HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-15, Page 5ELLIOTT
if Oen. YoNOE AND ALa0ANDE1 B1s. tl
s1JMMilR SNERIcN during July t
and Austtat for Public School Tonolt-
got and others.
Students I ad10110 shat
any Limo. Phis Salami10 not "etaud'
lug 00101" or'"bael{100 up," bat is eau..
stoutly "going ahead;" Ofrealet° t000.i
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
And when up Reuel him or p,
her to d
i G,
Terni opens April 11111, 1904
Two Oourses—
Oammer sial and Shorthand.
Bendierca Journal.
A,, L L. No1NTY1i.E, Manager,
lbstag I 13 qrs:A2s��.-
Succo$sor to lh•. J. A. lloNnng1iton
(Brussels, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclinic Post Graduate
Reboot of Matilotno and Rurgery, Now Yolk
Member of Oolloge of Physicians and Sur
geou0 of Ontario.
Ogloe and iresidenoe same as formerly aa
copled by DO. kioNsugllt0u.
Diseases of women a epeeialty,
.LV,L Dent, F.R. 0003331, lirn0sele,
I8euer of Marriage Licensee. 00
floe at Grocery, Turnb0rry etro81, firusoole.
nianeooNRn has several good harms for
BOle sad to rent, easy terms, in Tuwuehipa
of Morrie and Grey. le R. SO OTTJ3rueeel0
C, 0. P.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0.0.F.,
Brussels, meet& In their Lodge Room, alae.
hill Block, 0001102nd and last Tuesdovya of
each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome. JAS. 1303088S, 0,10,
A. M, M10LL1a1i,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
JL' • DER, will sell for better prices, to
bettor men in less time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Duran or
ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders
San always bo arranged at this ogler) or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Tering reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the o8loe of nix Pon, Brussels, 2100
• Honor Graduam of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all elle-
eases of domesticated: animate lin a compet-
entmanner. Par•tioular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. calls
plomptly attended to. Ogloa and Infirmary
—Four. doors North of bridge, '1'arnberry et.,
Barrister, Solloitor, Notary, Eta,
Successor to G. F. Blair. Omoe over Stan.
dard Bank, Tiruneets. Solicitor for Metro-
etro-politan 33 sok,
1 V • Barrister, Solicitor, 00nvoyaneer,
Notary Public, .¢o, O1gou-8teweat'e Meek
1 door North of Central 1101101.
SolioiLor /or the Standard Basic
11IARRISTE108,. 110LI011 0 110, NOTARIES
PUBLIC, 1110.
W, P110DDY00T,.18. O. lt, 0, Bare
G, F. l3LAln.
omoes—Those formerly oaeupted by Mailers
Cameron & dolt,
GoonsIOtt, 0000010.
DR. R. P. FEU -0,
Graduate at 1be ROyal ()otiose of Dental.
Surgeons of Ontario and Fh'st.olasa. Honor
Graduate of 'Toronto University, 011iioe
next to Brewer's Photograph (40118ry,
IIIWSB70f,R.. .
Ya, oan got a general adooaUne to
mty school but 6801010 the OENT1AL
11 for Praclloal nu tinees 1 t Mang. Title
College has a Ooutiuoutal 1w 0000000
for tborouglloeoo, OPt10''twdt,e8 are
for those w110 are prepared1, Our
graduates always maenad Yon may
e o I e b all Limo,
enter tito'fne7 10 ,
Write for I'l'ea Oataleglta.
11LLI07'1' .k Mo1AGBY,aN,:
I'ri110ipa1n. '.
Our Ln treueo lttyut reel."' 1. "Del' 00018a41uu
to Suovm d;'
The SpotLojl 'horIIIawl
and lInlaittos~s Academy
Over 0110.1%0 the Umlaute wt, Inn ,Doc n-
modlto are enrolled for the above date.
Shorthand nod Typewriting department
will be second to none, Drop up etaire,
Vandriok'a Moak, and see us.
GM 0. RPOPTEN 1,188 a1CBYBY,
Principal &'Pron. Lady Frinelpal,
'o,ca• gem ;terns.
Ex00aelole Thuroda of 11110 week to
the Model Farm Guelph, from Kincar.
dine to 1leuiryn inolueive.
Some of the farmers say the long cos.
Untied wet weather is buying detri
mental ePect upon Dorn (anteing it to
rot in the ground.
`fun POST is Sorry to hear that .the
family of Albert Gerry, of Indian dead,
N. W. T„ hors been seriously 111 with
diphtheria. Their many old friends lo
this lomtlity will bo pleased to hear of
their complete convalesoeuoe.
I'r ie said Eogioerr Peterson's report
to the 0, P. 1t. as to the probable
Eleotrio road from Brown' to Seaforth,
to tap the Canadian Pamfio at Walton, is
of a favorable obaraoter. Io speaking of
the meeting held in Seaforth teat week
the Expoeitoc Bays : —M. G. Cameron, M.
P. P., who le inloreoted in the Huron and
BruoeBleutrio Railway, in company with
Mr. P, term, ooneniting engineer for the
0. P. R., were in town on Tueedav laeb
on their way to Brnesele. The ohjeot of
these gentlemen was to go over the route
between Seaforth and Brussels to spy out
the land with the view to the aou0truo-
ti0u of an eleotrio road between these two
pointe to connect with the new branoh of
the 0. P. R. at Wa'tcn. While here Mr,
Cameron and Mr. Peterson had an in-
formal - 00810800800 in the council room
with Mayor Clair, the members of the
town sonnet! and a number of oitizane
wi.h reference to this scheme. The pro-
ject is, as yet, however in its incipient
stages and nothing definite can be said
about it. But if the O. P. R. or any
Other oompeuy with the neoeeeary cap -
Bad to carry it out take a hood of it and
mean bnsineee, they will find Bassorin
ready end williug to do ite full share,
whatever that may be. We want and
require additional railway facilities and
whatever compouy or oorporntioo ie pre-
pered to meet one wants in this respect
may depend upon receiving all the aid we
eh,old poeeibly give them,
llhoeauER. —1'he many old friends of G. P,
Schofield who was the first agent of the
Standard Bank Brussels, will be pleased
to read the following from the Toronto
Nerve 0onoernin0 the promotion of that
gentleman :—"G. P. Schofield, who
succeeds G. P. Reid as general manager
of the Standard Bank, is 008
of the eblestlaud most popular bankers iu
Canada. He has attained hie present
poet after filling a number of the most
important, poste in the service of the
bank. In 1891. he was appointed manag-
er at Brunets and in 1898 was promoted
to the more important branch at Chat•
ham. In that plaoe be was very suoceee•
fol, and made the Standard Batik the
leading finanolal institution of the oity.
Mr, Sobofiold was made looel manager
of Toronto in 1908, a position ee000d
only to the general managerehip. He ie
a native of Toronto and one of the young-
est general managers in Canada. For
some time Mr. Schofield was one of the
Mule of the Toronto la0roe0edoving
public. As a home player he has had
few ,quale, and the.'rorontoe at the time
were greatly weakened when he was re.
moved by hie bank from the city." A
good fat salary n000mpaoiee the position
and THE POST hopoe Mr, Sohofisld may
long live to enjoy it for he has honestly
worked his way to preferment. Possibly
hie training in Brussels for a few years
contributed to preparing him for a wider.
DIED IN YEAn,—The Goderioh
Star of la gave the following
particulars demiee of an old
resident of Huro Oo. in the person of
Geo. Hawkins t
, fa or o T. A. Hawkins
of this town :—George Hawkins died
et hie home, Pnrt Albert, on Monday,
June 5th, aged 79 years and 8, mouths
from the infirmities of old age, The
deceased gentleman had, with Mre,
Hawkins, spent the Winter in town with
hie 0ou, Jae. B„ but with the opening of
Spring hod returned to the cottage in the
valley, hoping that the well known scenes
and the lake bier 0-0 won't] , build no his
weakened frame liie hope was not
realized, and on W. (tumidity hie m rtol
remains wore p'aoed at rest in Port
Albert cemetery, Rev. Mr. Hick o vnduot.
ink the eervi00, and six old friends of the
fami v eating 110 pall bearers, The late
Geo. Hawliine 0000 a well known figure
in Ween ii ron, being a prominent
Orungemsu irod In earlier years one of
the most active Uunservativ0e, Hie
widow and fire children survive him ;
Froder'o!,, of Wieoonelu 18 tizabeth,
alre. Allen, of Brandon, Man.: George
Arthur, of e"0h'ttnacho, Tenn. ; '!hoe,
Al'en, of Brtleaele. and Junin 13., of
Godwin() The dononeod wee born in
0r.,, 1825, at Tim 0 Lynn, county of
Kildare, Ireland, and moue 10 Canada in
1880, t1,e family singing in London,
Out. In 1841 the family moved to Port
Albert, He learned turning at Piper's
MiI1, Goderioh, and they, worked In hie
fath,r'e Armee Mill for four or live years.
Io 1002, determining t0lga toy.+the gold
beide, he drove to Hamilton, look beat to'
Queenstown and Bo1Taib and train to.
New York. He tank 011°p to Liverpool,
anti from them to Melbourne, 'via the
Cape of Good Hope, as put ger of the ship
Digby. Tr
Melbourne hobouu
and then left fur the gold fields epondhig
throe y', art its Cnetlemaine and Bozic
Fo,oat diggings. In 1855 he married
Murtha Miotic, who 010001 ea him, and
the following year eeturntii to Liverpool,
then to Quenon, and nleo by boat via
Detroit to Ggderich. Returning to the
Port he resumed milling, buying the
Avoca Mille. In 1858 Iio built the Flat(-
and Shovel hotel, and kept it four yea0'0,
Ile then moved to hie cottage, ' Lake
View," where he lived tii1 1889, when he
moved to Brandon, Man„ bttt three pare
0000 Mr. and Mre, Hawking back at
"Lake View" where the dimmed wanted
to pose to rest, and whore lie %wavered
Krug Death's amnions un Alouday.
Peace to your memory, as a good and
true friend 1
Very largely depeudo on the mother's
diepoal01on ; if she is aelmated and
bright, everyone le happy ; but if oho is
nervous, irritable and orwoe—everything
Moss wrong. Bright, ohoery women
noually use Forrozono, the grantees
health maker known, By tatting throoth
the b'ood Ferrozooe is able to 00001 all
the orguno that need 08000001100; it
ootabliehee regular and healthy aotiou of
ell fnnotioue, builde up the general health,
fortifies the system with a reserve of
energy that defies disease. Don't, put
cif — Farrozone mete only 50o, at any
drug store ; get it today.
moment School Hoard.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Publioti ahool Board wag held in the
Board room Friday evening. J. G. Skene,
W. M. Sinolair, T. Farrow and D. 0.
Roes were present.
Minutes of lust regular meeting were
read and passed. An o0eant of Wilton
Gille0pio for octal 9281.16 was presented
sad it was moved by W. M. Sinclair,
seeocided by T. Farrow that it be paid.
Mise Scott tendered her resignation as
teacher to take effect at mid Summer of
the present year and it war) moved by D.
0. Rose, ascended by W. M. Sinclair that
it be accepted and that the Board give
her 'letter of recommendation. .Carried.
R. Roes tendered hie resignation 00
Seoretary•Treaeurer and it woe moved
by W. M. Sinclair, seconded by T.
Farrow that it be eooepted. Carried.
Moved by W. M. Sinolair, eeoouded by
T. Farrow that J. G Skene be appointed
Seo.-Treae. of the Board upon fort -dolling
eatiefaotory bond. Carried.
Moved by W. M. Sinclair, seoouded by
D. 0. Roes that the Board borrow the
sum of $1500 00 from the Standard Bank
for three months to pay present note and
current expenses of the school for the
present quarter. Carried.
Board then adjourned.
Ja.t w coo.
The Sone of Scotland Export -ion was
run to Owen Sound last Saturday.
Wingham beat our foot ball team here
on Friday evening. The snore was 1 to O.
Elora Cheese 00. shipped 410 boxes of
May ahem on Tuesday of Iaet weak to
Montreal. HodgeonBroo., Montreal were
the buyers.
Rev. Dr. Rasa, of Brneeele, occupied
the pulpit of the Presbyterian church
Sunday at both eervioee and Rev. Mr.
MoVioar preaohed for Dr. Roes.
The new grader, purohased by the
E'ma Township Council, was tested on
the gravel road from the bridge over the
Turnbull drain to the blind line.
The new Foreobere' Hall ie already
presenting a very creditable'appearauoe.
The brick work has been completed and
Jae. Struthers is now rapidly rushing
along the carpenter work,
LI*CO wel.
Au effort is being made to have a mail
ear put on the early train from London to
Owen Sound.
A. W. and Mre. Fe0theretone were in
Brantford attending the funeral of Mre.
Featherstone's slater.
The Grand Trunk have deoided to put
in the aiding to Meyers' Mill and will
proceed with the work shortly.
Clarence' Thomson and R. Sohinbeio
have returned home tram Toronto, where
they have been studying Medicine at
Toronto Uoivereity.
Andrew Foeroh reoeived wood from the
Old Country informing him of hie annt'e
death. As she had no family Mr,
Foeroh fell heir to a goodly Bum.
At the request of a number of the
bosinese moo of the town, Oonrad Nenert
has deoided to ae0ame the duties of night.
watchman and began on Monday.
Dr. F. Large, of town, was married in
London ou Wednesday, of last week, his
bride being Mies Lillian Moliee, (laugh.
ter of S. Molise, formerly of Listowel.
D. Hibner, of Berlin, and hie foreman,
Thos. Wettiauffer, late of Chantey, have
arrived in town, and are making prepar•
atione for starting the Chair Faotory,
which they expect to have in operation
by July 1St.
The Public Library Board met and
adnptod plane anal opooifioationo for the
new Library building and aro mtlliup for
tendert) t0 be opened Friday, June IOtb,
W. J. Bowe 1100 purohaeed ill 1330
story brick 0o00age on Wallace otreet
owned by Mre. Knott, of Toronto, and
adjoining the roeidenoe puroluteed by P,
B Howe.
J. W. Sport, who le president of the
Morrie Piano 0o., left on Wednesday
tnorutng of last week to join the Oana.
ditto Manofaoturero' excursion to Great
Britain and the 001311110ot, in which about
three hundred of the lending manufac-
turers of the D minion will partiolpote,
The party sailed ou Friday and will be
away two months or over.
Lbit(IL$T 00(.1N IN THE Boat(
Is the liver. Small wonder that liver
trouble makes you feel BO miserable.
The symptoms are constipation, diz
ziueee,lidigeatloa, headache, feeling of
depeeeeion and leek of oppetire.
There ie but one sure cure,—Dr, Ham-
ilton's Pills you are ears of strong
vitality, nnuriohiog blood, bright, cheery
epirlte. No longer will you suffer from
disordered liver ur'
kutrle e. The e marvel
of title medicine i0 that it keeps yon well
—prevents and wards tff Wiliness of
every kind. '25a. per box everywhere.
Ln (010100 vv.
Mrs (Rev) Ewen MoKenzie, of Mon•
treal i0 visiting friends here.
Mr. Mock, of Montreal, le the guest of
Mre. (Rev ) Smith, Aehfiald parsonage.
P. Kees wee appointed by 000rt Sher.
wood, C. 0.F., as a delegate to attend
Sigh Court.
Rev. Mr, MoI(erroll was attending the
General Asvembly of the Presbyterian
eburoit in Kiugoton.
Wylie Millyard has passed hie first
year course in the Toronto University
medical examination.
No. 8 Company of volunteers left for
camp at Londa! 011 Tuesday of loot week
in charge of captain P. A. Maioomson.
A deputation from the merchants of
Broca Oouoty will wait on the County
Connell, at 2 9, m. on Jane 2191 in
Southampton, to request an iuore0ee in
the ()barge for pedlars' lioenee.
In hie efforts to avoid a collision with
a dog which oroeeed the road in front of
his automobile, George Mair, Manager of
the Windsor branch of the Trodere'
Bank, and formerly of Looknow, upset
hie maohiee in a ditoh and received come
painful iujnriee by being caught under-
neath the machine.
Mrs, Pridham hoe been very i11 with
congestion of the lungs, but is oaneider-
ably better,
Rev. Dr. Ure, whoseoonditilln bee been
very oritioal for some days, ie reported as
still very low.
Mise Ball was appointed to take oharga
of the priuoipal!e room for the Model
Sobool at the penal salary. •
J. W. Broderick ham pnrobaeed the
hoot and shoe stook of the estate of the
late A. T. Wood, St. Thomas.
A. J. cooper ie making arra0gemente
to rebuild big wareboaee and elevator and
expos to get the work started shortly.
Rev. Mr. Wright, who has preaohed to
the Baptist congregation has been invited
to become their poetor and accepted the
At the regular meeting of the 0. 0 F,,
Thome Borrows wall again appointed
delegate to attend Grand Lodge held 00
Tb0 resignation of H, G. Willeon as
eoience meter was accepted. Mr.
Willson's intention is to continue hie
medical course.
The Dietriot I. 0. 0. F. meeting of
Dletriat No. 10 will be held in Oddfel-
lows' Hall, Goderioh, on Monday after-
noon, the 26th inst. Repreeentativee
from Oliuten, Seaforth, Exeter, Heoeall,
Bruoefield and other pointe will be
Dr. J. R Le Topzel left on Monday of
loot week for Bermuda, enroote to
Jamaica, after emending several months
in town visiting the old home. The
doobor'e many old friends will f'l'ow
him with beat wiehee to hie distant home
in the Queen of the Aolillee. He will be
meat mined in musical enrolee.
The smaller of the two steam shovels
lute been moved over to Dunlop's hill,
where it will start work, Au engine and
Dement mixer have been .planed i0 posi.
to wear, and hard to
If you buy from us you carry home money which
you expected to spend.
How do these prices strike you
'Walking Shoes.
Good solid wear, and
real comfort in our men's.
heavy street shoes.
Built to wear and stand
the walking which you
will certainly feel like
doing when you wear
All the best makes,
in all shapes, sizes and
widths, are here. Easy
to get a fit—easy shoes
wear out.
—Gent's durable and comfortable shoes $1.25 to $4.00
,Reduced Prices for 30 Thi,ys in Single Harness.
I1H'Cotivenierrt dwelling rooms to let, Dwelling and aer09 land for sale cheap;
1. 0 .6.V I V H A
I o t near the abutments at tide aide of
Ili' rite r preparatory tooting ahead with 1
the (gamete work there, 9.'bo trestle 1
work t,a•. ee tiro North branch of the
river is pump pied and the track laid and f
that at time tilde ie being put In [Map,
Vora vials.
Mr. Cornish will bare oharga of the
work in this parish till a new r00t1r le
opantod and f al takes ee abar e,
The Woman's AuXillary of Trinity
(March have decided to bold their annual
lawn social on Jut)/ let at Wm. Goggins.
The annual meetiog of the sharer
holders of the Fordwioh Union Weigh
Seale Company was held in the FUreet.
ere' Hell, Saturday evening.
Matthew Dane, of 10th line, 00ae in
Owen Bound attending the Grand Orange
Lodge of British North America tie dela.
gate of Howink District, Mrs. Dane ao-
oompaniod him and visited friends there.
Alarge number of Bnyal Tempiars
from Palmeretou and Listowel paid a
fraternal visit to the looal 00110011 on
Monday evening of last week. A good
program W00 given by the violtore, lunch
was served by the home Connoil and a
p0 eveu1U
leaoan se est
g wap
X' so 11,
T. Murdook's horse "Colonel Hunter"
won 2nd money in the 2, 22 °lase at the
Seaforth races,
While extracting a tooth from a boree
the animal bit Doe. Chesney on the hood
fortunately 0otseriously hurting him.
A number of our oitizsne are improv-
ing the appearance and iuoreesiO4 the
value of their property by putting up
handsome ornamental 10008x.
The clerk and all the members of the
Council except A. Brandt went to Lon•
don and let the 00000000 for making the
file for the proposed drain to the Eben-
eazer North Company. They agree to
commence delivery in three weeks and
hie contract is a thousand dollars below
the engineer's estimate. The tile are
larger than the engineer's requirement,by
Over two inches.
A terrible oyolone swept Stephen and
Biddulph trope., on Monday afternoon of
last week. Considerable damage weedone
in Exeter to chimneys and roofs. The
baro of Jamee Shipton, in Stephen, was
badly damaged as was also that of Frank
'1'reobner. A horse was killed and a man
named Walker, of Fraooietown, had hie
leg and back broken. In Biddulph near.
Luoan, several houses were badly
damaged, and an orchard of 10 &ores was
completely demolished. Serious damage
wee sustained by a number of bosses in
W laii'b a,roo.
Dr. W. T. Holloway is away atbendiug
the annual meeting of the High Oaurt,
0. 0. F,, at Gananoque.
Anson Dunnage, jr., who has been in
the employ of Hanna & Oo. for the peat
coople of years, leaves for Toronto where
he has seemed a eitootion.
Mre. Agnes Scott, of Diagonal street,
was etriokeo with paralysis ou Wednes
day of last week. Aa she ie advanced
yeare, fears were entertained of her
Sunday, June 25th has been oboeen Be
Decoration day by Maitland Lodge, I. 0.
O. F. Speoiol efforts will be made to have
the decoration services impreeeive and
interesting. The band will lead the
Toronto reports important changers
around G. T. R. oMites. Among the
probabilities we note the rumored pro-
motion of J. H. Gordon, of London,
(formerly G. T. N. agent rt) Wingham) to
the pusibiou of Freight agent 00 Ontario's
A June wedding of load interest was
ooneanimated In Toronto on Tuesday of
last week, The °entreating parties were
Dr. H.E. W. Tamlyn and Miro Margaret
Marlin, both of Wingham. The care
mony was performed in St. James'
Cathedral, Toronto, and the happy couple
then lett on a tour of Amerioaa oi0ies.
At the regular meeting of Wingham
Lodge, No. 236, A. F. & A. M., W. Bro.
J. E. Tamlyu and V. Vannorman were
appointed representative(' to Grand
Lodge which meatest Hamilton in July.
The following 'albums were elected for the
next year :—W. M., John Ritchie 1 S. W.
P., N. Teuoley ; J W. H., H. Whitman ;
Chap., Rev. Wm. Lowe ; Treas., R, Von•
atone ; Seay..1. A. Morton ; S. D„ D. L.
Diueley ; J. D., T. J. Pattieon ; I. D.
M. Crawford ; Tyler, Jae. Flnety ;
Auditors, H. 0. )3e11 and R. B.
Bar ;Lame to Euro Catarrh Now Than
At Any ether Seaso00.
Now rs the time to use Hyomei, when
the early Snmmer days make it so easy
to Dare 0atarrabal troubles. The
Byotnei treatment breathed for a few
minutes three or four times a day
in May or June, will do good twice) es
easy ea it did in Jan10ry, and nearly
everyone knows tint used faithfully then,
it completely ride the 'velem of catarrh.
Hyomei is a purely vegetable
preparation whose active 0110481es prop.
ertiee are given off when it is breathed by
the aid of the pnokot inhaler that comes
with every outfit. It destroys all germ
life in the air pae.a•ee, purifioe the blood
by supplying additional ozone, nod rte
hail liDa, volatile, a0tieep0io fragranoe
reaohee every corner of the respiratory
tract ae no m0di01ne taken through the
stomach aim possibly do.
The complete Hymnal onlfit coats but
ono dollar and oonsrebe of a neat inhaler
that can be carried in the puree or vea0'
pellet and wi I last a lifetime, a medi•
eine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei.
Extra bottles of Hvomei can he pro.
aired, if desired for fifty Dente.
At this 0ea0o0 of the year when
oatarrlial 0001010e eau be so easily and
readily cured, the merits Of the Hyomei
breatrneot should be oarefnily inveetigat.
ed byeveryone and a
y oompiete outfit
should be in every home. James Fox
gives hie personal guarantee with every
Hyomei outfit they sell to reined the
money if it doee 8011 give eatiefaotion.
There is 110 Hell whatever to the puroha0-
er of Hymned.
Through the eateleeeneee of a miner,
who carried a five or six pound can of
bleating powder, unoorkrd, e, terrible
eoeident occurred in .the Imperial mine
No. 1 at /overuse. 0. B. by which
sixteen miners were burned about .the
tilos and head some of them very serious.
1 y.
—On Saturday we will put on sale 10 Dozen
Men's Fine Shirts to clear at
Comfort and appearance are looked for in Men's
Shirts. Comfort is only found in well proportioned,
well made Shirts. That is the kind we sell and the
kind here advertised.
Appearance is a matter of taste. Our stock is so
large and well assorted that we can suit any and every
taste, and the workmanship on every Shirt we sell will
stand the closest scrutiny.
The Shirts are a special purchase, and at the price
are remarkable values.
—Moo's Fine Neglige Shirts, in fine colored cambric, lanndried
neckband and ouffe. They are thie'Basson'e latest p018000s in
neat and fanny stripes and figoree, correct coloring, Bluff 'y
14 to 171 inches. Regular 81.00 goalitiee for • / 5
—ltden'e Fine Colored Cambric Shirte, laaudried, short bosom style,
eeparate link colla or ooffe attached, full eine bodies, assorted
patterns in stripes and Agorae, light, medium and dark ooloringe.
Sizes 14 to 17 inane. They are $100 qualities. While 75
they last •
'Watch for them in our window Saturday.
Gentlemen !
I have opened for your inspection a nice line of the
latest up-to-date styles in
They are correct in style and perfect fitting vests.
All shades and all sizes in stock, at prices from 750
upwards. See them.
Now for the
Wool Season
The undersigned is prepared to pay the HIGH-
EST PRICE, in Cash or Trade, for all the Wool grown
in this locality.
Blankets, Sheetings and Yarns manufactured in
our own mill, positively Pure Wool.
Tweeds, Flannels, Worsteds, Sze., procured from
the best Factories in Canada. These goods will be
GUARANTEED to be exactly as represented..
Here to do business probably for the balance of
Is 08311 ALAI and every pains will be taken to please our
Custom Roll Carding attended to promptly.
Fetch your Wool to Brussels Factory and thereby
prove the correctness of what we say.
1/63•1•• ASIMMOME•114•11:11021MINSMO
VIIE1.6-The-,01X44%. SS
Our Fine and Up-to-date stock of Bug-
gies is now on the market and we invite
intending purchasers to call and inspect.
They are all made of best material with
tile very latest improvements.
Have you seen our fine display of Oak ..
made Wagons ? Every one warranted to
be as represented.
Repairs and Painting promptly attended to.
Tops Relined and Covered and made as good
as now. Call and see us. '
M t. ! ► : BM11.1