HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-15, Page 3eM n1 Fast ion H flair t ele+44 & Z„ ,.; 1044 dale 1r'k k S11111t0:R STYLES. The craze for matehing every de - tall of the cvstunle has extended to handkerchiefs, which are offered with dainty colored borders and d00ora- Lions. Goats for young girls of gray and white fancy woolen mixtures aro 1180- 1 011 cool days. The roll collar and cults aro of blunt colored cloth, white Keen, or pique. Tho buttons may be of pearl or gun nodal. The medium length and the long floats of, lace worn over chiffon skirls are chnriningly attractive, very smart and becoming, and show off the beauty of the heavier laces to perfeotioi, One of the fads of the season is a gown ((1 all-over valen- eienims, or ehlltou, with valetclennes (1onn0es and entredeux, and a (oat of Irish lace, Princesse slips of soft silk can now be obtained ready made, which is a gloat boon to those who like to wear 11Iffolrut colored linings under their su (mer muslin, They are well made, and can be altered to any figure with very tittle trouble. Rare and artistic parasol handles are extremely expensive. IJut a good one lasts well, and can bo transferr- ed to a new sunshade over and over again. That ever -fascinating garment, the tcagown, is shown in most testate] designs in the shops. Most of them are still called dressing gowifs or lounging robes, but they are too elaborate and beautiful to be always relegated to the bedroom. All gowns of lace are fashionable this year, the Lierre lace, the 'al- ines lace, the allover valeneienhes, the .Irish point, and so on, indefinite- ly through a long list of names that were never known before, as well as the names that aro well known to all lace lovers. Petticoats caro es simple or as ela- borate as ono mny prefer. Dy all odds the most beautiful to wear with thin gowns aro the hand embroidered batiste petticoats. These. are as ex - stiletto as human iageluity and skill tan melte them, and some of them aro of almost fabulous price. A. pair of Russian green stockings woven of the finest of silk is em- broidered in 1)] nee and white In a :otventonal design, in which there are several circles about an inch in diameter. in these are set each a towel Or sequin, which, in turn, is surrounded by French. knots. Linen holds its own, especially in the long -coat suits, which are practi- 101 and becoming. Tho plaited skirts are popular and pretty, but the cir- tular skirt with rows of narrow stitched bands round the bottom is growing in favor on account of its greater durability. The favorite color is, of course, white, but gray, blue, pink, mauve, green and the natural color ere seen in good mod- els. Most of the separate coats aro in plain tailored styles, with colored velvet collars, The smartest skirts aro those that have a good sweep around the foot. The hair length train in the flue ems - lies and lace gowns is necessary, but In all the Heavier qualities, such as ]been, the short, skirt is a necessity. The pleated skirt is the favorite for the moment, but it is too universally made up in every kind of material to have it rank among the smartest models of the season, The silk skirts aro in various de- signs. The newest seems to bo that with the jersey top, which fits close to the figure, and does not run the risk of splitting. Many of the petti- coats havo flounces of five or six two-inch frills of Bias silk or ribbon, scantly gathered and joined one be- low the other. A,nothe' pattern has a flounce trimmed with many crisply pinked rallies that stand out very jauntily. Almost the prettiest have deep buttonholed flounces with grad- uated embroidered spots, whose sim- plicity and durability should recom- mend then'. to the practical woman. Underskirts, the best of which aro made of ]rand embroidered lawn and muslin, neo very full at the feet, and 1•e(1121(0 almost as much cutting as the overskirt, Nearly all the new silk petticoats with a deep flounce have a cord placed under the frill to providethe necessary stiffness. For Binlnlhhel' wear these are made in very; soft makes of taffetas and some dainty light chines, very pale Shades being a good deal worn. T'ractically , all sleeves aro short, either elbow length or terminating several inehes above the wrist, Many varieties of lawn and lace under - sleeves are solei to wear with these short sleeves, and one may be a5 extravagant as she chooses in the :natter of these dainty accessories, Sono ofthe imported guimpe and tmderldcovc sats aro incredibly expel- Blve. 00 the other hand, Massy prat- y'sets are to be had for Very shall Bunts. Cleve' woolen will not 11nc1 the sets hard to ;get up at home. One can buy a hand -embroidered cont of a shirt Waist for (eon( 42.50 i $1.75 The work is exquisite in 11 cases, the (1 1 derelict) in price loaning more or less of the work. rich 1inc'n lawn to snatch the em- roidared fronts is $1 a yard. It is yard wtdo, Linen parasols for use with the net frocks and coats that are a Lti of the season are a new feature. 01110 aro made of lino Trish linen i.th two-inch tucks from top to bot- on, the edges_ of which are banes ubrOldererl With a Coley scallop. I1100801s of embroidered lawn or bat - to with tucked borders are made oyer a lining of pale -hued wasdi- ig silk, Parasols of chtlTon aro elide with flee tucking, shirring:, or minfet(ieg With fu11 frillq of the same which davit hotnstFtchOcl boucle's. Pompolloelr, . silksand rihbol5 .arc aiso combined I01L tlfilfYofl host - ef- �' fectIvely. - PALE, FEEBLE GIRLS. A Great Responsibility Bests 071 Mothers of Growing Girls. A groat and serious rospallsibility rests upon every mother whose daughter is passing the threshold of girlhood into womanhood. She is at a erisls, clad if sho is to be a healthy, happy woman, sho mast (10 80101) rightly now. She must not be pale, sunken -eyed, fallow, ltin- geicl and bloodless ut tills time, Sllo nand: havo additional strength and rich, pine blood to help her to strong, honlltly womanhood. There 10 only one absolutely certain way to get new rich, health -giving blood, and that is through the use of Dr, Williams' .'into fills, Every pill !helps to make rich, life-giving blood, that brings strength to every organ in the body and the glow of health to pole, sallow cheeks, Thousands of pale, anaemic girls le all parts of Canada havo b0011 nmacio well and strong through the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pius. Airs, Rachel John- son, ilend'ord, N.H., suys:-"As u: 'welt of overstudy 111 school, the health of my daughter, Ellen, be- came greatly impaired She grew extremely nervous, Wes pale and thin, and seamed from most severe headaches. She hod no appetite, and notwithstanding all we did for her in the way of medical treat- ment, 11,31' su[Toe ng con Lictied , and I began to feel that her condition was hopeless, Indeed I began to fear her iuontal powers were falling. One of my friends strongly urg'ecl mo to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and as I was willing to do anything that might help her I sent for a supply After using the pills for less than a month, we saw that her vigor was returning, and in less than three months her health was fully restor- ed. Considering the fact that she had been i11 for two years and that doctor's treatment did her not one particle of good, I think her euro speaks voluillee for the wonderful merit of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills." Tho new blood which Dr. Wililanis' Pink fills actually snake, is ' the whole secret of their grout power to cure diseases. Thai is the reason these pills cure anaemia, heart pal- pitation, headaches end linckaches, rhettmatisnr, neuralgia, kidney trou- bles, and a host of other ailments dun to bad blood and weak nerves. But bn sure you have the genuine with the full name, "lh•. Williams' Pink hills for Palo People," on the wrapper around each box. 11 in doubt, write direct to the Dr, Wil- 1in11is' Medieine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. CHARITABLE NOVELTIES. Germany Is ahead in novelties of a ()heritable mature. 1n the town of Jtasclunann prizes are offered. yearly for the le0n who will ,marry the ugli- est and most crippled women, and for the women over forty years who have teen jilted at least twice. The nonny was left by a big financier, who, r'onliving that beauty is an at- traction Bard to overcome, made a Provision in his will that out of the income of the fund not less than $80 shall go with the ugliest girl in any year, and the cripple shall receive $(10, '.elle poor women over forty wlio have been jilted by a, lover re- ceive, when t110 funds permit, $50 each, belt the trustee can vary this amount, and, at his own discretion, offer a larger prize t0 8alnc0ne Who Will marry an unushlally ugly girl, or one to whom Nature has been speci- ally unkind. PUPPY DAYS FOR BABY. The healthy child is a Happy child. A11 Ile 11tt1e troubles vanish when it is digesting' its food well and is free from. childish ailments. The greater part Of these a1lin00ts mis0 front stomach and bowel troubles, fever- ishness, teething and w'orn,s. Baby's Own Tablets act like magic in tiieso cases. and 0)01(0n children are rendes at night they always give sound re- freshing sleep. Mrs. A. LePage, St. Florence, Qom., says: "Baby's Own Tablets had marvelious results in tho case of my two months old baby. 710 wag nervous, troibled with colic and badly constipated, but after giving the Tablets ho began to improve al once end is now in good health. I also gave the Tablets to my throe ,year old boy who was troubled with worms and they cured him as well. Roth children are note the'picture of health, and T am always praising the Tablets to my friend," Yon can get Baby's Own Tablets from any drug- gist or dirret by mail at tri cents a box by writing the 11r. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. SEEING IN TITR DA1tT7. A ratan living at Pittsfield, Massa- chusetts, recently lost his wife, and while he was weeping bitterly over her grave his sight siickleely became affected. Ile is now a111c to see Clearly in tate dark, het in the day- light 1'.a is quite blind. 17e. sleeps dewing the day and rises at dusk. "1V11 oh why," remarked i y, cc pie ob- server b serve' of events and things, ,'will a woman smile with delight when she SOPS a hat in a milliner's window, and frown when she sees the sante hat on he• noiglbor s head?" WELL I1EPT $EGRETS. Two Trade Formulas That have Not Been Discovered. "1`liero are two trade secrets," Bald an artist, "that the outside world, it 81301H, will never leans, One is a Chinese secret -the snaking of the bright anal beautiful color called ver - 1)1f11.1011, 03' Chinese red, tree other 111 a Turklsli secret -the inlaying of the hardest steel with gold and silver. "Among the Ohlneso and among the Syrians these two secrets aro guarded well. Apprentices, before they ere taken for either trade, mush swear a :strong oathto reveal no- 1hi12g of what pass's In the workshop These apprentices, furthermore, must belong to families of Standing, must flay n surge time Uy way or premium, and must furnish certificates of good charm:ter and. honesty, "Yon have seen damascened steel, or course, anis you havo seen her- millie1, or Chinese red, Remember the next time you look al, those two things that their secrets have been guarded inviolably, have been hand- ed down faithfully from one genera- tion to another for thousands of yew's'," S18CON0 'P110001 PI'S. Eve was not tho only aonme whose curiosity influenced her entire future. Woman likes to bo called a bird until sho suddenly remembers that Parrots are birds. In the Garden or 1l'Icmory there are more forget -me -note than any outer flowers. Ile who advertises for a wife may get what he advertised for, but he 00110(11 gels what ho wonted. When 0woman heights to feel hap- py she begins to bo miserable for fear that, such lutpininess is too Per- fect to last, A. good method of having your own way, if you are a married man, is to find out your wife's opinion, and then agree with her. About the most convincing proof of men's superiority over woman in conunon-sees° Is evidenced by tho fact that hardly any of his clothes buttonat the back. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR To California and Lewis and Clarke Exposition, Port- land, Oregon. A personally conducted excursion t0 the Pacific coast via the Granth 'Trunk Railway S,ystelt-and connect- ing lines leaves Quebec .July 5, ands Montreal and Toronto July 6. The route will b0 via Chicago, (helical through Council 111uils to Omaha, Denver and Colorado -Springs. Stops will be made at each of these places and side trips taken to Mannftou, Cripple Creek, Carden of the Cods, etc. i11'otu thele the party will con. tinuo through .the famous scenic route of the Peeves and Rio Grande, through the Royal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thence to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, Port- land, Oregon Seattle, Sp01(010., and, home through. St, Paul and Minnea- polis. 'Tho- trip will occupy about thirty clays, ten days being spent on the Pacific const. 3 The price for the round trip, in- 1 chiding railroad fare, Pullman tour- ist sleeping cal's. all meals in the 7 dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is 1 $105.50 from Quebec, or $100.50 t from Montreal and $150.00 from t Toronto. This first trip is designed fl as a. vacation trip for teachers, al- c though many who are sot teachers 1 will improve the opportunity of tak- o ing the trip at the remarkably low price af'orded. For full particulars address E. C. howler, General Agent and Conrlua- tor, Room 808, Tinier' Station, To- 0 ionto. b PORTS ON WAR • l TOOTING. Experts Would Rave the British Ready at Any Moment, At the Royal United Service Insti- 1'l intim) at London last week Lord HE'S ONLY ONE OUT OF SCORES B'UT peso's. ISIDNEY PILLS MADE RIM A row 1YIAN., Richard Quirts Doctored Dozen Years and Thou( Case Incurable-Dodd's Pills Cured Flim. for a. Thought Bis. Kidney Fortune Radler, Nfld., Juno 5. (Special).-Scorcis of people In ih>e neighborhood are living proofs that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all kidney ailments from Ilaelcache to sleight'a Disear,o. Among the most relnurk- able cures is that of 11lr, Richard Quirk, and he gives the story of it to tho public as follows: "I suffered for over twenty years from Lumbago and Kidney Pisrrase, and at intervals was totally unable to work. After ten or twelve years of (100LOes' treatment, I had made up ley m11d that my complaint was incurable, 7leadieg of mli'ee by Dochl's Kidney Pills tempted ole to try them. 1 did 10 Willi 1 111 le faith, but to my grn0t surprise J had not taken more than half a b0:: before I felt relief, and after the use. of seven' OV eight 4(1x,3(8, I was folly cured and a new man. "Yes, I1odd's ICidney Pills cured my Luitlbn(0 and Kidney Disease, and the best of it is I have stayed cured," I1 NCI HR-P11J NTA,, Tho English Metropolitan I'olice have a collection of 70,000 sets of fin_ger-prints of criminals. It )las been completely established that the thin capillary ridges on the. Liss of the fingers undergo no natural change of characteristic from the cradle to the grave. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, July, August and September the Chicago and North Western Ry, will sell from 01010380, 12111111 trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Ore. (Lewis & Clarke )Sxcursioln), ,Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver tet very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares Icons all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of trail ser- vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. dates, folders anti full infermalien MIT 1)e obtained from B. 11. Bennett), General Agent, it least King St., 4 nrnnto, (lnt, 31 SMALL NATIONAL DEBT, A Colony with a "national debt" of only 41,000 is something of at novelty in this age of Imperial and municipal 'extravagance, but that is. the total 1n1d011tecleess or Pitcairn' s Island, a mere speck its the Pacific Ocean, w11iC11 was discovered nearly a hundred and fitly years ago. T1 island Was colonized by tel 111uLi11- eer1 from a ship named the Rounty, who remained o mt.d on Lho island unknown to England until discovered accident- ally in 1814. Under the care of their chief, the mutineers became rc- spectable citizens, /1s their number increased the island proved Snrapable of their support, and in 1850 the ritish (iOVOrnrllant remover: the le - antlers to Norfolk Island, where teioy rare provided with cattle and stores, n 18711 the pepulatioi Was only ninety three; now it is nearly double hat number. The people are ex- retncly poor, and L)1c Colonial M- ee has been recently requested to anc01 the "national debt" of $.1,000 oaued by the Lords Commissioners f his Majesty's Treasury, 4 1IARD DVT.NG MULE. A correspondent who was with ol. Youngliusband's mission to Ti - et, tells a mule story: "Mules,` ap- laroutly, do not olio from any cause. WThen the mission first crossed the lclepia a undo slipped in the dunk and -felt into the lake at the bottom o1 the pass, 1t was thought to be roamed. Next morning a convoy Drunk it with its (lose. ,lust above the co, the rest of its body literally frozen in. Pickaxes were brought, and the animal las dug out, It is now working as usual." Ellenborough, relaxed commander It. 141., read a paper an the possibility or 1nglancl's fleets and harbors being surprised. Admiral Togo's attacks upon Port Arthur, ho said, furnished 0. lessor to Portsmouth and Portland. If 611nilltal1.00m1 attempts to sulk Mag..- lish battleships -the positions of which were shown on charts that could be bought for a few pence -and to block harbors were successful, the enemy might, then be able to protect his trelnspo'ts from torpedo attacks and so eei11farce an invading army, The doctrine of learn Wails:101 would have to he partially revived for tiro next naval war, and the three-mile limit oltehdecl to the en- emy's shores. England tens in for greater delver Of attack when all of ler fleets were assembled at Spithoad for a naval review then On any other occasion, ho added. Loral 11111e1100r0ttgh advocated that all or the forts that protect naval anchorages shoulcl bo eonsl.aaltly slept on a tear footing, reedy to open ileo, that a post cnpLl.11) should hetel duty night, and day at the Admiral- ty, and net no pilots except those British born should over bo allowed to exerciee their profession on Lng- land's coasts. Ifo prophesied- disaster from the freedom of the English press, sug- gesting that tho folly or sense of 7•ivaley of some editor may (mise Englan.d's plans to fail, mutt involve her i11 great disasters. Once a war began, a wave of public opinion, would probably nervy a Bill dealing with the press, batt it might- come ton days too late, 'Admiral Sir N, lbowdoa-S5)ith, Sri the ti1scuss.iell that followed said that be eoIsidcrod that the possibili- ties of surprise were exaggerated, but ho thought, danger* existed in the many tllotisands ,of foreign waiters who might bo Used as spies. Anoth- er grave danger existed in the forty .t11ntfnalyd 10001&11 5011111011 111 0111• im01'- chnn t• fleet, FEED YOU MONEY. Feed Your Brain, and It Wi11 Feed You Money and Paine. "Ever since boyhood I have been especially fond of meats, and I tun convinced 1 ate '800 rapidly, and failed to elasticate my food properly. "The result was that 1 found my- self, a few years ago, afflicted with ailments 03 the stomach, and kid- neys, which interfered seriously with my business. "At last I took the advice of fa•irncls and began to eat Grape -Nuts instead of the heavy meats, etc„ that liad constituted my former (list, "I foaled that I was aL once bene- fited by the .change, that I Was soon relieved lrom tlic heartburn mics the in'c11gcsti0n that used to follow my meals, that the pains Sgt ley beck 11•oan my kidney affection 1(0(1 ceased, showing that those orgasm had (leen healed, old that my'neeves, which used to be unsteady, and 11>y brain, which was slaw and lethargic. from a heavy diet of meats and greasy foods, had, not in a moment, but gi'wdlally, and 210110 CIO less &lively, been restored to normal efficiency, Now every varve is steady turd my brain and tbiniking faculties are gllic1e` and more acute than for yeas s past. "After any old style breakfasts I used to s11f'or (hiring the forenoon from a feeling of 0Vealrne89 w1i1OJi hhullcred m0 seriously 1» my work, but, since I Have begun to use Grape - Nuts food I tam work till dinner time with all case and comfort." Dame given by D'o8tolrm Co., battle Crook, lificli; There's a reasO.f), Watt tho 1itUl'. book, "The. Itaad to Weilville," io eaetf nkir. 1 r The satisfaction of having the washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every user of Sunlight Soap. 10B A 1(01 AI. t OOKLAJT. The Grand Trunk l(ailn'ay'System are distributing a very handsome booklet dc'scriptiv'c of the. Royal Alta - 'coke Motel, that is situated in Lake Itosseat:, in the 'Muskoka taken, "Highlands of Ontario." 'J'ho publi- cation is un,' giving n full description of the attractions that may be found ut this popular re0ort, handsomely il- lustrated with colored prints of lake and islan(1 seeu.•0,0, Ole hotel Itself, and teen, of the special features that may be fouled there, ft isprinted on lin,: enaln(1 11 paper, bound in a cover &lying the appearance or Storo:co leather, with a picture of the hotel end eurl'011nding;1 on the 8122)", and the crest of the hotel eul'Osaed in high relief A glance through this booklet makes one long for the plea- sure of Siumner anti outdoor bJfe, and copies may he secured gratuit- ously by applying to any Creed Trunk ticket 011103. "If you stool -I don't care what it is -you'll repent it some clay," "Bahl Didn't you ever steal a kiss?" „Yes, and I married the girl!" Pain is a Punlelunnn L. -•Pulp is a pro- test of nature lagn lllst neglect of the bodily health, against carelessness re- garding the physical condition, 11. steals in at the arst opportunity and tapas up its nbodc in to (11(121 and it is some tltu0e rit(ticul(1 to ,r•lrlvincla it. Dr. Thoma shorst' POleo(mle oil hill it out in 0,'dar. from Cantles stay Wher10 is usad, but ilnned1aWly does away.e NOf. EXACTLY PIEIRFECT, A Scotch Iabo•.ing man, who had married welch widow exceptional for her plainness, was accosted by his employer. "Well, Thomas," he said, "I hear you air. remarried. What sort of a wife have you got?" "Weal, sir," terns the response, "she's the Lord's handiwork, but I canna say she's his mlastanpiece." 60 6p0ciultats on too Caso,-Tu the ordinary run of practice 10 greater num- ber 1(00 this have treated cases of ehron:u dyspepsia and havo felled to cure -but 1)1'. Von Stan's Plueapple Tablets (60 in to box et 83 Cents cost) have nude the cure, giving relief in one day:- There little "specialists" have proven their real mu•It.-71 "IIer 1102171/1ee1On is very clear,' said tho casual acquaintanco. "Fos indeed," her dearest friend agreed "anybody can see through it," Worms cause feverishness. moaning and restlessness during sleep, another Graves' Worm lextertnhnntor is pleasant, sura and effectual. 1f your druggist has novo lu stoic, get 111m to procure it :or you. -A legislative measure has beet in- troduced at Wisconsin providing for a tele on bachelors over thirty, with power to exempt those unable to pay. ENC@.ial SPAWN LINIMENT Removes all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, 6Li111',o, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Savo 890 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wondorf el ]1lemisit Cure ever known. "Young man," angrily thundered Farmer Fodder to his son, "Yo're a disgrace to this 'ere fam'lyl It's a good thing Mr ,you that I ain't' rich." "Why?" asked his sun, sheep- ishly. - "Because I'd disinherit ye - that's why!" Very Many persons die annually `T'feem cholera and kindred summer a mple nes, Who might have been saved If proper remedies had beef. used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. 0eling61,'n Dysentery cordial, the medicine that never (10118 to effect n c1U•o, Those who have used It say 1t lets promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. COLOR 13LTN0NiaSS. Tho most common form of color blindness is an Mobility to distingu- ish rod, Las(, year thirty-four offi- cers anti tvo1lel-be ofheers of the ilrit- ish•M i.'ca.ntile Marine trailed on 1.11012 color test, twenty-three being red blind and the 1,0100inler unable to distinguish green, The 4,000 candi- dates for certificates were also sub- mitted to the farm vision tests, rind twenty-two of them tailed to dis- tinguish the form of the object sub- mitted. Doctor -"Why don't you settle my account? You said when I was at- tending you that y0t1 coulee never repay 1110 for nil 1: was doing." Pa- tient -"Anel I meant it." 20 Veers of Vila Oatarrh..--Chas. 0. Drown, journalist, of Duluth. hl'lnn•.. writes: "I have been a sulloro1' 1,0(11 Throat fowl .Nasal Catarrh fe' 0001' 110 yours, du111(8 Which tnno my hears has been stopped up noel my enlltlitloe truly inine:aide, Within 16 minutes at- tar tieing Dr. Agnew's (::.fru ,•h nl Pow- der I obtained rt'lfof, lhre0 bottles hove almost, if not entirely, awed me," 508-78 TWAT ARI<A11LI VITALITY. The vitality of the snail is remark- able. Ono that was glued to a caret In 211115011nm tor four years cast to silo on being Immersed in warm Water. Soma Specimens in the tol- Motioln of a naturalist revived after they apparently had been dead for fifteen years, 30 (,here anything more nnitOyine thatl having your cern isteprical upon? Is there anythingmore delightful than 81.011(0 rid. of 111. Itollo,eay��r Cor lu o will do it, 'Try It 104 bo o0n' wu0Eod, Quality is Everything The production of TEA is the crowning event of the Tea Grower's art, TRY it once and nothing will tempt you to give It up, The Flavor is Perfect. Try the RED 58 .&311~!, Natural Flavor Tiw xepotlsing�anvor and entinfylnn 08011(2 o{ L1.Ill1Y'S POTrl:f) A0D 115810110 8(21.75 1a dna to the ,8(U 03 sue (018110 04811 old t5 tb0 1150100 led strength el sho. ianrodlant' o,4, Libby's (Fla'vorl food Products For Breakfast, Dlnnor and Supper. Corned Beef Hash Brisket Beef Boneless Chicken Veal LoafSoups Vienna Sesusage They arc ready t214crdo--your Grocer has them Libby, McNeill G. Libby, Chicago No Breakfast Table complete without An admirable food, with 3,11 its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robust health, and to resist winter's ex.trenie cold. It is a valuable dint for children. The Most Nutritious and Economical. :bother -"Ethel, you naughty child, what have you been doing to make Charley cry sol" Ethel -I've only heels sharing fey cod-liver oil with' i him, dear ma1mn10. You said it was so nice." fUso Lever's Dry Seap (a powder) ) to wash woolens and flannels,-- you'il like it. Miss 'Anteek-"Well, well, there's Mrs. Woodley! I haven't seen her for an age." Miss Pepprey-"Ind0edl Not since you were a little girl, eh?" Heartsick People -Pr, Agnew's Cure for the Ilou.rt is a heart tonic that never fails to cure -is swift In its eaeety -goes closer to the "border land" and snatches from death's grip more suaer- ers than any other remedy for any faml)y of diseases and 0ilmcnts h1 1.115 category of human sufferings. Gives roller !n. 00 minutes. -75 Young Rhy0Os-"I tell you mar- riage takes all the poetry ant of a follow.'' b'rielhd-"Then it can't be a failure." Impurities in the Mooch -When the action or Tho kidneys becmnes in(pnirnd, to fol ties in sho blood aro almost sure to follow, and nes,general derangement of the system 0582208, ,1''armalt;o's Vege- tuble ('Ills will regulate the kidneys, so that they will maintain healthy action andrevont the complications which certainly come when there is derange- ment of these delicate organs. As a restorative these Pills aro in tlto first rank. 1'unclit-"There's no doubt that Shakespeare borrowed a great many ideas from others." Dundey-"Rath- orl Why, I've read some things in his hooks that Wer° clrastnuts thirty years ego, 10111111 I teas a boy." - You can't erre a cough or cold from the outside. l'ou must cure it through the blood. .lohs Ct'.WASEUTI tion Cuioae, The Licung �• '-� n is the only remedythatwill do this. It gots right to the root of the trouble. It is guaranteed to cure. Prices: 8. C. W.azts 10 Co. 812 251 sea. $1. LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. PLANTS T11 AT MIMIO STONES. lit eouthh Africa a slant of the genus Meaembry0ntheme in, growing on stony ground, so closely reeem10105 a pebble that it hes been picked np in mistake for a stone. Another species of the same plant g'row'ing on the ]tills round the 11arru produtee two leaves nbolt as ]ergo as ducks' 0ggs, 1(40851)7 a aurf(1re resenhling tveathm'r.(1 910110 of a hrownlsli gray color, tinged with green, These plants look like stones, but for a short time 'May put forth bright yel- low !lovers, Still another species of the salve pleat resembles the quartz pebbles among which it grows, Iflo and A1gy had parted after 'a row, but ho mot her at a. Cinderella and asked If he night havo .n dunce, "'i'hanlc you," silo said, haughtily; :'slut 7 ani particular whore'I (mien With." "Alt!" he n'epliod, calfilty, ,'~tlyrn5( ked t km until?, For Sae or Rent Farm 150 acres; Danbury, Conn, Iloused 70 tons cured hay from meadows last season, Very desirable. Terms reasonable. Apply, 0, de Comeau, Owner, 130 West Fourth St., New York City, 7.F4131/X'1' 5 D&.a. Two Ayrshire Mille, rleingF; 000 year old from damp milling dates with good Loots. Price 810.1(0 esah. It. 12(10 €c 00., Iflntonburg, Ont. CARPET DYEING. sed °leaning, This ie a rpcolehy with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Oil Heed partloulare by pert 0011 We ere euro to WW2 Address Max 158. Montreal. m3 LIMP OIs. EC® °OMY Sarnia USE Priori, Gila White No real need to buy the more expensive oils if GOOD TURNER i5 used and REPT CLEAN. If you want a AIG LIMIT -Tr -meg OR FOUR GAS JETS IN ONE - TRY A Queen City C011 Lamp The Choicest Oil 'lade is PRATT',,,' ASTRAL hor Sale by Dealers. THE QUEEN CM OIL CO„ (18117on BEAUTIFUL 11011? USUALLY TI1E WAY. "Ile always was a bad egg, but nobody seemed to notice it while he was rich." "Fes, ho was all sight until he was broke." A Cure for Rheumatism. --The irtru- sien of uric acid into the blond t essnla is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This irregularity is owing to a derang- ed and unhealthy condition of the livor. Anyone subleot to this painful 0080(1on will And a remedy in 1 tu'melee's Vege- table Pills. - Their action upon the kidneys is pronounced and moat b0n0a- dal and by restoring 11003(hy action, they correct impurities in the blood, Tho Woman -"George, this is the anniversary of. the day of Which I prorniSed to be yours. nave you for- gotten 11?" Tho Brute -"No, n)y dear, I couldn't. But I've forgivoa it. Rheumatism will Succumb to South American Rheumatic Cure because it 1 goes right to the scat of the trouble and removes the cause. Many so-called f cures but deaden pain temporarily onlyy, I to have it return again with double violence. Not so with this great rem- edy. It eradicates from the system the last vestige of the disease and its corns , aro. p1mautn(11t-74 FLYING MACI1IN17. A. San :Francisco professor liar in- vented a, flying m001111ne which experts derlaie alights its softly ns a feather and is under complete control. ' It resembles a bird and has eight: wings which the operator directs with his hands and feet, WILL. CLBAn•THEIVL OUT CSSWARt Cl( ' UB(TITU'r g