HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-22, Page 1el 1 Vol, 88, No, SO BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1905 r ew Advertisements. (loo!—Robb. HOnderncon. huoal—Thos. Muflregor, Silo for code -13 i Smith. 22u. for wool—J, T. Weed, Welch loot—John Ritchie. The Potato Bug—Jae. Fox. Gas pipe for sate—Fred. Adams, Farm for sate—Neil Dnnoeneon, Men'a drops shoes—I, 0. Rititurds, Hot weather geode—McKinnon se Oo, i'atrut . pews. attest ston•rr. After upending a week with A. D. and hire. MaOoeh, of Pine liver, South Brune, on the lake shore, John '2. Stnaobau returned to his home here, icnompanled by bin grandson, Master R. A. Mo0ooh, oleo of Pine River. 0Ann O0' THANES. --g The undersigned 0 dooiree to einoarely thank her many !rdenda and neighbors for the kindness shown them anis aoeiatanoe rendered duriug her peat trouble and far the sympathy expressed over tbo death of ,her husband, David Moffett. Yonro sincerely, Mus. Ant Moereirr. lilt .1 os. Township Couuoil will meet here Fri. day of next week. La grippe has been bothering a num: ber in this locality, William Gill expecte to go to South River, Muskoka, to assist in the P. Amont mill, PAW/DRAGE for young cattle eau be enpplied. Apply to Goo BATEMIAN, Lot 10, Con, 7, Grey. Quite a number from this looeliiy took in the excursion to the Mode! Farm, Guelph, Tbursdny of last week. The McDonald Institute le quite no ed. dittonal attraction to that dutereotir.g epos, Rev. Thos. Wilson, of Walkerton, gave an illustrated lecture in the Township Hallhere on Wednesday of last week, "A trip round the world" was taken, in which 160 fine views were shown, prov ing both interesting au inetrantive. A number pf illustrated singe were given, R, 0. Davieeieiuging "Lneh Lcmond," Mies 11, Spence, "Ye banks an' braes of bonny Doon," with a rousing chorus, "The Maple Leaf," by the audience. Rev. D. B. Malleo woe the chairman. The fioanoial procoodo were $80. Entertainment was under the enepices of the Obrietian Endeavor of the Presby• terian obutoh, and they are to be oou. gratnlated on its mimeos. Rev. Mr. Wilson will be made very welcome back to Ethel at any time. Wonanvo,—The Brantford Gander of Saturday, June 17th, Saye :—"A patty bat quiet weddiug was solemnized in the Methodist church, Burford, at high urian Wednesday, June 14.1r. The oon.tr :ding parties were Mise Laura Amelia, flange ter of Ohm, and Mrs. Woodin, and E;iwin Robertson, both of Burford. The church Was prettily deonrated for the oaoneion with bridal wreath blossoms. The bride entered leaning ou the arm of her father. She looked very °hemline ooetumed in crepe de obine, with orange bloeeoms and white picture hat. Mice Berlin Pettit, of Delhi, oonein of the bride, noted ee brides. maid, She looked very pretty gowned in white Swiss and bine ribbons. Master Fred, Robertson, of Ohioago, nephew of the groom, aoted Raring bearer, oarrying the ring on a white satin cushion. The groom was enlisted by Melvin Woodin, of hiinoie, brother of the bride. William Elliott and Russell Barker, of Brant ford, noted Re where, The ofiioiating minister wae Rev. Mr, Gallup, of Mount Pleaennt, Mies Nellie McKenzie, of St. George, played the Wedding March. Preceding the ceremony Mies Mand Mo. Intyre, of Mount Pleaeanb sang "0 1 Perfect Love" very sweetly. A reoention was afterwards held for immediate relativea only at ibe home of the bride. The dining room was prettily demented with ferns, roeee and smilax. The bride —FOR— DIAa 1 i NDS 2^v AND 1. FINE GOLD JEWELLERY AT CLOSE PRICES GO ,, TO ■ apµ�ea� `��° Ir V ACESOtm� BRUSSELS. Any quantity of Wool wanted for Which the Highest Market Price will be paid. Wool will be taken in at No. 2 Storehouse or the Flour and Feed store. �l.�. Baek -.. r 13R ISS1LS. wee the renlpiont of many beautiful preemie), ttnt„nt; whioh war a handoomo nluolt from the choir and a Over padding filth from the church. Mr, end Mrs. Robertson left on the roar n'o!ook trek) from Brantford for n trip on the lakes to Proeoott, Mr, and hire. Robertson are very popular and hoots of friends will extend hearty oongretulatione, Soaoassrar,—'Phe Women's Institute here hast Saturday was it (Molded mom. Mre, W. G. Strung, of Gerrie, Dietrich Problem, occupied the chair, About 40 ladies were present in the afternoon and an aa:1101°e of nearly 100 neeumbled in the evening. Mre, :Joy, of Toronto, and Mies Shuttleworth, of Guelph, gave demonetretione in ethe afternoon that were moat interesting and instru0tive and Mre. Armetronit, $ef Gorri0, Dietriot Seutetary, spoke on "Hnlpe and hind raises in Instituto work,” The visiting ladies gave aridreeeen again In he even- ing end in udJltiun n musical program wee rendered in which Mies Speuoe and the OrcheatrR took pert. Iaoit otioue were given by Mies Ida am on and Melvin Sleminon. Ethel Women's In etitnte is a live institution, well officered and loyally enpported. The vigil of Mre. Joy and Mie. Shuttleworth and the Die trio. :Moats was a source of great pleaenre. Mrs. strong made an admir able presiding °Dicer, . Wr.rxeteur. Roberti Harris spent Saturdey in Wing• hum, W. M. Robinoon spent part of this week in London attending Synod. Adam Spence, of Fordwiob, spent Sat. utility afternoon here. ' Klee Truax, of Walkerton, is the guest of Mies Lulu Hemphill. Joh', Muir, of Stratford, ie the guest of hie mother near the village. Mra, James Orr, of Wingham, is spend. he; is few weelce with old friends in the tillage. Lewis and Mrs. Bolton, of Lietowet, were guests of Dr, and hire Brawn a few days of last week. A number from the village attended the funeral of the late Devitt Moffatt in Tnruberry hist Saturday. Mr, and hire, Henry and little Boa, of Whiteohuroh, were guests of their dough• tor, itiies E. IIrnry last week, Robert and Mr„. Black went to London in•t week to attrrid the fmlerel of their little nein, Mies Ella McLennan. Mre, Alex. Campbell And two -little roue, Clareuoe and Walton, of London, are Oohing the former's brother, Will. Leckie. A number of young people from the village attended a been dame given by John MnNnughtou, of Turnberry, an Monday evening. Amongst those who attended the Ilordwioh 0 0. F. Emersion to Toronto and Niagara haat week, were hire T. G Hemphill, Mre Jae. Allan, Dr. W. B. Smile and wife, Mre. R Moffitt, J. R. Miller end Mre. B T. Garr and children. DROWNIN° -- A very sad drowning accident =erred here lest Wedneeday eveninu between Dight and 111,16 O'olook, wheu Georg, Lime, aged Bev. uteen tests, end second son of Mrs, Robert Lang loaf his :He, Hehad t,ouel in to bathe with two other oompaniins jaetabove the dem and being overheated from playing ball it is supposed he took cramps ao he Bank almost immediately. It was some twee. ty minutes before the body was recovered. Two dootore and two trained uurees were un bend and after two hours work failed to restore life. The funeral, which tools pima on Friday eftereoon, Wan very largely attended, the eervioe being con. ducted by Rev, L. Perrin. The school children preceded the hearse in a pro. union, and also gave a very handsome wreath of white rocas. The pall bearers were Arthur Stott, Alex Caeemore, Wilfrid Weir, John Adams, and Hugh MoLeod. Much empathy is felt for the mother and two brothers in their bereavement. • C rat0'. The new White bridge was aompieted thin week. 'township 0oanoil will be held Friday of next week in the Hall, Rthel, Mr. Hamilton is here from the West on a visit at L, MaN ll'e, 14th cone hie father in-law. The Sabbath School has re -opened in Shine's cahool house, David Ritohle le the Snperinteudent, ably supported by Mies Betz. A driving shed addition, 20x40 feet will ee built to the North end of P. Botz ti tone barn lltit oon. It will have a etablio nndet it. g A,eaeption woe held at the home of John Oard,ff, 8111 oon , on Tuesday even ing on the arrival home of Fred, Cardiff and bride from their bridal tour, PIo'Nsa —The young people of S. S. No 8, Grey, intend bolding a pio•nin on Friday afternoon, ankle 80th, in aeo, Shiele' grave, Lot 20, Oou, 15. A hearty welcome extended to all. Leat sneelr Oliver Turnbull, 16th con„ diepoeed of 5 Leioeeter ewes Rud a ram to Alex, Souter, of the 14th con., of Mo Kiln"), Mr. of has won a good name for the excellently of hie stook, William Battery, llth cone has been on the Bich Het, bet we hope he will goon be better, Mies Minnie Buttery le ill with typhoid fever we are sorry to state, tier many friends wish her speedy oon. valooaenee, Reeve Livingston was at Goderioh during the mann of the Co, Council urging Go. help in opening np the boundary between Grey and MoKfllop townehipe, The Go, Connoillore did not enthuse very much over the applioation and the probabilities are the above mon• Honed municipalities will have to foot the bill themselves, An ire morn Lawn medal ie being. arranged for by Roe's ohuroh, under the auepioee of the Leagno, for Tneeday evening, Juno 27th, et Robb. Peareon's. Rev. H. E. curry, of Monkton ; Mien le, Spence, It 0. Davies and Mies pole, of Ethel ; Miso MoOarmiok, of Trowbridge ; Mime Sharpe, Mnundcre, MoNaughton and MoArter, ot Brussels' ; and other° ate expected to take part in the program, Toa served from 6 to 8 p, m, Lew.—The Oaee of Kendall vs, Grey towurhip wao Op for hearing at Goderioh bite week. Knidnll Bros. live on Lot 10, Con, 17, where they have epout the prom 20 yearn. They are seeking damitgoe for laolc of proper ao0onemedabion in the way of proper road, the sum beim; placed tat $500. Township Malmo, owing to want of tamper drainage, it was impoeoible to open rond find for come yours rented a roadway through the Felton farm. The 17th oon. in now opened up to the middle of lot 113 and wnrlt will be pushed along Eneas Oriob end A. Carmichael were °ailed an witoeeees for plaintiff and the Reeve and 0, Orae wore among those attending for the township, Cieltik What about that telephone line to Brussels 7 George Sperling ie making favorable progress and is able to get about once more. Garden Party on the Methodist oborob lawn Thursda3 y Jul 6th Brnsdele Baud Y I Went willm. and rasa li e nE supply pregnant. A foto of one carat pnpita wilt write at the 17iitranne Examination at Brun sole and we hope they will 1:10 eucoeoa fui. Dr. 1'. T. Meller will take a foot to the Foot Bali metohee between Brussels and Bayfield on Friday of thio week and Monday of next week. Wm. Wood,' wao 111 Brookville last week attending the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters au delegate from Oranbrook court, Novato.— All persons indebted to A, McNair, Cranbrook, are requested to pay befure July let, 1905, After that all noauunte will be put in a aolleotor's hand. We are pleased to bear that Robt. McDonald, who was operated on for appendicitis in Toronto, is making favorable prugrese aml we hope he will aeon be able to return to his home here. Mrs, D. MnDongall, an old and highly esteemed resident of Craobroek, ham been seriously 1d during the past week and her Maude are allxioae concerning her aou- ditimt, Alex. MoDougall, of St. Tnomee, wan home again this week to Bee hie mother. Last Sunday night William James, eldest eon of John McNabb, of this local. ity, died we are sorry to elate, aged 2 years, 9 months and 18 days He had been ill with whooping dough and in hie enfeeb'ed condition contracted tubnon'ar meniugitie from whioh he enaonmbed as above stated, after an Meese of two weeks. He was a bright lad and will be mob missed. The funeral took plane on Tne0dny afternoon, Rev. D. 13. McRae aondnoting the eervioe. Interment was made at the cemetery here. The infant eon of Mr. and Mre. 'McNabb died on the 6113 of March lest Bo tbey are beviog their owe troubles. • They are large sharers in the sympatbiee of the nom inanity, Township Cannoil Monday, 281,11 suet. The gypsies have an euoampmeut 1. miler West of Brume:, 111i9e [Vinic MnOell, 8tf, line, is away on a h.,liday trip with relatives in Lan- ark County. Rev. Robert A Manudera, wbo was ordained this month, will be stationed eb Wilberforce, Lindsay District, this year. We wish him 000000s, 0. Lawrence, of Belgrave, and Jno. Clegg, of Sunshine, took iu the trip by 0. P. R. via Niagara, Toronto and Beffolo. They report having' an enjoy- able time, Frank Bennett, of Detroit, will epend the next few menthe at James (Amman's, 7th line. Master Gletie Olennan, a grandson of Mr. (Mennen, ie holidaying with Morrie relatives. The W. ALS , of Belgrave Methodist church met at the parsonage Tuesday last and oommenoed operation on their autograph quilt which bide fair to be a mn000ee. Prooeede to go to Exeteneion fund. Mies le. Irvine, returned Mieeiooary, who ie the guest of her sister, Mre. W. H. Fergneon, io enjoying the lake breezes at Goderioh mud visiting, with her friends Dr. and Mre. McGillivray, who are also home on furlough. 311 parties labor in Shanghai, china. Last Sabbath K. J. B. atm, of (Hinton, preaohed in the Jaokeon church in the abeenoe of the paotor. Hie theme wee "Personal Work” and was vary pramioal. Rev. J. Holmes will give the eloeing discourse of hie pastorate nest Sunday afternoon before removal to Duraheeter, Moa Reeve, herpe, a former resident of the 5th Ifuewho has been g fillfn a poei1100 at Ingersoll for some time, has gone to Toledo, Ohio, where be is now employed, Be finds quite a differenoe in lite in American eltiee ea compared with Canadian, and to the credit of the land of the alap!e leaf in not a few respeote, Rev. A. K. Birks, of Senforth, gave an interesting and fuebraobive address to the 8. S. children, of Bauebine Methodist Church on Sunday lest. The reverend gentleman will be kindly remembered by both young and old, Maoh credit is doe t0 Mise Hood, the S. S, Superintendent, for the able manner in whioh the ohild• ren acquitted themselves. The singing and psalm resiting were very well' given, Hymeneal, — Jamee Laidlaw, of Morrie, and Mies balmy Elizabeth Sturdy, of Eoet Wawanoeh, were married at the home at the bride'e father on Wedneeday evening June 7tli, Rev, T. B. Coupinnd, performed the marriage ceremony. The happy couple are now settled down to the realities of life on the groom's farm in Mantle and have the beet wishes of many friends rot a bright and prosper• outs married life, all of whioh Taro Poor joins in. Pontoon Monals =E Pans Awax.,—The Ioabella Go, ibnterprioe, (Miohe) speaks n0 follows of a former reeidenb of thie township for 15 years :--David Kirk. Donnell, near Rosebush, pained away en June 10th after en Meese of a few months. Ho made his home with hie son, Thomas silica Doming to this country twelve 9011001%o from Huron Co. Ont, EM wee in hie eighty emend year and leaves two Bone, the one above mentioned BY FANNIE M. LOTHROP iP1/413ta ertierstea 41o3t The World's host Remarkable College Graduate The story of Helen Keller's life is the biography of two wonderful women—the blind, deaf and dumb girl, who for over twenty years has fought against awful odds; and the kind, ingenious and patient teacher who has led her charge into the sunlight of knowledge and of kinship with humanity. In 1886, when Miss Annie Sullivan was called to Tuecumbia, Ala., to assume the care of Helen, (the child had been living for nearly five years an the mental darkness that followed her treble at8iction resulting from con- vulsions. The task of education seemed well-nigh hopeless, for the one sense through which the child's mind was to be awakened to consciousness was her sense of touch. But in June, 1904, eighteen years later, Miss Keller gradu- ated from Radcliffe with distinction, and received her degree of B. A. This fairy tale of education, this romance of the conquest of obstacles, is a superb triumph of concentration. At her entrance examination in June, 1900, as if Nature had not sufficiently handicapped her efforts, she had to submit to two additional trials. The questions were given her in the Ameri- can Braille system of writing for the blind, with which Miss Keller was only slightly familiar, having learned the English Braille—the two systems being as different as two distinct systems of shorthand. This delay in puzzling out the translation of the questions was further aggravated by the fact that her little Swiss watch with raised figures had unfortunately been left at home, so she had no means of gauging the time, yet her typewriter clicked out the answers and she"passed" with flying colors in every study. During her college course, in many studies Miss Sullivan repeated the lesson while Helen's fragile fingers feathering their way over her mentor's face, translated the muscular motions of speech into ideas. She studied English, Latin, French, Greek, German, political economy, logic, higher mathematics, chemistry and all the other myriad phases of college wisdom, through her wonderful fingers. She uses the typewriter in Eve languages, has learned to speak with clear articulation, can swim, row, play cards, chess and basketball; dance, and perform a hundred other seemingly impossible things. Her memory is marvellous, her temperament sunshiny and happy; her mind is wonderfully broad, subtler and thorough, and her book, "The Story of My Life," besides being great as a biography, is the most important work of the century on psychology as a revelation of the human mind, its methods and possibilities. Entered according to Adorns Parliament of Canada, In thoyear 1001, by w, G. Mask, at tea Dopartmaut or Arrloaltura, and John in Bayou Co. who attended the funeral on the 15th. His remains were laid away in Rosebush cemetery, AN OLD RESIDENT DIES.—A0 slated in iaet week's issue of TEE Pose, Peter Mo. Donald, 711.1 Zine, Morrie, paid Nature's debt Thursday of last weak, having attained ilia 88th year. There wee no particular disease bat rather a wearing out of the machinery of life. He vette born near Oban, Argyleshire, Scotland, and Wail married iu the Old Land to Elizabeth Cowan, who survives frim, iu 1848, coming to Oanada shortly after. They resided in Tuokeromith fora while and then Dame to Morrie where deceased took op two or three hundred a0ree on the 7tb Hue, living continuously in that tonality. Mr. MoDorlald woe in the township Connell at ons time. He was au enbhneiastio member of the Brethren. The surviving children .are:—Mai- oolm, of Newark, N. a.; Mre. Mor- ley Hutchinson, of Grey township ; Doehead, on the homestead ; Mre. D. 'Nayemith, of Mount Forest ; and Peter, of Berlin. Margaret died at 4 years of age in 1887. Funeral service wee held on Saturday afternoon, Mr. Howitt, of Ambarley, oondnotiug the service. Inter. meat was made in Brussels eemotety, The oReket was borne by Pater McArthur, James Oleuntn D. Farquharson, uharson, Dun - o n McArthur, Rio hard Bewley, and MoDooad. The subjeot of this nutter was inclnetriono, honorable and kindly, and Wall held in high eeteem by all who knew him. His aged partner will hove the sympathy of all in her bereavement. BIG CAMP MEETING. To the' Vatter of THIO POET : The senior and junior partnere of the Oober Carriage Go, tools a prospecting trip to Guelph add Hespeler ou the 15th inet, Ilplr. returning on the 16th via Palmerston, and John Caber, the sender partner, oantinning his trip to Preston, Berlin and Stratford and back through Listowel to Brnoeole on Monday utght'a train. He took in the Menonite Camp meeting at Berlin, from Saturday night to Monday manning, staying ttvo nights in the Gamete, or white oity, composed of nearly 50 tents so plead and arranged. to leave ample room. The grouade Were seated to aonommodate, I should think, 800 or 1000 people and when lighted:with elentrioiby in the evening. end covered with thousands of people seated and standing, listening attentively to the preaching of the Gospel of demo Obriet, gave the place a very impreeeive and ohnrming appearanee. Sunday afternoon it Wall eatimated [baro were all of 10,000 people on the Damp gronnde, a grove of 7 or 8 00ree, well shaded with natural forgot timber, mostly maple, and the grounds all nicely cleaned rip, e0 lie to be passable all over. Some gay that poeeibly 15,000 different persona were on the °amp greeted during the morning service. Ohildren's service atter dinner, pronolrfug eervioe from 8 to 4 in the after. noon and regular service at night. During all these eervicee the very beet of order was kept, By it rpugh aaloula• tion I feel assured there were a 1000 or more boggier on the camp ground and town grounds, just along aide, and all along the road aide, with a sprinkling of two and throe seated oarriagee number- ing n hundred or more. Beeidee these it was stated that every available place in town for horee0 and riga was token rip. With the exception of the `T'orouto Ex. bibitfen I never saw so many people gathered in one place. Imight any dor• ing the afternoon there were tbree or tour different places on the grounds where preaching eervioee were conducted. Yours truly, Jong Gonne, Is There More Than One Ananias ? To the ]debtor of Ton PoeT: DEAN era.—I find that our friend Finlay Soott ie after me pretty lively in last week's Poor on amount of my letter in saidpnp er of June 8E13, In that letter I triad to be oourbeoae to him, for I stated that I found him a gentlemen einoe I first mads hie acquaintance, That apparently did not giveaabiotaotion, for he oiled me the that thing to a liar. I palled him Mr. Soots and tbttb did not appear to please him either, for he says, he feat's my objeot Wae more to get into a politioal oontroverey than to pay him a oompliment, Now I will pari him plain Finlay Soobband we will gee if that will pleoee him better. He gives your read. er0 a hint that I am not mnob of a speaker, but will step aside to no one with the pen, Is that intended for n compliment or wee it not? My anewer ta, not mach. However he i0 right for I never wan much of a platform speaker and enppoee never will, I am inoliued to thine, that in that teapot, I am about in the eamo boat 80 Finlay SOOEO, for in all hie greet and incessant work for his party, whioh we hear so mach about and whioh be appear° to boast about, I have never known him to make hie mark 0e a platform spealiet. if be did I have failed to ltd H. As for my writing, I will let it epeak for itself. Again he days he never would have got into this argument bad be been left alone, Great Scott 1 how be talks. Why he was jnat too anger t0 jump itto anything of that kind and abase the Tories all around bath far and bear, but this time be has piled it all ou to yonr humble oorrea. l ancient. I1 in strange, that when be °pone his mouth in the prose he is very apt 10 put 1310 foot In it. Finlay Scott In three different parte of hie article eay0 my statements are false, saying in eo W. H. KERR, Arop, marry times that I am a liar. I wish to easl Girt my iirot etetement WON 00 pall Ilial a gentleman, whioh he says de false, a, d every one of my etatsmenta lie felse 1"o. He reminds the of an old lady who g,,t into her heed that there was no truth is thio world, that all people were hare, and decb„od the would make her mind known to the first person who oame by. Soon a gentleman name along and out she went to tell him h'r trouble and field "Sir 1 this world ie toil of deoeit, 1 here de no truth in the world, for all people are Bare," Then said the gentle- man, et that rate yeti must be a liar too. Now we ciente to the most intertwine part• where Ile tris: to pave ma a liar be bringing in euelent hitory to help whioh has nothing whatever to do with the 0an6. I oou,ted from the 27 yaare 00 B.l1ff nod 82 years for the O.tterio Government aid did not think ofgoing away baok behind that date. Ila tells us he is the only Liberal who ever drew foe ae en s ffi ler of the. 4th d'v' 'nn 11 tet Court. Des he m an t e to say fiat the two eat Clerks drew no f ea e ,0r i ,ee be mean t ' say they did not vote Liberal wlleo it was pert of hie great work for hie party to try and keep ant of Alm all Tot iia aid plant Grits in their stead 7 I will oonelnde by Baying, that I ooneider my statements are pretty near correct, that is, if the two last Clerks voted Liber.1, if oat, then I will admit tint 1 was wrong on that point, brit if otherwise I claim to be about correct in all my statements, notwithstanding Fin lay Soobt's big b'aff. Yowl: truly, annum Bowen P13IRSONA1, PARAGRAPHS. Mre. R. Peal is visiting at Listowel. 13. Gerry was in Wingham on Thera. (ley. Mies May Wood le visiting friends at Rockwood. Mrs, W. Henry and son are vielting at Holstein. Misses Strachan were vieitore in Tees water for a few days, Barrister MODona'd wee in the 0a. town for a few days last week. hire. B. Gerry is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W, H. Wil is, in Beaforth, P. 0, McDonald was at Goderioh last week serving on the Grand Jury. Mies McGillivray, of Wingham, watt a visitor with Mise Liebe! Zimmer. James and Mre, Sherpa were visiting their sone at Toledo, Ohio, this week. Mica Maggie Ament wile a visitor with MieeesLivingston, of Blyth last weelt, Mice Crawford, of Wellesley, was a visitor with Mies L. Colvin, last week. H. Dinemore and daughter, of West. field were visitors at Ronald MoNeugb. tOrl'e. Mre. George Lowrywae ill with tonsii- itie but is better again we are pleased to elate, ilhnrlie Mi Irr and wife, of Morrie, were vititing with the former's mother for few days. 111su Llenderenn, ,:f Wardeville, ie tire guest ..1 Mre. (Rev ) Lang Ford at St. J°DL'S r, story. Roger Deadmau hes taken a poelti:m in clnnection with Geo. Thomson'. grooery nod bakery. Garr. Backer returned home from Obeeley where he has been relieving a druggist in that town. Rev. and Mre. Holmes, of Blytb, were in town Thursday of last week, while en route to Oheeley to visit, Mise Leo Currie, one of the Resistants in the pootoffioe here, was off duty for a while this week on amount of a sprained ankle. Mre. and Mies Adams, of Trowbridge, were visitor; at F. Adams' last Sunday. They are mother and stater to Mr. Adams. Dona. MoLauohlin, of Obeeley, was in town Wednesday night. He was referee at the Seaforth—Listowel foot ball match the same evening. D. and Mrs. Hader are away to Clifford, Miohigao, vieiting the former's brother, William, whose health was anything but good. Mr. Haiet died Tneeday morning, Wm, Thomson, of Strathroy, formerly of Brneeele, ie reoovering from a very severe Helene whioh threatened at one Hine to remove him from this terrestrial sphere. Mre. Hewitt, of Hamilton, who has been visitingher sou in Brussels left on Thursday trenew old friendebipe in Walton and Seaforbh while on the home. ward journey. THE Poe is sorry to hear that Mr. Powell, divinity student, who supplied St. John's aharch tot several months IaaE hear, is not enjoying hie nenal good ealth but we hpnchange for the et• ter will speedily ensue. We are very eorry to hear of the oon• tinned ill health of Mnrdy McLennan, of London. The demise of hie only daughter, who was the brightnoee of the home, was a severe blow and has called out many exprossiono of sympathy from many old friends here, K. 0. Beaton, of Clinton, wee in town on Wednesday arranging for Wingham District Summer School to be held in Kincardine August 6-18, Mr. Beaton enters the Methodist miniotry this year and will go next week to Port Stanley. He has a bright Inline, L 0. and Mre, Rieharde were visiting the former's mother at Bayfield for a ampie of fines. The oldeady is in ber 90th year but was able to take a drive out with the visitors and is remarkably active for bar years. Mr. Richards has been dead for same time. Fred. Adobe was et Stratford this week looking over eome business proopeote with a possibility Of removing to the Ohmic city, There i0 another move on in town in whioh be is intereeted whioh if consummated will keep Mr. Adams in Braesele whioh we eineorely tope will be the ease. 0, T. MaItae it; baok from Toronto and in madebtly receiving the oongrat- ufatione of hie many Mende over the oompletion of his fondle year in Medi - eine. Re bag not definitely decided what aortae he will take as to loading. Ten Poor will guarantee be will melte a oneoeesfui M. D. It is with regret that the learn of the ambits illness of Mt, Jas. Walker, of Dauphin, Mon„ who is it with cancer rf the brain in Wieuipeg tio'pital will) lute' hope of 050080ry. Mre. Walker was M to , Ella Iiicherdenn, sieter to Mre. Jne, lIewltb, of Brusaeie, who went to the Wert 8 years ago. We hop° a ohau5' for the better will Boon endue, Dr. and Mrs, Aitchison, of Octane, Mich. have been the gnats of Wm. Mre, Martin, Flora street, Brussels, The, Dr. and Mre, Martin aro bro•h r and eiater. He tlir•ke ', r gond }terve and cattle Duran to r, a :1 be hard to bent and believe,, Brneo-e'. lir locality need not take a baok seat ie the„ reepeot, Ortonvilte be 18 tailed from Flint. bloc Maggie Scott, who hoe been in Detroit, le here on a visit with her silly., Mre. P. Watson, Queen street, and ea r old friends. She purpoeee geiug to Edit,. burgh, Scotland, nest month where she wilt ee l honea for her brother. Mini Scott wh nail on theAlai* toer, "Steil tan" for Glasgow on Wednesday, ,lo!y 6th, having secured her ticket freta W. H. Kerr, of ''2nn PORT, the Alan 1h e agent at Broa•ssle. It ie 9 3000 euro Miss Scott and Mrs. Wateou were Remits the briny. Mies Scott will leave Brut. eels Monday afternoon, Ju'y 3rd. 11115011 **MAWS. Rev, Mr. Lang -Ford 10 attending the S,vuod at London. Report of Oa. Sabbath School Con- vection on page 6 of this loon-. Road It, The Ladiee' Aid of the Metllodiet Chard) cleared $44 00 at their Tate, t Tia last week, "The Nigbtlees City" was Rev. T. W paeans theme last Sabbath rnorniug in the Methodist Ohorab. Despite the heat be preached a ranging diesonroe in the evening from "The Charge of Gide01,'d 800." Next Sabbath evening the annual Ala.:pule sermon will be preached in Melville church by Rev. Dr. lose. The brethren will meet at their Lodge room at 6 30 o'clock and marsh to the choral., eervioe aommenoing at 7 O'olook. Next Monday a Jubilee eervioe will bn toed in Teeawater, in connection with Rev. Mr. Wa'drope's 50th year le the Preebyteriau ministry. An illuminated eddreee will be presented by the con• greg.ttion, sod Rev. Dr, Murray and Rose, Of Kincardine and Mussels re• epeotively, and Moderator Iiaette, of Bel. grave, will epeak for Maitland Presbytery. Rev. Mr. 41a00lt, of Termite, who ie working in the int. mete of the It:depend- ent 0 -der of IForeaters, preached in Melvilte Ohurah last Sabbath and gave two fine sermons. "Say nut° my soul thou art my salvatier." woe the morning text, anti in the evening "Let your Hein shine" was n'ed ay n haste of a very Maim practical discourse. Mr. efoCall had to give up the active ministry owing to ill health, we understand. TRE FIELD OF SPORTS. Beafort.h juniors .van their diatriot by defeating L neon 1-0 at Sue' ford. Milverton won the Perth Oxford die• treat by'1'avietook defanitiug to them. Preston defeated the Berlin juniors, Champions of 1904, by 1 goal on the round, The Milverton foot ball teem played in Dundee on Wednesday evening. The home team winning '7-0. Brneeele Intermediate Foot Ball Olni,, '03 it '04 champions, have eoored 11 goa'0 to the opponents 4. A pretty good record for the firet round. Seaforth drove to Listowel to play the first game in the junior semi finale and were defeated by the home team 2-0. D. J. MoLauohlin, of 0besley, was referee. Only four teams are left for the Oun. Btuasele vs. Bayfield and Milverton vs. Dundee. The games will be finished by Monday night and the two final games will be played the last of the week. In the eemi•final gamee between Galt and Dundee, Galt won at home by at more ot 2-1 but teat in Dundee by it score of 8-0, the 3 goals being sacred in the first twelve minutes, Dundee wino the round by 4-2 goals. et wel ' Leet Wednesday Li )aniore de• o feinted the Mildmay juniors in the first game of the genii -finals at Listowel by it more of 1-0. On Saturday the sewed game was played in Mildmay, Lietowet wiuniug by n more 1-0. Lash Friday Galt sentare, the Olympic ebampioos, defeated tbo Seatorth Humus in Seafortb by a score of 3-1 Brown game. Jackson, Senforth, refereed the g The return game was played in Galt on Tuesday. 7.be more wee a tie 1 all. Fergus and Monet Finset have with. drawn from the 0. L. A. intermediate series, and have formed a junior dietriet, oompoeed of Arthur, Mount Forest, and Fergus. This gives the ohampionship of the intermediate distrioh to Seaforth• An intermediate W, F, A. ohampion. ship foot ball =toll wag played in. Wingham last Friday evening between Mildmay and Bayfield, The Minya teams have won the championship of their reepeotive dietrfote, Brace end Enron. The game was played in a drizzling rain, and after two tenure of bard play the game ended in a tie, matt soaring two goals. Elmer Moore, vI Wingham, refereed the game. The. game was called for Saturday morning but Mildmay reined to play end Bt,y field olaimed the game. The Executive of the W.F. Ae called a aeoond game et Stratford Tuesday evening but the game was not played Mildmay defaniti"1', James C. Blauohe, moulder, of Carleton Place, was drowned by the rip. Betting of hie canoe, Merinoy Stevene, aged nine years, wee struck with a baseball at White R)+or and killed, About 11fty dollars and goon old elm h. ing were found by boys' playing on alta, beach near Hamilton. Ex Mayor Samuel Bingham at Ottawa, wag found drowned in the Gatin au River, Hie borne arid' buggy were Mao found in the rivet',