HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-22, Page 8G;ria #i,429e esvii " gi .?wa. o fekr ?isife Sealetriaa' t �t Talonin Pow Are not only a Luxury but inmost a necessity during the warm weather. They afford immediate relief from prickly heat, chaffed akin, sweaty feet, &o., being Antiseptic, Absorbent and Refreshing. You have the choice of several different kinds from us. Borated Velvet Talcum Powder at . . 15e. Euthymol Powder 25e. Mennen's Violet Talcum 25o, Colgate's Violet Talcum . . 25o. Our stock of Toilet Preparations is large and contains most of the reliable preparations. l 'Dr. Ovens, Eye Specialist, at our store, Tuesday, June 27. F. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. T HA GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. aOvTH0RN memories W. e. & R. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; GoINa &rime GOING Bottum. Mail 7:02 a.m 1 Mixed 8140 mmol Mixed... ..... . 11:25 a.m 1 Mail...... 1:28 p.m Dxprese 8t02p.m 1 Express 8:61 p.m ,rra.0 ..e.ixr JtelltS, A phial's among ye fakir' notes, A.n' faith he'll prent i1• - Menage your wool at Brussels. EARLY haying has commenced. SATURDAY of next week will be July let, SEVERAL warm days remind ue that this ie June. 0. P. R. Excursion to the West next Tueeday. BAYsiELD Ve. Brussels, Monday even- ing of next week. Howrax Mutual Insurance Co. meeting Saturday of this week. A number from town are attending the ranee at Listowel this week. Lawn deliveriee of ooal for next Winter's consumption are being made in Brueeele. QUITE a number from here were at Seaforth last Friday evening to see the Galt and Beaforth foot ball game, Saeaoura junior football team was in town on Wednesday while enr0Ote to Lietowel and return. They were playing a league match and loot .by a score of 2 to 0. FOOT BALL. -Don't forget the foot ball match on Monday evening of next week, when Bayfield will play the return game with Brussels. Come and cheer the boys to victory. Admission 25o ; ladies and children 16o, The following will be the line Op at Bayfield on Friday evening for Brueeele : -Goal, L. Karr ; baoke, T. T. (McRae, W. MoDonald ; } backe, T. Kerley, R. Brown, R. Oerdrff ; forwards, W. Miller, J. Straohan, D. Reuther, W. Stevenson and W. J. Cameron ; spare, S. Boott. BAYFnarn Foot Ball team will be here on Monday evening to play the final game in the semi final aompetion for the Silver Onp with Brussels. They are cracker jacks at foot ball eo everybody should see the match. Game at 6 o'olook on Vlotoria. Park. Tan Masonic: Grand Lodge meets in Humiltoe, the third Wedueeday in July, while the I. O. O.F. Grand Lodge meets at Brookville, the 9th of August. Both grand lodges celebrate their semi sen. tennial this year, eo the evente are looked forward to with more than ordinary interest. M. Blank, of St. John's Lodge, and J. G.Joneeand E.Oober, of Western Star Lodge, are the reepeotive repreeen• tatives from Brueeele, Tan Lietowel Standard of last week epeake of a former Brneseliteas follows -"Lietowel's botele evidently are to be ander new management. The latest annonnoement of a obange ie in comm. tion with the Queen's. 0. Zilliax bas sold out the property and business to J;.oeph Beemer, of Platteville, the oon• sideration being in the neighborhood of $17,000. Mr. Beemer taken iloeeeeeion on the let of August. Mr. Zilliax has not as yet deoid .1 as to his future inten- tions." Mr. Z Iliax was proprietor of the Central in Brueeele for a number of years selling out to the preeent owner. COUNCIL MEnTiNa.-Monday evening a epeoial session of the Connell was held to ooneider tba bill of costs in the muoh talked of sewer case, Boole of the mem• here tboagbt the Solioitor should throw off part of it, while he etatedbelwas eat - jailed to have the bill taxed by the proper authorities as to whether it was oorreot or not. A motion was passed to pay Barrister Prondtoot, of Goderiob, $177.- 80, the balance dee him. He was the legal adviser for the plaintiffs, An adjournment was ordered for another week. The total ooete amount to about 62,600 and it looke as if the only thing to be done by the Connell ie to pay it, even if the Sewer is still in the dim and distant future. ATwooD Bee commenting on a recent game at Foot Ball between their team and Brussels makes the following referencia to three of our loaal players 1 - 'Tie true that one of the Brueeele beaks, Anderson, received an ugly kink on the leg ;Meetly after the aommenoetnent of the game and wag compelled to retire. This neoeeeitated a change in the Brueeele line up -Kerr in goal going to full -book and Ainley, the junior goal. keeper, tatting Kerr'e plane in goal. The Change did not seem to do any harm, for Kerr played a good game at book and Almay allowed Minoan to be a wonder Making several difficult stops. After the indnriee to the A.bwood playere the ,Brnesele forwards had things all their own way, roObing in three more goals, despite the hard Work of Atwood. goal. keeper who did some good work. The peek of the Brueeele team wag Rite. Brawn who played a wonderful game at centre half. Fee le withent a doubt one of the beat half baoke in Ontario. TowN Band will play at Walton Garden party Friday evening of this week. PROF. DORENw'EN» will be at the American Hotel, Brueeele, Wednesday of next week. Da, Ovase, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear and Nose, Sul glaeeee properly. Next visit, Smith'e Drug Store, Brueeele, Tuesday, June 27th. BRaeexne Orangemen will spend the owning"121b" at Kincardine. It was so decided ou Monday evening at the Lodge, Special excursion train. A few members of the Masonic Order drove over to Wingham ort Tuesday and enjoyed a very pleasant evening with their egnare and compass brethren. A annnnuINm Italian duet, violin and harp, sawed MI eaoagb ohorde last Mon- day forenoon in town, coupled with im• partial oalle on the business people, to enable them to keep the wolf from the door. BY disobeying orders on Thursday morning an express came Dearly heading in to the Brueeels exonreion train en route to Guelph, between Elora and Marden. The engineers sew the situation in time to avert an aoaideot. Two trains trying to pave en one track always makes it uncomfortable for somebody. Orman. BARBER is having enforced holi- days owing 10 threatened blood poisoning in hie left hand. The swelling was well tip to the shoulder bot medical treatment is allaying the inflammation and we hope be will soon be o. k. In the meantime "Sal" Turnbull is iu charge of the butcher delivery oarb. EVERY fruit grower should aoknowledge the advantage of soap birds as the chick. adee, downy woodpecker, nathatoh, blue• bird, ewallow, wren and song sparrow in checking the inoreaee of the oodliog moth and other injurione insects, for without them fruit would scarcely be grown. Encourage the birds therefore to Dome about the orchard by keeping the gun at a dietanoe and by punishing the robber of bird's nests. I. 0. F. -A visit of the Rev. James Ma - Call, Deputy Supreme Chief Ringer, from Toronto to Brueeele and neighbor- hood, is creating a stir among the In- dependent Order of Foresters. A very successful business meeting was held on Monday evening and was well attended. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday evening, July 3rd, when a joint initiation will be held and important bueinees traoseoted. On Tneeday even ing Jaly 41b, there will be held a pablia meeting in the Town Hall, for whish the servioee of the Band have been eeonred. At thie meeting the newly elected officers of Court Maitland will be publicly in. stalled, and addreeeee delivered by lend• ing °fifoere of the High and Supreme Donets. More detailed particulars will be given next week. DOWNEY-CnAMPAoNE.-In Bt. Prewar; XavierObamh, Brookville, on Wednes- day of le -et week, Very Rev, Dean Murray married John B. Downey, of Chatham, and Mies Julia Ellen, only daughter of B. and Mrs. Champagne. A large gabb• ering of Mende assembled in the :herald. The bride, who was given away by her father, was dressed in Dream crepe de ohene, trimmed with cream applique, and parried a white prayer book. She wore a large cream hat to match, trim med with chiffon and decorated with a large wbite plume. Her brideemaid was Mies Mary P. Downey, of Brueeele, who wag gowned in Dream silk, trimmed with chiffon and applique, and parried a baguet of cream roes,. She also wore a hat to match. J. A, Champagne, brother of the bride, was 000memau. Following the ceremony, an elaborate breakfast was partaken of at the home of the bride's parente.' In the afternoon Mr. and bars. Downey.left on the train from the Eaet, and returning will take np their reeidenoe in Chatham. The groom is a first o0wain of Jos. P. Downey, M. P. P., of 'Guelph. HYAIENRAL. - The Clinton News - Record givee the following account of the marriage of Mise Mary 0. Shaw, a young lady well known to many young people in Braeeele :-"A pretty June wedding took plane at the reeidenoe of John Shaw, formerly of Brueeele, on Wednesday, June 7th, when his youngest daughter, Mise Mary 0, beoatne the bride of Wm. Mair, merohant, of Port Elgin. The ceremony Was performed by Rev. Dr. Stewart in the presence of many friends from Port Elgin, Kincardine and else- where. The bride was beautifully attired in white point de sprit over ohina Bilk, while her travelling gown wee brown chiffon eiik with violet hat. She was attended by Mise Marian Marro, of Port Elgin, and au flower girls by Dorothea Marrs, of Port Elgin, Jude Ballantyne, of Kincardine, and Modeler] Shaw, daughter of Dr. Shaw, The groomsman was Lorne Mnir, of Pea Elgin. There were many beautiful end useful preeente testifying to bhel high esteem in which the fair bride ie held by her numerous friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mair left on the afternoon train to spend the honeymoon in Toronto, Buffalo and other °itiee, after which they will take up honeekoeping in Port Elgin, where Mr. Meir it engaged in bueineee." The Many old Kande of the bride in this Reading (oral) may be taken on the above tonality wield her and her husband many I days dt snob home as may 8011 the won - happy years, venienoe of the examiners, rd 33an, Etta';04-32:14::47e::17x'I 5.872 OUBL'1rllH, 011ItLBEI1VB 1'UND. TO'1'AL ASSD71'i8 OVER 10,000.000 A Gester-at1 Ha Rtrni'a1el-n3n 'i`irrtrrales Cited F 1,0:0.000 -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and opwerde received 010 which INTEREST Ie7 ALLOWED FROM DATE 01' DEPOSIT " K RATE at the HIGHEST BAN A MX/RUED INTEREST le added to eoadnnts every six mouths and becomes principal, --MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may melte and withdraw Depooite without the intervention of any person, { LOANS MADE TO FARNIERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for whioh no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and onurteona attention. A. O. MACFARLANE, AenNT. SATURDAY of next weak will be Domin• ion Day and a public holiday. FEvEeAL breake in the oemeut sidewalk should be mended es early as poneible. Da. BUTLER, epeoialiet of London, will be et bide American Hotel, Brnesel° next Tneeday, 2718 inst. Bnmeenne Butter Notary is meeting with tip top success while the cheese bueinees is :leo doing well, Rue. Snows played on the half basil line with the Seaforth 8001016 against Galt leaf Friday evening at the former town• Iie registering births in future the name of the child must be given, which will enable some valuable offieial etable• ties to be prepared on the number of 'Footsies and Darlinge added to Outerio'e population. MD. AND MRs EDDIE, of Moliillnp, cele. braced the 9th aunivereary of their marriage leaf Friday evening by a social party. Mre. Eddie ie a daughter of Jno. Carrie, of Brneaele. We hope they may be spared Co oelobrate many more anniversaries. Ray AND Mne. J. W. RnoINeoN, of Dun• Marmon, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mies Minnie E., to Rev. J. E. Ranter, to be solemnized on Thursday, dune 2911, at 1180 a. 01., in the Metho diet church, Donganne,. The reverend gentleman's new circuit will be Harmony,. Perth Co. WEDNESDAY of this week D. S. Slope and Mies Mary, daughter of the late Chas. Wilson, all of Howiak, were united in marriage, at the Mange Bel• more, by Rev. Mr. .Radford. The bride ie a meter to S. Wilson, of Breese's, and Mre. J. D. Miller, of Jamestown. THE Poem wiehee the happy twain much joy in their new relation. Amen -Dm -J. H. Ellman, the ewe. aentative of the St, Thome& Aaetyleue afanfg. Co , is in town in the interests of that institution and will give an exhibi tion of the light in Bartietrr Sioalair'e offioe this (Thursday) evening. J. T. Wood, of the Exoeleior Knitting Mills, used one of time machines ai Rockwood. LADlne look younger which is the desire of one and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorenwend'e private show rooms at American Hotel, Bras - sale, on Wednesday, June 28th, and see the many beautiful inventioue in etylee of Human Hair Coverings, Wigs, Bangs, Switobee, oto., and inepe0t his new patent etrnobure. MARRIED. - Wilber Lindsay, of Lis- towel, formerly of Grey township, and Mien Jennie Marren, of the township of Howiak, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the Methodist parsonage Brnesele. Wednesday afternoon by Rev. T. Wesley Omens. Wm. Lindsay, brother to the groom, was groomsman, and Mies Shade, bridesmaid, THE POST wishes Mr, and Mrs. Lindeay prosperity. Tan annual weed beisanoe is beginning to manifest itself to the diegnat of ladies particularly. The walks ere almoet impaeeible from a rank growth of the qudeeirable vegetation, which linea both sides with blissful disregard of the right of way. The Connell should either speedily put the machinery of the new NOXIOUS Weeds' Aotin force, or employ men bo out the graes and weeds and °barge it up to the general fund. STAnsEn.-Wednesday night Mark Cardiff, 14th Oou., Grey, reoeived an agcy slash on one of hie arms from a man, said to be named Hill, of Mitchell, who with others have been assisting in the p'aoing of a new steel bridge in the Northerly part of Grey township and was in town on the return trip to hie home. It is said the knife wielder was intoxicated at the time, These night jamborees are getting too common any bow end there ie work obi ont for a night policeman in filling np the oelle in the look•op. VonbnTEmne Hohn. -Last Saturday the members of Volunteer Co. No. 5, arrived baok to Brussels from the London Clamp having enjoyed their anobal ootiog. The following is the score at target practise : -Bennett 108 • Duane 98 ; Fulton 97 ; Campbell 92'; Elliott 92 ; Orioh 91 ; Ruesell 85 ; Davidson 81 ; Dudley 81 ; Forbes 81 ; Meadows 79; Davis 74 ; Douglas 74 ; Boarlebt 85 Nichol 80 ; Holden 57 1 Mansion 57 ; Casio 49 ; Flonnery 86 ; herr 81, Stitt, W,Campbell, Blake and Dennison were not in any of the oompetibions. THE ENTRANCE ExAiis.-This year the new reg]latiens governing the High Seboal Entrance have come into force. The curriculum le ooneiderably obanged and the studies altered. An inerea80 has also been made in the standard required to pnee. Heretofore 88* per cent, on eaob subject and 50 per oent. on the total, was neeeesary. This year those who secure admiaeion to the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes moat obbaio 40 per pent. on eaoh anbjeot and G0 per gent, on the whole. The flambee of enbjeete of the written examinations is lessened and the leugth of thelexaminatione oonse• gnently reduced from two bo three days. The following is the time table; - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, A. 111.-9 45 -Reading inetruotioua. 9.00 -10.00 --Composition, 11 00 -12,40 -Geography. P, M,-2 00-4 00-Engiieb Grammar. 4 10 -4,40 -Spelling. THURSDAY, JUNE 29. A. 21,-9 00-1100-Arlthmotio, 11,00-12 00 -Writing, P. M.-2,00-4 00 -Reading (written), 3. MCDONALD and staff have the o:ment walla for the American etablee well nigh completed and will go at the Q'teen'e etable in a few days. IMPar.VEMENTe.-The .reeidenoe of Oban, Howlett, Jas. Sharpe, A, Btraahau, S. Garter and T. Snider have been im• proved by a new areas of paint. Bnueegrs Public school will glove next Tuesday, except the Junior Leaving class, 22 pupils of our eobnol wi,1 write at the Eotrauoo Ex•mivation cud 18 will try the Junior Leaving and mn riruiution. 'ATE Telephone oonetruotioe gang, son• elating of at least a dozen men, are at work putting up the new line to Walton. It will take 2 or 8 wd •ke to complete the work. It will by it matter of great convenienoa when the ilea is finished. Some 20 mem, ere of Western Star Lodge, I.0 0. F., Brueeele, were at Listowel last Suuliny att.•nding the annual grave decoration sorri00 in that town, Next Sabbath a similar eervioe will be held at Wingham and several Brueseli(ee purpose attendior, I. 0. 0. F. DISTRICT LonoE-Weduee- day afternoon of this week she District Lodge of the Indepoodent Order a1 Odd Fellows was held in the L +'0e r om Brueeele, Jno. Dougla, of Wrnxaler, was elected D. D. G. M., and J. W. Dodd, of Wingham, S•orelarv. Delegates preeent were T. J. Elliot, J W. Dodd and J. T. Groves, of Wulrbam ; George Faulie, of Wroxeter ; ane 3 G. Jones and E. ()ober, of Brneee'e. Th.rre aro five lodges in this Distriot tha.r room bare and standing being un follows Brueeele, 130 01• mbete ; W m0ham, 111 members ; Wroxeter ; 25 ; and Tees. water, 12. The outlook fur further prog- rens is enc 'tinging and a eig2 000 campaign will be ivangurated next Fall. W0IZEN'S INSTITUTE -As announoed a meeting of persona interested in Wo. man's Instituts w. re wee bell iu the Town Hall here ou 'vVed•,eeday afternoon and eveuiug. The ohair was agreeably and unpaid} fi led by the District Preei dent, Mrs. W. G, Strong, of Gerrie, and addresses and demonetrtttions were given by Mre, Joy, of 'Toronto, and Mies Shuttleworth, of Guelph, who competent. ly handled the eubjeote assigned. The attendance wM 1101 nearly as large as the value of the meeting should have assured. A vote of thanks was passed to aha visiting ladies. Mrs. Armstrong, the Maria Secretary, enured several mem. berg and the indictitione are that a branch of the Institute will be establish ed. Ladies of the locality would no doubt find these gatheriuge as pleasant, profitable and inetrnotive as other looalitie have. EXAMINATIONS. -The Entre -roe Ex amiva.i 171 begin on June 2803 and last two deer. Inepeotor Robb and Blies Rltobio will preside in. Brneaele, about 00 oandidatee will write. Principals Rogers and Shillinglaw will preside at Seaforth, about 70 candidates are ex- pected, Principals Houston and Lough will Imelda at -Clinton, about 80 will write. Prinoipale McEwen, of Wroxeter, and Mies Hamilton, of Blyth, will pre aide at Wingham, over or about 60 oendidates will write. Mies Brook, of Wingham, will preside at Furdwiob and will watch over some 20 candidates. Principal Downey, of Fordwiob, will pre side at Wroxeter, about 20 oandidatoo will write there, Mies E. Wilson, of Brussels, will preside at Blyth and Mise Kirkby will assist, about 40 candidates will write. The High School Exnmiva Mons begin on June 80th and continue about twelve dnye. Mr. Baobt will pre. aide at Seaforth ; Mr. Lough at Olioton ; Mr. Muegrove et Blyth ; Mr, Cameron at Wingbam; and Inspector Robb at Brunets. RUST. -The following lines on the scbjeot of rust were written by a foor- teen•year•old girl attending the Boise°• vain sohool :-Ruet and wheat-that'e all I bear people talk about. My nnole Jack and aunt Marie they talk of rust (pond thorn till night. Rust, net and wheat 1 That's all I bear till sometimes I'm inclined to think the world is grow• ing roety. My pa he jaws and eaold% about that rust and when be gets deeper. ate mad he eometimee swears an0 says : "There's my South field that Jack says won't go two to the acre. Humph I Where's twee silk ter come from, and Jane's not apt to forget as bow 5 promie. ad her that new planer." My ma, she trete and groans, and wonders how we're going to live'oaase, she says, as how my Uoolo Jack he gays, the potatoes are all rusted, too 7 Rnet and wheat, that's all the talk at locia's, Monies and partyo, and mighty soon I 'epee, the minieter will give "Rust and Wheat" DA the title of hie sermon, BAYPInLD EMUS -Warden Miller, D, Cantloo and J. Ansley met at.Bayfleld on the 15th Met. Dr, Wood, Reeve of Bayfield, and members of the village Oonnoil were also preeent. After making a thorough examination of the bridge the committee oonoluded that it was nob Substantial enough g to stand eeourely the Spring freehete of Me and water snob as have been for some rare, The conorete protection to the piers 'wet found to add very little to the strength of the bridge. Committee considered that under ordin• ary oiroometanoee the bridge would serve the pnbno with safety for sometime yet but thought it neoeeeary to Make some preparation fora new one and decided that the new bridge, when built, be erected a little higher up the stream from the 9088508 one. Engineer was instead. ed 80 ask for tenders for concrete work at once and plane the name before thf8 committee not later than July 16tif at e " POLITAN BA CAPITAL-f'aitl ap 51,000,000 RESERVE FUND • • 51,000,000 Directors 118V, 11, H, WARDEN, 1). D„ 8. 0. Inman,Pranldant, Vice•Proeidont, Tn06, URAD80Aw, 1' hA, BIB VON011 0110. W. 0r0RTInrER oi,41t11, 11,0, D.10, 217001002, A. 0. JnnN Millernn0011 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, D, 11008 ...- GENERAL, meaneNIt A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Discounted. rz.3ow AVM BErigagrarawr Iotereet at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all Rome of $1 and upwards at1 I'SEAS Cameo A. 17, IIIELLISH, Manager. Seaforth so that this work may be com- pleted this season and ready for the soperetluoture at a future time. We enderetaud it is impoeeible to arose this river only by bridge. The length of bridge required will be about 265 feet. Business Locals. ABOUT two thousand pressed red briok for Bele. I. 0. RIOAARDe, Comm pups for sale from good w001100g stook. Lot 22, Con, 13, Gray. JAR. D. MoNAxa, Oranbrook. Ir your oolt has rheumatism try Golden Liquid. It will care, For sale by R. CRONE, Brnaeele. WnITn and bine turn over fluff lost in Brussels, Finder will much oblige by leaving it at THE POST. WANTen,-Butter, eggs and wool. Our wool market is as sky high as the eggs. Gno. E. Kpwo, Wingbam. To mechanise and wood workers, I can file and improve on any SAWS. Our filing saves time, money and worry. T. MoGnneou, Mill et., Braude, QUANTITY Of gee pipe for Bale at bar• gain. Sizes inch and inch and et quarter. P. ADAMS, Brneosle. COAMORTADLE house and 10t, with stable, pump &o., conveniently located on Queen etreet for sale. Apply to Tan POST. OoonoonvioLE end oonvenient dwelling rooms above °tore to let, both hard and soft water. Rent $4 per month, I. 0. Breakups. MONEY WANTED. -Have you from $100 to $1,000 to loan or inveet on good Beene- ity ? You oan make from 6 to 10 per pent. Address - 491f B, Dare of Banner Poss. Dn. BUTLER, the London specialist, will visit Brunetti professionally and may be found at the American Hotel on TUESDAY, JUNE 2716 All interested ehonld .bear these dates in mind. DR. MCNAuaaTON, who has disposed of his prao1106 and residence to Dr. Burne, will be in Brussels from Wednesday noon until Saturday noon of each week for some weeks to Resist Dr. Burne in hie work. LOPES ANTanA0ITn COAL; -R. Hender- son, coal dealer, will have a quantity of the Lopez Anthracite coal here about July leo, whish will be sold at $5 75 per ton at the G. T. R., or $6 00 delivered. It mimeo from Pennsylvania. Ask about it. Fred. Fialdhonee, laborer, was found unooneoiooe near his boarding house at Hamilton and died in a few minutes. Fall Wheat 90 90 Barley 40 40 Peas 80 - 66 Oate 99 38 Batter, tube and rolls16 16 Eggs per dozen 14 15 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Flour, par bbl 6 60 6 60 Boge, Live 6 25 8 25 Wool 20 21 Su 8, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Potatoes per bus 46 45 Apples (per bbl,) 1 00 1 26 2301115111 FELLS.- In Best Wawanosh, on Jane 14th, 10 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fells, a eon. HAnitmN.-In Blyth, ou Juno 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. tiabklrk, to daughter. OSTEn.-Io Brueeels, on June 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Oiter, a daughter. Bao'T.-In Hallett, ou June 13th, to Mr. and !Ire, Wm. Booth, a daughter. '302202 -I6 Blyth, on June and, to Mr. • and Mrs. Arab, Tunney, a daughter. TURNPULL.-In Grey, on June 1818, to Mr, end Mrs, Oliver Teruball, a daughter. Doweox-CHAMPAGNE,-I,, Brooltvillo, on June 14th, by Very Rae. Dean Mur- ray, Mr. Juo. B. Downey, of Ohat- ham, to Mies Julia Ellen, only danghter of Mr, and Mrs, Cham. pagne, of Brookville. • Hloxs-Wir,eoo -At the mange, Delmore, on June 21st, by Rev. Mr. Radford, Mr, D. S. Bloke to Mise Mary, daughter of the late Ohne, Wilson, all of Remick. LINDSAY- Monona. - At the Methodist Pereonags, BCneeele, ou Juno 21st, by Rev. T. Weeley Oosene, Mr. Wil- ber Lindsay, of Lietowel, to Mise Jennie Marren, of Howiok township, L-AInnew-SOrint0Y.-At the reeidenoe of the bride's father, East Wawanosb, on June 7.1d, by Rev. T. B. Oonpland, Mr, Junes Laidlaw, of Morrie, to Mies Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mr, John Sturdy. Murat-SaAw,-At Jura Cottage, Clinton, on June 7th, by Rev. Dr, Stewart, Mr, W. J. Muir, of Port Elgin, to Mary C.,youogeet daughter of Mr, John Shaw, formerly oI Bream's, MOND --MARTIN -At St, Jamee' eatbe. dral, Toronto, .on Juno 6th, by Rev, Canon E. A, 1Velob, Mr, Henry E, W. Tamlyn, 105. De only eon of Dr. D. J. Tamiye, to Mise Matgaret, eldest daughter of Mr. John Marti], both of Wingham. =sans% LAM .-Drowned inWroxeter, on Wad. needoy, June 14th, George Stewart Laing, aged 17 .yeare, EIRRooNNELL. - Near -Rnerbur.h, MIM!., on Juue 1011, David Iiirkcotnlell, formerly of Morris towoebip, in his 82nd year. MONAnn -In Grey, on Jane 18.h, Wm. Jamee, eldest non of Jno. McNabb, aged 2 years, 9 months end 18 daye THE PEOPLE'S cum. JJ1OR SALE.- ONE ROUND, stave Silo, 18 feet high, 14 feet Siam., with rods for same. Reason for selling- haveolio left. 10LI SMITH, Lot 4, 0011.7. Grey, Refusals P. 0. 00-2 CILVER WATCH, WALTHAM movement, open face, lost 011 Monday, No chain. Suitable toward will be paid for its recovery, Finder will please leave at THE POSTPtibliel,ing House. 00-2 JNO. RITCHIE, Walton P,O. VINE FARM FOR SALE, BE- ing Lot12, Oou,14, Grey, containing IRO novae. 86 of which aro cleared nod bal- ance in hardwood bush, Frame house, new b auk barn, orchard, he., nn preniisea with abundance Of spring water. Pince is well fen cad ; is in good Condition and no wnste land. S ellen film either Brussels or Wal- ton. For further partlonim'e anlIY ou the premises or if by letter to Oranbroolt P.O. NEIL DUNOAN&ON, 00.4 . Proprietor, The Potato Bug Now dotal the entail Potato Bug Improve math ;hiving minute, Ae aeon's yon o1rt your tater patoli Yon hot your boots he's in it. He ;darts iu when the planta begin To peep ono through the artist, And gate and eats and eats some more, It seems ae if he'd bust. When yon gn out to view the patob Where a fine crop ought to be, Some well trimmed tops and 1,000,000 huge Are all that you can sae. It should nob be that this ie thee, At drat yon should have seen That when yon lest were into town Yon gotsome FOX'S PARIS GREEN. 25o. PER LB. BRICK HOUSE KNOWN AS the Bruce property, Turnberry street, Brussels, le offered for sale, leer further information as to pries, terms, 'k°., write W, H. OR028, Swan Lake, Man- itoba, 45 d QTOBE AND DWELLING AT - 1J TACAAD in 1110 V lllago of 1313th for tale or to rent, For nuttier particulars apply to JNO. O. 000X, 40.4 Bus 7, Ilrnesele. TrAYED-ON THE 12,TE. OF i. May there strayed from Lot 80, Oen, 0, Grey, a your old holler, blue binolr In color. Anyone giving infutmatie, that will lead to bar recovery will he suitably rewarded, 40.11 J, E,13.9.111111, llenfryn P. 0, CiALE BY TENDER. - TEN - DRAB will he received by the under- signed up to July 1st, for the purellaso of the ktenfryn brisk Methodist °boron and frame shed. The highest or any oiler not necessarily aooepted. For further partic- ulars as to t0imEl, etc., apply to J081021I W, WBITFIELD, Secretary of Board, or 47.4 1000, li:, BAKER, fieafrin. IIAhAt'4d't'ad'l l' ILWNu'4,'hlee4 J. T. WOOD Proprietor of the Excelsior Knitting Mills, Brussels, is prepared to pay 22 cents per pound, cash, for any quantity of good Wool delivered at his Mills. Splen- did stock of choice goods consisting of Tweeds, Flan- nels, Flannelettes, Cotton Skirtings, Cottonades, &o,, brought in from the best Mills, and Blankets, Yarns and Sheetings made in our own Mills of choice stook, to give in exchange for Wool. An advance of 2 cents per pound allowed -for Wool in trade. - Now is the time to market your Wool. Strictly Fair Dealing our Principle. r- Come and see us before going elsewhere. dtd10'In't,'eNl'''u'In'nI; Wt.'Ieavu �41 JR. 4s Excelsior g) Knitting Milds R .L\J lJT S S._bJ r_..J. lyi sw`,afilpminntlil;i15mleotslt551 rf0101111tH 1�1j1 11. i .. �I tel Lx tr-r i nl• must be fashionably correct. Ours are. These shoes are comfortable because they fit inside. The outline is handsome and the shoes are made to keel their shape and appearance till worn out, '3 Prices are right for right goods SATURDAY, JUNE 24 we offer you tho following bargaius i --Gents' Laced or Congress Boots, price was $1.75 to $8.50, Saturday your choice $1.25. Also Ladies' Dongola Buttoned or Laced Shoos, sizes 3 and 8a, price was $1.75 to $2.60, Saturday your choice, only ;9Oo. HARNESS DEPARTMENT.—Single Harness, 'reducedrrices for 80 days, Dusters and Lap Rugs, a nine assortment, Trunks and Satchels. C�4s® C. rtienditnos.