HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-15, Page 1Vol. 33. No, 49 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 1906 W. H. KERR, Prop, New Advertisements. Colt l0at—Tse k'oar. Local—Prof. Dorenwend. Bair goods—Prof. Dorenwr il, T. P. Smith ooming—Jae. Fox. Pope for sale—Jae, D. MoNair, Money wanted—B, ogre of Pon. Drop in prises—MaKionon & 0o, 13el•rave, Next week Rev. A. E, and Mrs. Tones will take a brief holiday and will vigil relatives and friends. Rev. A. K. Birks, 13. A„ L. L. B„ ut Seaforth, will prettoh Sabbath Sabool Annivezeary teermons next Sabbath in Balgrnve Methodist ohnruh at 11 a, m , and at Sunehine at 2 30 p. tn. He will also preach in Beigrave ab seven o'oloah' in the evening. W t -arae$ Ler. Mtg. 0. Smith visited triende in Gode. ricb luet week, Mre, Jae. Paulin has reoovared from her repent Mama, Alvin Hemphill spent two days of last week in ,Toronto. W. Watters, of Fordwiob, was in ►be village on Tbureday. T. B. Sandere, of Sault Marie, Mich. is visiting in the village. Misses Elda and Kate Hazlewood were the guests of Clifford friends last week. The oement gang liniebed work in the village net week and left for Guelph on Tuesday. Wm. Paulin, of Simaoe, spent several days of this week with We parents, Jae. and Mre. Paulin. Mre. T. Griffith and eon, Robert, of Rowan, left on Saturday for a short visit to Hanbevilie. A foot ball gamo waseplaye,l in the park on Taeeday evening between Ford• wioh and Wroxeter teams. A number of members of the A. le. & A, M, Lodge attended the funeral of the late Robert Soott at Harrieton on Sun. day. —FOR— ova NDS AND FINE 'GOLD JEWELLERY AT CLOSE PRICES GO TO I. La Z.11.01 0017 BRUSSELS. WOOL Any quantity of Wool wanted for which the highest Market Price will be paid. Wool will be taken in at No. 2 Storehouse or the Flour and Feed store. 1� J.. Alf. Baeker, 7 BRUSSELS. Brussels Greenhouse. PLANTS AND FLOWERS, You will find at Brussels Greenhouse any gnautity of Tomato, Cauliflower, Celery and Cabbage Plants. Tomato Plante 10e, a box or 80. atdozen loose. Fine oolleotion of Flowering Plante. A choice lot of Geraniame and Annuals for bedding. Cat Flowere supplied. Floral Designs made to older. MISS KELLY. Owing to the ahaenoe of Rev. L, Perrin, who Is in;lingeton, there were no °Devicee.held iu the Preebyberian church on Sunday. • Rev, I, AioKelvey, of Louisville, oalled on his many friends here Zane week and, a000mpauisd by Rev, J, H, Oetsrhout, attended the plc -nip held uuder the anspioae of the Salem Metaodieb oburob on Tltareday, Among those who lett $hie enttlon foe the West on Tusadny morning were, Robert and Allen Ireland, Battleford ; Armour Wright, Baeluttoou ; Mre. J. H. MaTavieb, W. F„ Mre. Mitchell and daughter; Gilbert Plaine ; J. Mulvey, Winnipeg; Jae. Wylie, Vermillion River and Gavin Davidson and J. Fetob, Ed- monton, armee s to vv Mies Godetba Ooombee le home this week after being in A. MoDonald'e store, Granbrook, einoe Spriug. Rev, Mr, Dobson, of Fordwiob, preach• od iu Vioboria hjail holt Sunday evening, and W. Garr, of Wroxeter, will take the eervioe next Sunday. Miss E. Goombee and A. Wright left Tueedny_morning tee delegates from the Sunday Sobno/ here, to attendbbe Sun- day Bohol Convention eb Goderloh. At a meeting held in the Hall lash weak, it was unanimously decided bo hold a pia.uiafor the Sunday School in A. Bryane boob on Satnrday, June 24. It wee also settled to bold the Anniver- sary about the aenai time vie: the end o1 Jnnr, and have it changed somewhat from former years --in regard to the pro gram. It watt not quite settled as to who will have charge of the program, but the trusteee say they are to try and procure oily talent, Tues. SToxen Dernnxe Turs Lxrr., — There died at "Burnside Farm," 101 8, con. 2, Grey, ou Tneeday, Juin 13th Thomas William Edmund Burnell Stokes, eldest son of the late Dr, Stokes. Mr. Stokes had been in failing health for over a your. In December heart dropsy started and three weeks ago gangrene euened, The subject of this sketch was born at Sborbridge, England, in 1830 and in 1837 he oamo with hie parrots to Can. ada and Rattled at Goderioh. Mr. Stouea oame to Grey 48 yearn ago and bought the farm on which he died. He was pre. demand by his wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth McQueen, a daughter of the late Thee. McQueen, at one time editor of the Huron Signal, Goderioh, and to whom he was married in Nov., 1855, about four years ago. From a family of four, tbree survive, viz, : Alfred M„ of Bay City., Mich. ; Burnell 0,, near Trowbridge ; end Mary S. at home ; end Mre, 1M, Wilson, deceased. Mr, Stoker wee aged 75 yearn, 2 months and 7 daye. He was a man of sterling integ• ray, quiet in bis manner and a great lover of home. Be was industrious, kindly and obliging and was deeorvedly held in high esteem by the community. At times he was a great aafferer toward the latter part of ifs illness. The rets• tives will be deeply eympathieed with ie their bereavement. Deaeaeed belonged to the Brethren in religious belief. The funeral takes plaoejfrnm his late residence on Friday, June 16th, at 1.30 o'olook. Service at 1 p. m, Interment will be made at Brussels cemetery. (?rtt.rn to rO°D le. Methodist oburob Garden Party will be heldon the evening of I Ot Ja h, g Y Mimeo A. J. Forrest, M. and E Calder spent Saturday with Wingkam friends. Mier Margaret Gelder, of Toronto, wart a visitor here lard week. Sbe left this weep for ber home in Iuoietail, Alberta. Mies Etta McNair was away to Gode• rich this week 0e a delegate from the Presbyterian church to the Go. Conven- tion. Our Municipal Fathers neeembled here last Monday ab the Foresters' Hall end brauoaoled considerable bneineee. They will meet at Etbel on Friday, 80th lust. 'Taeeday morning of this week John MoLeohtan and daughters, )Shares Lib. and Bella, left on -a holiday outing to the Northwest. They will visit relatives and friends and will be away about a ooaple of mouths probably. We wish them an enjoyable vfeit and a safe return. The new steel bridge aver the Maitland. here is eompleted and is said to be a first. aloes j .b. Gement abutments were built by Nagle & T000by and the cuperstrooture was supplied by Hill & Co., of Mitchell, There is a oement floor, the first used in the bownebip. Bridge will be opened for traffic about the let of July, so as to allow flooring to harden properly. Total. ooet will be about 32000 but it ie money well invented when durability ie taken. info amount, IN,uunte—While ttseieting ab a teaming at V. G•ramm's on Tbarsday of last week George Sparlieg fell a'dietanoe of 12 to 15 feet and upon him dropped a heavy piece of timber. One shoulder was. dislocated and it was leered his injuriee weregoing to prove very carious, if not fatal. We are pleased to report the grove fears have been diefpabed and although it will be some time before Mr, Sperling will be able to getabout as well es before the injury we trust the present improvement will be au index of rapid oonvaleeaenee. The marvel wee that he was not killed, Best ,_ The Pure Man�. 1la Twine on theMarket is the Blue Ribbon 650 FEET TO TI3E LB. during the Will be sold durg month of June at 13 Centser� Ib. p r Oash, G E R R L & WALKER. Norio°.-- All persona indebted to A. MoNair, Ora•nbrook, are regaeeted to pay before July let, 1005, After that all amounts will be pat in a oolleobor'e band. LW on May 19th, on the 12th or 14th cone. of Grey, a new waterproof vanvae for oovering the wagon, size 6x12 feet Finder will be suitably rewarded, A. AfoDowALD, Oranbrook. let le V£61e, Rev. T. Albert Moore, Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, will addrees a mtea meeting Friday evening of this week, Jane 16, at 8 O'oloak, iu the Methodist r anrole, Blttevate. Moebo will be furnished by the combined choirs of the Presbyterian and Mebhodiet obnrobee. Everybody invited. 1Lea(1b nrv. Jun. Mowbray was at ;Sault Ste, Marie last week on a beelines trip. Peter Gardiner has got his big barn on its feet. Wben complete ft will be ono of the best in the township. John and Mre. MoPbereon attended the funeral of Mre. W. J. Cameron, of Tuckeramith, on Friday of last week, The Grey-A1o11111op beet ring is giving good satisfaction, This ie a good way for the farmers to have a regular eupply of Preto beef throughout the Sommer. Garden Party ab Jno. Dundas' on Wednesday evening of this week, The proceade will be used for building ehede at Bethel oburob. It is a credit. able move. We notioe by the Toronto papers that Wm. Rea, a former resident of this part bat now principal of Edmonton High School, has Bewared hie M. A. degree from Toronto IInivereity. Hearty oon• gratufatione, Mira Isabel McNab will leave B. S, No. 9 at Summer holidays. Mian MacNab has been in this school for the past three entire and has proved berself an excellent teanher. Sbe will take a school nearer her home at Broaeele. Weal ton. Mre. MoLean and eon are visiting at Dr, Irving's. Mrs. MoNeil, of Allan Park, ie visiting friends in town. Mr, MaBnrney, of Tbronto, is visiting at W. H. Humphries. Mrs. R. S. Baiter bas returned' from Wyoming, after a two weeks' stay. Bethel Garden Party on Wednesday attreoteda number from thin vioinity, Some of our young people spent an etij tyable evening at Joseph Ardell's on Tuesday. Some of our reeidente attended bbe Scott-Wileon wadding in Seaforth on Wednesday. A number of Walton's young people epeet an enjoyable evening on Wednee- day at the wedding reception of Joseph and Mrs. Hamilton, It is rumored that prospaote are good for an eIootra) railroad to parte bbroogh Walton, oonneoting it with the North and South. Wehope it will name. A meeting of the residents of Walton was held ou Saturday night, at which stege were taken to farther the work of procuring oement walks for the village. The wet weather is interfering some- what with the progress of oonetrnobion on the new railway, but there 1s a con- siderable on• id rah force on,and it is expected a e la P that the work will beo m 1 ted in good time, The Ladies' Aid of Duffel Ohuroh will hold their annual Garden Party on the Manse grounds on Friday evening, 23rd inst. Brussels Braes Band will be in at. bandanas and the ladies are making ex- tensive preparations to ensure a good time. WALTON Sonoma—The following is the report of Walton School for the month of May. E2amined in Atibbmetio, Grammar, Geography and Composition : —Fifth Glase—Frank McKim. Senior Fourth—Lyle McLeod. Junior Fourth— Annie Ardell, Mabel Bennett, Ethel Mo. Lead, Jewel McKim, Dottie MoKenzie, Tena McKenzie, James McDonald, Annie Candler, John Garter. Senior' 'Third—Rhea Emigb, Roy Emigh, John Marshall, Junior Tbird—Pearl Mc- Kenzie, Minnie Oendler, Roy Bennett, Gerrie Marshall, Howard Bolger, Carl Emigb, Harold Grigg. Senior Second— Douglas Fronde, Frank Dixon, Junior Beoond—Lawrenoe Booker, Ida McLeod, Ina MacNab, Alma Sboldioe, Lena Hartle. Senior Part IL—Addie Bishop. Junior Part II —Clarence Bennett, Annie McLaughlin. Senior Part I.— Bertha Beaker, Alex, McLeod. Junior Part I.—Grant Eraser, Foster Bennett. KATHLEEN Tamen, Teacher. PRETTY WRnnxNo.—A pretty wedding took piaoe on Wednesday afternoon of lent week at "Maple Grove Farm,' on the boundary of Melriilop townebip, when Miss Ida Isabel, duly daughter of Mre, Thome° Oakley, was united in marriage to Joesph R. Hamilton, young. est son of Henry Hamilton, of the same looality-. The oeremony was pertormed by Rev, H, Ad. Lang Ford. The bride loolted;beantifnl in a dress of white crepe• de•ohine, trimmed with whitele chiffon and ruching, carrying a handsome boquet of white aarnabione. The bride and groom were unattended bat Mary McFadden, the pretty little daughter of John McFadden, oarryiug some beautiful white and pink earnatfoue, nicely per. formed her part as flower gbrl, The groom's preeent to the bride was a beenti sal laurel wreath br000b set with- puerto. and rubies and o braoeleb get with amethyst. 'Tbe numerous wedding presents were both valuable and useful. A few of them were -0e follows :—Mrs. Yhoneeo. Oakley, cheque ; Henry Ham- ilton, cheque ; Hamilton 13roa., Indian Head, N. W. 'T„ buffet l Hattie and George Libbene, Stratford, (Welting set Mre. Henry Hamiibon, cooking (hair ;, Jno. and Mts. Bolger, rocking °hair I A, and Mre. Hodgins, Lucian, toilet seb1 W. and Mre, Neal, toilet set ; J. R, and Mre, Hamilton, Alilverton, cake dish ; Albert and Alfred Platte, silver bobber dish. Abet hearty oongratnlabione were over a splendidly prepared onpper wag partaken ot and a moeb enjoyable tits was anent by the gotten. Mr. and Mrs, Ramfiton will oontinue to reeide in the twenty and commence married life under anapioione oirmtmstanoes and with bbe hearty wishes of many reletivee and Mende for a happy and proeperoas torture, 1135 1r 01. 4 oars of cement for A, Sanders are to band thin week. Women's Instittete meeting on Satter. day of tufa week, Ethel will enpply the bride for near- by wedding it is said, Presbyterian Sabbath School pionlo on Wedneedsy, July 6th. Road work le In progress this week, Chris. Beemfer is patbmaeter. Toweehip Connell Will held at Oran - brook on Monday of this week.. Townebip Cannail will meet in the Hall here on friday, 30th inst. Only a few agar beets are being cultivated thio season in thie locality. Mr, It elle, of Lsmbton Go,, was bare last weak vieibing his son at the Moth. odiet Parsonage, PAeronAele for young cattle can be supplied. Apply to Geo BATearAN, Lot 20, Gen, 7, Grey. Seventeen tickets were sold for the Sone at Scotland Excursion to Owen Sound last Saturday. In a shipment of cattle by George Brown, lot 26, oon. last Saturday, 2 steers in the banal: weighed 3,150 pcnnde. Ohas, Davies and Noble Milne took in the breezes at Owen Sound for a few days. They went on the Sons of Soot. land Excursion, A one with more berley•oorn than he aonld manage ran against a post in our village and got damped the other day. No damage done. A new set of goatee has been pat in near the grist mill and are now complete with hoose over them, They are awned by a syndicate. The poet is $250, Work on the cement abntmenbe for the new iron bridge will likely commence here next week and the euperetruotare will bo planed npon them as soon as ready, The Other fire at Brussels recently called up the fact that Mr. Cotter'e factory was burned here on Jane 10th, 32 years ago, when his lose was about 35,000. At the cheese Bale lank Friday in Listowel Jno, Brown, salesman, made a sale of 75 boxes of obeese to Ballantyne & Bons, of Stratford, at eleents. Oheeee will be shipped next week. Last Saturday David Minn and Chris, Eokmier attended a Direotore' meeting of East Huron Fall Fair at Sensate. Big preparations ars to be made for this Fair which will be held on Oat. 5 & 6. Rev. Jenne Walker, formerly of Ethel, who livee near, Tseewater, and who recent. ly lost bis eight, has gone to New ,York oily, where he will undergo treatment for bis eyes, There appears to be some obanoo that hie eight may be partially restored. C-4remi•, Hay is a good crop this year. Mist Annie Rozell is home from Blytb. The demand for new dating dose not appear to be at an end yet, The Enloe. dredge ie at work on the Lamont drain on bbe 6313 oon. A large member from Grey went to Guelph on Tbureday'e excursion. Mre. John Mo arbor is vie' o G visiting her y g dunghter, Mre, sheen Cardiff 7312 non. Lorenzo Frain ie aeaisting P. I. Mo Donald an the bending ng of the American Hotel etRblea, Brneeela, this week. The League of Roe's church intend bolding an Toe Cream eoofal on R. Pear - son's lawn on Tuesday evening„ Jane 27th. Fuller partioulare given next week. Among the Greyitrs who toots in the excursion to Owen Sand on Saturday, were Angus -Lamont, elartwell Bpearin, Peter, Lamont, flame Orioh and Peter MoDonald. Ex -Reeve and Mre, Turnbull have gone on a tour through Michigan. They will visit relatives at Port Huron, Brown City and other points,- We wish them a pleasant time. Saturday afternoon ofthis week the annual pio•nio of the Sabbath School meeting in the School house of S. S. No. 8, will be held in a grove on the farm of T. Streehan jr., lot 8, eon., 6. Jno. Lowe and Joe Bbew took in the Sons of Flatland exnornion to Owen Sound last Saturday, and paid a visit to Wm. Reid and family of Bogner, Lomerly of the 6th oon. of Grey, They are doing well• Wm, Mason and son, of Oliphant, Brae Co, are renewing old friendaiipe in this locality, It is nine years One the visitors moved Northward from Grey township. They are on a driving tour now and will rotate homeward in a week, S. R. Creme, B. A. So., will leave for Northern Ontario where he will !pend the next three months with a Govern• ment surveying party. As he her bad considerable experience in this aloes of work he will be specially valuable to the ebiaf, The line 100 acre farm of 0. W. Knight, et1] eon„ bas been porobaeed by Alvin Barr, of the same line, for the snm of $5,000, Poeseeeion of the farm will be given on the lst ot Jan, next, Mr. Barr will go an with some neoeeeary improve. meuts to the house this season before moving there. Walton wants Grey township to loan them money on debentnree to pat down' cement sidewalks and waited on the Connell last Monday to metre their re. quiet. The law on the matter is being looked np as the statute is clear enough relating to Pollee villages but not bo those outside of tbie range. Paean Atves—About three o'slook Thursday afternoon' the spirit of Lizzie fifth danbter of Robert pCarr, oon. 8, wan beckoned away from the earthly home to the House of many Meneione. She hod been in failing health for bbe past year, commenting witn a cold and gradually develdping into long trouble. Mies Oarr was born in Grey and wag 21 years, 5 menthe and 15 days old. The death summ0ae bad no alarm for her Ss the (*tweeted freely relative to bar' demise, funeral arrengemente and Worde of domfort to the talatlly, She wag 000• solone to the beet, The fpnerel took place to Brussels °amatory on Thursday afternoon, Rev, Mr, Oneonta of B,useele, concluding the eervtes, The family ie accorded the sympathy of many friends who held drowned in high esteem, CARD or 'Prune—The undersigned with to expaese their einem thanker to the neighbor° and kind triende for kind words and helpful deeds an commotion with the illness and enbsegnent demise of Lizzie Garr, Language laile bo expecte the eppreoiabion felt for the great and thoughtful ltindnsoe maoifeebed. It will never be forgotten, R. CARR AND Femme. MV!eerrlt.r. Jas. Sherrie is away at Ganancque tbie week. Townebip Council will meet on Aloe. day, 28th 1051, MatthewMoees,2ndlfne, bas arrived home from a 4 weeks' visit at Kionar• dine. Thursday of this week Jac. R. Miller went to Toronto oombining bneineee and p1 Wore. Will. McCall, of Chatham, woe a resent visitor with his father who is still oon. fined to hie bed, Last week Jno, MoVlttie, 2nd line, bad the mietorbaoe to fall from which be suffered injury but we are pleased to hear he is improving. Dr. B, L. Oaldbiok and bride, of Grand Rapids, tfioh., are visitors ab the parental home 2nd line, and receiving the congratulations of many old friends in which THE Poem joins. A few from this township took in the Excursion to Owen Sound on Saturday of last week. In the number were Mrs. George Jaokoon, Mre, R. Shortreed, Mre, Rielly and Jae. Evans. On Monday, July 8rd, a Garden Party will be held at the borne of Wm, Clark, Township Clerk, 8th line. Benseele Band has been engaged and a fine time is promised. Rev. Mr. Anderson, the new minister, ie expected to be present. MITER MaDoNALn DEAD.—On Thursday morning ot this week, Peter McDonald, an old and well known resident of the 7tb line, parsed away to hie reward, aged 87 years, 7 menthe and 7 days. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, ver• aloe at 1.A0 p. m. A wedding took plaoe in St. Pani'° rectory, Clinton, on Taeeday, May 30th, when alias Celina Editb Conifer, second daughter of Jae. and Mre. Coulter, of Morris, become the bride of Roberti Clark, a well -to do young termer of Grey bownehip. The POST joins with the many friends of the young ooaple in ex• tending oongratu'atione. We regret to hear that David Moffat, sr., of the North Boundary bad a stroke of paralysis last Friday. Hie right aide is affected, the arm being the ohiet cause oftrouble. Mt. Moffat is about 70 years of age bat bee been a very hearty man. He name to Turnberry in the Fall of 1858 and has aiwaye resided there, We hops he will goon be batter. Conal or Arrear.—Before Mose, 0, 3. 0., 'Osler, MacLennan, Garrow, Mao. Laren, J. J. A. Farrand v. Townebipe of Morris and Grey—E, L. Diokineon (Goderioh), for plaintiff, the owner of lends in the township of Morrie, in the county of Huron, appealed from the judgment of J, 33. Rankin, referee, under the municipal drainage not, dated 30th March 1904, in which it was tee bald that plaintiff had�nc oanse of action ageing g vin the P municipal o r ins 0 orations for drainage g resulting from o bylaws providing For drainage, became no lands had been taken, nor had any of his lands been in. jorioualy affected. Plaintiff is owner of the north seventy acres of lot 16, 3rd oon. of Morris, through which flows a branch of the River Maitland. He is possessed of an eaetment permitting him to dam baok the waters of tbie branch over ad - kilning lots, for the period of 999 ysare, aommenaing with the 4th December, 1860, for the purpose of developing water- power, Thiel dam bas recently been re- moved, and at the time the bylaws were passed the river was flowing freely. The appellant contended that the referee wag wrongin ruling ti t a no laud of kis ie affected, einoe by Rab neo. 3 of sea, 2 of the oonsolidated munioipal Rot, to.. gather with the interpretation sot, an eaetment would fall within tie connota- tion of the term "land!' W. Proudfoot, K. C., and R. Vanetone (Wiogham), for delsedante, opposed appeal. Judgment reserved, Barking up the wrong Tree. To the Miter of Taxa PORT: Deva eine—We all know thee our mutual friend, Jae, Bolger (and I ehould not call him anything else after the compliment he bas paid me when he Bays a000rding to his knowledge at me I am a gentleman) is a firm believer that the pen ie mightier than the sword and ie given to boast that while he in not muoh of a speaker be will step aside to no one wibb the pen. 1 am afraid bis object was not eo muoh to pay me a compliment when he wrote the article as to gob into a political oontroveroy. We all, at lend thane Who know him know that when he gets on his politics' glaeeee he will get wide of the mark and will state things as truth, not from hie own I nowiedge but that be is ignorant of ,and which are false and which be has in bbie instance. I am not going to disease politica with him at present or nay much about that dismissal, IIad I been left alone I never would ae I have loet no aleep over it. To prove my aasertion I will emote one abatement be bas made ae a sample of ;tie article and show that what I have aeeerted is the Daae viz, : that be ie ignorant abort what he is Flaying and Mates what is false ; - •iie eay5 oWhy man alive be is 31,700 ahead of any Coneervative in Bruaeels." Now Jenne; S'tretton lives in Brothels, le e, 0onseavabive, was 13aibiff of this Oonrt and it any one examinee the reoords they will And that he has made lave Mmes he muoh out of the office ae I ever did and in one year as moth ae I have for the 1354 13 years. would 11 not be well 1a see who have been offiaere in the Court, what their political were and how muoh eaoh has been milting so 55 to nee how near Mr, Bolgerwee to tits tenth in his assertion, the late Ben. Fraliok was Clerk for a very long time and in one year made the nam of 37,000 whiob is far more than I did while holding offioe, There was the Sate Alex, Hornet who diad the eats and the lets Wm. Al000k who was Bailiff and also drew more than I have. Theca state• masts I can prove by the reoorde of the Coors. Three of these were very otannoh Conservatives and one was as muoh that an anything elm while I am the only Lib• erai who ever drew fees as an °Meier of the Fourlb Division Cart. It the total tees drawn by the Oon- eorvativee were added together you will find that for every dollar reoeived by a Liberal $25 went to Ooneervativee and yet Jae. Bolger talks as if it was only fair play that Liberals should stand aside to give Coneervativea a obanoo, even by diamieeal, I allow your readers to judge whether I have proved my cower. Mons that he talks about things he fa ignorant of end states wine is Wee. Yours, &o. F. S. Scute WEDDING BELLS. OUPID HAD A BUSY DAY ON WEDNESDAY, If the old adage, "Happy is the bride that the ann ohinee upon" ie true then the prinoipois in the three weddings in thin locality on Wednesday of tbie week shall be large sharers in that much oougbt after and oft desired condition—Happi- nese, Why Wednesday is so often aboeen as the day for tie consummation of Oupid's triumphs is not entirely clear to as bat many appear to look upon it as the most appropriate time for ao import- ant an event and we hope the triple matra menial alliances ot Wednesday of We week will prove happy, praeperous and long oonbinned. PATR101—MANNING. The home of John and Mre. Manning was a scene of animation at 11 a, In. wben Rev, H. M. Lang•Fotd tied the matrimonial bow between Harry Pat. riok, of Woodetook, and Mise Sara R., the estimable daughter of the boat and bootees. Ceremony was performed upon the lawn in the presence offifty paste, Mies Norma Sperling, ooasin of the bride, tram Oranbrook, played the Wed. ding March, and the bride was given away by her father. Mier Lily Mooney was bridesmaid and Herb Manning groomsman. Little Mies Lillian Leaver, a niece, dressed in oream laetre, made a capital flower girl and ring bearer. The bride looked charming in oream silk crepe -de -opine, carrying a beaatifal baguet of oream rosea. Miss Mooney was garmented in pink orepe•de-ohiue, carrying pink carnations. Many good wishes were expressed tor the future prosperity of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick in their new home. Tables were set upon the lawo while ample juslioe was done to the necessaries and luxuries of lice, The presents were aboiae. Groom,e gift to the flower girl was a pearl neaten. The happy couple left by the afternoon train for Woodstock where they purpose re- siding. Bride'sgoing away dress was blue basket °loth with hat to match. Among the guests from a dietanoe were J, F. Mathewson and Mre, Leaver and daughter, of Fleeberton ; Will and Mre. Manning and Master Oswald, of Hartley. aann050-DAVm Ae the magical strains of the Wadding March, played by Mies Lizzie Bowman, pealed forth Wednesday morning at 11 o'elvak, 3. Fred. Cardiff and Mies Annie L , only daughter of Jno. and Mrs. Davie, 4th line, Morrie, took their places under au ares] of evergreens and snow• balls in the parlor of the home when Rev, Dr. Roes spoke the magic words making them man and wife. The bride looked splendid in white Persian lawn trimmed with lane, bridal veil and lilies of the valley' in bar hair and a boqust of white rosea in her hand. She was attended by Mise Vials Cardiff, sister of the groom, dressed in pale blue voile with lace and °Retying pink roses. Jno. Davis, the bride's brother, ofdoiabed ae groomsman. The flower girl, robed in white Bilk, was Gladys Thurston, of Lindsay. It all the good wishec and 000grabulationa come true that were spoken Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff should be happy indeed, Wedding dinner was served in the very beet style ot the hoebaee, Elegant presents testified to the popularity of the principals the gifts ranging from furniture, silverware, glassware, linen, ruga, &o. A wedding trip to Toronto and Lindeay was on the program, the happy ooaple leaving o0 the 8 p, m. train, They will take up their residence on the Cardiff hamsetsad, 8th oon, Grey, on their return, May their joys be many, Mesdames Jae. Kennedy and Joe. Gray and Mimes Minnie and Gladys Thurston, of Lindsay, and Mr. and Mae. Pnev a of Teeewater, were guests lrom outlying pointe. HO99Amf-R0banTON• At high noon Wedheaday at the borne of James and Mrs. Ballantyne, Turnberry street, wedding belle ohimed fn oon• neotion with the marriage of Mies Mary Roberton, sister of the hostage, who joined band and heart with Dr, J. G. Hoeeook, at popular and sueoeesfal proobi- $toner at Innerkip, Oxford Go. The performance of the oeremony was in charge of Rev, Dr, Roes, the prinoipale being unattended. Mine Jean MoLattob. lin officiated at the piano in the bridal maroh. A moat becoming °Osbhme of oream Bilk voile, trimmed wibb white ohiffoh, was worn by the petite bride and she °arrfnd wlit° tones, Luncheon over n pleasant time wane epant before the afternoon train upon whtah Dr. Hosseek and bride took their departure followed by many kind wishes for bbe yearn to °eine. Many, neetul and valuable ware the wedding gifts. The opt of town gueete were :—George and Mra. Roberta' and Helen, of Clinton; llsv. II. W. Aldan, of Atha ; and It. W, and Meth. aeon, of Laoknow, Mrs. Haesaolt'e. going away dreier wart green ladies' °loth, with het to oorrespouef. A wedding trip was taken to Toronto and Niagara Valle. People We 'Palk About. Edward Lowry wee in Guelph on Tuesday, Mica Jean Habkirk ie visiting old Mende in Blyth. Mies Gaeta of Seaforth, to vieiting her sister, Mrs. A. T. Currie, Alex. Wallcer, of Teeswater, wag vleit• ing in town for a few date. Mies Nettie Brown is the guest of Mies Barbara Hogg at Wellesley. Mrs, George Lowry and son Leslie are visiting relatives in Guelph this week, Micros Miller and Gibooc, of Wroxeter, were visiting in Brownie on Wednesday. Mies L. Ball, of W iof ham, was renew - 103 old friendships in Brogue's this week. II, L. Jaokoon and W. A. Grower are at Goderioh thin week serving as jurors. Rev, J. H. Oeterbout, B. A., B. Dy of Wroxeter, was a visitor in town on Tees day. Mrs. W. Brydon and Sons, of Buffalo, N. Y., ere vieitore with relatives in Bras eels, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Roes were at Elora thle week attending the wedding of a relative. Herb. OannNigh am, of Stratford, was in town this week for a few days, lie at• tended the Manning -Patrick wedding. Robt. Humphries, medical student, of Welton, is securing pointers by aasieting Dr. Burne daring the College vaaa3iou. Mrs. L. L. MoFaul, of Se aforth, is the guest of Mrs. J, Donaldson, Albert street. The ladies are old time trieude. Mre. George Cardiff received an invlta• tion to attend the Perth Old Bop' rs• union at the town of Perth, her old home. Mrs. John Simmons' health is nob nearly so good as her many friends would. wish but we hope ebe will exon be oon vat ascent, Mrs. Too. Milbaneen and little MOO Adelaide, of Walkerton, and Mr. Bailey, of Trowbridge, were calling on old Wanda last week. Broaeele was represented on bete Sons of Sootlaod excursion on Saturday by Mics Gerrie Hingebon, H. Merest, H, R. Elliott and A. Roe. Mrs. J. J. Gilpin left on Mondaymarn- ing's train for Michigan City, Indiana, where she will visit her son, Dr. Fred. Gilpin and wife for a while. John Howard, John street, was oon• suiting a physician last week owing to the lose of his voloe. We hope the old gentleman will soon improve. Mies Olive Maioprize has gone to Kin. sardine where ebe will find employment in the Reporter office. Sbe wan on Tau Pose staff for the past few peers. Mrs. E. R Brewer and Master Ran. dolpb are away on a visit with relatives and friends at Woodstock, Hioksoa, Hamburg, Bright and other pointe, Mre (Dr.)John MaNsugbton, of Pen Yen, N. Y„ be the gueet of the Mimeo edoNangbton, of Prinoeee street. Mre. I. Hood, of Mitchell, was also here, R. W. Matheson, wife end daughter, of Looknow, attended the wedding of Dr. Roseaok and Mies Roberton an Wednee. day in town, and called on other old friends. Rev, H. W. Avieon, of Alma, was in town for a few dale He oame to attend theHossaok-Roberton wedding. He will g be 6t tiOned Stemmas for next Gan' !arenas year. We are sorry to hear that Ben. Dark, Molesworth, formerly of Brunets, eprait,- ed one of hie ankles while engaged in a game of base ball last Saturday eveuiae. He Blipped while rnnning to a base. We bops be will soon be 0, k. Miseee Aggie end Annie Douglas were ab Palmerston on Wednesday attending bbe wedding of Geo. Dodge, of Arthur, and Mies Ettie Donglae, of Palmerston. They will also visit triende at Harris:eh before returning boons. Geo. Potter, who has been employed in the flouring mill of Meagre. Stewart & Lowick for the past year, will remove next week to Thorndale, wbere be former- ly resided for a time. Wo wish him and his family well in their new home, A letter from Mre. Tufts says she and her sister, Mee J. Stewart, are now et Vioborie, B. 0. The latter'° health tae greatly improved sines arrival The writer says Victoria is a lovely city and the weather all that could be degfred, There is a great abnndnooe of flowers and trees, and all the more enjoyable after living iu Dakota where shade $rose are not to be found in snob numbers. Severna, oompiainte have been made of the very unsightly and dieagreeab a praobioe Bonn people have of expeotorat. ing toba000 jaiae upon the eidewalke. In Rome please where steps are within revel} the trouble oomplained of i0 muoh more noticeable. The Connell'should take the matter in baud and uuder a by eta force the law as bbe Statute permile,,•,.,F them to do. If some of the tobacco epittere ware oempeiled to ase a eorub• bing beagle to try and remove the effect's of this disregard of other peoples' right, they would see the full forge mud jnsb reason for oomplelning, ]}'rust proepeote in the Niagara Distriob are reported expellant. Fred. Hudson, the Peterboro' hotel, keeper, ie dead end Patrick MaAhliffe to in jail on a charge ot aseaulbing him. The four•ysar old daughter of Jos, Quinlan, of Peterboro',was drowned by failing tbrongh a bridge into deep water Sunday was the 8fteanintb birthday r Hamilton as a city, and the Caaadiu Oinb'e flag waaahoisted in honor ot the 000°0100, The remains ot Abigail Booker, the beroiso et Long Point, were removed. from the cemetery at Waleingbain °ahtra and placed in Oakwood Cemetery ea lfin - 001, A 103 of Italians brought from Mfohr. gas to work on the Chatham, Wailero• burg i4 Lake trio Railway 03 Chatham, were attacked by men whole plahee 0100 bad talion, Their lodgings Were veldt (I and the Italiana put to flight,