The Brussels Post, 1905-6-29, Page 3444+14 4^'14. N4^ 104ellg e lr,Frit' e
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1''011 'riir: SU1ltAtWll C11tL.
To wear muter thin summer blouse
there are Italian silk slips, of Jerrie
weave, in pink, blue, lluck or whit
They have long sleeves and are per
fecUy pleb), openingthethe beck,
Handsome summer draperies of fish
net or bobbinet have applied designs
cut from flowered chlni,8, Th
work is done with skill and taste
and the prices asked are In jn•upor-
Traveling gow ns, wraps and hat
(110 touch in demand just (08', Ifo
hair is a tblie-horurecl fabric hi
travelling gowns, told while buyiu
mohair Is sometimes a risk, ill
goods which -sell er even mode•at
prices have been known to give ex-
traordinary service.
Satin is once inure used to trio
cloth. Skirts of pale toned doth
aro worn with satin jackets of the
same shade, and the skits, to unify
the costume, are trimmed with scrolls
of tho satin like the coats.
Glass memory hells are one of the
pretty novelties which have thin
origin in japan. In the Flowery
Kingdom, the lover's (first gift to his
betrothed is a memory hell, which
consists of more or less °realcstrips
of glass, to bo hung in a ra so
that the constant silvery tinkle may
be a reminder of him,
Commencement gowns, except those
worn at the graduating exercises, are
not all white by any means, 'Bright
flowered organdies, pink and blue
muslins, and swieems are much in evi-
dence, while for evening, all sorts of
dainty colors are permissible,
Checked Silks are in great demand—
in fact, checked materials of all de-
scriptions •1(•e prominent. One of the,,
whims of the season is the lining' of
thin wools and g•renadines with
checked silk.
There aro bolts of thin suede of
color' to match any suit, which are
especially shapely. They ere made
of bias strips of the loather, stitched
through the center and finished with
stitched strap ends.
The now three -cornered hat as well
as the undulating chip shape that is
so prevalent is at its best trimmed
with ono of the feathers curled gent-
ly the length of its rib so that it
assumes a natural, graceful wave
from stem to tip.
It is a relief after the long regime
of tho iron and brass beds to see
wooden beds offered for cottage fur-
nishings. The new beds aro very sim-
ple in design, and are as pretty as
possible. Purest green, walnut stain
and gray maple are favorite woods.
The beds aro not expensive,
One June bride is to have a set of
glove handkerclliefs given he' by one
of her intimate friends, These are
tiny squares of the finest linen, and
are embroidered in colors. The edges
aro done in blues, in pi, or in
lavender, and are carried with sum-
mer frocks which they match.
Bodices made of flowered sash rib-
bons and chiffon for use 0,11,11 lace
skirts will be among the prettiest
waists at summer hops onto the
season is on. Tiley are frivolous af-
fairs, 0,11,11 all sorts of little sash
arrangements at the back and sleeves
that are fluffs of chiffon frills.
Exceedingly attractive frockof
Brussels net and of point d'esprit
are macro up with absolutely no
trimming save lavish tucking and
rows of line shirring, and when well
made aro particulau'ly modish and
pretty for summer mining wear.
Small toilet accessories which are
embroidered aro bowknots for the
neck. There are double ends on tither
side, and tho lcsot, is fastened with
a narrow hand of the linen in the
center. The ends aro pointed in some
instances, and square in others, and
the designs are pretty and simple.
Between the needs of the automo-
bile and the carriage the driving
coat of tho day 15 Iogien 108 to shape
and materials. To cover voluminous
skirts anwide sleeve tops without
meshing the airy materials of which
they aro Blade, it is necessarily
funpi0 in width, This accounts for
the increased cape vogue, and•of tho
OxtenSiVe use of dolman like sleeves.
Tho draperies and rugs offered for
cottage use aro most tempting in
their beauty and comparative Max -
pensiveness. Cheap as they are, the
purchaser should hesitate abort buy-
ing any but the simplest. The fact
is most of the summer chintzes, etc„
do not hold their color•. Per window
curtains avoid seductive fancy ma-
terials, and buy plain dotted muslin
or barred dimity. 7f colored 'draper-
ies are proferred, pay a low price
for tented cheesecloth, which fades,
of course, but is cheap enough to be
replaced. .For piazza rugs nothing is
better than matting ends. Nothing
stands the rain better, and nothing
is cooler on hot days.
Peek-a-boo shoes are pretty things
among the most fanciful of the seas-
on's footwear. The peek-a-boo part
is macho by cutting the leather in
Simple designs on the too and the
low uppers on each side of the open-
ing. Tho shoes aro of kid, with high
heels, and 01'e to be found in every
calor and shade imaginable. One of
the prettiest is in bronze, but with
light 10vns those of different colors,
pastel Shades to deep tones, in green,
bine, lavender, pink and oyste' and
white are pretty. The shoes are
laced with ribbons to match, and
worn with silk visible through tho
cut openings. They aro pretty and
dainty worst with froths of the same
Saved From Deadly Decline by
Dr. Williams. fink Pills.
"When I think of my former condi,
tion of 110010)," says Miss Winnifrod
Petry, of West ItiVer, ,513001, harbor,
N.f3„ "I consider myself a lucky girl
that 7 0101 well and strong to -day,
and 1 own my present good heal tit
' entirely to Dr. WlllientH' Pink Pills,
7 suffered almost all that one can en-
dure from weakness and nervousness.
5 1 was (15 pale as a shoot, awasted
Y away, P110 least noise would startle
'• me, and 10,1(11 tl•Oubie1 with faint Ing
- 8110115, when I would suddenly lose
consciousness and drop to the. fluor.
- At. other tinier my heart would pal-
s photo violently and call8e a smother -
o ing sensation. Night and day lily
, nerves were in a terrible condition,
and I seena11 to be continually grow-
ing 1001110: No medicine that I took
s helped nu) In the least until 7 began
- taking 11r, Williams' Pink 1'111s, and
✓ after 7 had taken a half dozen boxes,
g 1 felt 5o much bettor that I stopped
o taking them and went 01( a visit 10
O 11811011. 1 had made a 'Mistake,
110W0Vcr, in stopping the pills too
soon, and I began to go back. • to my
n former condi ion. I then called on a
5 well known Boston doctor, and after
0xelarllllg my ease, told himhawDr.3(1llinlYls' )'ink kills had helped me
before. He told me to continue theiruse, saying I could take nothing let-
ter, and I got another supply and
f snow began to regain health, I took
about eighteen boxes in all, and they
fully and completely restored my
health, and I Have hail no sickness
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can do just
as much fur every weak nervous,
pale -faced young woman, who is slip-
ping from auacmia into deadly do•
cline They make now, rich hoollh-
giving blood, and that is what e3ely
growing girl and woman must have
to retain their health. It is beca'tse
these pills actually make new blood
that they strike at the root of all
common ailments of life, such as
headache and sideachss and back-
aches, indigestion, palpitation of the
heart, kidney troubles, sciatica,
rheumatism, neuralgia, St. Vitus
Dance, anti paralysis, But only the
genuine pills can do this, and the
side ono should nee that the full
none "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Palo People" is printed on the wrap-
per around every box. Don't let any-
p uo1( to take anything
Y e
else, Sold by all dealers m• scat by
mail at 50e a box, or six boxes for
$2.50, by writing the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
In some German towns children are
allowed to travel froo on the tram-
way -cars 0 they. are leder a certain
height, which is matrked on the doors
of the Vehiolo.
Mistress '(aareostically),—"I sup -
pow' the next of ,your 80-ca110d rights
swill be a demand to eat with the
fa nilly?'t Cook—'No, Mum, 1f I
;did that I wouldn't be sore of get,
djtg x}ro beat; of reettything, ,
Council's Experiment in Providing
I-lomes for Poor.
On the outskirts of Tottenham a
village with accommodation for a j
thousand inhabitants is awaiting oc- i
Cupa.tion, says the London Express. g
To tho south, London's outlying
houses may be seen across fields and
hedges, to the east to old church
tower peeps from among treres, north- •
hard there is a wide stretch of open
country, and on only the western i
side is vitiation' approaching. The 1
village is the first instalment of the i
London County Council's new coon- g
try estate for town -dwellers, and d
throe. -fourths or more of the houses c
stand empty. t
For six months the village has been
to lot, but thele is 110 sign yet of the
expected rus11 of settlers. Two of
the Iivo partly tenanted, but the
open doors of other "desirable resi-
dences" flap icily in the wind, and
fail to tempt families in search of a .I
country 1101110.
'.Cho Cxplanaton of the failure of
the village to attract residents is p
probably that it is at present a lit- s
tee out of touch with London, al- 1•
thongll that would probably be Its c
charm for hundreds of tired town- b
welters if they only knew of its axis- t
tonce. 0
Its nearest railway station is about 1.l
a guile away, although electric tram- a
cars connect it with stations east h
and west. There is no public )louse
within sight, and the nearest school
is a mile distant.
To the true Londoner, with his
lova of arid yellow bricks and mor-
tar, the deserted village perhaps
seems only a queer place where
strange people would buy themselves.
alive, but to tho provincial -born it
8110111(1 offer a welcome relief from
cheap flat life.
Each little Cottage has its own
garden and its own upstairs, its
greet -painted 'door and brass knock-
er, its gas -cooker as well as kitchen
range, its palings to ensure a meas-
ure of privacy in the garden, and Its
share of the view of the old trees
which have been left standing.
Some have one kitchen parlor and
a scullery and two 10(1000ms; others
have a bast parlor as well and three
bedrooms. The rents, including rates
and taxes, vary from 7i( to 12s 13d,
a week, and the present tenants 111 -
elude laborers, plasterers, postmen,
artisans and clerks.
When the village is completed, it
will have cost over ,81,000,000, and
will house over 40,000 souls,
A Cathedral in Moscow Esti-
mated to I-7ave Cost
Several English newspaper corres-
pondents have, it is said, recently
been inspecting the 15,011] gold M-
esas and 12,500 H0ek8 of gold ever,
representing some $1152,000,000 In
hard cash, which are safely 110u5ed
In the Imperial Bank of Russia, and
which form ltussitl's gold reserve; but
the fabulous wealth of the Russian
churches may be illHpeOte(1 by the
ordinary tourist WILltout cOusu]Ling
3`111111100 Ministers or uniformed olli-
The Den10 of St. Isaac's Cathedral
In St, Petersburg is the most con-
spicuous object in the 01 Ly, It is
cov,i'od with copper, overlaid with
pure gold; no less than $250,000
lvol'th of gold being melted down for
the purpose. Entering the calhed•ul
by tho magnificent brows' doors, 41
feet, wide and 110 feet high, said to
be the largest in the world, the els-
IS overwhelmed by illi richness
and massive splendor. The dome of
the shrine is supported by eight Cor-
inthian pillars of malachite, given by
Prince 3,01niclofT, and valued at $1.,-
000,000, The total cost of this
cathedral 1s estimated at $a-50,000
le the Cathedral of the Kazan the
name of the Almighty blazes in dia-
monds from a cloud of beaten gold,
under which aro
20 feet, lead, leading to the inner
sancttutry. This church contains a
beautiful ,picture of the Virgin Mary
covered with gold and jewels value
at $75,000. In the Monastery o
St, Alexander Nevski, near the en
of the Nevski Prospect, is the 5hrb
of the founder, of pure silver, w•oigl
ing no Iess than ;3,250 lb.
Many of the churches of Moscow
and they number some 1,400, . con
Lain trcasures•ot enormous value. I
the Cathedral of the Assumption
situated inside the Kremlin, is th
most sacred picture of Russia, th
Virgin, of Vladimir, painted by St
Luke. The jewels which adorn it ar
valued at $325,000, uric emend
alone being said to bo worth $50,
000. Napoleon tools from the quire
five tons of silver r n 1 w
s c end 5 cwt. of of
but its host precious treasures 0,'r
concealed previous to the French in
va5ion and afterwards restored,
Near by, in the Cathedral of 1,h
Annunciation, with its many goldel
Glomes, are a pavement of agate an
jasper and the celebrated icon of 1.h
Virgin of the Don, its most prize
The icon of the Iberian Mother of
God has a small chapel to itself,
ust outside the Kremlin. 'I'llisificon
s occasionally token out in a gor-
00n5 carriage
with bareheaded attendants, to st-
olid the sick or dying. The fees for
such visits amount to $50,000,
The Cathedral of the holy Sav-
our in Moscow is probably the most
llagniflOent church in the world. it
Ivo cupolas are covered with pure
old On. in thickness. Its internal
eco•ations are magnificent and very
ostly, This church is tho nation's
hank -lettering for the deliverance of
Moscow from the French. It took
fifty ,years to build, and its cost has
been estimated at $50,000,000.
Tho robes of the Russian clergy are
the richest in the world. In the
House of the Holy Synod, inside the
{remlhn, may be seen vestments of
fabulous value. One is embellished
with the Nicene Creed embroidered in
earls. Thorn are no fewer than
even mitres studded with diamonds,
ubies, and emeralds, also golden
1.0510 8 of rause W0rkrnaushlp. The
mindless wealth., gorgeous dowse -
ions, and endless magnificence of the
'lurches are in strange contrast to
h0 poverty-stricken, unkempt - peas -
Ms who throng the churches at all
ours of the day.
(0 Or 105, and his grandfather to 1010,
At the age of 104 Mr, Hill's father
was sunmloned for killing a hare.,
but in consequence of his mum years
a 'he enegistrates forgave his viola-
tion of the game laws, and told hint
• to go home and kill as many flares
e as he could during the remainder o'
his life. Ire died the following year.
c t--
e California and Loomis and
Clarke Exposition, Port-
land, Oregon,
e A personally conducted excursion
1 to the Pacific coast via the Grand
d Trunk Railway System and Connect -
a ing lines leaves Quebec July 5, and
• Montreal and Toronto July 6. The
route ' will bo via Chicago, thence
throligh Council 111u1Ts'•to Omaha,
Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops
will be made at each of these places
and side trips taken to Manitou,
Cripple Creek, Garden of the Cods,
etc. Front there the party will con-
tinue through the famous scenic
route of the Deaver and Rio Grande,
through the Royal Gorge to Salt
Lake City, thence to Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Mt Shasta, Port-
land, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and
home through St. Paul and Minnea-
polis. The trip will occupy about
thirty clays, ten days being spent on
tho Pacific Boast.
The price for the round trip, in-
cluding. railroad fare, Pullman tour-
ist sleeping cars, all meals in the
dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is
11165.50 from Quebec, or $100.50
from Montreal and $150,00 iroln
Toronto. This first trip Is designed
ns a vacation trip for teachers, al-
though many who aro not teachers
will improve the opportunity of tak-
ing the trip at the remarkably low
price afforded.
For full particulars address E. C.
howler, General Agent and Conduc-
tor, Room 808, Union Station, To-
John White Could Get Nothing to
I3elp His Rheulnatisln Till Ile
Tried the Great Canadian Kid-
ney Remedy,
Yellow grass, Assa., N. W. 1'.,
,June 10 (Spoelul),—No place on the
prairies hitt can fur11511 some 1woof
of the splendid work Ilodd's Kidney
Pills are doing in wiping out ilia
Kidney ailments of the west. It was
nrar here that little Edith Farris
was so wonderfully cured of l)rops,v
by them, and note Afr. john llillte is
giving an experience almost as re-
nlark 101110,
"1 think," err. White says, "I
should let tho public know of the
benefit I got from Dorkl's 13111101,37
Pills, I hall Rheumatism for yelu•5,
and neither docto'5 nor medicines
did ole a bit of good till last spring
I tried 1)011d's Kidney Pills. They
did me a great Ileal of good I feel
reconu(lending Dodd's Kidney
fills oven stronger than I talk,"
Dotid's Kidney Pills cure the Kid-
neys. Sound Kitlnevi strain ail Moods
of disease out 0P the blood. ')']ley
tone up the body to its highest
standard of health and energy,
MMTr, Thomas 11111, a farmer, whose
funeral took place near Bandon, Ire-
land, the other day, died at the age
of 102. His father lived to the ago
Two neprosontltives, discussing the
discomforts of travel, happened to
branolt off o31 to the subject of sea-
siekness, One of them said
"Talk about seasickness; the follow
that traveled with me on Any Last
European trip beat anything I over
met in all of my experience before.
I tried all sorts of remedies on him,
but a'ithott avail. Ho kopt repeat-
ing, '011, I ant so sick—1 ale so
"Finally I erred out, `Can't you
keep anything or your stop mei?"
" 'Only my hands, Tont) only my
hands.' 1,
He Was a young man, and he was
about to be married, but, alasl 11e
Was very nervous, and while asking
for information as to how h0 Mgt
act, he put 'e, vital question: s 7s it
kisstoinery to cuss the bride?-• he
'1110 girls in the high schools of
Japan stay two home after 131h1101
,each (lay to snake bandages for the
Soldiers at the war,
Feed the Donliltie Sight and the
Sermons are Brilliant.
A conscientious, hard-working and
eminently successful clergyman wt'itee:
"I am glad to bear testimony to the
pleasure and inc'r'eased Measure of
efficiency and health that have come
to leo from adopting Grape -Nuts 105
one of my articles of dint.
"For several years I was Wadi dis-
tressed during Ilio ea'i'1y hart of each
day by indigestion, 137,y breakfast,
usually consisting of oatmeal, milk
and eggs, seemed to turn sour and
failed to digest. After dinner the
headache and other symptoms fol'•
lowing the breakfast would wear
away, only to return, however, next
"ldavin.g heard of Grape -Nuts food,
I finally concluded to give it a fair
trial, I quit the use of oatmeal and
eggs, and made my breakfasts of
Grape -Nuts, cream, torus 8111 Poo
tum. The result was surprising in
improved health and total absence of
the distress that had, for so Long a
time, followed the morning meal. My
dige50on became onto more satisfac-
tory, the Headaches ceased, 01rc1 the
old 1001ing of enOrgy..returned. Since
that time, four years ago, 1 have al-
ways had Crape -Nuts food of my
breakfast table.
"I teas delighted to kind also, that
Whereas before I began to' use Grepe-
Nuts food I was cjuita nervous and
became easily wearied in the work
of preparing sermons and in study,
a marked improvement in this 're-
spect 1'O011lled from the change in, my
diet. I am 121nvineecl that Grape -
Nuts food produced this result and
helped 1(1e to a 51811•(ly 00(1dit10n of
mental foul physical st•ongth,
"I have known of several persons
W110 Were formerly troubled ns I
was, and who have been helped as I
have leen, by the use of Grape -Nuts
food, on ley l•eeceronou'datiO(, among
tvlioln may be mentioned the Rev.
nolo (t missionary to China,"
Name given by Postern Company,
Battle Creek, Mich,
'"Chet'e's h ruaSci),"
1l'ead the little l>dok; "The Ilead,
to WellvilIev" ill each pkg.
Czar—"Ivan, do I look like a Jap-
anese torpedo-boat this morning?"
Ivan—"No, sire." Czar—"Don't re-
semble an English fishing -smack, do
.1?" Ivan—"Not in the least, sire."
Czar—"Then, maybe I con stick any
nose otit of doors without getting
shot at by my own troops,"
ITaS good openings in many places
in Ontario for Agents.
The high profit -earning power of
the Company, couplets with its lower
rates, makes it attractive to both
insurers end agents,
you have never been canvassed
to Insure in this Company, or if
there is no agent i1( your locality,
write for particulm's.
Manager for Ontario,
18 Toronto St„ Toronto,
How the Destroyer of Fleets is
The Whitehead torpedo or to -day Is
a steel cigar, or automatic porpoise -
shaped weapon o' projectile, from 12
to 17 foot long and 18 inches in dia-
meter at its widest. They are 11,�1 ;de
7111 both 51805 for our navy, and 31(01
ready for firing even a small one
will weigh over half a ton.
They are delivered 1n five sections,
Which contain upwercl of 2,1100 pieces
of ma0hbler'y. '.i'ho wet gimeoLtol 3n
tlhe war -head" is inserted in slabs,
each with a hole in its centre to re-
ceive tiro e0ro of dry guncotton
direclly corrected with the detOnat-
lug printer, which contains fulminate
of llle'0ury, and a porctission cap, In
front of the primer is screwed the
.3081 nose"—e, Very sensitive nose—
which operates automatically When
the weapon strikes and sets off the
whole charge.
Bnlrind tie 'war -head comes tho
cha1111103' 0alrtnfnirlg the compresseii
air that drives this singular projec-
tile through the water. Into this
chamber is p7111113 11 air at a !measure
Of about 1,1100 pounds to the square
irn011. And this esraping throl,gh a
valve leading to the little engines,
There are very few cleans-
ing operat ons in which Sunlight
Soap cannot be used to advant
age. It makes the home bright
and clean. la
provides the motive power. Next
0011305 the mechanism Which. automa-
tically regulates the depth of tI
torpedo during its run; this iugo11
tolls apparel us has been kept a great
secret, and sold 11( turn to the va
10U11 n011011ti of the world. Not fa
from the tail of the torpedo al•
placed the driving engines. There i
also a controlling valve which ea
he arranged so as to close en1011i1li
cal1y after tho weapon has ruts
certain distance, thus 0b018111'hg
futile expluoitie in the event of th
torpedo mussing its target,
_---4 _
"I'm not so particular about speed,
but 1101(151, have a gentle horse," re-
peated Mr. Gli
(linen. "My wife wants
to drive, you see. Will you warrant
this horse to be safe?"
"Certainly," said the dealer, reas-
suri1'sc,ng"ly. "1le's a regular lady's
„You aro sure he's not afraid of
anything?" asked Nil'. Green, anx-
iously, and for the tenth time.
3)110 dealer assumed an air of re-
"'Yell, there is one thing that he
has always appeared to he afraid of
ever since I got hin1," lie admitted,,
conscientiously. "It 5001115 as if he's
scared to death for fear 501110 one
might say 'Whoa!' and he not hear
A weighing machine said to bo the
most powerful in the world is being
ruado in Birndnghsm. It is capable
of registering a load of 220 tons.
There ere a number o1 varieties of
earns. I3olioway's Corn Curo will re-
any of them.
Y on
your drug-
gist and get a bottle at once.
A fair exchange is no robbery, but
few people would swap if they didn't
think they were heating the other
Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes
—Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Ileart gives
perfect relief in all cases of Organic or
Sympathetic heart Disease in 30 min -
mos, and speedily effects it cure. It
it. peerless remedy for Palpitation,
Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells,
Pain in Left Side, and all symptoms 01
a Diseased Boort. One dose convinces,
In the collecting -box at the door of
the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospi-
tal ]las been found half -a -clown, en-
closed in a note which reads: "Thir-
ty weeks' saving from a working
woman as thanks for good health,"
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans
with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It
will remove the grease with the,
greatest case.
The total number of all known var-
ieties of postage -stamps issued by all
the Governments of the world up to
the present is 19,242.
A Recognized Regulator.—To bring the
digestive organs into symmetrical work -
Ing is the alai of physicians when they
and it patient suffering from stomachic
Irregularities, and for this pm'ome they
can prese,'ibn nothing better than Par -
melee's Vegetable Pries, which will be
found n pleasant medicine of surprisin;
virtue in bringing the refractory organs
into subjection and restoring them to
normal action, in which condition only
can they perform their duties properly
lvfamma—"Playing Indians is so
t'oug11. Why are you crying? ITave
they been scarping you again?"
Spotted Panther (alias Willie)—"No,
mamma; We have been smoking the
pipe of peace," -
What Makes You Despondent 7—Has
the stomach gone wrong? have the
nerve centres grown tired .and listless?
Are you threatened with nervous pros-
tratlon5 South Amo•iean Nervine is
nature's corrector, makes the stomach
right,ives a world of foreo, keeps the
circulation perfect. A regular constitu-
tion builder for rundown people. One
laky says': "1, owe my life to it; '-8e:
'An eminent scientist has estimated
that t110 average main's eyelids open
and shut four million times during
the year.
,'suffer no More.—There are thamsands
who live miserable liven because tlys,
pepsla dulls the faculties and shadows
existence with the cloud of depression.
One way to dispel the vapors that be-
set the victims of tide disorder 10 to
order them a 0e11r50 of FM1110le0,1 Vege-
table P111e, which arc among the best
vegetable pills known, being easy to
take and are most efficacious •in their
action, A trial of thein will prove
Guard within yourself that treas-
ure, kindness. Blew iiov lei give
Without'hesitai.ion, flow to lose with-
out regret, how to acquire Without.
heal -e55. TCnov how to replace in
your heart, by the happiness of those
,you love, the happiness that may
be 1va11tieg in yourself, -F, W.
' u r ®trey's Worth
of fragrance and full rich flavor in every pound of
'TEA Kept there by proper handling from plantation to store.
_ ,j se Zss'
` '
•ice" .lJ d
Let Libby ,•-
Serve Your Soup
Tomato, ullenne, Consomme, Chicken, Mullkgntnwney, or Oxtail w111 please tho most
fastidloun, 1 cy ate quickly prepared—delicious to cat—always sat(siactory,
Libby Fl's (Naavor)turFood Products
Corned Beef Hash Boneless Chicken
Ox Tongues Soups Ham Loaf
Your G1'ooerthas them
Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago
Vienna Sausage
Paris has its infants' club, whet
the babe about town may spend a
idle afternoon; but London comes
good second with a hotel for chil
dren. Phis hotel is known as tel
Norland Nurseries. Here, in suite
of two rooms, the children of the
well -to -oro may find a tOWn address
while parents aree travelling or C -
during unanniahle climates. The
guests range from atoms of a month
Or so to veterans of eight or nine,
and each three have a day and night
nursery to themselves. There are six
of these suites, providing accommo-
dation for some eighteen children.
The babe of the bottle period can 13e
put up at a cost of from $3.75 to
$10 a Weck. When teaching is past
the fees vary from $17.5 to $500 a
Small hobby has just returned
from an afternoon child•0.n's party.
"What kind of refreshments did you
have?" asked his mother. "Liquid,"
answered hobby. "Lictnid!" she ex-
claimed ill surprise, "Yes, ma'am,"
replied the son of his fattier. "Us
boys all ran away from the girls
and went swimming."
ad ad mi( Iclndn at IleumHunyiuxa, .le,
LIK& Write to nn 0.1100(yenta.
o0t 0l1(0 NEW,
- 00*0*811 NMEa16Mn 050110 CO., Sox 155, Montroel
Removes all hard soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood
spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone,
sweeney, stlfaes, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save 550
by use of ono bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
In the British Isles are 11010 pro-
duced 2,508 newspapers, to which
total London alone contributes 406,
while there are also published a var-
iety of magazines and reviews to the
number or 1,540.
Do not delay in getting relief for the
little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Ex-
terminator is a pleasant and sure lure.
If you love your child why do you
let it suffer when a remedy is so near
at hand?
011 a windy day the leverage on
the roots of the hair when the largo
and flapping headgear is endeavoring
to sail awny is ono of the valises of
the headache of which most woolen
complain after a beading by the ele-
Bought Yesterday Cured To -Day.
—81(5, 0, 0. Burt, of 20 Broadway,
New .fork, says. "I am surprised and
delighted at the change for the better
in any Mimi in one day fromthe use
of Dr. Agnew's Cn:tarr11al Powder. It
worked like magic—there's no excuse
for a person sutici'ing pain with this
remedy within reach, 60 cents. -81
To prevent snow -blindness, the na-
tives of Tibet grease their faces,
and then blacken the skin all round
their eyes with burnt sticks. For-
eigners usually wear smoked glasses.
We An Have Missions In the World.—
There is a Work to 1 ' orevery
co f o man
nn earth, 0l'Vt is a function 8) per-
form for everything on earth, ordinate
and inanimate. and dmate. Everyting has a
mission, theission of 11r, Phom-
as' lee ettrl0 Oil is to -healand
wounds 01 every description and andcure
coughs, 101713, croup and, a11Reactions
of the resph'atory 0(gan5,
George Wombwell, who was to
Drake his name world -known 115 a
menagerie proprietor, Was a cobbler
in Monmouth street, Hohn, Londol,
before he made his adventure into
the orld s! '/Oology, Iris in1tial
pur0lra1ewWas f en1'i0u8 0113 fol' a
stitcher of leather -- tWo boa
constrictors; $375 thov cost 11iu1, but
the soun•l]ness of his investment Was
proved by the Met that lie cleared
his oxper8es fli GM ifr5t few Weeks
of ownership by exhibiting them,
Thus prosperously launcher", he built
up the finest t•avro111ng menagerie
ever seen up to that time in Ping -
land. fns faintly of carnivore 'mai-
plied exceedingly in et -weepy, his
caravans numbered 40, his nxllehse5
were 5500 a day, and it took 120
Clydesdaies to move hint from %fair:
to fair:
Imp S E_. 9
I Sri}NS
{rl i
During June, July, August and
September tho Chicago and North
Western ily, will sell from Chicago,
round trip excursion tickets to San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland,
Ore, (Lewis C Marko Excursion), Se-
attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very
low rates. Correspondingly cheap
fares from all points in Canada.
Choice of routes, best of train ser-
vice, favorable stopovers and liberal
return limits. Rates, folders 811(1
full information can be obtained
from 11, N, Bennett:, General ,Agent,
9 East King St„ Toronto, Ont, ill
A little girl sent to school for the
first time was on licr return asked
how she liked it. "I didn't like it a
bit," sho replied; "the teacher put
me on a chair and told me to sit
there for the present, and I sat and
sat, but she never gave me any pre-
Cucumbers and melons arc "forbidden
fruit" to many persons so constituted
that the least indulgence is followed liy
attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping,
etc, ')'hese persons are not aware that
they can indulge to their heart's content
if they have on hand a bottle of Dr,
J. D. F.ollogg's Dysentery Cordial, a
medicineniatsue willgive
for ali11sum. errcoin-
A very large number of Russian
peasants find employment in the
salt -alines. Their working -day is sel-
dom less than sixteen hours, and in
some cases it lasts for twenty-one
hours, three horn's being taken at in-
tervals for sleep and meals.
The Pall of Rheumatic Pains.
—When e. sufferer rinds permanent re-
lief In Both a meritorious medicine as
South American Rheumai,lc Cure, bow
glad he is to tell it. 0. W. Mayhew,
of Thanlcsvill!, Ont., Couldn't walk or
feed himself for months—four years ago
three bottles of this great remedy cured
him—not a pain since—isn't that en-
couragement for rheumatic•smlTerers?-x-82
All. Italian engineer has invented a
submarine which is intended to re-
cover objects from the bed of the
sea, and for this purpose is provided
with powerful hooked armisworked
by electricity. So far the greatest
depth reached is irfty-eight fathoms,
and at this tho Men were able to
breathe and work freely.
Tlie harder you cough, the worse
tho cough gots.
•• 11'sr ht's
4 D
Euro7hm Lun15
t• 'T'onla
LM.,., gttarantoed to cure. 11 It
oesn't benefit you, the druggist
ill give you your niouey back.I'rlaesr • S. C. WEl.r.s 4Co. 55
e, Sec. 0 '.1,eRoy, it 3f., 3oronfe, Cite,
XSSir1 14O, 25-