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The Brussels Post, 1905-7-27, Page 3
X1'.3 � r�. �, �• r,.x .�,�,.�.l,rl,rt irl.�� REALE 441.+++.14,f4,14,74.1401414.4.4.2144 Wi NUI SERV NOTES, A Nervous Baby's lath, --A simple expedient fu ovevcunliug the fear et the :birth d'1 ich afflicts some nervous childron„is to cover the bath with a sheet and then lower trio little sine in! o tho Writer, sheet and all. As he docs not see Uw built he d00s not realiee what it is, and, c(inting gradually into the pleasantly warm water he rather enjoys it as a rule, Jn a vary short 11,010 this precaution will be found unnecessary, 0.011 with the most nel•yntte of babies. het filthy Sleep. A young infant ought to spend tbw greater part of • its time asleep, In. feet, the two great duties of its life are feeding and sleeping, and the 1300011(1 ought to oecnpy much 11101.e 11100 than the first. Never allow a baby Le be aroused from its sleep oven to see the most, important of visitors, Remem- ber that it is often politeness and not, affection which makes People a&0 to see the baby, and do not let the little one be :reused from its ahlmber. 1Vlun it has t'este'd long enough it will wake naturally, but to be suddenly roused often causes a fonsiJerahlc shook to its nery011 and inim'y to It health. +yl,rpl.nms of ]Iensles; '4Tnnsles gen- erally begin with a 001d. The child's 110(10 Duns, it sneerer fretplently, and seems generally miserable. About red, thethird or fourth viii. duskye , 1 Y seised spots appear, the face and neck being attara:cd first, betty and arias next, end lastly 111:i legs. Whilst the rash is out the little, patient should be kept iri bell; to let hila catch cold antsy lead to serious r0 - sults. if the eyes are itelamed, they should be Bathed several times a day with warn) 1)oracic lotion, and afterwards dried. The infection lasts for n; month after the first spots air pear, Children and Carters. -Don't let your children wear garters. They obstruct the down flow of blood in the arteries and tho return flow in the veine. They tend to make the calces small and to cause the knee- eali to be loo prominent. Tho tighter the garter, the worse the resule, Suspenders are without any of these faults. • THE KHEDIVE OF EGYPT B E FAS TURNED OUT PRETTY WELL AFTER ALL., De Is a Student, With a Won- derful Capacity as a Linguist. D1.ALTIT TJ7 -BTPS. A strip of flannel or towel folded several limes lengthwise and dipped in hot water, then slightly wrung, out anti applied about the neck of a child suffering with an acute attack of croup, will usually relieve the sufferer in tho course of ten minutes if the flannel Is kopt hot. To make embrocation for bronchial 00T0ct.ions take ; ounce olive oil, t (Hulce eucalyptus oil, 1 ounce oil of cloves, and 1 minim of amber. Mix and Reda in a glass -stoppered bottle, aud on the nest appearance of bron- chial trouble gently massage neck, chest, and back with it. It acts like a charm, relieving and soothing im- mediately. No one can be healthy who wears tight shoes and high heels, The tight shoes impair Gin circulation, while. the High heels strain the inuscles of the bat]: and cause nerv- ousness, The sensible shoe has a low, flat. heel. For Ithemnatiem.-Sufferers from rheumatism sholflel dress entirely in woollen clothing, and dust the in- 0f11e of their clothes with flour of sulphur', They s110(11d abstain from tatting bee', acids, .sweets, sugar, or pastry, but take plenty of milk, cel- ery (stewed in emit or prepared in oilier ways), and Onions, They should rub the ,joints night and morning with a brine of salt, rub- bing It in until_ the skin is dry. Turlc- isli baths do much good to rheums' tic Mesons, but, bring' a severe rem- edy, should never be tried without first consulting a m0010(1alratan, or the result may be most hilarious. 13cadacho almost always yields to the quick application of hot water to file feet and back of the neck. ITS. )S OF LEMON. Gargle a bad sore throat with a strong solution of lemon • juice and water. he juice juice of half a lemon in a cup of black coffee without any sugar wilt euro elate headache. Lon eti lMoo and sett will remove iron rust, A. strong unsweetened lemonade taken before breakfast will prevent and 0Ul'0. a bilious attach ' Lenton juice added 110 mills until it curds and thoave curds then botnidl upon parts 8)val1013 from rheumatism will bring relief, Lenon juice wised very thick with sugar will relieve that tickling cough that is so annoying, A hot llmonl.d0 -taken before going to heel will cure et cold 00 the lungs. A cloth setltrlted in lemon juice and bouncy about a cut or wound will slap its blending,. Lenion juice added to fruit j14005 I bait du not 1011 readily, such as cherry, slraebOri'y, etc„ Wi]l cau5n Gum in jell, The Khedive, who has again ar- rived in London, is a line specimen of the ail -round men --the student and the athlete, says The Westrnin- tee Gazette. kf0 learned English as a child, under tutors specially sel- ected and sent to Cairo for his ben- oflt and that of his brother, Prince Mehemet. When twelve years of age 110 entered the celebrated 1Jaxius School at Geneva, and afterwards 30011tiunecl his scholastic career at the Theresiantun at 'Vienna, from which he was called by the sudden death of his father, the Khedive Tewfik, to ascend the throne of ]4gypt at the age of eighteen in 1892, AL Vienna 110 was something of a favorite with the Austrian Em- peror. The lChetlive's knowledge of ]an gouges 1$ extensive. During the Course of an "AUDIFINCI. DAY" it. frequently happens that 110 d1s- cusses questions of State with the British and United States diplomatic agents in excellent English, with the representative of France in faultless French, and with the Ce0- rnan in tho choicest language of the Austrian Court. Later he conducts affairs with the Sultan's representa- tive in Turkish, and may conclude the day by presiding 0001' a council of his Ministry, when all sorts 0f in- tricate details of policy are arranged in Arabic, the native tongue of 'Egypt, and one of the most difficult of languages, But even this duoe not complete the list. The even- ing may see his 1-lighness at the theatre listening with pleasure to anti understanding the opera rendered in Italian. 1710 Khedive is a strict Mohamme- clan,.and as such eschews both wines and spirits. His abstinence goes 00011 further, for in a country where everybody smokes he will have noth- ing to do with- the fragrant heed. Like his father, he is a monogamist, although his religion allows him four wives. Ile is known to be great- ly attached to his consort, who was a Circassian lady of the Khedivial household before her marriage. In. fact he is essentially A DOMESTIC MAN, and is very fond of his children. Wlton at his palace at Koulbeh, some five miles from Cairo, the Khe- dive lives after the same fashion as might a great English land -owner of the most modern type.. .He keeps a splendid stud, and his beautiful horses, Englislrbeed as well. as :Arabs are his special pride. 0» tho estate itself he has brought into use the latest things in American agricultur- al machinery, and 110 takes an active Part in the supervision of hid num- erous farms and cotton plantations in, the Nile valley -from which, In- deed, lie derives the larger part of his vast private wealth. His official income is £3.00,000 a year, and an equal amount is paid to the other members of the•Kl'rodiv.iai family. EMPEROR OF GERMANY KAISER WILLIAM xS POVERTY STRUCK. Spite of Pour Millions a Year 130 Das Difficulty in Making Ends Moot, It is a popular 'delusion that the German Emperor is a very rich man, Inasmuch as the matter of looney and of wealth is purely relative of the ICaiscr should he placed in finan- cial comparison and competition with some of the Kinds of Europe, or some of the American captains of industry, ho would be called a poor man, for he has the greatest difficul- ty in malting both ends 'suet. It is TO ENSTJRT5 SOTJNND SLEP1P. Sleepless nights may bo avertee by one oe other of the following simple remedies: 1:Tot milk -which, ]lowove', Should not be boiled -if taken the last thing at night will be found to induce sleep_ very readily. An onion, either raw in slices or well boiled, is 1)150- 1110511 of lCaciOUS, 'Jho disagree- able taste may be taken away by coling a little sugar after it, or 50111,0 1'arslnv, or 01 pinch of (by tea, 'j'hnogh it Is useall,y considered un- wise to +1;(11(0 fruit late at night, the apple 15 nn excoptiotl to 1110 rule, 01111 may be eaten With impunity, for it is easily digested and is an ex• collent aura for Wel...dulness. A hot bath taken the last thing before re- , tiring 10111 oleo be found beneficial, of 'ANOTHER VOICE ON THE PRAIRIES TELLS DE DIABETES CURED B'2' DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. W, G. Bartleman Could Get No Relief Till He Tried the Groat Canadian. Kidney Remedy. %pvlla, amt., N, W. T. .July 17- (tipeeial),=Phis thriving town fur- nishes one of the most remarkable cures of 7tidney Disease that has ever been reported o11 the prairies, Mr, 1V11), (4, dllrrlleman, 4 10011 -known true that he has an annual income farmer, is the man cured and he of approximately $5,000,000, but itmakes the fallowing stalnlalent:- should len remembered that he has; „1 had Kidney Trouble and It de - well luxuriant and expensive as! vuloped into Diabetes. J went to well as unique.l'coplo generally 111 , the doctor but his treatment waft 01 ag'ine that he receives a salary in his; no usta whatever to me; I bn•g(u) to capacity as German Emperor. As al11...0e,""Docld's er to Pills In 1k'ec n- mattcr of feet Emperor William' lice, 1002. 1 took them all winter does not receive one farthing 111 his capacity as German 1.91peror, but land suutntnr while I • 111I:l1Jle to fulfills the duties of this honorary' work my farm. 1. took,, twelve boxes position flee of charge 10 the P0(1or-11nall and in August I W'as able to aatomof German .States. '1'ho Kaiser o • draws his income, ilrst as King of 1 "Nolo I ant quite strong, T worl:eci Prussia and second as private laud all winter without pains in )Uv hack or any part of my body. ilodtl's Kidney Pills cured me," If the Kidney Disease is of ling standing it may take time 10 Mire it. But Dodd's Kidney Pills 1vi11 do it, owner. NECESSARY ECONOMIES. Many of the races regarding the poverty of the Emperor's resources W000 brought to light In connection with the recent inert•iag° of the Crown Prince. In some respects in connection with this wedding, which ono would have supposed would have been made one of the wonders of modern Germany, the strictest econ- omics were practiced. And these ecom0mies were matters of necessity. Fortunately the Crowle Prince mar- ried a woman with stoney -not al- ways the ease where .marriage of State are sometimes brought about and when questions of geography and race and rank figure for more than the actual cash, It is estimated that hod Ptlas.-Dr, Agnew's Ointment I the bride of the Crown Prince Stave the quickest relief and surest cure. I brought to the family a nice little These are gums of truth picked from Les- ' nest egg of $20,000,000 -certainly t!ntony which is given every day to this It enough to set any ordinary family mratche l !n 1 curatiive qualitiesin7 c•!cn ma, 'letter, P11es, etc. 36 cents. -103 A. wisp barber asks the 001'y young man if he wants a shave and the very old man if ho wants a haircut. Lifebuoy Soap - disinfectant - Is strongly recommended by tho nedleal REMEMBER TII'NSE DATES. .Tuly 18, Aug. 1, 15 and 25, ACity $ U.00. Aug.t w e ,f 1 Atlantic t t 1 ao York S9.00 round trip from Bulf via Lackawanna. Never judge a patent medicine by the almanac that goes with it. When Baby had Scald Read -When Mother hatl Salt Rheum -When Father ANXIOUS IIZOTRERS. The summer months are a bad limo for little ones and an anxious time for mothers. Stomach and bowel troubles conte quickly during the hot weather, and almost 1)efere the moth - et' realizes that there is danger the little one may be beyond ail. In every Homo at this season there should bo kept a box of Baby's Own Toblets, and at the first symptom of illness they should be given, They promptly cure 011010ra infantuin, diarrhoea and stomach troubles, and aro just the thing a mother needs at this time to keep her children .1ve11. Mrs, 'prank Moore, Brookfield, N.S., says: "I always keep Baby's Own Tablets on hand in case of emer- gency. I do not know any other medicine that can equal . them in eases of stomach - or bowel troubles. And this medicine is absolutely safe '—it 15 sold under a guarantee to contain no opiate or harmful drug," You can get the -Tablets from your medicine dealer or by mail at - 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine. Co., Brockville, ,Ont. ROTHSCHILD'S SANITARIUM. Left Fortune to Found Near Insti- tution in Vienna. Baron Nathaniel Rothschild, whose. death 1000 announced a few day's ago, has left the sum of ;4,250,000 to found a sanitarium on the latest sci- entific lines foe ` pereon5 salTert1g Prom nervous diseases. This sanitarium will be erected in.• the neighborhood up in housekeeping. And this addi- tion to the income of the reigning family of Prussia, it may be observ- ed in passing, was "doubly welcome to the Raiser, who has been hard- pressed for funds during the past Year. AS KING OF PRUSSIA. Though Emperor William receives profess:on as a safeguard against in - no income as Gorman Emperor his factious diseases. 22 income as King of Prussia amounts to about $4,000,000 per annum. The Emperor of Russia receives an an- nual allowance of approximately $55,- 000,000, and the Emperor of Aus- tria all annual allowance of more than $4,000,000. Both of those mon- archs receive additional allowawaces for certain definite purposes, and furring to One11 physical condition or both of theta Own vast landed es- 11nb1t8010s. The man who is acquainted with himself 10(11 known how to not tater far superior in acreage 10 t110 when any dlsal•rangsswnt fu his con - German Emperor's possessions. The, ditton manifests-)tsell. Dr. Thomas' Sultan of Turkey receives an am11(01 1'ieloctric 011 is a cheap and simple remedy for 1103 0rndicatdon of pain from allowance of $10,000,000, and the the syst0m and for Chs euro of all King of Italy draws over `$8,000,000 bronchial troubles. per annuam, while the incomes of several monarchs of anuric States A bachelor doesn't consider a girl aro nearly ns large as that of the baby worth kissing until sho is sweet Icing of Prussia. The amount of $4,- sixteen. 000,000 granted annually to the Gornme Emperor in his capacity of "Pity Physician Told. 3315 1 Niust Die, King of Prussia is not takerfrom but South American Kidney Cure cured revenues from State dominions which me of that awful Bright's Disease," we'0 formerly the private property of This is a sentence from a letter of a tho Prussian royal house. Grown well-known business loan in a western lands were handed Over to the State, town who through overwork and worry and in return the State pays a fixed had contracted this kidney pestilence. It annual income to the monarch. will relieve instantly and cure all kid - BIGGEST LAND OWNER, ney diseases. -102 The Raise• owns 83 landed estates, IIr,-Iljones•-"How wonderfully comprising ;n total of 250,000 acres. Mrs. Robinson bears her eget" 1111'14• ma is 1110 greatest land 0101101' in Ger- 05nlith (sweetly) -"Yes --considering those of the three land 010and his possassials far oxceod how much thorn is of it1" those 1101.5 1011(150 estates rank next to his own in acre- Nearly all Infants arc mo'o or lass ago. Those 'aro the Prince Of IP]eSSe, subject to diairrllosa nasi such col owns 125,000 acres, the Duke of plants while teething and as this peri - Meet, 10110 owns 100,000 acres, and 0d of their lives is the most (1110(aal, the DAtke of:Ratibon, whose estate i5 utothera sh0ukl not bo without n beide of he T, D. Faot 18,14 byaantarY Cor much smaller. Some of the land of that This medicine is n s 1e011110 for the Kaisers estates is rented to 5,1011 cotnplaint0 and is hlggh,y spoken farmers, but the Emperor °ey)•ies 011 ai by tons n•lo haus »aerl illi (11e P' proprietors claim it will euro any case business on his awn account in sever- of cholera or summer complaint. al parts of the country. The Kids- er's workmen are all paid abnormally TTiF SILENT, high wages, and all his employes re OYAMA4 cove liberal pensions in their old age or in case of sickness. ]fie also Commander of Japanese Army provides liberally for their widows Who Wastes No Words. 'and their children out of his private In Moscow Military hospital at purse. X111 these payments consume present are 150 litanywounded Japanese a large proportion of the 9000 11, 1411 that the -Emperor's , ncoino 100(0 his soldiers, nearly all of whom fell into estates is coinparatively small. Prac- RUIEsian hands during the early stage Coolly speaking, therefore, the Ger- of the battle of Mulu(en. man Emperor is oblige to live on A correspondent who has interview- man royal income of $oo,000,000 pot ed one through the medium of an in - annum, which Is altogether insufi tet'pl'eter obtained the following in- cient for his requirements: 1100301 formation about Field Marshal the Kaiser has many eccentricities Oyamn. 1 he really has few personal oxtrava- Unlike. General Kuroki, who al - ga;eos,- but lives a simple and stren- uous life of hard work and little luxury. Ile spends little money of his table, for the cuisine of the Ger- man. Imperial residence is notorious for its inferiority. The Kaiser is not a dandy and spends a coilparativcly A young: man imagines that he is engaged in a game of flirtation until ho wakes up and finds himself mar- ried, ignorance is a Curse.—"TCnow thy- self" Is a good admomtiot, whether re - of Vienna for the benefit of persons small amount yearly on 'his clothes. suffering from 010'rv005 ailments 'other Tho horses he rides ase tot of parti- than epilepsy, insanity and incurable elderly good breed, and not 111111s1101 - spinal disorder, The late baron was subject during the greater part of hie lifetime to a peculiar form of nervous complaint. It was this disease which induced hint to spend his hinters m .tllo (10- .se't, far •anvay from all society ex- cept that of his beloved Arabs. His sympathy for sufferers like him- self led flim to matte this magnificent bequest. To addition to tiiis lie loft a sum of $4.00,000 for general oliari- table purposes. His fa1n0U5 gardens at Ilolienwarto he bequeathed to his nephew Al- phonse. The remainder of 1$s pro- perty goes to finis brother Albert. As soon as Baron Rothschild's be- quests to 011001ty wore known crowds of poor besieged the statthalLer's of- fice, hoping for an immedlato share. They were, however; disappointed, "Mabel has a most wonderful pow- er of imagination." "Really? That 113 the very last thin( I Should have given her credit', fot " "Oh, it's Otte trite,' .1 assure yon, ,he ectunliy fa110105 that file's good-lool(ilg.". • ly expensive, He is not a gambler, and does not indulge in other dissi- pations which would be excused in a porson of his position. friend in need 011'0s has a haril- 7 A y luck story on tap,' ways speaks encouragingly to his officers before a battle, our Com-, (108011011 much less fr0111 irks nervous- mandcr in -Chief says nothing. Nor nese, and when ho added Grape -Nuts does he say 1110011 after a victory: At food to 1118 diet lie 10115 soon entire. the battle of the Shaho a despatch ly cured. rider named Hiroto dict a brave act "My friend, Mrs. -- , of r r (myformer home had lvltfch was contrary to the. instruc- Vicksburg:, ) tions ho received. The Field Marshal become a nervous wreck also from sent for 11101, questioned him, and dyspepsia. Medicines had 110 effect, neither dict travelhelp lion. On my last visit Home, some months ago, T persuaded her to 1150 Grape -Nuts food. Sho was in despair, and con- sented. She stuck to it until it re- stored her Health so completely that rho 15 now the most enthusiastic friend of Grape -Nuts that S ever. renew. She eats it with cream or dry, just as it comes from the pacic- a.go-keeps it in licr room and eats it whenever slit feels like it. "1 began eating Grape -Nuts food, myself, when my baby was two. months old, and I don't know what I should have done without it. My appetite was gone, I was weak and nervous and afforded but very Little nourishment for the child. The Grape -Nuts food, of which I soon grows very fond, speedily set all this right again, and the baby vete lfcalthiul, rosy alyd beautiful as a mother could wish, Ifo is two years old now [favi eats Grape -Nuts food himself, I wish every tired young m011)0r knew of the good that Grano Nuts would do her," Nannes given by 1Ostuni Co,, 13e:t- tle Creek, A4icb, There's a reason. Fra rant as Fresh V ©I • s Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. 6a 113ROPFRTY 111:Ol1;T,:1 ITA PP1N1:S1, es happiness berets health. liuy a farm in the etlebrated 1'(0030 Mnuntatn lnpar lrt where everyone IN 1n'nanel'n115. and crop failures unknown. CarlyleIs five tour years old; has elevators, with capacity of 2On,000 bushels. The meal Who built them know their business. J7:eyy aro filled every 06111011, The D. O. Alc1•'ae Lend Co. 0f Carlyle, Auslh!- hota, 111105 200,000 arms of improved inn 111110l ro rr1 farm lunch for sale n.1 the li• i,lCt, They (obeit your correr:- pon,,enre. Further lntormatien and part:eel:um elm:irully given. if 14Adl*f rrLF1tPAP1IY 6c R. R. kJ Aecnnnlin g. 850 to gum per. month 141110ry ussulul our graduates 1410 der bond 0.00 don't. pay 1141 1111 411 you here a position. Largest system of telegraph schools is America, I^,n- duraed by all railway officials. Opera- tors always in demand. 1.a11ie0 also admitted. write for catalogue. Morse seho0l of Telegraphy, teoellnati, G., Buffalo, N.Y., Atlanta, (la., La Crosse, Tis., Texarkana, Tex., San Francisco, Cal. @:,3LEAP'I6N 3 LADIES ... WALICIr4S OUTING DU ITS (dsn bo done Perfectly by our Prouob rroceca. Tyr It 00101611 514)e5(0138 00E1116 CO, 10NTBE214 TORONTO, OTTAWA a f1IIEB$e AYRSHIRE CATTLE FOR SALE 20 Ayrshlre Bulls -four to twenty months old; Ayrshire Females all ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs, Apply ] to IION. W. OWE.NS Monte Bello, Roc, Friend -"What was the result of the consultation of doctors?" In- valid (glancing at .the receipted bill) -"It left me in a very poor condi- tion." A 1a(ly writes: "I was enabled to re- move 'the corns, root and branch. 1tv the use of lIollnway's Corn Cure." Others who have tried it have the sable experience. BRIDEGROOM YAWNED. Hesitated at Altar and Got a Thrashng From Bride. A young Belgian, named Deneck, who repented a p10111ise to marry as the wedding ceremony was about to be performed, 0101' lies in a hospital in a battered condition, telephones the Paris correspondent of the Lon- don Express. He was engaged to Celeste Voisin, the pretty daughter of a Bethune peasant, and the wedding was fixed TEA comes to the home FRESH AND PURE as when it left the plantation to he manufactured with special care, and closely sealed in LEAD PACKAGES, tPt1L,Y ONE BEST TEA—BLUE RIBBON TEA Natural. g`lavor, Don't 6e W thotIt Them to Your Rome They Are Always Ready to Serve Lunch Tongues Veal Loaf Boneless Chicken Dried Beef :> •,i Brisket Beef Soups wy+; Jellied Hocks Baked Beans r our Grocer Y ,1 Theooklst "flow to Make Good Things 73 0 e h t It' O atsent I'" t'E8. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, July, August and September the Chicago and North Western l.ty, will sell from Chicago, round trip excursion tiekots to San Fr•aneisao, Los Angeles, Portland, Ore. (Lewis &,,Clarke Excursion), Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points 111 Canada. Choice of routes, hest of train ser- vice, favorable stopovers end liberal return limits. Rates, folders and full information cmc 110 obtained from 11, N., Bennett, Demirel Agent, 2 hast King St., Toronto, Ont. 31 DOW SHE KNEW. "Ellen, hos George Como home from school yot?" called Mrs. Snaggs to her servant. "Yes, ma'am," an5w0r. "Where is ho?" "I 1lavoa't 0001) 1111," "How do you know, 'then, that lie's home?" came hack the at tho mayor's office.Relatives and "Because, the cat's a-hidin' under guests were assembled, and the pair the dresser." stood side by side before the mayor. It is not every man who knows When, however, the mayor was holy to compliment a woman race - about to pronounce the words which folly. The followingdialogueallBrook would have made them male and wife phlce between a er l Donedc yawned. The mayor had y pretty lady never seal n would-be-bridegrown Binger au(1 a celebrated couponer, wllo 1S 11V no (Mania addicted to fiat: - which -iue, lay clear -maestro, which would you like the better, to be blind or deaf?' "Deaf, madam, when I nil looking at you, and blind when I hear you sing." Sikeeplesanese,—When the nerves are unstrung and the whole body given u yawn, and he stopped the service. Dcucck yawned again; and angry whispers were beard among the rela- tives. Then Deneck relieved the ten- sion, "I have thought better of It," he said, making ready to leave. "And I do not think I want to marry at n11." to wretchedness, when the mhnd to 111- 73ut lie bad reckoned without the ed with gloom and dismal forebodings, Voisin Stonily. Celeste rushed attest the result 01 dcrangemont u( the dJgas- him, and sz Otc him fir the ear with five organs, sleeplessness tomes to add all the force of her dimpled lists. Her three brothers followed suit and pummelled the - recalcitrant lover mail he cried for mercy, and plead- ed to be allowed to marry the girl. Finally ho was rescued by the mayor and his clerk and removed to the hospital. Ile is now taking pro- ceedings against the Voisin family. CHANGED HUSBAND. Wife Made Wise Change in Food. Change of diet is the only way to really cure stomach and bowel trouble: A 100(11 111) says: "My husband had dyspepsia When we were married and had suffered from it for several years. It' was almost impossible to finer anything he could eat without bad results, "I thought this was largely due to the use of 'coffee and persuaded him to 'discontinue it. Tie did so, and began to drink. Postnnl Food Coffee. 'rho Change olid hint good, from the beeinn!ng, his digestion improved; he to the distress. 11 only the sebieet could sleep, there would be oblivion for e. while and temporary relief. Parme- Iee's Vegetable Yule will not only in- duce sleep, but will not so beneec15ny that the subject will wake refreshed and rosloracl t0 happiness. senthim away without praise of blame. Ilirot0 thollgitt tho Co1n- mader-in-Chief's silence meant that he was about to order some Punish- ment and killed himself with his bay- onet. Almost before he was dead a staff officer rode up with a hundred yen. f11 money, which Marshal Oyama had sent the suicide in reward for his courage. The reward arrived too late, "At the battle of Luoyang the Marshal was slightly wounded in the left arm, Ile said 11011111114 about and all the soldiers who renew also kept silence, fearing'that if they spoke the 1101013 100(11(1 Spread in an exagget'ate'd font and -cause depres- sion in the array. ' "The Field Marshal is the 31105t 1'e- ligious man in the whole army, and Often complained that many officers When learning European Methods n1- eo acquired European tendendes to unbelief; De believes In all the da,p- auestrg0ds, 111101 has a temple at his house in 'Tokio," :After a man has lived in ono neighboi•llood forty years you can't tell hint anything, "f hear, (ny boy, that you have lately told your• mother sove'al (ohm - hoods. This 8010-001 1110 t0 the heart, Always tell the truth. even though it may bring suffering upon you. Will you promise 1110?" "Yes father." "Very well Now go and see who is knocking at the door, 1f it's the tax -collector say l'm not at homer" " !believe ltto bethemost effective remedy for the Stomach and Nerves on the market," is what Minis Pat- terson, of Saukville, N.B., says of South American Nervine, for, she says, 'Le. Grippe and the eompltoattons which followed it ]eft her next to dead with Indigestion, Dyspepsia and General Ner- vous Shattering. It cured bar. -100 bteoks-"Tho man who tries to change a woman's views is a fob)," Works-"ITow do you know?" Meeks -"My wife told me so," Phu Elagghtg Energies Rovlvcd,-Con- etent apptloatton to bee:nese is a tax upon the a it:gist, earl if there be no relaxation, lassitude and doprossion ((00 sura to hltervene. These come from etonta611 troubles. The want of exer- else brings on nervous irregular!Gos, mid the 5tmuaclt ceases to assimilate food properly. In 01110 00ttd111011 )'aw melee's Vegetable Pirie will be found 86 recuperative of rem power, 1'estm•mg tlaJ organs to liaalthfui (111(0n, dispell- ing deprossiOn, and reviving the flagging energies. "AFTER YOU, SIR." A French paper tolls: the little story of mat old violinist who oecn- 510110lly played with his man servant who had been the best fiddler in his native village. "Why are you always 0110 Or two heats 'behind me?" demanded the violinist, impatiently, one day, when no tappings of his foot or frowns had served to mato the valet realize 1115 lout, "711111, monsieur, it is that my Diel fiddle has the respect," said the man, meekly. New rules in the Erenoli poet -offices: "Sorters arc forbidden to read post- cards, anci are requested to keep book any on wltioh are insults or bad language." —_ "I hear that Russia is putting an- other largo sura into (3 new nitvy,'t "`lyes -that's her sinking. Sandi'? Protect'Your Property —wrr��pN— f VOS A dry p,wdor put up is metal tube), 23 inches long. Tt will blatantlyextissuleh the moat famous flames of wood or oil. Prl,0(13.00 eseb, $30 00 0ox writeter d 000rlltive cnm510,, The Diamond Dry Powder FIND SCENTS Extingulsher Co.. Toronto, Ont. WARTED agmlammumaimeasmesaims WILL CLEAR THEM OUT BEWARE OF.5UBSTJTOTES v Benson -"My wife never says '1 told you so' when any of my plans go wrong." Johnson -"She must be a remarkable woman!" Benson. - "No; 0110 isn't so positive as all that. She just says, 'Didn't 1 say so?'' Worths derange the whole system. Mother Craves' Worm Exterminator de- ranges Werut5 and glees rest to the sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced, "1 trust you love your neighbor," ventured- the visitor. "Rush!" warned -old hounder. "Our neigh- hor is a widow, and my wife might blear x0111" `-- Awful .Experience with Hoar! Disease -Mr. L. J. Law, Toronto, Can., veritas: -"I was so sorelytroubled with heart disease that I was unable for 3.8 months to lie clown in bed lost I. smother, After taking one dose, of Dr. Agnew's Benet Cure, S retired and slept soundly. I used one bottle and the, trouble has not returned." -99 A poet says that a baby is "a new wave on -the "ocean of life." It - strikes us that "a fresh squall" would express the idea better.. OWLISH SPAM Lial1MENT Removes an hard sok or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, Curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,. 5titlles, spra(08, sore and swollen throat, coughs, eta. Save $50 by use oI one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful 21151111511 Cure ever known, "Well," complained the cranky 'wo- man, "I never 'met 'a man so. hard to please as my husband," '"Ilo,w quickly then changer" remarked Ibtiss Sly, 'It was only a few years 0(10 ho proposed to you." When - the little folks take colds and coughs, don't nogleat them and let thein - strain the tender membranes of their lungs,, - Give theta Shin ,,h9 Co sem_ ;ptnt'o n cureT Thoonic um, �.^ It will curb them quickly and etiengthen their lungs. is pleasant to taike, p63Oeer 2110., Seco add $1,00. IlpO_. TSSVIII ITO, 29--0S,