HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-29, Page 4tibeee54455tfelfROsaGYeZoiteUi •
A son of Dr. John A. 1V10000regOr
Lonaull 001 , Woo bitten by a dog, n2
oa the bol developed symptonts of bydo
vte,)180,., All
Loudon ben aft
er will be allot by the
Huron County Court,
7127W -1804 Y, JUN '29, 1905.
• TUE trading etamp beano° is likely
tc(he wiped out, and properly so, by en
AO 06 Parliament et thie melee of he
JAPAN pontinnes its program of mts.
tramming and the Czar ohonld hurry up
hie peace negotiation° or Me. Linevitch
and his followers will boa their tomb
stones set up in Manchuria.
Poneeiteeroas are being mode in Eng -
lend for the centennial annivereery of the
battle of Trafalgar and onee more Pound-
ing the praises of the great Lord Nelson
who ably upheld the supremacy of the
British navy whose lustre has never been
dimmed ea the years have rolled by.
Nem wee a wir-o
ieCr more praotioal
intereet manifested in a gathering of
Sabbath School workers than that indi•
coated in the big Convention held daring
the past week in Toroato. The address
ee and Oonferenoes were hnilseye bitten
end the right arm of the (thumb ebottid
receive new impetus ae the result of the
How. C. S. HsttAN is a tanner by trade
and probably that a000nnte for the way
he trimmed the hide of Mr. Gray in the
bye eleotion in London reoently. Mr
Gray will begin to title's by the two de
foots that the Londoners believe in
hymeneal onions. The genial Minister
of Interior should have bad his seat by
acclamation bob when the Oppoeition
declined to have it that way the next best
thing was to carry the conetituency by a
noble 300.
Ie the oratorical windmills in partial
men° were limited to one speech of a half
hone duration, on any debate in the
legialative belle, the ensions (meld be
reduced to half the length and some mem
here might pose as wise men and pbilos.
ophere who, by the genii they talk, are
probably properly rated aa aimpletons, if
nothing woree, By cutting the indemnityinbwo,
in two, inetead of thinking of increasing it,
would cense some of the M. Pie to get
the biggest"loomp" on them yet reoorded,
SATURDAY of this week the Dominion of
Canada oelebrates its 38th birthday and
stands before the world with a record for
stability, morality and eotid, eteady prop,
rase not sorpaesed. It would be a great
mistake to expeot Canada to do juet It
did ia 1867 or 1868, as well expect a fall
grown man to be satisfied with knioker-
bookere, white "pinny" and rioglete of hie
early boyhood. A polioy of well consider-
ed advancement should oontinoe and the
people ebould ever remember that upon
the individual Cannok depends, to a large
extent, what the history of the future will
be. This Dominion °couples a very
different position to many other lands
from the /rat that the resooroes of the
country are so wideiy varied in their
oharaoter and yet respectively of eo great
value that Canada should never have the
trade reverses known to other conntriee.
Oar population does not belong to the
croaking olass, always oryiog about the
seven lean years, bat rattier to a steady.
going thrift,conpled with industry, sobri
ety, and economy, which is almost euro
to keep the balance on the right side of
the ledger. Canadian cities are compar-
ing favorably Wial theme of other 00120•
trim ; Oanadian:sehoole and colleges take
no mond plaoe ; Canadian financial
institutions stand well to the front
Canadian farmers are not exoelled in the
world ; Canadian mothers and wives oan•
not be surpaesed ; and Canadian public,
private and political life will permit the
searchlight to be turned upon it with
better ohaocee , 1 a popular verdiot than
many other kende. Canadians should be
proud of their o entry and should not be
afraid to exhibit it. We may not. leave
the flag-waving fever ae bad 00 others bat
we Amid not forget that "the lines have
fallen unto na iu pleaeeot pillow', we have
a goodly heritage." Long may thebeaver,
beaver, inchoative of ever continuingindnetry,
industry, be a fitting emblem of Canadian
life ; long may the Union Joule float over
It happy, contented, loyal people and long
may. the peaoefal and happy relations
between this Dominion and the Mother-
land exist and this colony ocintinue to be
the brightest star in the Nation's diadem,
Lord, while for all twinkled we pray,
Of every olime and tweet,
0 hoer tie fur Dor native land,-
The land we love the most 1
0 gutted our shorn from every foe 1
tyitb Nara one borders blase,
Our °Wee with prosperity,
Our Beide with plenteousness,
Unite ne in the steered love
Of knowledge, truth mad Thee ;
And let our hint' end valleye thout
The songs of liberty,
Lord of the nation, thus 10 Thee
Oar ootintry we oontheend ;
Be Pboa her refuge and her 150,6,
Her everlasting Friend,
The Wife of W. H. Northrnp, E.
died Re Brighton.
Ex Judge W, W, Fitzgerald of Welland
county died at hie old home in London,
Wilhelm Walker, of Eintoe, was killed
by hie tram runithag into a railway newt
at Laoknow.
Marie Pare, waitress, aged 294 went
into the swimming tank cif the Bath
Betel, Montreal, and Waci drotened,
10 wee 0000 to the Paringir03,1 ronolug numuz21"
:d ito
The Spring alitill.te of the county
court for the comity of Huron were he'd
in Goieriole, Ju age Doyle presiding. The
court opened nil Tuesdey, 18th inst.,
and closed on Fiiday. There wore four
000tested oases on the docket but only
one of these was dieposed of As it odium -
ed the whole time of the court, The
following are the eons :-
Itobert Bell Engine Co, re. Anderson.
-This is an Ration b, ought by the
Robert Sell Engine 00,,Setttorth. egalnot
Mr, Anderson of Uthorne for tnaohinery
sold te him. On tontine of the whole
time of the court being otampied by the
Coleman and Cochrane rase, the Intel
of this notion was postponed notil next
Searle Va. G00:0411.-Thie is an notion
brought by Me, S-arle, of lt p ey, againat
a Kr. Goodall, of Toronto, for en alleged
ciefediye oar toad of corn cord him.
11 nether re. hisonnette.-An action
brought by De. Ronthier, late of at,
Joeteph. agaieet 8 fernier in that lora by.
Sett ed between the mirth's
The Toronto 'bust Company vs. Were•
ingt.m.-An option on a mortgage. Re.
!erred to the Looel Master.
Ooleman ve. Ooohrene.-This was an
aotion brought by Fronk Coh man and
hie wife against Jelin Cochrane. The
plaintiffs live itt the township of Stanley,
near Htne Creme and the defendant
lives on the town line in the township of
Hay. The au ion is broueht to receiver
damages for 1, juries cans, d the p slnuffo
by being upset in the dhoti of the town
line between the townships of Hey and
Stanley, last October while driving home
torn a tea meeting 01 the Presbyterian
church, Mimeo, the aeoicient incurrieg
within 100 rode or vo of the defendant's
gate. Neither id the plaintlffa 0001,1 Bey
that he or she reaognized John (Iouhreoe
as the driver of the rig that ran past
them and frightened their horse and
°Kneed it to run away and upset them in
ainjuring both of them very
eeverely. Abe. Coleman's arm was
broken and Mr. Ooleman's shoulder was
pot one of j tint. They wombed' thrown
violeutly to the ground, and by almost a
miraole their little child, who was voth
them in the couveyanoe, escaped with
little or no injury. To °cameo the de-
fendant ae the ramie of the injury the
plaintiffs relied principally on oirentn•
stantial evidence and alleged admissions
of defendant. The notion was first
tried in D oember last before His Honor
Judge Doyle and a jury, when the jury
found for the plaint/1h by giving them a
verdict tnr $50 damagee.
Loot January the defendant entered
for a new trial almost solely on the evi
demo. of Robert Agnew, who made
an affidavit in eopport of the applioation,
in which he swore that the it juri s to
the Goternan's and the upetting and
breaking uf their oonveyanoe was calmed
by his maim" past the Coleman'e with a
rig driven by himself, and that
Thome Stevenson was riding with him.
The trial occupied the afternoon of
Tuesday, and the whole of Wedeeeday,
Thnreciay and Friday, being one of the
longeet trials that has taken pleas in
Goderioh for years. There were 46
witnesses called. The jary returned a
verdict for the defendant aod recommend-
ed that each party pay his owe coats,
Although the indite le the sole arbiter of
the outs, Judge Doyle adopted the re-
oommenclation of the jury and ordered
each party to pay his own costa.
There was a marked oonftiot of evi•
deuce and oonsiderable feeling engender-
ed which we trust will soon allay in this
very law abiding part of the oommanity.
The opening erasion of this convention,
the 12ch annual gathering for the comity
was held in Victoria Street (March,
G. derioh, Rev. P1 13 Graham presiding
in the abeenoe of Walter Hall, of Wing.
ham, who could not be present, The
forenoon was taken np with preliminary
work and discussion, the following nom-
teiittees being appointed :
Reeolutions-Chas. Girvin, Nile; Rev.
Mr. Wight, Craderioh; Mies Taman,
Blyth ; ane Miss Liefield, Nile.
Nominating -Rev. Jae. Hamilton,
Goderiolo ; Mira Potter and alias Barr,
Blyth ; Rev. Dr. Cook, Clinton ; Rev.
Mr, Graham, Goderioh, and lj E. J.
Beaton, Clinton.
Bueiness-Reve, Messrs, Graham,
Wright and Hatnilton, Goderiah,
opened with devotional eerviee led by
Rev. 0, N. latiZ30, and then the Nom
ineting committee made the fo,lbwing
recommeodation far offioers for 1906=06,
whioh was adopted :
President, (Thee. Girviu, Hite ; fltet
vice, ,Ftenit Anderson, Blyth ; 2nd vioe,
Mies (.ilt, Exeter ; seoretary, Miss Oora
Tyndall, Carlow ; treasnrer, Mies B
Greene, Clinton ; executive, MLa Mary
Morrie, Goderieh ; Mira Goveelock, Win-
throp ; A, °mane, Wing/tom ; Rev.
W. D. Mat ee, Clinton.
The tOret paper, "The Worth of
Ohrietian Endeavor," by Miss Joon flab.
kirk, Brussel, was read by G. F. Bla'r,
Christian Endeavor wag d, fined as a
persistent effort to train young people to
aotive and intelligent °Meilen cervice,
end to win Soule for 011rieb, and it ie of
valne berause of this objeot. In Meet
Mg to eindy the Bible together, all re•
active good, for it le a beneficial effect on
the mental and epiritnal powers. The
excellent point(' ootitained in the paper
brought ont good diseuraion.
E A. Hardy oontinued on the work of
C. E., inetenoing the Lindetty society,
whioh brough about a great revival in
that town. He gave some helpful
integration for getting up topies, giving
an outline elaesifroation of how to treat a
topic+. These indented the introduction,
the development of the theme, and the
rionolnsion, (mob in ite order and with a
definite object in itn treatment.
Rev, Mr, Esler, of Toronto, said what
Wall needed in oar 0, E. eooietiee was
people who will do thiuge-real, living
men and women, We need a revival in
keligion, whioh means a revival el life in
God's people. What are we going to do
to bring [theta Oda revival ? Our pledge
„ '54;it';'40+2.4esio*A-Aseets./..ieF"ot,,,staq45-VaNgiffi5*-.4tsk#VgiEd-lf.7f$Kel
,--'"Opt-,1 thou mine ryre' 3 A 'elft
foot that Will Uoniti to the heed 101 otioe,
and 16 00001 eland on 0 firm footing, the
fonriciation Olitiet. 0 The b. rid•
lug-INtok-we Meet etoop to help.
lime dignity with your servioe. 5. The
TheMerchant Prince of England
The first time that Sir Thomas Lipton came to America was in 1865 as
a. stowaway in an old-fashioned little tramp steamer, and when the vessel
neared port he was busily engaged in shoveling coal into the furnaces. The
latest time was in 1903, when a whole nation held him in honor as a valiant
and true sportsman, making his third brave but vain attempt to take a silver
cup back to England. On this occasion he lived like a prince on his steamer
"Erin," surrounded by his fleet of thirty-three boats -steamers, houseboats,
barges, tugs, cruisers, steam launches, gigs, jolly boats and dingies-main.
tained at his expense and manned by over two hundred men,
Sir Thomas was born in Ireland, but spent his early years in Scotland;
his education was a hurried,4mconventional, picked -up variety, and at fifteen,
with rosy dreams, he ran Mgy from home, smuggled himself into a steamer
and came to New York. His eight dollars did not last long, and after working
in the rice fields of South Carolina, driving a street car in New Orleans, can.
vassing for a crayon portrait concern, stealing rides on freight cars, and mak-
ing a day-by-day living as best he could, went back two years later to Glasgow,
empty of purse but rich in experience.
The prodigal was received with open arms, and with 4100 of his father's
savings, he opened a little meat and provision store. He introduced American
ideas, worked, as he says, "twenty-five hours a day," and advertised to the
limit of his ingenuity. One day, seven of the leanest, gauntest, hungriest men
in the kingdom paraded the town in Indian file, bearing on their backs the
legend: "We are going to Lipton's." Next day, seven of the fattest men that
could be found, walked the streets proclaiming in large letters: "We have
been to Lipton's." Meanwhile, the proprietor slept under the counter.
This little shop in High street was the beginning of Lipton's 500 stores
throughout England, his fruit farms in Kent, bakeries in Glasgow, the great-
est tea plantations in the world in Ceylon, his curing factories in Liverpool,
his candy manufactory in London, his fruit trees in Georgia, and his other
vast industries, giving employment to ten thousand people, and having made
for their owner a fortune of $60,000,000 and an income of $7.50 a minute.
He gave 425,000 for the Jubilee Memorial dinner to the poor of Lon-
don, and his check seemed little to him when his eyes filled with tears at the
sight of 310,000 poor people eating as his guests. Not till later did the world
learn that it was his gift; for the only thing he never advertises is his charity.
ramrod :wording to Mt 05 105 Parliament of Moods, la tato y ear 1904, by W, Nook, et the Departrnoet of Agriotaturo,
is to take part in the servioee, but before
we oath have this revival we meet cones
near to God in prayer,
The President eleot, Mr, °Rein, not
being able to remain for the eveniug
meeting, was introduced and addressed
the oonvention, asking for the earnest
enpport the exoutive and all his
fellow Endenvorere throughout the
Thal Resolution oomtnittee brought in
the following report, which was adopted
1. That the thaoks of thio convention
be extended to the friends in Goderlob
who have so kindly entertained the dele-
gates in their homes, and opened their
Aerobes for the araommodation of the
Oonvention. 2, That we express oar
hearty appreoiation of the eervioes rend•
ered by the speakers who oame from a
dietetic:s and have so helped by their
remarks. 3. That we desire to call
speoial attention to the resolution palmed
at this morning's sesseon as follows :-
"Moved by Rev. W. H. Graham, no.
by Dr, Cook :-
"That•this convention would suggest
to the incoming officers that the county
be ae thoroughly organized ae possible
nod ',het In the arrangements for next
year'e program soma speoillo line of study
or phut of work be adopted,"
01 51100100 S1001010
in Knox (Audi was opened With de-
votional service led by lleythlr, Anderson,
and steer txrallent mettle by the emir,
Rev, Mr. gave an inspiring addrees
00 '11011. using for hie text
the oh -reoter of Oneeiph dm, ae quoted
in Pitting letter to Timothy II, 1, 16
Help bringing woe urged in eloquent and
witty sentenoee, with original Mastro
tions whioh held the interest of every
listener to the last word. Biblical in,
stances of sucoetsful and entneet help
bringing were quoted, anti the addrees
closed with these regaisites for stmeeesful
helping 1 An open eye, a °rear vision
I '
:10 ,,;i141unautrnitikautioniquiiim1Ip
must be fashionably correct. Ours are.
These shoes are comfortable because
they fit inside. The outline is handsome and
the shoes are made to keep their shape and
appearance till worn out,
'* Prices are right for right goods
-Men's Fine Shoes from $1,25 to $4 50, Wo have special
makes by '.3 D. King, George A. Slater and other popular makers
all of which are up-to-date fitters and wearers.
HARNESS DEPARTMENT. -Single Harnes,o, reduced prices
for 80 days. Dusters and Lap Rugs, a nice assortment. Trunks
and Satchels,
ta'Comfortable Dwelling Rooms to lot, 010 dwelling for sale,
Z. C. X% C AVIEt.
hands of faith end prayer, with the good
ln Nr1 0110 allosve Christ in ills life, 111 r, riroa
11 berm addreee was much appreeim,l,
ai ehould have been heard by a lined]
tenor outfit nee,
X, Beaton, p .sifled in the %beeline of
kir Girvin, asked for 11)4 0po000,, of tee
ne'ogitie, its 1,, 0,t, i lie in x, Witt cellon
should be lo la, and the Snow of !mode
for Clinton, whoes delegates had extend
ed en imitation, was praetteary ,maid.
elltb SillTitid IN THE BACK.
I1 Idle P000 in a tender 010.0 and
menu it mighty hard to brittle op.
Nerviline takes that kiuk out of the
spinal column it than' order ; it ranthee,
that's why relief comes eo 6009 l4, vi.
line penetrates, that's why it ourea. Five
times stronger than other kind ol
remedies, Nerviline can't fall to oure
lame back, lumbago, actiotion teed
neuralgia, Nervihne le instant death to
all rnasoular path, For nearly fifty
yetera it l,oe been the leading ee.ling
liniment iu Canada. Better try it.
A 3i lb, bionic bass was eanght by
James Steep.
Garnet Whitely, 01 town, underwent
at, uperation In the hospital t bit other
day for the removal of an abeam's, and is
recovering nicely.
The Orangemen of Clinton, Londes•
boro, and part of Goderieb township
will attend service in St. Peel's &lurch,
enthrall, 00 Sunday July 9, at 2 20 p. m.
The many friends of Geo, Levis will he
sorry to learn that he ie in 'Nitrate
health ; all houeh able to be out 0009.060,0.
ally, he stiffen' great pain in the head,
and fears it may be neoeseary for hint to
visit o Toronto epeolaliet.
The Town 0 meat, bas deoided to ap
peal to the County 'lodge, and be backed
in Reaction by the township of Goderioh,
which at a opeolal meeting decided to Lep.
pal against its equalized anseeetnent on
grouted of being too high, as compared
with other men oipalities.
For some time Rev, J. Greene has been
conducting aerviee at Alma every Surt•
day. The attendance has not been large,
but the interest has been good, Ie view
or the fact that the locality is in herwise
well stipp'ied with church serviora, it has
been &aided to discontinue the aerviera
at Alma,
Oue of the busiest as well as one of the
most honored basinees men of OlInton
bee been Bichard Ranstord well known
as manager of the Stapleton Salt Work,
and hie many friendo all ov‘er thie prov-
Moe will regret to learn that he is out
fined te his ronn by Hines*. They will
join with tie in wishing him a tpoody
ro etoration to hie wonted health and
Thursday, the fith day of July, will be
observed by the citizen', of Exeter as a
(dela holiday.
Reeve Biseett, who euffered a slight
stroke of paralysis on Friday, 16:h met.,
bas reoovered and is twain able to be
around in his venal health.
116Y. Mr. Godwin is now able to be out
and his early recovery is expeoied, al.
though it ie not thought that he will be
able to fa,fil hie duties for Boma weeks.
The members of No. 6 Company, 33rd
Regiment, who returned from Oamp at
Oarling's Heights on Saturday, attended
divine eervioe at the Trivitt Memorial
diuretic on Sunday moreing.
Alexander Deavitt, of Exeter, bag been
appointed bailiff of the 5tia Divboiou
Conn of Enema, and Snot Elliott, of
Exeter, has been appointed olerk of the
5th Division Court of Huron.
At a meeting tor the organization of a
laoroese club, the following officiers were
elected :-Hon. Pres., W. G. Biesett ;
Pm., W. W. Taman ; Vice Pres., 13. P.
Belcher; See,-Treas., Joint 0 Gardiner
Captaio, W. J, Statham ; Manager, T.
H. Biesett ; Committee, Herb Ford, A.
R. Rieman, Fred. Gillespie, Tom Car
The club was named "Devon
Lacrosse Club of Exeter," with colors,
red and white. The membership fee was
fixed at 50 omits,
ing aguinet death in an attempt to reaoh
home, William W. Willis, of Exeter,
passed 'teeny on board a O. P. R, train at
Huuteville Friday afternoon. Hr. Willis
had been a resident of North Bay for
some time, going there in the hope of re-
gaining his lost health, bat to no pin
pose. Laet weep he rapidly became
worse, and on Friday be left for hie
home in Exeter. In his Weakened con.
dition the journey proved too molt tor
him' and shortly after startiug it was
apparent that it was only a °Ileums that
the patient won d realise hie hopes.
Nearing Huntsville he took a sinking
89011, from which he never rallied, and
death aliened shortly lifter fraying that
town, The remaine were taken to
Exeter on Salurdly efientoon,
Dren(11111 mid Depros,
alon Fullowed--eared by
Mr. Liu, el 8 friectell., of Strathoonti,
liad 11 40, Gm» with liver cOmpleini,
but wisely root 1..0.,000 in limo, fie
gave iIo I ver eot and torpid,
and inade me feel ebon. holt tie. d. When
toot up to Liloto, ruing 100110110Bred
if I hadn't elept at all. My head nailed
and spooks swam before my eye° in.
oessantly. If 1 bank oven or 414 any
Mopping Work 6 would he in a perfect
whirl In two minutee. I felt depreseed
an 1 00 of aorta, m.,1 Only Ot taltol from
Fern sine It went ti ht to work end
before long tiered inc. I fuel ever to
much Wen/vett in health since tieing
Ferresdite, wide's 6 idrounly recommend
for the ltitineye TOM liver,
Mn, Pei, 11, Monorail, of Sprini.field,
tlityn ,-"Fur years I WAS elllijeot 10 tre.
qnent tetteoks of Moe complamt, and no
remedy ever mired lib,s Ferrozone. When
tny heed milted itt to eplit, and I belt
drowsy and sick, Iforrnsono relieved
quieltly. 0 used Perms...me two month
• ee0. .0.0,-treetitege",teeleeleietieWl
Messrs, Dodds 86 Ilalakirk
thank the Public for the pat-
rounge extended since open-
ing our shop in the Stratton
f3lock, Brussels.
We keep a now, well select-
ed stock of goods and attend
to the manufacture of the
some in a Fashionable and
Work manlike MUM e r.
MO Wass TallOPing our 81080100
Ratisfaotion assurod to all our
We give our personal supervision
to all departments of our business.
Give us a Trial Order.
The Best Pure Manilla Twine on
the Market is the
Will be sold during the month of June at
13 Cents per lb., Cash,
after being onred, and haven't been 1
bothered 86000,"REAL ESTATE.
whee it mimes to oaring liver COrn• I -
plainte yon can't beet Ferrosene, It has 'WARM POR SALE.-OHOICE
a specific' action on these organs, did at 12 GO acre farm for 111010, 00100 800013 half
ones mite them in a etrong, healthy 1.;o01. 0,00n 7, Gley. meetly seeded down
oondithin. Ferrozone isn't the kind 8100V 0.12004Mdait,1
that just relievee-it (tures, and cures mites from Brussels. 5 hore8 or Fall w1,000
thoroughly. Ferrozcee prevents ft In. Applt to J, 0. `FIRM, 13yeaSeIS. 30,11
return of further trouble, aud costs only
50,, a box or six boxes /or $2.50 Alt FARM F01?, SAI,E.-THE UN-
druggieW, or by mail ham The Ferro• durnigoo8 (aura her 100 am farm, be -
zone Company Xingetuti, Get. Get a fug l,,,000, Cert. 7, Grey, tor sale, There
eupply to day. to “, 0,.111101:1141116 house, bank barn, on.
churilovells, dm, Pam is only mile from
the thrivivg eO1lga ni Hthel. 5"or further
The Healthier Rotel safe at Brandon particulars its to price, tonne, die., apply to
1,11114h20lITS, liOLLANV, 73 Sinner street,
wee robbed of $200 in oath and "'event!
°brake mid express orders,
K B 11 8'
1TitTI1 WE S T
LE tr Souristt, i ud: n
Winnipeg 380 00 10 sloven 11.3:30035:327602600
I. 31 00 Yfihrnero"
81 GO Lipton
34 00
32 00 PSnr'lkit:VA°1uboit... 30 00
Ninsearth ... 132 26 itieeleoti ...... ..... :30850
min 82 20 Calga
Moosory 0 00
Stratleco5101alt"84IVOr 10 60
Going June 0010, returning until August 14.
Going J unit 27tb, returning until Ang tat 28.
(.Meg July 15tb, returning until Sopa 10.
Full particulars from Canadian Pacitio
Agent, Brossele,
or write 0.13 Foster, D.P,A., Toronto,
f,11131t1'001., and LOADONDERRY
Royal Mail Steamers
From real From Quebec
Tenth -bin -.Juno 11.04. J1410 6.2 p.m
Vic Milan .1uo 0.8 14,111, Sone 0, 6 p,m
Nova, ill) Jima 16 3 a.m. Jane 10, 2 p,m
V/161614411 June 100,0,1,001, June 23, 0 p.m
First thibin, 370 mud upwards ; Second
01010n, Liverpool 01101 Emminuderry, 34240
and upwards ; Third 016163. $27.60 and 028.70
to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow and
Mentrelll 10 (tlilsdoW DireCi•
11105801J00, Wed, 1550 761, (daylight)
New YOrir 611 Glasgow
Parisian 'Vinare, June 8, 2 pan
Mentrent to 101101011 and ishevee
itraillian.....,JR210 10 1 tiaranatian June 21
For further particulars 0101117 00
W. 11. KERR,
Agent, Brunie.