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The Brussels Post, 1905-6-29, Page 8
Witchit^4•°Q .oa One of the best Toilet Soaps on the market for the price. Very cleansing and refresh- ing. Is a French Medicated Toilet Soap, very healing to the skin, alld perfumed with pure odors of Flowers, PRICE, l0c. A CAKE BOX OF THREE, 25c. Our stock also includes all the reliable makes of Toilet Soaps. We sell a 2 ib. Bar Shell Brand Castile Soap for 25c. i E, ,: t .. r,+ H, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, 0 , GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & R. Trains leave Brnesets Station, North and South, me follows: GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH, Mail 7:05 a.m I Mixed 8140 a,m Mixed.........21:26 a,m Mai] .•..... 1:88 p.m Express 8:02 p.m I Express ...... 8:61 p,m I,c.rl1 Baas pins. A °hiel's among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent if. Home grown strawberries are on sale. G. A. BEST Bent a oar of hogs to Palm. erste°. Tia prospects of a good apple trop are favorable. A OA1 of lumber was Bent to Winghem by Jno. McDonald, of Walton. Hume Old Boys excursion from Tor. onto on Saturday by special train. A PEW from Beatitude enjoyed the Jamestown Sunday Sohool pio-uio last Saturday afternoon. W. A. GaEwan's grocery and restaurant has been improved by the painter's brush and new paper. BRUSSELS Band will supply the remittal program at the celebration at Wroxeter on Saturday, Dominion Day. INePEoxoR RoBB ie having his stable eheeted outside with lumber. It was plaetered before but was not Standing the weather. THE gram and weeds alongside the eidewalke have been out away on a good mauyebreete to their improvement in appearance. SEVERAL applioabione have been received by the Seoretary of Brussels School for the position made vacant by ,Miss Ethel Soott's resignation. S&EMBODY wanting to get even with a town bricklayer wrapped the skin taken from Limburger oheeee around the handle of hia mortar board. It was a rank revenge to take on anybody. A STRAWBERRY Festival will be held in the soboel room of St. John's ohuroh Brumaire, ander the auspices of the W. A. M. A.. ou Thursday evening of next weak, July 6th. A program will be rendered. APPOINTMMENTS. —The Provincial Gov- ernment has appointed J. W, Duncan, of Brneaele, Clark of the 41h Division Court. rendered vacant by the removal of A. (Insley from town. H. R. Brewer, will Bummed F. S, Scott as Bailiff of the acme Court. A ELECTION of barn on the farm of John Grainger, West of Bruseele, has been raised and 50 feet of cement stabling is being put Ander it. It will makegatte an improvement. Mr. Grainger isdetermin- ed to have everything about his premises up to date, Goon FOR THE GRAND TRUNE•—Tbe day of the fire in Bruseele a special traio was tan from Palmerston to bring the Listo- wel Fire Engine to our help and another train ran from Wingham, The G. T. R. very generously declined to make any charge whioh compliment ie very highly appreciated by our townspeople. I. 0. F.—A. rally of Independent Fugestere will be held fa the Towu Hall, Braseele,on Tuesday evening next at 8 o'alook. Vocal and iasirnmental music will be provided. The band will also play. Addressee are expected from leading members of the Order and a Ilublia installation of the officers of Brueeela Court will take place. No admission fee. Two oariolee of comely matrons and fun loving maidens belonging to Listowel drove to Bruseele last Saturday and en. joyed a pia•nio at the hospitable home of J. Leckie. Tennia, aquatic eporte, &o. were on the program and if any of the gueste did not enjoy themsefvea it was not Mrs. Leekie'e fault, Ae Mr. Leckie is away in the West the visitors express. ed their regrets at hie stemma and Bent him their oomplimente with the aseor- euos that "Kelvin Grove" was es popular as aver. 12TH AT KINCARDINE, — Kincardine Orangemen have aeoared R. R, Gamey, M. P. P., to speak there on the 121h of July. With him will appear Alexander Muir, the author of "The Maple Leaf," beoidee local clergymen and politioiane. The mitten show that there is to be an exhibition by Rinoardine'e Life Saving Grew, a lacrosse meta between Kinoar. dine and Diatoms', a baseball matoll be- tween Kincardine and Lnoknow, °losing with a =Word entertainment in the even- ing and a epeaos by Mr. Gamey. TRE Momentary Times in referring to Bank meatiage speaks of the Standard Bank when annual statement appears d in this inane of TRE Pose, ae folldwe :— t The profile of the Standard Beek for tbe year were so satisfactory *hat again a b dividend of 10 per gout. was deolared. a The balance, after providing for this and b reaming the bank premises end furnitdre t a000unte, Mande at $89,600, whiab bee o been carried forward to Profit and Lose Aooennb, This now stands at $62,114 d The bank's total aeeete amount to 516,. 662.80r, An agency wag eetabliehed a a short while ago in Blenheim, The 0 highly reepeobed Standard Bank is evit d dently well to the fete in fhb develop d meat of burliness. 1 HANG out your fiege ma Saturday. R. THOMeoN forwarded a oar of eggs to VanOonver. Semmes is Dominion Day and a etatutory holiday. W. W. Hume shipped a oar of cream ery butter to Montreal and a oar of ohaeee tq Stratford. Editor Andereoa, of the Atwood Bee, took in the Dundee -Weenie Foot Ball game on Wednesday. A NEw pneamatio tired boggy has been purchased by Wen. Duncan from D. Ewan & Co. this week. Tor residence of Geo. A. Lowry, Prin. ease street, looks muob improved by the result of a new suit of white paint. SINGLE fare On the railway for Do. minion Day. Good going on Friday and returning on Tuesday of uext week. 5558511, Odd Felfowe drove over to Wingham last Sunday and joined with their triple linked brethren in grave deo. oration. A OAR of hogs to Colliagwood and a oar of cattle to Montreal were among the live stook shipments made by A. 0. Dames this week, A. Taoalrsoer, of Lnoknow, has been appointed motion boss of the G. T. R. at Brussels, He will probably move hie family to town. J. G. Same, who takes no second pleoe in the cultivation of flowers and garden ease," has one rose bush with 40 bode upon it. DR, Ovexe, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear and Nose, fife giaeees properly. Next vieit, Smitb'e Drag Store, Brussels, Tuesday, June 27th, WESTERN STAR ODD FELLOWS moved to their new Hall in Tat Pose block thie week. They will have roomy and nicely fitted up rooms, IN inward freight Ibis week there was a oar of Manitoba wheat and a oar of coal for Stewart & Lowick ; 8 care of coal for R Haldeman ; and a oar of gement for A. M. MoKay & 00. ALP. BAPRza has been doing a rushing busineeo in the shipment of baled bay to the Old Country, 10 ears have bean Bent during the past week. Glaegow, Soot. land le the plane to whioh it le ooneigned. WALTER LOWRY will put up an addition to hie reeidenoe, Prinoeee Street, inoor posting 8 flambee- of modern improve. manta. A new cement walk has been put dawn from the aidewalk to the front door. BLooD Porsui oxo,—Everett, Soo of Wm. Hetet, of Kincardine, ie seriously ill with blood poisoning whioh oommenoed in his leg from a wound from a, fog signal he was discharging, Mrs. David Heist went to Kincardine bo aseiet in waiting on the lad. He le her grandson. J. L. Riohmoad, the Dietriet Manager of tbe Bell Telephone Co. of London, was bare during the past week in the in. terelt of the Go. A number of new 'phones will be added to the looal oiranit. The oonneotion with Walton will be free to all eobeoribere and the expectation is that a line may be oonetraoted to Oran. brook. Three, Newsome and Roes Stebbe arrived borne from the West last week after an absence of two menthe. They report grand progress in the oitiee and towns with floe proepe]te for an abund. ant harvest. As tbere was abundance of work awaiting them bore they deoided to oome home although they could find plenty of employment in the West. Free ALARM,—About 10 80 o'clock Sunday night the fire alarm was rung, fire having been discovered in the wood- shed in the rear of the Ballantyne grocery. It was making its way in a pile of sugar sacks and was put out with out the aid of the engine. There seems a little myetery as bo ite origin but it was certainly a good job it was nipped in the bud ae there was a strong breeze blowing that might bave made a blaze dangerous. THE Toronto Globe of last Friday treys; —The Standard Bank of Canada, the annual meeting of watch was held yesterday afternoon, has had a very eatie• factory year's badness. The annual report ebowe that after providing for the usual dividend of 10 per cent, (6100,000), reduoing back premiere and omoe eaters and furniture a000unte $17,894,72, the balance, $89,600.87, hoe been oarried for, ward to profit and loos account, wbiob amount now amounte to 562,114.88. The profits for the year, after deduoting expeneee,intere4 aoorued on deposits, and making provision for bad and doubt. ful debte, amounted to $166,906, The depoeite of the bank now etaud at 512. 691,409. An agenoy of the bank has been opened at Blenheim. FINE TOTING WOMAN PASSES AWAY,— It is with no small regret that we record the demise of a bright, happy and most high - y esteemed yoaog lady in the pereon of Mabel 'T., eldest datigbter of Wm. and Mre. Earthy. of Seaforth, one time real. ants of Brunetti, Rise Hoary wag saobleg in Hamm Go•, near Harrow, when she took ill with tonsilitis. Finding ereelfgrowing worse instead of better, he' came home and despite all that could s done ebe pegged away lest Friday to he land where elaknesb and death never oma, at the early age of 20 years and 9 Months. The funeral tolls pleat on Sun. ay afternoon to Maitlaadbank cemetery, Mr, and tlre. Haney and family will here largely in the sympathy of the OmmOnity in the death of their amiable aaghber, Will and Mies Pearl Leather. ale and Mise Thurso Gerry attended the unnral from Brneaele, Standard Bank of Canada LLE Rmm eeensamC-lx-mala 1G'72 6UR1'LU8, QA, BEillEGV I FUND 81,000.000 CAPITA 1,—fold tip TOTAL A68ET8 OVER 16,010,000 RIISb18VIu N'UNI) ETHOPULFrANK X1,000,000 sf.,000,000 Geller/al 13ah]zing let reilleeka , 00rSt 5640 eted —" SAVINGS — DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on whioh INTEREST 18 ALLOWED FROM Dal le 01? DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANE RATE. ACORUED INTEREST ie added to maturate every Six moitths and becomes principal, — MARRIED WOMEN mud MIN01RS may matte and withdraw Deposita without the intervention of any person, LOANS RADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, SALE NOTES OASHCD, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for which no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive our careful and °uurteoue attention, A. 0. MACFARLANE, Armee. 3 outs of hay were slipped by Mr. Cadmore from Bruseele this week for New Loudon, England. Bioeszee Baud has an engagement for every day next week exoepbing Saturday. They pat op a lies prrgram. INVITATIONS are out for the marriage of W. E. Duncan and Mice Laura E. Nioholls, both of town, on Wednesday of nest week. A note from Mrs, J. J. Gilpin Saye aha is having a most enjoyable time at the home of her eon, Dr. Fred. Gilpin, of Michigan City, Ind, The any has many pointe of veinal delight, eepeoially iu the Summer. Tao Posi welcomes the family of Jno. Cardiff to Brussels as reeitieuts, They have moved to the home on Prinoeee street porabaeed from Harold Oreigbton, where we tract they may euj•.y many happy years. DR, AND Nle. GRAHAM baVe ioveated in a flue pianols which preemie, in oboiae form, the beet mueiool aompoeitione of the day to their satisfaction and that of other musks loving friends who enjoy the hospitality of their home. ENTRANCE 5rAMINATION.—There are 87 oaudidatee writing on the Eutranoe Examination at Brussels. 68 wrote here teat year. So far the aapere have been very reasonable. The names Of the euooeesfol candidates will be published about July 21st. The presiding exam. inere here are Miee Jean Ritohie and Inepeotor Robb. The High School Exarnloatiou begins to -marrow (Friday) and oontinnee to July 10th. Inepeotor Robb will preside. HYMENEAL—Wedneeday of last week. Wm. MoOall. son of George McCall, 8th line, Morrie, was united in marriage to Mies Letitia, eldest daughter of Jobn Mo- Artbur, of Brussels. The ceremony was performed at the manse, Seaforbh, by Rev, Mr, Larkin. The happy ooupte went on a wedding trip to Toronto and other pointe and will oommenoe married life on the MoArthur home farm, par. chased by Mr. MoOall, The many friends of Mr. end Mre. MoOall wieb them many joys in their new relation in which THE POST heartily joins, BEE Norm—The past Winter wail rather favorable for the bees but April was too told and windy. They inoreased rapidly, however, in May and are in good 'shape generally for the white clover which is very plentifnl Ibis season, Very little honey has been gathered yet, as it has been too void for the secreting of nectar, With favorable weather there should be a good yield of hooey, On a soot day there is a oonenming of stores already gathered and meano when plover bloeaom is plentiful the Mee of a ton of honey to one who may have 500 ooloniee of bees. DIED IN MExtoo.—On Jane 5th Jno• W, Burgess, eldest son of the late Samuel Bargees and brotber to James Bargees, of Brawls, passed away from earth, aged 36 years. He died et Santa Rom, New Mexico, where he had been living for the past 4 years, from a stomach tronble that defied medical eoienoe. He leave a wife (who was Mies Myra Holland, formerly of Bruseele) and two children to mourn hie demise. The subject of this notioe was engaged in the railway service and was an induebrione straightforward man wboee early demiea will be regretted by old friends here, MILLINRRr BUSINESS SOLD.—Ib Will be a matter of some surprise to the public to learn that Mimes Roebe & Hayorofb, who have been engaged for 87 years in the millinery busiueee in Brunetti, have sold out to Mrs. T. @MoKinlay, of Ridgebown, who takes poeseseion at onoe. Mise Beebe will leave shortly for Winnipeg where her miming reside and Mies Hay - croft may also go West. While sorry to lose two estimable young ladies from town we wish them gnomes end weloome Mrs. MoKinlay and Miee MoXinlay to Brussels. The latter bas had a wide experience in connection with Detroit Millinery honsee. FROM. TOD INLET, B. C,—THE POET re• oeived a letter from 11 G. Velment, now of Tod Inlet, B. 0., formerly of Brainier, who Saye in part i—Enoloeed find 51.00 to pay for THE POST for 1905. It Comae like a weekly letter to ne. Have been in Vauooaver for a year and like the climate which ie very different from Ontario, a person maid put in their Spring trop here and then go to Ontario and attend to the ending therm, stop and barveet the orop and then some bete and do the game, NO potato bugs hare. Straw. bargee nave been offered here for over a month and they last until December, Leet Christmas ripe strawberries could be picked in the open field. We never have a thunder storm, nor changeable weather and very little differenoe between Summer and Winter. Data Winter was the coldest they said for Sums years but there wars no sleighing and ice that would Carry anyone only lasted 8 days. The Sommers are go 000l one wears the same weight of clothing ills year round. This le the place for tents as you oan live in them the whole year. No flies in Summer to bother with. While the climate and plum is all right it would be math better if the Chinese were all in China, as they get a large ebareof their suppllee from China. I Came here Jab. let, 1904, Staked out for Dement worke and ripen 100 Chimes were set at digging, betiding Waite and other work. Only shoat 80 or 60 white men are employed, j The Yellow Ja01i6 work °heap bat White labor comae hieber, viz 52.50 per day for S taborets ; 58 60 for carpenters; and 54 to 66 ler maobiniete, !this country is net steady in the work Ila. 1 ern ehlef engineer. May Write again, Card of Tlian�s The undersigned, who hevrdie- poeed of their Millinery RRi,:inees to Mrs, McKinlay, of Ridgetown, desire to thank the pubic for their generous patronage of the past 8 years and ask 8 800110- uanoe of the same to their auo• oesser. All poreona indebt, 5 to ue are asked to salt Al.' ONCE at the shop and settle ae we will be removing from town. R ©©.+ Cf�yH�-ter, /E & H AY O R O -8.,• T W. buxom has engaged the eervioee of S. Dannelly, as aseietatet in hie tunsorial parlor. Wee. Armotrong is tff for a holt. day this week. A SAMPLE of Red Olaweou wheat from the wheat -field of Jas. Shaw meaenre5 no lees than 6 het, 2 inches. He will have a flue or, p. LIBTOWEL limier Foot ball team beat Preston 1 to 0 in the junior ohampion• ship finale at Lietmvel on Wednesday evening. Duna. McLauoblin, Cbeeley, was referee. The retard marob to deoide the cup holding will oome off at Preston ou Saturday. Ae the Council Meeting Monday even- ing no partioul'ar advaooemeut was made In dealing with the costs of the Sewer snit. The solioibor declined to reduce hie bill. It ie probable it may be placed before the taxing masher. Tun Kincardine Reporter bas beep Bold to J. J. Hunter, of •Toronto, who takes pO555$5ion next week. Editor Gadd will devote his time to farming at Kin. oardine, We wish bim a good time and hope he will get a top price for hie eggs and better. Gonad To PETEunonouoH 0o,—The Even. ing Journal of St. Tbomae of June 16th, Gays of a gentleman well known to a number r:1 our readers •Riohard Lees, for the pee: 1.2 years eoienoe master at the ae.ieseete institute, has exempted the poeibion of beepertor of public schools for the County of Peterborough and will shortly Bend in hie resignation to the board of eduoation. Mr.Leee and (amity will leave for Peterbaro some 1 me to wards the end of July nod he will enter upon hie new duties after the Summer holidays. White pleased of Mn. Lee's advancement, hie hundreds of friends will greatly regret his leaving the oily. A man of high probriby and kindly courteous disposition, be is respected by all who knew him. He will be eepeoially mieeed in Knox church oirole, be being a member and taking a promfuent part its the work of the obnrob. Mr. Lees repro• aente the board of eduoation on the pablio library board and is secretary, Wei. Rum PASSES AWAY.—The Marlette 1 (Mioh,)Leader, of June 28rd, gives the following obituary notice of the late Wm, Hetet, brother to David Haig, of Brute lel :— e . Died at the home of John and Mre. Beroame, in Clifford, Monday, at high 12, Will. Heist, after a lingering ill. neer from oonaumptiou of the kidneys. Mr, Haiet was au oId residenb of Mar. Tette, leaving hers three years ego to remove to California on amount of asthmatic) trouble°. Hie being brought home a few week, ago is an incident well kuown to hie many friends in sod around Marlette, who have been constant vieitore at his tisk bed. He Wet born in Oanada 53 yeara ago ou April 30th, where he lived until 1878 when he o,nee to Croswell, this county. Be lived there about a year during which time he was married 10 Miss Esther Stouffer and soon afterwards came to Marlette to make s home. Hs followed several lines of buainees while here, barbering, feruiture and andertak. Ing, the latter business he gold when the move to California became memory. Ha aondtloted 1,675 funerals daring his career as an undertaker, Since going to that State be has worked at oarpebber work and was just getting settled on a small farm when the fatal disease over. took bim. For twenty weeka he wag con - lima to hie bed in the Western home and knowingthat death was near he express ed a wish to be brought beak to hie Mirth gan friends before the final summons, Mr. Hain was a geod man, one of whom all have a good word. He was alwaye jolly, bad a pleasant greeting for every- body and even Om eaffering on hie deathbed would amok a joke and give a smile to hie vieibete. Though a reeident of chit town for 24 yeltre we have -yet to bear of anyone who was an matey, all bearing toward him the beet of feeling. Ile was a member ol'the M. E. thumb, taking a letter from the satiety here and oining the tburob at Line Angeles, Re was a menlisar of the A. F,,& A, M., 0. E. ,, Maooabees, and Foresters, the first tnactiontd Society having charge of the lntieral yesbeeday ofterna in feat the M. 10. oharob lin this village, Rev, Jelin Tree Webbing the Menton and IL eve, REV. R, H, WARDEN, D. D„ Preeldaut. Tries, BRADSTIAW, 1r 0.0, nig 001000 AIR w, ti0Ba'Itnbf OL4811 18 0. 3011N PI00Tlpitoh.E ttlreaturs 8, 3, M001110, Vlea-Presldent, D, 10, '10Otr5ON, it. 0, HEAD OFF/OE • roRoly-O W.1), 11088 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Dratte Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Disoonntod. Internet at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all earns of 51 and upwards A. D. MELLISH, Manager, Coffin and Megaw aesieting in the aervioe. The remains were taken to the Marlette came erY, followed by a large prommion of sorrowing friends and brethren. A widow and two boys survive bim and they have the heartfelt sympathy of all. They have loot a good buaband and father. Mrs. Heist and the boys will return to their California home this Fall. Business Locals. ADMIT two thousand pressed red briok for sale. I. C. Rloneune• Conlin pups for sale from good working stook, Lot 22, Con. 13, Gray. JAS. D. McNutt, Oranbroolt. To meohanioe and wood workers, I oan file and improve on any Sawa- Our filing saves time, money and worry. T. MaGREGo%, M1i1 et., Brussel°, QUANTITY of gas pipe for sale at a bar- gain. Sized inob and inch and a quarter. F. ADAMS, Brueeela, oomeateARDe house and lot, with stable, pump &o., oouveniently located on Queen street for Bale. Apply to THE POST. CotfponTAnLE and convenient dwelling rooms above store to let, both bard and soft water. Rent 54 per month. I. 0. RICHARDS. MONEY WANTED,—Have yon from 6100 to 61,000 to loan or invent on good secar. ity 7 Yon oan make from 6 to 10 per Dent. Addrees- 490 B, Oare of BRUSSELS PoeT. SLAUGHTER SALE OPDREes GOODS.—Dur- ing July and Anguet we will clear our entire etoek of Dress Goode. This ease includes all our high olaee Summer Shirt Waist Snitinge. 50o lines for 25e, eta. G. E. Mee, Wingham. Lopez ANTHRACITE OoAL,—R, Hender- son, coal dealer, will have a quantity of the Lopez Anthracite coal here about July ler, which will be sold at 55.76 per ton at the G. T. B., or 56.00 delivered. It °ores from Pennsylvania, Aek about it. A Winnipeg man has a scheme afoot to divert the course of Red River and bring the town of St. Boaifaoeinlo the city. Somme Glaeosr—In Fordwioh on June 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Gibson, a eon. Mr-A.R.RT2EIb, OODLTIe—TUnyni,—At the residence of the bride's father, June 21st by Rev. W. J. West, M. A., Mr. Robert Counts, of Eaeb Wawanaeb, to Mise Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Turvey, of Morrie. DIOReoN—DENHOLM,—At the residence of the bride's parents, Blyth, ou June 21st, by Rev Dr. McLean, Mr. George Dickson, of MoKil)op, to lilise Lily E„ only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Denholm. MUNDELL—GILMOUR,—At the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. W. J. West, M. A., on June 21st, Mr. Jobn Mundell, of Bluevsle, to Miee Annie, third daughter of Mre. Thos. Gil. moue of Turnberry. M0OALL—MoARTHn.—Ab the manse Sea. forth, on July 21st, by Rev. F. H. Larkin, B. A., Mr. Wm. MaOall, of Morris, to y Mien Letitia, eldest daughter of Mr. Inc. McArthur, of Brneaele. BURGESS—At Santa Rose, New Mexico, on June 5th, Jno. W. Bargees. formerly of Bruseele, and brother of James Bargees, of Brussels, aged 86 years. livamns. — In Seaforbh, on June 23rd, Mabel T., mooed daughter of Mr. and etre. Wm. Unary, of Seatorth, formerly of Brunets, aged 20 yearn and 9 months. MOPPATT.—In Turnberrv, Jaue 15th, David Moffatt, egad 70 years. MoLEAN,—In Harrieton on June 28rd, Mre, Matson, mother of A. Mo. I,aan, Wtoxeter, aged 68 years, 0321 a re74a0 M 1r.6..M.Kx-'O,+t3, Pall Wheat 90 90 Barley 40 40 Peas 60 65 Oats 89 88 Butter, tube and rolls..., 15 16 Eggs per dozen 14 16 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Floor, per bbl 6 60 6 60 Hogs, Live 6 25 6 26 Wool 20 21 Salt, per bbl,, retail 1 00 70 Potatoes pet has 45 46 Appiee (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25 IRE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. CR, SALE.— ONE ROUND, ..L stave Silo, 28 feet high, 14 feet diam with rods too emu. Beaofor sellinemu.g ' beve one left. ELI SMITH, tot 4, 000, 7, Grey, Brussels P, 0. 00.2 SILVER 'WAT'CH, WALTFIAM movement open face, loet on Monday, No chane. Suitable toward will be paid for HS recovery, Finder will please leaveatTHE Isom PabligIY1ngg Gouge. 50.2 J'NO. RITCHIE, Walton 0.0, ESIRABLE :PROPERTY POR SALT.-• ¢'lie undersigned .Offers rite , dosireble proper,in Grabbm'e Survey for tittle eontalning 51 hares, with a good brick house cad frame barn Karn On it. Per futtbor p 111f ]Yfarg 66AM17nLt5OUGAitDe,Brnseelo, QTRAYED—ON THE 12TH OF La May there strayed from Lot 80, Ooa, 9, Gra a year old heifer, blue Y. Y black in alt 10 er roe giving w information that awinnd lead to her ranovery will be Suitably rewarded. 4541 J. Y.5Ag110, Benh•yu 1', 0. BRICK HOUSE KNOWN AS the Bruce property, Turnberry ett'oeb, Bruseele, le offered for sale, For further iuformatinu OS to .price, terms, &o„write W. R. 021058, Swan Lake, Man- itoba, • 45-4 oHOIOE FARM FOR SALE, \ J being Lot 20, OOH. 18, Grey township, Buren Oo„ 0ontatoing 100 stores, Thorn is a olearano° of 00 acres, the land being iu eplandid condition, Upon the farm to a brick house, bank barn, low baro, pig house, etc ,also good orchard, Possession elven next Spring, with privilege , of putting Fall wheat in. For further particulars apply on the promises to WK. M5NABB, Proprietor, or F. S. Soo tt, Braesele, 61-tt iSALR BY TENDER. — TEN - J DEng will be reesfved by the under- signed pp to July Set, for the pavilion of the iienfryn brick Methodist (Much and frame steed. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. For further earth). alars an to terms, etc., apply to JOSEPH W WHITFIELD, Secretary of Board, or 47.4 JN0. E. BAER, lientryn, TINE FARM FOR SALE, BE– ing Lot 12, Oon,14, Grey, containing 100 novas, Wei whioh are °leered. and bal- ance in hardwood bush. Frame house, new bank barn, orchard, dm., on premises with abundance of spring water. Place is well fen earl ; is in good condition and no waste land, 5 milts from either Brussels or Wal- ton. For further partioelars apply en the premises or if by letter to Oranbrook P,0. NEIL DUNOANSON, 60.4 Proprietor. The Potato I3ug Now cloth the smell Potato Bug Improve eaob shining minute, As atonal you start your fetor patoh You bet your boots he's in it. He starts in when the plants begin .'o peep out through the crest, And eats and eats mud eats some more, It seems as if he'd beet. When you go out to view the patch Where a iiue Drop ought to be, Some well brinimed tope and 1,000,000 buge Are all that you oan see, It shonld not be that: this le bhns, At first you should have seen That when you Zest were into town Yon gobeomo FOX'S PARIS GREEN. 25c. PER LB. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the matter of the estate of David Moffatt, late of the Township of Tnrnberry, in the 0ounty of Huron, farmer, Deceased. Notice le bareby given,uesaant to Revis- ed. 8talutee of Ontario, 1897, Chap .129,Boo. 88, that all creditors and others having any 5181505 ageinettbe estate of the said David Mei/aft, farmer, whodied on or about the 16th day of June, A. D. 1905, are re- tinired, on or before the 15th day of August, 1905, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to A. B. Macdonald, of the Village of Brnsee10, in the County 01150000, Solicitor for Joseph. Robb, of the Township of Morrie, In card County, the Adminletrator of tbe estate, their Christian and surnames, ad. dreoses and descriptions, the full partlo- ulars of tboir claims, the statement Of their accounts and the nature of the sonorities (if u.nv) held by them. And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Admints. trutor will proceed todistribute the assets of the deoeaeod amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the olefins of whioh he shall then have notice and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, to any person or parsons of when claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time afeuob distribution. Dated at Brussels this 28rd day of June, A, 1). 1005. A. B. MAODONALD, 61.8 6oliofter for Administrator. TRS STA OF CANADA. BANK . e,'UdIU'bplded:U'h,'le'tPiJyd4ltr Report of the Directors Submitted to the Shareholders at the Thirtieth Annual Meeting, Reld at the Head Office of the Bank on Wednesday, 21st June, 1905. The Directors have pleasure in presenting the statement of the affairs of the Bank for the year ending 31st May, 1905. The profits for the year have been eatiefaotnry, and after providing for the usual dividend of 10 per Dent. (5100,000), reducing Bank premises and offioe eafeo and furniture amounts, 617,894.72, the balanoe, 588,600.87, hes been carried forward to Profit and Loss doormat, wbiob amount now amounts to 562,114 83. An Agency of the Bunk has been opened at Blenheim, Ont. The Head Office and Aeonoiee have been carefully inepeated, and the Oifioere of the Bank have discharged their duties with zeal and effioieuay. All of wliioh ie respeatiully submitted, W. F. 0ow1113, Toronto, 81st May, 1905. President. DR. Profit and Loss Account DR. Balance brought forward from ' Dividend No, 68, paid let Deo„ . 8151 May, 1904 $ 20,618.00 1904 $.60000.00 Profits for the year ending 81st Dividend No. 89, payable let5June, May, 1005, .after deducting ex- 1906 60,000..60 penees, futerset accrued on de- Written off bank premiere and pOaibe. and making provlsioh for ofiloe safes and furniture am - bad and doubtful debts - 150,995 69 oount 17,054,72 Carried forward to credit of Profit! and Loss Aoconut 02,114.88 8179,609.66 5179,600,66 General Statement LIABILITIES. Notes in oireulation 5 808,080.00 Deposits bearing in- terest (including interest laooruod to date) 811,245,209.07 Doucette not bearing interest 1,017,000.04 -- 12,692,40011 Due bo Agents in Great Britain... 708,858 04 Duo to other Hanks 10 Canada... 1,407,18 Due to Asonbe In the. United States 208 082 50 Letters 01 Credit issued 100 850 07 Totalliabilitiab to Mao pnb- lio $1:4,000 68020 Capital paid up 1,000,000 00 Reserve trued 1,000,000 00 Rebate of interest on bilis die - counted 40,000 00 Dividend No. 00, payable let June, 1905 60.000 00 Balance of Profit and Lose Ao. count carried forwaed 62,114,88 $10,052,801,00 A880T8, Spsole842,857.08 Dominion notos,legal tenders.,. 970,418.00 Notes and oheiluee of other bunko 481,200,84 Deposit with Dominion Govern- ment for Iseoarity of note oir- oulatiou 80,000.00 Due from other 13 auks— Liu f/anatla 289,812,77 In United Statue 147,080,20 Dominion tall GOepb and °alertrgt-elate bonds 2,005,100,00 Loaua On mall 011 GOvermmOnt, mmltaipeel and otberairet-oloea bomle . 825,964.74 $. 0,107,748,10 1111 a dlaoounted and advances uurrt at 11,288,452,27 Acceptances re Lettere of Credit Issued, ss' cured 8111:7021080:30007:118:281007:475400:5470 511,290,00 Lettere of Orodit uut- abauding 21,11807 100,869.07 Notes andBilte overdue(eebimat ed loss provided for) 44,571,58' Bank preenia 500,040.00 Otbsr Aasota socot included under the foregoing 8,078.7? 510,002,801.08 G110. P. REID, amoral Manager. The chair was taken by the President, Mr. W. F. Cowan, cud Mr. George 1', Soholfield, General Mantuan, Dated as Seoretnry to the meeting, On motto» of Frederick Wyid, E 9., seconded by T. R. Wood, E'q., the manatee of the previooa m. sting wets takon as read. The President he” read the Report and Stateruenbn, end after making a few remarks tbsfoon, moved Seconded by the Vine•P:ooideni ; "That the Report and Sbatemonte now read, be adopted and printed lot layout 'bon among the Share. holders," °varied. Raved by 0. B. Smith, Eeq,, acid seconded by Wm, Spry, 55404 t "That the thanks of the Shareholding be given bo the President, Vise .President and the other D"ireotorefor their attention to the alleles of the Bank dating the yabsio 1 Carried. Moved by H. Langlois, Elq„ and emended by Wm. G lenney, I$oq : "That the thanks of the meeting be given to the General Manager, Assistant General Manager,, and Impactor, and the other oleate of the Back toe their eervioes.during the year," Carried. Moved by R, 0. Bfokerebaff, Esq., eeoonded by .David Smith, Deg, ; "That the ballot now open for the election of Direotore bo kept open until 2 o'clook, unities five mirages elapse without a vote being met, When it shall be Mond ; and that Masers, Niven and H, Lsogloie act aaserntineere." Carried. The eoratlneere declared the following gedtlomon unanimously elected Direotore for the meaning year, viz ; W, F. Cowan, Frederloli Wyld, W, ]i", Allen, A. 3. Som Orville, T. R. Wend, W. R Johnetos, and Wellington. Francis, At asubeeguoob meeting of the Dii'retotB W. F. Cowan Ey , Was 01.eleoted • President, and ,I redetiok W'yld, Blq Viaa•Peoaldent, q Tordntd, 21st ,Juan, 1905. 011101151,0P, l OBtorin dLD, General h'iannger, ,