HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-20, Page 6• 0 i+ • TrODMIC !it ilAinIULL U1LIMin0 0 • t 1.1:,•04.(0.*:•110.:(..04,011.+:(,40(1.14,,/ "One of Vie :most terrible frights I ever bed in my life," were the Words with which lewd Russell of etillowen, the late Lord C'hief olustice, of Eng- land, esed to introduce an exPeriense of his younger cloys, Ile was un- known Etna almost friendless in Lone don, and had ono night gone to the theatre, to forgot in the amusement Of a condo Wimp how badly things were faring with hint. '1 1 preoent ond the future seemed alike dark to hior but the play was amusing, and same place, he told him that he would givo hint, Alva shillings if he would drive 'the Cattle for him to Westminster Bridge, Where he would find a man awaiting Gill Wes delighted, and undertook the job readily; and the stranger, a m ost agreeetile person, rode off, hav- ing given mtr any insuctions 09 to not overdriving the beasts, and so on. 'FOi• Nolan lioura 0111 drovo. the cows in peace, but at Wands- worth he Was, to his sierprise end indigoation, pounced on by the po- llee,' on a charge of hain vg stolen the boasts. ROBBED AND TEEN CHAIWED, lo such an unlookedefor altuation, con lost his wits. Hie great anxi- ety was that his friend should know nothing of What had happeeed to him, and Ito way of pret (noting that occurred to him then by giving a Salim name and concealing bin lion - oblivious or 1ity by a sweet/ of vory maladroit young. Russell boearne falsehoods. Ile was 0000101111 and all hie trout les as he looked and senitmeed, but before he had metered laughed from his seat in the the gal - long the true facts crone to light lery. As lw and those about hint through the capture of the netted V7131'0 about to leave at the end of the performance, a person close ty discovered t hat he had been robbed of his gold watch, raised an 11100111, and the police were called in. "PL.ANTED" ON Tall 131S1101'. "The rothed person haa been sit- ting close to me," said Russell, "and Inv beatt stood still as it suddenly ilasbcd across me that the thim, ho terrible position.. '111(1 eanie vomit terror lest ho should be caught with may attend low/mg articles stolen the stolen watch upon hint, might put it Otto ..my pocket, 11 suspicion Aeon one. Reel Franz, a. Young Oar - lighted on ine, and the watch - were 0101.11, had hie pocket picked of a there, what would become of me/ The packet of :papers- belonging to him. thought' ffiled nte' with. such terror rhe ntoo, he hoard of the packet was that D felt a cold perspiration break that it bed been discovered beside the dead body of a woman who had out on 03.0. Such a thing would been murdered by:lorglars at Kings - Mean absolute and lorlarleyabie ruin. But the polled did not light o11 me, wood ltoetorY• Prow. Was driven to and 1 paesed out as calmly as I could. As soon as I had got a lit- tle distence away, I carefully \trout through all my pockets. The watch was not there. I gave a sigh of re- lief -as if I had eseapea from some awful peral" IN JERUSALEM OF TO -DAY AS IT APPEARS TO AINT ENG- TOVRIST, Pe u Picture of Its Decay and Squalor, Tts Shams and Superstition, direct to tho very centre of the Christian exp cira t I on -the imp ulehre alleged to 'MVO Seen that 01 000 Saviour, and now enclosed in it church, The open quadrangie in front is occupied by naive hucksters and menclieants, and al, the entranee guard of Turkiell solcliere-in as - poet ae ruffianly as the dregs of Whilechapel-st ioned for the 1111r - 0011e of preserving order erelong tho "Oh, come, I'm a bit of liar rilY- quarrelsome Memitere of various Christian seats. This is especiolly self, but really I cannot stand your outrageous statements," Was nlY 10- necessary at Laster, When the Ro- dignan remonstrance with Iny Jere man and Creek Catholics fight with usalem dragoman. Ds 00a8 not (me whit more ruined than if 1 had charged him with being an inveter- ate punster, 1111(1 persisted in bland- ly booking up his falsehoods with the incessant asseveration, "It's all quiP, true, mu1 beyond any possible the bloodthirsienees of famished wolves. The interior is even darker than the cam religions light dear to English ritualists; only after /otiose taking peering can the forms of the different objects which claim atten- tion be made old, and there alweys doubt." Perhaps this paint. wig net remains the sensate= ot semi-lffind bo quite futile if I van put intending groping. The atmosphere is that of visitors to the Doty 1.0.1111 011 OW 0111)1errammn vault -dust -laden, chilly and choking. The columns and arches, enlovoly in eonstruction, ere but roughly outlined in coarse, feat- ureless dilapidation. 9110 area is broken up Into niches, shrines and chapels, the largest of whieh are but guard against anWholesome fables, and yet ma convinve them to what extent their personal 111 lily of sites will protium+ a realization of events recorded in the Bible, and how far they will be compensated for the thief. Ile had stolen the Polly ha trouble cind tedium of a, jouroey (root a few square feel. to area, and dis- hed been riding, and various other Port Said to Jerusalem. writes 1. 01. malty glower with some flickering artielts, and at the tlioe 0111 Fleury I1)1011;es in Illarkwinors. corpse -lights, which seem to con- ch:owed to overtake him had 001110 1,00 Oxamph., Iny ship, fica-infeSted, vert, the Inner gloom lido outer 1101'k 1, tho ecinelesion that he s.hould dirt -begrimed, and squalid-trifilng ncss. IN Cli 111SO"Fi FOOTSTEPS, More disconcerting than aught else :denote past our objecttto Mont, • al- is the jostlingpropinquity of the at- tn., only 150 miles front 000 pOl't ef legod sites. laor example, my drago- on um the penance of a preposterous btolated 810 1) a nominal ChrieLlaii, points to b as tho 11(0110 whom- embarication, Port Said, and :toilets ciecular route via Beyrout, 140 miles, on the body of our Saviour was'plac- farther on. We loll at anchor in thc ed when Nieto-looms was preparthg it bay, pacing the (lecke hour after hour for the tomb. Fifteen paces distant, with the suppressed growling of proceeding in a straight line, is a caged animals, and waiting for, a small circular railing which indicates quarantine inspection, which at 14.8t t110 exact square yard whence the sight appears inexplicably purpose- women witnessed tho anotating; tide- less. A greasy, solemn, fat Turkish t Paces further on is a little ante - apothecary crawls from 111s retten- chamber marking the spot ia iho garden where Christ made tlimself known to Mary Ilagelalene-"Maryl" "My Lord and my God!" -two small cfreles indicate the ground, to an inch, where it is claimed the speakers stood, Four steps upward, and I enter a chapel, where, according, to legend, our Saviour appeared to His mother after the resurrection. Be- hind its altar is a grated niche en- closing a fragment of the column to which Jesus was bound when Scotirg- ed. Pilgrims rub it with a titan thrust tbrough the bars, and then kiss the poiat of contact with ecsta- tic: devotion, ln another enclosure, thiety-two paces distant, are two orifices in the masonry and two small clepeessions in the pavement, fabled to be the stocks and the footprints of Christ, here imprisoned afterwards to make some purehases, the rmitee Ottoman F.Tpore dem:tads during the preparations for crucifix - a slotting from ettli. European trav- ion. Another thirty-six paces and wo the lady felt in lure dress for a. pock - eller. Full of British cussedness ana roach a chapel, the fanciful silo of a et -1100, in width sho had placed a loantnote. it was gone. The police never be able 10 get the cones safely inconveniences at who'll the sons It ft aw ay. Ile therefore hand:d. them to traveller laughs at the 1010 and 0111. 80'0008 $111,80(11101113y (10111030a( Oly Hat Ing' stolen things foisted on ono may place a man or tvoman in a WHOSE THE "FIND?" A week or two back a lady ap- peared in. the courts to claim the contents of a purse of which- she be- came the possessor in the most re- geranium leaf. It is, however, as - markable manner, and under circura- megket one day, stooped down to Walled that WO 0.1%1 11001 disinfected. stances which aught have proved lootc at 80100 vegetables exposed for 'fp-Rh:ISM QUARANTINE. nmst embarrassing. With a little sale In a basIcet. While she was, girl, she was. enteeing an onntibils in looeing at them she felt someone One by one we march past 0111' the West End of LP 101011, when touch hor, and, standing up cirri lows -bird inspector in review order, passenger who had just alighted dis- looking round, she saw a young fel_ and are proneunced clean. Now 011 - covered that she had lost her purse. low beside. 1100, who at onee walked pears the true reaeon for the 0110110'I" 911101010 WaS made among all the pas- one Entering a shop a short thite 801110 quarantine. This cmploye of seneers in the vehicle, without re - mat. The rolibed lady went her Way, toed the new passenger took her place in the oninibus with her little 00111r anion. When she arrived home, she, to hor amazement, found the miseIng, purse at tho bottom of a somIl bucket that sho had bought for the child with her, and which silo had been carrying tives, they quickly succeeded in flod- in her hand. flaying at once'coot- inghlin MYSTERY Ole A POCKET -1300111. ilIs name was Gould, and he stuntly protested his inimeenee; loot on his being taken to the Pollee - owner was never found, however, and station and searched, a black pocket - the question 10001111 as to whether the book was found upon him, which the latlY at. once recognized as hers. 'the banknote, however, was not in it. The lady and several 110050011 who knetv hor pookot-leook swore pos•itive- frantic terror by tho 110108, and mad() desperate ellorts to hide Ail gtillensi"tliTtdolvol-w:1117it'Osamslicti)ou.11111)1gelYisst was in vain, however. The detec- tives ran hini down, and he was placed on trial. It was only by a train of marvellously fortunate eir- emnetances that he was able to show that he could loot have coannieted the murder. Not eo fortunate Was a young fel- law named Gould, who was tried at Stafford Assizes for steeDng a pock- et -book. A ladv, having gone to companied It thabolical-look.ag imp caroying a tattered bag, a bat- tered watering pot, and a squirt, He puts a handful of powder -or teas it aboriginal clitt.,?-fi•om the bag into the pot, awl (W00 the upper clock squirts a • tiny spray, which the breeze inetantly dissipates, and which would not he sufficiently pow- erful to disIodge au aphis from a f fury at tho prolongation of olY real event -the ceowning with thorns. oyage by 1150 miles and 30 hours Close by is the Chapel of the Nailing were at onee called, and the lady communicated to them hdr suspicions of the yosne; man whom nho had touted beside her near tlie veoetable- basSet, and, setting all will actec-' f'ERSONAL POINTERS,. Interesting Gossip About Some Preminent People, Josef I 10101ann, the great pinnist, is a. clover eleeteleian, and devotes nearly all his spare Gine to science. When he was a youngster hie fathor fertinde 10111 to skate on the ice foe feel' that a fall might injure his hands; whereupon youeg Hofmann Pronditly invented a pale of skates that, eould be folded up tool put in municatocl the fact to Scotland Yard, every step was taken to discover the owner of the purse and ite contents -- something lite ton pounds, The 'mese and its contents should bo handed to the lady or to the omni- bus company. The Colin decided in favor of the lady. In what a fearful poeition the most ly to the one found on tiou.d. innocent may find themselves is ilo ehown by a catm which, occurred some was cOlivicted, and senteneed, A. few days later, while two men were mow - years tigo ie Dublin. A 112(011 0'110 WEIS accustomed to visit the house in a bachelor friend very frequently used to do so in an uneeremonimis memoir by the Imelc clooe. The bachelor was waited on by a woman, who came in at certain time, mod who then left him to 1)15 own devices, the only other person 111 1110 1101180 before a medical student. The itlend having tapped into the house one peril through a wonnan's dress die - covered in his lox, A girre dress' had 110011 81010(1 by tho burglars, and had been most minutely deseribed 10 the pollee hy the girl to whom it. belonged. She identified the dregs fouod in the prisoner's box without the tattehte5t hesitation, coon it agreed in every reepoet with the particelars slie had suPPBed to 010 au thori GCS. One Or the jurymen, however, was, in spite of all, ii,ot 111010 eatisfied, aud he suggested that the girl should retire with the dress end put it on. Foe a long time the Court 001011 i, and then tile woman in atiendanee on her came back to sa,y that the prosecutrix could not gel; the dress on, It had been made for someone moth more slentler and sumller. 'the prisoner tras acquitted, but it. had been "a close shave" for him, A WAY Ole ESCAPE. A witness in ` Glasgow marder case narrated how he had saved hints self from a 011051 uni3xpocted end ter- rible situation. Walking down a lonely' street one night, he had sud- denly come upon tho body of a WO - 111 h. lying 111100 the pavement. See. had been stabbed to death, and her - 111g. a fiela of nets in the oeighhor- hood of tho market, they discovered blaCk poeketebookt 11 woe exactly eimiltir in ,Mery respect to that found on tionbl, but the missing banknote itself was in it! Gould was at tome set free A mail suspected of hurglary at Cardin' found himself placed in dire day by the back door, he and the lennitt beenme engfcgtd 111 a discus- sion respecting some juggling trick with knives which the visitor had seen. The bachelor declared they were easy, and proceeded to give practical illustration of the fart. DANCED, BUT INNOCIeN'It By an unlucky accident, he ionicted O terrible woend on Wieser. The friend, afraid to leave him to call assistance, strove to ao best. All WaS ill vain; the wound proved fatal, and the visitor became filled with horror lest he should be accused of having reused the death of his friend. Ha stoic qoietly from the liceleo, and actually 100k a peseage to New 'York, and hastened to hide hinoself in one of the wilthist parts of the States. To the meantime, stispleion had centred on the heeond innocent man -e the lodger. A lady who lived at a house opposite, and who occupied herself in knitting at an open win - (1010, and observing what. went, on in the etreot, swore most positiaelY that no one had during the fatal morning eotered the dead man's house. '1 he deed must have been committed, then, by nomeone 1.00 rooted him to the afoot beside A knife in the iodger,s possession, her. 1Vhile lin Was standing there With some bloodstains on it, and aome blood discovered on. his clothes, the fact that he was a vio- lent -tempered nett, and that ho ilall teen hoard to quarrel with tho dead man, together with his agitation when he WaS accused, an.t1 80111(1 ous lies he told t,o 10 tbaL 110 100.8 out that morning, all contra:tiled to prove lle was hanged. The truth begaree tooter: years later, when 11111 man who had rim atray to America returned to Welton', TOO READY TO ()MACE. An onforluratte conntrymen named Gill, wit() found himself in the dock of the Central Criminal Com•t, was another Victim or rnieleatling circum- stances.. 111, leaving served his slam tot apprentice to a butcher at Iltitinktvenreloulh, eet MT to visit an 'uncle at I'ortterioutli, and from that, place Commenced to walk to L0' 010(1, Between Guildford and London very ratqy One inoriiing, canto up- on Mao letting a pony and driving tteo 'Cotes. The etranger Was taking the eattile• to London, Ito said, Mod, huffing thdt 0911. WWI beefed foe 111e for this paltry plunder, I defiantly retort, "Well, I Amu% pay your ras- cally extortion, and you know you can't make 1110." And tile apothe- to the Cross. I Poi -near to alTront tho commonsense of my readers by any detail of the localities whore fabulous prolixity declares 111e Um- cary pasha, stroking his beard, re- press Helena found our Saviour's plies, "It is true, I cannot make you; but if you do not eovo me my 811111111g, I shall report you to our authorities as 'suspected of disease, and you will be widened in 0, Turk- ish lazaretto for four days." How did I deal with this "poser"? I blush to confess -I crawled. JAFFA THE BEAUTIFLIL. Jaffa, etymologically the beauti- ful, is worth some Penance of a cross, MORE FABLES, Now, the area I have described is represented, approximately, by forty Pates by fifty paces -for bettor real- ization, say by the size of an aver- age lawn of a s0o011 English counti•y house. Within this scope have been 11041(110d together not only the imag- inary positions of scattered occur- rences, such as scourging, 11011)0180(1 (10101(1111(9 voyage, ley reason of the ment, crowning, nailing to the cross, wealth of its historical realities, anointment, and two separate meet - mingled with the charm of its poeti- ings, but Golgotha and the sopul- cal myths. There is tho rock to which Audromeda was fabulously chained; thoro the rocky inlet whence Joriah certainly embarked ecclesias- tical relic -mongers have mercifully forborne from producing the skeleton of the fish, although, the bones of a large marine animal, alleged to be Andromeda s monster, and her re- puted fetters were long an obJeCt of I place and walk to Calvary; is it far curiosity; hero is the doubtful site' distant?" is my indignant intorrup- of Tabitlaa's house, and also that of "ono Simon, a tanner," where Peter tarried; and leer° Hiram undoubted- ly sent cedars or Lebanon for the building of the temple. :Jaffa is closely associated with the cam- paigns of the Egyptian Thollunes, of Sennacherib who "001110 down like a wolf on tho fold," al the MaccabeeS, nf the Crusaders, of Saladin and Richard Coeur de Lion, and finally of Napoleon's Kleber and NaPoleon's poisoning of the sielc; it is Moores - sive by its Oriental pieturesquenees closed, roofed oVer, and sub -divided and entrancing. by its sub -tropical into small, mean chapels. It is not bea.uty of vegetation. For centuries known whether it is netural or ar- chre, of which I will speak later, This marehalling 011 the stage for scenic display, this crowding on to the boarde, this lying localization of the most sacred anti momentous events of Chrint's life, produce an im- pression of outrage on reverence 1111(1 a painful scepticism, "Stop telling: 1710 such fables; wo will h3eove this of 11. lady friend while his parents went on a tour Mt the himeht iiif his mother's health, The guerdian under look a suilden journey on hearing of the serious illeetet of a distant rela- tive, and she was killed ill a carriage ;occident. Th0.1111111 was saved, but as it could not loceitleutifled it tt1111 sent to a tioverament. foundling in- stitution. The parente subsequently searched 111 vain fur the child. About five revs nitre the child's illeappourance the pocket, so that he could elip away tile tether, who WON 10'1 011008111/1111,1Vs anti enjoy his stolen pleasure. Hie to 1,110 xnateolisute, WON bill - many ingenious devices attracted. the ad while hulltillg, 01111,00 "1(1"w (9,1:11 attention of 1(11 00(1, who al 1003'5 of a brolcen heart, Twelve mottos sends him any 11011( 111110011011 Vel Job adto the Mayti."1"1 '1\119 991°, tta ho has completed. uncle of the missing. child," Med 11111) 101118103' Is 111 110 80", a popular out issue. In the ordinnry couree writer, vet ids works have a whit„. the estates would have revertod tO his !nether, the father of the missing' 011114 It wes at tide singe that a 110111 or solicitoes in Turin, who had charge or the fluidly estate, discover- other people Came up, and ho awoke at last to the fact that there was crowd of anery and threateoing per- sons artiond him, who regarded him as the nritntlerer, De was in terrible danger, when a means of eseape flambee! DOOMS big 11,11(1. lie bade tlie people Stand Inock from the body, bent over it, and proceeded to describe the. poor 11'011lall '5 1001inds in the best medical language he cot 1 id Conn ti Thn 1100011 0'0111 1 11011(10081 11101(. He WaS-1 1101, 1110 murderer, then, hut a dote - tom, who had born exondffing the poor viable to do hie best for leer. Ile maintained the role till the po- lice roomed hiin.-Tmecion Anewers. TilliffilfejlENT MEANING, Beaks -What broilght. on oid tVil- kho's paralytic stroke? Pealcs-1. didn't know he watt afflict - oil with one, peaks-13ot yott just told me he WWI parillyzed: Peaks -Quite tree" but didn't Say he was sufferity 'frorei a paralytic etrolfth tiort of my gabbling ehowman. Ile unblushingly reiterates his shibbol- eth, "What 11111110 told you is all true and beyond question," adding, "This is the way to Calvary- op - stairs; you know the 1111)1e says the sepulchre (elosely adjacent to which WO are standing) was nigh unto the place of ceueillecion. This tvay, first IloOr to Golgothe." Walking up a few steps, about 15 feet. above the eorrna1 level of the church pavement, we roach an eminence, partly ell - eirculatien than those of eitv living author. Up to the present lois boolts have been printed in forty-five (111011' 01(1 hinguages and clialeels, llie first appreeintors, curionely entnigh, W0011 tho Creeks. The Bret tiecek traesIne ed the first clue of the missing heir, tio„ of ids work „m published In ile was traced from tho family W110 1870, and during the following thirty inet eticeored him to the alithorities, years eighteen Creek trauslations and finally to tho fOrindling home in were printed, In the new Russian which he had Bove' until about the bibliogenphy of 1', Di•agonog them age of twenty. 11, 11,11 8 themigh tile authorities at this institution that appear 130 Czech translations close 'Amrose," by which moue ha was why not gather caraWay Seed 1.0 sell? cookies, a 1.12qghli idea canto to her- on 100 Servian, and eighty 13(1(9111" 111)1(00,1, teacked to West Austra- Dow„ 10 her 4' +1 ian. Last of all omen P001,11g110S0 kn""'n' .a...ter's mowing ioti. lia, end finally to lite John's Ilosple grew and Rantoul Man transiatio es, a big plot of plants, the flat The Rajah of Kapurthela, 110W taol, at Kalg°"lie' 001101.0 In' Waa 010- white tops of the blossonie showing agnin in London, is the rider of one PloYed as a handy ninn. above the waving grase. 'Ambrose, ' by which name he oes of the sinalletd native States of In- ' rYery ,anxicianly: did she wale.11 this, at the instatwe or c op. .1 110 blossoms disappealoci and dia. Ho Is thirty-two and somewhat tam mantils ago, . ' i , anothee youth, named Francisco, who ..le , . • 0 arm hitle green seeds appeared. HOMEBODY ELLIE, w"...-eee There's always somebody else, my dears, Wilo geleven, when a child Is bad; Somebody ovate:hue the einatee Or. tears Of each 111,11e lass or hod; If youe foreheads frowa but while, Somebody else Is sad, And wig. neve). your sunny Somebody else is glad! -1• A CORNER IN CAT1AWO.Y. This is a true story of a young' girl friend of mine who lived on a. farm, and like minty formers' daugh- ters earned hot' epending tummy bY oe? picking berries and nuts. Ono day, watchieg her mother 111ak0 caraway it was illustrious by Its deeds of war; it is now beeutiftil by its deeds of mercy, carried out by the Eng- lish Medical Mission and Orphanage. IN TIIID CITY. The railway front gaga to Jere - stiletto pmesesses the single intorest of being clevorely engineered across mountains and valleys; otherwise the three-and-a-ltalf hours' *journey through the stony region of ever- increasing desolation, barrennese and ugliness, gives rise to disappoint- ment to a, dismal degree. 'This, tho Oriental visitor, the (inekwar, who is was reared at the same instataion, wholly English in his teeters and and who had emigrated lo Western ways, itis Highness sir jagatiit. Australia. Tho first communication Singh Tlehadur is French jit Ids syra- pat hies -speaks the language with rare fluency, is enamoured of French cooking, and reads everything in that tongue which is worth reading. lie 1:3 an enthushostie motorist and has had several natives taught all that: facial; it is even a question 0(1(01111- 010011110 controversy among scholars whether or not tile genuine Golgotha lay ' in 'this neighborhood, In the apse of one of the chapels is a. ground aperture eparldby with tin- sel lining, wherein, poor credulous bigots insist, 1V08 inserted the cross, that "bitter cross" to which "those bloseed feet, 'Nigh nineteen hundred years ago, were nailed • For our advantage." Thom came the haying anti you 111031 be sure Illy lady wits on hand to 'mewed by Ambrose respecting hot gatturr the caraway plents as icoon as Moulted for good fortune 1.110 'men with Seythes had cut them him six months ago, but was cooly in down, 'Iro dry (heel 10115 the next the nature of an inquiry, and the 111- Step and meanwhile gm did much formotion was too meagre to furelsh Nanning, CaraWitty Wan SUMO and.. the recipient with any' definite clue as quite a 17,0008801'y thing to. have, eo to what was abOut to transpire. of coca's° R. would bring a good b0100. 3110 thought it would bo• worth -well, not to place it too. high, $2 a pound, and judging bY the weight sha lonel careied up to tho attic to dry, Shtl 0700111 have three. 00 four pounds to 01 after she liad. ligtneico.1101. mother seine to Imo at Such a time as she had getting those seeds 011 the stalks and after- ward separating them 11.0111 the thalle and bits of sticks, ind it was please ant lotor for her mind wee busy epentling the coining money, countin(9. upon having. at the very least, $115, for had site not a big bag of the niceet, fresheot meadow grown seed. At ittst tho eventful day arrivete and with the precious hag contain- ing. the enttee crop of the 50118011, 81i0 000111 to town and proceeded at once to tho only baker,y there, 'rids she. had decided was Lim proper Mace to dispose of her treasure. The clerk appeared, eut no one but the mae- age/. would do, so she was called and. she stated her errand, asking liow• much he would ray Tor the contenta of tho bag. "Eighty cents. she he said, but no, it could which WON 111111 tett -.,1'11,(1‘00.011 s though liturgies, as settled by Parliament: not be, so she asked again. This 'The earth is thine, 0 Lord, and time there was no mistake. "The all that is contatned therein, not- withstanding (loon hast given posses- sion of it to the children of man 130 pass over the time of their shot•t pilgrimage in this vale of misery. We heartily pray thee to send thy holy .spiril. into the hearts of those that possess the grounds, pastures, and thveiling-places of the earth, that the,y, remenibering theMselVes to be thy tentonts, may not rack nor stretch out the rents of their houses anti lands, nor yet lake unreasonable fines and incomes after the manner or COvetuolls worldings; but so let them out to others that the inhab- turas thereof may both be able to pay the rents, and also honeetly to live and nourish their families and relieve the poor. Give them grace also to consider that they are but strangers a.nd pilgrims in this world, having hero no dwelling -place, but seeking one Lo come, that they, re- membering the short continuance of their life, may be contented with that which ts sufficient and not, join. house to house anti land to lend, to the impoverishment of others,: but so be- have themselves in letting out their lends, tenements, anti paStures that after. this We they may be received -into everlasting dwelling -places, throegh Jesus Chriet our Lord. Many will consider this prayer as npproprinle to -any, in the reign of King Edward VII. as lit that of lois Itoyel predecessor. What hes land- lordism aceomplishod all these cen- turies for the good of the people when word for word this prayer of Tudor days describes the 110000 of. modern civilization? asks the Chron- icle, Other letters followed, and it was oc- ean bo learned about driving, le- plained that the questions put W( ri0g., and aran bnilding a Mli'"n- asked in regard to the disappearance The German Exnpress is an early riser, and sits down to breakfast with the Emperor, xvinier and 5U111" (11(01', punctually at eight o'clock. At one o'clock the Imperial couple dine "Yes,'' chatters my 'dragoman, Promieed Land, flowing wieh "and there you see the other two and honey, teeming with the rlehes holes foe the crosses of the thieves, of nature mod the luxuriance of Neg- otiation! Yes, of a surely, once, long ago, Ilut 11010, "the whole land is outdo desolate," ravaged by oft -re- peated wars, pestilence and famin10 depopulated, and even essentially de- teriorated through altered climatic coedit...1one, Our deereseion deepens when WO 111(11 an angle of "the hills which stand about efertmalem," and draw op at the railtvey station, sithateti on a eterile limestone pla- teau. Farewell to ell highly wrought romimtic (*pc:dat)on, nt 100.8t 80 ial' 1(8 external aspiett is concerned. The scene is ono of ugly decay and squalor, of regs rind dirt; of poYerty tend gloom, Thera is eVer a lack of enlivening loth& of chatter alnongat the crowd of mixed nationalities. A 'listless Moslem delves Its 111 tt de- crepit vehicle, drawe by a totterity horso filmy a mete which is both dusty tool muchle, to the orb -Wipe,' hotel, whero we cam to say the least obtain Victuals and shelter, THE :HOLY SEPTILCIIRE, Dismissing dejection, and pluckily up heart with the 0011001.1011 Gott, no (1ooed eXterna)4 can dePriVo ort, - rodent, of 'the tame!! i 11 1 (west attach- ed 10 iteS sites, 1 botako myeelf Tuillinno estates. or the boy who was the heir to the "Ambrose," however, treated the COIllnal 111 CO i 0 OS lightly, as he be- lieved that a mistake had been trovio, and it was only at the -urgent solici- With their children; gueets are but teflon of ids friend Francisco, who seldom invited to this midday meal, thought "there 31111;111 be something and when they are, they are treated in it," that he sent all poseffile te- rmite en fa mine. She is exceedingly formation to Jtaly. Three weeks be - fond of childeen, of all sorts and fore the 000tava left Australia "Alt - 0111) 00S1 and when she is etaying in brow, received a et„.„1„,micatto„ tho country she often stops her eer- telling him lo retum to Hely at lingo at the sight of a group of children, and lots them climb into once, as his rigid: to the title of the it in. search of the loonbons which late Inarquis Jowl been established. leunds were placed at his disposal. she carries with her foe the doieeta Lion of an3r little ones (1110 11103' "Anthrose" decided to obey 1 he pen to meet. summons, and ce.bled his intention of doing so. Sir William Treloar is one of the fin VS Hooking men In leindon. and when he first went to Wintlicor with A PRAYER PC11_1, LAN'D.LORDS. tho City Corporation Queen Victoria of 'Vat very hainitiome man." Sec- sPecially desired to 13e told the name The Plaint of Tenants in the Time the kindly Altlerman's love of vete, of Edward VI, ond only` to Ids love of children is , The Lontr,loilioa; 11nilyCshall•onliacIllea1,11,13b18- and Ile is- the owing of to wonderful 1.1"ea a 9 prayer aviary of rare birC114. Most feecinate ing is tho talking cockatoo, which is a special favorite with its master. Ito always rehearses his speeches to it in private berore venturing upon them in public, and ho affirms that tbe bird makes a roost critical and impartial listener, and compels hint to do his best. Mr. Charles Studley, tho great baritone, owes much of his life t the generosity of one of his first ern- 111)111°11Ylectrmsilsa 01101171 oeyr'es wth.o° ilirniettaed afll'esi • which singing 1088 1(1(101(904 in as a means of entertainment. On SentleY being called upon to contribute lois share, he 'displayed a voice of such quality that lois master, a Illusion) amateur of much discrimination, at 011120 informed him that with efficient training he would make his fortune, and generously Volunteered to pay the expenses of three years' music:al 01 Ilion in Italy. The otter 0700 once accepted, with such results as all the world knows. Lord Young, who lately retired from the Scottish Bench, is 110111111g if not a born wit. --On ono occasion in the °alert of Session his lordship found his duties heavy owing to a vacancy on. the Bench. One of his colleagues at the time was Lord Craighill, and the OW Judge, when at last he was appointed, took the courtes'y :title of Lord Curriehill, On the appointment being announced Lord Young gratefully quoted the neat two lines of tho- 121.st Psalm: I to the "hills" will lift mine eyes, Front whence doth come mine aid. On another occasion Lord Young asked counsel, "What are you read- ing now; where are you?" The l'OplY MIS "I ran at 0, my lord," and the rejoinder was, "I thought so," All people who possess jewels have certain trinkets which they regard with almost superstitious arfection, Sarah Bernhardt pins her faith tO a. eecklace of gold iniggetS, a gift from the California miners; and the Duch- ess of Orleans to a set of sapphires which belonged to Marie Antoinette, Tho sapphire is the Queen's favorite stone, She wears, as a brooch, one of great size given to her by the late Duke of Col3urg. 13ut old E'gyptian jewels are considered the most po- tent guareliturs of fortune. lats. St. John lb:Q(11'10k oWns Egyptian gems of priceless Vahle. Mrs, Clareece Mackay has a Weird carnelian neck- lace which hung (Mee Upon the noel: of a daughter of the Phartiahs. Mrs, Clarente MacOay has a welred carne- lian mot:lace which hung upon the neck or a daughter of the Pharaohs. IVIrs, George :Koppel wears a, pendant of emeralds, the noest beneitiful 1(1 the world, POTINDLING A MARQUIS. Heir to Vast Estates Discoveted in to, Young Laborer. By the mail steamship Orotava, Own Aestralla, there recently traVel- end yf(t)•outfolt, 1.9lctile(e)mweanaLlebyt(VadiattililtA4stiiitiditta, fronffiliry hoepital, 031c1 who has 118' 1111111111100 claim to bo the Mar- quis of Toilliano, of Italy, and 1110 owner of estates Werth £20,000 a year. The life story of the yofith, who hall been glean the Immo of °Ate- lordse' at thd instifoltion, is a partietilarly ronientie one: 411 ii litthe'ehltet 1101100l1 left the core one on the right band and the Other on the left, just as the Bible says." "Dan't talk such noosense," was my wrathful and pained reply, "01011- 110t you see that the intervale be- tween the alleged positione are bare- ly live foot -impossibly dose for three human forms with extended (w)ns?" • While he Was yet a teacher it the :lows' Elmo School, Spitalfloltie, Emo- tion, Mr. Israi31 Zangwill. the now famous authoe and pinywright, 110111- p0sed some versee and timidly sent Linon to the editor of an American magazine. They 10000 promptly re- turned. Some years later, 0/11011 ft11110 bad eonto his way, the same editor cabled for a poem. Wile Zang - wilt clitffiatched tho rejected Verses, which were paid for at a. high rate nod "boomed" as the work of a eel- ebrated Elsie. -"Your Uncle Harry seems atviol young 1.0 1)0 a doetor,," Wile lie --"Yes, be ain't a real groWecl-up 1111.0.0600d010111' 1(1 gol (Wine 9100,e1106." THE 111.P. AID THE, BULL, A certain member of l'arliament, visiting a farm, went across a pas- ture on which a bull was ,geazing., The bell gave chase, and' 0131'lively 01111 the toember reached the feoce and clambered over Just in tinio to preventhe tbull from assisting him. Boiling with rage, he 805(1910(1the femme and protested in lurld language against the action of the 1)1111, 'The farmer made light of the inceclente Inasmuch tho vale - man 001511't hurt, he saw 010 reason for getting 000011(1(1."Do you 110W who I am?". (le' 13900(11(11 the 1,111. price," be said, "Is 10 cents a poond and you have got just eight. cents' worth." Site fled and though this happened several years meo, she. still has a, goodly supply a caraway and where she gives lier grandchildren cOokies cord Ming some of the eelfeame Seed, she may toll them this story. "STT.1111P61." For tho delightful evenings of sum- mer holidays, with long hours for outdoor guinea, nothing' Can ba better than a game whicli, as played thirty years ago, still seems the best of all games for odd times when you do not Want a serious garno of cricket. "Stomps" is not unlike cricket, be - cense it eonsists of bowling, 11010111e, batting and making runs for your side; but the wickets, which are only twelve yards apart, OAT made with to single stump each, and you ' use a stump instead of a bat, and (1tennis 1)1111 11119101(11 of ft cricket ball, it is ant' run," °nil you can also run for byes and oVerthrows, adding 1116111 ite your score. The bowler must 13110(1 slow, underhand balls, 'well pitched •up; and if, in his ex- citement -for the game is often very eXciting'-lie send in a swift ball, he cannot get the batsman out with it, though it can be atmeed all either with a hit or as a bye. .Wlia,t makes Rio game, very quick and lively, hoW- peer, is that there is a bowler at each end, and eithee of them can bowl directly Ile gets the ball, no matter whether the batsmanat the other end is ready and In lote place or not Thus, if the fielding • is smart., ha may be bowled by the next ball before he has finished malcitig his run all the last. There is a bats- man at each end, of couree, as in double Nvicket cricket; and they must Wield theft stomps with both hands. Jt is in the excitement of being boWled to while you aro not ready that you aro very llahle to put y0111" 8011 out by striking With ono hood only. But yotir inningS is moat like- ly to come to an inglorious end through your being "stemped," be- ettuee the tereptatiot to stvipe at these slow balls is groat, while they are easily taken 113' the wicket -keeper, "No," replied the farmer. who is also bowler, and-unlees ha "Well, len a member of Parties ear, swop you_howis directly :he gets the lien. '1'110 game is au qme,10, briek Inn: and afk both sides "field," every one iti bosy. 01111E FOB, sm-sAiaxmins, Seoesteliness, accorclin(9 to the lat- est ecientifle view, 18 an affection) of the eyee Which, for itet tlisteessity roality, might almost bo described ate ell 0101.1011l delusion. Ate, .1. Motealfo elluirpo, ship suranon of the Collard liner 1111,01110, 511gge8t:5 a novel 1001. 11(3'. According to him, seeesickness hi a nervous Maltedy produced by see- ing the motion of °Ideate 011 btottel ohlp The romeely it tO bandatio ono eye, tehleh has the effect of alteling tlee footle. Sixty -11,o nor wilt. Of fifty eases a treated by Me, tehniffio Wore relieved in Seem .tilef to 10ent3'- 1 It meet," was the reply, as the man with Gm won»tiect dignity struck an attitude "1.114 you tell the bull that?" Was the farmer's quiet rejoinder, There OM a lot of (hinge We do not understond, This is the most mysterious ono: How a woman tvith five co' six little children and a hus- band who doeen't amomit to much and 'who isn't very considerate, stands it. "Oh, yes, &is's quite POP111O0 at social gatherings. She's 11-191.0111. one to keep the aonVercation ball roll- ing," "Why, she iSn't much of a talkor." "011, no; bolt siogs oot Rio sligliteet provotatidm" Do hie vivito days thitT Lortt Oldet Jolene() of England vita Well ktilatto