HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-20, Page 8PARIS
The kind
that makes
the Bugs
25e. per lb.
A new shipment of Japanese
China just in and comprises Cups
and Saucers, Spoon Trays, Pin
Trays, Bon Bon Dishes, Sugar
and Cream Sets, Rose Jars, Bis-
cuit Jars, &c.
The decorations are exceed-
ingly handsome, but the moder-
ate prices will please you.
Trains leave Brands Station, North
and South, as follows :
Mail 2:05 a.m 1 Mixed &40 a,10
Mixed......,.. 11:25 a.m I Mail 1:88 p.m
Express 3:02p.m Express..„,.. ..,,., 8:51 p,m
Ur(' e tems,
A ohiel'e amain ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
FALL wheat harvest will soon be on.
CALL in and see ae in our new quarters
A. 0.11 W. will meet Friday evening
of this week.
A. 0: Dents shipped a oar of bogs to
SOMEBODY should oat the crop of weeds
on the streets.
RASPBERRIES are a good orop and so
are the pickers.
THERE are some great jaok•knife and
lead peeail artiste in Brussels.
KEEP Aug. llth free for the Exoareion
to Kincardine. It will be oivie holiday.
A DAR of lumber was Bent to Wingham
tbie week by Jno. McDonald, of Walton.
Tan great beat of several days has
given plane to a 000ler atmosphere—a
weloome change.
RAMMED BROS. reoeived a oar of coal
for the Salt Werke. The block was busy
making coarse gait.
THE nnderolothing advertieedl in
last week's Pon was found and awaite a
call from the owner.
D. Eves & 0o. inform THE Pon that
the enlargement of their Carriage
Factory will be prooeeded with in the
near future,
Two loads of young people from town
were the guests of James and Dire.
Strachan at Jamestown last Thursday
evening. They report a fine time.
A Pow from town drove t0 Seaforth
Wedoeeday afternoon to see the Laoroeee
match between Seaforth and St. Marys.
The home team won by a score of 9 goals
to 0.
A half car of dairy butter was shipped
by W. W. Harris from Brneeele faotory,
on Tuesday of this week to Montreal.
The price received was 20 oente.
Factory is doing well.
Tan heirs of the late George Rogers
and Walter Smith have reoeived from
the Oaoadian Order of Foresters $1,000
respectively as payment of the benefloier•
iee carried by the departed. Chief
Ranger Bargees handed over the cheques.
PERSONAL and other items are always
weloome and go a long way in making a
focal paper spicy. Don't find fault it
your visitors are not mentioned rushee
you have Bent in their names to our office.
We will do the rest and appreciate your
NOBLY SUSTAINED.—The splendid record
of Bruesele public School for many years
has been added to this oeaeou by the
reeulte of the repent Entraooe Examinee
tion. Twenty-seven pupils wrote from
our eohool all of whom passed creditably
and 26 enuring honors. We congratulate
the boyo and girls on their enooeee and
compliment Miee Kate Wileon, their
teacher, on the insbraotion given to aid
them in acoompliehing what they did,
Some people would wear an extra feather
in their millinery if they were in Mies
Wilson's plane.
LOST No TIME,—To move a newspaper
plant from one office to another, inolud•
ing power prase and engine, and butte the
usual weekly edition is not an easy task
and yet that is what Tan Poem did and in
genuine hot weather too. D. MoNaugh-
ton bossed the removal of the heavy
machinery and by rollers and planks
and Ooonoillor Thomson'° "trolly"
saved the neoeeeity of many heavy lifts.
We are now in our new office and getting
nicely settled and will be glad to have a
call from the people of the locality.
Thin was oar eeoond move in 25 years
and we hope it will be another quarter of
a Dentary before we are asked to bry it
again. Fuller reference will be made to
THE POST'S new blook in a later issue.
Miee JEeeoo ROBERTSON oucOEeDo Mree
SCOTT.—At the School Board meeting
feet Friday evening 80 applioatio0e were
presented for the vacancy caused by
the resignation of Miee E. 0. Soon ae
teaobee of Continuation olaeeee in Brue•
eels eohool. After considerable delibera•
Don Miee Jessie Robertson, whose home is
at Goderiob,bnt who hae been teaching
in the Braoebridge eohool for the past few
years, was the choice of the Board.
Before going there the taught in
Exeter and comes very highly reoom•
mended by trueness and Inspectors. The
salary will he $400. School teaohing
net of tone in Miee Roberteon'e family
as We understand one brother it a Prof.
in Queen's Uutvereity and another is
headmaster in Leamington Collegiate.
W. H. Roberteoo, of the Huron Signal,
is another brother. A telegram of
aooeptanee has bean received from Mies
Roberteon and ehe will be here to assume
the duties of her potation at the elope of
the vacation, Splendid work has been
done for the paet 8i years in !hie depart.
mens by Mise Soon. Before her removal
from town she wag presented with a
volume of Soott'e poems and a fancy
block by bee pupils and a fine jardinere
trout the teaehere of the eohool.
Tan hay on the Agricultural Park was
Bold to Wm. Bird.
BLANKET weaving has commenced at
the Excelsior Knitting Faotory, Brunets.
DR. FIELD wishes to announce that he
will be absent on vaoatioo from July 24th
to 31st, inolneive, doriog which time hie
office will be Moiled.
Tan party who borrowed a buggy pole
from my etable will very much oblige by
returning the same as I require it.
THE front° of W. A. Grewar'e, Miee
Strachan'° and R. Williamson'° plaoee of
bneineee in the Holmes bleak are being
treated to a new dress of paint.
SATURDAY evening Petah Bros., arrived
in town with their new traction engine
and separator. It is a tidy outfit and we
hope the boyo will do well with it.
THREE rinke of Kinoardine Bowlers
will be here Friday forenoon for a friend-
ly game on Maitland lawn, Bruesele.
Play will oommenoe at 9 o'clock and a
pleasant time is antioipated.
Tan vaoant store in Tan POST block
hae been leased to J. J. Gilpin for an
implement and Sewing machine Bale
room. He has; been located for years to
the Ewan & Oa. building opposite the
Town Hall.
ITE a few Brneeelitee were at Sea.
forth last Friday night to witness the
football match between Seaforth and the
Parkdale team for the Ontario Cop,
while the Garden Party at Blyth, the
eame evening, took a few from town also.
Two Chinamen from Seaforth were in
town Monday evening. It was reported
they might start up a laundry bosinees
here but ae R. Williamson fills the bill
to a ninety here it would be bare pasture
for waehee-waehee.
PASSED WITH HONORS.—We are pleaeed
to report that Miee Margaret MoLauoh•
lin, of Brussels, recently passed her
jnoior piano examination with honors.
She ie deserving of oommendation and
congratulation and will no doubt promote
rapidly. Mtge Maggie le possessed of no
small musical ability.
Ho 1 sou LAKE Huaoro.—The Annual
Sabbath Sohool Exoureion will be ran to
the lakeside at Kinoardine on Friday,
Anent 11th, Ae this is one of the days
of the Summer School in that town au
additioual interest will be given to the
trip as an exoellent program is on for
that date. Reserve Aug, 11th as a day
for a most enjoyable opting at a very
small poet, and tell your friends about it.
CHANGE IN BANE. — Tbia week E. G.
Eggleston, who hes 0coapied the position
of teller in the Standard Bank here for
nearly three years, was removed to Bien
beim. He was a close attendant to hoer
nese, careful and most obliging in hie
work and highly esteemed by all who
knew him. Before leaving town he was
presented with a eoarf pin and $20 in
gold. Tan POST wiebee him eaouese in
Blenheim. Mr. Eggleston ie succeed -
en by K. Fraser, who hae been at Bien
beim, who is now performing hie duties.
We welcome Mr. Fraser to town.
BoWiala.—Two rinks from Brneeele
Bowling Olab drove over to Wingham on
Tuesday and played a game in the after-
noon and another in the evening with the
local trandlere, winning by 42 points.
The rinks and eooree
G. MaLoaohlin,
0. Broadfoot,
Dr. Feild,
R. Downing, ek18
J. Ballantyno,
W. Leatherdale,
H. James,
D. 0. Rose, ek 10
Thiele 28
G. MoLauohlio,
0. Broadfoot,
Dr. Feld,
11. Downing, ek25
J. Ballantyne,
W. Leatherdale,
H. James,
D. 0. Rose, ek .,28
were ae follows :—
Hepburn, ek.,.. 9
D. Holmes, ek.. 5
W. Holmes, ek..15
W. Vanetone, ek. 9
Totals 51 24
A return game will be played shortly in
town when four rinke are expected to
Dome from Wingham. They have a
strong club and a good lawn,
Puma MEETiga. — By direotion of
Reeve Henderson, and in response to
regneete from a number of ratepayers, a
public meeting will be held in the Town
Hall on Monday evening next, 24112 inn.,
commencing at 8 O'olook to dignities the
question of cold storage and the propoeed
Carriage Factory. A large turnout ie
urged so that questions may be naked and
anewered, information given and proper
oonolneione arrived at, Bruesele is like
many other plaoee whose future success
depends more on the energy and enter.
prise of our own people then any help
from oateide. In ocnsegnenoe of thio
fact, permanent, material progreee should
be the aim of every taxpayer who should
bold broad views and while not parried
away by the visionary will be prepared to
eapport projeote pceseeeed of a fair share
of merit ander proper management and
certain demanded flnanoial basking, It
ie not the tremendonely big indoetriee we
are after ae rough 80 those having to do
with the local interests and able to be
handled outside of monopolies. Think
up plane for helping oar tidy little town
and attend the meeting next Monday
evening, not to flick but to push if reneon•
able representation's are made.
Standard Bank of Canada
a DSTA3:9x.,xSB3Sia 10072
A General 13ankzing 13usinewre 'Transacted
—DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards' received on which
le added to amounts every six months and becomes principal,
—MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposita without the intervention of any person,
only for which no charge le made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar oarefut and courteous' attention,
A. M. McKay took oharge of the service
in Victoria Hall, Jamestown, Sunday
IT is expected that a program of tw
days' races will be held on the halt mil
track here during the latter part o
August. Dates will probably be n inocn°
ed next week.
A peculiar accident happened to Geo,
Rose while enjoying a swim in the Mait-
land river. In taking the first pingo he
stubbed his foot on a atone dislocating a
toe, bat he appears to get about all right
A PETITION asking the Reeve to name
Friday, August llth, ae Oivio Holiday
for Beneath was oironlated on Wednee.
day and largely signed. It now awaits
the return of Reeve Henderson for the
official proolamation.
AN A. 0. U. W. pia-nic at the Point
Farm is on the tapie for July 28th ander
the direction of Goderioh Lodge. Several
other lodges are expected to join. W. H.
Kerr, who ie the D. D. G M. for Huron
District, has received an invitation to be
WE are sorry to hear that Willie, eon
of W. W. Harris was thrown oat of a
baggy he wae riding with hie aunt in
uear Rotheay, and reoeived gaits a shalt•
ing up. The horse ran away and
attempted to jump a fence while attached
to the rig.
Nom000.—Notioe ie hereby given that
all amounts owing to me on and after
this date, in oonneotion with my bneineee
at Brussels, are to be paid to F. 8. Scott,
Brunie, who has authority to give
reoeipts for the eame. Kindly settle at
0000. FRED. ADAMS.
bear that Mrs. Thomas Hill died at
Vancouver, B. 0„ of dropsy on the 6,13
inst. leaving her husband and four
children to month her demise. She had
been poorly fur 7 or 8 years and had
tried a change of air at Los Augles, Oal.
and later on medical operations but
neither produced very benelioial results.
Mre. Hill's girlhood home was near Lind.
say. Mr. Hill was a former resident of
this locality and le a eon of Jno. Hill,
Queen street, Bruesele.
DIED AT DAUPHIN. -0o Tuesday, July
40h, the epirit of Helen Patterson
Richardson, beloved wife of James
Walker, took its flight, She was the
fourth daughter of the late Walter
Richardson, formerly of this locality and
went West 8 years ago last May and was
married in the following December. She
was in•her 34th year. Aboob two months
ago she was taken to Dauphin hospital
but not improving ehe went to her eider's,
Mrs, Ireland, and afterward to the
hospital at Winnipeg, where phyeiciane
pronounced her ailment to be cancer of
the brain and held out no hopes of re.
°every and was removed to her home.
Two weeks later ehe paeeed away to the
Great Beyond. Her hnebend and three
email obildren are left to remember
kindly a true wife and a Loving mother.
Mrs. Walker was a enter to Mrs. John
Hewitt, of Brussels, and other brothers
and sisters are :—Thos., of Seaforth ;
Mre. Hugh Robb, of Winnipeg; Mrs.
Nelson Carrie, of Brandon; Mrs. James
Ireland, of Dauphin ; Robert, James and
Miee Aggie, of Swan River, Mau. The
old friende of the deceased here were
very sorry to hear of her demise and ex.
tend apmpatby to the sorrowing rela•
character with a view of catching trade,
but rarely emending. Mr. Duncan baa
worked bard to maintain a repeatable
o sheet but even with the oo.operation of
e •the Seaforth Newo, which is owned by
f the nine firm as the Herald, they found
- it a financial impossibility. Mr. Duncan
will employ his talents in aiding the ad.
vanoement of the Seaforth News end the
epeoialtieo they are pushing. Tan Pon
wishes him encase.
evening the Lady Maccabees held a lawn
Party 0c Victoria Park here from which
they realized about $36 00. A. McGuire
was chairman and introduced a well
rendered program which wail ae follows :
—Numerous fine selections by the Mao.
oabee Band ; 2 interesting oherneee
and a drills by girls and
young ladle ; solo by Mr. Robioeoo ;
quartette by Mimes Carrie Megaton'
and Pearl Sharpe, Joe Hunter
and W. H. Kerr ; recitation by Mr.
Robinson. Ioe oream wae served doriog
the evening. The Park makes a °boioe
epot for an evening's entertainment but
the exohegaer would be fatter if a 12.
foot tight board fence surrounding the
Park abutting out the deadbeats who
evade the ticket seller.
REPERT JUDoEs.—Following is the list
of expert Judges named for Fall Faire in
this section of the Province :—
Horne R. D. Dundee, Springville
Beef Cattle & Swine, G. B. Hood, Guelph
Dairy Oattle & Sheep..,. John Jaolceon,
Durbam Sept. 21
Denten (2 judges) 22
Teeewater " 23
Mildmay " 26
Palmereton " 27
Winton " 28
Meaford " 29
Tara Oat. 4
Prineville (2 judges)
Lion's Head ' 10
Nees.—The following notioe, taken from
the last week's 18000 of the Brneeele
Herald, opeake for itself and requires
little comment from 0s :—"We regret to
announce to the readers of the Herald
that it shall cease to one as a newspaper
with this issue. This may be a Barpriee
to many, bat the facts are that the Con.
eervative party in East Huron is evident.
ly not strong enough to make a Conser-
vative paper in Brussels a paying ieveet.
ment. We have endeavored eine' engin
ing charge of the Herald to make it
worthy of the support of the public—the
Oonservutiae party in particular—end we
regret that the reeulte obtained do not
juetify us in continuing the publication
of the paper, The village is too small to
support two newspaper's, and we trust
our readers will look at the matter Item
a business standpoint. Had the paper
been a paying proposition we would have
oontinned its pnblioation. We beg to
extend our enure thanks to the business
men and others who have aseieted 0s
eine ooming to Brunelle We have re-
oeived many little kindneesee, wbiob we
appreciate very much, and which we
shall not soon forget, Enclosed will be
found a circular and envelope, Fill in
blank linen and mail to ne, and we will
send you THE BRosezne POST or The Sea.
forth Newe to take the plane; of The
Herald. The Seaforth Newe is the lead•
ing Conservative paper in Huron, and by
plaoing good oorrespondenbs in this sec-
tion we hope to give all the news of
interest. To those desiring a home
paper, Tan BRUSSELS POST will be sap.
plied, we having made epeeial arrange.
meets with Mr. Kerr." Since the
Herald waslennohed about 12 years ago,
there have been no lees than seven differ.
ent proprietors, viz,, Moen. Irwin,
Moore, Sarney, Woolsey, Irwin (who
revived it after several Months lapse),
Delion, and Minoan & Appleford. Those
who expreeeed an opinion before leaving
town were glad to get out of the bueineae
as they came to the eame oonolueion ae
the notification leaned by the Herald in
its valedictory. We mention this to
show to our enders that Tan PORT has
been jogging along, following the even
tenor of its way bat with a varying oppo•
salon, sometimes of a very unforupuioao
" 6
" 11
Horeee T R. Reed, Lion's Head
Beef Cattle & sheep, W. R. Elliot, Guelph
Dairy Cattle & swine, R. S. Stevenson,
Listowel Sept. 27
Fleeherton " 28
Harris ton " 29
Atwood Oot. 4
Brneeele " 6
" 5
II 7
Horeee.... Wm. Bishop, New Hamburg
Beef Cattle & sheep, J. L. Tolton, Walk-
erton, Dairy Cattle & ewine, Prof.
G. E. D+y, Guelph,
Ripley Sept. 27
Wingham 29
Horses A. G. Gormally, Unionville
Beef Cattle & sheep..,. W. J. Gardh000e,
Highfield, Dairy Cattle & ewine, A.
Kennedy, Ayr.
Grand Valley Oot, 18
Business Locals.
SERVANT wanted at once. Apply to
MRs. W. M. Samna.
Foe cheap millinery go to Miners Flab
kirk. See our 60 cent hate.
Now buggy and an E & D. bioyale for
sale cheap. Apply to JAS. BADLANaYNE,
COMSORTABLE house and lot, with stable,
pump &o., conveniently located on Queen
street for Dale. Apply to Tao Pon.
WATEnro001' coat Lound. Owner may
have game by proving property and pay•
ing for this notioe by calling at Tan Poem.
500 pkge. batter wanted—ohoioe-17o
oath or trade, Don't mise on July and
Aug. sale. GED. E. Erne,
t! Wingham.
MONEY WANTED.—Have you from $100
to $1,000 to loan or levee on good Beata.
ity 7 You can make from 6 to 10 per
cent. Addrese-
49tf B, one of BRUSSELS POST.
LOST between Braesele and Walton, on
the 15th of June, a gold oharm, about the
Wee of a email watob, set with red atonee
and suitable for holding a photo. Findea
will greatly oblige owner by leaving it at
THE Pon.
Drasooin School hoard,
The regular monthly meeting of the
Pablia School Board was held in the
Board Room on Friday evening. Mem-
bers present, D. C. Rose, T. Farrow, W.
M. Sinclair and J. G. Skene.
Miuutee of last meeting read and ap-
Moved by D. 0. Rose, metaled by W.
M. Sinclair and carried that the account
of D, Robb of 838,20 for examinations be
Moved by D. 0. Rose, eeoonded by T.
Farrow that Jessie Robertson be first
ohoioe, Holly D. Martin, eeoond ohoioe
and Queenie Robertson be third ohoioe
for teacher for Continuation Claes.
Moved by D. C. Rose, senonded by W.
M. Sinclair that the Board do not meet
in Angnet toleea important bnsioee]
arises, Carried.
Board then adjourned.
Since the meeting Mies Jessie Robert.
eon hae acoepted the position as teacher,
Premier MoBride of Britieb Columbia
bag ineued a writ againdt The Viotoria
Times for 810,000 for libel.
D. D. Mann of Maokenzle & Mann
no bought the St. Leon mineral water
springs and hotel at St. Loon Springe,
slAr,1TAt—raid 119 $1,000,000
1CL2SERVE FUND • • $1,000,000
REV, R, H, WARDEN, D, D., I)lrectors 8, J. M001114,
President. Vice -President,
TH05, BRADSHAW, 8.I.8, 1110 00500n Ma. W MORTIMER CLARK, E.0, D, E. 00002ON, K, Co
Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Intereet et HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all mime of 81 and upwards
A. E. MELLISH, Manager,
The Ontario Government has revoked
the Hoene of the Anglo•Oanadian Gold
Estates, Limited, a company organized
in Great Britain to exploit mining
properties in the Rainy River district.
aR0rssa7....m xz.n.xee=-errs.
Fall Wheat 90 91
Barley 40 40
Peas 60 65
Cate 40 41
Batter, tube and rolls16 17
Eggs per dozen 14 15
Hay per ton 6 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 6 60 6 60
Hoge, Live 8 25 6 25
Wool 23 23
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Potatoes per bus 45 46
Apple° (per bbl.) 1 00 1 26
35ORN .
MoQrsanmo.—In Brussels, on July 13th,
to Mr. and Mre. D. A. MoQaarria, of
Rainy River, a daughter.
SALTER.—Ab the General Hospital, To.
ronto, on July 6th, to Mr. and Mre.
W. H. Salter, formerly of Bruenele, a
WILLIAMeoN.—In Grey, on July 15112,
James B. Williamson, aged 72 years,
2 menthe and 24 days,
at the Central Hotel, Bruesels, on
July 12th. "Standard Molntosb" printed on
inside. The peroon who took it is asked to
return it to Central Hotel or leave with
George Ferguson. If coat was taken by
mistake it may be exchanged for one left.
00 wanted, holding 2nd Claes Certi-
ficate, Duties to commence after Summer
holidays. Applloabions to be received up
to a F. m. on July Met. Applicants to state
salary wanted and give recommenda Gone.
Sec.-Treas., Cranbrook, Ont.
and 2 aeree of land for sale on Walnut
street, Brnesels. Brink house, good stable,
hard and soft water, small orchard, ,to.
Property in good shape. Immediate p00800.
°ton eau be given. For farther partioulare
apply on the promisee, Will also sell two
good Jersey Cowe, one a thorn' bred.
02.81 Proprietor, Brussels,
It ie worib while to begin yoga
war upon Flies early in the
8eaoon, They are more entity
kept opt of the home when killed
in detaobmente than if you wait
tor a general slaughter.
Flies are now known to be
dietribatoreof disease and 'should
never be harbored for a day. We
have the beet of sticky and pole.
oned Fly Papers, Iueeot Powdere
and all the other extorminatore
for sole: APeerless Separator in good
repair with good duster attached and belte
all nearly new. A cotton drive belt 110 fent
long, nearly new. Also a Maple Leaf Grind-
er, nearly new. Separator ie ready for
season's work. Terme of Dale to cult par.
chaser. Apply to
Lot 21, Con. 8, Morrie,
1-8 Bluevale P. 0.
TY Fon GALE: Property is Lot 29.
0011.10, township of Grey,Couoty of Huron,
eontainiug 100 acres. 85 acres cleared and
fenced, balance bush and pasture land.
There aro two good dwelling houses, driving
shed, two etablee, also saw. lath, shingle,
and chopping mill, all in good Working
order and surrounded by good country. 5
acres of good gravel and sand with lots of
demand, also moulds for manufacturing
cement tn. Property will be sold cheap 1f
sold at onee as proprietor wishes to go
West. For further particulate apply to
1.4 PETER TARR, Monerleif P. 0.
Great Removal
Find Re=organization Sale
THE reason is that owing to our removal to the Garfield Block and an important
j change about to be_made in our business the stock must be reduced to its lowest
limits no matter how great the sacrifice. The change referred to is the conver-
sion of the old firm of J. Ferguson 3t Co. into a company to be known as Ferguson &
Ross. The aim is to make the store do even better service for its constituency than in
the past and to place it second to none in the county. To bring the stock down to a
point where such a reconstruction can be accomplished most effectively great sacrifice
must be made to attract buyers and we are prepared to make them. The list published
herewith shows how far we are prepared to go. Such Bargains were never offered in
Brussels before and may never again.
Sale now on and Continues for 30 Days
—100 yards Cream Table Linen, extra heavy and fine,
warranted all Pure Linen that will bleach white as
snow, 85 inohee wide ; regular 550 per yard
Sale price 890
— 5 pines 18 inch Oraeh Towelling, the beet 10a line..,.
Sale price 8e
—8 only Ladies Jap Silk Waiete, fine quality, blaok and
white, handsomely made and trimmed with bucking,
regular price 88.00 .
Sale price $2.15
—100 pairs Nottingham Lace Codeine, new and pretty
designs, 3i yards long, worth regular 81.00, $1.25;
$1.60, $1.75, $2,00,$2.25 and $2.50, all thie sea0on'e
At 20 per cent. off marked price
— 1000 yds. White Cambria Embroidery, 2i to 4 in, wide
Sale price 4c
—10 dozen Pure Linen Towels, all kinds and qualities .,
At Wholesale Prices
— 10 pieoee White Cambria Long Cloth, fine quality,
regular 10o per yard
Sale price 8o
—40 pieoee Fine English Dreee Ohambrye, in neat
oheoka and Stripes, worth regular 120 and 15o...,
Sale price l0c
— 50 pieces Crnm's beet English Prints, in light and dark
colors, worth regular 120
Sale price 10ic
—30 endo Fancy Dross Muslin, worib regular 20o, 25o
and 30o
Sale price 12ic
—10 dozen pairs Ladies' White Coati! Corsets, white and
drab, dip bipa, long front, ergot form style, some
with hoes supporters', efzee 1,8 to 26, reg. $1,00 per pr.
Sale Price 790
—5 pieces beet quality Feather Ticking, regular 250.,..
Sale price 19c
— 10 only large eine Green and Red Linen Table Covers,
fringed, worth regular $1.00
Sale price 750
—25 only Ladies' White Lawn Shirt Waiete, last en.
eon's styles, worth regular 75o, $1.00, $1.60 an $2 00
Sale price 490
—5 dozen Ladies' Paranoia, worth regular 50o, 75a, $1,00,
81 35, $1.75 and 82.00
Sale price 20 per cent. off marked price
— 200 yards Sicilian Drees Goode, in Brown, Navy and
Blank, worth regular 75o
Sale price 50o
— 3 pieces Fine Quality Lustre, in Brown. Navy and
Green, worth regular 60o
Sale price 89c
—20 Short Ends Fancy Silk, worib reg. 50e, 75o & 81.00
Sale pride 350
—50 pieoee fine All Wool Pan Venetians, Broebe, Home
epgne, Cbeviote, Arming and Plain Drew Goode ; a
great aoeortment to oeieot from ; goods that sold as
high ae 81 26
Sale prise 75e
—500 yards Fancy Deese Dnok, guaranteed fast color,
worth regular 12 o and 14o
Sale price loo
—10 dozen Ladies' Fad Black Cotton Stoekinge, rag. 150
Sale price 110
—20 only Large Size White Bed Spreads, regular $1.2'5
Sale price 85c
—20 only Cream Linen Table Clothe, with colored border
slightly'soiled from handling, which we plane on sale
At one-half marked price
Come to this Sale any Day during the Next Thirty Days and You'll
not be disappointed, but come earlyif you can