HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-7-13, Page 5alt,,
I, ,IOTyTak
Ij Cott, Yawns AND ALRx4N1nER STs,
1cud August for Public) Sellool Teaoh-
ore and others. All of our graduates
get positions, Studonte admitted at
any Elisio, Thio 8ohaol le not °Amid -
lig still" or ',baiting up,. but is eon-
ebalWy"gOing ahead." Oireulars free,!
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
1Ta=CStW r 'r
E And whoa up asto nel hienor
L/S'JV WEL /c/
Tenn opens April lith, 1904
Two Courses—
mmerolal and Shorthand,
Send for cL Tge Jouruat
A. L, MoINY. RE, ?Leonean
Successor 10 Dr. J. A. H1eNaughlon
Brnseela, Ontario
Graduate of 1 olyollulo Post Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, Now Yorlc
Member of College of Physicians and Sur -
seem of Ontario.
Offiee and reeiden00 same as formerly o0•
espied by Er.MaNaughton.
Diseases of women a specialty.
1`1 bent, F.R. 8001'1', Bromide.
• Iesuer of Marriage Lioeneoe, 0b
nue at Grooery,Turuuorry street, Brussels,
D0001.0NRD Bao several good. Farina for
sale and to rent, easy terms, iU Towle:Mips
of Morris and Groy, F R. B00'1T.B menial
CI. 0. r.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. 1'„
Brussels, meets 10 their Lodge Boom, Bias -
hill Bleak, on the uud anti last Tuesdays of
each month, at o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome, JAS. BUBOES8, 0.11.
A. 11. MELLISH, it. S.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Ban, will Bell for better prices,
better men, In lees time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in Riot Huron or
he won't ()barge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
ab the Dolce of Tan Poem, Brueeelo, 8211
kJ; • Honor Uo aduare of the Ontario Vet.
eiluary college, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domestltated animal') , in a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. Galls
promptly attended to. OiBoe and Infirmary
—Pour doors North of bridge, 'rnrnberry et.,
Bmrrister, S lieitor, Notary, lets,
Seasoner to G. F. Blair. 011lee over Btnu.
(lard Bank, Brueeelo. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Beak,
V Barrister, Solicitor, COoveyaneer,
N°taryyahoo, eke. Ome 0=8 tewart'e Block
t door North of Central Motel
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
pt3OODFOO'r, HAYS it 1.tLAIR-
11AItRIST741I P0SO jICI'1OTUS, NOTA1til68,
- W. Pnonvlruoa B. 0. It. 0. BAYS
0,.F. 1101ln.
.(1xenne.-111030 (smog ir,00Ouplud by
Omlleruu ,11 Holt,
.. Go15un1On, ONT.A11.10,-'
Graduate of the Royal College of boatel
Burge0ne of Ontario and Flo'et•olaeo Boom
Graduate 81 Toronto University. Ocoee
next to nrewor'o Photograph 11511cry,
A Famous School
n Thiele the roast 00010 slur Dom•
iAmorolal and Shorthand School 101
•Western Ontario. The 0 1* 1.ue aro tip. it
to•batu and practical and teaching ie
Bono by ex00liet10Ud lostruotofo. Dm'- t
lug the past ohms) year we have had f,t
many mute npplloatiou0 lean 1100diog
1laeineoshoufeethan we had etndouto 5
J graduating. atetILIOVe BMohAUHL1'V
Principals. 9Q1?
Business College
If yap expect to suneee1, otlole to what you
If oeoeoaiby la the mother of lo.ventlotI.0100 t
certain' ooutioulty is the father ramie.
We extend a special levitation to parents
and children to sell o0 0o and lu0peet
our Wessels and work bef•.re euol.,lli1101.
PBS WINel1AM 3081013188 000L11014
stands for hard systema! o work only,
No vaeat1011.
We have opened. it special plass for Matra -
Clan (during vacation, for Withers, who
1,W a Continuatonelusion,
afterre obliged to take iwork
For further partioulmo write
Prooidoub, Prieelpal.
12 yours teaching ex euue. or p I
i trict gCrUa,
'CV 1111.810i.
Soho r. RHr.OT. — Following le Ibe
etandrng of the mile of Walton Pulige
501.001 for the month of June :—Clefts V
—Frank McKim ; Sr,1V—Lyle McLeod ;
Jr. IV—Mabel Bennett, Tena McKenzie,
Annie Ardell, James McDonald, Jewel
MOK,m, Ethel MoLvod, John Carter,
Collie MaK' nzie, Annie Candler ; Sr. III
—Rhea Emigb, John Marshall, Roy
Emigb ; Jr. III—Pail McKeez e, Gerrie
;tlarahall, Minnie. candler, Howard 13o1
ger, Roy Bennett, Harold Grigg, Oari
Emigb ; Be. II—D.luglae Proude, Frank
Dlokeon ; Jr, II—Ina MaoNeb, Lawrence.
Beaker, Ida McLeod, Elmer Candler.
Alma. Shoidioe, Lena Berrie ; Br. pt, Ii
—Addis Bishop ; Jr. pt. II—Annie Me
Laughlin, Olareuoo Bennett ; Sr. pt.I—
Bertha Banker, Alex. McLeod ; Ir. pt. I
—Foster Bennett, Laura Knight.
KATn1RHN TzLroa,Teaober.
ill vela.
A. E Brodwin has returned from a ten
days' outing in the Eat.
A small fire burned a bole in the -roof
of John Brown's kitchen,
Rev. Robert Bloody, of Worcester,
Measaobusutte, is 01eiting al the home of
his mother, Mee. Charles Bloody.
W. I. McLean, M. A., 3s home for the
Sommer vacation. Since the close of
Knox college last Spring he hag been
teaching in the college of Regiopolie at
The Garden Party outer the suepioee
of the Young Peop'e'e Society of 'Trinity
ohuroh will be held on the ohuroh lawn
on Friday even(og,;Jaly 14 b. Brunets
Band will be i0 attendance.
John Barrett and W, 3. Hoots, two
former citizens of Blyth, have formed a
partnership and started in the general
store boeioeee at Rooauville, Aeeiniboia.
Mr. Barrett served hie appreotioeehip
with Mesere. McKinnon & Go. in this
village and Mr. Scott was principal of
Blyth public eobool for two years. For
several years past bo'b young men have
been readmits of M000mnin, Aoeinibula.
Fordwioh Faotory shipped 225 boxes to
Montreal, pride 9 11/100.
There have been several bees lately
improving the Presbyterian cemetery.
W. P. Doheon, teacher of Holstein
public) eobool ie spending the vaoebion at
his home here.
Mies Jeeeie Edgar left for Warren, New
Ontario, where ebe has eeoured a poet -
tion in the Poet office,
Thee, Walter has been engaged se
caretaker of the Foresters' Hall and se
et•xton of Trinity ohuroh fur one year,
Mre. Adam C. Hutchison left for Neaps,
wit, Man., 'where she will pay a lengthy
vett to her sister, Mrs, Jae. Montgomery.
She wag a000mpauied by Harold and
Rev, J. W. Mahood, of Sioux Oity,
Iowa, after spending a few days here with
his mother, Mrs. Robt. Mahood, left for
England, where he intends spending the
Summer travelling, Mre. J. W. Mahood
and family will spend the Sommer here
vie36i031 frieode.
Lr. M. Carter 000apied the pulpit of the
Methodist Ohurah on Sunday morning of
last ween very aoaeptubly. He wrote on
the relent examinations in Toronto
University and obtained honors in
Oriental Languages and Philosophy,
although hie name did not appear in the
printed list, having been left at by Mia.
take. He will complete his Uuivereity
anima in 1907.
Many who don't realize what lies be -
gond treat an attack of the "nerve" with
(ndifferen@e. Others consider it will
aeon nese away, But in every °nee
nervousness le a calamity. Only one
remedy will ogre—Forrozolls—e nerve
strengthener that note th1angh the blued.
First it gives yon appetite—yin eat
plenty. This 11 le Ibe bleed with nonrich-
m nt for the inner nerve sells. E' Prey
and etren0th le 8 ,ntillsd into every part
of the eyetern Yeti gel well•—ltoep well
—norvuoeneoo forever deperte, because
you've need Forri,z ens, Price 500, per
box of 50 labiate et all dealers, -
WBDDING — Dashwood oxer°=pondent
of the Exeter Advocate aaya :-"On-
Wednesday, Jnne 14, one of those p'eae•
ant noonerannee took place at the home of
one tf stir villagers. We refer td the
marriage of Mile Hannah Baker, of this
plana, to Stephen Godltin, a pro peroue
young farmer of McKillop, Precisely at
four o'oloolt the bride entered the Meauti•
hilly deoorated paha leaning nn the arm
of her father, Where the mystic words
which made them man and wife wane
pranauneed by Rev, Mr, Clemens, The
otremolly over end congratulations belt g
extended the h°lipy couple led the way to
the dining room (n which wa0 prenared a
mast 1nmptuaue repast and to wh(nh all
did ample justiee, The tables were
decorated with white Bowers and farm.
The groom wap droeeed in the caetomary
Meek suit, while the drool of the bride
whish molts indeed beautiful wee made of
gleam orepP de aline with a yoke of
0hirrod dhiffnn, trimmed with chiffon,
(mediae plaiting and silk rouahInq,
Little Gerrie Wn8and, niece of the bride,
dreamed in white organdie sated as 11,wer
girl and carried the ring In a dainty
baeke1 of tlnwere. Ouiy the immediate
friends of the bride were present, The
happy couple left the same evening amid
a shower l:f ride for a trip bo Niagara
Pelle, On their return they will Bette
down on their farm in McRillep, May
they have a pleasant lime while sailing
over life's rough sea. Our loge ie (tome.
ones gain and 1,4r, Godkin ehoull, ars he
nu doubt dime l(mgeetelets hi,ueelf nu
3ettleg oath its 0,4,111,11( 1, 0niing ia'tY 001
him 0oulpaniun in life"
(,roost la, fl ►1.
Board of Orid11.el Audit. held its
tinge 1001 weer(
H. Lane, barrister, 11- Ht. Oalharioee,
wee vieitieg his prate a few days.
'A. J. Cooper haft started rebuilding ilia
grain warehouse en the corner of llama.
ton and Vitterla emote,
George Maguire io borne for a vaolttion,
haying had ono of hie hauls badly unmet!.
ed while at hie duties on the steamer,
Rev, Mr. Hain, of North street Meth
odiet church, left Monday on a two
weeks' vislt to Denver, ('ol,, to attend the
0. E. Convention,
The A. 0. U, W, aro contemplating
bolding a mouuler pia-ni0 at the Point
Farm on Friday, July 2101, to inoinde
the lodges of Golierioh, Oarlow, Ben
miller and Duiganuon.
E O. Belcher, chief of the town fire
department, eu0Eai11001 a painful sprain
of the leg on Monday of last week by
being oaugbt by the hose as it watt thrown
from the hose wagon et rho elevator fire.
At the meeting of the Town Council au
applioaWon was made for a 130 year
fraaohiee (not exulueive) t0 the Goderioli
Goat, Ligtltaod Puwer U0. who propose
to go into the tnanufaoture and sale of
gee z1, Goderich for domestio and power
The trial of the claim of Godorioh
township against Colborne township for
$100 promieed by the latter to be uued in
reducing Holmeevhle hill, mune before
Hie Honor Judge Doyle in the Division
Glum Mere ort Tuesday of last week, and
after a very abort bearing ended in a now
suit on the grounds that the Oolboroe
Council could not vote the 4100 by resol-
ution, the proper way being by byelaw.
Mr, Proudfo0l, who defended, made the
objootiou, contending the proper way to
proceed would be to issue a mandamus
compelling the Oouoa! to pass a •by.law,
granting the money. E. L. Diakioeon,
who defended, held that uuder the Aot,
the Council could vote the money by
quarter of a °adieu buehele of wheat, a
omokieg blaokeaed heap, and the im.
manse elevator of the Goderiab Elevator
& Transit Uompauy reduced to twisted
iron and ashes, tell the story of one of the
moat disaetrouse fire that ever occurred
in Goderloh. All thee rem0lue of the
great plant of the company
is the engine aid boiler house,
with maoWuery intact. The lire broke
oat at neon on Monday of last week. It
originated in the lower part of the ele-
vator and before being dieoovered had
prattles' control of the grain storehouse.
A stiff wind from the lake enaared com-
plete poseeaeion for the fire fiend. With
a terrific roar the flames shot upward,
and „the pyrotechnical display was
maguifioent.e 'Tremendous clouds of
smoke were carried landwards, and for a
time it Was feared that the fire would not
be oonfined to the elevator. The etenm
ship Manitoba, see of the largest grain
carriers on the great lakes, lay at the
elevator wharf, and would have been
destroyed but for the fortunate direobioo
of the wind, which kept the flame at
bay until the steamer had been removed
to a plane of safety. The Lake Huron
et Manitoba Milling company's plant
also had a narrow map, being saved
directly by the mune and velocity of the
wind. The elevator had a oapaoity for
nearly tbree•quartere of a million bushels
of grain and Manager Horton suttee it eon-
taioed 221,000 balms of grain, Large
aooeigumente had been received within
a few days. The Manitoba bad just die•
obarged her cargo. The grain will large-
ly be a lose ; perhaps fifty thousand
bushels will be available for feeding
purposes. It was all of the No. 1 Maui•
toba bard variety,and was rated at 41.00
per bushel in elevator. .The lose in grain
will be 4240,890. Five years ago the
elevator was oou1BIru0t0d and to a great
extent it met the needs of Western
Ontario Millers. Tho burned grain was
praotioally ail ooneigued to millers with(c
100 miles of Godarioh, sud it .is feared
that some of them will be seriously in-
oonvenieneed, Among the pa1ro0e of
l f a '"l.
Yen will find et Brueeelo Groenhunee
any, 1301uttity of Tomato, Cauliflower,
Celery and Oebbuga Planta. Tomato
Plaine 10e, a -box or ad. a drawn loose:
Fine oolla tiou of Flowering Plante,
A 01,0)00 lot of Ceruoiunla awl
Aouuale for bedding.
Out Flowers am/plied,
Floral Designs wade to order.
the elevator were Hunt Bros grid Dexter
& Son, of London. Thu latter firm had
twenty live thousand buehele of wheat in
the elevator, bot were fortunate in having
00000111 oairioade go forward 111 the last
day or eo, The buildlug was of wood,
18(112 metal ihoetiog. It coot $100,000,
mud there is an ineuran00 upon it of
ever $100,000, held in oompantes rare.
meted by Bed'ome, Brown &Gibliepie, of
London. The elevator was owned by
Goderioh, Toronto and London capital•
isle, and by the Grand Trunk Railway
company, Last year John Hunt, of
London, wee manager. This year the
bue(nees ie managed by W. L Horton, of
Goderiab, Mr. Hunt having retired but
retaining au interest therein. Other
prominent shareholders were Mr. Dyment
and Mr. M°Lauehiiu, of Toronto. Grain
was placed in the elevator at shipper's
risk, and is understood to have been well
insured. Aiother report Paye the
Goderiab Elevator & Transit Company's
elevator wee totally destroyed by fire
with about 320,000 bushels of wheat in
store. The elevator wets valued at 4130-
000, and insured for $95,000. There was
also $5,000 on the power house adjoining
which wan saved, alightly damaged. It is
impossible to ascertain the amount of in
eure000 on the wheat, cab owner having
planed his own insurance, and meet of it
is owned by outside parties. The wind
happened to be b'owing Boron the harbor
or the Goderiab Milling Co's elevator
would aleo likely have been destroyed.
SPIGtINIil 0811 AN1CLIi.
"I slipped on au icy step and sprained
my right ankle very badly, writes Ma.
Burgvyue, of Glenwood. It swelled to a
tremenduous size tied moused 1030000
pain. I applied Pekoe's Nerviline and
got prompt relief ; the awetliog was
redaued and before long I was ab,e to ase
my feet." For 0pra100, 018011iug0 and
muscular paiva Nerviline is oue acre
remedy. Stroup, penetrating, swift to
destroy pain—Tbat'e Poleou'e Nerviline.
Fifty years in nae.
Wbib p*utttt•.
Hie Lordship, the Bishop of Huron
paid Mia first official visit to So, Paul's
parish Sunday evening and administered
the rite of Ooufirmatiou.
Wm, Armour, jr., left July 814 on a
bueioese trip to Vancouver, Vietorta and
Nelson, 13. 0., taking in the World's Fuir
at Portlaud, Oregon, on the way back.
Sunday mormug the members of L.
0. L. 794 attended service in St. Paul's
4 o'clock. Rev. Letye
church a 11 0 0 UO B W. ,
Worebipful Provincial Grind Chaplain
ItS. Reid, who hag been em
ployed in the Walker & Clegg upholster.
lug !eatery, bee sold hie 'ranitiate° on
Victoria street to hie brother, Bert Reid,
and Lae removed with hie family to
Toronto, where he has eeoured a posh
The -hue" service has obaugod hands
and A. R. Anderson, of Dungannon, is
the purabaaer of the bus lines
loom Beattie Bros. and also
from Causeln & Carr. With the bee
bueioese goes aleo that of the baggage
traaafer, and i1, the oase of Beattie bros.
the mail oontraot.
wyes; ' '1l1011lll 111111(f11111f1111RP11f11Dlllrl hy'
'+•1 f1 's,e1teure eraetu q,111nr estentein III1• -•
`-.., gulti filliti0101111iIIIHll111U1111111 t v
1111 1 x 4 1, "a 4 JII(bUlll ° n
ten's gess Shoes
must be fashionably correct. Ours are.
These shoes are comfortable because
they fit inside. The outline is handsome and
the shoes are made to keep their shape and
appearance till worn out.
Prices are right for right goods e"
—Men's Fine Shoes from $11.25 to $4 50. We have special
makes by J. D. Ring, George A. Slater and other popular makers
all of which are up-to-date fitters and wearers.
HARNESS DEPA1 T1Vt.ENT.—Single Harness, reduced prices
for 20 days. Dusters and Lap Rugs, a nice assortment. Trunks
and Satchels.
terComfortable Dwelling Ronme to let, glee dwelling for sale,
It• C. It Xr 4..11 A d Mita tei*7'
N. 11. 10 atelier, Friuelpal of the Boei-
-, .a 1'1,11 ere, met with anaeoilirntaddle ,u
flit 1" 1 , and at It piu•ni0 was 01(11 d up
to a run. 'v. Ae a vault be le obliged
111 11.1• 011'n1:00,
T116 LATH 3oioN Mo13fzfs,AN. - -'there
diad at boa reefdeuoe i11 Morrie 1.0wn081131
as Healey evening, butte 25th, ane of the
beet !mown and most reopeo101 men in
thio part of Huron county, We refer to
John McMillan, termer, merchant and
lumberman of Blyth. Canoe of the
etolnaoh was tide mule of death. The
(llama had fastened itself so firmly upon
hie system and weakened hie eonetitutinn
to shall an extent that anise last Novem•
ber he woe unable to give his business
the perinatal attention he had done pre.
vioualy and for four weeks before hie
dtath be wait unable to leave his house,
During the latter part of the last century
a large immigration took plate from
Scotland, prhtoipally from the North
caused by ware t
nu regiug on the oonti •
mut and oppression of landlords, Many
ihrough.,gt Roee.ahire and Sutherland
0hir0 sought refuge in other countries
Rose•ehire lived Malcolm MoMillau,
grandfather of the enrjeat of this sltet:a',
and gem sone and two daughters. The
eldest eon left for America in the
beginning of this era and made many
exploratioue (n L'obrador, Rod River and
Selkirk, and was with 1110 •fated it
S sirk n I
Franklin in hie first adventure, Be
afterwards entered the employ of the
Hudaoo Bay Oo. at Moose Faotory where
he remained until the rebellion of 1877.
He then went to York (now T.,ronto) and
took an aotive part in the rebellion till be
and others were about to be captured,
when he made hie escape and took refuge
in Charleston, South Carolina. Previews
to this hie brother John, father of the
ani jab of this sketch, was living in Lug•
land sort hearing nothing of hie older
brother letermieed to lied him and came
to Oanada, He engaged with the Hudson
Bay Company. trading post at York
Factory mad not Reding his brother be
retuned to Sootlaad and married
Margaret McDonald. He then returned
to Boddeok, Cepa Breton Island, oosome
paned by hie aged father and mother,
five brotnere and two eietere. Mr. and
Mre. MoaIlllan afterwards settled near
Sidney, where eight children were born
to him, Johu Mobilllan, the subject of
this sleetah, being the fourth eon and
was born in 1887. When he was 14
yearn old hie father beard of Upper
Canada, resolved to find a milder oil.
mate and moved in 1860 to Bell's corners,
now Shakespeare. Oo the sixth of No•
vember in 1851, tile family came to
Morrie township, Mr. MoMillan, ar.,
died in 1874 and Mrs. McMillan in 1894,
The eon, John, continued on the home•
stead, with the exoeptioo of one year
spent i1, Wisooueiu.,. He married Annie
hfoGregor, only daughter of the late
Donald MoGrneor, of Kinoardioe, who
survives with five ah(Idren — AnguO, in
the Yukon I John, Edward A., Wm. G.,
and Catharine at home. Four children
were claimed by death—Margaret, Annie
and Norman A. in 1890 aid M, Donald
in 1904. For the past 80 years Mr. Ma
Millen wee engaged in bOeinee0 as a grain
and produce merobeet,lumber msrohaot
anti farmer and did mach to promote the
welfare of the community that he called
Mime. His bueineee experience met with
many trials and many worries, and the
misplaced conffdeooe of those, through
his grout kindness of bear,, sympathy
and generosity he had helped, wounded
him deeply, but ooifidenoe, sympathy
and helptaine0e of loving wife and family
sheered and comforted him and all
difficulties cleared away like mist. Mr.
McMillan was a man who was fond of hie
home and family and was not one of
those who was parried away with applause
and publicity, His memory will long be
°borlebed by many of our citizens for the
gratitude, help and advice he gave in the
past. He was a Presbyterian in religion
and a Liberal in politica, and in the early
history of Blyth occupied a seat at the
muo(oipal Council Board. The funeral
on iToeedsyl;Of1000oou was the largest
ever seen in this eeotiou. Rev. Dr.
McLean conducted the service at the
house and grave. D,oeaeed was a mem,
ber of Blyth Maeonio lodge, under whose
anaphase the funeral woe concluded, He
pea also a member of Blyth lodge, No.
145, A. 0. U. W.
Jag Fox Says Ryomei Rill Give Relief
—Sold Under Guarantee,
The smarm for hay fever (e almost at
hand, and many people feel that they will
be obliged to go away in order to
avoid the-eneezine, watery eyes, and
other annoying eymptone of this dle-
ttgrreable Summer disease.
Janne Fete wished us t0 announce that
when Hvnmei ie used as a preventive, or
a cure, there will be no hay fever. He
advisee daily treatment with Hy mei for
two or three weelte before the anal ape
peerages of hay fever. If this is done,
the attach will be prevented. However,
(f the preveutit0 treatment is not [tart.
el mon enough, and the dinette makes
its oppeara00e, nee 8y0mei 5311 or seven
tim0e daily, and relief wilt be Oise at
There ie no etomaob dosing when
Hyomei is aced. Breathed through the
neat picket inhaler that cornea with
every outfit, its medicated air reaches the
minutest air Delle, killing all genie and
soothing and healing the mucous mem-
The complete Hyomei outfit °Date bet
$1, extra bottlee60 eats. It is the only
treatment for hay fever sold by James
Fax under a gearentee to refund the
money if ib does not give satisfaction.
Ready for
Having returned from a two
months" trip to the West I
am now prepared to attend
to all jobs of contracting or
building given into my
Thos. ]r-AW$0111
vru'lnsi , zaz' r r:r agcr r n ?ow F.`r' dG af if( t.Y. v-;acH'.AEWr, ^4,x
noliokiNNoN 48c Ca
1 33 i
qq v gg
The Millinery season ie drawing to a close and we are anxione to
Meer out the balauoe of our stook at half price, or lase, rattler than carry
arty over to another isoaeon. A short time ago we bought a large aeaort-
m'rot of Sample Hats at less than half priors, 'They are high olaee goods
in Roady.to-wear, Trimmed and Ugtrinemed Hats. What remalne 01
them will be sold at prices like these :-
-Ladies' Ready to wear Hate, in new styles, worth $1, for 37io.
.--Ladies heady to -wear Fancy Straw Elate, very etylinh, worth $1.G9, for
—Lldies' Trimmed Hats, good value at 42 25, for 980.
—Ladioa' Untrimmed Hate at one•third the regular prise.
—Feedbag, Flowers, Trimming's, Eto„ all reduced in pride to clear.
We have Ported up oar stunk of Oorsets for tho Summer trade. Our
Comet trade this sermon has been a record breaker. Never in the blistery
of tbis store have we sold BO many Coreete—the reason is we keep a full
races of all the best makers' geode, such as B, & a, Orompton'v, D. & A„
0. B. 0 , B. & I , E. T, and Wray's Corsets, and sell them at close prices.
Tbie week we received an addition to our Drees Goode Stock in Blaok
011 and Colored Voiles, in plain, lane and bourette styles, Etaminee, Pommes
and other fabrics plain and fanny. Also a nice range of Priestley's Drees
Goode which pate oar stook in good shape for the Summer trade,
The Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs
in Cash or Trade.
eXo di o) =e=== cvu•o2XXX3C:CtCX:1CX'
—On Saturday we will put on sale 10 Dozen
Men's Fine Shirts to clear at
Comfort and appearance are Iooked for in Men's
Shirts. Comfortis only found in well proportioned,
well made Shirts. That is the kind we sell and the
kind here advertised.
Appearance is a matter of taste. Our stock is so
large and well assorted that we can suit any and every
taste, and the workmanship on every Shirt we sell will
stand the closest scrutiny.
The Shirts are a special purchase, and at the price
are remarkable values.
—Men's Fine Neglige Shirts, in line colored oambrio, laundried
neokbaod and cuffs. They are this ,season's latent patterns in
neat and fano), stripes and figures, oorreot (tutoring, sizes
14 to 17i ioohee, Regular 41,00 qualities for • ei
—Mau'') Fine Colored Cambric Shirts, laondried, short bosom style,
separate link ouffa or Doffs attached, fall size bodies, snorted
patterns in stripes and figures, light, medium and dark oolorioge.
S'zee 14 to 17 inches. They are $1.00 qualities. While 1"'
they last • if eJ
'Watch for them in our window Saturday.
Gentlemen !
I have opened for your inspection a nice line of the
latest up-to-date styles in
They are correct in style and perfect fitting vests.
All shades and all sizes in stock, at prices from 75c
upwards. See them.
D.C. C.
Our Fine and Up-to-date stock of Bug-
gies is now on the market and we invite
intending purchasers to call and inspect.
They are all made of best material with -
the very latest improvements.
Have you seen'our fine display of Oak
made Wagons ? Every one warranted to
be as represented.
Repairs and Painting promptly attended to.
Tops Relined and Covered and made as good
as now, Call and see us.
V 6 aIL S