HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-20, Page 1Vol. 34. No. 2 ru .BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 190 New Advertisements. Local -G. E. King, Looal-Fred. McCracken, Clearing Bale --McKinnon & Co. Fall Term -Elliott Bus. College. tlfid-Bammer Hale -A. Strachan. Removal Sale -J, Ferguson & 0o. Wingham Bae, College -Geo. Spotton, aistria gam 19tlrel. Crops in this locality look fine. Mr. MoKay, wife and; daughters, of St, Joeepb, Min., are vieiting relatives and friends in Grey township. D. 0, and Mre. Roes, of Braesele, were °ellen at the tatter's parental home here' Mat Sunday. Mr. Ames has improved considerably In health and was at °hatch, last Sabbath morning. It ie reported that the annual Sabbath Bohool Excursion will be run to }linear. dine on Friday, August llth. A delight. fal time was enjoyed last year and thie year we bear the Wingham District Summer Scbool will be in session, afford. Ing visitors an opportunity of bearing some of the oelebritiee. Thou. and Mre. Hall and Mise May, of Montreal, and Mtn. Jno. Davidson and three obildren, of the same city, are the guests of Robert and Mrs. Ransom, old residence of this looality. The ladies are daagbtere of the host and hastens. Mr. Ransom has been somewhat used ap with a disabled limb but ie ooneiderab!y better now we are pleased to state and we hope be will soon be as' smart an oared. He is 78 years old but a remarkbly smart man, Mre, Ransom baa paeeed her 81st birthday and has never even need spectacle& eV fel ton. Mina Nellie Beet, of Perth, ie visiting relativee in town, Reboot Hoy pan now beset of my "eon" as well as daughter. Mien Ida McDonald ie spending a few bolidays ai her home here, Mrs. J. Beatty left last week for a Sommer outing at Muekoka, Mies Jennie Sellertr of Bluevale, is vieiting Mre. J. W. Morrison. Bev. R. S. Baker bee been on the slate list for a few daye and hie services were taken on Sunday last by E. Smith of Grey. 0onetraotionework on the 0. P. R. is progressing slowly on amount of the farmers having removed their teams for baying. We are sorry to hear of the dangerous illness of Alex. Gardiner, an old and well known reeideat of Af Killop, but we hope speedy convalescence will enene. The telephone line le now in operation and we Gan "Hello" to the outside world with comparative ease. Central office is In Humpbriee & Son's store. A number of Orangemen and others epent the Twelfth in Kinoardine. Mre. W. H, Humphries hob returned from her trip to the N. W. T. where the was visiting her daughter, Mre. J. Hall, of Geinaboree Ana. 1Kors•int. Raepberry piakere are a good orop these days, Everett Wacker is home from Dutton wbere he ran been attending the Colleg- iate. W, Hodder and wife, of Mingo, spent a few days lest week with bis sister, Mre. J. Sellers, of tbe 2nd. Petoh Bros. have pnrobaeed a eteamer and eeparator and will aid in separating the grain from the straw in good etylt. They have bed conaidereble experience. Mies Lily Marsden, who has made her home with John and Mre. Mooney, 5th line, for years, intende going to Omaha to visit her mother and Meter and may continue to reside there, Is will be with no email regret that the people of tbie locality will hearofthin en Mies Lily is a favorite with all who know her. W rnoceteer. Mien daoeie Harris spent Sunday in Gorrie. T. B. Benders left last week for Kleinbarg. Mise Lula Hemphill is the guest of friends at Ayr for a few weeks. Sommerville Hamilton, of Toronto, is the guest of hie parents near bere. Mre. D. Walker, of Niagara Falls, is visiting her mother, Mre. 3, Gibson, Oliver Smith, of Oheeley, is spending two weeks' bolidays et hie home bare, Sam. Pope has returned from an ex- tended trip to (tuba and New Ontario. Dr. R. Montgomery, of St. Louie, visited old friends in the village on Thursday last. Rev. J. H. Oaterbout has returned from hie trip to Colorado, and took charge of hie work here on Sunday. The six Entrance oandidatee of this school, Effie Oarr, Hilda Nooites, Alberta Hestia, Esther Bellamy, Nesbitt Lang and Willie Black, were successful in their reoent examination. CralubraoIt. George and Mine Minnie Mee, of Ford• wiob, Svndayed at Charles Switzer's. Mina Ella MoLanoblan ie home from the Went, where she hoe been teaobing, for a holiday. Mrs. Condy and Mise Brinaoom, of Burk's Fall, are the guests of Mrs. Jae. Menziee this week, Misses Susan and Beatrioe MoNair are home from Goderich where they have been attending school. Lost near Cranbrook a lady's black coat. Finder will oblige by leaving it at the Poetoffiae, Oraabrook. A load of the young ladiee of this plane drove to Brunie on Tneaday evening to attend the Garden Party on Victoria Park. Mid � Summer Sale 4.00.011010010 nte'trtJ4JaSh During the balance of Jul we are offeringB ec- ia1 inducements in order to clear out the balance of our stock of Shirt Waists, Whitewear, Colored. Muslims, Linen Crash Summer Suitings, Prints. This is your opportunity to secure Bar- gains in the above Lines. • In White Underskirts our prides have been exceptionally low but now quote the regular 1.00 line for 800 ; 1.85 for 1.00 ; 1.60 for 1.25 ; 2.00 for 1.60 ; 2.75 for 2.25. Corset Covers and Drawers -Regular 250 to 1.00 going at 200 to 80o. There are only a few White Shirt Waists left in sizes 36, 38, 40 and 42, regular 1,00, 1.25, 1.75 and 2.25 for 80e, 1.00, 1.35 and 1.75. We have too many Colored Mullins on hand and -in order to make them go quickly the prices have been almost cut in half :First come will secure first choice. BEST PRINTS now going at 8 and 10 cents. August Standard Patterns to hand and a Fashion Sheet given FREE to those calling for them. First/class Dressamaking in connection with our Store. A. Strachan Daring the past week Dentist Will J. deuteron has been very poorly but we hope a change for the better will soon enene. Mies Dolly Backer, of Brueeele, rendered good eerviee until Mine Beal, a profeneional nurse of Toronto, arrived on Wednesday. rajo. Farm sales are numerous and there are likely to be more. Nelson Cardiff, 7th oou., has put up a wire hen along the front of bis farm, making a noticeable improvement. Mra. Freeman, Amy and Frank, are visitors with relatives bo this locality. The former 15 a daughter of Wm, Bate- man. Little Roderick Bitable, 15th eon., has been on the sick list witb hip trouble, bat we hope he will Boon be quite re. stored. The residence of Eli Smith has been neatly dreeeed with paint, moth improv- ing its appeeranoe. T. Nicholls, of Bram eels had the job. Mies Wraith McKinnon, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Mien Ohristena McKinnon, of Winnipeg, are holidaying at the home of Mre. Jno. McKinnon, Grey. The home of Wm. Ellie, Grabamville, has been painted and thie with the new roof makes quite an improvement. Be ben a nine plot of nearly 6 sores. Last week Mai. Chao, Rozetl, 9th con„ arrived bome from an eight weeks' visit with relatives and friends at Paw Paw, Mich., Booth Bend, Ind„ and Detroit, She had a fine time. It in reported that Thomas Ferguson, of Cody, Wyoming Ter., who ban been in the West for the past 10 years, has disposed of hie sheep ranch and will be home for a vieit with relativee and old friends. He in a son of Jas. Fermi. eon, 9th eon. It to four years since he was here, Last week Oliver Turnbull, 15th eon., who has acquired quite a reputation 00 a breeder of Leieeeter sheep, disposed of a pair of ebearling ewes to Jas. Roy, of Bornholm, @ 650.00 I a ram lamb to J. S. Cowan, of Donegal, Perth Oo., $18 00 ; and one to Alex, Stewart, Monk. ton $15.00, Mr. Turnbull bee pnrobaeed a ram imported by A. W. Smith, of Maple Lodge. During the past week F. S. Scott, Brunie, disposed of the 60 acre farm of Rod. Motley, Sa lot 10 Con. 1, to Samuel Burke, wboee 100 acre farm is aoroee the eideroad from it, for the cum of 52300. This will give the purohaeer a fine property. Mr. array hoe bought Abram Cook's 100 acres, lot 11. Con. 4, the price beteg $4,600. Poeeeee(on will be given in each Daae on November let 1905. Mr. Scott negotiated this eels also. The probabilities are that Mr. and Mrs. Cook will move to Brnenele and enjoy a well deserved rest from their hay farm life. They have been residents of Grey for a good many yeare. AN OLD RESIDENT PAseae AwAY,- Loet Saturday evening about 8 O'olook James B. Williamson, an old and highly esteemed resident of the 17th con. paned that bourne from whence no traveller returne, aged 72 pram 2 menthe and 24 days. He bad suffered from; a stroke of paralysis Met Fall and had never re- gained hie former good banish. Mt.. Wilifameon was a Canadian by birth and came to Grey township 47 years ago when he took ap lot 14, Con, 17 upon which he cootinvoaeiy resided ap to hie demise. He wan an indnetrlooe, thrifty, straightforward m an w O e b erred the reepeot of all who knew bim. His wife was Elizabeth Cardiff wbo predeceased him in December 1903. Two sone, (James, at home, and Riobard, in tbe West) and three daughters, (Mre. E000h Clark, Mre. Jae. Fulton and Mre. Duncan McKenzie, all of this looality) earvive. The enbjeob of this notice was a worthy member of the Methodist eburoh and woe a Conservative in politics. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to Brun. Bele cemetery, In the absence of deoeae- ed'e paetor,fthrooghfilneee, Rev. A, Mao - Nab, M. A., Presbyterian minister, con• ducted the cervine, Pallbearers were George, John, Mark and James Cardiff, Henx Hamilton y o and Thos. Willameon. Tbne ie removed another of the sturdy pioneere of Grey township who did hie part in making tbie moniotpality whet it is today. LETTER FROM THE NORTHWEST. Dna FRrcan.-Please renew my sub. eoriplbn for. THE Poem, enclosed find order for eame. We are Ionated 66 miles Northweet of Battleford, between tbe Battle and Saskatchewan rivers. It is a fine treat of country dotted with binffe and spring oreeke. Good water can be got by digging from 10 to 20 feet. Stook does well here for there is abundance of grass and water. The country wbere we are Ionated in mostly all taken in 12 man square. The 0. N. R. is running a line through to .Edmonton, the steel is laid 25 miles North of Battieford and the grading ie done 126 miles farther on. Siding is within 6 mile° of my homeetead where weheld a picnic on Dominion Day. There were in the, neighborhood of 100 Better° aesembled wbere they pat in a jolly afternoon playing orinitet and ball, A muei°al program wan gone through also a Band in etbendanoe (4 instruments,) The next thing on the program was the naming of the town. There were three names voted on, voting by secret ballot. Oar ballot box wan Mr. Nickle'e hat, the hat bin father wore, It. was oald but it wee beautiful. Eldon wag the name °bonen for oar town. After a short tracheae from the obairman. Rev. Mr. Rrbineon, and the singing of the National Anthem the party diopereed for their homes well pleased with pioneer life in the wild and tvnoliy West. I must Mon for thie time gibbing all old Mende in Brenda and surrounding country the beet of suneoee, I remain yen!. friend, Josh OURiia. Bron(-br July 3rdI 1905, Ira ()baby, a well-te.do Prince Ed. ward county farmer, 70 years of age, near Wellington, committed anioide while In a temporary fit of insanity; by burning himself and barn: Installation in New hall. L O. 0. F. Tbureday evening of iant week D. D. G. M, Groves of Wingham, aeeieted by J. Dodd, of the same town, who ofTiniet• ed as Grand Marshal, inetalled the new officer'. of Women Star Lodge, No, 149, Brueeele. Owing to the absolute of the Noble Grand elrot, Will. Rooter, several appointed (-Moen are yet to be named for the term, Those elected to the chairs are as follows J. P. G. -E. ()ober ; N. G. -W. Hunter; V. G. -S, Wilton; R. S. -W, H. Me0raoken; P. B, -A. McGuire, Treao.-F. S. Soots ; L. B. V. G. -F. MaOraolten ; L S, V. 0.-J, K. Brown, The report from the auditote was of a very encouraging obaraoter, showing a membership of 130 and a tidy eurplue. A word oonoerning the new home of the Odd Fellows will not be oat of place, as their moves have been few having occupied the upper flat at the Graben' block for the peat 32 years. Their new quarters are in the recently built bleak belonging to THE Pose, oorner of Toro - berry and Mill streets, wbere they took poeeeosion on Jay tet and have a suite not superseded by many lodges in the Province and fitted oat in a most at traotive manner. The mein Hall in 24x 54 feet, with a fine metallio ceiling of latest design. New chairs bave been added and the former settees and ohaire newly upholstered with the beet oar pinch, looking as good as when fleet put.. chased. Au a 1 all wool new carpet, on which appear the various emblems of the Order, neatly woven, Queers the floor while lineoleam is need in the waiting room which ie 14x16 feet, North of the Lodge room ie the robe mons, 12x 24 feet, where the coetumee of the De. gree team end other paraphranalia are conveniently oared for in wardrobes. The carpet from the old Ball does service here. Building is lighted throughout witb eleatrioity, is well ventilated and will be heated by a Goal furnace in the Winker. There ie a front and beak stair- way affording easy ingrate and egress. Those who have Been tbe Hall oompli- merited the three linked brethren on the neatness', oommodionsneee and modern obaraoter of the premieee. Western Star Lodge has done splendid• ly, phoenix like rising from a dormant state, with very few members and a slim treasury to one of the moot thriving eoriebiee in the town. The outlook is reaesoring and during the coming Fall and Winter the members have planed the number of candidates at at least 100. The firet initiation in the now Ball took plane ou Thursday of last week. Entrance r � cc, Exaqtoinrtition . SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES. We give below the names of the atm - easeful candi t da eo who wrote on the recent) Batranoe Examination fn Ent Huron. In order to pane, a candidate meet have made 40% of the marks on esob eubjeot, and 60% of the whole number of marks. The maximum .number of marks was 660 ; the minimum number to paen, 390. The names of those who obtained 70% or over are ar• ranged alphabetically in the honor lief. The pass list inoludee all the other ono• easeful oandidatee. Thee was the first Entrance Examination held under the new curriculum and the namber of sncoeeeful oandidatee compared with thoee that wrote ie about the same 88 in former years. All.,the examination papers were fair and well graded, and in the ease of eoboole in ()barge of experienoed teachers there were hardly any failures, Brueeele, Wingham, Clinton, Seaforth and Blyth passing every candidate sent up. Some young teachers sent ap pupils at leant a year too soon. In this Innpeotorate no pupil was re• jetted who is fit to take up Fifth Claes work, and none passed who ie not able to enter in the higher work of the Public or High School. The gni aimed at in thin Ioepeotorate is to have teachers display each judg. went in Bending up pupils that there will be no tailrace, That a teacher who eende up twenty.one aaudidatee std .pas one failure will not may "I have done very well," but"I bave had one .failure too many." It may be added that She spelling paper was too difhoalt for ungraded schools, as these °cboole do not [tonally use the spelling book before pnpile enter the Fourth Olen. It would we think be wall to introdaoe it in the Third Olase. BRUSSELS meets Armstong, Glen Bell, Cora Brothers, Muriel Campbell, Fred Campbell, Stanley Canon, Lovina A. Cunningham, R. Cunningham, J. Deadman, Katie Harbottle, Katie, Henderson, Wm, Holmes, Carl Johneon, Annie Loatherdale, Pearl Miller, Minnie FAS Amens, Earl rl Arms g Iron Levee Bremner, Pearl Brown, Annie Clark, Retie Coates, Hazel Oombes, Alloo MOArter, Letitia MoOraoken, Limy MoKeozie, F. Molaenzie, V. MaLaaghlin, Meg.' McMillan, Alfred MnQaarrie, Wm, T, thea, Cline Strachan, W. B. Stubbs, Stella Tbompeon, Alio° Turnbelli Winnie Wheeler, .Noble lnWilbee, Vera SND MoAlliot br Tool McCallum, M. Modatobeon, Wm. McDonald, Jessie McDonald, Myrtle McDonald, Nell McDonald, Annie Oambee, Nellie D, Constable. Anna Bokmier, Bert Evans, Mien Fraser, George Freeman, Edith Ferguoon, Grace Glneeier, Alfred Grant, Lizzie Jackecn, Arthur Johnson, Martha Kipper, Ethel Knechtel, Daniel Lawson, Fred Menziee, Hartley Manhole, Ida S. Adofunee, Amalie MaLenn, Kenneth Robb, Gracie Saarintt, Thia Sharpe, Ida Shaw. Ernie Shaw, Ralph Small -don, Wm, Smith, Tbomae Smith, Eve Smith, Mina Sperling, Myrtle Btevenooa, Bich, B. Strath, Johnnie Walker, Oliver CLINTON BO NOR5 Andrews, Clifford Mo$enzie, Maggie Brawdea, Shirley Maneghan, Ruby Brown, Mabel Modaaghey, Rosie Courtin, Dean MoMath, Myrtle Oanteloo, John Millar, Inez Davidson, Obff Quigley, Alphoonnn Ford, Leila Rbodee, Frances Foster, Frank Raneford, Melville Ge�nn, Amy Ranee, Olarenoe Gibbinge, Robs', Rutledge, Janet Herman, Gladys Twitohell, Harry Herman, Marg.' Wiseman, John Hall, Morley Wiltee, Elva Jobneton, Etta Weir, Teddie Middleton, Agnea Willson, Muriel PASSED Blake, Edward Irwin, Robert Outer, Irene McLean, Myrtle Oballeuger, Annie MoOartney, May Couplaod, Aurae Moore, Pearl Elooat, Edna Snnder000k, Bella Flynn, John Trick, Jennie Feeler, Mamie Taylor, Mary Glenn, IBabette Tighe, Tbomae Holland, Floosie Tebbutt Oscar Hill, Raby BLYTH 11011020 (Mellow, Muriel C. PA0000 Aegaitb, Gertrude McGowan, Janet Bennett, Verna Moon, Thomas Brown, Serle Merritt, John Gowan Dottie Munro, Roy Oombs, Andrew Naegle, Ida L. Eoblln. Rath Soots. Leon, R, Rimes, Jeanie M. Stewart, Laura E. Knox, Norman Sime, Roy Lee, Frank Snnder000k, Wm, Lyon, Elsie E. Toll, Millie B, Lyon. Edna WINGHAM HONORS Bowman, Jennie Guest, John Browabt, Wilmot Harold, Louie Buohenan, Harold Hart, Alvin Constable, F. M. Jewitt, Mildred Davidson, Rete Kerr, Ruby Davidson, Sadie Moore, May Diamond, Edna MoKereie, Geo. B. Drummond, Edna Porter, Earl J. Flood, Mamie Robertson, Bella Fry, Mond Smith, Watson Galbraith, Willie Van Norman, Irene (amiss, Annie Williamson, May PASSED Brooke, Gladys Hogg, Lillian Calhou), Frank Llrtie, Attie E. Corley, Fred Moffatt Lillian aq Currie. Leona M, McGregor, Mary Davidson, Howard MoLeao, Waggle Dioknon, Edna Patterson, Mamie Elliott, Jetta V. Pearen, E. Lily Forler, Fred VanAlanbine, N. Hall,Almet a Walker, Ella Hany, Mina A. Whyte, Edith Henning, Eldon BEAFOBTH 00N0118 Bell, Eerie Habkirk, Ada Mary Birks, Ray McKenzie, A. Burgnra, Ohristena Mulrlillan John Olarke Annie M. Petbiok, Nettie Coleman, Mary L. Sperling, Clarence Dever, Clara B. Spears, Bort Dickson, John Bt, Stewart, Lillian Fowler, Henry Whitmore, Blois Grieve, Pearson PABe1D Bnholz, Wm, Garter, Angae.A. Cleary,Margaret Oleg, Myrtle Dalton, James Darwin, Norbert Dickson, Alex. Dooberty, Wm, Denman, Hanle Dorranae, Ray Elliott, W. Fairbairn, Elliott Faulkner, Lillian Flanagan, Ed. J, Floyd, $, Pearl Gaetzmeyer, Olara Gilliopie, Nellie Givlin, Franone. Govenlook Thoo. Grieve, Helen A. Habkirk, 0 rville Hof lead, Florence Holman, Sadie Houston, Frenon° Huffy, Mand Hunt, Florence V, Laidlaw, Florence Lockhart, Eva Love, Ida L. McCormick, Dan McIver, Mary McMichael, Agnee MoMiHian, Joeeph Mullin, Waiter Murphy, Frank O'Oonoer, Michael O'Keefe, Roea Pinkney, W. M. Rose, Earle Unifies, Emily Sillery, Elizebeth Smith, Agnea Sproat, J• Edwin Thompeon, Della Torry, Aggie Van Egm ond, Earl Wileon, Annie WROXETER PASSED Bellamy, Esther Haetie, Alberta Bleak, William being, Neebitt Dene,elaarry McLaughlin, Lula Carr, Effie Niobolfe, Madge Galbraith, Robert Nokee, Hilda Gallaway, Wilberb ' Strong, Irene Gregg, Edith M. Williams, Herbert Halliday, James FORDWIOH nottene Campbell, Lenren' Geggie, Ediib E. Downey, Russell Ranee, Bdwerd PABSIID Bolton, Verdella Hutnhieen, Alex. Bricker, Gordon McDonald, Ainelle Edgar, Robert Menziee, Tboe. R. Edwards, Martha Parr, Harold R. Elliot, Roy Patterson, Earld FeeneY, Mary L. Severe Leel e Galla bur Gordon S''onn g , g, Stewart Harding, Elmer J, A burglar who entered the dwelling of Niro. Ada Bedford, a oolored woman, at Chatham, wa8 driven off, Pare. Bedford W. H. KERR, Prop clubbed theiottnder over bbe bead with her pistol atter (ailing to shoot him, and retried ruob en outcry that the man made a rapid exit. People We Know. Freak Gerry ie holidaying at Blyth, Mico Lulu Dnoford was holidaying at Blyth. De Witt Comma is holidaying at Trow• ridge. Mira Mabel Soarrow is holidaying at Sarnia, Mies Preston is vieiting her aunt, Mre. Douglas. J. M. O'Connor ie Galling on old friends' in Brussels. Stewart Scott and W. Clark epent San - day 10 Wroxeter. Oliver Smith, of (Manley, was a visitor in town this week. Brine Scott, of Palmerston, spent Sure day at hie home here. Mre. J. Simmoue and Hazel are visit. ing with Wroxeter friends, Mica May Skene is home from the Qaeen'a pity for a vacation. Mise "Tooteie" Barton has been ham Ing a vieit from the meaelee. Lloyd Jackson, eon of H. L, Jackson, hoe been laid ap with meanies. R, and Mr°, Lnatherdale spent a few days with Harrinton relatives. Mrs. David Roes is book from an enjoy- able visit with Kincardine friends. Mies Nellie Irwin, of Toronto, is re. Hewing old friendships in Brnesels. Leslie Bailey and Will. Hunter, of Stratford, were in town on Sunday, Geo. Howe and Mies Mary, of Wroxeter, were vieltore iv Broeeeln this week. Miss Keta Harbottle has gone to Barrie to vieit her mother and Meter. CHffetd McCurdy, of Fordwiob spent Sunday with Willie Adams, Brueeele• Mise Ivy Close, of Woodstock, is the gaeet of Mre. W. F. Stewart, Brueeele. Mre. Reid, of Ayr, was the gent of her sister, Mre. Habkirk, during the past week. Mies Minnie Moore is bome from Sb, Thomas for a variation ander the parent. al roof. Mies Minnie Cozens, of Trowbridge, was a visitor at the Methodist Parsonage or a day. Misses Ida and Edith Bailey are renew- ng old Iriendnhipe at Rockwood and ther points. Reeve and Mre. Henderson are away or a brief vacation in the Southerly art of Huron Co. Mies Ria Brine, of Seaforth, who was ieiling her sister, Mre. P. Scott, bac re - nand to her bome. D. A. Megaarrie, of Rainy River, is ere 00 a vieit. He is a sou-in•law to D. B. Moore, of Brueeele. Mies Gertrude Rose ie baying a good ime with Mende at Orillia, one of the rattiest towns in the Province. Mies Sharpe, of Bt. Tbomae, and Mise uncles, of Ingereoli, are viaitore at amee Sharpe's, Princess street. Misses Alice and Isabel Simmons, of Wingham, are holidaying with their ante and aunt, A. and Mrs. McGuire. Mise Estelle Griffin, vocal teaoher, will oke her holidays during the month of ugust, resuming her oleo° on September et. Mies Annie Gardiner, of Toronto, who as been visiting Mise Fannie Rogers, Ib on Tnenday to visit friends in arbam. Mies Wood, of Berlin was ag vent at T. Wood's Elizabeth street. She ie q hoe of Mr. Wood, and a eohool teaober y profession. Deno. MnLarohlin and-Jno. Beattie, of heeley, are visitors in town for few aye. "Where you're treasure is there ill you're beart be also." Mrs. B. Gerry wan vieiting ben lighter, Mrs, W. H. Willis, at Sea. nth, for a few days. F. Finhleigh, re. Gerry's father, a000mpanied her. Mise Barbie Pantie, of Bay City, Mich, ins Minnie Cotton, of Toronto, and lea Edna Jenkins, of Wingham, are gibers at Sunny Brae, with Druggist d Mrs, Fox. Mrs. Wm, Cornish and her grand- nghter, little 'Mies Muriel Burgess, Mitchell, are vieiting in Brueeele and cality. The former was an old time Meant, for years. Thou. Hall, wife and daughter, of entreat, were palling on old friends in undo during the pant week. Mr. all was a resident of this locality in the SOMAS and notes many changes. R. K. Rose ie back from o moot en. gable outing on the steamer Haddiug• n. He has not yet decided upon hie tore ooarne as' to basivees pursuit. E Poem hopes he will nontiane his sidonee in taws. We are sorry to hear that Charlie pper is ill with typhoid fever et the neral Hospital, Toronto, but bope he 11 soon bo able to attend to work once ore. He is a son of Thee. and Mre. pper, of Braun's. John Putland, of Ripley, formerly of easels, has returned from Preeton rings. His rheumatism has vanished, t his shoulder, which wan injured last inter, continues to give him oonnidet. le pain. We hope he will noon be 0. k. Colin McArthur, who went to Mon. al with the intention of going to the d Country in oharge of cattle, arrived ak on Monday afternoon an the people authority dooided they did not re. ro so many foreman as wan expected, Mre. Robt, Johnston and Mies Hazel, Wingbam, were viaitore with Mre, D. Rose on Taeeday, The ladies were ompanied by Nurse MacDonald, of laden, who nnroed Mies Jobneton 00 elully and en0o0eefally when she wee the hospital, eeve sed Mre. Ferguson, of Tees. ter, were palling on relatives and ode {' t Brunie and locality during pante week. They pnrpooe taking a idtty trip throng' the Eastern einem; next month when they will no J us' enjoy a Site time. Mon Sharpe ro Sharpe, g Ger of Elle Thomas, Mined life knee while attending a pia. last week and was laid aside for a o from bin votive drain. A telephone no here brought bbe brother,Milton, oledo, who woe here for a vaoittion to a6ei91enbe in the store. P p D 3 a A 1 b le D J. b 0 d de to M M M vi an da of lo te M Br H by j0 to fu Tn re Pe Ge wi m Pe Br ep bn W ab tre 01 ba in gni of C. Le 00.0 int WS (vie the bol Pro doe J Ipr nta tim men of T bio A, and Mre. Somers and eon (Moil, were in Beaton)] on Sunday. Will, Elliott was threatened with blood poisoning on his band from a sting of a ee, Bev. Jaime Miller, of Aebtahula, Obio, was a vieitor at John gait's for a few days this week. Mr, and Mrs. Kevaoagb, of Buffalo, are vieiting the letter's grandmother, Mre. S. Smale. Mre. Jooeph Qnerin has been bothered With a ewellirg 0n one of her wrists but we hope the treatment will briog the desired relief. Mre, Jno, Hewitt ie atilt °ennead to bed, her physician diagnosing her one as ulceration of the bowele. She ie Boma better this week we are pieaeed to etote, and her many friends hope the will soon be able to be about o4a0 more. Mre, D. Stewart and ton, Oeoil Edwin, of Aotigooieh, N. S„ are here en a 08. Dation. The former es a daughter of Jun. Broadfoot and was a former resident of thio locality, They are welcome visitors, Mr. Stewart may tithe a run to Braasale before his better -half returns. Robert Mainprize arrived bome Met week from hie visit to the Northweet. He is well pleased with the prospects and ben taken up land near Tisdale whish he eayn is a promieiog looality for land, timber, railway faoiiitiee good water, etc, He expects to return with his wife and family in the wane of a month or 00. While away Mr. Mainprize built a house preparatory to taking ap home - keeping. While sorry to lose them from Brussels, alter a residence of a good many years, we wish them splendid 000000s in the West. CHURCH CI11;1iE5. W. J. Mcdraoken's and Ira Parker's Sabbath School Glasses enjoyed a pio-nio at Bunahioe on Wednesday afternoon. At thy, Epworth Leegae eerviee last Sabtath -evening short addressee along Mieeionary linee were given by Mien Wood, of Berlin, and Will. Thpmpeon. Vioe President Joseph Hunter of the Missionary department, occupied the chair, Last Sabbath morning Rev. A. Mao. Nab, M. A., of Welton, preached a profitable sermon in Melville church, Rev. Mr, MoOaul, of Toronto, was the speaker in the evening, delivering a pointed discourse from the text, "Pre• pare to meet thy God." F. A. Robinson, M. A.. will oeonpy the pulpit next Sabbath and nntil Rev. Dr. Roes, the pastor, returns from hie variation. The anomie report of the Methodist eburoh, Brussels, for the past year showed up well, Total received for all purpoees for the year $2764 84 ; for Missions $873 50 ; Oonnexional funds $125,65; ohareh membership, iooluding Cranbrook, 290 ; amount raised by Ladies' Aid, 5101.85 ; paid on (Meath debt, $200; paid on Parsonage debt, 5400; Pastor's ealary, $825; °hatch caretaker, $100; eeo.-trene„ $25,00 ; taxes 639.46 ; loel, $57,25, Balance on band, 514.23. Sinking laud ebnw; balance of $70,37. Rev. A. C. Tiffin, of Trowbridge, wan the prenber in the Methodist chorale here last Sabbath. He is always heard with profit and bis themee were unusual. ly praotioal. In the morning the text was "Nevertheleee at Thy command we will let down the net." The evening sermon was based on the words "Give ye them to eat. Rev. Mr, Tiffin Das Karat aptness in the preeentatioa of Scriptural rlloetratione. The pastor will preaoh next Sunday. Miesee Dundee, of legat- ee'', rendered the duett, "One Sweetly Solemn tbongbt," at the evening service, THE FIELD OF SPORTS. The English touring team of foot bell playere are expected to play in Seaforth on Sept. 6th. It looks as' if the W. F. A. Champions were going to capture the three Ontario Cape this year, Last Friday evening Seaforth defeated the Parkdale "Albione", obampione of the Lettere Association, by a eoore of 5- 1, The return game will be played in Berlin on Friday evening of this week. Seaforth will likely win the Ontario Onp as they bad the beet of the game. Dundas defeated the Little Yorke in the semi -finale of the Ontario Gup in the Intermediate series on the round by 4-1. There is still a Toronto team and the winner of the Midland district to play off and the winner of those two team will meet Dandae for the final grimes. LIeTOiEL BEAT ALL SAINTS'. - In the game Friday night for the Ontario junior ohamionship the locale won (ram the Toronto All Sainte' by 8 to 1. In the that half Lietowel started with a rush and scored 2 goals before the Ail Sainte' really got into the game and shook their gait, In the eeoond half the play was very fast and even, the All Berate' play. leg a determined and effective game Boom ing their only goal. The lobate scored their third goal just before time wan call • ed, The vieiting team speak highly of the gentlemanly oondact of the bome team, with the exception of the Listowel goalkeeper who was ruled off for rough play. A11 Sainte' defence put up a strong game, particularly in goal, while the for- wards took advantage of every play. The bome team all played the game of their three, Referee Brown gave entire satie- faction to both teams. Line up ; A,11 Sainte'-- Darlington (oaptain) Pointon, Anderson, Penny, Dunn, Meen, Mann, Seeker, Gana, Joe Dunn, Noble, Lie• towel -'Taylor (captain), Lindsay, Zilliax, Bricker, Huck, Ward, Robertson, Bar. oboe, Swett, Bamford. William Wilkinson, a young farm head, committed enioide ab Teterboro,' An inmate of the Long Point Asylum who attacked a keeper, 000 choked to death by another patient; The Gana p0 Ue $hrne q ss s Cman n ' p d warehouse at Gananogae cottapeed, the front wall falling on the 1treet. Changes in the Cabinet may be looked for about September let, They are said to involve the retiremnt of Mr. Pitapat. rick, Sit TSiobard Cartwright and Mr, Scott,