HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-27, Page 1Tr)
Vol. 84. No. 3
W. H.KERR,Prop
New Advertisements.
°oat loot -L, MoNoil.
Voters' List -Wm. Clark.
Removal Sale -D. 0, Roso.
De you know -Geo. Bpotton,
Bioyole left -Geo. Cnnniughnm,
Horse Blanket found-Ohas.jRozell.
Making Baeinees Hum-MoKinnon &
A Hard Road to travel, -F, R, Smith,
C iricX i tto$,
Mimi Susan McNair ie visiting at 11'Iil•
Rev. D. B. McRae will preach at Wal•
ton next Sabbath evening.
Jno. MoLanohlin and Mies Lib. are
book from their trip to the Wait. The
latter is talking of going to the East now,
Nova Bootie, being the magnetic point.
Geo. Smalldon sawed what might
have been a fetal aooident the other day.
He wag working for 0. Knight, 10th
con„ and was caught between the hay
rook and the gate poet. A doctor wee
pilled and attention given in aaring
to the bruieoe, and we hope he will ant•
fer no bad reenite.
f Miee Mande Stewart is visiting Mre.
Ohara Stewart.
Mime Ada Paulin returned to St.
Thomae on Saturday.
Ohae. McLean, of Memphee, Tenn., ie
the gueet of Dr, and Mrs. Senate.
H. and Mre. Davis, of Wiugham, epent
Sunday with Mre. W. Bundereon.
Mre. Byron Simmons, of London, ie
the guest of C. and Mre. Simmons.
Mira Janie Howe is spending a few
week's vacation with friends near Sea•
Mien Kerr returned to Hamburg after
a abort visit with her oonein, Mies A.
Mr. and Mre. Snider, of Stratford, are
the guests of the latter's aoole, John
T. and Mee. Lewis are spending a few
holidays with relatives in Mount Forest
and Harrietoo.
Mies Graham, of Trowbridge, wag the
guest of her eieter, Mre. J. Ballantyne,
for several daye.
Mre. A, Mauro end Mies Elsie Allan
lett for Cleveland last week to visit some
time with relatives.
Robert Hapfer, of Howlett. lett for
Lyleton, Mao., on Tneeday where be will
spend the Summer.
Mita Mary Sandereon, a000mpanied by
her neige, Mies Margaaret Dane, return•
ed from Hamilton last week.
Mrs. W. M. B. Smile and daughter,
Gertrude, leave [hie week for a two
mouths' visit with relatives in Montreal
and Obioago.
Robert Gibson and two little Bona of
Kleinbnrg agent a week with the former'e
mother, Mrs. R, Gibson,
Mise Violet McKay, of Monkton, was
visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Forbes, thie week.
Thomas Inglis' fine brink reeidenoe is
nearing completion, and when finished
will make a warm, aommodione home.
The 16th farmers boaet tboy have re-
ceived the cup for being the first through
haying bat the 14th lade declare they
hold the belt.
The farmers in this median have fin-
lebed baying, and ore buoy at their wheat
and barley. The grope are in good con-
dition. except on low lying land.
A Garden Party will be held by the
Bethel Sonday School in their eohool
ground, on Tuesday, Aug. 8th. A good
program is being prepared, consisting of
dialogue°, readings, recitations, vocal
and instrumental magic which will be
tarnished by local and outside talent.
The Brodhagen Braes Band will be in at.
tendanoe to furnish magic for the oo•
oanion. An extra good time ie to be ex.
pealed. Teo. will be served from 5 to
7.30, programme to commence at 8
o'clock, A stand will also be on the
Fall wheat harvest is on.
Para gives the news.
Minutes of the Townahip Connell
may be read on page 5 of [hie inane.
Thoe. Ferguson is home from the West
for a boliday visit under the parental -
Will. Roznil, of South Bend, Ind., ie
here on a visit with relatives and old
Ohre, E. Merrill, who hae been visit•
ing hie parents, 6th oon„ has returned to
hie home at Saginaw.
Mr. Houston, 16th oon,, met with an
aooident by wbiob hie bank was some•
what injured by the hey loader.
Mies Strange, of Rockwood, was visit
ing old friends and new ones in Grey
township during the part week,
Last Sabbath morning -Weser' Sbarp,
of Brussels, and Dundee, of Ingersoll,
asaieted the choir of Roe's church.
Mier Mary Coughlin and her oonein
Bradford MoOarlhy, of Saginaw, Mioh.,
ar vieitore with their aunt, MCO. D.
One day this week Thos. Lott, 9th
oon., was thrown off a load of bay by the
sudden starting and stopping of the
team. His ahonidere are quite stiff and
sore yet.
Teodoro are being asked for the con•
etrnation of Dement abutments for the
Forks, MeFarlane and McDonald
bridges, tenders to be opened on Settle.
day evening of tbie week.
The oontraot for the oonetruotion of
the Cox municipal drain baa been award•
ed to William Stevenson'the figure being
$3,000. He bee until the let day of
Mid =Summer
,e'ill.V1,1 aate1010.1 .1,1'1l'I,111,ly,
During the balance of July we are offering spec-
ial inducements in order to clear out the balance of
our stock of
Shirt Waists, Whitowear,
Colored. 11us1ins, Linen Crash,
Summer Suitin.gs, Prints.
This is your opportunity to secure Bar-
gains in the above Lines.
In White Underskirts our prices have been exceptionally low
but now quote the regular 1,00 line for; 800 ; 1,85 for
1.00 ; 1.60 for 1.25 ; 2.00 for 1.60 ; 2.75 for 2.25.
Corset Covers and Drawers -Regular 25o to 1.00 going at
20c to 80c.
There are only a few White Shirt Waists left in sizes 86., 88,
40. and 42, regular 1,00, 1.25, 1.75 and 2;25 for 80o;
1.00, 1.85 and 1.75.
We have .too many Colored Muslins on hand and in order to
make them go, quickly the prices have been almost out in
half -First Dome will secure first' choice. . •
BEST PRINTS now going at 8 and 10 cents.
August Standard Patterns to hand and a Fashion Sheet
given FREE to those calling for' them.
Firstoclass Dressxmaking in connection
with our Store.
• Stracha
December next year to complete the
A. Hill & Co., of Machell, have the
contract for the steel bridges known as
the Forke and MoFarlaoe'e, $1,500 is
the price. They do good work. The
bridges are to be placed by the 1st of
The Peter Erb farni on the 4th eon, of
Grey, wbiob was sold under mortgage at
the Grand Central hotel at Listowel,
recently wee porohaeed by Thee. Kelly,
of St, Merye, a son,in•law or Mr.
Erb's, for 52,100. Tbis figure, we
understand, does not nearly cover the
olaima that are against it.
Jzunen to vein.
Donald Innee was holidaying in Blyth,
Mro, W, Hogg, Mies] May are spend,
ing their holidays in Toronto,
Mr. Keer, of Wiogbam is to lead the
eervioo in the hall next Sunday night,
Misses Nellie and Alice Ooombee were
holidaying at their note's, in Blyth,
Mier Jarvie, of St. Catharines, is the
guest of her friend, Mies R. Strachan.
Rae berries are the order of the day.
The yield will apparently be small tide
year. -
Mienee Perna Eckmier and Lizzie In.
nee are vioitiug at Rev. Mr. Baker's,
Biuevale, this week,
Cattle are very much down in pride.
Animale worth 50. some time ago are
new only worth 4o. a Ib.
Workmen are batty painting and
It will be ranch im-
the Hall.
proved when comp eted
Ed. Bryant arrived borne from Bea
forth Iaet week. He will work in the
harvest fields for some wanks.
Mies Pearl Jaokson, who hae been
visiting with friende in Fordwioh for the
past week, has returned home.
Robert MoKay, of Ethel, took charge
of the service in the hall last Sunday
evening and gave a good diecoaree.
Commercial men are (torment visitors
at the store here this week before taking
their holidays on August let which will
bold them off for two weeks.
Farmers are getting fairly well on with
their haying and are thinking ot begin-
ning their Fall wheat harvest. Some
report rant bad among the wheat.
Mrs. John Strachan accompanied her
little grandson to hie home near Kinoar.
dine Met week. Mre. Strachan remained
there a few daye to enjoy the lake
8. Berke has purohaeed R. MoKay'e
50 three which lie olose by hie own 100.
Mr. McKay Use bought Mr. Cook's farm
on the 5th eon. of Grey. Mr. McKey
will be missed very much.
Mies Lizzie Eokmier, who was house.
keeper for L. Eokmier for rix years, hae
gone to Ethel to keep house for her
grandmother, Mre. Eckmier. She
makes a tip-top honeekeeper. Mr. L.
need run no risk.
In company with bar brother D. L.
Strachan, Mise Annie etraobon ie epend•
ing a few weeks with relatives and
friends at Kincardine, Ripley and Pine
River on the lake. We with them an
enjoyable visit.
Mies Lizzie E. Straoben attended the
Teeewater Old Boys' and Girls' reunion.
Dominion Day celebration was held on
July let., reunion open air services on
' .oi and concert on
July I and, and
w a
July 3rd. A large crowd of farmer reef•
dente met in the town.
important and always interesting event
is likely to be bald on Wednesday, Ang.
9th, and will pat all
1 its redeceaeore in
the ebade. Oity talent nae been engaged
in recitation, song, eto. Faller par.
ticnlare will be given next week.
flOar butcher here threw up hie job
for what reaeon be did not just eay, bat
we are glad we have euooeeded in getting
Mr. Match, butober, of Wroxeter, to no-
osed him. He is au experienced band
and no doubt will give oatiefaetion to
every one as he knows what he ie doing,
He ie to kill and eat up on Tuesdays of
each week, beginning ou Tuesday, Aug.
let. Parties who have beef to put in will
have to have them in on Monday after•
noon and the meat has to be taken away
no later than 8 o'clock in the evening.
The price° we pay Mtn for each job ie 53.
Interested puttee will please notfoe the
time of killing and each animal taken
OBIT.- On Thursday, July lath
Robert Moffatt, an old and well known
resident of Tnrnberry boundary died
el the home of hie daughter, Mre. John
Hooey, Toronto, aged 78 years and 6
menthe. Deceased met with en aooident
laet Winter which wee primarily• the
armee of big demise. He wae born in
Scotland and oerne to America in 1851,
living in the Genesee Valley, State of
New York for a time and then Doming to
Turnberry in the Fall of 1853 when he
took up hie farm upon which P. Scott
now reeidee. Mr. Moffatt was a double
brother-in•law to Jno. R. Mitler, each
marrying the other's sister. Mre,
Moffatt paeeed away nearly 20'yeare ago.
After 14 yoare ns] chlof lnetructor of
•8ie Immo Pitman's 'Shorthand and
Touch Typewriting Lu the Western
Academy of the Oity o1 London,uoge
MISS '/i9R
has boon engaged by the
� Business
f Elstow'
We cau guarantee all bur worthy•
graduate etenograpitore luorative
write or bull.
Phone 73 rrinoipal,
aaaaaataaaaataQMaag. V2aAaaa aWaa .Asa O .bl .tab ..4` r
25th 2 nniversary-
of "The Post"
TUESDAY, AUGUST let, will be the 25th Anniver-
of Tan Pon', under the present management, and
to commemorate the event on the afternoon and even-
ing from 2 to 5 o'clock and from 7 to 10 our new office
will be open to the public to call and inspect our up-to-
date premises.
A short Inetrumental and Vocal Musical Program
will be rendered to interest the callers and the Town
Band will supply some of their choice selections in the
No special invitations are sent to persons in town
or immediate locality so the non -receipt need not debar
any one from calling.
To further emphasize the Silver Anniversary we
will issue a Daily Evening Edition of Tan Posr next
week. Watch out for it.
25T for the
A silver cent piece will secure Thu Pos
balance of 1905 to any address on the North American
`4 'a a>Ma4arear casae as+�a4 2ravVazrasaarSr,6i'Y�Fa4
The aubjeot of this notfoe ie survived by
rix children the sone being, Robert G.,
mieeiooary in South Africa; John in
Michigan ; and James at Frinme Albert,
N. W. T. The daughters are Mre.
Hooey, and Mre. Massey, of Torouto, and
Mrs. Jno. Snell, of Prince Albert. The
funeral took place at Blaevale oemetery,
Rev. W, J. Wort, M. A. conducting an
appropriate service. The pallbearers
Mx nephews viz three Millere and three
Moffatte, Mr. Moffatt had a wide circle
of friende and was an indnetrioae man
who will be kindly remembered, especially
by the older people and the pioneers of
Morriebauk locality.
morel torr.
Robt. Carrie spent Sunday in Walton.
Mies Anniefgrg0eon is visiting friends
Mies Helen Miller, of London, is visit.
fog at Wm. Neale this week.
W. M. end Airs. Smith were visited by
their Seaforth relatives last Bnoday.
Thos. and Mre. Clark, of Morrie, were
visiting friends to town last Sunday,
Banditti School Excursion from Brae•
eels to Kincardine on Friday, August
Rev. R. S. Baker will oondnot more -
mental service at Providence Methodist
ahurob next Sabbath afternoon at 2
On Saturday W. H. Humphries nen
rowly camped serious injury. While he
wee unloading a load of bay with the
hayfork the trip rope brolie and he fell to
the ground. Though severely shaken up
be is around again.
Instead of the ureal preaching services
in Duff's Church next Sabbath Rev. D.
B. McRae, of Oranbrook, will 000npy
the pulpit at 7 p. m. an that day, Rev,
Mr. and Mre, MacNab, and family are
away enjoying Lake Huron breezee near
Pine River, where we hope they will
spend an enjoyable time.
The thistle law (Mold be enforced in
the township.
The next meeting of the Townehip
Council will be held on Angnat 7th.
The gauntry looks floe and indications
are most favorable for a good harvest.
R. Smillie, B. A„ of Dawson, Yukon,
ie expected home ehortly on a visit with
relatives on the 1st line.
Allan Adams, 5th line, hae been on the
elok liet daring the past week but we
hope he will soon be o, k.
Mier Sarah Skelton, Mies Susie Searle
and Mies Lizzie Riohardson went last
week on a trip to the Weet.
Morrie township Voters' List woe poet•
ed tip on Wednesday of this week, The
liet nonlaine, 860 names in all, eabdivid•
ed as follows :-Part I, 705 ; Part II, 97 :
and Part III, 58. 408 are oompetent to
nerve as•jnrore. " "'`
Mrs. James Douglas, who hae been
visiting at her note's, W. E. Oloakey'o,
Toronto, for several weeks, arrived home
last week after a pleasant stay. 'She will
make her home with her parente, R, and
Mrs, Nichol, 6th line, in tbo meantime.
Gn Monday, of last week, the residence
of Township Clerk Clark, 8th line, was
touched with lightning,. chattering the
chimney and tearing off some obinglee.
The lightning. game down the chimney
and ono of Mr. Olark'o daughters in the
room felt the shook. Bowel Mutual In•
emanate Co. settled the tone, allowing .06
to repair damage.
Word, was received by Mre, John
Mooney that her eider, Mre. Ooxall, of
Uxbridge, wbe dangerously ill and' was
in the General Hoepitnl, Toronto, An.
oper'a'tionwile performed in the' removal
of n 00000r, We, hope she will teen be
better. '.Jae. Stretton, of Brueoels, to'"tt
brother to Mre, Cozell.
Panentintaaoni.-Leet Monday evening
a Dumber of the young friends of Mies
Liilina Mooney went to her tome and
preeented her witb a ohoiae gold ting eel
with rubies and pearls as a mark of the
high esteem in which she ie held. The
roclplent accepted the gift with beoomiug
grape and thankfulness. A very pleasant
evening wase nt by all. Mies Mooney
leaves Friday thteo ofa
Omaha, Neb., where she will al
relativee for a few menthe. tier many
friends wieh bar a eats• journey and a
pleasant time. Mies Mooney sang in the'
Methodist church choir, Brussels, and
the members will be Bled to have her
Early last Saturday morning Jessie,
twin daughter of Wm, and Mre. Tarvey,
oon. 2, permed away, aged 2 years and 22
daye. She took ill on the Monday
previoue with dysentery and despite all
that weld be done died as above elated,
Funeral took place to Blaevale cemetery
on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Geo. Baker
oondaated the service. The parents are
deeply sympathised with in their Borrow.
SUDDEN Dxtuaa.-A fine young man, in
the person of Robert J., eon of James
Raeeell, Sunshine, paid Nature's debt at
6 a. m. on Saturday atter a very brief ill•
nese, He has been reeiding at Garden,
North Dakota for the paet 3 yeare wbere
he was engaged at storekeeping. Deeir•
ing to vial, the home folk he took a
trip to Duluth three weeks ago to see hie
twin brother, W. J., and together they
started for home Saturday evening by
boat. He took ill shortly atter with
oramps but au he had been eating some
fruit it was thought [bat might have been
the cense. Monday the patient was oon.
eideraLle better and on landing a dootor
V78,13 consulted who pronounced appen-
dioitie eymptona. The brothers arrived
home on Wednesday evening and a
pbyeioian was called in on Thursday
when Mr. Russell was feeling in good
took frits. He Y
sPworse on Friday and
permed away to his reward ars stated.
Goderiah township wet bis birthplace
and be was 37 years of age. Some yeare
ago he took up the drug bneineee in the
store of 0. A. Deadman, Brunie. The
other br
there are David,at Calgary,
W. T., and Alfred, of Kagas city. Fan-
eral took place Monday afternoon when
Rev. Mr. Jones epoke wade befitting the
and occasion to a large number of people.
Interment was made at Sunebine came.
tory. Deemed bad many friende who
lament his endden demise but to the dy-
ying young man the expected departure
was not one of gloom or sorrow as be had
the title deed to the better ioberitanoe
beyond. To the sorrowing relatives the
community tender their sincere eympa.
Tom Ritchie has a new driver and it's
a dandy.
George and Mea, Imlay visited friends
in Grey for a day.
Chris. Eckmier intends taking a trip
to Manitoba ehortly.
Mimes R. and L. Spenoe were visitors
et Bennele that week.
Lewie and Mre, Longeway spent Sun-
day with friends near Monkton.
Mira Lyda MoAllnm is visiting friends
in Seatorth for a couple of weeks.
Mier May McDonald has gone on a
three weeke' visit to friends in Paisley.
A Cabinet grand piano hae been par•
armed by Mre. Remould of this village.
Miens Mamie and Nellie Rentnid are
spending their holidays with relatives in
Jim Innea, of Jameetown, spent San•
day last in the village. We always like
to Bee Jim.
Teams are drawing some of the old
bridge timber to the gravel road South of
Beneath] for culvert°.
Jame Laird hae been on the aids liet
the past week but ie now able to be
around again we are glad to state.
Mise Nellie Laird is home again after
attending her eieter, Mrs. Ivie Campbell,
Who bat been ill for several weeks.
The hay in meetly all in now. Wheat
cutting is the order of tbe day. Wheat
in this district is.a splendid sample,
Mre, Spence and eieter,. Mre. Oramp,
of Toronto, bave gone on a month's visit
to friends in.Bty City, New York, and
Mieeee Sharp, of- 81. Thomas[ who have
been visiting Mr. Henry, their unote, for
the past throe weeks, have returned to
their borne.
The Methodist Parsonage bee been
nicely refitted with new paper, carpet&,
in the interior and painting of wood-
work outside.
Ino, Smith and family have got moved
into the G. T. R, depot. Mr. Smith wae
agent her five Y erre ago e e a o and' we are
pleased ad
o rad to o him back,
S S, Cole and bit staff are in Bennett;
working at tbe Rose mill making a stable
and delving bonze ot it for Mr, Lowry.
They will do a good job.
One day recently S• Annie had a fall
from a their in hie home and reoeived a
bump on hie head but we hope be will
soon be all right once more,
Rev, Mr. Armetroug preaobed to a
large congregation last Sabbath from the
tr xt "The disciples were nailed Obrietiane
& et at Antioch." lie is a good preacher,
Mre. Holding and Mime A. Paterson
bane retnraed to their respective homes
after a visit with Dr. Ferguson and Mre.
J. M. Davies. They are Meter and piece
of Mre, Davies.
&Iiee Ellie Dilworth, who baa been in
failing health for some time, is very low
at present, Her many eympathieing
friends wish a ohmage for the batter may
soon take plaoe.
Thursday evening of this week a new
Companion Oourt, under the animates of
the I. 0. F., will be organized here.
Deputy Supreme Chief Ranger Mo0anl
will be in obarge.
The bridge builders are at work patting
up the bridge. While getting up tbe
trestle work one of the heavy piece° tell
and injured one of the workmen, striking
him in the back. He will be laid off for
a few daye' rest,
Cain or Tumuli -The undersigned
desires to express thanks for kindnesses
during the eiokneee of hie late wife and
bee subsequent demise. The kindneee
will never be forgotten. Yours gratefully,
Gno. GILL.
Gone To HER Rawson. -Loeb Sonday
Leaoba Pollard, beloved wife of David
Tyreman, of this plane, was palled away
the Great Be opd and her demise
Dame as a great and gad eurpriee to many.
She was 34 years, 6 mouths and 27 daye
old. Her husband and little family are
deeply sympathized with in their Borrow.
Deceased wee a member of the Methodist
thumb and was a kind hearted in.
dnetrione woman enjoying the friendship
of a large oirole of triende. Funeral took
plane to Brunets cemetery on Tuesday
afternoon. Rev. Mr. Armstrong oon•
daoted a very appropiate aervioe. De•
ceased wae a daughter of Won. Pollard,
of Ethel.
Jun ABOUT Tnae.-It is high time the
owners of cattle, pigs, home, eto., were
looking utter the same and providing for
their keeping. How would tbe party or
parties who are allowing their stook to
run at large like i0 if your neighbor
would go into your garden atter yon had
retired and take a scythe and mow down
your Dorn, peas and all other vegetables
and then wander into your flower garden
and destroy that which has caused on so
mnoh time and labor 7 Yon would aim
ply ray your neighbor was insane. Well
when year neighbor gets up in the morn•
fag and &ode that your oow has been in
his garden all night, ho doesn't say "Why
that man's cow hae gone orazy," bot he
brings out an expression about the owner
of the oow which ie not to be repeated in
these linea. Ie it reasonable because our
villagers have very fine gardens to think
that they have to Bit op all night to pro.
tent the same, just beoanee the owners of
etoall refuse to provide a plane for its
keep 7 It the owners who are allowing
etoak to ran at large will go to the trout•
le of going to the oMoe of Clerk Molntoeb
they will be provided with a book and
upon referring to Division No. 11 of By -
low No. 166 of the townehip of Grey they
will find that by law they can be oom
ell -
ed to remove that wbiob is now a nude•
anoe on the pnblio highway.
Yours Truly,
Fran Pus.
People We Talk About.
Mies Addie Robb is visiting at Elora.
Mier Eliza Dapee hae returned to her
home at Bayfield.
Mre. W. W. Harris and children are
visiting at Rothsay,
Inspector Robblis in Toronto on the
Board of Examiners.
Mies Olive Brown is visiting her grand.
mother, Mre. Juo. Howard.
I. 0. Richards has been at Bayfield
breathing Lake Huron ozone.
Mre. Mason, of London, and eon are
visitors at W, i. MoCraoken'e.
Mre, shade and Mre. Reeves, of Sea.
forth, are visitors at D. Dupee'e.
Mier Mary Ritchie ie home from
Toronto for a well earned holiday.
Mies Verne Walker is holidaying with
New Hamburg relativee and Mende.
Mre. M. H. Moore and sone were
vieitore at Kincardine for a few daye,
Harry Mooney out hie foot by running
agaiuet a broken gem jar. A doctor wars
Mise Merle Gerry, of Blyth, is holiday.
ing with relatives in Brunettiand
Mre. Jno. Walker and Mies Grace, of
Teeewater, were vieitore in town for a
few daye.
Mae Ethel Cameron, of Luoknow, ie a
visitor with Mre, J. H, Cameron, Eliza-
beth street. .
An unseen nail wbiab Dame in content
with N. F. Gerry's foot ie giving him un-
asked bolidaye.
.;1Miee Mabel Haggard has taken a
position in Barrister MacDonald'° office
aa typewriter, &o.
A letter has been received from Mies
Maggie Scott, anno0uoieg her Bate arrival
at Edinboroagh, Scotland.
Mier Edith Govenlook, of Winthrop,
wan a visitor with her aunt, Mre, T. W.
Ooeeae, at the Methodist Pareonage.
THIO PORT had a pleasant call on Mon.
day from Rev. Mr. McLean, M. A., the
popular I;aptiet divine, of Wingham,
Mies Olive-Mainprize le home from
Kincardine where the bas been employed
on the Reporter staff for the past month,
3, W. and Mts. Denoan left town last
week for Seaforth where they pugpoee
milking their home. We wish them
/A WOrre
Mire Nettie Brown i0 holidaying at
Roy Kingswood, of Ingersoll, be holiday
ing at Jae, Sharpe'e.
Mice Lizzie MoLaoohlin will return 10
her eohool in the Weet ebortly,
Mrs. Char, Watte and Mise Eve, of
Brantford, are visitors at Sgaire Me-
A. and Mre. Hood, of Devil's Luke,
North Dakota, are vieitore with Georgi
and Mre. Brown,
R. E. Coates], of Idaho, and hie wife
and Bone of Seaforth, were vieitore in
Brass els for a few daye last week,
George Innes, who went to Toronto
Junction, hae one to Fordwioh wbere he
will be employed with Fred. Adams an
Mre. H. L. Jaokeou and eon, Lloyd,
left Thursday morning of this week for
Boston where they will visit Harold and
Mre. Creighton.
Mies Lottie Koenig, of Mitchell, i0
renewing old aseooiatio0e in Brneeela,
Doming bank with Mies Mary Roes who
was her guest at Mitchell.
Mre. S. Carter and Myrtle and Mre. R.
J. Williamson and ohildreu are away on
a two weeks' visit with relatives at
Clinton, Holmeeville and Goderiah.
Fred, Wood, of Oheeterville,Ont•, was a
visitor with hie brother, J. T. Weed,
daring the past week, He rune a large
furniture and undertaking bneineee.
D. M, and Mre. Scott, of Hamilton,
were visiting at F. S. Soott'e for a few
daye. They will enjoy Muskoka'e in-
vigorating a m
t ne here for a few week.
Mrs. W. T. Shannon, of Smith's Fells ;
Mier L. Shannon, of Peterboro' t J. L.
Shannon and M. Iabieter, of Sarnia,
visited over Sunday at Mre. J. L. Cal-
N. B. Gerry, of Blyth, ie used up with
rheumatism, we are sorry to bear but
hope he will soon be able to attend to
business. B• Garry hae gone to help in
the store.
Mise Annie Gordon, o1 Laurel, and
her nieoe, Mimi Gladys Gordon, and
nephew, Joe Gordon, of the same plane,
are visitors at Victoria Cottage, Prinoeee
street with Mrs. R, Pani.
T. A. Hawkins returned last Friday
from an enjoyable wheeling trip through
Seaforth, Dabliu, Stella, Exeter, Daeh•
wood, Grand Bend, Port Blake, Bt.
Joeeph, Zurich and Heneall.
B. Gerry arrived borne last Saturday
evening from a two week' trip to the
scenes of his boyhood in Bowmanville
and locality. He noted many ohangee
and missed many familiar facies.
Mre. J. J. Gilpin ie home from a most
enjoyable trip to Michigan City, Indianna,
with her eon and his wife. She renewed
old friendebipe in Ridgetown while on
the homeward journey Bud met numerous
oomradee of a quarter of a century ago.
Mice Lizzie Ferguson and her cousin
Mrs. Stewart, of Antigonieb, N. B., were
visitors at Reeve Fergaeon'e at Teee-
water for a few daye. The former is
having a well earned vaoatton from the
eters and will vieit Nova Bootie relatives
before resuming her position.
THE POST ie sorry to report the illneee
of Brine Soolt from typhoid fever. He
came home from Palmerston, wbere ha
holds a position in connection with the
G, T. R., last week and has been in bed
(me eine
ander the dooboee os] e, We hope
he will soon be eonvalesoent.
Friday of thio week H. R. and Mre.
Brewer and son go to Port Albert, on the
shores of Lake Earth for an outing of a
co0ple of weeks. Mr. Brewer's Photo.
Gallery will be open ars ureal ars he
leave Webster Stitt who has been here
for the past month or more taking out-
door views, in (Merge,
A Seaforth paper Bays :-V. Kneohtel,
of Kneohtel & McKenzie, furniture
dealers, accompanied by Mre. Knechtel,
left en Saturday on an extended trip
through the Canadian Weet. Mr, Kneah.
tel will combine business with pleasure
calling upon the trade with linea of
furniture and upholstered geode.
Misses Annie and Aline Flemming, who
have held positions in the Eaoelefor
Knitting Factory for some months, left
Oda week for Elora where their home ie.
The young ladies made many friends
hare. It is reported that the former is
shortly -but you cannot credit all the
rumors ea will have to await events.
R. B. Wolfe, who hae been ledger
keeper for the past 2i years in the
Standard Bank in Brunets, left Therm
day of this week for Oampbellford,
Northumberland Co„ where hetvill fill a
position in the bank there. He will be
succeeded by F. D. Pattareon, who Domes
from Campbellford agency. The basin-
eso public will be sorry to see Mr. Wolfe
go as he hae most unostentatiously yet
capably performed hie various duties.
We wish him well and weloome his
Mre. L. P. Mendom and dangbter,
Mire Lnoelte, of New York, were the
guests of F. B, and Mre. Scott, at "Blair.
Bert, Levens, of Oweb Sound, 10 visit.
ing Mende in Brueaele. Ho ie a grandson
of Mre. HaY
or ft and nephew
rs. 11.
Hing sbon.
Mies May Broadfoot, of B
spent Wednotdey of last week with bee
brother, Charlie Broadfoot, of the
Ametionn >iotel.
A semi•final football match WAS played
at Markham Monday evening between
the Encitde of Toronto, and the Leonel)
Hill Clippers. The result was an easy
vintory for the Clippers by n loore of 2-0.
The Clippers meet Dundee in homa.to•
home games for the Ontario Cup.
Seaforth Hurons defeated Parkdale
Albione by 4 to 2 at Berlin Friday even.
ing in the final match for the senior
ohampionohip of the Ontario Leer/citation
Football League. The match was not a
very good exhibition of football, although
there was brilliant work on the part' of
both teame. The first goal was scored
about five minutes after play began by
Seefortb, acrd atter another ten minutes
Seaforth made it two. Then the Albinus
Domed after a pretty' rneb np' the riglit
wing, and the half ended 2 to 1 in S. it-
forth's favor. In the almond half it 1. els
Seaforth lees than a minute to tally, end
in another half minute the Albione aeol.
their second. Seaforth; gob a pedally
kiok ehortly after that, converting it in o
it adore. The frame Prete;-Alblone---
Goal, Niebole ; baoke, Bongard, Snyder
)oalveo, Gregg,Robinson, Haileworth ;
forwards, lloabineon, MaOraektn, Bret e,
EllerbYI ofia:Mi
Woodward. Got
Graves ; becks; F. ills MaLean
haven 0. Sine, McKinnon andStuart
forwards, MoDonol, McLeod, Ohettis,
.Murray, J3ryane, Referee, . H. W.
Brown, %ierltn.