The Brussels Post, 1905-7-13, Page 1Vol. 34. No, 1 New Advertisements. Fly Death•–Jno, Fox, Coat found—THE Poor, LoanL–Jae, Ballantyne, Coat loot—Oentrel Hotel. Paris Green—F, 11 Smith. Separator for eale—E. Peso. Property for sale—Peter Tarr. To oar oaatomere—.red. Adame. Notioe to Creditore—A. 13. Macdonald, Servant wanted—Mrs. W. M, Sinclair. iBi'six'T.Ct ?;!•CIU, C atetreroote, The tonnes ie receiving a new oat of paint thie week. The new steel bridge over the Maitland is open for traffic: Mies Sylvia Seel, who is teaching in Wawanoeh, is home for bar vaoation. Rev. D. B. Mello will cocktail the evening eerviee iu Melville church, Bro. sale, next Sabbath, Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. Tiffin, of Trowbridge. will preach in the Methodist ohnroh here, A few from this locality went to lain. oardine on the 12th to the celebration. The rain deterred others from going. We are sorry to report that Will. Ommeron, L. D. S., of Palmerston, was brought to the parental home here last Monday evening, ill with typhoid fever. Hie many friend° hope it will be e light type and that he may acme be fully re- stored to hie neaal good health, Grano Soaazes.—One of the largest orowde that hes ever visited Ornubrook assembled on the Msbbodiet church gratitude last Thursday evening at the annual Garden Patty. The evening wee tine, the atmosphere just seemed to be made to euit the occasion, therefore visitors turned out in good numbers from Drools, Ethel, Atwood, Welton end surrounding country. As usual the ladies of the congregation (urniohed an abandant supply of good things and ex- tended a hearty weloorne to all. After supper an excellent musical program was presented, opened by the Brnseele Brass Band. Anthems were well rendered by the Union and Oranbrook ohoire. The following soloists were preeent and sang with good effect ; Misses Hingeton, Sharpe, Dundas and Spenoe and Milton Sharpe. The a000mpenists were Mieeee M. Switzer and L, Spence, Ae a closing number the Sanday School sang "The Maple Leaf Forever" which was followed by several more eeleotions from the MOORE BRos. Have placed in stock a fine assortment of late American Songs, Waltzes and Two-steps All sold at ' price 25 C."Fl ACH. WOOL Any quantity of Wool wanted for which the Highest Market Price will be paid. Wool will be taken in at No. 2 Storehouse or the Flour and Feed store. Alf. Baeker, BRUSSELS. Bend, It wee not until late in the even. ing or early the next morning that the etraine of "God Pave The Bing" were heard. Everybody apparently enjoyed themeelves and many returned home pay. ing very complimentary remelts to Oran. brook, Prooeede amounted to 890.00, Rev. T. W. Ooeetie 000npied the °hair, Walton. On Sabbath, 16th inee, there will be no service in the forenoon in Duff's oburoh, Soviet) will be held et 2.80 p. m, and e.t the usual hour in the evening. The Sabbath Sohool will meet at 180 o'olook. t'Vroxcttatr. 0. and Mre. Mee spent Sunday in Mildmay, Jobn Hartley returned from Otven Sound on Monday. Mrs. Jos, Hamilton is the goat of relatives in Seafortlt, George Stewart, of Toronto, is the guest of relatives here. Mies Elsie McNichol is speeding a week with friends near Stratford. Mrs. Koehler, of Ayton, le the guest of het sister, Mre. A. H. Moffatt. JamesPerrin bee gone to Georgetown to epend the Summer vaoation. Mieeee Keine, of Gerrie, are guests of their sister, Mts. W. I. Johneton. A. number from thie vioinity attended Jas. Hastie's barn raising on Saturday. B. T. Carr took oharge of the service in Victoria Hall, Jamestown, on Sunday evening. Mrs. Paimer and two daughters are spending a few weeks with friends in St. Marys. Needie and Mre. McLennan, of Loudon, are visiting the latter's Oster, vire. 11. Bleak. Gilbert Gilliepie, of Jamestown, is visiting friends in the village ptior to leaving for Sarnia. Rev. W. Lowe, of Wingbam, will oa0apy tile pulpit in theEpiso9pal church next Sunday afternoon. Rev. L. Perrin lefb for Kincardine on Saturday where be will epend three weeke holidays. lir. Stevens will take hie work during hie absence. • Mica Bertha Sanderson, of Toronto, ie holidaying in Blnevale. Cheater Pugh ie home from Palmer- ston for a week's holidays. Mise Ruby Doff visited Mise Bnrdetta McCracken in Wingham last week. Mr. Pearson and Mies Susie Pearson, of Ethel, visited at Robt. Musgrove's last week. Mrs. (Rev.) D. Rogers and daugbter, of Thorndale, were visiting R. Maegrove and friends and were preeent at the Garden Party, The members of the Orange Lodge attended divine eervioe in the Methodist oharrh last Sabbath evening, Rev, Geo. Baker preaching to them. Wm. and IMIre. Rose, of London, visited their men, Mre. (Rev.) Geo. Baker, at the pateouage Leet week. They are now visiting Mr. Rose's sister, Mrs, Wm. Hall, of Ethel. Rev. Fenton Hartley, of Roland, Mani - tribe, has been renewing old aaqueintan. oea in Blnevale. He preaohed in the Preabyterien church on Sunday morning and delighted the congregation. Will, Paterson, of New York city, was Galling on old friende in Blnevale this week. He ie home on a well eatued boli. day after which he will enter the Moody Institute at Hermon, Mase., bo prepare himself for a course tet Toronto Univer. eity. Blnevale wee enlivened on Saturday with vieitore who oame on the Heron id Boys'D l sou reion. Mrs. Martin Old Farrow and !brae obildren visited Mrs. Henry Diluent, as did also John and Mre. Dineenb and Master Percy. Mise Maggie Jermyn visited at her home on the Blnevale road, Mite Mary Brooks at bet home in Morrie, also Mies Mabel Hughes at her home in Morrie, Min Jean and James Richardson visited their. aunt, .Mrs. John Bargees. Mines Harriet and Isabel Sanderson were et their old home. A very enjoyable andenooeaeful Garden Party ander the auspices of the Willing Workers of the Methodist (Murals, Blue - vale, was beld on the lawn of R. Mne. grove ou Thursday evening of last week. The weather wee ideal and the grounds presented a very pretty appearance with their detoratione of Chinese Iauterna, A splendid tea, a000mpanied by ice cream, was prepared and served by the ladies of To Our ' Customers nh'111'lll'lIr1,Ie,Hld11,"t'11IVUgi Having had the misfortune to have my Factory destroyed by fire on May 26th last, and having purchased a Hardware business in Ft ord- wich since, I find it necessary to make prompt collections to close up my Brussels accounts. I therefore ask a prompt settlement. All accounts not settled by either cash or note by July 21st will have to be placed in other hands for collection. I{indly take note of this and govern yourself accordingly. Thanking you for the generous support of the past, I am, Yours Truly, FRED. ADAMS. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1903 the congregation. The Wingham Cornet Bend diaoonreed good selootioneof mesio throughout the entire evening giving a very nine finish to the entertainment, The total proceeds amounted to 870. 5,11.11481. Township Council next Monday. The Orangemen were at Kincardine on the 12th. Rain partially spoiled the pleasure of the day. The oement abutments for the new iron bridge are finished and a good job done. Suporstruuture ie tautly when abutments are dried one A Magistrates' Court was held here last Saturday evening, RoeveLivimotor , J. Molntosb and A. Reymann were the 3. Pie. The olbarge was one of emelt laid by a Mr. lstoNiohol, of Dime, against 3. Cummings, 14th con„ Grey, the row being kiolted up at a resent pio•uio.. After hearing the evidence Cummings was fined 81.00. OnsT.—Thursday of Iasi week Mrs, George GM passed away after an aloes extending over a year. Her maiden name was Phoebe Denilene Oushmen, and ebe was the eldest daughter of Geo. Cushman, now of Michigan, Elbe wits born at Brampton, Ont, On May 9th 1891 deceased was married to her now bereft husband and with him is left 2 gone and 8 daughters, From a severe old oonsnnepbion ensued and although ehe put op a brave fight for lite, during which time she was in bed since Marob. elle bade good bye to earthly scenes, as above stated, paeeing away triumphantly. The fuaetal took plane on Saturday afternoon to Elma Oeutre Cemetery Rev. Mr. Armetroug taking charge of the eervioe. Mr, Gill and family have the eympathy of the community, .lictrlectown. Fermere are busy baying. A new windmill has been pat up 011 the farm of Samuel Bnrk, 13. F. Carr, of Wroxeter, was the preacher iu Victoria Hall last Sunday evening. Jas. Iunes le back from Gelb where he has spent the past few months gathering the latest and beet methods of doing bneinese. He will aesiet in the store here for the Summer. Leet week Samuel and hIre, Burk and daughter attended the wedding of Mies Aggie Bell, of Luokuow locality, to Wm. Hardy, who Hues near Kincardine. The bride is a oonain to Mre. Burk. CARD of THANIce,—The undersigned dolma to express their , thanks for the kind words and helpful aote in oonoeotion with the sioknees and subsequent demise of the late Thos. Stokes, of this locality, It will never be forgotten. Yoare grate- fully, B. 0. STONES AND 111eTER. R. H. Cott, of Goderioh, formerly of Jamestown, a few days ago reeeived a remarkable oommonioation from Spain, dated at the castle fort of Barraoas and signed "Eebenisbo Oortino," who claims to be an 00710 by, marriage of Mr. Ontt'e. According to the letter the writer took part in the last Cuban war, being sec- retary.treasurer to Martinez Campos, a Oubae leader. Alter the war he went to England to recover from an illness, and while there beard from his daughter, who is attending the college of Ste. Elena in Spain, of his wife's death in Spain. Going to Spain ou bbe receipt of this news the writer was captured by the military authorities and. sentenced to penal servitude for eighteen yore. By the kindness of hie °onbsseor he was able to write the letter and have it diepatohed. He is in poor health, has an estate of $29,000, the eeouritiee of which are hidden in a secret aompartmenb in his portmanteau, and wante his kinsman, Mr. Ontt, to act as guardian of hie daughter, fifteen yeara of age, and ex. eoutor of his will. Go reoeipt of a cable accepting the proposal big will would be exeonted and isle daughter Bent in care of hie confessor to Mr. Outt'a residence, Such is the substance, in brief, of the letter. Mo. Oatt has strong snapioiona that the statements of the letter may not be genaiae, but thongbt the matter worth investigating and hes cabled hie aooept• anoe of the proposition, so that, es he says, be expecte to see the young lady arriving at his plane some of these days. GOLDEN WEDDING.—On the evening of July 7th about 120 friends and neighbor° assembled at the epaoione residence of Joseph and Mre. Coombes to celebrate the 50,h anniversary of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs, Combo are nalivea of Devon. shire, Eng., Bir. Coombes being born at Taanbon in the year 1888 sed came to Canada in 1848. He resided with hie parental in London, One., where he learn• ed the trade of;j bricklaying. Mrs, Combed was the daughter of Hugh Hillier, and was born at Tiverton in the year 1881. Coming to Canada in 1847, she resided with her parents et Toronto, Ont. Mr. and Mre, Coombes were married in London in the year 1854 and five years later oame to hew out a home for therm salves, to Grey township, Huron County, where they stilt reside. Their family ooneiets of tour children—W, G. Coombe, of Jamestown ; Mre, JUo, ()lett, of Blyth ; J. D. Ooombee, of Mount Forest and Mrs. A, McDonald, of Oranbrook, They reoeived many valuable preseute as tokens of the esteem In which' they ate held by bheirifriende and ueighbore. The following ie a liet of acme of the gilte :— A gold lined silver tea set by their family ; a gold lined sliver teaset by friends in Goderioh, and the following valuable presents from neighbore 1—A gold lined silver oaks basket ; a reolining Morris chair, a rattan rooster, 2 mantle elooke, 8 gold plated fruit spoons, 2 gold plated sduvehir spoon" ; 1 gold plated meat Cork, a gold plated eugar ebell, a get of table mats and a large begot of pink and oream teems teem Brampton Con. servatory. The evening was fine and a aumptuone repaint was served on the lawn atter whioh the following program was rendered :--•Dnet, "Blue Bella" by Mieess G. told D, Ooombee ; address, by Co. Councillor Bryan° . solo, "The Parener'a Son," by L. Ilskmier ; matinee, by J. Strachan ; deet, "Life's Dream is Diet," by J. D. and Mre. Coomber ; ad - dregs, by Jelin Hillier ; dittb ewingieg, by A, letoJ aIhey ; trio "A, GaWk'e Errant and photoit ittlO ter, 0 t , SIR WILFRID LAURIEER The Premier of Canada By sheer force of ability and the compelling power of character, Sir Wilfrid Laurier has reached the highest position in Canadian politics, and won a name that "must live in the annals of the British Empire." He has overridden obstacles that would have (taunted a man of less virile genius and patriotism. Though p'rench was his anesstr•y,and Language, and Catholicism his religion, he has become the leader of the destinies of a great 'English speaking nation, the larger part of whose people are Protestants, He was born in St. Lin, Quebec, in 1841, of a family of rebels who fought bravely under Papineau in tho revolt. of 1837. From the little country school where his teacher, a Sootchman, spurred his ambition and powerfully in+ fiuenced his life, he passed to L'Assomptfon College, and in 1864, after com- pleting his course In law, entered the Bar, When he made his ddbut in politics in 1871 as a member of the Quebec Assembly, his magic eloquence, the fear- lessness, strength and finality of his words, and the mastery by which he brought order out of chaos, light out of darkness, thrilled his audience. Three years later he resigned from the Legislature and was returned to the House of Commons on the overthrow of the Macdonald government. In 1876 he became minister of inland revenue, and two years later changes in politics deprived him of this position. He was the acknowledged leader of the Liberals who were the Opposition party until 1896, when after eighteen years of waiting, the reins of government again came into their hands and in the first flush of triumph they made him Premier. His statesmanship has been broad, liberal, far-sighted; his patriotism and his love of liberty are manifest in every act and word. He loves and cherishes the British Empire, and glories in the part that Canada takes in it; but as a Power of great possibility, sharing with the United States the golden future of the American continent, he demands of England and the world the recognition of Canada, not as a babe in the swaddling clothes of a colony, but as a full grown nation of virility and assured triumph. Tall, erect, with a handsome presence, clean-shaven face, clear, penetrat- ing blue eyes, a firm mouth, broad shonldere, a brow masterful and dignified, a voice soft, sonorous and evor with the suggestion of unexpended reserve, a smile gentle and soothing as a benediction, with a courtesy and kindness that surround him as an aura—this is Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada's greatest Orator and statesman. Nelaton according to Aot of oto partio,nentof (Inman. to the year 7904, by w, 0. Mack, at the Department of .agriculture, what oame O't," by Mre, J.E. Coombes ; address, by J. MoAllister ; solo by G. Eakmier. Mr, Combo, in a few well ohosen remarks thanked the guests for their presence and their valued tokens of remembranoe. The evening'a amusement was brought to a close by the guests eioging the old familiar eeleotions, "Far He's a Jolly Good Fallow," "Auld Lang Syne," and the National Anthem. Mr. and Mrs, Coombes are tohes b a it rt congratulated and merry wiehea are ex. premed that they may be spared to celebrate their diamond jabilee. They both enjoy good health and are moat highly and justly esteemed and respected by all who enjoy their aaquainbanoe. Tait PosT adds its oongratnletione. 1BZArrste. The residenoe of Edward Brewer, 4th line, ie being veneered with oement which will improve both the appearanoe and (comfort. We congratulate Mise Rose Clark, 8313 tine, in euooeeofuliy paeeing the Inter. mediate piano examination. She oerbain• ly deserves credit .and has a bright musical future. George Caldbick, wife and family, are here from Toronto for holiday with relatives and friende in Morris and local- ity. Mr. Oaldbiok bee been a member of the police force in the Queen city. Mies M, Heys, of Toronto, noc0mpanied by Mine McDougall, were epending a holiday at the tormer's home, on the 4th line. They oame up oe the Haran Old Boys' Exoureion. Mies Kaye will remain for s while. R, B. Laidlaw, wife and obildren, of Saoramento, California, are visiting this week at Geo. Jaokeon'a, 8th line. It is 14 years sloe Mr, Laidlaw wane to re• eide in Saoratneebo and ire sorsa many ohangee in old Huron oounty in (bat time. They intend taking a short run to visit Meads at Fort William, Strath. olair and Medioine Hat, Manitoba, before returning to their home. Mama Restromensn,—Before sobool Mood in S. 8. No. 4, a program wag given by the sobolare on Friday alter - noon, John Mooney, Secretary, occupy. ing the obair. Refreshments were carved and a very pleasant tiro enjoyed. Mise Matte Downing, who hag enooeesfully taught the school for the past year and a half, is longing to take a onto nt the Normal Sohool, 50 advantage Was taken of the gathering and an addreee was teed by Jennie Robb while Katie Manning and Annie Dark preeenbed the teaoher with a gold ring, set with pearls and rabies, and a gold crescent pin set with pule. The addreee Woe as follows :— DEAR Mise Doratset After a year and a half so pleasantly and profitably spout with you as teacher in our oho,. it is little wander that we regret exceedingly your removal to another ephere of tabor, You have made. many friende by your untiring care in doing your work and being ever ready to help in anything that concerned ea. Ws are afraid ab times we brongbt you sorrow, through or waywardness and inattention, bet we always felt that you were ever ready to condone onr fault°, and give as another chance to do better. As a memento of your faithful services, e w resent tot 7n yon 415 r and m P ti pia, which we bops you may longlive to wear. We wish yon every success in your Normal coarse, and that wherever your lot may be oaet in the future, that pleaeanb memorise may around you oling of your effeobionate pupile in S. 8, No. 4, Morris. Signed on behalf of the sabool ANNIE DARR, RATIN MANNING, GRAMS Rome The reeipieub thanked the donors in brief, expressive eentenoee, Mise Isabel MoNabb, of Brnseele, will eneaeed Mies Downing as teaobor. We wieb great enema to both ladies. Bad bay weather. Fall wheat will be a good Drop in Grey. Coattail meeting will be held at Ethel next Monday. Joeepb Oster hag Mink hauled to on. ser his reeldeuoe, 9th con. Mice Ieabelia Hislop, of Toronto, came np on the Huron Old Boys' excursion lash Friday. Wes. and Mies Bertha Armstrong were visitor, with Auburn friends for a few Jaye, Daniel end Jno. Glassier, lltb non., are improving their residenoes with oement veneer. 9. doe wire fence hag been built along the front of Jno. Oreree's farm, 9th son„ mach improving the property, Sohool house in S. S. No, 8 Tooke quite gay in ibe newiSnmmer suit of dark green paint with white tk'imminge, Fred, Mo. Ceaohen had the oontraot, Mise Georgina Smith, of Toronto, was a visitor With ber brother on the 16th con, She oame up on the Heron Old Bays' Excateion on Saturday, The Hislop dredge is itt worts on the farm of D. Marsh, lot 7, oou. '7, They had hard digging but are aG an cagier 130eitibn now. There are five hands en. gaged, Mies Belle MoSibben, of Toronto, spent a few days at the home of her els. ter, Mre, Wm, Armstrong, Otto oon. She holds a good position in the Raton °stab. liehme0t, Noticeable improvements have been meds by McKinnon Broe, at the home - steed on the etderoed by the building of a wire fenoe aoroes the farm, the grading of the roadway in the lane and patting a woven fano on elther aide end the raiment of the gate at the road, W. H. KERR, Prop. A wire fence morose the front of Win. Stevenson's farm, 5th con„ makes a dodded improvement. Klee Blanche hlo:ibbon, of Toronto, and Mies Jennie, -t Leadbary, aro visit- ing their oouein, Miss Jouni° Armstrong, of the "liaplea," Recently Wm Cole has improved his dwelling by veneering it with metallic) siding. He bought the late Jno. Kean Dey'a farm, lot 5, on. 7, We learn that W. A. Shaw, eon of Acmes Shaw, lute sold the Grand View Hotel, Brandon, to Wm. Bishop, late of Iiincardioe, Mr. Shaw does not know where he will locate but may go farther Wtat, Adam !toe and his oouein, of Pickford, Michigan, have been visiting at the format's fetber's, Grabamvitle. We are pleased to note favorab:e progress in the ease of Riob. Roe, who wits so seriously ill and hope he will soon be o. k. Thos. and Mrs, ,Edgar, rhe former once a aheesemuker at Brnssets factory, were calling on old friends in Grey, Morris end Braerele. They intend removing to the West where they pturpmse making their home. Mr. Edger will likely as. 5nme a position with the Ogilvie firm, F. and Mrs. Begg and ehi:dren, of Toronto, were visitors at Jno. Bishop's for few days. They name np on 'the Huron 01d Boys' Exoureion. Jno, Hol. man, wife and family, of Waltaoe, were also at Mr. Blebop's for Sunday. The 'baiting ladies are Mr. Bishop's daughters, Robert and Mrs. Davidson, of Toronto, are enjoying a hoildey with relatives and friends here. Mr. Davidson is a brotber to Thos. Davidson, lith oon., and the Mesdames Davidson are sisters, The visiiore are accompanied by their grand- son Robert, er lad of 19 years, who will no doubt put in a good time. A oement kitoben and woodshed have been built at J. 13. Baker's, 9th eon. Wm. Whitfield, 12th on., bas had a strew shed built of oement, and Luke Swain, 14th con., bae added to the con- venienoe of hie outbuildings by a oement driving hoose, 28x58 feet, with 10 foot wall. Lot'enzo Frain was in charge of the stuff and hustled the work along in goad style. The contracts wore taken by P. 3. McDonald. Fant Dines.—Last Saturday Bobnrt Coutts, lot 30, con. 11, sold his farm to Jno. Clark, of MoRillop, formerly of Grey, baking Mr. Olark'o 50 acres ae part pay, Possesssion.will be given on March 1st. Mr, Coutts has been a resident of that notion for many years and all the neighbors will be ivory to see him and hie family remove. He bas bought the 100 acre farm of Jae. H. Brown, whiah ad- joins the 50 he gets from Mr. Clark, so will have a fine brook of land in Moltillop. Mr. Brown gets 36,000 and wit" give the purchaser poaeession on March 1st, 1206. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.— Thursday afternoon, June 29th, the papile of Turn - bull's school house presented their teach- er, Mies Mabel Zimmer, of Brnseele, with a fine gold looket with rhinestones and a gold nook chain. The following addreee was read by Iva Harris after which May Oliver made abepreeentation Miss Masi Zimmer : DEAR TEACHER,—Ws the pupils of S. S. No. 2, Grey, desire to express our sorrow that the relation existing be- tween ae as teaoher and pupils must be severed. We have not only fatted you a diligeub and faibbfal teacher but also a tree friend, As a token of our high esteem for you we deeire you to exempt this gold lookeb and chain and we trust it may be a reminder of many pleasant days spent together, We will always hold you in kind remsmbranos and einoerely hope that all your efforts will‘be crowned with amuse and happiness. Signed in behalf of the pnpile Iva L. HARRIS MAY OLIVER. Miss Zimmer made a brief but appropri. ate reply and more than one eye was dim with tears. A short program was render. ed by the papile. Miss Zimmer taught hj years in the school and resigned to attend the Normal. She leaves many friende in the nation who wish her 000- aese, Anuses AND PREesNTATION.—On Fri- day afternoon, 80th alt, the pupils of S. S. No. 10, (Wbitfield's school) gave a literary and masked program which was mob enjoyed by all preeent. At the close of this they presented their teacher, Sam. B. Lamont, who bas completed hie term of teaching in the school, with a beautiful gold ring as a token of the ap- preciation of the seevioes rendered by him during the past 2i. years. Florence Whitfield reed the following address while Hartwell Speiran made the proem nation Me. Lamont : Dna TeAcon'r,—As the time has now Dome that we must over our oonneotioa as teacher and pupils, we desire to take this opportunity at expreaaing oar sin. meet thanks to yon for your many dots of kindness to us dnring the time you have labored among 05. Your ever ready eympathy and enaction for us have endeared you to all and as at slight token of our gratitude and love for you, we ask you to accept this ring. We einoerely trust that the bond of love now existing between ns may long continue and that boppinees may long be yours. We wish you mutt happiness and every suooese. Signed in behalf of the donors, GRACE Searnnta, Mans DENMAN, FLORENCE WAITITELD, EVA RATHWELL. The recipient heartily thanked the pupile and their parents for their kind- ness to bim, and expressed ilia beet wishes for their future happiness and suooeee, Daring the past few years the pupile halve made excellent programa in their work, The many friende of Mr. Lamont in 5.13. No. 10, hope that he will always be as anooensfnl and perform hie dutiee as faithfully, wherever his lot may be met, c)0 he bat done in their section. Last week W. H, Carr took Rev. tar. MsLeen'e Work in the Baptiet Otnroh, Wingham, Next. Sunday Rev. T, W. Cotone and Rev, A. 0. Tiffin, 01 Trowbridge, Will exchange pulpits, Brussels Council. A meeting of BinsosteConnell wag held on Monday evening, the Reeve and Oaoiroillore Thomson, Stewart and Jolles present. Minutes of last regular and special meatiugs were read and passed. The following aeooants were read :•– MsLeunan t4 Broud(oot, meals for Listowel firemen It 7 50 J. T. Ross, attending weigh scales from Jan. let bo July let, 190512 00 R. Henderson, vial tor Hall 28 26 R, Oliver, repairing Beales Jco, Jindd, cutting grass Jno. Long. epeeist. ounetabie Tbuelt Bros„ electric) light 2410 1 25 1 00 01 25 A. MaLauoblin, salary 211 00 F. S. Scott, on eatery as Clerk50 00 Moved by R. nommen, seconded by 3. G. Jonee that the above accounts be paid, ON cried. Weighmaoter MoLeuohlin reputed receipts from soalse for month of Julie $:11 10: Moved by Jag, Jones, seconded by R. Thomson that F, 8. Scott be app doted to attend the Court in cleating with the equalization of the County if necessary. Carried. An invitation was received by the Couetoil trom Winnipeg Mayor and Coannil to attend Convention of the anion of Canadian Munioipalibios on. July 25th. Moved by J. Jones, seconded by W. F. Stewart that theClerk tend a oard of thanks to the G. T. R. for tbeir kindness iu sending the epeotal train to Brussels with the Listowel firs engine and mem• berg of the Brigade on the day of our fire free of charge. Carried. A letter was read from Barrister Proudfoot doolining to aooept the amount of money 8177.30 to settle his bill against the corporation. He asked about $85 more end stated if this amount was not paid forthwith be would issue RD execution. The total amount of the account as con. sideral by the Couoofl fs 3080 50. Moved by W. F, Stewart, seconded by R, Thomeou that the eum of $680 80 be paid to Mr. Proadfoot in full of his account and thatjbhel$500 in Court to our credit be drawn. Curried. Councillor Thomson introdaoed the question of the proposed erection of a cold etoragestore house to a000modete 15 ogre asking exemption from taxation for 10 years but would pay Butanes': Tax and allow other parties the nee of the storage. The question was left over for the aooeideration of the Council and for faller development of Mr. Thomeon's plans bat should be favorably cousidered by that body and the people generally. Council then adjourned. CHURCH Ci1IMb*. There will be no eervioe in the Catholic aharob, Breesels, next Sunday. Extra eervioe° were held in June. In the Methodistohuroh last Sabbath morning, the pastor took for his text, I These„ 5:8, "In everything give tbanka." His evening theme was "The Reobabites." Last Sabbath Milton Sharpe, of To'edo, Ohio, and Miss Dundee, of Ingersoll, sang floe solos se the morning and evening eervioe° be the Methodist church in this place. Next Sabbath the pulpit of Melville Church will he 000npied by Rev. A. MaoNab, M. A., in the morning, and by Rev. D, B. MaoRae in the evening. F. A, Robinson, el. A„ a senior theological student of Knox College, will take the services in Melville Oharoh daring the pastor's vaoation, beginning on July 28rd. Mr, Robinson has the reputation of being a good preacher. REV. W.T.ILL OLDEN W as RECTOR or Se, JAMES' 0111711011, STRATFORD. — The Stratlord Becton of last Sabarday says of a former well known Brasselite :—"On Tuesday last information teaohed the Boon, in advanoe of any other journal, of the fact that the Bishop of Huron bad offered the rectorship of St. Jones' oharah, Stratford, to Rev. W. T. Oluff, of St. John's church, Sbrathroy, and Chet Mr. Olen had the matter of acceptance under consideration. We are in a poe- inion this afternoon to state that Mr. Oluif bas signified to the Bishop hie aeoeptanoe of the appointment. Bat before that decision was reeohed Mr. Olnli considered it advleable to bold a conference with members of the oougre. Ration, and for this parpoae he came to Stratford on Thursday afternoon, when in the evening he met the delegation appointed by the veBbry some monthe ago, and a very full statement of 1175 affairs of the parish wee given him. Be expreesed himself as much impressed with the anent of the field be was Melt- ed to occupy, the number of families Bp. preaching to 400, and living both in town and country, and was anxious 10 learn the nature of the eo.operating agenoiea as reepeote the lay organizations of the church. He also visited the ohnroh and sehool house. After the conference be met Biebop,Williame who was return• ing to London from Millbank and tiny left together on the train. Rev, Mr, Oluff spent hie earlier years in school teaching. Later, deoiding to enter ot, r. ica1 work, be went to Enron College, where be received his theological training and was ordained by the late Blef,op Baldwin. He then lived for .a time in Heron county and held a olerioal charge at Brussels. He also labored in Mirh- igan for a time, under lionise from the Bisbop of that fli0oeso, but beinglt thor- oughly loyal Oenadian, he desired to return to the Huron diocese, and, 00n: segeenbly, received appointment to it charge at Thorndale, near Loudo ., About eight years ago the reotorebip et Strathroy became vacant. Mr, Wo:ti removed bo that charge which he hes ethos filled with the nbmost aatielaotion to the people of the petioli. Mr. Olen Is a man of fine appearance and ant 45 yore of age." Rev, Mr, Oluff was 11 a 5000005101 incumbent of St, joint' n (hutch, Brnosele, for a number of yours, Mrs, Clan isa daughter of J, 1), and Mo. Ronald, The Stratford people .have made no mistake in muting Rev. anti hits, Oluff,