The Brussels Post, 1905-7-13, Page 3040i}00O9000.000-0'0-0 0•0 00 0 YOUNG 1�O LKS .00-0.0.6,0.0, 0Q0000000-0+ T1117 LOST DOLL The little seaside cottage had been Put 10 order, the trunks had gong with the expressman, And Pupa Gra- ham was al the gate with the car- riage. Even Elora Louise, Phyllis'a beloved dull, had her cape and bon- net on, all ready to go to the sta- tion, "Let's go all round the cottage and say a Inst good -by," said Phyllis, bugging (''lora I,Ou1s0 in her arms, They went through all 1 he rooms below, and then up -stairs to get au - other look uL the blue ocean gleam- ing in the sunshine and rolling up its white surf on rho beach, Phyllis found the window wide open. IC had been forgotten, Per- haps she and Elora Louise could Omits It for Illaila. Bowe came the window, but alas! Flora Louise ei nhellow slipped outside to the ver- anda roof beneath and rolled down to the narrow railing at the edge. Yom' Phylllsl she stood an instant watching the gay litre heap huddled together in the sheltering angle, and then ran down -stairs as fust EIS she could go to tell papa about it. .But papa said that they must not wait another instant, Mama had al- ready locked the door, as soon as Phyllis was out, and she and llaby Lou were getting into the carriage, There was nothing lett for Phyllis to do but to climb 111, Loo, With a long, lingering look at the speck of red cape that showed through the verandar railing, she laid her head on mother's shoulder and cried as if her heart would break. They said she should have a new dolly just as s00n as she should get back to town, and it camp in duo season, and grew to bo very dear to Phyllis; but she never forgot poor Elora Louise, out in the sun and wind on the veranda roof at the sea- side cottage. "Next summer I shall try to get her the very first thing," she said. After a month or two the cottage was let to a winter tenant, for in' the South, where 1'.hyllis lived, peo- ple often go to the Death resorts dur-' ing the winter season. Lynn and Katharine, the little new- comers, went all through the cottage the first thing, to sec what their new home was like, At the front window up -stair's they paused, as Phyllis had often done, to watch the' blue ocean sparkling in the sun and rolling up its white surf on the sand, "Oh, look, Lynni" suddenly cried Katharine. "'Thele on the veranda roof! I wonder what it is!" "I'm going to see," said Lynn, opening the window wide. Ile let himself down carefully to the roof below, and then crept slow- ly down to where poor Flora Louise was 111.1(1111011, "What a dear dolly!" cried Katha- rine, as she hold it safe in her arms at the window,- "Some poor little girl must have dropped her, and couldn't get hor again. What fun we'll have with her!" Many a happy day had Lynn and Katharine in the little cottage and on the warm, sunny bench, and Flora Louise shared in all their good times.' But she was Flora Louise no longer, "If we only knew what her name isl" sighed Katharine. "But we'll just have to give her another, pool' little dear! 11 must be dreadful to be lost and riot able to toll your °WO Hama. Let's call her Gertrude." So Gertrude she ren111111Cd all winter. When the time chew near for leav-I ing, mother one day gave Katharine an idea., which silo was quick to share with Lynn, and after that there wore busy, busy days for both, 1 On the clay they left She cottage Katharine came and gathered Ger- trude in her arms. "You dear pre- cious!" she murmured. "I hate aW-1 fully to Leave you. But you're going to have a delightful a prise some day, when the summer girl comes back," It was not Gertrude, however, but the summer girl herself who had the greatest "s'prise." The very first week in vacation the carriage stopped at the gate again, and Phyllis looked anxiously up to the veranda railing while Papa Graham unlocked the door. There was no trace of Flora Louise. "What can have become of her?". thought Phyllis, a5 she went slowly up the steps. Ilut tho first sight r eyes as she walked i1 room was Flora Lotti gor- geous In a now gown, n a cunning littlo bedstead it for her!. Pinned to he a little note, which read Dear Summer Girl. (1 us you live in this 'til summer, so I know y d to get your dolly a e her, too. 013e of us e window atl(1 got her 1' bedstead, and the otherf her and made 11e• net e didn't know her right e have called. hor Gertr e you'll have a good tin s summer. Lo I Tho Winter 1, Near by was a lith-' tailing a pink silk a' dainty cloak and ha e also many dainty s+ that delighted the o, ul Phys its. "What, perfectly lovely'l- (lren1" cried Phyllis,a had tread her tho not g to tell my lost dolly e Gertrude Graham, and o ask the agent if that '1 are coming back nest, 11 they are, I'm going e here for than," WIiAT WOKEN SU1'l(ER,, At All Ages They Need Rich, Pura Blood to Secure Health and happiness, A woman needs medicine more than a elan. Iyer organism 1e more com- plex, her system more delicate, filer health is disturbed regularly in the wets() of nature. 11 anything hap- pens to interfere with that natural 0011'80, she goes through unspeak- able suffe'ing. In fact the health of every function and the. happiness of every moment of a woman's life de- pends upon the I'ichness and the re- gularity of her blood supply. That is the simple scientific reason why llr, Williams' Pink rills aro worth more than their weight in gold to women of all ages from fifteen to fifty. These pills actually mako the rich, rel blood that brings health and 1lappiness and freedom from pails to every woman, Mrs. Nell Ferguson, Ashfield, N. S., says; "In justice to you, and in the Nope that whet I say may benefit other suffer- ing women, I take Measure in stat- ing that I have found wonderful benefit 100111 the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills,, When I began using the pills 1 WaS so badly run down that I could scarcely go about; at times I suffered very much and felt that lira was a burden. 'J'hnndos to D1'. Williams' Pink fills, I can now say 1 eon enjoying bettor health then I ever expected to have again, and I Carl most heartily recommend these pills to other suffering women." Dr, Williams' Pink, Pills cured Mrs. Ferguson because they tilled her veins with the rich, pure blood so necessary to the health and happi- ness of every human being. It 18(01' this reason that these pills always euro such' troubles as anaemia, neu- I ralgia, heart trouble, indigestion, rheumatism, sciatica, St. Vitus dance, paralysis, kidney and liver troubles, and the special ailments Of growing girls and women of middle age. You can get these pills from any dealer in medicine, but you should be careful to see that the hull name, "Dr. Williams' P1011 Pills for Pale People," 1s on the wrapper 1 41.001x1 each box. If you Wish you can get the pills by mail at 50 conte n box or six boxes for 52,50 by svritingTho Dr. Williams' Medicine , Co., Brockville, Ont. SMOKE ALL THE TIME. The Dutch Get their Smoking Re- markably Cheap, that met llo eo the 511.1]01 so herself, 1111(1 seated O oad just riga r dress was The agent tot cottage 01'5l sena 10111 bo gra gain. Wo lou 11101011 out th and 10010 her took care o v clothes, 11 name, batt w 01110, Wo hop time 101111 hor this Lovingly, Troy and Girl.' little trunk col dross, x11(1 1, There 1001 little garment yo of grateft Winter elil when mum o. "I'm going Mora Louis 1 I'm going t boy and g'il winter, and to leave ho "I have always allowed my wife to wish solnctlriug for herself for every birthday since 100 havo been 1 married," "What does she Wish generally?" Well, the last fifteen tines silo shaft boon wishing for a Plano." , i The Iiollandlers are, perhaps, of all the Northern peoples, those who smoke the most. The humidity of their climate makes it almost a necessity, and the very moderato cost of tobacco renders it accessible to all. To show how deeply rooted is the habit, it is enough to say that the boatsmen of tho trokshuit, the aquatic diligence of Holland., meas- ure distances by smoke. From koro, they say, to such a place it is, not so many miles, but so many pipes. When you enter a .Blouse, after the first salutations, your host offers you a cigar; when you take leave he hands you another, and often in- sists upon filling your cigar case. In the streets you see persons lighting a fresh cigar with the burn- ing stump of tho last one, without pausing in their walk, and with tho busy air of people who do not wish to lose a moment of time or a mouthful of smoke, Many go to sleep with pipe 111 mouth, relight it if they wake in the night, and again in the morning before they -step out of bed. It really does a.ppcar that smoking is for the Dutchman a necessary vital ftunction. Many people think that so mucin smoke dulls the intelligence. Nev- ertheless, if there he a people, as Esquires, justly observes, whose In- tellect 1s of the clearest and highest precision, 11 is the Dutch people. "Smoke," snit! a Hollander, "18 our second breath." Another defined tho cigar as the sixth finger of the hand, BABY'S DANGER. A mother cannot watch her little ones too carefully during the hot ',menthes. 'Dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera infaetum, and disorders of the Stcmaeh are alarmingly frequent during the snnnnl01' months, and un- less the mother has at hand an ef- ficient remedy to check and cure the trouble a little life may go ahnoat before you realise the Case is seri- ous. At this first sign of any of these ailments tho wise mother will !rive her little one Baby's 0W.1t Tab- lets, which promptly cure all hot weather eihnent13. Mrs, .lohn Lan- caster, North Portal, %T, W. 7'., says; "My baby was at,taokesl with diar- rhoea and vomiting. I at once gave Baby's 01r'n Tablets and the !text day'slio was as well as ever. I ant never W.ibhout the Tablets in the house tis'I final tihey are the only medicine a little ono needs," Other wise mothers will follow Ml's, Lan- caster's example and keep the Tab- lets a1)001,8 at-hand—their prompt use may save a little life. Sold by all medicine (10111ers or sent by snail at 20 cents a holt by writing the Ih', Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont. Penes, in the hall, has 1)con 51011(1 - Ing for half an hour, while Millicent midi Harold bid each other good- night in the doorway. 'Parting,' quotes Harold, "Is such sweet 5m'i'OW that I could say goo(! -night 1111--✓ " At this speech father gels a Shakes- Pearean inspiration of his own and tramps forward. "Seorns to 1110," ho assorts, "that there is too much adieu about nothing," Dolly was ont for a walk and mot an old friend of her father. "And rote (3(1 are you, little ono?" asl(od the old gelll.ienlan. But Dolly was indignant.. "I'm n hardly old at ell; I'll nearlyBrew," she anemones, toss ng her head. SINK WITH YOUR ENEMY`IT MUST BE APAN'S NAVAL SPIRIT SIxOWN IN A LETTER. Secret of the Success of Togo's Captains—Give. An for, the Nation, A Japanese gentleman semis the Lundon Tilnos the following trans- lation of a letter received by him from a frlml(1 In connnau(1 of a first - Close torpedo-boat in Admiral 'Pogo's fleet: Dear 0„—A thousand apologies for my lengthy silence. We have been anal aro still busy, busy preperllg a royal reception for the guests from the Baltic. When see of Suiradau (torpedo corps) meet ashor), wC, dIscuss and often wonder if after all the Russians will conte or will they fail us. Do they know that 100 are ready? 'Po north-west lies the harbor of Ma- 5alnph0, to south that of Sasebo, while Molt is on our east, and hero we are waiting, waiting; and waiting for the enemy, Will he lover come? 11 you do not hear from leo when a meeting has taken place, take this as my fa'rew'ell. I do not expect W see you again in this life, except per- haps In your dreams, When my boat goes down l s11a11 go too, and a Rus- sian s111p with us. It takes her weight in shone to sink a torpedo-boat—it's marvellous how they, the shells, do not .hit. DOWN WITII TIIni ENEMY. I have seen, not one, but many torpedo actions, and I Know, With six compartnlents in the boat ave ought, to be able to close in within twenty yards of the target before she is slink. If we hit, we shah go clown with the Russians; if we are hit, the Russians shall conte with us, for the last man alive will steer the spare torpedo in the water. What is lifo but a dream of summer's night? Cnn one choose more glori- ous an exit than to die (Meting for one's own country and for the Em- peror who is a ruler•, and leader Lo the nation's heart? Does not many a worthy man end his life's chapter obscure for want of oppoe- tuntty? Then let us uphold Lhe hon- er and the duty of being Japanese. By going clown with then! Iva shall, in ameasure, pay he debt tvo ory e for the slaughter of these poor inno- cent peasants. 6Thcy, too„ aro fight- ing for their country, so shall liushi honor Sushi. There are more tor- pedo -boats and torpedo-boat destroy- ers 1111111 the number of ships in the whole fleet of Admiral 11oJeutvensky, an41 if each of them destroys or dis- ables one of the enemy's vessels, it ought to do. TOGO'S 1IODT STY. Father 'Pogo, 1100) grey-haired, walls quietly to and fro o11 the bridge of the Mikesa, and keeps sil- ence, so all will go well. Do you remember tho story viten He went up to 'Tokio for the first time since the commencement of this war? Some Public School boys were determined to unharness the horses o11 his car- riage, at the instigation of the•Asahi I believe, and thensolves draw it up to the gate of the Imperial palace. Well, Father Togo°got \vend of this, and so he sent. his chief -of -stall h1 the carriage, while he was sect, but not recognized, to bo quietly walking towards Nijuhashi, witi his little daug'hter's hand in his. Will ho play another idols upon the poor 'unsus- pecting Russians when they conte? I bid you again farewell. Work, work, and work, for the cooling Ja- pan depends on poll young follows, I remain your over humble brother, T. N. THE 1300TMAICER IN CHINA. Boots are only worn 111 China by officials, servants, soldiers, sailors, and special hob -nailed boots, 0000- siolally in wet weather, by the com- mon people, Tho universal form of foot -covering is a shoe, whilst cool- ies and tho poorest classes have 'to content themselves with straw cr leather sandals, or go barefoot. Women's shoes aro made at home tied, except in isolated cases in Shanghai, are never exposed for sale in shops. This remade does not ap- ply to tho peculiar form of shoo tvol'n by Manchu women, which is perched o1 a sort of small stilt. In the north, during the winter months, the ordinary boot or shoo is often wadded or lined with sheepskin, anal of late year's reproductions of ChM - esti boots and shoes in iadiarubbcr have been imported from the United States and (iormauy, and found favor with Chinese at the Treaty ports, ^F— BRIDAL WRIWIT as. The bridal wreath is usually fol'nl- ed of myrtle branches in Germany; it is made of orange blossoms in France, as' well as in 17ngland; fn Italy and the French Oadtons of Switzerland it is of white roses; in Spain the Hovers of which it is composed arc red roses and pinks; in the islan(le of Greece vine -leaves serve the purpose, ancf in :Bohemia rosemary is employed; h1 German SWitzeeland a crown of artificial flowers takes tho p11100 of the wroath. The hand that 1111s the coal ilio robs the world, WELL FOUNDED STEADY GROWTH IN POPULAR- ITY Of DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, Made by Cures Like that of Simon V. Landry—lie Tells About it Himself, River Bourgois, Richmond Co., 0. Ji, --July 3.—(Special).—Among the many men in this part of Canada whom Dodd's Kidney fills have re- lieved of aches and pains and weak- ness and made strong and able to do a good day's work Is air, 11110011 V Landry. Mr. Landry hue numerou friends hero who on vouch for th story he tells of his euro. "1 was bothered for over a year,” ho says, "with 1x1110 buck, weals legs, palpitation of the heart, gen oral Weakness and shortness of breath; in fact I could not work ane was a total wreck, "I could not get anything to help ane tilt I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. But they diel me good and no mis- take. I used three boxes and I'm back at work again." It is the cures they make that make Dodd's Iiidbney rills so popu- lar. Their popularity has grown steadily for thirteen years. It must be 1vel1 founded. FSARTIOULAR PEOPL KE A little Sunlight Soap will - clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other things than clothes. {B LIVE ON 0000A -NUTS. Truitarian Empire founded by a German, • An International l''ruitft tan l;ln- 5 pure has just neon founded In Ger- 11 Mall New Guinea by Professor Am: - est Engelhardt, a distinguished Teu- tonic authority on dietetics and Lon- don is being diligently eeat'C11ed for recruits, says tlru London Express, The professor le firmly convinecd that tib cocoa -nut is the natural food of elan, and deelares that it produces elasticity of body and mind and purity of thought, 011111 cures all diseases, Converts who aro admitted into the "Order of the ili," which is the professor's naill0 for his new colony, are required to live on cocoa -nuts, in the beginning the cocoa -nut is catch grated, with bananas end pa- payas, later it is chewed, and 1'nully the colonists twist live exclusively on COOOa-11ut5. The island of habaron--which lin heap purchased—belonging to the New Laeenburg group in the Bismarck archipelago has been selected by the professor for his experiment., As yet the members of the '(Eder of the Sun" are all Germans, Herr Sfax Luetzoly, the violinist and con- ductor, being one of theta, but the founder is making efforts to secure English colonists, who will have Le present high references before initi- ation. Sudden deaths on ho Incroaee —People apparently wall and happy to -day, to -morrow are strilcen clown, and In ninety-nine cases out of every hundred the heat is the cause. The king of heart rumedlos, Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart, Is within reach. of all. It relieves in 90 minutes, and 001'53 1110St chronic cases.—ill RAIL\1AY COLLISION'S, The figures showing the number of fatalities in collisions alone on Unit- ed States railways are appalling and show a constant increase ill recent years. They are given by the Inters State Commission, as follows: Passengers: Killed. Injured. 1899... ... 61 815 1900,,,,..... 6ti 1,200 1901 55 1,458 1909...,. 1903... Employes: Killed. Injured, .188 2,1360 12'1 2,075 1809 187 1,868 1900 1tILLIONAIRES' FORTUNES. According to an estimate compiled by 1L'. Timmy Clewes, a financial authority, 1Ir, J. D. Rockefeller, the Stanhard Oil magnate, is the richest man in America, with a fortune of ,$500,000,000. Mr. A. Carnegie comes eecmld with $2110;000,000, and Mr, W. W. Astor third with $200,000,000. ENGLISH SPAVIN. LINIMENT Removes all hard soft or calloused temps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, ewecney, sullies, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Savo $e0 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure aver known, Beggar (insinuatingly)—"I say, mister, have ycr got any suggestion to make 10 a feller wot ain't able to raise a penny to git shaved With?" 01d Gentleman (passing on)—"Yes; grow a beard." !Tested by 'rime,—(n his Justly-re'r- braLed P(Ils Or. Parmelee has given to the world one of the most unique meth - eines offered to the public in lata years. Prepared to meet the want for a pill which could be taken without nausea, and that would purge without pain it has tact all requirements in that di- rection, and IL is 11n general use not only because 01 these tl10 qualities, but because It is known to possess altera- tive and curative powers which place it in the front rank of medicines, . Mrs. Wickwire—"Oh, Henry! And I told you so particularly before yon chose a n01v 110110o to be sure the chiulncy didn't smoke," Mr. Wick- wire—"Well, this one doesn't. Como outside and see for yourself," I'd rather bo dead than suffer again the tortures of insomnia, palpitation and nervous twitching of my muscles induced by simple neglect of a little indigestion," These aro the forceful and warning words of a lady who pro- claims that her cu,'e by South Ameri- can Norville when everything else hod tailed was 11, modern nmiracle. A fele Closes gives relief,—l13 Deacons—"I wish that young Canon, Mayberry weren't obliged to preach to such a small congregation." Friv- olous Widow—"So do I. livery time he said '.Dearly beloved' this morn- ing I felt as if I had received a Pro- posal." Tt 1s n Liver MD.—Many of the ail- ments that num Juts to contend with have their origin in a disordered liver, which Is a delicate organ Jparticularly susceptible to the disturbances that collie from irregular habits or lack care in •`ath,g and drinking, This as - counts for the great many live' regu- lators now pressed on the attcntIon 01 sufferers, Of these there is novo super- ior to l'armelee's Vegetable fills. 'Thee operation though gentle is effective, and the most delicate call use them, PRIZE MONEY OP OLD DAYS. Sea battles at tato present tilne du not result in such great rewards of prize money as formerly. English sailors in times past have brought great fortunes home after their suc- cessful cruises. In the war with Hol- land, 1.651-54, 'English ships are said to have talion 1,700 prizes, worth $730,00,000. In 1657 the Spanfa.rds loaded British sailers with treasure. They seized two of the Spanish gal- leons so richly laden with gold and jewels that it took thirty-eight wagons to carry the treasure front Portsmouth to London, In 1761 came the historic capture of the I'Ier- intote, the Spanish treasure ship Teem Lima, The admiral and cap- tains received as their share $825,- 000 apiece, the lieutenants 565,000, warrant Wheels about $20,000, Potty office's nearly 510,000, and even the common seaman $2.500 each. On arriving ,at Dortsmouth the seamen bought up all tho watch- es in the place and fried then over the galley fire. 284 1,576 1901 848 2,089 1902 424 2,759 1908 574 8,772 'Pilo record for the present year, as shown by the reports made to the commission under the requirements of tho accident law of March 8, 1901 shows no diminution) of fatalities.: For the llrst three months there wore 221 Killed and 2,797 injured in rail - Way catastrophes. These aro the only figures compiled for the cur- rent year by the commission. LONDON CONSUMPTIVES, TEA because it is tightly sealed in lead packets, not lying about loose I ordinary hulk teas, BLUE RIBBON is carefully watched from PLANTATION TO HOME and ple1ses all. ONLY ONE BEST TEA—BLUE RIB ON TEA Natural -+ -flavor Dainty—Delicious—Attractive to the Eye and satisfying to the appetite Lthby's (Ravel; Food Products Ox Tongue, Potted Chicken, Deviled Ham, Dried Beef, Brisket Beef, Lunch Tongues, Soups, Corned Beef Hash—all as good as they are wholesome. Easy to serve The Booklet, "Blow to Hake Good Things to Eat" sent free. Address Libby, McNeill 6, Libby Chicago PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS, During June, July, August and September the Chicago and North Western sty. will sell frond Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, I'oi gland, Ore. (Lewis C Clarke Excursion), Se - attic, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. hates, folders and full information con be obtained frons 11. it, Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King St„ Toronto, Ont, ;31 CONSOLATION. The man who has married the wrong girl may console himself with the thought that perhaps the right ono wouldn't have had 111111. A Benefactor to All.—The soldier, the sailor, rho Dsherman, the miler, the farmer, the m801100 0, (1110 all who live lives of toil and spend their exfsteneo in tl,0 dull motile of talions tasks and who aro exposed to hhJuries and alta u L lt5 t.11at 9 the. u wlro fell not do not know, will lied in llr. Thomas, Fc1eF trio 011 an excellent friend and bene- factor In every time of need. LUCKY DOCTOR. In France it is not only the tin- ' educated who plunge in the public lotteries, They are patronized by all classes, and a Calais doctor has just found Dame Fortune more kind than he was over likely to fine] Aescula- pius. His name is Dr. Hue, and he took a whole ticket in the last issue of Panama lottery bonds. lie has just received notification that ho has drawn the grand prize of L20,- 000. Dr. Iluc was chief surgeon to the hospitals of Calais. "It would be helpful to you," said the prison visitor, "if you could take some motto and try and live alp to it." "That's right," replied tho convict. "I'd like to select, for in- stance, 'We are Isere to -day and gone to -morrow.' Rheumatism — What's the Cause 7–Where's tho Oura7—Phe active it ri rating cause of this most painful a1 diseases as' poisonous uric acid in tl.o blood, south American Rheumatic Cure neutralizes the acid poison. Re- lieves in 0 hours and cures in 1 to 9 days, -190 Tlie harder a man can laugh at the nnishaps of Others the harder he can get mad at the elan who laughs at his. Forty thousand persons in London alone are suffering from consumption, according to Dr. Arthur Lalhom, prize essayist if the King's Sana- torium, 1f other forms of tubercu- losis were included, the nulnher would be not fewer than 80,000. Consumption is responsible for the deaths of 8,000 persons per annual in the Metropolis, and a similar number die from other tuberculous diseases, all of them preventible. LADY'S PIPE COLLECTION. Ono of the strangest cases of klep- tomania ever brought to light was heard of in Paris. A certain lady had such a passion for smoking and for coloring moerehamn pipes of this description from shops. In tho flat which she occupied there were found no fewer than 2,600 pipes, not one of which, it is believed, she paid for. 4 - WANTED TO SLEEP. Curious That a Tired Preacher Should Have Such Desire. A minister speaks of the curious effect of Grape -Nuts food on 11hu and holy it has relieved ]line. "You will doubtless understand how the suffering with indigestion with which I used to bo. troubled made any * wori( an almost unendur- able burden, and why it was that after my Sabbath duties had been ierform01, sleep w'as a stranger to my pillow 1111 nearly daylight, "I had to bo very careful as to what 1 ate, and 0\'011 With all my care T experienced poignant physical die ass after meals, anis my food never sntisfie1 Ile. .e 'f "Six 11101(115 have elapsed since I began to use Grape-Nml5 food, and the benefits I have derived from' it aro very definite. 1 no lunger sul?el' indigestion, e1 1 fromnn began to improve from the time Grape -Note appoared on our table, I find dial sir eating a dish of it after my Sab- ath worst is (lobe, (and T always do al and 0 now) my nerves aro quieted an est anrefreshing sleep are ensured fie, 1 feel that 1' could not Possibly do v111i0ut Grape -Nuts food, now that know its value. I1 is invariably n our tab10—We feel that we need lithiumt to complete the meal—and our lithium 1v111 eat 1#rape-Nuts W11011 hey cannot he pm'slin.cical to touch anythirhg else," Name given by Pos- tnu11 00„ Battle Crcelc, Mich.There's a season.Head tie fa1n005 little book, '"Pile Road to We1lVille," ill 001011 pkg. L.ARGI ST NBWOPA17ER OF1e ICr1. "Which is the largest newspaper office 111 the world?" asks 1110 Prin- tee's Engineer. America naturally claims that the Nov York 'Tunes building, with its thirty -oleo storeys end an area of 116,849 squarefeet, 1 holds the record, This, however, is b no longer the case. 'elle lalngnilicent edifice recently built for the produc- tion of the Scotsman (Edinburgh) puts the former billldfug completely s in the sliadl0, for although i1 can I only boast thirteen storeys, yet it O possesses an arra of 261,787 square 1 feet, This building is 1110re than c t01'100 the size of that of the Nov t York 710105, 7t is 0118y to Wear a flag in your bat so as to leave both halals froo to fleece Undo Sam. If attacked With cholera or summer complaint of any kind solid at Ona.o fer a bottle of Br. J. D. Kellogg's J,ysc1,- - tory Oordfal and use it according to directions. it acts with 0)0,1,erfet 11- pldity in subduing that dreadful dis- ease that weakens the strongest man and that. destroys the young and eey eaate, l'itoso who have used this cholera mudl0fue say it nets promptly, and nev- er falls to uncut a thorough cure. Jones asked his wife, "Why is a husband like dough?" Ile expected she would give it up, and he was going to tell her it was because a woman needs 111nt; but she said it was because it was hard to got ort her hands, Delp your children t0 grow strop rind robust by counteracting anything that causes ill -health. One great cause of disease in children is worms, Ito- move them with Thither Graves' Worm blxterinivato'. It never fails. RATS ON A WI1217, A graceful exhibition of wire -walla- ing was given by a number of rats at Sligo, Ireland, recently. An ex- cise °Meer, who was cycling by the town hall, happened to look up, and saW an enormous rat making its way along an overhead electric wire. Ho pointed out till 111mk11in rodent to the to011 hall oflcials, and they watched nearly 150 of the rats pass along, until they wore hidden Isom sight 11,v a loftnr flour mill. The rats used their tails as the professional wal1ot' on the lofty wire uses his balancing 11010, and although they worn watched for more than 200 yards there Were no casualties, 0110011? THE WALL. B0t1't run into debt ata long ns you can find It stone hall to rem into. FEATHER DYEING Gleun. edOur isg e,a¢edr :2°T. anti. h'- BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. e1ODIT11L&I. AYRSHIRE CATTLE FOR SALE 20 Ayrshire Bulls—four to twenty months old; Ayrshire Females all ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs. Apply to HON. W. OWIENS, Monte Bello, Que. Protect Your Property —W ITt1— 70'Z ISZ eY e A dry p,wdor put up in m:tn1 tnbea, 23 Ischia long. h will inninntir exlingnieh the moat cb $30 00 do. Wr)10 ford omaxi ptivor oiroulor The Diamond Ory Powder Fire AGENTS Extinguisher 0o., Toronto, Ont, WANTED PROTECT '11911 -JR moo WILS' FLY PADS KILL THEM ALL AVOIQ POOR-,. IMITATIONS Benedict—"Po you know, old man, I don't spend so much money now as I diel before I was married?" Bachelor—"How's that?" Benedict "Well, I don't have it to silent." You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay In getting bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It removes all kinds of eorne without pain, Failure with it is unknown. Young Husband (to wife)—"Didn't 1 telegraplt to you not to bring your mother with you?" Young Wile—"l know; that's what she wants to sea you about, She read the tdfegrami't Kidney Search Lights -Brave you back- ache? Do you feel drowsy? Do your the loins? IIave you dizziness? Have limbs feel heavy? Have you pains 1n y(111 11 tired dragging fooling in the re- gions of the kidneys? Any and all of those indicate kidney troubles. South American Kidney Cure is a liquid. kid- ney specific and worke wonderful 00000 In m051, complicated cusps, -94 Mons/body abuses a public man, but, nobody abuses a private citirou except his best friend and his wife's relations. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfects ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disks tests. "What's become of that fellow Tweedles?" "Oh, lie opened a shop!' "Doing Well?" "No; doing tulle. He was caught," Worry wont cure a cough. When yott find a cough holding on— wharf everything otse has failed -- , ailed—, try e,o'on 111i m' 'C re raFgat Tt is guaroMe 1? 0are. 11 it doesn't, we'll refund your money, Prioosi S. C. \Vsxts LS Co. see Me. See. $1. LeRoy, N,Y., Toronto, Cao. '5)0 -La. 'OK 1 Cf1'SSi