HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-8, Page 8Tale ;.m;•ower
Are not only a Luxury but almost a necessity during the
warm weather. They afford immediate relief from prickly
beat, chaffed skin, sweaty feet, &c., being
Antiseptic, Absorbent and Refreshing.
You have the choice of several different kinds from us.
Boated Velvet Talcum Polvder at 15c,
Euthymol Powder 250.
Mennen's Violet Talcum 25c.
Colgate's Violet Talcum 25c.
Our stook of Toilet Preparations is large and contains most
of the reliable preparations.
Trains leave Broesele Station, North
and South, ae follows;
Mail 7:06 a.m 1 MIXed 8:40 a,m
a,m 1 Ma0l .. 1.88. p.m
A1Xpre2e 8:02p,m Eapreee� 8:61 p.m
Irani, d It.entS.
A chiel'a among ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll pront f �.
PLENTY of wet weather.
SEVERAL weddings 611 the program.
WEDDING in town next Wednesday.
SEE tool news on page 5 of this in
Ho 1 for the Model Farm next Th
day, 15th.
OODNTY 001111011 is in ovation this w
at Goderiob.
Nan Tuesday evening is the date
the Talent Tea and Bazaar. Take it
Division Ooart on Wednesday brow
a large number 00 Brussels.
Manton your wool at Braeeele a
enure the highest price in oaeh or tra
AGRIOOLT1RAL Society Directors m
on Saturday afternoon of this week
the Council Chamber.
TERfire engine will have to have a
of new fines pieced in it ere long to p
it in fire fighting condition.
A TBOLLEx line t0 connect with t
0. P. R. line at Walton would prove
great conveniences tc the people of Bt
eels and locality,
GRAVEL and other material is bei
hauled for the hotel stables at the Qoee
and Amerioan. P. J. McDonald has
oontraot and will peltthe work.
A NnnE8 of Italians arrived from t
East on the afternoon train on Wedoe
day and were taken to Walton to be e
ployed on the 0. P. R. They were
rusty lot.
Samoa lost on Sabbath June 4th, whi
attending morning melee, Melvil
Warmth. Heart atone centre eat aroun
with smaller atones. Finder will plea
leave at TEE Poen.
TEE Jane sittings of the General Se
alone of the Peace will open in Goderio
next Tuesday, before Judge Doyl
There are several oases on the dooke
H. L. Jackson, of Brueeele, will be
Aas TEANRFDL.-Mrs. and Mies M
Ray, Elizabeth street, are very gratef
to the many people who came to the
help when their dwelling was endangers
by fire on May 25th. It was kindnee
greatly appreciated.
DoN'T forget the Anneal Exoareion t
the Model Farm. It veil! be ran b
8peoial.train Thursday morning of nen
week. Tiokete good for two days onl
coat $1.15. Children under 12 years o
age half fare, No nicer outing for a fe
days' visit.
TEE Annual meeting of the druggist
of Division No. 12, will be held at Paineon Tuesday of next week. Jae, Fox, o
Brussels, has been the painstaking Seore
tory for the past few years. An inter
eating program will he presented. Mr
Fax le down for a paper on "Some note
on advertising,"
• Oman oy RevIsion, - Last Monday
evening the Court of Revision was held
for the village of Brussels. Fred, Prey's
assessment was reclined to 0000; J.
Livingeton's flax mill property redactedfrom $1200 to $1000 ; Mre. B. Straohante
a98eOement confirmed ; and N. W. Tel,
Co's 00ee88ment left dependent on a legal
deoieion to be given in the Courts. The
remainof the recent fire will further re-
duce the assessment.
DIED, -Mies Lena Wolfe, who was em-
ployed at the Qeeen'a Hotel, Brussels,
took ill on Tuesday of lest week and was
taken home on Wednesday. Diphtheria
aeon ahowod itself and she died On Satur.
day, The funeral took place the same
day, It ie onppaeed she oontradted the
dinette while vieiting her nephews in
Wiogbam who were sick with thie
malady.ears age. Her demise Oameoas ut 2a great
shock to the community.
AO0IDENT-Dnring the lnt=rollermioelon
at halt time in the Foot Ball =rolllast
Friday evening it number of young men
and boys were amusing themeelvee in
kieking tbe 6phere, John Carrie, of
town, was among the number and in
doing 80 slipped on the metal home base
of have ball days and Wrenohed the
muscle ot one ankle from the bone. A
plaster of Paris bandage was necessary
and Mr. Onoeie baa been getting about on
erutoh89. We hope he will 8con be able
to tome work end Buffer ne diead.
vaotantage by the aeoident.
AT the last meeting of the HowlettMutual Immo Co., held ab Gorrle, all
the members were present ex0ept Mr.
Soott. 182 applications were paoeed.
The loge of Geo, McKnight, of Walleoe
townehip, who lost Ills fine bank barn on
whiob was $8,400 was laid over tar fur -
than enquiry. Thio ie the third fire Mr.
MoKnight has Buffered from in 6 genre
which le most unfortunate for him and
the Oompany, Title time fire weanedimmediately after dinner, Next meeting
of 0o, on Saturday, 24th [net.
IN our next issue 8proposition will be
promoted to the ratepayers on au easy
plan to get the ()ober Factory rebuilt.
Tan expectations are that W.71. Kerney
will secure the agency for the American
Expreea Co. at Brussels, Re 18 practic-
ing on the job now.
De. OVENS, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear
and Noee, fits glasses properly, Next
visit, Smith's Drug Store, Brneoe's,
Taeeday, Jane 27th,
lithesome Voluuteer 0o., numbering 24
ofMaero and men, left by spaniel train
Tuesday forenoon for the anneal camp
at London. Tbey will be absent 10 days,
Alms Aloe= says they only received
520, instead of $80 reported for damage
to their pottage, Improvements will be
made in addition to the necessary repairs
from the fire.
Tars week the G. N. W. Telegraph
office was moved to Foxe drag store and
will be under the charge of Mr. Fox who
ie an old operator. He will have both
telephone and telegraph offing now.
CARD or TEAnts,-I wieb to very heart-
ily thank the people who ea kindly came
to the help of my family, in my absence
from town, on the day of the fire. Good
work was done and the prompt efforts
were most highly appreciated.
Yours truly, F. ADAMS,
ternoon of this week, at 5 o'clock, con•
tracts for gravelling on the boundary of
Grey and Morrie townebipe will be let at
the Queen's Hotel, Brunie. The work
is being done jointly by the Mnuioipali-
ties mentioeed above.
WEDNESDAY of next it week Jno. 13,
Downey, of Chatham, and Miss Nellie
Shampine, of Brookville, will be nulled
in marriage at the letter's borne. Mies
Downey, of Brussels will attend the
wedding and Russell Zimmer will supply
during her absence at the pnhlib eohool.
TgANt Yon.-Theell Broa, take this
opportunity of expreaeiog their apprecia-
tion of the vigorous efforts put forth by
many pereon8 in figbhing the fire at their
property on May 25th. Rad it not been
for their help the eleottio light plant
would have been destroyed.
TEE standing of the Enron Dietriot is
Won Lot Tie To Play
Brueeele 3 0 2 1
Atwood 1 2 2 1
Listowel 1. 2 2 1
Wingham 0 1 4 1
The games thie Friday are Brussels at
Listowel and Wingham at Atwood,
evening next the Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist ohurob will hold a Talent Tea
and Bazaar in the Town Hall. A num-
ber of ohoioe and useful articles will be
sold at reasonable prices. Tea, toe
oream and other refreshments will be
served. A maeioal program will be
tendered end an A 1 time is assured,
Keep the date in mind.
SAD NEWO -The sad news was reoeived
here this week of the demise of Peroy,
Sod, Ron of Walter Jaokeon, Brueeele,
who died at St. Peal, Min., on Sunday
laet of diabetee, aged 88 years. Burial
was made there an Wednesday. Mr.
Jackson hat been in St, Paul for the past
5 or 6 years and was bookkeeper for
the supply; house of 0. Sommers & Oo.
He wee unmarried. Mr. Jaokeon was
well known to many here and hie deoeaee
is mnoh regretted.
DIED.-Jno. Stratton, of whose illness
TEE PoeT spoke lash week, died at IIx•
bridge on Monday of diabetee, aged 68
years. The body was brought to town
and interment was made on Tuesday
afternoon in the cemetery here alongside
his wife wbo predeoeased him 30 yeare,
Mre. Bell, a daughter, Robert Stratton
and Mre. Smith, of Toronto, were here
for the funeral, Deceased was a brother
to Jae. Stratton and Mre. Jno. Mooney,
Service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Lang.
Ford at Mr. Stratton's residence, Tarn. t
berry street.
Following is the corrected list of a
etatione of Methodist ministers, as deoid•
ed at the Conference at Lietowel, as far J
ae it relates to Wingham Dietriot
Wingham, J. R. Gandy D. D., Nathaniel
S. Beneaeh, Saperanoated,1 Theophilae
Rall,Supernumerary ernnmerar
p Kinoar i
Hugh W. Look, Findlay li . Smith, J. 0.
Pemro B. A. S11 eean ate
y, a d Lacknow
R4eb011 blfilyard ; Brussels, T. Wesley
Oa8ene ; Taeewater, Martin ,7. Wileon, B,
A. ; Ethel, F. Armstrong, 13. A. B D.
Standard Bank of Canada
r"-1-w'S',A.=T..===z97D 6.e72
anact.ve, 01318E81g1tV111 (FUND E 1,003000
T0'1'AL ASBETO UVIOIM 70,000,000
( e'nert'.i1 ntitlarting lEnnilnowet O!'I•nnstt(tied
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on which
Is added to amounts every six months and beoomee principal,
-MARRIED WOMEN end MINO1;8 tney make and withdraw
Dovelike without the intervention of any person,
only fur whiob no ()barge 18 made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our costal and oonrteoue attention,
N. S. MoLoverti a is etill in the old
stand, Mariam only renting a portion
of the shop.
FLoToNEn SEAMING has moved hie
implement warer00me to Ed. Speirau'e
shop, Flora street,
A NOt101001 iron] town end vicinity at-
tended the Hamilton -Oakley wedding on
Wednesday afternoon of this week In
oative Committee of the W. F.
A, meets in Betlin on Friday evening to
arrange the semi finale. Watch out next
week for the lint of games.
J. Ogees & Sons have leased E. Spei-
ren'a paint shop in whiob they will finish
a number of buggiee. They will also nee
a portion of the Ament factory for e
while in oompleting some riga.
Wonzn's Inetitnte meeting will be held
in Brnaeele on Tuesday, 20th Ines„ when
addressee are expeoted from Mre. Joy, of
Toronto, and Mies Shuttleworth, of
Guelph. There should be a large at.
FOOT BALL, -All persona having
accounts against the Foot Ball Olob are
asked to hand them in to A, 13, Mont-
gomery, at the Metropolitan Bank, before
the 12th. The boyo want to be square
before they go into tbe eemi•finale,
CARD OF TIIANE8.-The undersigned
desires to 8X56888 his thanks to tbo
numerous triende who rendered snob
..plendid service in the removal of goods
from his home on the day of the recent
fire. Their help was very highly ap•
preoiated, Yours Thankfully,
R. Mamma.
ELEcrnto RAILWAY.-Tuoeday of this
week M. G. Cameron, of Goderioh,105. P.
P. for Weet Huron, and 0, P. R. Engin-
eer Peterson paid Brussels a visit and
had an informal ohat with a number of
our citizens in the Council Chamber over
a proposal to build an Eleotrio Railway
line from Brunets to Seaforth to connect
with the 0. P. R. at Walton. The
opinion of those present was to the effeot
that the proposal was feasible and would
be of great sdvaotage to Brueeele and
Seaforth and wonld serve the townships
it would pass through admirably. It fe
Gnderetood that the 0. P. R. will aid the
work if it goes on. Beaforth fe also alive
to their share of the project and further
swipe are expeoted to be taken in the near
future. The gauge of the proposed road
would be standard eo ea to permit of 0.
P. R. freight, can running over it. On
motion of W. H. Kerr and W, M. Sin-
clair a vole of thanks was passed to the
vieitore for their visit and the informa-
tion given, Mr. Peterson thinks the
route very free from engineering diffi-
Friday night Braeeele Intermediate
Foot Ball Club, abampione of the W. F.
A. 1908-1904, once more won the Heron
Dietriot by defeating Atwood 4-0,
Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, formerly of
Brunetti, was referee and gave good
eatiefaotion, At 6.80 the game was call.
ed and for 15 minute° of time the game
was well 000teeted but by good playing at
balf time Braeeele had one goal to their
credit. Alex. Anderson was Burt during
the half end went off and Roy &inlay watt
placed in goal and Lealis Kerr went out
ae bank. The last half was all for Bros.
eels with the exception of about three
rushee in whiob Ainlay did some fine
work in saving the goal. 4 goals were
accred in the last halt but only 8 ware
allowed, giving 4 goals to the home team
in the game. The vieitore play good
Mean ball and with another eeaeon'e
work ought to make any team move to
beat them, ea moat of the boyo this year
are "green" to all the trioke of, the game.
The star is Earl Switzer, forward, and
member of Brussels team last year. He
ie a Olean player and a bard worker. As
for Brussels team they were all stare,
every mac playing hie plane like a voter.
an. The Atwood people, both players
and epeotatore were quiet and reepeotable
and a credit to the town they came from,
They will be welcomed book any time.
The people of Brueeele need not be atm
prised to see the Atwood boys on Viotoria
Park again before the season is over as
hey will be only t00 willing to cone and
be olub here will be glad to have them
nytime. Following were the players 1-
L Earr Goal R Fisher
8 Buchanan 6. Books 1 ...,.",'..•G itlimD
A Audorson eG 8frutbera
R Brown
F Ardelt
Jr4 Miller
E 660118y 8traebin...,,
D $uetber Forwards
,E Switzer
soft 8
, , Rbb rt o
R Malay ...............8paro � NOHuok
Business Locals.
ABOUT two thousand preened red btiok
for sale. T. C. RlouAnne.
Ian On8A1 inroad at Mrs. Kirks, alert
a good fund] at 10 cents, Call in,
WANTSM-Yonng man for delivery
wagon and to aeeiet in the note. GEo.
Im your colt has rheumatism try Golden
Liquid. It will owe, For ealo by R,
0110NE, Braseele.
WANTED. -Butter, eggs and wool. Our
wool market ie oe eky high ae the egg8.
Ono. E. 62010, Wingham.
000MPOltnnte hones and lot, With etable,
Many &a., conveniently located on Queen
'street for bale, Apply to TILE Poo.
00111poRTARLE and convenient dwelling
rooms above eter0 t0 lot, both hard and
soft water, Rent $4 per month.
T. 0, Rumens,
Benjamin Sberlook, (Toronto) Spoon.
Hated; Fordwiob, James Rnseor ; Goerie,
C. P. Wells,; 13. A, B. D. ; i Wroxeter,
John H, Osterhoat, B. A, B. D., Marlin
N. Lake (Davenport,) Saperonoated ;
Blaevale, George Baker, Webster W.
Leach (74 Maodonell AVMS, Toronto,)
Superaoaated ; Ashfield, William A,
Smith, B. D. (Luokoow) ; Salem, Simon
V, R, Pentland, (Taeewater) ; Bethel,
J. 0. POmtoy ; Ripley. T. W, Blatobford
B. A, ;Boyle, Peter Myers, J. L. Peters
Tiverton, Edwin W. Edwards, 13, A, 13,
D. ; Whiteohoroh, S. 0. Edm8nt78;
Belgrave, Albert E. 7enee, Andrew O.
Hainee, W. Garfield Connolly, Other
changes were Bevdn. J. W. Haines to
Blenheim ; W. E, Kerr to Ontario street
ahareb, Clinton ; I. 8, Wallwin r86arne
to Empreee Avenge Leodoo ; Humphrey
Graham t0 St. Marys ; Jaeper Wileon to
Leamington and J. E, Hunter to Ear -
moray. Rev. Dr. Gundy is the chairman
of Wingham Dietriot and Rev. Geo.
Baker, of Blnevalt, liinanaial 580retary.
W o
I flacks A Rllbertnakleweoo
,W ekrllthere
/ GBrown
R Roberteo
G Ramie
BloroOEe.- All makes of the beet
bioydJes for eale by Oolin McArthur at
McKay & Ooe. store, Broesele. See him,
Dn. Benno, the London apeoialist,
will visit Brussels professionally and
may be found at the American Hotel on
All interested should bear these dotes in
DR, MONADGETON, who has diepoeed of
hie practice and residence to De. Barna,
wilt be in Braeeele from Wednee;iay noon
until Saturday noon of eaoh weak for
some weeks to assist Dr. Berne io 1118
People We Know.
Mies Maggie Ament is visiting at Wi
Leslie Bailey, of Stratford, was ho
over Sunday.
Mies Pearl MoMillan, of Toronto,
here on a visit.
Mimi Downey was vieiting Listo
friends for e, few days,
Mise Fannie Rogers hag returned
her position in Toronto,
Mise Weir, of Seaford], is the guest
her Bieber, Mre. Oboe. Broadfoot,
Albert Wilford, of Blyth, was a vial
last Sunday with Mre. F. Baines,
Gar!. Backer hae gone to Ohealey
relieve a druggist for a few weeks.
Mica Maud Glenn, of Ueborne,
vieiting her cocain, Mies Clara Orawfo
Mre. Jae, Saw and eli8e Dora
vieiting friends in Henn)/ and loaali
Mre. Jno. Walker and ohildren,
Taeewater, were visitors in town o
Mre. Elgin Emigh, of London, ie t
guest of her sister, Mre, F. S. Soott,
"Blair Athol," William stneet.
Mre, S, Carter, who hae been 1
up from an inflamed limb, nutted by a
eting, is able to walk about again.
Moe. Alex. MoLenuaa has been danger.
ouely 011 daring the peat week but we
hope ebe will soon be oonvaleeoent,
0. W. Dsweey, Inepeotor of the 5, N.
W, Tel. Oct., wa8 fn Brueeele for a few
da9e in connection with the transfer of
their offioe.
Jamee Livingston, ex•M. P., of Baden,
was in town for a .few days this 'week,
He ie one of the owners of the flax mill
in Brussels.
Robert Anderson and family, who re-
moved from Br0eael8 to Michigan, have
come bank to Ontario and are now living
at A naltree.
R. P. Proctor, of Halifax, wag in town
last week on a business trip, It f0 to
him that R. Thomson ships mach of the
butter and eggs from this looelity,
Tan P086 oongratoiatee T. T. McRae
on the completion of his college mune in
Medicine. He will make a e000eeefal M,
D. we nava not the slightest doubt,
Mies Barbara Hogg, who hae been
visiting friends in and around Brunetti,
left on Tuesday to visit at Listowel be
fore returning to her home in Wellesley,
Mre, A, Ooaeley and ohildren and Mies
Teeoie Sample leave on Friday for a
visit with Mr. and Mre. Blain, near Ham•
Mon before going West, The ladies are
G. A. Deadman was at Delaware
attending the funeral of hie brother who
died very euddanly. A more extended
notice may be read en page 5 of this
Wetter Lowry and his nephew, Edgar,
were vieitore in Guelph for a few days.
Mre. E. 0, Lowry is getting along nicely
and will be home next week we are pleas•
ed to say.
W. E. Helot, formerly of Broesele, who
has been on the G, T. R. aeetion at
Rinoardine, has been promoted to be
eeotion boas at Atwood division. He's a
steady goer.
W. H. MoOraoken, Mrs. Watson
layandand Harry, Jno. and Mre. Hunter and
Joe end Mies Mina Hunter and Joo,
Cober spent Sunday at the Methodist
Conference at Lietowel,
T. A. Hawkiue was summoned to Port
Albert on edondoy owing to the sudden
demise of hie father. The old gentleman
had been in failing health for some time,
Funeral took place on Wednesday.
S. Wilson, of Braseele Marble Works,
is bank to town nolo aftergeite a anions
attack of lagrippa whioh reduced hie
avoirdupois by a good many pounds, We
hope be will goon be ae bony as ever,
Rev. George ea ge Jewitt, of Dutton, was
vieiting relatives and triende in Brueeele
sod looalit for few da e
y v this week
while returning from Conference at
,Lietowel. Re Ie not MoVirlk tb'e year.
Jno. Wilbert and Wi11. Hunter, who
were employee° at the Other Carriage
Works, recently destroyed by fire here,
have gone to Stratford where they bays
obtained work. hlr, Wilhee's fetidly is
still in Brownie,
J. D. and Mrs. Ronald, who have spent
the Winter in California, arrived fa town
this week and will enjoy a vieit with
reletivee and friend° in Brosseta. Tbey
ere woloome back and are both enjoying
first ohne health.
Mre, Keliington, of Trowbridge, and
Mini Mand Kellington, of Elkhart,
Indiana, U. S., were vieitoes at Fed.
Marne', during the peat week, Mrs.
Atlanta ie a daughter of the former and a
aieter to the latter,
Miaow Hattie Downing and Mabel
Zimmer Will give 11p their reepeotive
positions as teaehere at the mid -Summer
vacation and •1111 attend the Normal
School at London. Mies Georgia Rose
will take It mine at a similar fnetitution
et Wane. They will all do well no
CAPITAL -Paid lip 51,000,000
Ill .l(R V17 l+UND
REV. It, 11. WARDI7N, D. D„ mouton
Prooldent, B. J. MOORS,
vias -068001, 6, ,
71108, nndneRAW, F I.4, MS notion Ain, W. 018 081 arem Cann, x,0, D. n, TaaMeON, A, 0,
aerm rineTnitoot
W, D, 1108e - - GI+INERAI. MA)IAGI1110
Drake Bought and Sold. Farmers' Nato Disoonnted,
Intermit at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed ,dyOnaall aurae of 51 and upwards
A. Il. MELLISH, Manager.
Rev, J. E. Hunter was reoeived into
tbe ministry of the Methodist Cburoh
last Friday at Lietowel and on Sabbath
war ordained. He will be etationed at
Harmony near Stratford. We predict a
eeeoeselnl future for him and he will
have many good wieheefor bia aucoese.
One of the moat violent hailstorms on
record was reported at Sault Ste Marie.
The Kingston Street Railway was
advertised for sale, but no bide were
Mies Oloeeton, daughter of E. S.
Oloaeton, General Manager of the Bank
of Montreal, Toronto, died soddenly,
The 0. P. R. Imperial Limited daily
Summer train service between Montreal
and Vancouver wail inaugurated reeeotly.
Lieat,•Ool, H. M. Pellatt and Lient.•
Col, Williams have been gazetted honor-
ary Aides-de•0amp to the Governor•
Clarence Morgan, of Burlington, Vt„
has been appointed pretence of the new
transportation department at McGill
The Quebec) Board of Trade have called
a meeting of members and citizens to dis-
cuss proposition for aogoiremeot of a
new Ile of tiret•olaee passenger and
freight ocean eteamere to run between
Liverpool and Quebec.
Negotiations between the Canadian
Northern Railway and the Grand Trunk
Pattifio for the erection of a union depot
at Winnipeg are progressing. It ie
noderetood that the Northern Paoifio are
also interacted in the project,
Everett E. Cain, trainmaeter, and Jae.
R. Gilhula, chief despatcher of the Pere
Marquette Railway at St. Thomas, are
under charge of Col. Sherwood, who has
an order for their deportation. Their
case will be fought out in the marts,
Bno0xe-GRAY, At the residence of
the bride's father, Blaevale, by Rev.
W. 3. West, M. A. on June 7101, Mies
Jean Gray, only daughter of Mr,
Wm. Gray to Mr, Wm. Brooks,
of Morrie.
CLAnt-()ooLTEn,-At the rectory, Olin -
ton, by Rev. 0. R. Gonne, M, A„
rotor of St. Paal'a thatch, on May
23rd, Mies Celina Edith Coaster, of
the township of Morrie, to Mr, Robert
Clark, of tbe township of Grey.
RoBEnraoL-REIn.-At the manse, Bine-
vale, by Rev. W. J. Wear, M. A. on
May 17th, Mee Clara Reid, daogh•
ter of Mr. Andrew Reid, 1'aroberry, to
Mr. Alexander Roberteoo, of Wing -
FRALIO0,-On May 8101, to Mr. and Mre.
Allan Fraliok, 6th con., Tarnberry, a
IRWIN.-In Wingham, May 25001, to Dr.
and Mre. A. J. Irwin, a eon.
MOLAaonLIN,-In Brn86818, on May 26th,
to Mr, and Mrs. N. S. MaLaoohlin, a
0AeTLEe,-Th Grey, on June 4th, Mary
E. Jaoklin, beloved wife of Samuel
Castles, of Clinton, aged 22 years,
7 menthe and 12 days,
JAoteo0.-18 Bt. Paul, Min., on Jane 4108,
Percy Jaokeon, formerly of Braseele,
aged 88 years.
REw.-In Whiteohnroh, May 26016, Wm.
J. Kew, in hie 69th year.
STBBTTON. In Uxbridge, on June 6th,
Joo. Stratton, aged 68 yore,
Yon will fled at Braseeie Greenhouee
any quantity of Tomato, Cauliflower,
Celery and Cabbage Pianbe. Tomato
Plante 10e. a box or 8e, a dozen loose.
Fine ea/lection of Flowering Plante.
A choice lot of Geraninme and
Anneale for bedding.
F were
Floral Deelgna made to order.
i. L. Ci of 0
0601' TY 061362. F: 11.A.1-...`TM'X'0.
Fall Wheat 90 90
Barley 40 40
Peas 60 05
Oats 39 38
Batter, tube and rolls..., 14 15
Eggs per dozen 13 18
Hay per too 6 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 6 60 6 60
Hogs, Live 6 25 6 25
Wool 20 21
Sa't, per 1601., retail 1 00 70
the Bruce property, '1'uruberry
street, Brueeele, fe offered for sale. For
further information 00 to price, terms,
Bee., write W, 31, 0108088, Swan Lake, Mau.itoba. 46.4
As my wife, Charlotte Oakley, lett my
bed and board on Saturday, 8rd feet. with-
out either cavae or provocation, I hereby
give o for any debts contracted 1 not
byehero after
this date, without my written order.
tf 11111, CUB:L067,
Grey, June 70h, 1000LOt 1, Oon, 12, Grey,
Winter days are trying ones to even the
etroligeet and the changing weather
oondition8 of Spring only add to the
burden. That explaine why eo many are
Buffering jest now from the ills that come
with lowered vitality and Other debilitat'
Ing oonditioae,
Beef, Iron and Wine
is a splendid remedy for any rundown
condition of the eyetem. It supplies
material for rich, red blood and healthy
tissue and by its tonin notion renews
activity of all the organs. Pleasant 00
take and eepeoially good for women and
ohildren at
TAorIRn in the Village of 01yt11 for Bale
or to rent. Tier fnitber ttertloulare apply
to JNO, 0. 000%,
46-4 Box 7, Brueeele,
May there strayed from Lot 00, Con, 0,
Grey, a year old heifer, blue black in color.
Anyone giving Information that will load to
her recovery Willbe euitablyi,ewarded.
46.01 J. IL, BA3Fnt,.Benfryn B. 0.
Min will be reoeived by the under-
signed up to Tilly iet, for the purchase of
the lioniry0 brick Methodist ohurah and
frame shod, The highest or any oiler not
neoo880141y accepted. b'or further partic-
ulars ae to tonna, etc., apply to Jo8I0PH w.
WHITFIELD, Secretary Of Board, or
470 3140. X. 13AJik1R, fienfryn,
To Our Customers
Having had the misfortune of having our
Factory destroyed by fire on May 25th we find
it necessary to make prompt collections and
therefore request that our accounts be settled
AT ONCE. Anything not paid, or settled, be-
fore the 15th of June will have to be placed in
our Solicitor's hands for collection. Kindly
take note of this and govern yourself according-
ly. Thanking you for past patronage,
We are, Yours Truly,
Jno. Cober & Sons
The Best Pure Manilla Twine on
the Market is the
Will be sold during the month of June at
13 Cents per lb., Cash.
>x=xxxx C tem' :xxx' rix
MC IivNON & Co.
s a Onr Boot and Shoe trade is asonming large proportions. The demand
for a better gnality of oboes is blooming every day. We are fully pre-
pered to meet the demand. This week We reoeived a large stook of oboe
for Mea
hfl r
Women, 0 den in bin k tan n a oho ointe including
a Ina adfn
the Peerless and "Kin " f e
g Quality," wino a large stook of lower priced goods
q from Montreal and Quebec, The "Ring Quality" Shoes come in all MeeQ4 and different widths, and are made of the beet material procurable. The
fit and finish cannot be excelled.
We have a regular ehoe store in oonneotion with our bnsinese, where
yon can get anything in shoes, Below we mention a few styles and prime, 1�
whiob may be lntereeting to close naoh buyers :
•-Menat's Fi$1,ne50, Dongol$17'6a Shand $2,oes, in blank and tan, extension sole, in all sites,
-Men's Box Calf, Fine Dongola and Patent heather, in the 'King
Quelley," altenston solea, Goodyear welt, MoKity sewn, at 52 25
52 60, 53, 58 50 and 54.
-Men's Heavy Plow Shoee, heavy solea, at 98o, $1,25, $1.60 and $1 75 1'
-The Williome' Patent Adjustable Shoes, got up opeoially for R1t.ILWAY
MEN: they are made of solid loather, waterproof and great wearers,
at $1 75, $2 and 52,50.
-Boys' Standard Bebop' Shoos, at 950, 51, 51 26 and $1,60.
H. -A epeeial line of Ladies' Fine Dongola Blume, plain or patent toe oar, u)
good valve at $1,60, for $1.26,
-Ladiee' Fine Dongola and Viet Kid Shoes, light and heavy aolee, "King
Quality" Free.* heel, Goodyear welt, at $2,60, $8 and $050.
-Women's Pebbled and Glove Grained Sboee, for everyday wear, regular
price $1.26, for $1. 7�p
'-therms' and 016108 on'1 Shoes and Slippers, in tan, black and chocolate, e'6
in groat variety,
q-gW�eegpaayr the highest
prri�o�e tor Butter and Egg. s p f, q a a 4q
1:13 ma'bo-uwkam tX:1"L�b+eL k xxx 4 xi!'otixx xe+�l.,wl:u4r c