HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-20, Page 3INJURIES OF 7611 FACE,
The face receives an undue share
of the injuries that result from our
rude but expressive manner of eole-
b,rating malt -real independence, for it
38 rnoro exposed than any other part,
exepting, Perhaps, the ]rands, to the
disastrous meats of premature ex-
The injury must be very slight that
does not require the immediate at-
tention of a surgeon, for most
502211(15 of this character are con-
taminated with foreign matter of
some kind, burned paper, hair, pow-
der, 0inders, or clay, and it is diffi-
cult, with the best of care, to pre-
vent dislleurenlent, But tho wounds
lire g'e'nerally, so Painful, that sumo
thing must be done for their relief
before the doctor arrives,
In the temporary treatment of a
burn, the most: frequent form of
]Fourth -of -July injury, th') first ob
ject is to apply something that will
exclude the air. Carrolrroil, com-
posed of equal parts of linseed -011
and lime -water, is sanctioned by long
usage, but other 1114 or white vase -
lino may be exeployed. Carbolated
oil relieves the pain more quickly,
but it cannot bo used on largo sur -
Recce or near the eyes. Pieces of
aseptic gauze, lint, or clean, soft
muslin should be applied, saturated
with the oil, for these do not ad-
here so firmly as absorbent cotton,
Blisters inay be drained by puncture
with a needle along the sides, close
to lha healthy skin, but care must be
taken to provelt'rerlloval of the skin
that forms their covering until heal-
ing Lias occurred.
When the eyelids are involved in a
burrs the injured person shouldbe
forbidden to open the eyes and no
examination should bo made, for
there is always clanger that foreign
platter will be permitted to enter
the eye, or that the stubby ends of
the burned lashes will be turned in-
ward and cause great irritation.
Wads of lint saturated with oil
should be appllccl, and both eyes
should be includedin a light com-
press in order to prevent movement,
oven if only one eye has been injured.
It is important, also, to have poly -
der grains reproved from the eyelids
before the skin has 1110,1ed over them,
for the inflammation inducerl by
them is sometimes so great that the
lids are thicicened and their freedom
of motion inpaired.
Lacerated wounds should bo cleans-
ed of foreign matter by means of a
stream. of lukewarm water that has
been boiled. They should then be
covered with an oil dressing or a
piece of clean rubber tissue under
lint or gauze, to protectthem from
the air,
Bleeding, no matter how .profuso•it
,may be, can almost always be held
in cheek by firm pressure against the
underlying bone..
Do not forget that the baby out.-
utgrows his food just as he does his
clothes, and. that timely additions to
his dietary are a valuable mean$ of
preventing scurvy, rachitis, diarrheal
disturbances asci other diseases of
dietetic origin.
Many children aro peevish and ill-
tempered because they aro improper-
ly nourished. A revi8lon of the
.diet, with suitable additions, will
satisfy the 01111d and transform it in-
to a Happy, crowing ,youngster. A
healthy child has an M5113101 for
510001s, a1(1 this should bo gratified
in moderation. Honey is one of the
best of sweets, -or a little good but-
ter scotch or sweet chocolate may
be used.
11 is better to overfeedthan to
:underfeed a growing child. Over-
feeding is loss apt to occur with a
proeerly,.selected diet, .for the child
will be satisfied with a lesser bulk.
of food. It is not a good plan to
feed children on thin soups and shah-
jar 13111(1 foods, es they arc filled bo -
fore the demand fol' nourishment is
Children ;often eat too mueli meat,
'resulting in abnormal stimulation of
clic nervous system and imperfect n,ei-
trition of the bony and muscular
framework of the body. This is
Often `a cause of bed-wetting. Cereals,
potatoes, whole -meal bread, italic,
bggs, cheese, the pulses, /Puts, ere=
regoiables and salads furnish the
elements of growth and ;'(pair i1 a
ustlefactory form.
When childreni 1050 appOtito, in-
Itencl of pampering thorn with fnju-
dicious indulgences, try feeding thorn
nothing but fruit fol' a day or so,
when appetite 10111 quickly reassert
Itself unless some disease is incub-
Children who are properly fed ,will
softer little, as a rule, from tooth-
ache, headache, nerves, broken sleep,
&c, Proper ventilation, daily out-
door exercise and regular mealtimes
aro all essential , to appetite and
gond digestion.
A Trouble That Afflicts Thou-
sands of Young Girls -Cured by
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.
Dr. Williams' Pink fills do only
one thing, but they do It well, They
fill the veins with new, rich, red,
health -giving blood, which drives
away all traces of anaemia, Head-
ache, backache, palpitation, nervous-
ervou c
aces, dizziness and de8pon(lency.
new blood they make brightens dull
lustreless eyes, arts brings the rosy
glow of health to pale cheeks, In
curing anaemia Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills euro the foundation of con-
sumption as well. The new blood
Lhoy actually make gives rum
strength and vigor to every organ, 10
the body, and enetlales it to fight
whatever disease attacks R. Thal is
wliy they are the best medicine in
the world for gills in their tee0.'a-or
women in middle life -anti to all
those whose blood Is weak, watery
or impure,
Miss Mazy E. Pratt, i31ytli, Ont.,
gives strong testimony to the value
of these pills. She says: "I was a
sufferer for over a year with anae-
mia. I was completely run clown,
hctd frcrluent headaches, spells of
,liZeineso and palpitation of the
heart. I doctored all summer and
was no better than when I began. I
had practically give) up all hope of
finding a cure .when my brother ad-
vised me to try Dr, Williams' Pink
fills. I. got four boxes and. when I
had taken them T felt so much bet-
ter that I got six boxes more, and
before I had taken all these I was
completely cured, I am more thank-
ful than I can say for what the pills
have done for me, as but for them I
would not bo enjoying good health
to -day. X strongly urge ail weak
girls to give Dr. Wlllialns' Pink
Pills a fair trial."
Miss Pratt's experience proves the
value of Dr.
0.W William&
Pills to o points -each $5 he hold in January special course in surveying;
y B had grown to $20 by the end of the -
pillscan be bed from any medicine year, and thus, as any boy can cal- A Sure Cure for Readacllo.-P.li.,us
dealer or by mail from the Dr, Wil- culate, his holding in Lhe Standard headache, to *hem women aro amen
hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.,
at 50e. a box or six boxes for $2.50.
favorite cure, and one highly
l'e0oanmeided by "the Alculty," is
the "one day in bed rest." But it
lstsst be faithfully carried out, or ft
is of little use, No reacting of . any
pal'i't or hi1121 is poteni11e1, 1101' 0011-
varSatinli, The room should be kept
as dart( aspossible, and tho'"rostor"
must try and sleep. Above all
things, every trouble a cl worry will
Have to 11e entirely obliterated, or
the "cure" will fail tb work, The
patient 8110111(1, as Mr. Gilbert puts
it in ono of his 031031es, "try and
think of nothing at nil." Any food
talon ought to be of the lightest
kind, 1121(1 for drink, Weak tea, pre-
ferably tr, This r1
e h ,v es0. C s res,t0 0. L01
mind. body, and Inig01115, One doe -
tor, in recommending 11, said, '''I
nlWIys *eke the first flay Of my hell-
lny's in bed, as it 31. ti, slrleltiid pro -
nitration fot the r1811013liter," and
what 14 geid•;iiemelgh for,fibn should
'60 $001 efrtiugh for ordinary 44.0110,
MAN WHO 'MADE $150,000,000
Increase in Value of Standard Oil
Stock Added $124,000,000
to His Riches,
"1 nnado the thousands, the mil-
lions made themselves," the 1213,0 Jay
Gould once declared; and, although
the statement may perhaps savour
of exaggeration, It is probable that
many another man of millions would
endorse J. D. 111a1r's statement, "1
made my second million easier than
my first thousand."
At what (111 astounding rate a for -
Tried many Medicines but got no
Relief Till Ile Used the Groat
Canadian Kidney Remedy.
Rosedeno, Ont., July 10. -(Special)
Dir, Samuel J, Crow, the nveil-
lcnown musician of this place, itl-
Luno may grow 2011(211 once it has latus an experience that adds to the
passed the million rubtcon, nvhlrh so already great popularity of 1)orid's
Kidney 1'ills in this locality.
"I sulfured for years with kidney
Trouble," says Mr. Crow, "which 1.0 -
came aggravated with every attack
of cold and caused ret much agony.
7110 disease developed into Gravel,
lvhen X was totally unfit for 7any-
"1 tried different remedies without
tho desired result and w•0S 111 much
misery when I decider! to try Dochl.'s
Kidney fills, when to my astonish-
ment and delight I immediately be-
gan to recover.
"After using five boxes the ailment
had entirely ceased and I was agait
enjoying perfect vigor, all of which.
I ow'o to Dodd's Kidney Pills."
Tho fact that Gravel yields so
readily to Dodd's Kidney 'fills is
good news indeed, as it does away
with those terrible operations that,
were supposed to be the only relief
from this trouble,
few of us may hope to reach, is
proved by the followifrg statement
of Mr, J. D. ItoekOfeiler's wealth at
different stages of his romantic
career, In 1865 his capital, all told,
Was a bare $5,000; live years Inter
it had grown to $50,000; lo live
years more it touched $1,000,000;
another ten years made it $50,000,-
000; live more years doubled it; m
1809 his fortune lied. 'reached the
stupendous sunt of $230,000,000; and
to -day, just forty years atter the
first thousand was saved, it is said
EXCEED $500,000,000.
Thus, in fifteen years (187:1 to
1800) Mt', Rockefeller increased his
fortune a hundredfold; and in the
next fifteen, though he has only mul-
tiplied It by live, lie has added $400,-
000,000 to it.
To illustrate how possible such an
increase is, and haw millions can
make millions, let us take 0110 year -
that of 1890 -in Mr. 'Rockefeller's
race for riches. At the, beginniing, of
that year he stated on oath he was
the 0)01101' of $31,000,000 in Stand-
ard 011 stock. Before December carne
that stock Thad appreciated 400
Mr. Allison, who is seventy years
old and w•h'o graduated at Missouri
University in 1852, has re -enterer!
the University 111 order to take •a
Even very abstemious people aro
often sufferers from indigestion
caused by over -eating. The amount
of food they take is not too much
for the day, but it is distinctly too
much at the time they take it. We
will suppose the case of a woman
who has had nothing since her light
luncli, and 20110 11128 00100 )tonic treed
and hunery with her day's work to
a dinner at seven o'clock. She is
thankful for a good meal, eats heart-
ily, and is surprised to find after
wards she feels rather worse than
hatter for it. The reason of this is
simple, She was tired out; her
stomach, like the rest of her body
was unlit for work, and the diges-
tion of a meal means hard work for
that Important organ. Instead of
dining directly she came in, she
should have taken s cup of hot
water with a tablespoonful of milk
in it, and then set clown quietly for
five minutes, Had she done Chi' , anti
then begun to eat slowly, masticat-
ing U,uroughly, alt would have been
well. The IIttic pick -No -up would
Have enabled the stomach to do its
work. If only people would more
generally follow this plan, dyepopsla
would he less frequent than it is at
Oil Company alone had added $124; sm,,icct that men, becomes eD acuva In
snnu: (1. '1110 stat achy arc affects .pro -
000,000 to his riches without any 0.f- strutad. The stomach fetuses loud, "sen
fort whatever on his part. At the there is a constant and distressing rf-
sanlo time hlr, Rockefeller had been telt to tl•aa rho oturnlLeh frown 0111 'hl h
has hscomo tablet' lie 31od Llli,se 1'nl--
oPeratfng heavily in the stocks •of unelee's Vegetable 'Pills aro a a,eed,v el-
tcrativo and in ncutralixin vie crfuua
nl' Wtc111111.1
truding 11111) "cite
s 010
el'nLlon with Mr, J. Pi. Dir Mad sere Lha nerves 20112(11 (naso the
gat and Mr. James J. 11,11 had headache. 'cry then. •
formed a colossal
RAILWAY COMBINATION; Recent Discoveries seem to chow
that each of the larger planets is
with the result that these tralsae- a0Oglnpanied by bands of satellites
tions put $25,500,000 mote into 1•elatively smeller than the minor
his exchequer, From these SOUPCes plauo'ts, as the primaries are small -
alone the American 01005010 added of than the, sten,
to his fortune nearly $150,000,000 fir
half a dozen railways, and in co-op- R
a single year, a larger sura than 110 Warrior Woos -Through damp, cold and
had accumulated fu the thirty yeses exposure many a bravo soldier who left
ending in 1805. his native hearth es Iii" 05 mal 001,111
That a man who, like Mr. Pier-
nI.0cetn o 'I11
Vlfdoerfbchuoacumu y
properties capitalized ato c1$l- IlnnAcnthAna•i,,anRheumatic 1!,tgah0s0POlt Morgan, practically controls a).ultmo 0P.
athe •owu9-taheunne
500,000,000 -or ;1,000,000,000 more will absolutely Dura every case of Rheu-
then the aggregate reverent of the jioui�sun0�n existence. Relief in cis
forty-three principal nations of the .--
world-should be in a position ` to HUNTER OF PARASITES.
make money, goes without saying.
It is interesting, however, to sea how _
His Mission is to Field Natural
and at what rate he can add to his
millions Cures for Insect Pests,
Five years ago, when the great Ile had just arrived in London
coal• strike was on, and in the ab- from. Brazil, and 10as off the next
seem of any prospect of a settle- clay to rho Antipodes. I founts hie.
meet, 111'x. Mark Manna, Idr, Mc- in the office of the Agent -General for
ltinlcy's campaign manager, called Western Australia, says a writer in
on Mr. Morgan and told trial that the London Daily Mail. He was
for political reasons the strike would
have to be settled at once. Mr. Mor-
gan accordingly called a meeting of
th n mine -owners to receive Mr
Hanna's proposals; and, 001111delt
that the deliberations would enol in a
settlement, be proceeded to buy
Moro children die during the hot every coal share he and his agents
weather months than at any other "Ulla secure.
season' of the year. Their vitality is Pir. Morgan's foresight was Justi-
n= at its lowest ebb' and an o,t- fle(1• the strike was settled, prices
tack of charr'heea, cholera infante -1n tool( a big leap upwards, and .the
012 stomachs trouble may prove fatal great financier was able to sell at a
in a few hours. For this reason no profit variously estimated at from
home in which there aro young child- $10,000,000 TO $15,000,000,
ma should be without a box of
Baby's Own Tablets, which promptly
cure all stomach and bowel trou-
bles. If the Tablets are •given to a
we11, child they will prevent these ail-
ments and keep ;the little ono well
and strong.Idis. Joseph T. Pigeon,
Bryson, !due., says: ."My little one
was 'attacked with colic' and diarrh-
oea, . and X found Baby's 0,,wn Tab-
lets so satisfactory that I would not
1100 be without them in the house."
Those Tablets not only cure summer
trolibles, but all the Minor ailments
that afflict infants and young ohild-
rel. They Contain no Opiate or
harmful drug, and may be given with
equal safety to tho now born baby
o1• well grown child, Theo aro imi-
tations of this medicine and ]pothers
should see that the words "Baby's
Own Tablets" and the four-leaf clo-
ver with child's head on each leaf is over $10,000,000 each; and Mr. Wil -
found on the ' wrapper around each' Liam 0. Whitney arid sove;al others
box. 'As you value your child's life added Ove $5,000,000 ouch to their
do not be persuaded to take a rinb- l fortunes. During last year it isre-
stituto for Baby's Own 'Tablets-tha,1 ported that a dozen American mil -
0110 medicine that makes children 1ionalres increased their already en0r-
wall and keeps there well, Sold by
all ciruggis'ts, or you can get their
by mail at 25 cents a box by writ-
ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,.
Brockville, Ont,
It is said that Mr. Mogan has
cleared from $,1,000,000 to $5,000,-
000 by each of his great reorganiza-
tion schemes. Once he made a profit
of $3,000,000 by the purchase of.
bonds .from .the Cleveland Adminis-
tration, and, as a sample of slnallir
pickings that haws. come se plcuti-
ful.ly his way, when the Naw York
Central Ilallroad found it necessary.
in 1895 to issue 45,000 shares of
new stock, Mr'. Morgan sold the
entire block id Europe and made a
persotlal commission of $500,000.
In 1890 Mr, W. K. Vanderbilt is
sail to have nutted $15,000,000 by
operations in railway stocks alone,
In the sane year it is stated on good
authority that Mr. Russell Sage
made a profit of $15,000,000; 7tlr,
James Stillman, Mr. 'Thomas M.
Lawson, and Mr, James 131111 netted
All su1110cr1 from sleeplessness
should try sunshine as a cure for
Hide woes; it is the very best so-
porific there is. Many Wontetaro
martyr's to sleeplessness, anti ,yet
they avoid the sunshine es if .it 200(0
an evil thibg, They wear Valls, Carry
parasols, seek the shady side of the
road, end do everything to keep off
the influence of kindly old Icing Sol,
whose kisses may Sometimes ening
an tmba00ming anlau1t of color to
their fftete, but Who gives there the
homely of Health and cheerfulness,
Palo and 8101(138 -looking women inay
become blooming and strong If they
will .but seek 1310 sunshine, and they
should slake the most of it Edict basic
in it both' 111400r5 and out whenever
it ie Possible, heedless ssalikcof dame
Ago to eaepets or clothes from Its
se000111g rays.
That vi'tno 10.131(1' re(11111es to be
erre guarded( Is 5earcely 'Wertz)) .1110
serhtinel-Go1'dS'1tl1th, •
mous capitals try over $800,000,000
in ruins ranging from $5,000,000 to
Wife -"1f I 111ought a thing was
wicked, T wouldn't do it Husband
-"Neither would I," Wife -""1.11'11
T think smoking cigars Is a 10101ced
wa84.e; an impious defilomcnt, in
fact." 1:1'usband-"7'hen you should
not smoke, ITasd me a match,
please." .,
I o.
35]iG.N7tS p:fS��C:: illi'`'
11nu; : • aY ytI�te
'94 pu: %. unt�
carrying a little box containing a
few commonplace looking beetles. Yet
to find those beetles he bad traveled
fifteen tllousatd miles and searched
far and wide.
For the bronzed and hardy traveler
follows the least known profession
on earth, that of the parasite hunter,!
For years ho has been traveling, lit-,
e'ally from China to Peru, in his,
search for insects that will aid the
farmer in his war against pests.
"I am a tracker clown of the n0.-,
tuna cures for the insect pests that''
are doing damage costing luurdreds i
of millions every year," said Mr,
Compere, in answer to my questions.
"F,vey country has its different
'plagues. lIow do these pests come?
He•o London affords you the simplestl
illustration. M1111011s of insects are•
carried into England every day in
.the merchandise that arrives from'
Mooed, some in the sackings of case'
tern cargoes, some . in the dried fol. I
Page afoetal tropical produce.
"At any time one of 'these strange
insects, carried hero in such fashion,
night finch that tho English climate
suited it, and that one of your na-
tive products (possibly* wheat) sup-
plied it with a suitable food. If
there were nothing to counteract it
it W01141 in a tow years spread all
over England, breeding in groat
numbers several times a year. Before
ninny had quite realized what was
the matter, your wheat crop would
be ru
"Forined. soma years my work hem
taken ma to every land, Now I am
in Spain, now in China, now in the
heart of France, now in Central
America. My method is this; When
seeking an antidote X first find the
native home of rho pest I Wish to at-
tack. Then I go there, get into the
country and examine, I watch the
salvo pest there (where it is proba-
bly doing scarcely any damage), and
I am almost sure to find that at
some stage of its life another insect
attacks and sleet 0ys at, Then 1
havo found what I wanted -any para-
site -and 1 tako it away with me and
breed it to fight the pest.
"]!:vary pest has its perinea°, and
no right way to fight pests is
through then' parasites. Western
Australia is setting the Way lulu in
practical fruit culture and farming,
and others will benefit from its
Sunlight Soap will not
burn the nap off woolens
nor the surface off iinens. I
EXP E,1'duc')?.
Ask ter el a Oetlaon tsar, -
During June, July, August and
September the Chicago and
Western ley, will sell from (.'!teal;',
found trip excursion tickets to San
1"1'ancisco, Los Angeles, 1'urilona,
Ore, (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se-
attle, Vic;Loria, Vancouver at r'el'y
1OW r'atea. Correspondingly cheap
fares front all points In Canada.
Choice of 11111tes., hest of train ser-
vice, favorable stopovers and liberal
rctlu'n limits. Rates, folders and
full information can be obtained
from 11. It. Bennett, (1eneral Agent,
2 East Ding St., 'Toronto, Ont. 131
'.l'.ho Salvation Arniy is at work, in
forty-nine countries and colonies,
speaks thirty-one languages, Pin'; 7,-
210 corps, "ci1'des,' and societies;
13,493 officers and end1ta; employs
:1560 persons, and has 45,:319 loeul
oflleers. ;It has silty-threo periodi-
0,,1 in twenty-four languages, with
an issue of .1,208,000, 'There am
644 institutions for its social work,
and in twelve months the Artily sup-
pli(tl 4,573,809 beds and 7,213,500
"I wish to ask the Court," saicl a
lawyer 1011,) had been put into the
witness -box to testify as an expert,
"11 I am compelled to conte into this
case, in which I have no personal in-
terest, and give a legal opinion for
nothing?" 'Yes, certainly," re-
plied the judge; "give it for what
it is worth!"
Mr. John Watt, J.P., cashier in the
Commercial Beak, George Street,
Edinburgh, has retired after the
record scowler. of fifty-six and a half
year's without a day's 12bs011"e.
JAPS AND 71111(0 , TEETH,
Japanese inns furnish fresh tooth-
br(r6heo 0Very morning free. to 0003'Y
guest. 13'he brush, is 'r1 wo6(3, ehaped
like a pencil, and s'tayed to a tatty
broth of 81i(24 at the largo 'after.
One trial of 141ot11cr Craves' Warm Ex-
terminator will convince you that it
has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy
a bottle and see if It does not please
High Pressure Prov. New Inven-
tion Causes Breakdown.
11' you are using poor teff. Try
and you'll see where the good comes in,
We Know the Quality Is There, and We Want You
to Know it Too. A TEST IS WHAT WE WANT.
.An alarming outbreak of neuritis,
amounting almost to an opidomlc,1
has occurred among the women'
clerks in the telegraph department of
the General Post -office, London, Eng -
i 0d.
u th large
'1'11 utbraak i due to a 0. e
o a s
reductions in tho stall which have
recotntly taken Mace, and to the
fact that the existing stall of women
clerics is terribly overworked.
Miss Mabel Slope, head of the wo-
men's branch of the Postal Tele-
graph Clerk's Association, who her -I
self works hs the telegraph depart-
ment of the General Post -office, de-
clares that a largo number of yn1111g
women were now absent from workl
owing to nervous breakdown.
"Ever since the introduction of
what is known as tho inter-commuli-I
cation switch," she said, "the giris
have had to work at, greater pres-
sure, and Cases of nervous irreak-
down have become much more num-
umerous than was formerly the case.
"Tho department especially affect-
ed is the Metropolitan Gallery. I
used to work there myself, and I
founci that the strain 10as almost un-
"`Tho girls themselves perhaps are
partly to blame, for, while the men
sleeks will not do more than a cer-
tain amount of work, the women are
much more industrious, and work at
high pressure the whole time.
"Tho nervous complaint from
which so many are suffering princi-
pally affects the arms, causing par-
alysis of the muscles.
'In the case of some of tiro older
women who have broken down 111 this
way, tho authorities have acted gen-
erously elongll, and have. enabled
them to retire with a pension, I
know of a ,young, girl, however,
Who, the moment hereyesight be-
came affected -which vory likely was
clue to overwork -was discharged.
Sho hall only left a short time when
she recovered completely, but they
have never taken her ba0lc,'t
"But, my dear," remonstrated Mr.
Meektm, "there's a good deal to .110
said on both silos," "No there
isn't," answered his sponse. "I've
told you what I think about It, and
that's all that is going to bo said.'-
When Coffee Shows What It Has
Been Doing.
"Of late years coffee has disagreed
with me," writes a matron from.
Rome, N.X., "it's lightest punish-
ment was to make me 'logy" Mid
dizzy, and it seemed to thicken up
11)y blood.
"1110 heaviest was when A upset
111y stomach completely, 'destroying
my appetite and making me nervous
and irritable, and sent 1110 to my
bed. .After 0110 of these attacks, in
wbirh I nearly lost my life, I con -
to quit and try .Postern Food
"11 went right; to the spot! I
found it not only a most palatable
and refreshing boVer•ag0, but a food
as we11.
All my ailm0n1s, the 'loginoss' and
dizziness, the unsatisfactory condi-
tion of my blood, my nervousness
03101 irrltabilfty disappeared in short.
order and my sorely afflicted stern-
a= began gtlic7(ly to recover.
I began to rohuifd and havo steadily
continued until now, Have e. good
appetite and am rejoicing in sound
health, which I owe to the use of
1'ostum Food Coffee." S`1'alne given
by ltostuin Co., Battle Creek. 10011,
Thes'e's a reas0rl
'1;enol^. tltie little •�eolc, "The Road
to Wcikvil3e," 30u1d in ea ib I)k33.' ..
Protect Your Property
1is-Ly e
oar tt
" TN
A dry p,wder pot up in metal Lahe%, 83
inch's Ions. It will instantly 00005nhh tho
Won Nowa Ilan,a. 01 wond or oil. Price/a51
each, $W. W dos IYrito fur d oacrlptivo (healer
The Diamond Dry Powder etre AGENTS
Extla3uleher Co., Toronto, Ont. WANTED
'Leonidas," said Mr. Mockton's
w fe, "look me in the eye and answer
mo one question, Have you ever de.-
ee'veP mo about anything?" "Well,
Henrietta," he answered, after much.
hesitation, "I must confess that I
have not been altogether frank. On
numerous occasions I Slava dissembl-
ed to the extent of trying to appear
far more amiable than I really felt."
No person should go from Ramo with-
out a bailie of Dr, .1. D. 1Collogg's dy-
sentery Cordial in their possceslal, as
Chane,. of water, (10oldngr climate, etc.,
frequency brings on summer complaint,
and there is nothing like bom4 ready
with a sure remedy at hand, which often-
times saves greLt suffering and frequent-
- bt li l•aS "1'3 L rias
vulua o 11, Coltl
or Itself ' a widespread re uta -
gained freputa-
tion 1 for r comp! prompt relief from
All summer complaints.
St. Catherine's Lighthouese, Isle of
Wight, has just been fitted with. a
flashlight which is estimated to he
equal to fifteen million candle-
How Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple
Tablets Give Instant Relief: -
They're handy to carry -take Ono after
eating -or whenever youfuel stomach dis-
tress coming on -sufferers have proved it
the only remedy 10102111 that will give in-
stant relief and permanent cure -no long
tedious treatments with questionable
results -bast 101' all sorts of stomach
tl•ouhlesl 80 cants. -90
Lawyer -"Now, see here; before I
take your case. I want to know if
you're guilty?" Prisoner- "Am I
guilty? D'ye' s'pose 1'd bo fool
enough ter hire the most expensive
lawyer in town if I woe inne'eent?"
Bard and soft earns cannot with-
stand Holloway's Cora Curo: it is ef-
fectual ovary time. Cot a bottle at
once and be happy_
Every inch of tho Nyasg Chu val-
ley in Tibet is cultivated. ";Nang„
steals the "land of delicacies.'
Lifebuoy Soap - disinfectant - is
strongly recommended by the medical
profession as a safeguard against in-
fectious diseases_ 22
A good deal of the consolation of-
fered in the world is about as SO -
lacing as the assurance of tho Irisll-
1n0.11 to his wife when she fell into
the river: "You'll tint] ground at
tho bottom, my dear."
Itching Filets -Dr. Agnew's Ointment is
proof against the torments of Itching
Ones, 't'bnusends of testimonials or
euros effected by Its use, No ease too
aggravating or too long standing 101
It too soothe, comfort and cure. It
cures 111 from 13 to 0 nights. 83 cents.
Grovel' (in cheap restaurant) -
"Here, waiter! Aro these mutton or
pork chops?" Waiter -"Can't you
tell by the taste?" Growcll-"No."
Waiter -"Then what difference does
it make what they are?"
To Those of sedentary Ocone ttion.-
Itluin who 1011ow sedentary 000115 Ltlons,
which deprive them of fresh air .anti ex-
erciseare more prone to disorders of
the live• aid ldrneys. than Om as Who
lead 0.01100, outrioor twos, Tito forettr
will find in S'armelee's Vegetable Tills a
restorative without .. question the most
efficacious on the market. They nee
ealy oupstloyaiuraabulcel ,t7e0yy rtoakou, acthgclxy
cheapeonsdorirg Hecto oxatlllenze,
twelve ]iotas 22,118 people arose
Westminster Bridge on foot and 7,-
051 passengers go over by omnibus.
At Illackir'lars Bridge 81,385 115210 -
trPans cross in twelve hours and 5,
309 passengers in 01n111buses. Every
day 3,550 electric thallic are run to
and from Westminster Bridge, and
last year a total of 53,000,000 pas-
sengers wore Carried. To 'Blackfriars
Bridge there are 560 ears a duty, and
the number of passengers last year
was 88,000,000.
A vest bed of eoa1, containing fuel
enough ' o supply, ail the naVies of
' 'flc h .bees discovered at
Otho 1 ac� as s
Baron Koff 'I1ay, at the extreitle
north end 01 Kamchatka, •
1 ARM A'OTt SAI,re-040 A01U0S,
1, west 1 17 end south # 18 0,. 14
west, 1n the famous alcohoro eiletrlct;
121 acres under oultivation, balance
hay and,asture; AI wheat land, but
would maize a good mixed farm; al-
ways been free from Lost and hall;
abmlda,co Or Reed water, good frame
house, stone elevator, capacity 12,000
bushels; other out -buildings, comfort-
able, nice maple grove, Also north 11
r.8, 0, 16, 3211 acres, a Arat-class grain
farm; can plow ever foot, all under
cultivation fair buildings. Plenty of
good water. Write or call. W. A.
ard, 0leliboro, Man.
you buy a farm, write us for our
Lhave a largo list
too (buncooose from;
we can sato you
money. Try us.
✓ o YOU ll'Ifili TO SELL YOUR
• farm? If you do, send us a full
and complete description and lowest
price and we will 1310.00 it on Dar lis*;
and list it in our )text Bulletin, which
will be issued soon, 31 we sell your
farm, we charge you 2} per cent,
commission, le no 00.15 is made
through us, we make no ohargGc. Ruth-
erford a Ellett, Lstato Agents, Ham-
ALLSTON LAizr-Country seat,
stock and poultry farm, 117
acres, on lake front, new house, 1).
rooms and bath; gravity water sys-
tem in house; largo barn, carriage
house, poultry houses, yards, 'brood-
rooders, rabbit hutches; 10 minutes Sara-
toga and Schenectady trolley; beau-
tiful site for hotel or summer board-
ing house; write for price. CHAS E.
STEVENS, Ballston Lake, Saratoga
County, N. Y.
2,000 acres of wood lands, en bloc
or in lots to suit purchasers. Prin-
cipals only dealt with.
E. W. HAY,
p•ulkenburg Station, Ontario.
and laded Salts veld look batter dYod. It no 051011
of o,nu to yon, toxo, write diroot Mootreel, sox 150
20 Ayrshire Bu112-four to twenty
months old; Ayrshire Females all
ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs.
Apply to HON. W. OWENS,
Monte Bello, (due.
l're-Why do you have all that fruit
on your new hat? I don't like it. ,.
She --Well, I couldn't very well
Have it trimmed with stuffed goose,
even if you do like that better.
11 Reaches The Spot. -There aro few
remedies before the public to -day as -,
efficacious in removing pails and in al-
laying and preventing pulmonary dis-
orders as Dr, Thomas' I;clectric 011. It
has demonstrated its powers In thou-
sands of instance.; and a large mmnber
of testimonials as to its great value.
as a medicine could be got were there
ocooslou for it. 1t is for sale every-
Joskins-"I say, Hoskins, this is
lay first clay at shooting. You might
tell 1110 in confidence what people
shut one eye for when they're sight-
ing anything." Hoskins -"Oh, that's
perfectly simple, my dear fellow. You
see, if they were to strut both eyes
they wouldn't be able to 503 any-
Too Many People Daily WIth Catarrh.
It strikes one like a thunder -clap, dt-
volops with a rapidity that no other
11155,ase does. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder isthe radical, quick, safe and
pleasant cure that the disease demands.
Use the means, prevent its deep -seating
and years of distress, Don't dally.
with Catarrh, Aguew's gives relief .in
ten minutes. 50 cents. '-57
"If," said the chemist, "you will
give this 11020 tonic a trial, I'm mire
you will never use any other,'.' Ex-
cuse me," rejoined the customer,
"but I prefer something a little less
Romoves all hard soft or calloused
humps and blemishes from horses, blood
spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone,
ewcenoy, stf0les, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50
by use of ono bottle. warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
In the Colorado Desert there -0.00'
railStorins during which not a drop
of neater touches the earth. The
rail can bo seen' falling from' the
clouds high above the desert, but
when it reaches the hot, dry' air -be -
heath 1.110: clouds it is entirely, ab-
sorbed: These strange rainstorms
take place 1.11 regions where the ther-
/nonneter often registers :120 degrees
in the. shade.
When yeti think you have cured a
cough or cold, but find a dry,
hacking tough. remains, there is
clanger. 'Sake
Consumei 9t
Qr 1 ha Lien 1
at onee. ' It wilt .ttte igthon tho
lungs and stat; the cough.
rrlcesl S. C. Wttwte & Co. aa'.
W. ton, $l,: *olloyll+Nlyfr1Toronto, Can
tgiSt$1 gWc 48454