The Brussels Post, 1905-7-13, Page 8PARIS
The kind
that makes
the Bugs
25c. per lb.
A new shipment of Japanese
Chinet just in and comprises Cups
and Saucers, Spoon Trays, Pin
Trays, Bon Bon Dishes, Sugar
and Cream Sets, Bose Jars, Bis-
cuit Jars, u�c.
The decorations are exceed.
ingly handsome, but the moder-
ate prices will please you.
tb '
Bor aERN EZTEN0ION W. a. & B,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
arra South, aofollows;
Gema Sown GOING Somme.
Mali 7:05 a.m 1 Mixed &40 am
Mixed 11:25 a.m I Mail ............1:88 p.m
Express 8:02p,m) Express 8:51 pan
tont Reivs tams.
A ohiel's among ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent ie.
TnE Poem gives the news.
IT rains very easy then days.
MAmmET your wool at Brussels,
Tae POST is 32 years old this week,
Sc000L BOARD Friday evening of this
JNo. MoDowenn, of Walton, shipped 2
oars of lumber to Wingbam.
2 came of oats and a oar of wheat were
shipped by Alf. Baeker this week,
J. OLEGG abipped 4 oars of cattle this
week, 3 of them to Montreal for export.
TEE Oonnail should have the broken
places in the Dement sidewalk repaired at
TEE Pon will be pnbliebed from its
new premiees next week. Oall and ace ea
at TEE Pon block.
A NuarBEE from town took in the barn
raieing at Jae. Speir'e fine farm, South
of Brands, on Tuesday afternoon.
HAY on the Agricultural Park is offered
for sale by tender. Friday of this week
is the leen day for receiving offers. It le
a good orop this year.
INSTALLATION Of oaoere will take place
this (Thursday) evening in Western Star
Lodge, Brnasele, L 0. 0. F. Lodge
meete in the new Hall in TEE Posr block.
MUMMY of last week a baby boy was
born at David Jamieson's. It was still-
born and was buried the same evening.
Mr. Jamieson arrived home from the
North on Saturday.
GEoneE Ba00LEY nae purchased One of
the latest improved dement mixers. It
will be run by a gasoline engine whioh
has also arrived, Mr. Barkley will have
an•dete outfit now.
LAST Friday evening a man named
Zibler, an employee of the 0. P. R, at
Walton, was brought before Reeve Hen.
dereon, charged by Mr. Oololongh with
(common aeeault, $1.00 and aoete was
Tan other day a collie belonging to
Wm. Deobow jumped into the boiling
brine pan at the Salt Works and was eo
eerioaely scalded that he had to be killed,
meals to abs grief of Cleve. Denbow who
dearly loved the animal.
A meeting of those interested in
Sommer ranee io Brussels was held on
Wednesday evening. It was deoided to
try and arrange a circuit with Hamburg,
Cheeley and Walkerton. If e000esefnl
dates will be announced in the near
AN Exonreion party consisting of J. R.
Cameron, Norman Smith, Mime Mary
Boobs, Mabel Hayoroft, Dora Smith,
Polly Battlers, Mrs. Slemmon and etre.
T. Hayorott expeot to leave for the
West on Saturday of this week. They
should have an enjoyable trip. We with
them a pleasant time.
Tan silver watch lost by Joo. Ritobic,
of Grey, and advertieed in TGE Pon was
found near Corrie, The timepiece was
running when pinked up on the road jest
R. the wheel of the rig was about to pass
over it. Mt. Ritchie 1101 the watch once
more. Last week we adverbieed for a
lost cape and it was brought to onr office
on Friday.
Lan Monday morning, Everett, son of
Wm. Haigh, was brought from Kin -
°mediae to the home of hie grandparents,
Breesels. He had been dangerously ill
from blood poisoning but ie making more
favorable progress now we are pleased to
abate, Mr. Heist has been appointed
section boee on the G. T. R. at Atwood
and has moved from Kincardine wbere
he and hie family have raided for
several years,
STRAWBERRY FgeTIVAr,-The Missionary
Society of Bt. John's church held a
Strawberry Festival in the thumb school
room Thareday evening of lent week from
whioh they realized about $20. Program
oonsieted of violin and organ daete by
Miss and Mr. Forrest ; solos by Mies
Cardiff end Mrs. Marshall ; readinge by
Mise Dapee, Dr. Field, Miasma Wilson,
Manning and Delmage, A pleaeant
time Wan enjoyed. Rev, Mr. Lang -Ford
IMe0OVEMENT9, - UM, Thos, Danford
has bad a kitoben added to her bride
cottage, Tarnberry etreet, South, •--• The
home of Win Ellie, Braeeele South, has
bad a new shingle roof plaoed npon it and
other improvement, made, -R, Harkness
has had hie dwelling, Elizabeth etreet,
painted„maoh improving He appearance,
Waltot Lowry hoe a staff ot workers
bnijding pp the front wall of hie [stable
with cement, The building was the Bose
flour mill which waa gutted by the fire of
May 25th,-- The wail, of P, Boottfe
new bladkemith shop were finished on
Tadedey, - D. A. T,awry'e new brink
reeidenoe, Queen ttreat, is being piaetar.
ed, -Tho,. Bone's reeidenoe Tm
etreot North, hag been beautified by the
painter's brash.-Miaoee Kelly have had
a kltohon bltilt 10 their home.
4 Waae of aattie were forwarded by A
0. Dames, 2 of them for the Old Country'
ylaesae. BLACK & Baan shipped 2 oars
of cattle to Taranto eines our last inane.
0o0Na1LLOR TnonienN ie talking along
the right line When he discusses the
000000117 of °old storage.
IN the promotion report published the
name of 'Bob Leckie was omitted. He
went tram Br, Third to Jr. Fourth,
EWAN & Co. have parohaeed Ibe iron
stock, &C,, of the Caber & Sone faotors,
owing to the fire destroying the building.
PROM 8 to 10 new telephones will be
added to Braeeele circuit, whioh with
Walton list will give an exobange of
about 40.
QnITE a number from town attended
the foot ball matob at Seatorth on Friday
evening of last week, between the home
team and Berlin. Seefortb won from
the Rangers by a score 4-1.
GEC, EDWARDS has oommenoed oper-
atione on a new shop to be erected on his
property, Elizabeth street, near his home.
Gement will be need in the contraotion
of the building. It will be 28x32 feet. Hie
former shop went down iu the lire of
May 25th.
A now took place at the Qeeen'e Hotel
last Monday, at noon in whioh the
proprietor received a bad out over bis
head Iron a ooapidor, thrown by Angus
Kerr. Several etilobee had to be put in
by rile doctor. The trouble le likely to
be ventilated in Court.
LEO BRoxnN.-J, H. Young, of Moos
omio, Mao., formerly of Braeeele had the
misfortune to have one of his lege broken
by a Itiok from a bronobo. The animal
'let fling" ata strange dog ae it was lead
from the stable with the above reenit.
We hope Squire Young will Boon be all
ACCIDENT. -Leet Saturday evening as
Mrs. S. Wilton and daughter and Mrs.
A, Hunter, of town, were returning from
Joeepb Koight'e, 1001 eon., Grey, their
horse took fright, in front of Albert
Fox's, at a oow that was drinking at a
culvert, and ran away. The result was
an upset buggy, a badly injured shoulder
to Ere. Wilton and a serious fright. We
hope tetra. Wilton will Boon be better.
NEW °STAoens. Following are the
officers for the doming term in connection
with St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M.,
Brussels :-I. P. M., J. H. Cameron ; W.
AL, M. Black ; S. W., Jae. Ballantyne ;
J. W., I. 0. Rtobards ; Chaplain, A.
Reymann ; Treas., Jae, Fox ; Sea., John
Wright ; S. D., W. Pennington ; J. D.,
W. Oaldbiok ; C. S., 0. H. Broadfoo6 ; J.
S., A. 0. MacFarlane; L G., L. 8, Daa•
ford ; Tyler, 3, Y. S. Kirk ; Rep. to
Grand Lodge, M. Black,
PnaeaNTATION.-Owing to poor health
Dr. Cavanagh has been compelled to give
up the leadership of the choir of the
Methodist ahutab, Owen Sound, after 7
yeare incumbency and is euooeeded by
Newton Large, formerly of Brueeele. At
a private picnic given by the ohoir Dr.
Oavaoagb waa presented with a fine gold
beaded walking etiek, nicely engraved,
and airs. Cavanagh with a eilk um.
brella with gold handle, aleo enitably en•
graved. Dr. Cavanagh is away on a trip
up the lakes endeavoring to reornit.
GOINo TO FORDWIca,-Fred, Adams has
parohaeed the stook of hardware belong.
ing to the late Mr. McORrdy, of Ford.
with, and ie taking oath thio week and
will enter into possession 0e soon as that
is completed, THE POST speaks for many
Brneselitee when we say we are sorry to
lose Mr. Adams and family from Bros -
0,1,, where they have epent the past 6 or
6 years. Owing to the deetrnotion of Mr.
Adams' pump works and butter print
manefectory by fire on May 25,11e wee
temporary thrown out of bueineee but
had about decided to rebuild when the
hardware stook Waif considered a good
opening and a purohate made. Mr,
Adams Wee a faithful member of the
town Band and did a good business here,
He is a shrewd, induetrioue, affable man
and the Fordwieb people will find them
firet•olaee people who entry with them
the good wiebee of the community for
their future prosperity.
00, 00o1401L NOTES. -A Spenial Com•
mittee ot the Go, Oonnoil met at Seatorth
last Tuesday and let the oontraot for the
two abutments and pier for the proposed
new steel bridge at Bayfield, F. Gat-
tridge, of Seatorth, an experienoed oon-
tractor, had the lowest tender viz 55.50,
per oubio yard for abutments and 56 60
for pier which will be 8 feet at the bot•
tom, work is to be completed by Oot, 20.
The contra0t for the Morrison bridge,
between Huron and Perth Counties, was
aleo bet, It will be 20 feet long. Nagle
& Looby got the element work @ $4.66
and Hi1l & Go., of Mitobeil, will supply
the steel superetrttotore (}rt 5315. Both
()aunties will share egaalty in the cost.
Work to be done this season. Represent.
atives were present at the meeting from
Perth 0o, The addition to the Howie of
Refuge be now about completed
and it wit( be taken off the
oontraotor'e hands early in Augeet.
A epeoial meeting of the Council will
likely be held to receive 11; to deal with
the equalization goeation as to whether
valuator, will be appointed ; to offioially
0,0eive the report of the,olioitor relative
to the Avbfield township suit whioh waa
withdrawn and any other beginner whioh
may Dome op for diedaesion. Meeting
will likely be held in Clinton At Tu,g.
day"e meeting Warden Miller,
Chairman of Road and Bridge Committee
Carleton and Clerk Lane were in attend -
Standard Lank of Canada
=SWAPS.ZB=7319 1F:7
SURPLUS, Olt RESERVE WED 8 1,uau.000
T0141, AORE'r0 OVER 10.000008
.A. Cae:xxer€a0 /la rlliing,' 31Emea xaepee, ':Cotta ,inc>sbed
--",2SAVINGS BANPC"-,"°'-'
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and npwerde reneived on whioh
ie added to a000tiote every six mouths and bocomee priuoipal,
-MARRIED WOMEN and 111IN0105 may make and withdraw
Deposita without the intervention of any poreux),
only for whioh no charge is made,
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and courteous attention.
IT ie mooted that a Companion Court
of the Independent Order of Foreetera
may be inotitnted in Brunets,
Tau Pon le sorry to hear of ',Moody"
Cameron's illness bat we hope be win
anon be on the forward line of recovery.
IN inward freight this week there were
2 care of opal for Henderson ; e oar of
coal for Gerry & Walker ; it cement
mixer for Geo. Barkley ; and a car of
cement for P. J. McDonald.
Tun Huron 01d Boys' Excursion lest
Saturday reached Braeeele about 1245
when a number of former residents arriv
ed. Train arrangements were better this
year than ou any former one inion. Ou
the return trip rpeoial train lath Monday
DEoPrrg the downpour of rain Wednes.
day morubog the special Excursion train
to the Orange Celebration at Kincardine
took on 207 paeeengere from Braeeele
station. Had the morning been fine the
orowd would have been lergely aag•
As the foot ball season is now over all
persona having a00ount0 with the Brea.
eels Foot Ball Olab are requested to hand
them to A. H. Montgomery, of the
Metropolitan Bank, before the 22nd, as
the Club wiebee10 see that everything is
settled up.
Tars Lady Maccabees of Brussels will
bold a Garden Party on Victoria Park on
Tuesday evening verb. A good program
is being prepared consisting of aoloe,
daette, drilla &o. The !Menthes Braes
Band will be in attendance. For further
pariioularb see posters.
The Treasurer of the Lord's Day
Alltena°, Brunets 13reuoh, remitted
589.00 this week to tbo Provincial Treat
urer, Toronto, to aid in carrying on the
work of the Alliance. Subeoribers who
do not receive the "Advocate" ehuuld re
port to W. H. Seer. the Seoretary.
KINoonoINE Reporter came to hand
under the new management of J. J.
Hunter, who purobaeed it from Editor
Gadd. Evidences of improvrmect are
not wanting and we expect to see the
Reporter take a foremost place in the
journalistic field. Tun Poem wishes Bro.
Hunter Beeman.
No. 1 -With thia issue of Tag POST we
enter upon another year and we very
heartily thank oar oorreepondente for
their valued aaeiet0nce and the pnblio
generally for their generous support.
On aim is still to make Tam Pon a wel-
come weekly visitor to thousands of
homes and, without being egotietioal, we
thinly we are getting there, If you Can
truthfully give a word of commendation
it will be appreciated end aid na in the
more rapid extension of our growing cub•
soription list.
Home was given on Wednesday evening
by the united eooie1fes of the Blyth
Methodist church, before the removal of
Rev. J. Holmes to Dorchester. John
Wilford oodnpied the chair. It was in.
tended as a farewell to the late pastor,
Rev, J. Holmes and Mrs. Holmes and a
reoeption to the new pastor, Rev. S.
Anderson, and family. It was much
regretted that the latter could not be
present. Reports were read by the
different eoaieties of the °heron, each
report being followed by a seleotion of
music from some of the members of the
eooietiee reporting. Many timee during
the everting touching retereuoe was made
t0 the pain experienoed parting from one
whose energy, eloquence, faithtalneee
and earneetuese has won not only the
love and esteem of his own people but the
respect of all denominations. A pleasing
feature of the evening was the presenta-
tion of an address and gold headed Cane
to the rehiring pastor by the Epworth
League, and an oddreee to Mrs,
Holmes, a000mpanied by the preeentation
of a neatly framed photo group of the
Ladies' Aid and Woman's ?Legionary
societies. At the oloee relreehmente
were served and all joined in singing
"Blest be the tie that Made." Rev. Mr.
Holmee wag a former pastor of the
Methodist chards here.
Warden Miller, Go, Councillor Spank.
mac, ()minty Treaearer Holmes and
Cleric Lane, met D. Carleton, of Clinton,
and Reeve Middleton, of Goderioh, m1
Saturday, July 8th to talk over the appeal
entered by Clinton and Goderioh town
ebip egainet the equalized aedesement of
the comity. Ever eiooe the subject has
been under consideration the Warden hoe
been considerably exeroieod over the
matter, realizing that thee it wets opened
it would mean a good deal, eo far es the
munioipalities were aonoerned and would
probably be a ooetly piece of legislation.
He admits the jastnase of Clinton's claim
and tbinko the Go. Council should have
adjusted the matter when brought np at
the June meeting but as no direst bone.
fit would accrue to any municipality tbie
year hie advice bag bean to postpone
action until next year feeling assured the
Gannon would then adapt acme more
equitable egealization, The matter was
dieoueoed very fully, it being tinnily pro•
posed to all a spatial meeting Of the
Council to ooueider the appointment of
three valuators who will have power to
deal with the one and they expressed a
Willingness to a006p1 the proposition 00
the Warden to which the Judge also gave
tenant. The date of the meeting ie is
Ladies to do plain sewing at Immo,
whole or dine time, 9G to 810 per
Week. Work sent any distance, °bargee
paid, fiend sta mpCior full parrtleulars.
IA Montreal,
the hands of the Warden, who will an•
uounce it as soon as the new building at
the House of Refuge is ooenpleted and
thus enable the Oounoil as a body to visit
the building. The Building Committee
along with the arohiteet will meet the day
previous to the special meeting and take
the same off the cornraotor'e bathe. We
anderetood from the Waraeu that the
epeeist meeting will be held iu Clinton.
PERSONAL P'1lt.tbtit.t 1'0'4,
Mee.A. MoGuire spent et few days in
W ingham.
R. Barrett, of Wiogbam, waa in town
on Sunday.
Mice Mary Rosa ie visiting Mise Lottie
Koenig at 1010obel!.
Miss Alice Bone, of Tutooto, ie vieiting
at her home Here.
Barrister Sinclair wee in Gadatiob
Tuesday of this week.
Mies D. Brooke, of Toronto, was the
guest of Mise Pearl McMilloo,
Mise Anderson, of Hamilton, is the
guest of Miee Maude Qoerio.
Robt. and Fire. Mo&lpine, of Toronto,
were holiday visftore in towel.
Miss Fanny Rogere, of Toronto, ie en-
joying a vacation at her home here.
Miss Aguee Bleeds, of Wroxeter, was a
(caller on Brueeele friends last weelt.
T. A. Hawkins vlait,d Port Albert and
Goderich friends during the pad, week.
aliases Theron and Orme, Gerry are
having an outing with Blyth relatives.
Mies Cora Lowiok, of Detroit, is spend•
ing her vaoetioo under the parental roof.
Alias Molnnee, of Rainy River, was a
visitor at the borne of D. B. Moore last
Rev. Dr. aloQrae woe the guest of his
father for a few days during the past
T110e. Rae, and gone, of Ohesiey, are
here for a short holiday with relatives
and friends.
Mies Mary Keruagbao, of Stratford
was vieiting with blies Eva Cameron,
John street.
Mies Shannon, of Hanover, ie vieiting
with her slater, Mrs. J. L. Callon, Tarn•
berry street.
Mre. W. M. Sioolair is enjoying a visit
with her sister, Dirs. (Rev.) W. T. Oluff,
at Strathroy.
Mies Agnes Welker, of Britton, wee
vieiting with Miss Lan. Boas tot a few
days last week.
Rue, and Mies Meggie Brown and Mie,
Lizzie Fergu,ou spent Sunday with
friends in Gerrie.
Will. Hayeraft, of Hamilton, ie visiting
at the home of his mother, Mrs, Hay-
arott, John street.
Mies Marion McKenzie ie holidaying
in this )(reality since her eobool in
Wellington Go, dosed.
Mrs. Ju ,. Hewitt has been under the
dootor'e one tbie week but we hope she
will soon be Oonvalesceut,
Mies Melbourne, of Lietowel, was a
visitor with Mies Elliott, Mill etreet, and
the Miens Cardiff, of Gray.
Will, Thompson, of Toronto, ie enjoy-
ing a abort vacation with Brunets and
Winghem relatives and friends.
Mrs. Herbert J. Marshall, of Seaforth,
i, home this week owing to the illness of
her mother, Mrs. Jae. Cooper,
Mire Cassie Good, ot Toronto, is the
guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Graham• The Welt.
or was a former resident of town,
Mise Thurso Meadows, of Loudon, wag
vieiting her grandmother, Mts. Meadowe,
John street, during the past week.
Mise Lulu McLean, of Luoknow, and
Dr. Stewart Pritchard, of Ripley, were
visitors at Druggist Fox's this week.
Mies Glare MoOraoken, of Toronto,
accompanied by a number of lady
friends, epent a few days in Brussels.
Geo. Irwin and Peroy Watt of Toronto,
formerly of Braeeele, were here for a few
days on the Huron Old Boys' Exoureton.
John and Vire. Sinclair, of Paris, are
vieiting at the parental home of the
letter, Gen, and hire. MOM' Ilan, Brue•
6'Irs, F uoeton ie bank to town after an
abegun of eevetal months, Mlee Ella
was also home for a few daye from Strut.
Jobnnie and Mieeee Jeunie and Maggie
Sboldioe, of Mo$illop, are vieiting their
unties, P. Wateou and Geo. Muldoon,
Mrs. McKay and Mies Maggie have re.
Welled from a moat enjoyable visit with
Jeaee"and Moe, Wiibee end family, 6th
eon., Grey.
N. Wliliamson and wife, of Toronto,
were here over Sunday on the Boron Old
Boys' Exouraion, vieiting with relativee
and Mende.
F, J. and Mre, Sabots left town on
Wedueeday for their Summar Cottage in
Muskoka, where they will enjoy the next
£acv months.
B. Jouee and wife and Mise Esther, of
Canton, 0hlo, are the guests of Jae,
,Jones, Tornb.rry 0000,0, The gentle.
men are brothers,
B. Gerry bile gone 011 a holiday trip
whioh will include Toronto, Bowmativille
end ether points where he Will renew old
friendships for 0 few weeks.
Colin McArthur and Fraoit Lamby,
V. S., left town for the Old Country on
Tuesday of this week, They will be
absent for six or eight wteke.
Chas, and Mre, Reading and daughter ;
and Zee, and Mee. Beading, and daagbtse
and eon, of Winghntn, were the gusete of
Geo, and Mre. Brown on Sunday,
Rev. Dr, Rosa and family left loot' Tine.
day afternoon for their cottage
at Portage, Muskoka, whet, they
CAPITAL -Paid up
RESER Val FUND • 91,000,000
REV, R. N. WARDAN, D. D„ Directors
8, 3,110010n,
'11100, niieneltAW, 111,10, lira 1103010 urn w, ntanTI1[Ea Mann, 1t,0, 0,11, TriMIS0N, a, 0.
,10113 F1a0TBao0a
Pratte Bought and Bold, Partnere' Notee Disoounted,
1r',Idf SS° A time i' .RJE'raddrrYRz'
littered at HIGHEST 01111RENT RATES allowed on all some of 51 and apwarde
, 'dLrsaS°db'Foa4° gad NlO>2'9
A. E, MELLISH, Manager.
Norman Smith expecte to leave Saber -
day for a holiday trip to the West. He
will •-likely stay at Winnipeg for the
Exhibition and then visit with his anolo
Lao. E. Smith at Brandon,
W. M. Govenlock, B. A., fare, Govan•
look. and Miss Jean, ot London ; Mies
Helrn R. Melvin, of Brooklyn, New York ;
and Miss Agnea Govenlook, of Atwood
are visitors at the Methodiet Parsonage,
W. Moore, of the Queen City, was
8018 xa.
KAY. --Ill Stratford, nn Jafy 7th, to Mr,
and Mrs. A. M, Kay, a daughter.
RSTonIE-In Wingham, on July, 3rd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Ritchie, a Baugh.
SNELL-At Clinton hospital, on July 3rd,
to Bor. and Mrs, J. Snell, a sou.
holidaying with his parents in BremenTHE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.
for a few days. He waa e000mpanied
home by hie three little daughters who
have been visiting relatives and friends
in and around Brenda.
We are sorry to state that Harry,
eldest son of W. J. and Mee, Browatt,
Wingbam, ie quite i11 with typhoid fever
but we hope he will Boon be oonvaleeoent
He is about 17 years of age and a nephew
to G. A. Deadman, of Brussels.
Rae. Brown returned to Toronto on
Monday to finish hie ooaree is Sbaw'e
Business Collage. He has been home the
pest few weeks owing to the football
matohee being played so close together
that it would be impossible to get much
work in at eohool, •
W. H. and Mrs, fSombling, of Toronto,
were oallere in Brussels last Monday,
The former spent several years in town
in the bygones ae apprentice in the
Ronald Regina Works. 1110 ie now in
bneineee for Itimeelf on Yonne street,
Toronto, and is doing well we are pleased
to bear. Mr. Bumbling bas a level head
end a taking manner.
A. E. Melliab, manager of the Metro-
politan Bank, Braesets, left laeb Saturday
for a holiday visit to the Beat. He
expeote to visit Toronto, eroo, to Roches
ter by boat, proceed to Boston and from
there to Halifax, Antigonish, 12. IS.,
Charlottetown, P. E. I., &o., returning
by Montreal. It will be a grand trip.
Mr. Mellish's parental home is fu
Business Locals.
SERVANT wanted at once. Apply to
Fon cheap millinery go to Mines Bab.
kirk. See our 00 Dent hate,
NEw buggy and au E & D. bicycle for
Bale nbeap. Apply to JPs, BAIsalloYNE,
Paoraou of Indy'e underwear loet on
Wednesday. Finder will moth oblige by
leaving it at TIE Poem.
To meohanios and wood workers, I can
file and improve on any eawe. Oar
filing eaves time, money and worry.
T. MoGal:eon, Mill et., Brneselo.
QUANTITY of gas pipe for sale ata bar.
gain. Siena inch and inch and a quarter,
F. ADAMS, Braude.
CONFORMMELE house and lot, with stable,
pump &c„ oonveoiently located on Queen
street for Bale. Apply to THE Pon.
WATERPROOF 00,1 found. Owner may
have aurae by proving property and pay.
iug for this notice by oalling at Utz POST.
GOLD Brooch lost with large opal with
eettinge in the °entre. Owner will be
greatly obliged if finder will leave it at
Tan Pon,
STORE in THE POET block to rent, oleo a
fine large room upstairs, well lighted,
suitable for office or shop. Ge6 penia.
Wars at THE Pon,
MONEY WANTED, -Have you from $100
t0 51,000 to loau or invest on good scour.
ity ? You can make from 6 to 10 per
Dent. Addreee-
4901 13, care of Baaseu,a Pon.
Loon between Brussels end Walton, on
the 15th of June, a gold charm, shout the
size of a small watob, set with red atones
and suitable for bolding a photo, Finder
will greatly oblige owner by leaving it at
ing July and Aagnat we will olear our
entire stock of Mesa Goods. This gale
inoludee all our high otos Summer Shirt
Waist Suiting, 50a lines for 25o, etc.
G. E. MEd, Wingbam.
The Preston Progress of last week
gays ;-Word has been received here tint
the ages of the Listowel and Preston
played; will be investigated.
The Parkdale Athlone Will )shay at
Seatorth on Friday evening of this week
for the Ontario Oup in the Senior Berfee.
T. Aitltin, of Galt, will be referee.
Seaforth won the W. 1'. A„ Champion.
ship from Berlin. Although toeing the
game in Betlio by a goore of 8-2, they
won on the round by 6-4.
In the Juniot aeries for the Ontario
Cap, All Saints', Toronto, will play in
•Listowel on Friday evening. Harry
Brown, of Burlin, will be referee, This
will be aeuddemdenth game.
:nese Yl.
GILL -In Ethel, on July 6th Phoebe
Daeitiene, Cushman, beloved wife of
George Gill, aged 86 years, 2 months
and 24 dogs.
0) 'ST'o10)1 M CC.F-. 1''...1r5''^a.
Fal i
Wiest 90 91-
Barloy 40 40
Pete 60 65
Oats .. 40 41
Butter, tube and rolte,, 15 16
Eggs per dozen 14 15
Hay per ton ......,..,,, 5 00 6 00
Float, per bbl 0 60 6 60
Hoge, Live 6 25 6 25
Wool '4V .,. 26 28
expeot to spend six or [seam weaker. Tint Salt, per bbl., toanil,, ,.,, 1 00 70
POST Wiebee them the flatlet pleaoult Potatoes per bug., ,,,, 45 45
time, Applee (per bbl,) ,s....,, 1 00 1 26
at the Central Hotel, Brussels, ion
July 12th 'Standard MaIntoeh pri ted on
inside. The person who took it to asked to
return 11 LO OalltC0.1 $Clea or 10ave wibh
George Fergs eau. If coat was tolren by
mistake it way be examined for one left.
SALE. -The undersigned offers his
desirable propperty in Greham'e Survey for
sale, containing 81 acres, with a good brick
house and frame baro on it. For further
particulars 8a33108EL ROGGAlil) Brussels,
MG Bud 01ass Certificate, for 8.8. No.
10, Grey township, Huron Co. Applications,
stating salary, received up to July 15th.
Duties to ,00mmotioe after Summer vaca-
tion.. ROBERT 000TT8,
52.2 Cranbrook, Ont.
B, No. 0, Morris. Duties to commence
atter Summer vacation, Appllcatione to•
ootved by the undersigned up to July 10th.
Applicants to state salary and lumbar tes-
timonials, 730. 014000121812000,384,,
52-2 Secretary, Walton P,O.
Eu wanted, holding 2nd Claes 0erti-
Seate. Duties to commence atter bummer
holidays. Applications to be reoeivad up
to 0 0, in. on July 81st. Applieaote to state
salary wanted and give recommendations.
sea,-Treas., Oranbrook, Ont.
for Salo. -A Peerless Separat or in good
repair with good duster attached and belts
all nearly new. A cotton drive belt 110 feet
long, nearly new. Also a Maple Leaf GrInd-
er, nearly new. Separator is ready for
seaeon'e work. Terme of sale to suit pur-
chaser. Apply to
• El. PEASE,
Lot 21, Oon.8, Morrie,
1.8 Binevale P.O.
ay Fon HALE. -Property ie Lot 20,
Con, la, township of Grey,Oouotyef Heron,
containing 100 throe. 80 aoroe oloared and
fenced, balance bush and paster° land.
There are two good dwelling houaeo, driving
ndobooppiug stables,mill01e0,ail cawfn goo, lathd, workingehiogle,
order and oorroavby good iot7. G
three of good gravelel and eaod withith lots of
demand, also moulds for manufacturing
oemeut tile. Property will be .sold cheap if
gold at once ae proprietor wishes to go
West, Por further ppartloulara apply to
1-4 PETER TARR, Monerlo P. 0._
It ie worth while to begin your
war upon Fiioe early In the
Deacon. They are more easily
Rept out 00 Ole home when killed
in detaohmeuto than if you wait
for a general slaughter.
Flies are now known to be
distributors of dieeaee and should
never be harbored fora dey. We
have the beet of sticky and pole.
owed Fly Papers, Ioeeot Powders
and all the other exterminatore
and 2 acres of laud for sale on Walnut
street, Brueeele. Brink house, good stable,
bard and soft water, small orchard, &a.
Property iu good shape. Immediate pas sea -
Mon can be given. For further particulars
apply on the prewiees. Will also sell two
Hood Jersey Cows,
MalENZI61 bred,
JOHN52-t1 Proprietor, Brussels.
Hay For Sale.
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed up to 0 p.m, July 14411, for tiro pur-
chase of the hay at the Agricultural Park.
The 1010110 t or oily tender not neoee,arily
aoaopted, All weeds within the Park have .
to be out by whoever gots Ilia ltay,
Sea. Grey )lranoh Ag1, Society,
l being Lot 20, Aon, 18, Elroy township,
Huron Co., containing 100 aorta. %bare ie a
aloarauoe of 00 aoroe the land being 1U
splendid condition. Upon the farm le a
brink huuae, bank here, low barn, pig hose,
&o,elan good orchard. Poeeoselon given
nest Spring, with privilege , of putting Fall
wheat iu. Por to rtber particulars apply ou
the promises to Wilt. MONABB, Proprietor,
or F. S. Scott, Brussels, 51.01
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Heron, to the matter of the estate of
Thos. W, E. B. Stokes, late of the
Township of Grey, in the County of
Huron, farmer, Deemed.
Notioe is hereby given,pureuant to Rovie-
ed Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Ohap, 123, Boo.
88, that all creditors and others having any
claims againsttba (Mato of the said Thos.
W. A. B. Stokes, farmer, who died on or about
the 18th day of Julio, A. D. 1005 aro re,
guired, on or before the 1511, day of August,
1005 to Bend by post, prepaid, or deliver to
A. 1(. Maoaonald, of the Village of Brussels,
in the County of Boron, Solicitor for Ber-
nell 0. Stokes and William G. Coombee,
Exeoutore of the estate, their Citrietlau
and surnames, addressee and deecrlptione,
the lull particulars of their claims, the
statement o1 their accounts and :the nature
o1 rho ae0uritlee (i1 any) held by Blom,
And notice to further given that after the
said last mentioned date the Bald 'Saone.
tore will prooeed .to distribute the assets of
the deceaee4l amongst the partiee,5ntttled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
et sixotshllnttelltthey
Eeu0 will notbiabe
for the assets or Guy part thereof, to Guy
person or persons of whose claims notice
shall not have been received by them at the
time of snob distribution.
Dated a1 Bruesele this 10th day of July,
A. D.1020. A, B. MACDONALD,
1.8 Solicitor for rlaooutore,
Keep Well, by Strengthening the Stomach
Summer With Mi-o-na.
I1, time of war the moat re.poneibility
rests upon the guard. If he is laoking in
vigilanoe, disaster can easily overtake
the army.
With the Individnai life, the stomach
may well represent the "guard" regaled
dolmen. It it ie strong and vigilant, any
disease germs that may be swallowed will
be neutralized by the digestive juices, or
else driven from the eyetem.
Everyone with weak digestion should
use Mf o-na at this season and so
etrengthen the stomach that dieeaee
germs can have no effect whatever, Thie
remarkable remedy put. the whole digest.
ive eyetem in so healthy, Olean and sweet
a state that fermentation of the food
cannot exist, that any disease germs
whioh may enter the stomach will be ,
destroyed and food will be eo readily
aeeimilated that a rapid and healthy
inere0ee in flesh will result.
Nervaueneee and eleepleeenese 00100
more often from a weak etomaah than
from any other oauee : head•aobe, bath -
ache and rheumatic pains are directly
canoed by an acid condition ot the atom.
aoh. Mi.o na corrects all thie, prevents
the formation et aside, and nervoaeneee,
kidney trouble, or rbeamatiom is quickly
Ask James Fox to show you the gaaran.
tee than whioh he sell. Mi•o na. Price
50 cents. It ante nothing unless it curse,
3c. for WooI
Itele't la"1'tAlPlhaiSa'leaehnr
Proprietor of the Excelsior Knitting Mills, Brussels, is
prepared to pay 23 cents per pound, cash, for any
quantity of good Wool delivered at his Mills. Splen-
did stook of choice goods consisting of Tweeds, Plan-
mels,, Flannelettes, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades,
brought in from the best Mills, and Blankets, Yarns
and Sheetings mads io our own Mills of choice stook,
to give in exchange for Wool. An advance of 2 cents
per pound allowed for Wool in trade. Now is the
time to market your Wool.
Strictly Fair Dealing our Principle.
f "Dome and see us before going elsewhere.
Jlidibo'Ibllt'l hotu,IL'flmoiMan
Knitting Mills
.It7 R1 t4J S S M.L,.f I r •