HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-13, Page 7"THOU SHALT NOT STEAL" Corruption Shown Ira High Places Shocks the Nation. A ilespntelt from Brooklyn, N. Y. saysliev. Br. Newell. Dwight Hillis -N.:melted from the following 'text. int seta 11 eot steal , "-7 he Eighth C01011771 Minient. During these latit few days the whole city has been 8118.13e114 by tho revelationt: of corruptiell In high pineeti. 'rhe tine great theme of eon- vereation on the street care, 18 homes, in places where men antemble, is 4170 newly discovered eritnes of some of our "leading citizens," Cone forever the good name of certain bankers, Merchant:4, 0VC11 senators! ]Tow ore the mighty fallen) Some Men are plunged front this TRAITORS TO CIOD ANT) DIAN. The Serpent leaves a intle trail 01 tdine, on every thresheld OVer Nvhich it erae ls, and 1 hese Men, now that they have come or are coming to the end of their greedy Bees, htve left a tortuous, eintious, wriggring track of Infamy, 'lliey havo taught our youth to take unfair advantage of their competitors, to Art rich quick- ly, to bribe city cutincils hy gifte of otock-it 18 one long, blimk story of sett Mg the worst possible example for young nem, and those who adopt 1.1161r 80.110ds must surely come to enthrewlentent, secret thefts, flight 10 foreign countries, Imprisonment, and ri rief-Li levelly, sickness, hour into an abyss of infamy. One even suicide. hor can theoe 1,110111 As one from whom mon hide their Pineapple fritters are made by stir - report follows $wiftly upon the heels ea°aP° tbtdr .1.°1i1a1"8,1411ILY' 9 •1 ° face -Or, "he hid no it were his face , ring thin slices of the fruit, which harvest of crime is inters and Duero front us,' The reeding of tho llovi- has previously been Pared and soaked of other is'porto, One by 0110 great alone, Porimps the 10811111 '.1 sign Edon in this (...a30 'o' n3 to give the, in lemon juke, and eugnr, into a hat: - figures in the field of business are being eafrocked, exposed. It, is a or the times is that them reports, better sense, I tee prepared as follows: neat the these revehttions io newspapers aim Esteemed him not -Literally, held whites and yollis of four eggo miser - long, elekening tale of graft, corrup- tion, betrayal of sacred trust. magazines, theee sermons In Minim- 11118 of no account. al ely. Stir with the ,v0114:3 a cupful erable pulpits, these editorials In the 5, olio chastisement of our peace-, of Pour and a little salt; beat the .. A few men, whose 80190 of honor has beim atrophied, tire trying to press, these speeches in the forum, The pain inflieted for moral ends , 1711X3,aro Well, 11 lld add two table - with remedial 111 tell 1 and needful to gsoo i nfus 01i excuse the actions of these thieves are till bringing' responsibility homeMaim, and laot, _Nth, 18. to these men who represent wicked- Proems' for us nem, ans (comp, Prov. 3, It, f.): "My son, de. , , , , 4,4 , ant glossing over their :hens; but, Pal'doll. 1 he well beatim 371104'R, The hat t ev fortunately for 01.117 city, the over- rums in high places; and, better still, to the great intelligent public itself. spise not the chastening. of .1011074333, 11. apiimi. I sitcom. oe sewn enough to drop front wheleong majority are soiled In mor- thme mare the aixim demo, "(1o41 for whcnn Jehovah 1070111 he re-! Bring a quantity of lard 4 to the boiling point, and rry therein als and 'their some of honesLy n c a e e 11 t 1. tti p ah e shall bringe e nvery work into j(1113- porovelh." 1 the 011008 of pineapple clipped in hat - is cfreeh and unfea cleecl. eArm now' men t,.itsgbig exemplified. Elven- 8O. Eliav erypp0430 1.0 his down way --Voll: too. whoa shoaro of ap, 110148810atevoltfrom tho 0l 04311181 that hithtne Lronest and richest of men 118.70 1l1 individual selfishlumulmet andbrown drain on blottingpaeand veto have been clothed with honor, not been able to escape retribution. interestl -Serra on a napkin with tiowderettRih men whee11108.21(0 has been No trarsgreaSor can ('8043011,te, T188,'m'7pencihsmouhDidnt 'sugar.sought on public occasions are now groat ones of earth" have occeivet,urmur , 141 4- hlInapple ohortcalce makes a finespoken of in terms or 001110000. In fl . 12,3. 111 an a thousand homes parents aro read- ing to their childrn the names of these oTendere. rehearsing the story of those grafters nti 1124111-4' them for warning nd alarm. It is a terrible thing for a public man to hve his narne hold up for we Imre herd, The things now sgoken by the prophet, who, us one among iia 10.03)30, 81113)4.118 of himself AS (revivingwith 1110111 this 111('811114111('811114311or report, A negative aewer24001)19to be 11111111411 ity the 111tetill. '1'00 Strange 711111 wonderful to he believed hits ben the message eoneerning the humillatiou and subsequentglory of the fieselah. It Is not believed en epos(to nom, lns the firm of Je- hovah (ids ower) been revealed 2. Ile gnsw-The Servant, Liu, Meo- slBerms. im-1eliovith. Pineapples are plentiful and eletip there are ans,. limb (11.' turpentine 414.2')11((mils,. piass-„iamthetimeat 11118 seasonof 14h.01431' and. nty ill, and then you can turn 31(14311 seen. vim?, 4(13' 1"411hu'18 the humbandmatt" !le1(8:1l{PP(11211)1111(:'ttit'nt'ti" (John 15. 1). fit bediencto thei 111, ilriss.S4141:1;41)pleeong4: featbee's iii em.ii nseam,fisah,1 petite. A pits:aple omelet112 dell- I11light side of 1111' carpetitt) al fleta Meldels Child ataing11201115 01141 1101Y be made to 0(17(4111 413') spirits of turpenine berore 10(1131413.grade:111y unto 810113111 am! mum- 171 a haerg dish, Beat fuer eggs The spirits must not be used near a 110011. with a teaspoottful of lemon juke light or lire, As a rootout of clrg ground -A and e heaping tablespoonitil of but- Before petting limey steel 110121'4'15p1e010118 plantin unpropitious ee. When it 3103188 to 000114, pour which are not to In, used, dip them andsurroundings. in the eggs. Whin they are 1201,1 anal 111 a 8111111ion of 1111... IlariS of soda 3. Ile Waft despised -Note the pool, nicely browned on one Hide place in to on Of 14.411 02'. Wipe thoroughly, 107790 used throughout by the propht the middle two heaping tablespoon- roll in ilunel, and keeIn a drY who ,,1i1'1)8 All this 811(Tering and lits, fils of pinespple gratd fine and iIiation of the Christ as already sweetened 11111 sugar. Vold tho aceompIished omelet, turn on to a hot dish, dust Rejected-Bettr, forsaken, some powdered 3031144' over it ant serve al, once. 0000,oi..4 ,O' I+Hofol4forolor-TJPV1.44.-11,444 .e Vliilll144441t*fo2411141 Home 8111,1OCTID 11E1111ES. take them to a gildr have (1(01114rogildeci. Now shoes are often diffiult to 01e014.. Take a 1)03, lemott, reit 0 over the len they, and then leave the 141)0(14) to dry, when they will be found to take thpolish beantifolly. Alothe in I'alotet tho mot 116 aro 18 a carpet turn it bacand troll on 100 wrong fide with a hot flat- iron. Then sprinke thfloor under - math with turpentioo, pour- ing 31 lido theraelto tho door, if themeelves.ButtheMeek°hasil SC1O1IN• AND OPPROBRIUM in the preeenee of children and youth. The world will novel' again be the same for these men who have been guilty of wickednees in high placeS, Them astoluellng events emphasise 041081 the peril of high poeition and the certain retribution that over- whelms public transgreesors. Treneon is ball in the private soldier, but is doubly hladt in Life general. The higher (ha man hath climbed the harder 'the fall when retribution comes. Office and honors send a good mune into the remotest corners of the land. Once the Marl has be- come bad his high office but serves to publish his infamy, In the olden time King Ahaz stole a field, King. David slew Uriah and Achan hist the wedges of .silver. Their very position set them in the rillory, and thenceferth all the generations .of men have scoffed. Tho man 111 a high place has the influeace of a. thonSand 111044. It is give41 to a stogie leading citizen by example to debauch the. youth of rut ening, city, 1(100(1, there are four reen Who be- long to the past generation who were awn of great industrial genius, end who could, by productive Industry, have nehieved by creation millions2 of dollars each. One or these num, a9 a sicie play, cornered the produce mar- ket of the West and taught the young men or his seetion to speculate and steal, The other bought opecial Iog (00111 political machines; a third dealt largely and scandalotisly In watered stocks and lying enter- prises, and the fourth compelled re- bates foe himself and tin:whacks from. his competitors. Thole influence for bad, 1),y V0719011 Of their position, hes lowered the standard of righteous- ness in the entire nation. With the left linnd each ono of them men hat tried to do some good 0.3 compensa- tion for the enormous evil wrotight by his right hand; but, in LIM long run, they have betrayed the people of the land, played false to the public and been - THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON', JULY 16. -- Lesson III. The Suffering Saviour. Golden Text Tea. 53.6. LESSON WORD STUDIES, Not,e-These Word Studies for this lesson are based on the text of the Ilevised V01171.011. The Servant of jehovah.-0111. Les- son passage for to -day 11.1 the laid and greatest of four so-called "Ser- vant passages" (comp. 42. 1( ft.; 41), 1-6; 50, 4-2), The reference to the Seevant of Jehovah in these pas- sages, and mere especially the refer- ence to the mirroring servent in oar lesson for to -day, has always been regarded by the Christian church as a direct conscious prophecy of the Chriat. Againat this prevalent view some have algued, explaining the Servant as a colleetive idea 103)10' 11011(1113 either the na11011 of Israel 00 14013)e smaller comnataity within the nation, as for exemple, the prophetic Order, the faithful renntant, or the ideal 131414e1. 1111100 in many portions of this same prophecy istmel ia re- ferred to tis the Servant, it 10 argued that consisteney of interpretation re- quires that the term "nerVant". shall in Very case be taken to have the 001110 meaning. Others think that tho conception in the prophet's mind becomes more and more clear and genii i le as the prophecy adYnnces from one gage to the next, beginn- ing With the thought or (ho Servant n all on, advancing to tho coneepti on of the idea pert:omit representative of that nation, and eillhelnating in a clear and eonscimis conception of a personal Messiell. Possibly the lat- ter VieW may not be far [rein 10311111' (01,11.1)13 the admit /nets. WO knoW that tho prevolent view of tile Chris, 3414311 chineh regarding this last and len, disguises 114370 been torn to , use is flak was talent away -The Hebrew of this 11. probe- 8trawberry shortcake end spread the desert. Prepaar a rich crust as for 11111 shreds; society beholds these men as bly• the sentle is that3, oppression and levers with very thia 2111 (21 131 13011 they moo no one is deceived; though judicial procedure brought about 1.113 juicy pineapple that foe several houre these men live a thoueand smart, they death. Thu rendering of Ole entire previotittly have been closely covered have broken the commandment, cannot recover public confidenem they 'verse in the Ilevittion 317(11 tho pro -1 in a, 413811 with. powdered outset. end liable sense of the original and is a I the Pico of two lemone. Place the "Thou shall not steal." Thele finan- cial -careers has been graft, bribery, corruption -luxury supported by com- mon thieving. Their riches are cankered, their purple is moth-eaten, TEEM GOLD IS RUS'PED. What pure and poor boy would give up his poverty and hie purity in exchange for the present position of one rich youth with his violets, and his reputation, plus his wealth? Or exchange hls cheap coat, earned by Industry, for the spotted toga of a discredited 801111100? The In of these Men who are 081708e11 ill (Adel 're- ports Sas been a living llo and the working of the country whose earn- ings and savings for wife tied chit- dren have been osoandered abhor the very name of these dtrectors and Managers who htive betrayed their solemn trust. And the end has not yet come, The work of purgatiort has just begun. The whole republic is waiting. The heart of the American people is sound. Only a few leaders who have made too great haste to be rich have become rotten at. heart. The mil - Bono are honest, and the millions are going to cleanse themselves from the influence et 11108e 'vicious officials. Retribution these 111e11'9 lives Is like the decay 111 the heart, of a great oak; at last the storm comes, turd then the great tree, that ist rotten within, goes crashipg. down. The lesson of the hour for young men is: Accept, 110 wealth that you have not fairly and squarely' pro - &teed. Avold all juggiery and re- Inembee that tho world 13 against secreey. Before embarking on any financial eoterprise ask yourself ono question: Are you perfectly willing to spread out 111 tho eyes of the pith - lie every essentinl detail of your plan? If not, avoid It. Comb pub- licity. Above all else, build in the oPcn if you \vould keep your good name. See to it that your children shall !levee Bad you in the pillory, held up to public more. Remember there is 710 happinees for the man who has broken tido commandment, "Thou shalt net steal." laN11,11.0010/14 greatest of the Servant paesages Is indorsed in tho Nov Testament (comp. 'Acts 8 26-35), and cannot therefore have been incorrect, And certain it is that all Messianic pro- phecy of the Olfl Testament reaches: its culmination in this lifly-third chapter of Isiah. Written centuries before the advent of the Blessiah whom it as certainly portrays, yet reading' in every line as if writ:ton under the very shadow of Calvary, it must ever stand as the most; wenderful instance of (11711101y 111- 833(10e73 prophecy of a portmool Mes- siah who was to bo the Saviotto of sinful Men. Verse 13. Shall deal wisely -Liter- ally, shall prosper. 1113 career shall be crowned with complete success. Exalted , . lifted up , . very high -The coming exaltation of the Servant in contrast 1.0 his Past abasement is set forth in this and the two succeeding verses (13-15), which verse8 aro introductory in character, briefly stating the import of the entire passage. 14, 15. These verSes are to bo taken as a single compound sentence, as tho punctuation of the Revision show', Alt mosey were astonishocl-Amazed anti horrified at the Spectacle of tin- BUSINESS SIDE OP WA 13. tical clause which ((13,108114 explains SLOW TO ANGER, paralleled suffering. The 9(1101114110-'BOTISEITOLD DINS'S, A St C g1.1' of War haft entailed the m- inor° detail the repugnance felt "A inan should be slow to anger," Ink Spots oit Mohogany.-Ink by those Who behold the Servant in "Yes," anewered the woman with spots on inahogany may be removed thrirg 0f elmr1°°°° 8111" 14 111°110Y ill the national ledgers 1)1 134)2 1411111 by being touched with a feather ti 1)14 termer abject condition. daste11 Nyith, and .Japati. in the year Jnpan 21311)131 a, look of patient forbearance, only pod to oil of Atm' 8250,000,000 on war expemot; hos- SprInklt-The verb rendered to he shouldn't invariably postpone twice its quantity of Water, The tile, t1 150,000,000. 30314111 '5 naval sprinkle" moans literally to scatter getting angry at tho opuoyances of 33)0 3140(1 should ceremonial act of demising (comp. supper table." 183 Well and quickly had to enter 385,000,000 against (a liquid) in 5111011 drops," os 10 tho day until ho sits clown. et the losses cost her (315000,0(3)); itheale, Cleaning Gold Framos,-To clean thio item, Japan Nits her loss in Lev. 4, 0), Thom shall the Servant, . 4, -- Once shunned EIS unclean, make cleanHE gold 1410t1110 7,42111)08 boat the white 311119 at $75,000; 1 1.1101dits rapt -ore(' T many nation9. of an on; (1131(10110 Plat of (103(1 0(141114.19 bas cost her $75,000,000 1Yerte10 of chapter 65 3)005(11131. 21he fool 4100.2)41 14 know a goat od wer; moisten your frames with this The defence of Port .tkrthor demanded , s - vloW of 1,110 MeSslah's cateor as ho thing when ho f;008 11; the laXy man mixture, 1151/13 a aponge. Then with an 083)0101101re of $250,000,000., thus appe ared to 1118 contemporaries 41o'1eso'11 s eize 3, goOd thing whenhe a oft11a0111carefillywlpoTakbrinying'tlod:1)1t'81(e1 10131343 '1 tho time of his groat humiliation* 1"°W0 8). 5000(0(1 t1i,yeIleetyifil,on51ledsertos7,00(o,0001011)etlses1100::iy: obut 010 bridm'aideara that isthe period of Ida life among glve frame light rubbing741 and losse:Tepees expenses ore to wear y:ellwand you can i1119.311101 10 . There is 5431111(3414113114, 31017 ld bold tho frames ore not doo0311 001313114 only just over o of this huge ho1tat Will go With Etonys tem Our netIage-Literillythat which 10W Much youth hinks it knoWsafter thi14009.141110(41, you had bettr totat-$205,075,00o, 3) 1010- great improvement over the render- feint belween the layers and on top ing of the Authorized Version. I of the cruets and serve with s81ee1e4)- 9. They made hie grave -The sense (1d 'aidfiPed cream. is that of the passive construction. Pineapple eclairs aro a pretty and "they" being indefinite. "Ilis grave waS made," the pronoun' delicate dish for hot weather. 'rake the weight of four eggs in ougar and Wicked . . . rich man-Appently as-, half their weight in flour. Add a sociatod its thought since the rich are' pinch or salt and a teaspoonful of frequently arraigned by the Old Tes-j baking powder to the floor and eat Lament ProPliete as esPeelallY guilty 1 it. Beat tho yolks of four eggs until of violence and deceit, nelther which were found in his mouth. of thick, adding 43111301)431017 the flour 1and 80348.1'. Then stir in the well - 10 gg beaten whites of the eggs and a tea - life. stins 1poonful of vanilla, Bake irk small a a sateady oven. When nearly of his 1101 many shall be brought to 11. ny the knowledge or himself_ cold spread with plaeapple mama - Apparently referring to the prophetic lade and place two together with the activity of Cheist in which ho taught rounded gides out; cover with a pink meit concerning himself and Ids 11118- 1411433 flavored withrtineapple. Mon, Frozen pineapple is made with a 12. Therefore -Because or all that syrup or anger anti water fa the pro - he has suffered and done, portion or a pint of syrup to a pint Will I -Jehovah, in whoee name the °I grathd 111ne0°111°' the juice 07 two prophet is speaking. 1,111004 end ilie vetted rind of one. Divide him a portion with tho Strain through a flannel hag and greaL-Exa.1 1 at ion, and glory sh al 1 r''''"'". 1 81314108 or p1;11,1„ean1r,pitalf frozen estir in Out, of tribulation, suffering, and of etare awl stir un Li1 the ice is cut into the form follow his suffering and humiliation. combat.the Messiah is to come foeth froren solid. Place in faney moulds humiliation among Men is to be Jamaica Jolly. -Jamaica jelly is victorious. The purpose of his life of gloriously accomplished, for since he made of good, canned 3)111.08.3)3)1 0. bare the sin of many, and made in- 11081, soak one ounce of gelatine In tercession for the transgressors, 11,111 a pint of cold water for a con - many who Were trallgrOSSOrs ',liven& ale of hours, and if not properly dis- hful shall be saved. solved stand the basin containing it -4 OVer a sampan Of boiling water, then. INVISIBLE; UNIFORMS, adil all the liquid irons the tin of Experiments have been conducted PineaPPI('' the juice of two lemons and the thinly peeled riwd of one, recently by the Danish Army to dis- cover the form mid color of an ideal four ounces of loaf sugar, and half Uniform for warners on active son. a pint of boiling water. Strain through a jelly bag, and if necessary, vice. Frequent marches have bean undertaken, the soldiers being eloth- clear with the whipped whites end the shells of (810 033 nave a ad I(1 14°1.1°" d°seriPti°118 °I 1)1218": quar34 mold filled wilh cold water tunic, jacket, and cloalc, a no on each occasion the blouse has turn this out, pour in a little jolly: given the best results, A grey water- lay 00 it, a few sliees of fruit, out proof material wets found the lest 8,711. Allow this to set, then add as head covering, and those soldiers 0100(1 jelly and pineapple till the equipped with la,ceri boots made of 10001 11' fined' 81°114 for six 110110° cloth with raw hide soles achieved More turning it out on a dish. the 10113081 marches with the lenstTo can peas, pick as fresh as pott- fatigue. As to color, the most ad- sible, and then add 1 tablespoon mit vantageous shado depends largoly to each gnarl can to Ile filled. Put upon the conditions. Under particu- in the peas and 'shake down ae ('1090. (430 circumstances the garments which ly AS possible. I?tti, on Um rubbers wore found most. difficult to distin- aad fit tops if iseeessurY. Put in guieh were, in the order given, grey cold water to 1111 all 8110.0e9 between blouse, dark grey cloak, bright blue the Peas. MeraW tho tops on Met cloak, clerk Idue tunic, dark green enough to hold, and set in a boiler blouse, and light blue blouse; whilst of mid water. L'so hay or a can the color found most suitable for rack to prevent breaking. Put covet' general use is considered to bo a, 7110. 011 the boiler to 1(001) the steant In chum shade of grey with a sli4Iiit ad- and boil two hours. Then remove mixture of green. cans, fill full with boiling water and --.4. germ,' on tho tante tight. :301(1(11 to the boiler and boil one hour, then APPRECIATION. set in a Warm place to cool gradual - Sir, -Your wife is held 11S7 118 for lYiletratn°nrc.lietl'iya te‘Qctice-liaorrke Piilaciteetne- ransom, She will be detained until .. , . , ....,. . , „ ,, tiling 770W la cage feting, aim googol: hy101i1i. deposit ton thousand dollars ar- dor the oak tree at the top of 1.1)0 fullYidailitY;as well. 111ash 2 bananae The Black Hasid, (Inc with a potato another, and owe Dear Sirs, -Your favor of reoaat thatn sprinkle tho juice of a small date received. I have deposited un- 10,00n. To this arkt tho white of dor the oak tree a trunk containing 1 egg and beat onti1 white and the rest of My Wiftl'S wardrobo. 4108.12113'. 1Tave ready 1, cone cap 'Yours truly, ,S, 1,), rronpooko, white gnat' boiled with a gill of .f..----... water 1(113411td1 it 1001119 1), soft tall when -... dropped in water; pour this over the ri.m.,:a. THE BLAME. egg and banana 11111T4 beating brieldy. Trite llils stir 1 largo teaspoon gran- "Ily the Wag," said the talkative ell • gelatine which . .s- elatedhas been. barber to the bald-headed man in solved in 1 344311114141131011 Werra Water, the Chair, "(114.1 you ova Ley my hair 1001 0?'" boating all the time. Whert cool and "No," answered the victim, ,qtrili beginning to thicken, pot oetwena wasn't what caused my hair to fall 111)10" of cako °lad° anor anY goed out. I'in a, married man," recipe. place, To Keep Cut Flowers Fros11.-There aro several ways of keeping vet flow- ers fresh in their vases, if you put a Piero of charcoal in the water, or a few grains of eal ammoniac, the elfeet will bo Very ben eieial. Also cut 1.110 stalks at the e31,13 every day, and remember that, flowers with A T2111tX13X.E B,BTRE.A.W. Memorable Reverse of British Arms in Afghanistan. ' With the widow of Col, Robert Waller, who him heit died in Eng- land, there (lassos away the last known servivor of a great teagod1'. '111, story Of 11177 memorable retreat. 1 39, one of the :mildest lit mill- i Ille areiky from Kabul, in tavy tuatabi. It 807711177 alum:A in- credible that 11 eompany of :Asti:set thoesetel should in, an eight days' 111411•7 11 170 redured to 81813,'-liVe fan, NollS. and lhat out of tile Whole, 331 1 11 1hs eXcept ion of women, chil- nen, and a few wounded ofneero who were willuirawo 1e:110 the army on 111,, third daY, only 0110' 1111111 1.0 rearil Pellets,. 'Yet sach aro the facts of en 17191a1100 of savage treachery and brutelity. lt would be hard to tell just what otarteil the Afghan uprising; it pro- bably grew mil of many e43718.00, and wan a 1,10 1. of hing standing. The ostsmible reitson was the eirculation of a letter, staling that the native elder:: wets, to be seised by the British and sent to London. A well-egipped division of about four thousand live hundred soldiers, of whorl.: 1418 handiest and ninety were Ieuropeana, was stationed at Ellabul. (11.14431, 71111 of sap, 26(411 as daffodils 1171717P, With the ealtrip-followers, 4410,111,8 ormed a company of :sixteen 1.110141- 1(411,1113481, 33,111 last longer 1.1,4.1.ht:,t, f are slightly slit 'slurp i ' sand. An Asiatic 11(113) of not more Janne/ in wilier. Some flowers have then ten thollsand Men, totally sla- very It a 818.1 '.0 0(3113 last, notch torim.i. that, 03(1.11.3; the 3'l (1,'. am, disciplined and 41,1111111(4.1 of artillery, imams for imitative, will keep fresh, fureed surremier. Akbar Khan, t he Afghan ruler, prmulsed the de - with care, for quite a week. feted safe conduct out. of the 000(1- 11h» gas 3101.08have bem coe very try and provisions stifIlcitut for their dirty with smoke they should he first soaked in warm eucla-water. .131111 10 1"al.°1* um water a to, drops 01 ammonia She Englirkh 'departed from the can- tonments one dreary January day. Iteep 941081 Covered the ground and • the col d wag intense, 'rhe Women and ehildren. were termed in (10018,',,(10018,',,or palanquins, or mounted on cam- els. The 01110008 and soldiers were on foot. The anus, had no food, no fuel, no tents to cover them, and they hail surrendered their arms. 113) 1111, first night the suffering was great. The promised provisions never came, and there was not even water to drink. Many ate of the snow, hut it only served to 111- Creamfl their thirst, The next day the march was )'C)' 8110101), and new horrorsnT begu. he ariny was forced to enter ino] Rh Kabul Pass, a narrow way five miles lone, traversed by a fierce torrent. This icy stream d had to he croose twenty-eight times 'by the weary, faint Mg travellers), But this was not the worst. While the British: were. ill tile pees the rebel native chiefs attacked them, and killed over three thousand. From this time on the slaughter 81(15 0043131111111011S,Word wao sent back to Akbar Khan, entreat ing protection and food. He omit no p1'0v18101:4, but he promised to pat the 140011111),chil- dren and wounded officers into safety. Under eocort, that portion of the company was carried to n fort where 1 hey received Rome oort of care, Some of the 43'0111(1)il had not (noted food for nearly four davS, The rest or the army struggled 017, dying of hunger and cold, and being shot down like cattle. After some days Doctor Brydone alone, of all the force reaelied a place of (44133't3,',(44133't3,',A little later the children rind wounded, under .A,kbar's protec- tion, traversed the same road. Th e path on both 5113-08 '0'0,9borilered with the dead, and aft the 310(13'170- 11)e11 p011181111 they recognized the faces of 11104,' 10,1111108 and friends,. This retreat from Kabul is the moot "tinned reverse liritieh arms ever erered 111 Asia. en I wash with a svell-saaped flannel. 1311181' in (dean cold water and dry 11'1 11 a 1111 n glass -cloth. To preVent matte mustard from dry- ing and caking in the 117 In:lard-pot mix a little salt whim making it, end it should always be 10(1(14) with beillag water. if it is desired to oliut orf the view of any window it can he done Very Cheaply 1731 (1188010111g in a 1 1 1 10 hot Water as Much Epsom 9111 1 1.7. as lira water will absorb. Paint over the WindOw, while Sot, awl 310(1will have a very 300.1 imitation of ,gromicl 334315, Cornier Sanceparet 01100111 be cleaned on the outoide with salt. and vinegar and on the inside with soap and water, after they have been filled with water containing a. small lump of sods, which must ('01110('01110 tO the boil. Kns Kew ti9112>1,11111.1 be set over the fire with boilinsg water in them for several home before auything te cooked3m them. Gold jewellery, 8(175 (131 authority, may he perfectly cfittimed by being placed for half an hour in a bowl of warm water, to a generous quantity of ammonia has been added. Stir the jewellery around in. the water (or a moment, cover the bowl, and lot stand. Silk stockinge, colored or black, should never be washed with soap. Warm water should bo lased, and the stockings 5110111d be 8111(1007.0(1,8111(1007.0(1,not wrung, and dried in the shade. JACK TAR'S DANGEROUS WORK. Fraelising the laying of mines is Carried oilt with so 771 11011 Secrecy by the Navy that the gelleral public get very little chance of watching 111030 interesting operations. Vow occupa- tions are more dangerous, and pro- bably none, in the Navy require so much skill and nerve. To mine a harbor quickly several smell Litt w poerful steam -launches, or pinnaces; aro required for the purpose of tow- in3 large open boats which contain. all tho tackle and mines-stuall buoys loaded with a. powerful explosive. leach or the open boats is manned with as few men as are necessary to deal with the work, for the greatest danger lies in the rapidity with which the tackle leaves the boat. A. false step n11310 mean instantaneous (3eath, for there would be no one014001)10for a sailor who happened to catch his foot In a rope's coil as it was leaving 1110 side. Once under Way a sorneivhat big 7111710 Can be laid in a row minions, but it takes nearly as many hours to recover(, fully ellarg- ed mine ttS it takes minutes to lay it. 4-- A 0130TISLE GUN" 11'0R SAFETY, • Caught in a very severe gale in mid-Atlantic recently the German mail -boat Pretoria. found the value or pourin3 oil on. the troubled orators to prevent, the heavy seas breaking over the vessel with Oisastrous ef- fects. Times without number this method has been oimloyed in roug11 weather, and now ft meg device has been invented for the parpose of scattering the oil over a. wider 8(111.Vice-Admiral Ouimare-s, of the lion Navy, has brought forward a "bottle gun." Tho gun is made of bronze, but the chamber at the breech which contains the propelling charge Is of steel. The 1)007041110,, which Is loaded at the breech; is 01121 inary Wine bottle 1111c4 with 8881- 0111834141ee11ed in oil. When the gen is discharged the bottle is broken, and its rentents scattered over the water 100 11, comdflerable thstance. By diechaeging the gun every Mtn - MOS a SIMS/thee 3101111141,1,3,'3101111141,1,3,'is 02(1110do for the advancing vessel, POISON FOUND IN EGGS NAY ZNTEB, TlIEX TXMODEC G TBE Son/xi Facts Disclosed 'by the Baste= Institute of Doris. :1» a case which has just boon 1.11501 in Purls before the First elu0310401)1144',n pastryttook RS $11(3d. by twenty. iiVo p018011141114 who had been made 111 by eating scone Of his cream tut% an(1 by the h('1('6 of a twenty-sixths who died of it. Official experts 1,1013,4 ed that it le utterly impossible (7790-11 to make 8000 that whipped 1)10010.0011t4311111n3 white of eggs unbolted shall be innocuops, however fresh the eggs may he; and Professor Moti (11111111017,, of the Pasteur institute, definitely stated that "eggs inay be . poisonous even before they are laid,", owin3 to the possible p013801100 of 1)44.131111 1114 the white of the 1171103(1 egg. Whilst In the particular caso un- der discussion 0110 Call give no 143117 Orn on the specific cause of the al- leged poisoning, the possibility to which Prof, Metcholkoff ('010(8 cannot be gainsaid. When it is remembered that eggs of worms, seeds of grasses, and other visible objects have been at various times discovered in egg white, the possibility of the presence of hacilii 8.i))1 the ptomaines pro- duced by their activity will be ob- vious. ITOW IT GE GETS THERE.- The foreign bodies referred to aro prestmaobly shut in whilst the egg is being coaled with carbonate of limo in the uterus of the hon. The presence of bacilli in that cavity of- fers a very ei8110p15le explanation of their preSenCe also in the white of the newly -laid egg. The egg at the commencement of its voyage down the oviduct is uncovered either by while or shell. The albuminous "whit e" covering is added Whilst the 033 passes through the oviduct, and the shell is only added in the 100e1', enlarged part of that duct, or uterus. At the same time, the pre- sence in the unlaid egg of any of the bacilli usually associated with food or ptomaine poisoning 410/1101115 to be estabulilicheatin. RS Ole INFECTION. After being laid, the possiblities of infection aro enormously Increased. The dirty feet and feathers of the hen may be coated with myriads of organisms of the most virulent ac- tivity, and the porosity of Lhe 1411011 allows germs to reach the white from. outside without much difficulty. At first, it is true, tho normal eggshoU is coated with a mucilaginous mater- ial which to some extent hinders the entrance of bacteria., but it is not an absolute preventive, and its ef- fect wears off in. a comparatively few days. Still, its presence af- fords the reason why eggs should be wiped, but never washed, until just before they are to be cooked, for washing. removes the protective covering. Eggs notoriously absorb 1101 only germs or putrefaction and disease, but absorb also odours and flavors. Thus, when packed in musty hay or straw, their taste becomes nsost, unpleasant; anti some little time Sillre a consignment of eggs, which during transport had been placed near a cargo of apples, were injure(3 in flavor and depreciated in market value, PILOTS OF THE RAILWAY. WILL MAKIN°, A LUXURY. "It is a curious fact," said a 10143'- yer, "that women enjoy few thing's more than making a will. Some of them draw up their own wills with disastrous 0011800110110e3, as in tha, drivers have not been familiar with case of a rich lady who tilos. a Lysol the "road." and not been cautious every item of her estate, but had or enough to obtain the assistance of pilot drivers. It is not generally weeks ago. She had disposed ' Nerlteltl.lens'S'll,'Sudtothh° known that railways have specially 01.11:L0'71BU 3147111(1110. /41101.1101' Altila0N1.111negr lady, whose Will I drew up about trained pilots, men who aro thor- oughly, acquainted with every inch of dor nearly every month of the certain lines, and whenever an en- ieil ftwelve months ago, has added a Co - Year. One prized article of jewellery "13111" is engaged on a new "run" he is accompanied by a pilot. she had already bermeathed to quite a dozen relatives and Mends; awl MAN'S STATURES DECREASING. thero are certain other ortieles 193- Is the physical steture of the ha - longing to her which she steasifaotly 2nan raco diminishing? If We take ('011(1409 to leave to anyone as yet, the lowered stendard of height acs That is what sho tells me, but I (opted by the liritIsh Army as (wt. have 30011 groundo 0)1' honeying that donee, tho answer, as to the United she has another and a more recent Kingdom, at all events, might 8e1111•-'''' will made out without legal allele°, to be in the affirmative. in America, so that in the eatt all her ironies 1,00, there 4.90181(14.90181(1 Seelll tO be a Sheet- will have been to no purpose." age of men of inches; for Now York has to accept men for its policetoree 4. of less height than ever before. °Rua' ' "Who owns that painting?" cities in the States aro following INSINUATING, or,„ 3'O „ tem „, eh, t he p I e Wm 0 0 Seeretary of State for India. The me?" :mot I at net um (mast. 3. am .A. great irrigation project involv- "Again I say well done," the buyer." "Well done," suit. ing an eXpeuditure of about $26,- 000,000 has been authorized by the INDIA'S IRRIGATION. . ---......-4,-.....-. is mine now." area 130 1110431111(10(1 mmanded by the cartels is about 0,250 square miles, although ,AT BR(5AKFAST, only a small part of it 81111 1)0 remelt- ed for a, 110011)00 oC years to come. "Bather odd," remarked ilia fat In this arra it is estimated that boarder at brenkfast, about 3,000 square miles will Le ie. "To whet clo yell refer?" humired rigated. the landlady, onspielousiss "It's 810111130,'' replied the land- BUG BURNT 51411114.-.4.--. 'This 11010',1'; I found a heir 111 it," lady; "1 parchased it for combed AIM() rushed in 'Nora the garden, honey." where she had been pickieg 11017019,11 a- + She was badly stung by 11 bee, and .vosilg wffe_„oh, mamma pa mv was holding. on to her finger and • 011(11114-.irone 0(8 11)43 itac ere, /k! Cba.,. .1"°1"11g l'1111°11Y' Vother--"Are yatt going 10 canter- ...Oh, Mattitnit," lie has been bittee by amed do tr" sho cried, "I burned ine on a bug!". ' 31151tho 8101(11(11" young wire -"No; You can't a)Waye fele whether a but 1 wrint#to curl noe hair, SO that 111011 is 80 bationtive to 1113 171711 ho - '1 Can 1•1111 701' 1.110 1100101', I10 be ea1190 110 lOVCS her SO 114.11C11 01' 19 gs:10kt" yullr 1131110021)81413 ;yet'?" afraid Of 1109'.Rosalle-"Il'eve yon chosa en ny of Prityn.--"I oupposo (19 a matter of MIS.Y-"YeS.-- fact, a ' baby is realty Ootlihrg• but 4 Fenny Lyon."Rosalie-"Why, I' little animal?" .Popper.-"Yos; the thooglit yen hated her," Itrisca,'No, difficulty IS to ' tell What kind." Pettytr--"What elo you meonO" Pop. , per -"Well,, 1080(31 elatsify 3.2firi When /in motto ono mintito 4,00-24101Ve the next.P, An engine -driver unacquainted with tho railway road over which he has 1.0 travel is in no whit better off than the captain of a vessel which is voyaging in waters unknown to her commander. Sloth take terrible risks of losing their charge, and bringing about greet loss of life, for whilst a captain IS faced with the danger of submerged rocks and strong currents an Ongine-driVer 18 similarly placed as to steep gradients and sharp curves. Many of the worst railway awl:teats or recent years aro attri- bnted entirely to the fact that the , •