HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-22, Page 4terget9SOCIAW-44/22121Poe: ItegelaVeattfAiiitiesegege&easagaeseavaad MOVed byi. Meidean, aeoodtle4 Ity R. _Verde, that the ilonety rum ell' ore eppo•pted to Lek atter 0800110 abut menta be paid $2 50 a tiny. Carried. Moved by la Cantslon, seconded by B. incLealt, that the bylaw for the in oorporetion of Zuriall be lent over till the Diaamber Reeento. tiarr•ecl, Mused be Mr, kip,04mau, suound• ‘t , y Mr, 0 totelon, that the County E • Cbe igrassti,s Vast, TI.TURSIM JUNE (.2a 1905. Huron CountyCouncil. • The Jane mission of the County Conn - oil opened at 8 p. m on Tuemitty 6111 inst. Warden in the chair and en members preseut exoept Mr. Lamont. Tbe Warden midreetted the °outsell reepeoting the bridge work tinder c»i. tract, the addition to the House of Refuge, and other matters to be eo0. eidered by the Cloonan. Coronaunioetions were read from the County of Lambton relating to trustees of Collegiate Institutee and High &Imola. Sent to special committee. Aleo from Lietowel, Parkhill and Si, Marys H,gb Saloon] regarding fees for outside pupil& These, with notice of Appeal againet the award of the arbitrators on the matter of "Joion Sohool Section, Hallett and Gotterich townehipe, were eent to Educe. tion committee. Col. Young and Capt. Shaw, by letter extended an invitation to the Council to visit the 88rd regiment while in amp at London, Lolled. Committrnent of these children by the name of Brome to the charge of the Children's Aid, and charging the county $1.25 per bead for each child, was sent to the executive. Tenders for supplying coal to the various offices were read and sent to the name:dive oommittee. A !ergo number of a000nnts were read and sect to Finance oominittee. The Jailer% report was read and sent to the County Property Committee, and the report of the Wardeu's, Reuse oi Refuge and Building committee were read and adopted. Moved by Messina. Gantelon and Spaok• man, that the Gummi! memorialize the Legislature to amend the High School Atit by 'striking out enb motion 7 of section 2 of the High School aot of 1903. Carried. The clause referred to is the one couferriug on High Scheele the power to charge fees to pupils of neighbor. ing counties. Application for a grant of $25 to the Huron Poultry Aastoiation, Red one for the mane to repair Ole bridge at Winghean leading to the driving park, were sent to the Executive oomtnittee. 0E0010 DAY—WEDNESDAY. A. letter asking for a grant of 0200 to assist in building a lookup in the town Hall, Wroxeter, was sant to Executive committee. Report of Exeeutive committee read and adopted. Dr. Burrows wee appointed trustee ou the Seaforth Co'legiate Institute Beard, vice Rev. Dean Hod:sins, resigned. Moved by Mr. AloNanghton, seaonded by Mr. Speakman, th a the approaoh to the bridge South of Clinton, messing the Hayfield river between Stanley and Goderioh township, be ferdied. Sent to the Road and Briche committee, Moved by Mr. Moliet:z e, secouded by Ain McLean, that in respect to Port Albert washout, the !natter be left to arbitrators, composed ut two competent engineers, whoahall have power to choose a third, and that their deoision be acte,t- ed as a settlement by Ashfield and the county, Lost, Moved by Mr. McQuillan, seconded by Mr. 'oldster, that tilts Council repeal the bylaw relating to dimensions ot county bridges, and that the oounty of Huron build and maintain all bridgee eight feet long and over on boundariee in said oonnty. Sent to Road and Bridge oona• mittee. Atoned by Metiers. Cantelon and Speak. Dean, that the opinion of the (whetter be asked on clause 017, Mutiioipal Aot of 1903, relating to bridges, Sent to Road and Bridge committee. The report of 5Ir. McLeod), re repaire to °canal Chamber, wait Bent to County Property oommittee. A petition eigeed by 97 residents of Grey and Maintop, asking a grant of 0500 to open up the boundary between Grey and Maidlop from lot 1 to lot 10 of the township, was sent to Executive committee. Dr, Woods, II, W. Erwin and Geo. Erwin, Bayfield, addressed the County Connell with reference to the neeeeeity of the county erecting a new bridge over the river et Hayfield, and Ur. Livingston, reeve of Grey, arid M. Rolend, of Mee Riliop, addreeeed the Council regarding petition from Grey and Maintop. IOtoved by Mr. Currie, seconded by bit. McQuillan, that $800 be granted for len proving the gravel road Smith of Wing- haro, commonly known as the Prairie, Sent to the Emotive committee. 'Moved by Mr. Oantelon, seoonded by Mr. MaNanghton, that no eatery be attaobed to the i919 fa of Higb (Instable for this aounty, 111,0 to take effect at the end of this quarter. (tarried. The second report of Exeoutive aom, Midas and the report of Equalization oommittee were read. Mr. Gantelon moved, encoded by Mr. Ferris, that the Levens of Whighatn, Seaforth and Clinton be equalized to s, valuation et 9541,880, Lost. Yeaa---Cantelon, Ferria, Gardister, MeNaugliton, Speakman, 5. Nitta -- Currie, Bryan McKenzie, MeQttilloda, Doig, Iabister, MaLean, 'Morrison, Grieve, 9. The report was then adopt. ed. Report of County Property committee • wee read. Moved by Mr. Speakman, seconded by Mr. Currie, that the °leek and Mr. PcioLean be instructed to per. ohm stoves end other supplies mention- ed In tbe report, and get repairo made ou roof of Court House, &lee employ a man to inapeotsboiler. Carried, Council adjourned to meet at 10 a.m. on • Thursday, THIRD DAY--TIITHISDAY, The reports of Finance Ednoation and Road and Bridge committees were read and palmed in Connell. Moved by Mr. 'ablator, aeoorided by adr. IVIaCenillan, Etat the Publics Salmi "Wootton be ttothorized to apportion the ;levered eehool moneye now lying it the bands of township treamers, among the Emma municipalities 0 whicila they belong, eamOrding to the average Attend. eerie. Carried. Moved by Ititesere, Clantalon and me - Me. McKenzie sell the old tint Or in Aniberly bridge, Mr, Mcgeillen • the 00 91000 in the bridge near LuoknoW, the W9,000 the timber in bridad nt Morriabeltk, Mr. Gardiner timber in Steniake 'bridge, and Mt, Currie the thither in Weatfield bridge, after the dom. Option Ot the baperetrdetnree. Glerried, glom be eranied $300 for aesietattoe s, 01 , spondee fur 1905 Cour dor, Moved by Bryan% mammies' by It Gauthier, 01.0 Oil, °rmen do now est jouru to met t ott the that Tueeday in D. °ember, in the town of SI 11S4011L Carried, C031111 ITT10E RE PORTS. TUE ADDITMIS reported lousing examined •he treaenrer's stateuthote, 011t1 1 111111 tb ni 10 agree wall the bunko and vonchera in every lima Ocular •, that the receipt» were $119 504 • 11 ; dlibureemesite, 9118,811 86, teat Ing a betimes. of $752 25 That the m reg a held to, the timbale fund noonunt eget ed with tretteuret'a books. The re' 110 from ft'et of January to February 21st, 1905, inoluding balmy* trim 1901, were $72,924.40, un t the diebureemente 968,848.79 Teat the eeveral ichool monnte wore aorreet. That the inns- urerai securities, the 00118 00 teat yeer, were satisfactory. The the county Ma ?Tali -Med by ratiefectory tire tosueottee, and the report, eietsed by Alt Bele. Zaler and 31 trIey, 0 onaltdee an follows We wish co etate that we found the treas. arm very courteoua, and that eve ry facility was afforded us to make a thorough examination of all matters per- taining to our duties, We found all voU011ere and documents turaugati systematioally and the books correctly kept." Estimate of expenditures and recoil) Enter:DM:TM Adiniutstration of Justice,$ 5000 00 Jail 2200 00 Division Court Jury f nett 100 00 Schools 800 00 Sohool matt:teem lit 2800 00 Ornate.. 3500 00 Munieipal er1•1110o1 4500 00 Stationery, printieg, eto 1000 00 Lunettee and Menthe= 700 00 Litereat 600 00 County pros erty 2000 00 Misoel aneon a 100 00 Industrie! Eimer, 5500 00 Roads and bridge 21140 78 Sterling deben tares... 5000 00 Debenture., 1904 2000 00 Defied, 1904 831 72 $08372 45 LESS Registry Ofnae $ 800 00 Licensee 1200 00 92000 00 Total 961372 45 Bylaw No. 5 of 1905, to raise $61 372.• 45, oy an aseeeemeut of 10 10 mile on the dolier, w 0 duly pas,ca. TEE poIIALITATME comanTTRE reporlet recommending same aeeeternent ltd for 1901 EDECIATI IT COMMITTEE Your committee beg leave to report as fohowe 3.. Re the letter of Rev. J. W. Hoag- ies, resigning the position of trustee of Seaforth Collegiate Ioetitnte, on account o/ removal to Chatham, %bet lie resig- nation be accepted and Dr. F. Burrows be appointed in hie pleas. 2. Re the claims of Higb Schools and Collegiate Institutes in adjacent ocamtiee for the tuition of pupils belonging to this county, we recommend that the treasurer pay in each cane the County cif Huron'a share for such ooet of tuition, the amount to be determined ae follows : Find the share of the county in the total cost of maintentunte, having first dedooted the Legislative grant therefrom ; said share to be in the proportion of the total days of &Manama of all pupils, 05 per Dent of Ole amount to be paid to the Higb Sohool or Gollegiete Institute by the fees from the County of Efuron'e pupils, and the balance from this tionnty, and that each school or Institute be requested to furnish a aertifi.d etatement oontainiug the date neoeseary for Ole treasurer to determine the coma amount. B. Re the ale= of Earrieton High School for pupils for tenuity for 3903, we find that this eohool was opeu for pupils from the County of Huron on the same terms as pupils from its own county, and although notice was not not to the Mark till June, 1903, we reaomtnend that they be paid in compliance with the foregoing seotion. 4 Re claim of 00. Marys Collegiate, we recommend the same be reterned, 00 it is inoomplete in detail, as required by last clause of 8E otion 2 of this report. 5, Re Maim of Harrieton Eilah &hoot, for pupils from thio county for the year 1904, we recommend the same be paid in compliance with 080. 2 of ado report, 6 Re claim of Parkhill Higb Sohool for Huron County pupila, we recommend the same be pent. 7 Re claim of Walkerton High Hama for Huron County pupils for 1908, we recommend the Mark be instruated to -find if the pupils from this (ninety in 1903 were charged the samosa those from Brim Oounty before settling the Flame. 8 Re darn of Lielowel High Sohool, we recommend that the 8109 be return- ed, se it ie incomplete in detail, us re. gaited by section 2 of this report, 9. Be notice from Proudfoot, Helm' & Blabr, n Ole matter of Ohurahill vs. Sohool Trustees et al, roe mniend 110 action. THE JAILER'S REPORT showed 9 prisoners ; 8 for vegranoy, 1 on remand, 2 for ammuli, 1 for theft, 1 for street welking, 1 for insanity. IMILDING COMMITTEE, Your oommittee met at the Hones of Refuge 'Monday, The architect wag preaent, and Et thorough inspeolion of the building was made. There is still con- eidernble to be done, The ennOrnotor promieed to keep On a good staff of men, and 11 1010 10 ±000 the bonding should be nearly completed by the end of this month. The arohitaat reported to ne that the week thus ter was fairly well done, but in a few minor points the con WM had not been (tarried nt. These things one be remedied, and will not re. eat in any pertioular injury to the balding. Since our lead report no payments have been mode to the oontreateir, and will not be until the work ie nearing teonipletion, In 80 probability the aiettea., eital,;-,-ses144•1131,i0deregteleanieeees*" • e US PEOPLE BY FANNIE M. LOTHROP EARL. GREY Canada's New Governor-GenOrai Earl Grey, the brother of Lady Minto, does not come to Canada So stranger, for he has been a frequent visitor at Ottawa during Lord Minto's regime. He was born in 1861 of an old Northumberland family living at Howlek since the sixteenth century. His grandfather, the second Earl, Grey, was the Whig Prime Minister who carried through the Reform 13111 in 1831. Alfred Henry George Grey, the new Governor-General, does not need to fall back upon a family tree for a record, as he has made his own name secure, He was educated at Harrow, Trinity College and Cambridge, taking high degrees in history and law, and at an early age entered, politics, being for six years a member of Parliament. In 1894, while he was making an ex. tensive tour of South Africa, word came to him of the death of his uncle, to whose title and estates he succeeded. Earl Grey was a close friend of Cecil Rhodes, and was the one man who knew how to manage him; and on more than one occasion when the Colossus of South Africa threatened to cut loose from the mother country and make Rhodesia an independent republic, the gentle firmness and influence of Earl Grey made the threat fade into thin air. He is one of the executors of Rhodes' will, and has an influential voice in the Rhodes scholarships. After the Jameson raid in 1896, he succeeded to the administration of Rhodesia, and here his strength of mind and purpose, his knowledge of men and methods, his tact, diplomacy and personal magnetism enabled him to ride bravely over many obstacles. He has the courage to take the initiative whenever it seems right to blanch out into new lines of effort, and is a strong lover of humanity. On his large estates he has successfully carried out his ideas of cooperative partnership; he is the organizer of the Public House Trust Company, which takes over and manages the saloons of England ins the public interest. At a labor meeting in Scotland a few years ago he stated his belief that the gigantic trusts of the United States could be checked only by a cooperative plan, limiting the interest to five per cent. and prohibiting the sale of shares in the open market. Earl Grey has clear-cut features, dark eyes, a: slight patch of hair, %al& ing an oasis in the desert of his baldness, a military bearing and a quick, Ener- getic, decisive manner. His family consists of his wife, his son, 'Viscount Howick, and his throe daughters, Lady :Victoria Grenfell; Lady, Sybil Gredi and Lady Evelyn Alice Grey. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Ce -nada, In year 1909, by W, O. Mack, 01 00,, Dopurtninut of Agriculture. 000to, by ituitan & 0, laudea building will be aompleted in July, and we moat that this oommittee, with the arohiteat mid collator, if asked by the oomtnittee, be empowered to finally Bettie up with the contractor ROAD AND MUDGE 00n11111TTEE recommend the ',rioting of the En• gineerat report in minutes •, advised limb a bridge be bent between the townahipe of Tuakersmith and Efibbert, known as the Morrison bridge, the same to be a oonorete arab, span of about 15 feet, Perth to pay half the coat ; tenders to be ['eked for and opened not later than Jay 15, in preeenes of Wreiden, olmirman of R. and B. committee and the Eneineer, in Seaforth, and that atm aonnty en- gineer notify the county clerk of Perth of the motion we are taking in reference to this bridge. With referenae to motion of Mo. Naughton and Speakman, re Stanley bridge approaahes, would recommend that the same be completed at otioe. With reference to the deputation from Hayfield, re Hayfield bridge, would ad. viee that Warden, chairman of R. and B. ooromittee and Engineer inepeoh the situation ; that abutmente be put in this Fall, tenders to be opened by 1501 of Juty, in Seaforth. Recommend that the 0 :nay En• g'neer be granted three weeka' leave of abeentie, and that hie eon take hie place in the interim. That our County Engineer deserves an inoree.te in tottery, mod leave the metier to the Council. The County Engineer's report eon - Mined the payments munitioned by him between the January and June meetings ; they amounted to 9614 01, It informed the °mail that agreements] had been executed with contractors for the works let at the January meeting of the oounoi ; ixpreetied the hope that they multi 'di be aompleted in due time, and slated that the Spring freshet of 1905 had done bub little damage to the eountry beldame. It informed the Cannon that B emelt bridge should be built on the boundary between Teoltaremith and Hibbert, of wadi the amity of Perth should pay half ; that seine other email bridged might require rebuilding during the year ; that con• sidetable repeire will owl to be made, and that he thought the 000t for bridgee and approaohes during the year would not exceed $23,000. PINANCIE 00011O1TTE11 Reoommended the payment of Bente 39 rtacounte and reported having examined Ole auditot eit report, 1901110001011 001101100EE Recommended that all the paperer re, gardiug the oommittal of the three Broome children be filed with the Clerk: Tina the memorial re Bottrde of Erin. oetioe be Manse by the Warden and Clerk. Reported that Widen for jail 'cupolas had been 000epted by the Olt rk at follower3. W. Smith, br, eel ; C. A, Nairn, grooviest ; McLean Rio, , moot, That tendert) for octal had been received 9,9 follow. : F. 13, lielmee, IT J. Mo• Ewen and Wm. Loa 00011 $6 00 ; aamee Harnilton, 96.40, and reennimencied that the tender of Jamie millon be no eepted, providing that a merited alluvia of JO per cont. of the estimated etneunt he plasma with tretteurer 188 tuaramee of fulfilment of anntract, said entreat, to he prepared by Mork and signed by 0011• tractor. Reaumroretling no notion in the IV, lowing matters : Motion for $25 towards repairing bridge at Wingliam ; petition for 9500 to open up road between Grey and Maintop ; motion to grant $300 for gravel road at Wingliam, and applieation for $200 Le build lookup at Wrt meter hot opprovitig of grant of $25 to Poultry Show, to be held to Seaforth. 00 PROPERTY 001MITTEE Reported that they found the jail and everythita in good order. Recommended the perches° of a dozen pairs of pante for the n at of prisonere, and that a coal 000k eases- 1,. porolideed for the kilohou, and a i u 11 000008 Bold. Reported that at the Registry (Moe everything was found in good order, and that the changes added greatly to the comfort of officiele and public, and the appearanoe of the front offioe. R oom mended that no aced be praohased for 1100 of building untll old stook be nearly used up, and that &competent man be employ- ed to examine the furnace and put 10 10 a proper atate of repair, and that a small coal move be putahased ter tme of office in Fall and Winter. That with reference to Councillor 31o• Lonna; verbal report re repairs to Court Hauge, would advisee thee the walls be papered with paper, not 00 be lees thodi 25 oents per roll ; that a metallic ceiling. be pat in ; that the mate and woodwork inside of said room be touched- up with paint when oonsidered necessary, and all woodwork be varnished. That the olerk be inatruoted to advortiee for tenders for mad work. Weak Stomaoll and, Eidneys 'retied Bp and Made Healthy and Strong lly Ilte Great 'Ennio Ferrozone "For ten year. I suffered 0001 el from stomach trouble," writee Mr. Maxwell Thompson, of Tniedo, '11 lawsYs lind headache and 1,1 feeling atoor m appolte 00(40 poor, And " didn't 00110 my food. It was a 1 /the 10 10 wohlc defeatism 00 mach. I reed about re ere 11100, end Ordered ,lis boxes from my draggiet, It was Ito tho • et 00 before I bit mutat helm", and ellen all the Ferroz 0 wee nor d 1 to ally took a new home of life. I tun etio tem', brighter, and feel mere deo mirk than before trying Ferromone, 1 0 0 .900±11 ton 0, the hem I evi r need. stEatween bed and a w.tift atomaoh," writes: D eigave Whittemore, al Belmont, "1 wee reamed to e eke:0ton thie Spring. A a ten 5 'gO) advised Ferroz , so T coosin wed to use it. 10'0,a11nto torte uto tal my inornach Umtata noel no eny 1011, yeperre01.1y henIthy, I have eitme tamed Owen pounds in weight, tool al j y the ben of he,010. I believe Ferri z tea saved my life, and I gratefully recommend it." Why Play sick when Forrozmo ash tore 90 91 notdc ha foo•adt any loegee, Get som- Frrne snit to day nod take it regularly. PerrazIne manure hon th and Onets but 60c. for throe 030 1,0 treatment. Six boxes sent pent•peid for 02.50 139 1110. Forrozono Company, Eingrbon, 0.11, • ovp ReponTS. nu. Winter ; The lateness of 1115 lir' Vent of /901 Nutted tunt:11 of the Pall wheel, to be sown a 001' k or two ilfler the 110110.1 1,11110, HOW0Yer, 4110 000 who Obeli in rather fine o,mrlilien for mein g, and O here 1040 0 good on1011, all11 .111;11 01 weittli.r in the latter pert of the aotnewlint 14,tertiral the strewth of the vomit! p Icing 1110 Pi ttrinen yer, 1,88 firtip 111811 100 1 11 Wooer late 1:, lost i of N r hem beelend tieing .xentatutt to the 51 rat rale, 'filo uoiti winds prevaiiiiie in April were very trying to fielde le alleged }deceit 1 nevertheless the crop pit•li, d up wonderfully with the more fetal nble weather whioli followed, and when our reopen Noma reported ae 00 the aotal tio a ou the 10 It of May, Fall wheat had very pro nish g appearance in m at quartera, more eepeOlolly in the tree of early sown fields. The most fevorab e statements, happily, come (01 ni the counties in which the crop has 0 1090 aareege. Bat little Fall wheat lee been plowed up oumperod with the two or three years, immediately preceding, although in a 110mber of inetenotai barley or other grain has been drilled in on some of the bare apote. ..1.410 disappear once ot the Hessian 910-0e, rather, the abeeem-• of any m irked evidence of its, oresenee—i. one of the moat gratifying fee' woo of the reports oonamniug Foll wheel, fur during the la -t four or five yen ro 1110 1111.V00 n00011,010 by Elie haseot peel lute been of a moat exseneive and t)nt), nedare. WHITER Rant. Moat of the rye grown tu that Provinoe is grown for green feed, and the itoreage aO the most ie not a large one. Where grown the crop ie reported to be in good condition, having oeme through the Whiter well. Co,,VE11 : The preoeut indications are that there will be a full yield et uluter thie season, taking the Provinee a whole, In the eential and Western 000nlie8 clover fields are in D. Nally 6 •st condition, having suffered but little from Winter.kiiiing of any form In the more 191 Latent otimitiee prospectus are not so bright, but. the (Melo are rapidly re smearing from the heavy cheat< given the crop by the raw winds a Aprii. The general report is that new fields are par- ticultirly strong, the catch last year hey. me been m et suotitsesful. VIIGHTATIoN : Growth in field and forest was hardly as advanced es usual on the 10th of May, the (lute when most of our torreepondebti fired in their returne, although even a large number of cattle were reported to be on the grass. April proved to be a bookward month for v, getation, but May Weather oeae Much Morn fat °rattle, and the tatted returns to band Speak of it rapid grow' It 11 blade 41.dalur loaf. FTimms : A oassiderable lose le reporte 1 awing plum trees, and some perch and other fruit trer to ere also earl to have been Wtnier Icil•ed, although not to the same extrut RS 1001 year. In feat much of the inamedate toes of orchard Ire 0 ie oh:treed egainet the eevere weather of the Winter of 1903-4, Bice Seating wee iterticit, as n•rreepontienta wrote, Kurt cherries, plume and peaches were miming ont profusely. Apples are not likely to be ao heavy a er. 9. Field mice continue their etteoke upon young fruit trees, and there are many Qom plaints of serioue injury. There are now but few (mantlea exempt from the injury of this native peat. LIVE STOOK Live stook of all classes oame through the Winter without any Berk:one miehap, any disease oomplained of being more or lees tonal in character. Home are described ae being rather thin, but in good working oondition otherwise, ae, the weather wee not too warm during Spring operations. There are the usual soattering reports of die. temper, with but few fatalities. Cattle are also said to be on the lean side, but hearty. Like other live stock, they had to be oarefully fed, ovehog to the look of oorn and the high price of mill feed, but they are now rapidly picking up in tom on the gram Sheep are generally report ed as in good °audition, except in some of the townships of Lambton, where there was au outbrenk of scab, whichifortnitate. ly wan quiekly stamped out. Ewes have been prolific this Spring, and lambs 0re said to be remarkably strong and active, Several oorrespoodento, however, elate that eheep cannot he kept in largo nurn• hers in Ontario on account of doge., Swine are more generally ratted, but do not appear to be so plentiful ae tumid this Spring, Occasional reverts have been received of crippling from rimumetiern or other causes, but theae (+Macke are gener• ally the reenit of local housing and feed. ing, New littera of pigs do not appear to heve done so well in the Batten part of the Provinoe as in the counties farther Wes& Generally amaking, there WEa sufficienoy of fodder, although many farmere were pinched for oorn and straw, Faatt•Surerdna : In most parte of the Province there its more than n aufficienay of hay, although the eoeroiiy 11 straw and corn drew larpely on this fodder, Gals have been letgely fed, and high prices beam been paid for what was marketed, and While 1111 re is a enrplue on henti, 10 10 not a largo olio, Wheat is oomparetively mace from 1110 eons canoes, Pitt oottie have marl) ell been bou.tht, up, and More rattat aro not so plentiful tte none!, In fiet, more fermata are grazing Unlearnt at salt than in boomer years, good prie,s foe beef and the aoar. city of fie agricultural laborere leading to this end. SP10110 BRIIMING : Tile Sowing of Spring grain averaged rt week or two earlier alto usual, in many ieetnno s being conotnded in April, The eeed bed tv a in ideal onto dition, and the oetolt was getternay auettessdni, In the Georgian Bay emotion, the N trtherii Dlrtrluio, and some of the S. Lama no, 0,11 000 001 50115li14, frequent, roiu: delayed opera ions on low- I lying 11 i'do, bat 04111811 landa. work wet well ahead. Pees ewe h. t 01114t1 (0' ly purpueely by many hunters, in °Hee to mine pe 0h8 woavi FARM 1 Thom ia still a scarcity of farm heap le Most seatioes of the Provinoe, olthongh the sit mai di has boon sonaiderablv relieved be Brilieh 10101 (nation. White moot, 03he new eemrre aro inexperientied ne 1,sorde farming operattone, Sortie of limn have 'bowed aptiinde for the work, and are wall spoken of by oorreepondense, while oth,re twain ore described 105 Wino. IllterlY leqi from An earloniturel stendpoint. In order 10 01)0,0 011' 011000115 of lobar, tunny fennel% aro Rs Mins do,,v,n great a0re500 and are doing more extenaively into grits, ing. The nee of lorgeti implemento le 0100 h000111ilig hi re eernmon on this 1 acemint, and one mith may note be seen Boit & R.1Ik1tk Messrs, Mb & Iiabkirk I bank 1 1100 hiblie for the pat- ronage extended since open-, ing u000 shop in _the 8tretton Monk, 131'ussels, We keep a, new, well select- ed Stock of goods end attend to the manufacture of the same in 11, Fashionable and Workmanlike manner. High Class Tailoring our Specialty Satisfaction assured to all our Customers. We give our personal supervision to all departments of our business. Give us a Trial Order. The Best Pure Manilla Twine on bhe Market is the 11 Ri toP- 541..11,41; FF,111'11 PO TIPS 'ft 13. Will be sold during the month of June at 13 Cents per Ib., Oash, GERRY & I7STALE_ER driving three or tont. horses Named of two as Tot merty. Female help 011 the farm ie as diffioutt to procure as ever. 8. "WIHEEZIlm seleFecT 1lJean0 your trouble le deep seated. To delay is daitgerotte. All the it 11 initnetion wail be (fifteen 001 18800 day by Replying Nerviline. It, penetrates through the poses of the 1Cl0, 0.100110 1rfflam01181.100, ainc thus protein., 00110115 404(3 080015 For sore threat, weak cheeta and settdeu• O t, to oeldo p0 persuriet,on te better than Puleoide Nervidne. l5'..r td arty 11 • y t ears it he, been etta'a grter houee• hold remedy. Twenty line cents buys a large bottle. WILL SELL HHESEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS TO THE 1OPTI WE S T Winnipeg 530 00 14stevau 'Yor1. ivrowsr.y 1k ton sas 00 Delorain -1. Ill 00 Shelia 55 50 Souris ) noel 00 Bradlee .... 81 55 019010 Lyleton 1 Moosejon, 81 00 Lenore 82 00 Saskatoon 35 (05 00ntsO 1 Prillae Albert", 111100 Biefitiarth se 20 Maitland 38 20 bloosetnin 52 20 Calgary 38 50 Areola 82 50 Bed Deer 1900 Sbrathoona 040,50 Going June 10013,returning until Aligust 14, Oiling Jona 27th, retuning until August 28, Going July 15t13, returning notli 0090. 30. Foil partioulars from Danatliau Puente Agouti. THOS. FARROW, agout, 0000001, or write 0.13 Poster, D.P,A , Torouto, 33 76 1.111SOMPOLNOMISM•144.01•1610111•.. REAL ESTATE. IfiARM" FOR BALE.—CHOICI4 A 00 Flare farm bar mile, Mee South balf Lot 0,0.100 7. 6, l‘y. Mostly seeded down and well mantireil. Good OA uk barn and condo! Whitt 0000, to school Rud 24 miles from Rinon0s. 5 1100v8 Of Fall wheat in. Applt to 1.0. 11,T,L11., Mussels, 30-01 VARM FOR SALM.—TWE dordoo YA her 100 Rare farm. 00- 000111 101, non. 7, Grey, ior rale. There tt,initertidde batik here, or. e h ,..1, l,,&1a I arm 18 aOy mile rem (ho thrtytt:g village of Bthte . 'or 'nether pertain:luta its to mine, Lama. t!act.. apply to 01.8.8 liATV., HOLLAND, 73 abater atrof TeroL to, ALLAN LINE LIYERE001, and LONDONDERRY Royal Steamers Montreal From 1100700e iliAide inue it, 3 nou. Julie 2,0 0.01 Vletulitu Jeue 9 0(1,1, 3111.10 9, 6 1141.13 l4avr(, time 81 3 4,01, ;Nue 10, 0 p.m Vitginiad J81101,3 8 .0.111. 311110 20, 00.10 1101(011 riAssAato that Dubin, $75 and upwards 0 Second Cabin, 01180001 and Londonderry, $42.00 itual upirarde 1 0111111Cleite, $27.50 and 528.75 to 1.ivar000ul, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow and London, Jionlreal lo 411aseow Direct. 11101100181.11......... Wed, Jane 7010 (daylight) New 0010 to Glasgow Parisian 'Phurs, June 8, 09,01 Montreal to London and liavre Sarillnien 3000 10 1 Sariniitlai1....„JUIle 20 Von fernier particulars melees to W. EL KERR, Ageut, Brnesele. LA.13 trarMitil CID LA.4 000001110 gy) C.4 0 rak. c:D 1013;r07 f4 1-2 170.001000 130 Go ars