HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-29, Page 5ey(//17211/1/
� R N ► T.
11 0022, Ye/mil eta) AIIIXAND]ta ST9, 'g
( 80211211112 8NH8ION during July
and Aucus4 fpr Pnhliu Hahunl 184011'',7,22
ore 0nd0thsr8, All of 0110 admitted'
80 potations, 842244010 sotht84 at
(� may time, " bis knUngl is but le
tug 02111" nr"bttnhiug up," but is con,
elantl " 2IIi'ahead. Oiroularsfroe,t
! Y g 6
J. ELLTO'1'TPrincipal,
, p
vr, And whon up send him or
110r to
/hLisrow, '
Tenn opens April 111,h, 1904
Two Courses—
0 mn rcial and Shorthand
Send for College Journal.
A.. L, 2fetNTY1tE, Manager.
Successnr 10 Dr. J. A. iticsnugliton
liniment, Ontario
Graduate of Polyellele Post Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, New York
Member of College of Pltyaioiteus and 8nr-
ge0us of Ontario.
Oiltoeand residence same as formerlyeo•
copied by Dr. MaNaughtou,
Diseases of women a specialty.
1 cont, F.H. 400T"1, Brussels,
Y 1 Ieoaer o1 2lorria40 Liceveoe, Ot.
24 00 at Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels,
DnSt810NLD hits several g00d harms f01
sale and to rant, easy terms, lu 'lelruohipt
of ,Morris and Grey. F H, 4(M,IT1:, Brussels
C. 0. F.
Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, 0.0. L`.,
Brussels, moots in their Lodge Room Sloe -
hill Block, on the 2u4 and last Tueo'iava of
eaoh month, ate o'olook. Visiting brethren
always welcome. JAS. BURGESS, U.
A.1e, MEL LISS, 1%, S.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
J..' • a1n, will Bell for better prices, to
bettor mon in lees time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East flume or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
pereoaal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the o51co of Tun P007, Brueoele, 221f
Honor tUndnaie of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of dameetleated animals i10 a compet-
ent manner. Partimdar attentionpaid to
Veterinary Deutlebry and Milk Favor. Galls
promptly attended to. Dlflae andlnnrmary
—Four doors North of bridge, Turoberry at.,
_• Barrister, Solioltor, Notary, F,to,
Smioeesor to G. F. Bhtlr. Office over Stan-
dard Bank, Brewton', Solicitor for Metro-
politan B auk.
• Barrister, Solicitor, - Ooovoyaneer,
Notary Public, &o. OfBoo—s tewart's Block
1 door Nor 411 Of Central Hotel.
Solicltor for the Standard Sank.
W. Pnobnaoo13, IG 0, 1t. 0, Gaye
G. 1t', PLA1n.
Ullloua-1'bleo forinel411 tareeolutl by Mlasers
Cameron & Bolo,
G0DIDM1011, ON t'A1t1o.
Graduate of the 1to)e1 ('olleg0 of Dental
SurgeonsofOntario a11,1 FIret•eless Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uulvoi'aity, Gilles
next to Brower's Photograph fishery,
A Famous School g
'nig Is the most sn000s=ful Coal.
1801 olal and 8h01'thnnt ltoboet to s.
Western Uutnrin. Tho o ,marts aro up•
Ea•dent end pl notiral and teaching 10 I �,
done by expotionced it etrnotote Dar. o'
Ing the past 4011001 1190021 we bawl had
mitnY Moo appltnatioua from; loading e
business bootee than we had .students
graduating. Write for tree OitElloguo.
ELLIDea..lt 112I,A0flLd1Q,
224 '�� I%tf19
Oar Entrance lienulr0mont"Determination
to Hearne d."
'1t1ie Spotton Shorthand
and Business .Aelulin1y
ouoh the students ansnow..
modnto aro enrolled for the above
Shorthand and Typewriting department
will h0 sauond to sono. Drop up o4aire,
Vanllkiok's Sleek, and see 00,
0110. HPO'PTlON MIS 8 1M10RPHY,
Priuoipul & Pron. Ludy Pklnoipal.
tr .C:t
v,W tl►k;l►ttext.
A wedding is on the Lapis,
LI. Paris ie thinking of removing from
Our Orangemen will go to ginoardine
on July 12th.
W. J. Plenty, who recently disposed
of hie printing otliue in Southampton wee
in town,
The Government Inspector wag in town
and tested 32 e.ectrio metres, He
found them oorroot,
Sunday the Independent Foresters, of
Wingllam, attended emir* in the
Motbodiet church at 11 a, m. Rev. Dr,
Gundy addreesed them.
Members of Conrt Maitland, 0an0diau
Foresters, will attend eervioe in the
Sepliet shush neX: Sabbath at 11 a. m
The pastor, Rev. J. N. MaLeau, will
While it is regretted that it hue been
found neoeasary to take Mrs. Mann to
Muskoka Sanitarium' it is satiefeotory to
know that elle will ououpy the 002 endow
ed by the generosity of our citizens, and
known as "Wiogham Got."
Mies Teutt Sprang, who has taken Mtge
Oornyn'e plaoe ae teacher in one of the
departmeut0 of our school, has accepted
the position of 0 0404/100 teacher in Olin.
ton Model School, Mies Oornyn, who
has been visiting her brother in Mexioo,
is expected to return during the ap-
proaohing vacation.
i.le4t.t'. WftI.
Raying and weed ontling have been in
progress on the town streets,
Listowel Band has been engaged for
theTemperanoe pio sic to be held on the
Moorefield oamp ground on Dominiou
Henry Neabitt, of the boundary, de.
livered 53 hogs to Henry Leslie, and
realized 3071 05 for the lot. Ths pride
wae 30 05 per 10011*.
Rev, J. H. Oliver closed his three
yearn' pastorate of the Metbodiet Ohnrob
in this town on Sundtty, he having been
appointed by Oouferenoe to the Central
tlletbodietohoroh at Sarnia.
Doo. Geo, Ford and S. J. Boyd, who
hove completed their course in medicine
at Toronto University, expect to leave
for England, where they purpose spend.
ing a year in some of the principal
Elaepitele in London.
A gypsy, a colony of whom are oamp
ing mei Ent of the race ooutee, wee
pulled on Monday of last week for furious
driving on Wallace street, also for nem
obeoeue *nonage. Magistrate Terhnne
lined him -310 and ooe4a for eaoh offence,
$27 50 in all.
0. P. R.—Mr. McIntosh and a portion
of hie surveying staff spent three or tour
days in town oompletiog the work of
locating terminals and service track. J.
W. Leonard, Manager of 000struotion,
Comedian Pacific Railway, has Submitted
a ootered treeing, showing the route by
which it is proposed to enter the town
and the laud required for right of way
and station grounds. Mr, Leonard states
in hie letter, which was direobed to F. W.
Hay, that he is prepared to reoommend
the building of the road to Listowel pro.
'aided the town will give the right of way
and station groande, also eaffiuient
ground to pat down a eervioe track
between Alma and Iukerman streets.
The route selected for entering the town
is undoubtedly the least expansive that
oonld be found, and at the same time
bring the station within three blooke of
the centre of the town. The prinoipal-
difficulty that appears to be in the way is
the amount of laud required for station
grounds and the buildings at present
iDON'T 441011.90081(1 YOUR 180NEY.
On worbbteeo Duras for oatarrh. There
ie only one remedy that's 80o0ese4111—
"Oatarrhozone"—il mires when • the
dootor soya your ease is hopelee8. No
drnge to talcs, no. atomizer to bother
with, you simply iubale the fragrant
vapor of 1hie unlalling mire and get well
quickly. Belief to instant, . cure is
gettrnnleed so you rots no Hak with
UalarthoY,00e. Don't experiment, don't
put off, get Cularrhozons from your drug
gi t today.
1.30:1144-t I1. Yea
111. l41oLeanan . and :wlfer,•of. Iuundoq
have bee a 111.8., guasl4 of Tom/raster and
Rtes, Sproat,
Evangeli,1 Coulter+, who r' aides in the
U. S., has been renewing old h'iendeltipe
in This lora i4y.
With the otl,titio,t '14 02 fewnr•w reel
denote this season Belgrave to being
um"ly improved,
The Nibhuteon barn vaieing, 4th line,
on Sotu•da: afternoon acts the magit8111
point ler 1119 p0 ((1)e Of this'ooality,
hl IT, James Stratton was hardly as
well for a pent of the poet week a• oho
had boon belt we hope the Bummer
won, her will invigorate her.
Last week Dr. Modell wae here enp
ply trig for Dr, Hamilton, who aet0 loll.
dating at Detroit. The many old Mende
of Dr, MOABh were pleated to "ec h m.
Lost Sabbettn 4V, 11. Kerr, Of T1111 Pee4d,
enpplted Itev. Mr. donee' worst on Bel.
grave *indult and next Sabbath Rev,
Hall, of Wingham, will weepy the put.
Last Sunday afternoon 11,0, Mr, Long
Ford, of Brussels, oondna;td the Barvioe
it the English church hero, Rev, lir,
Edmanda wae at Braesele. Mr Lang.
Ford's ant wa„ epproclated.
it, anti 11 re. Corley have rationed ir,m
au 8njtyable vi8t4 with Moods in Sugi
new, Bay City, Oaro rind other poiut0
iu ituol]igan. They were within a few
nlile0 of the oyolone when it passed, and
went over part of the ruins next day,
where there were some sad sights to be
seen. ,
Rev, Mr. Hartle was at Teelwater on
Monday attending the Jubilee eervioe
held in honor of It v Bfr, Wardrope
attaining Ills 50 b anniversary ae n
Presbyterian Minister, Mr, Hardie le
Moderator of Mai4latid Pro-bytorv.
AealuaNm,—.Whits mowing wood At Mr.
Wlghtmau'n 011 the gravel road with
Jahn Hhoebottom'e inaobine, Joe Brandon
had the mrefo14uoe 4o have hie hand
come In o,,ntao4 with the saw. The out
is n1
ear ons, bat it was a very narrow
escape, creased by to rail owning against
his arm. Mr. Gnrniee, of Morrie, lost
ons Of hia lingers the same way a week
iGiso Park has reoignsd her poeltion at;
teaeber of S. S. No, 8.
Angus MoOnrdy ie laid up these days
with to severe utteolt of rheumatism,
0. 0. F. exoaroion watt well patronized
and the exonrsioniste report a good time,
Wm. Peel tett for Sault Ste Marie, Ont„
for a montb'e vieit with his brother, S.
Editor Watters was absent last week in
London, attending the Synod of Huron
ss delegate of Trinity church, lrordwich.
Mie* Ayleeworth, who has been attend.
ing the Loddon Normal Shoot for toe
past ,year has retnriod to her hone here.
There were 145 boxes of cheese shipped
by Fordwich !eatery to A, A. Ayer & 00„
Montreal, the pekoe obtained being 9*
Springbuck Oreamery Co. made a large
shipment of butter. We uudcretend they
are paying 18 cents to their patrons for
the mouth of May.
Harry Gibeou, who has been engaged
in a Guelph bakery about two months,
has gone to New Liskeard, where he has
mitred a good position.
Elowiok District Orange Lodge met
and deoided to celebrate the Twelfth with
the brethren of Mt. Forest, providing
good train accommodation is secured,
There has been a alight change in the
0. P. R. tiros table. The morning train
leaves as 7 38 and the noon train arrives
at 1247, The evening train is due et
4 14 sad the n10412010 et 10 06.
Petitions were forwarded a short time
ago to the Postmaster General at Ottawa,
from the villages of Fordwioh, Gorrie and
Wroxeter, eolioiting a morning mail to
Toronto. The reg0eat of the petitioners
was 'granted almost immediately. In
future mail matter posted at this office
ap to 8 30 p. m. goes Beet the ntxt morn.
ing on the 7.88 train,
Following oMcers wore elected for the
enentng term by Jubilee Council, No.
227, R. T.:—S. 0., H, W. Laird ; N. 0.,
alias Tena Johnston Chap., Geo. Walk.
ey sr. ; R. S., Wm. Watters ; F. S., Mrs.
W. H. Downey ; Treas., W. H. Downey ;
Herald, Ohas. Walkey ; Guard, Norman
Gibson ; Sentinel, James Stevens ;
Orgooiet, Mise Beatrice Walkey ; Audi-
tors, W. Stratton and H. W. Laird,
It isn't a sniff nor a wash, neither ie
it a stomach deadeuing medicine—it's
just antiseptic, balsamio vapor—its name
is "Cittarrhozone." For teeticg ogre.
"Oatarrhozone" is the one remedy.
Will. Symonds naught a shad in the
Maitland which measured two feet four
inohee, and weighed 18 pounds.
Brakeman Lang, of the Q. T. R., got
caught between two oars hie right
shoulder being severely injured by the
orueh, Mr. Lang, however, ie doing
The eidewalk near Proodfoot, Hays &
Blair's office blew up, two large blooke
being lifted from their position and some-
what broken by the upheaval. The
cause is laid to the. heat,
The members of L. 0. D. 182, and visit-
ing brethren, will attend divine service in
Viotoria street Methodist ohnroh on
Sunday morning, July tad, when Rev.
Mr, Graham will preach.
There was ooneiderable excitement at
the Grand Trunk dock two engines having
run rff the rails near the elevator. There
was but little damage through the min.
hap, though the run off amused consider.
able interferenoe with the shipping.
Mr. Staunton, of Beokett & Staunton,
was doing some repair work the other
day, when a pin or tach pricked one of
hie fingers. He paid special attention to
the alight wound by poulticing, but blood
poisoning est in and the trouble beoame
quite 0804008.
The Harbor Lumber Mill had a bit of
exuitemeut on Sunday afternoon, 18141
inst., by the diaoovery of fire making
headway on it big beam over the boiler.
A few minutes enffieed to have a stream
of water pouring on from the hydrant,
and the danger passed,
The owner of the saloon on the steamer
Greyhound opened his lair for the moon-
light .00000)ton trip on Monday evening,
and did a large heathen. Inspector
Asquith, who wae on board, summoned
Yon will And at Braese a Greenhouse
1 e
any quantity of Tomato, Cauliflower,
Oolery and Cabbage Plante, Tomato
Plante 10e, a box or So. It dozsn loose.
Fine oolieotioe of Flowering Plante.
A. titmice lot of Goraniutne and
Annuals for bedding.
Out Flowers enppiiod.
Floral Designs made to order.
the captain on Tuesday morning, and
fined him fifty dollars and watt., which
were duly paid.
The oorner.atones of the new North
street Methodist 01 ;01.011 i Goderioh, will
bo laid on Saturday, July let, at 11
u'olook a. m, There will be Ave corner
etonoe, one will be laid by eaoh of the
following persona :—John Joynt, Look.
now ; Ge,.rge Acheson, Mrs, Ohae. Blake,
George Thomson, and William Holland,
Goderioh. Rev, Richard Hobbs, of
Strathroy, ex President of the Loudon
Ooiferenoe, and Rev. H, M. Manning,
Chairmen of the Goderioh Dietriot, and
several other ministers, will be present
and take part in the oeren]onie0.
Year uneasy, matter*, without appetite.
Still worse you are thin and fagged ant.
Work must be done but where is the
strength to come from
Make your blood uutritione and you'll
have Iota of strength, Yonr only hope is
Ferrozone, aninetehtblood•maker,blood•
purifier, blood eoriaher. It brings keen
appetite, dipole food and supplies
nutrition for building up all the bodily
tissues. Ferrozone makes muscle and
nerve fibre, imams your weight,
instills a reserve of energy into the body
that defies weariness or exhaustion from
any amuse. To have virility and healthy
vigor 110e Ferrozone whioh all dealers
sell at 500. a box. 4 Y
G tare I0.
Some cam of whooping cough,,,
For oosy well kept homes it would be
a diffioult matter to beat Gorrie.
The Gorrie Volunteer Co. hoe been in
camp at the annual drill at London.
Gorrieitee will likely turn out in good
nnmbere to celebrate Dominion Day in
Gorrie has a fine leading library of
some 1000 volume but the interest in the
!,coke might easily be inoreaeed.
The cement sidewalk building ie being
pushed ahead by Ooutravtor L'oyd, The
village is having a tip top job done.
George Town 'barked" one of hie
shins badly and got a black eye by a
tumble down the cellar steps. It woe
bad eoongh but might easily have been
Last Sabbath Rev. Joseph W. Holmes,
Methodist minioter, preached his fare.
well sermon ohd removed to Blenheim,
Kent Co. this week. Ile teavee many
warm friends in thte locality, Bev. Mr.
Wells. B. A. B. D , of Ethel, is the new
pastor and will preach hie iutroduotory
dieaonree on Sabbath next. He has had
a enoceeefel pastorate for the past three
,years at Ethel and we bid he and Mrs.
Wella welcome.
Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Directors met here on Saturday. The
President, 3, R. Miller, and Directors
Wyllie, Mogerober and Bryaoe present.
Two seats were vacant that of Mr. Scott
by death and Mr. Edgar's he being palled
away to attend the funeral of a nisi* in
Dumfries lownehip. The usual routine
baeinese was put through with dispatch.
George McKnight's olaim fora bank barn
destroyed in Minto township, amonnling
to 38,100 wee paid and Joseph Clegg, of
Morrie, received $75 for the rubber tired
buggy he bad burned in the Qaeeu'e
Hotel etablee at Brussels. 112 applies•
stone were received, covering some $170,.
000 inenranoe. Wm. Scott, of Minto,
brother to the late Robert Scott, who so
ably filled hie post on the Board for 25
or more years, woe appointed by the
Direotore to complete the year of the
deoeaeed. He is spoken of as a man Of
integrity and worth enjoying the esteem
of,all wbo know him. At the next
annual meeting in January Mr, Scott
will have to be re elected by the polioy
bottlers if be desires to' retain hie seat.
The Huwiolt Mutn01 Insurance Go. le
not given to blowing its own horn but it
oau give the most of similar institutions
pointor0 on how to manage inenranoe
eotupanlea, IGe history for the past 82
yearsha" been ono of development and
every 1 n 'oy holder la an advertising
e0,11, Tire Hoard meets regularly iu
reale ne the last Friday of eaoh month.
lt. Mil'er fo Preeidetit t Edward
13ryans, Viae President; Wm. Mo.
Rerohor. he, Edger, Jas. Wylie and
Wm. Soott are Directors, The Seoretary.
Treasurer is W. S. 5leKeroher, of
Wroxeler, who appears to have the many
matters concerning the 4000 polioy
ho'der0 at hie fingere end. The amount
at rink is $0,080,221 ;I premium note
capital $804,011 ; and s800I8 of 3290,823,
The (torupany wee orgauin tl in 1878 and
several Dirrotora have been there from
its inception, not a bad recommendation,
For all weakneeeea from which girls
and women Buffer, no rarer remedy
exi4te than Dr, flamilton'e Pills. They
maintain that brewing health every
woman eo earueetly dlesires ; they uproot
disease, and bring erroogth that lasts till
old age.
"No inediaine could be more beneficial
than Dr, Ilnmiltou's Pills" writes Mrs
Mary y E. AyrtoO, of Viotoria, "I hate
been strengthened, my digenlien Is better,
I have improved in color and feel tam.
eiderably better eines neing Dr, Hantil.
ton's Pills." Sold everywhere, 26u. a
box or Ave boxes for one dollar.
i31 e t
Mies Edna Carder wi'I give a musical
recital in Industry Hall on Wedueoday
evening, July 19 h.
Wm. G. ging,' sou of Geo. and Mrs.
King, of Blyth, is a member of the grad.
eating elm of the academy in connection
with the North western onivereity in
Chicago and is also one of eight members
of the claw entitled to honors for high
rank in eollolerettip. Hie wae A (highest
credit), B (very satisfactory) and 0 (fair).
At the anniver cry exercises, held from
June 9th to 181h, Mr. ging delivered the
annual oration. We extend onr hearty
congratulations to the young man.
At the last meeting of the official board
of Blyth Methodist church the following
regulation was peeped : "This board bav•
ing learned that the late Luke Jaoobe
has bequeathed the enm of $400 to the
Northwest and Yukon miesione of the
Met10)ietohorch, and that the money
has been paid to our paetar, Rev. J.
Holmes, to be transferred to the mission.
ary authorities, desires to express its
gratitude for the magnifioent gift and to
place ore reoord its appreolation of our
late eeteemed friend'e generone and
monifioeot donation to the amuse of God
and the eharolt of his ohoioe. (Signed),
W21.Janos, Recording Steward,"
At twenty miuotee to tour on Sunday
morning of last week, Mre. J. S. Golden
w40 awakened by her baby orying and
while trying to quiet the baby thought
she smelled Bmolte. She called Mr.
Golden, who got up and looked out the
front and back windows of their residence
which in over their store, but ooald see
no sign of fire, He Theo went down
stairs to the Store, which he discovered
full of smoke, and at once gave the
alarm. Citizens aid firemen were Boon
at the burning building and after consid-
erable difficulty dieaovered the Are at the
bottom of the South ehelviig. The
buoket brigade was brought into aotion
and the flee checked before any great
damage wae done. The fire started in n
peculiar plane and it is supposed to have
been canoed by mine 22nd metohea. The
loss is fully covered by ineara200.
The Government have appropriated
$15 000 for the purpose of making ex-
periments with the eleatrio process of
emelting ores and manufacturing steel.
The experiments will be oarried on at
Sault Ste Marie.
AND ( ,; ; FINE
�Ie-��n GO�,(yTI�O�I;I Rpm��Bt °��°
II. . tasmtCeterH Oehl®
Whore Summer School will be held August 7th to 18th inclusive.
Xa,V. Y .,r� . '
!l� V'�'b J'Tli �eJ" J -1x ry=Z7CX,71:XgrZTX
MCK/IVtt--N0N & 00�
The Millinery seam is drawing to a close and we are enxione to
clear out the balance of our stook at half price, or Zeas, rattler than carry
any over to another omen. A Elbert time ago we bought a large assort-
ment of Sample Hate at lees than half price. They are high class goodo
in Ready.to.wear, Trimmed and Untrimmed Hate, What remaioe of
them will be sold at prices like tbeee
—Ladies' Ready to•wear Hate, i0 new phyla, worth 31, for 370,
— Ladies' Ready to -wear Pitney Straw Hate, very stylish, worth $1 69, for
—Ladies' Trimmed Hate, good value at $2 26, for 98o,
— Ladios' Untrimmed Hata at one•third the regular price.
—Feathere, Flowers, Trimmings, Eto., all reduced i0 price to clear.
We have vorted up our stook of Ooreete for the Semmer trade. Our
Cornet trade tbienewton has been a record breaker. Never in the bietory
of this store have we Bold BO many Comte—the reason in we keep n full
range of all the beet makers' goods, snob as B. & C., Orompton'e, D. & A.,
0. B. 0 , B. & I , E, T. and Wray's Corsets, and Bell them at oloae prioee,
This week we reoeived on addition to our Drees Goode Stook in Black
and Colored Voiles, in plain, loos and bourette styles, Etaminee, Panamas
and other fabric's plain and fanny, Also a nine range of Priestley's Drees
Goode whioh pate oar stook in good shape for the Summer trade.
The Highest Price Paid for Butter and Egga
in Cash or Trade.
x xxxxxx x Xxx X XX X
—On Saturday we will put on sale 10 Dozen
Men's Fine Shirts to clear at
Comfort and appearance are looked for in Men's
Shirts. Comfort is only found in well proportioned,
well made Shirts. That is the kind we sell and the
kind here advertised.
Appearance is a matter of taste. Our stock is so
large and well assorted that we can suit any and every
taste, and the workmanship on every Shirt we sell will
stand the closest scrutiny.
The Shirts are a special purchase, and at the price
are remarkable values.
—Men's Fine Neglige Shirts, in fine oolored cambric, lanndried
neckband and cafe. They are 41104 season's latent patterns in
neat and tangy stripes and figures, correct coloring, eizee 75
14 to 17} inohee. Regular $100 qualities for
—Men's Fine Colored Cambria Shirts, laundried, short bosom style,
separate link cuffs or Gaffe attached, full size bodies, assorted
patterns in stripes and figures, lighb, medium and dark colorings.
Blase 14 to 17 inches. They are $1.00 qualities. While /ay r
they last •
3 Watch for them in our window Saturday.
Gentlemen !
I have opened for your inspection a nice line of the
latest up-to-date styles in
They are correct in style and perfect fitting vests.
All shades and all sizes in stock, at prices from 75e
upwards. See them.
1cRam 216ippl.
Our Fine and Up-to-date stock of Bug-
gies is now on the market and we invite
intending purchasers to call and inspect,
They are all made of best material with
the very latest improvements.
Have you seen our fine display of Oak
made Wagons ? Every one warranted to
be as represented.
Repairs and Painting promptly attended to.
Tops Relined and Covered and made as good
as new. Call and see us.