
day are given.
Monday, Aug. 7th, 8 p. m. reception
Aug. 8th, D. C. Taylor, Rev. 8. 0.
Edwards, )3. D , W. B. Beer, E. A.
Hardy, B, A., Rev. J. H. Osterbout, B.
A., 13. W. Perry, B. A., Rev. G. H. Raley,
S. W. Perry, B, A.
August 9th, Rev. 8. V. R. Pentland,
Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D., W. I. Obis.
holm, M, A„ E. A. Hardy, B. A., Rev.
T. W. Ooeene, S. W. Perry, B. A,, E. A.
Hardy, 13. A., Rev. D. N. McComas.
Angaet 10th, Rev. T. W. Blalohford,
B. A., Rev. R. S. Baker, M. A., Rev. D.
N. MoCamos, E. A. Hardy, B. A., Rev.
Dr. Gandy, 8. W. Perry, 13. A., E. A.
Hardy, 13. A., Rev. G. H. Raley.
Aognot 11th, W. 0. Thompson, Rev.
A. E. Junes, Mise E. Cnyler, E. A.
Hardy, 13. A., Rev. K McLennan, B. A.,
Rev. G. H. Raley. Oonoert, address, C.
13. Keenleyside, B. A.
August 12th, Rev. E. W. Edmondo, B.
A., Rev, Jae. Hoarier, M. A., Rev. M. J.
Wilson, B. A., E. A. Hardy, B. A., Coo•
eeoration and Bong service, O. B. Keenley•
aide, 13. A , Rev. Dr. Sutherland.
Sunday, August 13t13, 11 a. no., Rev.
Dr. Sutherland, 3 00 p. m., E. A Hardy,
B. A., and Rev. Dr. Sutherland, 7 00 p.
no. 0. B. Keenleyside, B. A.
The mortality of Tnberonloeie of the
Lunge Bays the Medical Journal, has been
greatly reduced since "Oatarrhozooe was
introdnoed. For ooneumptivea nothing
le so valuable as '•Oatarrhozooe.
The following interesting letter from
the pen of Mise Clara McQuarrie, dough.
ter of Hector McQuarrie, of Grey town•
chip, who hae been visiting at Manohester,
England, speaks for itself. Mies Mao.
is on her way home now, having Bailed
by the "Victorian," of the Allan Line,
on the 20th inst.
It was a glorified Manchester that their
Mojoetiee sew today. They came to a
chorus of praise ; they stayed and de•
parted amid triumphant praise, and left
behind them echoes of loyalty that show
bow mach a King and Queen may do in
a little while to enshrine themeelvee in
the hearts of a people.
The King 000terred the honor of
knighthood upon the Lord Mayor, opened
the new dock of the Manchester ship
canal and unveiled the Salford war
memorial, ereoted in memory of eoldiera
who fell in South Africa, -
Being over 400 years einae Manaheeter
has bean visited by a King, a splendid
welcome was accorded them. The Royal
prooeeeion than returned to Victoria
etation when their Majesties returned
to Knowsley.
Having had the opportunity of visiting
London I have eeen some of the stately
bomee of our sovereigns. On one aide of
the Thames rises Windsor Oaetle, looking
over twe.ve counties from its high set
tower. Higher up the river fa Westmin-
ster Abbey, fleet built by Edward the
Conqueror and where our Kings have
been crowned einae. Beside the Abbey Bre
the Houses of Parliament. Beyond
is the Great Museum of South Retorting.
ton and the miles of grand 'square'',
streets and terraaea that make up what ie
palled the Weal' Bud, the fashionable
part of London. Between this and the
bneinees part, Trafalgar Square, with its
fountains and monument,', forme the
central part of the nietropolie. Here are
the National Gallery of Art and not far
off the British Altman].
Thoee who have not aeon it no idea oat
be oonveyed of the immeneity of London,
which is said to have 80,000 etreete,
measuring at least 7,000 miles. Few
Londoners ever know much of the huge
oily except the quarter in which they
live. At firet strangers are amazed by
the constant tumult of traffic, the rattle
of Wheels, °latter of hcofe, the tramp of
feet, all swelling into a steady roar but
after a day or two all title is taken ea a
matter of Gonne, Even horses that are
eby in the email soon learn not to
trouble their beads about the Marbling
elgbte and Bounds they meet at every
corner of London,
To a thoughtful mind London ie par
haps more impressive when eeen in the
alient hottre of morning before all this
multitude hoe woke up to its daily toil as
the pool Wordsworth saw it from
Weo*mineter Bridge ;
'Earth has not anything to chow
more fair •
Dull would he be of soul who ()sold
pave by
A eight so touching in its majesty.
Tbie city now doth like a garment
The beauty of the morning 1 eilent
Ships, tower'', domes, theatres and
temple. lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky,
All bright and glittering in the smoke
less air.
Never did son more beautifully steep
In hie firot eplendour, valley, rook or
hill ;
Neer saw I, never felt a calm so deep ;
The river glideth at hia own sweet will,
Dear God i the very houses eeem
And all that mighty heart is lying
No remedy could be more prompt and
agreeable than Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
No matter where you go you'll hear of
the grand puree they make. Writing
from O.tswa Mra. M. E. Legere nays :-
For people inclined to bilioueneae and
aiok headache I don't think there is a
remedy to compere with Dr. Hamilton's
Pille. I formerly was bilione about once
a month-caed Dr. Hamilton's Pills and
obtained grand results. My stomach has
been put in good order and my health
greatly improved." No medicine better
for man, women or children. Try Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. -25o. per box or five
boxes for $1.00 at all druggists.
When Taut -Lown,
"Draggy," Used -Up.
You Lack the "Vigor, Courage and
Staying Power that '!Ferro.
zone" Cau Supply.
Night comes and its hard to 'sleep.
Morning dawns end the enxione, tired
feeling is still there. Don't neglect this
gradual decline ; it aau'1 onreitself. But
by forming rich, pure blood, Ferrozone
will quickly supply the nutriment and
building material your system craves.
Instantly you are aware that some
powerful force is building up yonr de.
plated energies. At once you feel braced,
toned, strengthened. Bearish the world
and you won't find anything to tone up a
weak system like Ferrozone. Phyeioiaoe
claim it is the most strengthening, uplift.
ins medicine ever discovered.
No more spells of tiredness, bnt bonod•
ing, joyful health when you lake Ferro.
zone of whish Mrs. H. S. Gold, of Bowe.
man, Man , speaks in the following words
of praise :-
"I state my awe because I think it might
aaeiet other women to health. A year
ago I wee almost a wreak. I was pale
and emaoiated, suffering from nervone.
nese and hysteria. Little things going
wrong in the hoose bothered me. The
doctor advised different treatmente but
they didn't help. He said my low coo•
dition was due to weakneee that might
never be oared. Ferrozone had a peculiar
grateful effect and built me np goiokly.
The ills I Buffered from were oared. I
am now strong and vigorous and was
made so by Ferrozone,"
Why not oast aside the chains of aiok•
nese and enter the bright happy lite of
robust health. Let Ferrozone help you -
let it cure you once and forever. Pride
50o. per box or 6 boxes for $2.50, at all
dealers, or N. 0. Polson & Co., Hartford,
Conn., 11. 0. A., and Kingston, Ont.
Thursday, July 27th is Civic ho'iday,
(Notelet) Brod. are making dully ebip.
mente of oherriea,
A. J. Grigg has been addict to the liet
ot Marriage L,oeneo ,Ioeuere in Obuton,
and F. Metoalf iu Blyth.
The G. T. R, authorities have coma 10
no decision whatever in oonueotimt with
their own proposal to ergot a new station
here. They have nut even decided to
erect one, The metier is entirely for
future oonsidoration. To form some idea
of the relative distance between the
preoeut location,' end/ the diamond, 11 e
distance wee meaeared by the Mayor,
Clerk, Oonnoillora Cottle and Ford and
A, O. Pattison. Prom Irwin's store 011
the corner of Albert and Ontario streets
to the preeent dation io 2200 feet. From
the same point to the diamond, via Isaac'
street to Mr. Brydone'e'earner, then
Westward to Wallis' 'corner and Booth•
west to the diamond, is 3055 Leet or 855
Leet further than the prevent looation.
HOUSE or Rasooa.-The addition that
is being made to the flaunty House of
Refuge by 8. 8. Cooper will be completed
and taken off the oontraotor'e bands by
the close of this week. It ie a two story
brick,the,main part 52x62, but in order
to oonneot with the original part of the
horse, theta is aleo ao two-story , xteneion
between the two, 12128. In addition
to operating roome and aloeete, the new
part will provide accommodation for
about 50 more patients, and ie fitted with
eteam beating, eta. The plumbing was
done ander oontraot by Hunt Bros., of
Londoo, and the bath attoohmeote, wash
Moline, etc., are of the latest and beet
deeigne. Thie part of the worts was done
under the superintendence of Mr. West,
representing Hont Bros. A, McKenzie
bee been superintendent of enuetruotion
and he has looked alosely after the in•
Wrests of the county, and says that
the work done and material need has
been all that the epeoifioatione pall tor,
and that the building when completed,
will be beyond eritioiem.
A good fi,h story comes from
Sparrow Lake. The story is that a
monster maokinonga prevented the
steamer Lakefiold from moving out from
the wharf. When the signal was given
to start, the engine would not budge,
and on investigation it was found that a
'longe wee naught in the eorew. Ae
soon ae the pressure of the steam was
stopped, the fish slipped out and got
away before it annld be captured with a
pike pole. When fi at eeen the fish's
bead and tail were moving vigorously.
It is estimated by those who saw it that
the 'lunge was between four and five feet
Ione, and mast have weighed Dearly fifty
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
• Huron, in the matter of the eetate of
Thos. W. E. B. Stokes, late of the
Township of Grey, in the County of
Huron, farmer, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given,pnreuant to Revis-
ed Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, Sec.
58, that all creditors and others having any
Manna againstthe estate of the said Thos.
W. E. 13. Stokes, termer, who dled'on or about
the 19th day of June, A. D. 1905, are re-
quired, on or before the 16th day of Au goat,
1905, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to
A. B. Macdonald, of the Village of Brunets,
in the Oonnty of Huron, Solicitor for Bur-
nell C. Stokes and William 0. Cnambes,
Executors of the estate, their Christian
and surnames, addressee and descriptions,
the full particulars of their claims. the
statement of their accounts and the nature
of the eeourities (if any) held by them.
And notice is further given that after the
said loot mentioned date the said Execu•
tore will proceed to distribute the emits of
the deceased amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which they ohnll then have notice and chat
the 06,0 Executors will not be liable
for the assets or any part thereof, to any
portion or persons of whose claims notice
shall not have been received by them at the
time of suer distribution.
Dated al lirueaels this 10th day of 3010,
A. 0,1905.
1.0 Solioltdr for Executors,
Keep Well by Strengthening the Stomach in
Summer With Mi-o-na.
In time of war the moat reeponeibility
recta upon the guard, It he is lacking in
vigilance, disaster can easily overtake
the army.
With the lodividnai life, the stomach
may well represent the "guard" against
eiokueee. If it ie strong and vigilant, any
dieeaee germs that may beewallowed will
be neutralized by the digestive juioee, or
oleo driven from the eyetem.
Everyone with weak digestion should
use M1 0•na at thie eeaaOn and 60
strengthen the Mtoineob that dieeaee
germs Dao have no effeot whatever, Thie
remarkable remedy pate the whole digeet-
ive eyetem in so healthy, glean and sweet
a state that fermentation of the food
oannot exist, that any disease germ]
which may enter the 'stomach will be
destroyed and food will be 'so readily
assimilated that a rapid and healthy
increase in flesh will reedit.
Nervousness and sleepleesnees come
more often from a weak 'stomach than
from any other pause: head-aohe, baok
ache and rheumatic pains are directly
caused by an acid condition ot the atom
sob. Mi o na aorreote all this, prevents
the formation of oaths, and nervoneneee,
kidney trouble, or rheumatism is quickly
Jamee Fox to show you the guarana
tee under which he cello Mi o na. Price
50 aerie. It onto nothing uuleas it Cure].
Dodds &
IIlessrsl Dodds 86 llabkirk
thank the Public for the pat-
ronage extended since open-
ing our shop in the Stretton
.Block, Brussels.
We keep a new, well select-
ed stock of' goods and attend
to the manufacture of the
same in a Fashionable and
Workmanlike manner.
High Class Tailoring our Specialty
Satisfaction assured to all our
Wo give our personal supervision
to all departments of our business.
Give tis a Trial Order.
reat Remova
THE reason is that owing to our removal to the Garfield Block and an important
change about to be made in our business the stock must be reduced to its lowest
limits no matter how great the sacrifice. The change referred to is the conver-
sion of the old firm of J . Ferguson St Co. into a company to be known as Ferguson St
Ross. The aim is to make the store do even better service for its constituency than in
the past and to place it second to none in the county. To bring the stock down to a
point where such a reconstruction can be accomplished most effectively great sacrifice
must be made to attract buyers and we are prepared to make them. The list published
herewith shows how far we are prepared to go. Such Bargains were never offered in
Brussels before and may never again.
Sale now on and Continues for 30 Days
-100 yards Oream Table Linen extra heavy and ttuo,
warranted all Pure Linen th'at will bleach white ea
snow, 65 inches wide ; regular 55o par yard
Sale price 890
-5 pieces 18 inoh CNA Towelling, the beat 10o line
Sale price 80
-8 only Ladies Jap Silk Waists, fine quality, blank and
white, handsomely made and trimmed with tucking,
regular price 63.00 '
Sale price $2.15
- 100 pair° Nottingham Laoe Curtaino, new and pretty
derigno, si yard° long, worth regular 01.00, $1.25,
At 20 per cent. off marked price
- 1000 yda, White Cambria Embroidery, 2i. to 4 in. wide
Sale price 4c
-10 dozen Pure Linen Towel°, all kin& and qualities
At Wholesale Prices
- 10 pieces White Cambria Long Cloth, fine quality,
regular 108 per yard
Sale price 80
-40 pieoee Fine English Drees Chanobryo, in neat
Sale prioe 100
-50 pieoea Crum'a beet English Prints, in light and dark
colors, worth regular 12go
Sale price 1010
-30 ends Fancy Dress Mualino, worth regular 20o, 25o
and 30o
Sale price 1*
-10 dozen pairs Ladies' White Coutil Comte, white and
drab, dip hips, long front, ereat form style, eome
with hoe° supporters, eine 18 to 26, reg. 51.00 per pr.
Sale Price 79c
-5 pieoee beet quality Feather Tioking, regular 25o
Sale price 19c
-10 only large eize Green and Red Linen Table Covers,
fringed, worth regular $1.00
Sale price 75e
-25 only Ladies' White Lawn Shirt Waist's, lad on.
tron'e styles, worth reguler 75o, 01.00, $1.00 an 02 00
Sale price 490
-5 dozen Ladiee' Parasol°, worth regular 50o, 76o, 51.00,
5136, 51.75 and 52.00
Sale price 20 per cent. off marked price
-200 yarde Sioilian Drees Goods, in Brown, Navy and
Blaok, worth molar 750
Sale price 500
-3 pieoee Fine Quality Luetre, in Brown, Navy and
Green, worth regular 60o
Sale price 89c
-20 Short Ends Fanoy Silk, worth reg. 50o, 750 & 51.00
Sale price 850
-60 pieces fine All Wool Pan Venetians, Brodie, Home.
spano, Cheviot'', Armoree and Plain Drage Goode ;
great aseortment tu select from ; goode that sold me
Sale price 75c
-500 yardo Fancy Drees Duck, guaranteed fast oolor,
worth regular 120 and 14o
Sale price 10c
-10 dozen Ladiea' Feet Black Cotton Stookinga, reg, 150
Sale price llo
-20 only Large Size White Bed Spreads, regular 61.25
Sale price 85c
-20 only Cream Linen Table Clothe, with aolored border
'lightly Boiled from handling, which we plums on sale
At one-half marked price
Come to this Sale any Day during the Next Thirty Days and You'll
not be disappointed, but come early if you can
Four persona were killed byl, falling
walls in the Winnipeg factory smash,
Eugene Renaud and Joseph Beverin
were fatally injured in a boiler explosion
at Hawkesbury.
The Manitoba Government have deoid•
ed not to issue o license to the Supreme
BALE,- The undersigned offers his
desirable property in Graham's Survey for
sale, oontaining 81 therm with a good brick
house and frame barn on it. For Anther
60 acre farm for alkia, toeing South halt
Lot 0, Con. 7, (hey. Mostly seeded down
and well =Inured. Good bank barn and
comfortable house. Close to school and 24
miles from Brussels. 6 acres of Fall wheat
in. Apply to J. O. 1,1101C, Brunets, 80-1f
v.) being Lot 20, con. la Grey townehip,
Huron Clo., aontalning 100 acres. There is a
elearanee of 90 aeree the land being le
splendid condition. 'Upon the farm ie
brick lame, bank barn, low barn, pig houea,
deo also good mallard, Posseesion given
nex't Spring. with privilege , of putting Pall
wheat in. Per further particulars apply ou
the premises to W61. MoNABB , Proprietor,
1 Inn Lot 12, Cou. 14, Grey, containing
100 lame. 85 of which are Wonted and bal-
ance in hardwood bush. Frame house, now
bank baru, orchard, 00., on premien xvith
abundttnee of spring water. Place la well
fenced; to in good condition and no waste
land, 6 ranee from either Brunets or Wal-
ton. For further particulars apply on the
premises or if by letter to Oranbrook P.O.
60.1 Proprietor.
TY non SALE -Property is Lot 29,
oontaieing 100 acres. 85 none cleared and
fenced, balanoo bush and 'mature land.
There aro two 'rood dwelling house'', driving
Mood, two Malice, alito same. lath, shingle,
and choppleg mill, all in good working
order and ettrrounded by good country. 6
aortae of good gravel soul Wad With lots of
Monett!, also moulds tor manuteetiming
cement tile. Property will he sold ohitaP If
field at onoe Re proprietor wlehee to go
Wed. Pot further particulars emir to
1.4 PPflettit TAM' mencriea Po 0,
must be fashionably correct. Ours are.
These shoes are comfortable because
they fit inside. The outline is handsome and
the shoes are made to li922_ their sham, and
appearance till worn out.
°Prices are right for right goodsoi,
—Men's Fine Shoes from $1,25 to $4.50. We have special
makes by J. D. King, George A. Slater and other popular makers
all of' which are up-to-date fitters and wearers.
HARNESS DEPARTMENT.—Single Harness, reduced prices
for 80 days. Dusters and Lap Rugs, a nice assortment. Trunka
and Satchele.
ta-Comforiable Dwelling Rosana to let, also dwelling for sale.