HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-15, Page 8Talcum Powders Are not only a Luxury but almost a necessity during the warm weather. They afford immediate relief from prickly heat, chaffed skin, sweaty feet, &e., being Antiseptic, Absorbent and Refreshing. 'Yon have the choice of several different kinds from us. Borated Velvet Taleum Powder at . 15e. Euthymol Powder 25e. Mennen's 'Violet Talcum 25c. 25e. Colgate's Violet Talcum Our stook of Toilet Preparations is large and contains most of' the reliable preparations. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. H GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION N. a. & n, Truing leave Brunets Station, North and South, as follows: Gorse Bonen borne Nouns. Mail 7:06 a,m I Mixed 8040 a.m Mixed 11;25 a,m I Mail 1.88 p.m L1Xpre5e 8:02 p.m Express 8:61 pan goat Ettus .sant A ohiet's, among ye takit' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Witham your wool at Brownie. HALF of June 1905 bas passed. Loma news on page 5. Read it, ALL the weddings are not over yet. SPECIAL meeting of Brussels Council next Monday night. GEORGE ANn ALFRED Lovnty have been busy in the erection of a brick reeideooe near Blyth. T. P. Seam, the eye specialist will be at Fox's drug store on Wedneedey of next week, 21st inet, Soo people from this locality attend- ed the funeral of the late Robert Soott, of Minto, tear Harrieton, last Sunday afternoon. THE December session of the Co. Council will meet in Broeeele. Tbis body met here last when the late F. 0. Rogers was Reeve. THE long grass aloogeide the cement sidewalks should be out. To walk through it after so =oh rain means about the same thing as wading through the river. LAST Friday Jno. E. Hanna, of Henfryn locality, had Remy Muer, of the same place, before Reeve Henderson, Brussels, for assault. On pleadiog guilty a fine of $5 00 and suets was imposed. Howler. Mntnal Ineuranoe 0o. Mentors will meet in Gorrie en Saturday of next week. By tbe derniee of the well known Robert Scott, of Minto, they will be one director short and will appoint a enc, censor. MESSRS. FiooeuoN AND Ross purpose making several improvements in the Garfield block etoree before taking poeeeeeion, The front entrance and windows will be changed and internal arrangement modernized. WALTER IAMBS has had men at work oleauiug up and pulling down portions of the walls of the stone building recently purehaeed from R. K. Roes, Mill street, which will be traneformed into a modern driving barn and basement stable. Anal BleoxON.—Thnreday noon of last week Douglas, the robuet 8 year old son of A, T. Carrie, fell off the fenoe and broke hie left arm between the wrist and elbow. The little lad took a tumble this week and loosened up the splints but is making favorable progress and will semi be all right we hope. EXOURSION TO GUELPH.—Tbis ever pop, nlar trip to the Model Farm was on the program Thursday of this week and wee patronized by large numbers as usual. A special left Brussels at 8.06 in oharge of Oondootor Browning and Engineer Brown with 875 people from here and room far the Ethel and Henfryn Contin. gent. Shortly after a doubleheader, with Meagre, Stevens and Morgan pulling the levers and Conductor Oox punohing the tickets, arrived from the North, the 10 aoaebee loaded with about 1,000 paesen• gene. As the day was fine a good time would be enjoyed no doubt. AT a meeting of the Agriculture) Soplaty of East Horan and Grey Branch, on Saturday afternoon last, the prize Net vane revised and extended, a program of opeoialties partly marked out and a decision to ails for expert Judges arrived at if they can 001110 on day already set for our Fair. Tbe aerial big Oonoert will be held on Friday evening. East Enroll Fair will be a bigger hammer this year than ever, and the dame are Thursday and Friday, Doh. 5 and 8. Doe announcement will be made as the time opproaobes, A oanvaesiag Oommittee WAS appointed to solicit new members, special prizes, &o. Gumtree CoigTEAOTe, — Coanofilore Grant and Johnston, of Gray Connell, and A. Shaw and Goo, Kelly, repre80nt• ing Morris township, attended at the Queen's Hotel, Brownie, last Saturday afternoon to allot eontracte of gravelling on the Boundary between the two town. ehipo, $800 being expended. The follow. ing jobs were let ;—Walton villagea $40 job, let Cr875 per yard, to W. Riley, of Wluthrop; orth of 18th con„ $25 will be expended, going Northward, to Dame man ; between 140h and 12th oon8, of Grey, a $50 job @ 8800, to E. Al000k South of Brunets, $05 job, nil 32o, to W. 'nohow ; North of Brosnan, 540 job, let @ 26o, to W. Denbrow; a 580 job near Cheese factory, let @ 580, to W. Riley; 00 job oppo0ite A.. Forsyth's, @ OBo, 10 2 Riley ; 5 job Sooth of Jameetown, @ 38e, to W. Denbow ; $25 job, Nortil of Jame0tawn, @ 85e to Wm. Riley. There waa keen competition .and as a 0031. enquenoo the wokit will be dont ooneidert ably oheapee than ion yoga. Janne Bolger veil) be inOptoter In. the Booth cad W. Miley in the North, Work lute to be 3ompleted by September ,151)1, Wortco's Institute meeting will be held in Brueeela un Tuesday of next week. There should be a large attendance of )attics. MAy ahem and the liret 10 days of June was sold last Friday to Meesre. Ballantyne, of Stratford, (a Oj cents, Sbipment will be made next week. A BABE boy was born at the home of A. Straohan on Tuesday bat only lived a abort time we are sorry to stale. Mre. Straohan is making favorable progress. MEN ore boey tearing down the remains of S. T. Plume blaokemitb shop, left from the fire and upon the same site a Commodione brick ehop will be built in the near future. THE Board of the nubile Library is after the people wbo detaoe and under- line books belonging to that inetitntion, They will make an effort to keep track of the parties who do it and enforce the rale of making good the prise of the book so injured. JOHN AND JOSEPH PET05 have parobased a new Waterloo threebiag machine and trootionengine. Tbe maohinery will be here about the middle of July. It will acme by the overland mate and it will be managed by the proprietors, who have bad considerable experienoe. GENTLEMEN who are bald or have thin hair, should call on Prof. Doreowend at American Hotel, Brussels, on Wednes- day, June 28th, and sae hie wonderful devices in Toupees oust Wig worn on over 85,000 heads. Explanation and demonstration free. Private apartments at Hotel. Don't foil to eee his new invention, patented all over the world. 22 0ENTS FOB Wool—J. T. Wood, proprietor of the Excelsior Knitting Atfile, Brneeele, is prepared to pay 22 cents per pound, mash for any quantlty of good wool delivered at his mills. Splen. did etcok of choice goods consisting of tweeds, flannels, flannelettes, ootton shirting, oot1000,5 a bronght in from the beet mills, and blankets, yarns and singings, made in our own mill of oboiae stook, to give in exohange for wool. An advance of 2 Dente per pound allowed for wool in trade. Now is the time to mar- ket your wool. Striotly fair dealing our principle, Oome and see us before going elsewhere. J, T, Woon, Excelsior Knitting 011118, Brussels, AN EXFLANAx1oN,—McOere, Ewan & 0o„ say the report in the Council minutes last week re a loan needs a word of ex. planation. They ware spoken to by a oumber of Bruoeelitee relative to the for- mation of a joint stook Carriage Co. and the request to the Council was if any action were to be taken that a oom. minae be appointed to engnire into the present standing of the bagmen and if satisfactory to arrange preliminary Steps toward organization. Failing tbie, if the town eo desired, Ewan & Go. agreed to - double the Valuation of the plant and promisee making tbe value equal to $10,000, and on this enmity a loon with. out interest for a term of years was coked. They are open to deal on either lines yet it satisfactory, otherwise the )Business will be portioned as in the poet with intended improvements. MIME OLD Boxe,—The annual exonr. cion from Toronto to Huron Go. will be run on Saturday, Jnly 8th, Two trains will ran, one, destined for pointe as. far North as Laaknow and the other to Gods - rich. Two etanzae of poetry appear on their circular issued as. follows :— 'Twere better far ye come ver' us And tromp again the heather, Than keep yen nose doon tae the atone, For ever and for ever. I'm gain' bank to Huron, To the plane that I was born in, I'll start July the eight Very early in the month', And when Poe made the dear folk glad And worobipped in the kirk, I'll make for home with double pane, And get me down to work. S. T. Murals is President and W. B, Monde, Ron. Bee, THE LATE Ro tenT B0OTT—The Harris'. ton Tribune of last week speaks as follows of the demise of the late Robert Soott :—"Lieenae Inspector Robert Soott wag greatly improved in health, and last Monday he Dame to town, driving with Mrs. Boobs, and was visiting his eon -in, law and daughter Robert Daily, Daring the forenoon be drove bis Ifatio grand. daughters about a little, and all enjoyed the ride. After dinner Mr. Scott wont to Grisoh'e barber shop got shaved, and all he started out the door be turned suddenly, saying that he did not feel well, end Sank into a choir, He wan immediately attended to and oarxied into Mr. Grieoh'e home, nnoone0ioue. Dr, ti, M, Henry, big family physician, wag quickly summoned, and did everything in hie power to reoneoitate the slinking man bat without avail, Thia ens the 8rd apopleti0 stroke be bad taken in a few we0118, so that little hope wag entertained Hag he would survive. He died et five o'clock Wedneedey morning and was buried at two o'clock Snoday afternoon With Motional honors at Harrigton Conn. eery." Mr, Scott was a than well known and everywhere respond, He had been Ron Of Minto totenhip, and Warden of Wellington Co., and Was a Director of the HoWiek Mutual Vire In - throne SJo, for years. In politica he Wee one Of the leading Liberate of that rid- ing. standard Bank of Canada sv11Pl,Ds, OR itftsrnvlt FUND 8 1,000,000 TOTAL 080570 OVAIR 3OAtro,000 A. nuemaiHire kilug 33Ia15ia*eeaa ri"transit sated —`CSAVINQS BANK:%''' —DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on which INTEREST I8 ALLOWED FROM D,1T16 Ob' DEPOSIT at, the HIGHEST BANK RATE. AOORUED INTE111:0T ie added to aoonunto every six mouths and beoomee principal, —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Depoeite without the intervention of any person. LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, SALE NOTES OASHiOD, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for whiob no charge is made, YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive our careful and ooarteono attention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. A women obange is Muted in Braesele but the arrangements are not yet oom. plated. SEntI•annunl meeting of North Heron L. O. L. will 130 held in Winans= on Friday of next week at 1,80 p. m. WEDNESDAY Of next week i8 the date of the next visit of T. P. Smith, eye epeoial let, to Brussels. See him at Foxe drag eters. No oharge for consultation. THERE wore 15 biokete gold to excursion• late et Brussels station feet Saturday in oonneotion with the excursion ran by the Sone of Scotland Damp of Atwood to Owen Sound. THREE wedding parties were at Brut!. eels depot Wednesday afternoon all taking the train Eno. Tbe abteedanoe of the fair sex as speotatoro end well wiehero was of large proportione. THE timber frame for the centre of the American Hotel stables ie np and work men are• pushing the Dement walla at a lively rate. Timber is also framed at the Queen's Hotel tor their new,et„ble, CO Content NOTES.—Barrr0ler Dieken. son, of Goderich, oouneel for the County in the threatened legal snit by Aebfletd township over Port Albert bridge, has notified Warden Miller that ease has been withdrawn from Court. It waa to have been heard next week.—A majority of the 0o. Ooanoillore and some of the 0o. ofo'a's paid a visit to the oamp ground at Londoo last week and wars the guests of the 38rd Regiment.—Warden Miller, D. ()embalm), wbo is obairman of the Road and Bridge Committee, and Co, Eugineer Ansley ware at Bayfield on Wednesday examining the bridge over the Bayfield river. It will probably have to be rebuilt,—The Deoember session of the Oo. Council will be held at Broeeele, —Full report of Go. Council is left over until next nein. By the Sobool Board minutes it will be observed that Mies Ethel Sootb hoe tendered her resignation au teacher Which has been accepted with reerete by the Board. She has done splendid work and made herself very helpful outside of the echool also. Mies Booth purpose pursuing her studies further, at the Uoiveroity probably. -Toa Board will be fortune to 500000 SS good a teacher to amend her. R, K. Rose, who hoe been the effloient cud painstaking Seoretnry. Treasurer for the past 15 years, also planed hie resignation at the same meet. ins owiog to hie probable removal trona Brussels on account of the destruction of bio flouring mill by Ere. J. G. Skene was sleeted to the office and should know more &boot the work than anybody alae, barring OIr. Rose, as be hie been trustee for about 10 years in succession and has posted himself in all departments of the Board's business, BRUSSELS LooEo. — Brownie Foot Ball team suffered their first defeat this sea- son at the benne of the Listowel club by a score of 1-0, Referee Kruger, of Berlin, who was to have referred the game could not get to Listowel on account of a railway accident the other side of Stratford, and Listowel secured Dr. Cameron, of Palmerston, who gave good eatiofantion to both gobs, The game was late in gaging eo that 85 minutes was played in the first half, in which Listowel scored, and tbe last bolt was galled foe 20 minutes to let the Brh0Oele boys catch the train. During the game both goalkeepers had hard shote to atop and the players pat up a snappy game at times. Brunette boyo were abort two of the regulars, Miller and Anderson, and had ae enbetitotee Charlie Buena and Wellie McDonald wbo played a good game in spite of the little practice they have had. This defeat does not effect the winning of the Dietriot, The Brussels team playa the winners of Bayfield-edildmay game next week. The following ie the list of players J LBItUseALe, Goal LISTOWLIL. IranH Buobanau 10 Bake } W MoDonald RIt Oard18 )1)� i11111 Brp wa ....,,.„,) } Backs 1 0' Arden 0 1 0 Bryant J Straohan D Hnether Forwards 8 cotty Scott tray Gordon Lindsay Brisket• Bedtime Backus Bamford Morton Ward Lorree BURIED nt Entwine a OEMETDRT, — The countermanding telegram ranched St. Pani in time and the remalne of the tete Percy Jackson were forwarded to Bros• eels for interment instead of being buried at $1, Paul se stated last week. Body arrived bare on Saturday afternoon cad the funeral tools plane from the home of H. L. Jaokeon, deoeaeed'o brother, the some day, Mr. Jaoksan, for the past 7 years hue lived in St. Pant, Minn„ where he head the responsible position of oredit clerk with the firm of Et.Somm008 & Go., Wholesale merchants, The immediate mauve of death wen appendioitie, which proved fatal, after only one day in the hospital. The body ens a0o0mpanied by oboists floral tributes, from hie fellow employees and friends in St. Pant, De. oeaoed'S brother, 0, W. Jardine, of Winnipeg, went to St. Peet in answer to a telegram and took oharge of the remaine. Percy was held in very high eateem not only by hie fellow employees but also by his outside aoquaintanooe fn Bt, Paul a8 le evidenced by the lettere wbioh have non to his p0rente, Mee. Jackson, Mire, Leppaed and Min Elsie, Of Toronto , Aire, Maddock, of New- market ; Lewin, of Petetboro' ; end Leon, of Ottawa, were hero fee the funeral, The pall beaters wenn fl, L. and Leon Jaokbon, J. T, Roel, B. Wilton, ree. B allan yne and R. Downing, Rev, 7. W. Coseno condoned an appropriate get:vino at the hone and oelnotery. THE POST was very sorry to bear of the death of Ella, the bright 10 year old daughter of tilurdy and Mrs. McLennan, of London, on Thursday of tbie week. Toneolitio is said to be the cause. Alex. MoLennan went to London Thursday m000)n5. BON. 0. 8. PITMAN was elected in Lon don by 829 and George Smith for North Oxford by 849 last Moaday in bye elec- tions for the Dominion Porilament, The Toronto News is sloppiug over now in tributes to Mr. Hyman after enntempt ibly doing their dirtiest to d Leat bine It looks as if the eleobore tools the meas ore of both the News. and Landon Free Press. Abuse and mad ehngieg don't out moth ice. BRUSSELS Band have the following eugagemoute booked and are on the look out for more :—Garden Party at Walton Presbyterian manse, Friday evening, 2805 fust • Gorden Party at George Kelly's, 8th line Morrie, on Tuesday, 97th ; Garden Party at Wm. Clark's 8th line Morrie, July 3rd ; and Garden Party Methodist ahurnb, Oranbrnok, Thnreday, July 8th, They supply e, fine program with the interjection of vocal numbers 000aeionelly and are generous Pi to quantity as wall ns q'tality. TALENT TEA.—Tneeday evening a large oompaoy assembled in the 'Lown Hall to enjoy the Talent Teaunder the auspices of tbe Ladies' Aid of the Methodist oburets, In addition to supper ice cream and fruit and other refreshments were served. Young ladies tools oharge of a bazaar counter and disposes of a quantity of u'efnl and ornamental articles. Following tbia was a mosioal program in which the Imperial Orohee• era ; Misses Ad.me, Minn Sharp, Mies Hingeton, Tal entre. Sharp, Cardiff, Williamson, Meroer and Ourrie and 4 little girls took part. Bev. T. W. Gonne canopied the chair. The prooeeda will be applied to the Parsonage Fond of Methodist church. SNARES.—Tbe Clinton New Era man is troubled concerning the Editor of THE POST OS the following will show :—"A good man gone wrong. — Ten Bananas POST is credited with the discovery of a species of snake fish that has made its appearance in that locality. Friend Herr fe the last fellow we thought that would be ciliated this way. He's a Sunday School and oharoh worker, leader of the choir and ordinarily everything that is good, and we have paraded his virtae0 and eonnded bra prtieee an one of the living examples of how even a newspaper man rosy be proof against the allure menta of this world. And now our idol is shattered. After thie horrible admie cion of "seeing a dog•headod Snake," how can we !nand up for him 7 There are lots of fellows 111131 this would have made no Siff ,w oe to, but Kirr, how ooald yon do it ? if you will takethegold care we may retain you on oar list of acquaint - mums, but until you get over this, please don't ask it.” Seeing snakes should not worry a ()Unionism as we have heard of some of them wearing them in their boots quite regularly. • Business Locals. ADMIT two thousand pressed red briok for sale. T. 0. RICHARDS, Ion DREAM served at Mrs. Hirk'o, also a good lamb at 10 cents. Gall in. WANTED.—Young loan for delivery wagon and to assist in tbe store, GIS(, THOMSON, COLLIE pupa for sale from goad working stook, Lot 22, Con. 18, Grey. JAS. D. MoNxra, Oranbrook. IF your colt baa rbenmatiom try Golden Liquid, It will ante. For sale by R. ORoon, Brussels, WHITE and blue turn over cuff lost in Brussels, Finder will muob oblige by leaving it at Tun PoeT, WANTED,—Batter, eggs and wool. Our wool market ie en sky bigh as the eggs. Goo. E. Kind, Wingbam. Cont'onysett hone and lot, with stable, Pump &c., conveniently located on Queen etreet for gale, Apply to THE Poon. 007unIOA0LE end convenient dwelling rooms above store to let, both bard and Soft water. Rent $4 per month. I. 0, 'emission. MONEY WANTED.—Wave yon from $100 to $1,000 to loon or invest on good sewn, ity 7 Yon can make from 0 to 10 per Dent. Addrese- 40tf 33, Dare df BRUSSELS Poem. D. BUTLER, the London speedo/lett will visit Brussels profeeelonally and may be found at the American Hotel on TUESDAY, JUNE 27th Ali interested ehould bear these dates in mind, Dn. MoNauonmoN, who has di090000 of hisrend to p oe find residenoo to De'. Buena, will be in Brueeele from Wednesday noon until Saturday noon of eaob Week for 00me weeks to Mishit Dr, Burnm in hie work. BROOCH loaf on Sabbath June 4th while attending morning service, lldelville ohunoh. Heart atone centre get around With smaller stones. Finder will please leave at TUE PoeT, ell ultf;ll MAIM Rev. H. M. Lahg.Ford Will attend the Synod at Landon next weep, It opena nn Tbeeday and will continuo nil week. John Cardiff i0 tbe Lay Delegate from St, John's ohernia, Bruenela, and labia Scarlett trent pt. Geargo'g church, Walled, C,tl'l'f,lli--titled up $1,000.,000 RESIi9ty: FEND • • $1.000,000 Direelel's EBY. R. R. VaRDL1N D, D„ B. J. 0100RS, President, VIoe'Preaident, mn08, R1t000HAw, F 1..4, HIS HONOR 740 3. meanness!! ordnn, 10.0. n. E. THOMSON, N. 0, TURN F1n0TIIROO r HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, 1), 34005 - G10NEERAL MLINA0001t A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Dieoounted, LJtereet at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of $1 and upwards B'dSEi'Os`avdk'l7S W"3iT.SIVOIR A. 10. MELLISII, Manager. Semaiso There will be High Mass in Brasaele Oatholio oburob next Sunday at 10 30 a, m. Rev, 8. Satiety, B, L„ formerly of Brownie, will remove from Dundee to Brookville, his new charge. Rev, Mr, Lang.Ford was called to Wardville to attend the funeral of a member of hie former poogregation. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. MoVioar of Atwood, preaobed in M01v`i1le Ohorob, I3rnseels, and preached two flue die - mums, a Missionary theme in the morning of pleasure and profit to the congregation. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Tr W. Ooeene premised trona the topic "Love's bigbest manifestation," in the Methodist ohnrob. Rev, 3. E. Hunter 0oonpied the pulpit in the evening. Hie eebjeat was "The Great Salvation." The latter gentleman oleo addressed tale Sabbath School and League. Me week the County Endeavor and Sabbath School Convention woe held in Goderioh. Owing to a peculiar chain of oiranmetanoee and the absence of good railway faoilitiea for speedy going and coming the number of delegates from this part of the Co. was not large, Miss Jean Habkirk, of Brussels, was on the program. "Rev. lklr. Ryan left for Bervie, Co. Bran, and his suooeaear, Mr. Bice preached hie first sermon to the oougre gation here ou Sunday last. He and Mr, Ryan have just changed their pastoral chargee, Mr. Bios having been pastor at Bervie previous to coming here. we welcome the new man and hie family as citizens to the town and wish prosperity to both gentlemen in their new fields of Tabor.—Durham Chronicle." Rev. Mr. Ryan was one time inoambent of St. John's ohutob, Brueaelo. THE FIELD OF SPORTS. Galt seniors play with the Seafortb among at Seafortb Friday evening. Mildmay won the Bruce district by defeating Walkerton in the two games by a score of 10 goals to I. If Milverton beats Tavietook this week they will be winners of the Perth -Oxford district being 3 point ahead of Stratford now, Bayfield and Mildmay play a oudden• death game at Wingbam, Friday evening of this week. Brunets playa the winnero next week, Stratford beat.Tavistook in Stratford Tuesday evening by a soars of 1-0. Mil• vartoo Mae to beat Tavietook to win the district. London and S•aforth Juniors played in Stratford Wednesday evening for the teoderehip of the Perth -Huron district, The both teems are tie now. The winners of the different dtettiote are expeoted to be—Bruce, Mildmay ; N. Hance, Brunets ; S. Huron, Bayfield ; Perth -Oxford, Milverton ; South, Don des ; Central, Galt. The Opp gonna are supposed bo be played off before July let. The Se0ior0 have a protest in already, Berlin protesting on Tab. Johnston, Galt, ae a professional bale ball player, He will have to prove hie innocence. The following is the obanding Galt won 1 lost 0 to play 3 Seafortb,,,, " 1 " 0 ' 3 Berlin " 0 !' 2 " 2 Atwood lost to Wingbam in Atwood last Friday evening by Et, score of 1-0. Barry Bartliff, of Clinton, was referee. The standing of the N. Huron district i0 1 • Braesele won 8 tie 2 lost 1 to play 0 Lietowel " 2 " 2 " 3 " 0 Wingbam " 1 „ 4 " 1 " 0 Atwood " 3. " 2 " 3 " 0 Listowel lout their protest with Atwood and Wingbam did not posh the protean they entered against Brussels, STRAOHAN.—In nemesia, on June 18th, to Mr. and Mre. A. Manahan, a son. 31.1..A.M2 0103 , CAnnit'N—DAvne.—At the residence of the bride's wenn, on June 14th, by Rev, Dr. Ron, Mr. 3, F. Cardiff, of Grey, to Miee Annie L„ only dough. ter of Mr, and Mra. Jno. Davie, of Morrfn. Hoe8Aolc—RoannmoN,—In Broseels, on June 14th, at the bone of Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Ballantyne, by Rev. Dr. Roes, Dr. J. G. Hoaoaok, of Inner - kip, tolMioo Mary 0. Roberton, of Bruenel°. HAMtLTos— OARLET, — In 7IoB:illop, on, June 7th, by Rev, H, M. Lang.Ford, Mr. Joeepb R. Hamilton, to Mice Ida Isabel, daughter of the late Thos. Ooltloy, of MoKiilop. PATRIOx—MANNING —At the residence of the bride's parents, Morrie, on June 140h, by Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford, Mr, Harry P110iels, of Woodstock, to Minn Sara R , daughter of Mr, and Mrn,John Manning, Morrie. iso=ib. Cann.—ln Grey, on Juno 13111, Lizt.ie, fifth daughter of Robert Carr, aged 21 years, 6 months and 16 days, McDooutn,—In Morris, on Jane 15th,. Peter McDonald, aged 07 years, 7 months and 7 days. Faunal Satur, day at 180 p, m. SooTT.•-Sn Harrigan, on Jtme 71h, Robb, Scott, of Minto, aged 04 years and 8 months, SsasonaN,--In Renege!s,On June 10th, the Want eon . of Mr; and Mrs, A; Steenberg, S.yoxts.—In Grey, on Jinn) 186, Thoit, W. It. 0, Stokes, aged 76 yearn, 2 months and 7 days, 8F2-07.913=.7- '.... a.M. zre='X'S, —~ Fall Wheat flO 90 Barley 40 40 Peas 60 66 Oats 39 38 Butter, tube and rolls..., 15 16 Eggs per dozen......,... 14 16 Hay per tot, 6 00 0 00 Flour, per bbl 0 60 6 30 Hogs, Live 6 25 13 25 Wool 20 21 Sa't, per bll., robni1, 1 00 70 RICK HOUSE KNOWN AS the Bruce property, Turnberry street, Brussels, is offered fon sale, 8'or further information as to price, terms, &e„write W, 01, 011088, 8tvan Lake, Man- itoba. 414 NOTICE. As my wire, (Marlette Oakley, loft nay bed and hoard on Saturday, end inat., ,v ttb- out either cause or provocation, 1 hereby give notice that I will not be respon- sible for any noble entreated by her Mbar this date, without my written order, tf VOL OAALET, Lot 0, Con, 3733, Grey, Grey, Jane 71301, 1000, ,P11.1.01v111•MMI. Coming I Coming 1 T. P. Smith EYE SPECIALIST, Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and Toronto Optical Oollegoo, will bo at DRUG STORE ONE DAY ONLY Wednesday, June 21st Cell Early and avail yourself of hie valuable eeevioee, It0A100NA'RION FII. it M, QTORE AND DWELLING AT - kJ TAM= in tbo Village of Blyth for Foie or to runt. Hoy Inttber particulars apply to JN0. 0, 000XS,. 10.5 Box 7, Bronchi. t^r,�TRAYE D ---ON THE 12TR OF )' May there strayed from Lob D0, Oou, 0, Groy, it year old bailor, blue blank in 001or. Anyone giving Infntmntion that will lead to her recovery well he suitably rewarded. 40.01 J. Ii. BAlOtilt, 3lenfryn P. 0. Q ALE BY TENDER. — TEN - K -7 MRS 1Vi10 he resolved by the under- signed up to July 1st, for the purchase of the Flenlryyn brink Methodist churchand frame. shed. The highest or any offer not necessarily aasopted. For further partle- afars as 1.0 tonne, etc., apply to JOBIiP3 tie. 1'rRITk7P1LB, Becrotary of Board, or 47.4 JN0. S, I AICOR, 1lenfryn, YOU HAVE HEARD OF PROFES 8OR RENWEND America's. Greatest Hair Goods Artist. ... He is Coming to AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS on Wednesday, June 28th This visit gives you a obanoe to oonsnit Pau. DooENtoEND about your Bair and to choose from the stook of Hair Goode, wliialo be carries with him— just what you require. You eau try on any Switob, Bang, Pompadour, oto., and see just bow it looks. Pno0. DontoNwnon can be depended upon to sell you only first quality Hair Goods. You are not forced to buy because yon call to see anti manatee these goods, Baldness as all mets luiow, ditflpm•es and adds en aged expression to the fano, Why remain Bald when Prntoeaor Doren. weud a,tu 31. you with a WIG or TOUPEE, wbiob will hide all traces of Be'dnees tend tate, the plane of your own hair ? Uoot„rs recommend these 'L."tpeeo a8 a preventative for oolde in bead, catarrh and e, imago. PROFESSOR Do0ENwEND will fit yon on the spot and show you just how you look afterwards, LADIES --READ THIS ! YOU will never have a better opportunity to Dee for yourself the heaetifol assortment of SWITCHES, BANGS, POMPA- DOURS, WAVES, WIGS, Eto., Web Professor Dorenweud carries with him. Remember the Date and don't fail to call at the Hotel and see Pao. 01,089003 DORSNWI0ND, Ifyon cannot ea,l write Tor Prof. Dents - 0 oats. Iogne, It's free. 7.. THE Doren -wend GAJ. Of Toronto, limited 103 and 105 YONGE ST., TORONTO. 131 xxofcc:comocom xxxxxxx=311 MO/Nn/ON „ Ca F3L7"11 A Drop in Prices `It ie unne0eesary to waste words in explaining the nun of ibis greet drop in prime. Suffice it to gay the goods are here at the prime quoted 13nd the quality guaranteed. The travellers know we are always open for snaps for spot cash, and 311010 they have anything epeoial to offer we get the first obanoe, This ate0nnte for the following low prices ; •Prints, wide width, taut oolore, regular, 10e, for Oso. —Prints, extra wide, light and dark cobra, worth 120o, for 7ljo. —Flaked Linens for Shirt Waist Sults, in colors of pink, blue, grab and green, worth 120, for 10o. —Fine Obombraye, in colon of blue, pink and tlteoan, wide width, regular prioe 15o, for 120o,. —Ohambraye, in a Intl range of 0olore, worth 120, for 10e. —Cotton Voiles, 84lneboa wide, in pail, colors, oleo smote and °hooka, Very ape3fat, worth 16o, for 120o. —Wool Voiloo, in plgin goons and anion, 111 colere of black, groan, brown,. and navy, geed amine at 66o, for 60o. —Mohair Drente Goode, 64 hieing wide, fine giosey finish, in blaok, brown and navy, good value at 650, for 60o, —Ladies' Fancy 8illc Embroidered Dollars, something very stylish, at 80o, 86o, 40o and 60o. /one ohothe for 250' —Linoleum,2 yaido wide, good blook patterne, regular prior SOe, for '350 per square yard. —Heavy Scotch Cork Linolsdme, 4 yards Wide, good value at 053, for 500 ter square yard. —D a pets, fn onion, wool, tapestry anti Brengel. at 10 per ow, :below regular orlon, —There bac been a great drop in the price of Sagan, and they 4005 likely to go lower, We can quote, any low prime by the 100 pound ibawl,' We also quote Rnigins, ()erelong, Ries end Canned Goode at voey loW prioe0, XXXXX t11 nYeeea' ''+, Vsa„JaeJs�mX24ba'> • a t; a 17 P 1' )I