The Brussels Post, 1905-6-8, Page 7w
110 ILIA 111V ' ICII IS EVIL siar. and Romans In
ed In tlfe eleventh. century boron
Christ by Oreekte; subjected by Per -
tura, and in 202 A. 1), destroyed by
the thrths, after which the city neger
roge to fernier glory; noted for
its beautiful temple to tho Asiatic
godliest; 41 11.1, one of the "seven
woudere of the tvoriti" (emelt Avis
23-10); the principal city of
thiti group of seven to which Paul
addressed 011,, of his iTistios; noted
The Evildoer is Helpless
Public Opinion.
In ietrly elitirth history ea 1 Ile wet of
A (IrsPil tell 00111 Brooklyn, N,Y., I in and behind all the people. In the
soot rill Import oat 10 0013 Is.. To -day
4111444 B(-\ Dr. 11 44111 Dwight 11411114 old clays of piney a liltick ship %vent
preached 41040 the 1(1 1114111413 text: -011 the rooks on the southern coast a small '1'nothlt Iowa (mine! Ayamas
A .11. 9.
-a ha ° r that Which Is evil., --Romans of England. 1 Shen the black ship 1 "a "'arks las 811" Pt 1 1" "are rnin-
struck the rook and was cresheil °as en'Y'
Stnyena-Ateitirtly one of 1 ho Onset
Strange words these tor the teacher ono wave was about her. But thiek
i0 ) ...i
nAa nMcdit'ymoost parosperous
ell rS of Asia,Sof thgosPel of good will! you that, o eave ctanet1111 ('41 north of Ephesus; st illhatred of evil is bed enoughbutpower that wrought iestruen? mf tel hundred thousand insI'nul will not he eoatent wile ha him)13441s10414erist were(titwaxes
It 4111(108he tred Up to its highest Vol- w1 111 a thousand miles of Water lend- hob' t en' fl, or whoa) 0 ne-1111 ro are
tage-abborrenee. Prom his view- ing weight end momentum and Christians. Compare the message to
es poin t nutted 1 ralig'na Hon is a pre- now 11ing the outside ‚44440Tory/mad Ow elfurch (tt '4114y('1414 (1 !,'V it.,
t requisi t 0 of patriotism. Bad men with restless night, 11,11 1. In Hie commercial world It
E may feel 110 1094(1414(1 013441(1(4. wick- And when. public 0111 111011 bi.eoks
' calness, but good 11)04]are stirred to against, a corrupt man, a 00E1'110: Smyrna figs,
Is noted (44 the shipping point of the
"Perganiton-A citnoted both forthe ((031I1144. Fur some men (40(141(41(14ionee gang of harpies, r organized groupitlecBwickednees-
seems seaed 1491 W1111 a hot iron,
reprodatory commercial bandits'ellt t(ev1111 4114(1 theSe 44.1 011 have 110 90118a then wheta single noWspapern hiran ttarian.s9, of moralrevulsion. But the better single oritthra single 444(13,00 speaks, 13); Ot special nteeso br
the man the stronger and deeper the ,
becomes the point, the electric. and book lovers, Sinee 11, Was liel.0
. I
1.111e14 °I. n'Pral- 10)f4I151a14' No "1"a tongue of Jiro, through ahich is ex- that Antony found the library of
Can be a bad man who ran get fur- prCSM, ..d a 0081 national feelltig. two hundred thuun
sand volua.4 which
sa t (misty angry ancl righteously indig-
Nothing, therefore, can be more ter- lie removed to Egypt 414)4] presented
nant. ag'aitist OV11, and this without
ithl. Stooping to Oconee the inud ilde n thafor a man or a. company to Cleopatra, and also lxicanse it
.o. ! of men to fall under public disco,- WW1 horn that parChment was first
front the child's, garments, but pity- probation.
1made, he
city giving its name 10
1(113 chld, crTios with it abhor- Twice& the greatst tings i 111- the new 1(10111141 fpergamena, orream of 1110 filthy l:(1100t°oratorhave been attempts of great peiriment),which the chld has falle.3ettiig
to mire the drunkard as a man 18 111(11
to express tho moral 11111113111).-a ",,s i
.yattra-Noted especially in more
perfectly compatible with doing all 111(11of all good people agottist the recent, as well as in ancient, times
you ea, to destroy tbe causes oi ilit selfishness (4(141sin of a few dead for thy manufacture of brilliantlY
dr 1- , . Ab • 011(18. Witness 8°PlInaltls' grratrat dyed fabrics, Thus Lydia, Paul's
play, "King Edipus." The king Mar -
0111 es 1110 flnine consanieS the dross AO, his 110,1, relative, first convert at Philippi, is mention -
out, of the gold. For lies and selfish- outraged pub- ' :
ed as a 44011(1 of purple from Thya-
ness end every form of iniquity our tic sentiment as to the home, and „
She waters of the city ave
Clod is a consuming fire. when that seatiment speaks we SPO 'tra'
a said to be especially adapted' for
He who behold, bribery, gambling, the king, with white hair, imam -
pitiless sky, midst diming; as in no other place can the
venal voting, the purchase of legis -scarlet cloth, out of which foa
rs re
latures, the debauching of the rulers THE AWFUL TII1JND1111BOL1'S, made, iso so brillianity and permans
in the city, the betrayal of the poor, wandering everywhither in search of ently dyed.
and beholcis it with equanimity, is refuge from the bolte that fell on. Santis . . . Philadelphia . . . Lao
A T1I1.11.0110 1.11,1f BAD MAN. every side. dicea-Three lese piuminen t el 1 les ,
Contrariwise, as a man goes to- Wit miss 911 akopon re' s "Ilandet." the fiest and last of which are to-
ward 0 od lie goes toward the ab- The motive 01 the drama is the it
hesitancy and inaoiation oi it10 ..ty mere heansi Qr I,'" m.), Ph il ado-
horreoce of evil. phia , 111011118 literally "brotherly
Now and then soeieiy rises up tato young pitince. 13u.b the reel power of , an the site of the analent
the drama is in the movement of -"(400''' '
one of these moods of moral resod- all persons and events toward a
sion. Then the whole force of the dramatic moment, when the public
community, through its press, its opinion shall focalize on the guilty
oulpit, its lecture halls and through king an11 the storm break' and ower -
conversation in office, factory and whchn. The great hour also in
street, is turned against the man or
corporation that has outraged the
sentiment of justice in the people.
Witeess the tido of feeling against
the ,Twfied regime. In that corrupt
ring- 'Were a judge, a mayor, a leadee
of Tammany hall, aldermen, attor-
neys and railway officials. They
brazenly flaunted their wealth, they
aPPeared on every public occasion,
they openly scoffecl at criticism. Sud-
denly and unexpectedly public opin-
ion turned against them. One morn-
ing all these men. disappeared from
the street, 1101 ono of them dared
show his face. Socially they were
ostracised; public opinion rode over
them as remorselessly WE a tornado;
editors pinned these corrupt leaders
to the page of history as a bug is
pinned in a cabinet as a specimen of
hundreds of bugs that creep •and
- erawl. ..
Years have come and gone, but
every one of these men stands there
ina niche of infamy.
For gold they bribed alderinem for
gold they bribed tho legislature ana
purchased franchises. Poe gold they
retained senators and representatives
1114 an 1n4i0ee4. form of bribery t
.control their votes. Financially rich,
they now stand forth as moral
lepers. 'Ilie people have never for -
.given these man and the people never
Will forgive them. R. were better
for these men that they had never
been born.
cil,y those is now a small Turkish
town called Allali Sbehr, "City or
12. See the voice -A. syneedoehial
figure of sgareli.
Seven golilen candlestieltss-An
Dickens' 110011 IS the 11011r When the 1444.
street fills with people and they turn teal vision tho interpretation, of
toward Pagin's den and Monk's. whieli Is given in verse 20-w1lic1l
When tho transgressor beholds that see.
crowd in the streets with their ac- 113. Lite unto a son of man -Nola
cutting faces, he Is (1111111) with fear. carefully the words "like onto." It
this also is the story of the great WEIS 110t EL 11111-0,011 130114(7, but a EMper-
forward movements in our country. human Being, the glorified Saviour
The people move along slowly and in human Zoom, that Joan 440.40. .
endure many forms of injustice and 14. Head and hair white -Symbol
oppression, but, all stho time the of purity.
forces of a moral thundentorm are Eyes . . RS a flame -Penetrating,
gathering and then, suddenly, when searching,
the transgeessor least. expects it, 15. Poet like 'unto burnished brass
the clued breaks 0.11t1. the lightnings -The buenished brass is possibly a
leap from the Oast or west and the synthol of severity, the Christ being
bolts of moral indignation consume now a sovereign. Ring,
tho commercial Iles and financial As the 00103 of many waters -
Symbolic of the message to neSny
churches. The figure has eitanged
from that 'used in connection with
the first mention of tho voice (comp,
verse 10).
16. Seven stars -Compare note on
verse 20.
Sharp two-edged sworg-Symbolie
of the Worh of Clod, "which is pierc-
low after." Tho state of the last is ing oven to the dividing of soul Tool
worse than the first. In the old days spirit, of both Joints and marrow,
they ground wheat by small ran- and 1101011 to discern the thoughts
stones and the wheat was poured. and Patents of tho heart" (}T -b, iv,,
through a, hole in the center. Otto 12, Am, Rov, Version).
day a thief breaking with ()nattier his counteramee-his whole appear -
got rid of his fellow conspirator Tonle, nail not simply the face. I41
wIth a. knife and a little millstone John; vit., 24 We have tho same worn
tied around his companion's neck as used141 this sense. "judge not mg
he dropped hint into the Sea of Cali- eording to appearance."
lee. Out of that the Master made In his strungth-"With the full
His most terrific illustration of in- power of the eastern sun at noon-
evitable ruin of strong men who tvoro The entire Vision is that of
intended by Clod to bo leaders but Li.4, glorious sovereign, glorified
Christ, who, though now exalted, is
yet the same that died anti rose
again front the dead.
17. The first mad the last -The
source and end of all creation, the
utmost limit anti goal of all tem-
poral events,
18. Tho keys of deatli-The power
over death. Keys were a symbol of
they injured weak men, they destroy-
ed the helpless, and once t.hey stood
forth stripped and fully revealed
society wrote across the forehead in. who have used all their strength to
letters of fire 1.11080 words; "II0 used destroy rlis little ones, But when
Ids country tor 50111511 011(15, therefore public opinion turns upon them and
his memory shall rot." through a thousandfold voices scoffs
Now, once public opinion turns at them, when conscience: sends them
fairly against the Individual or the to the left hand, when patriots who
corporate sinner rio power can with- love their country curse them for
stand it. It sweeps forward ‘vith all setting aside the will of tho people
the depth and majesty of a tidal through their institutions, then
wave. It overthrows opposition as COMeS 1.110 fruition of that word.:
the waves ot the Atlantic smash an 'these aro they who have laden antheritY-
eggshell against the rocks. Vie e1-. themselves down with thick clats It Hades -The abode' of 'departed
planation of tho universality of this wore better for them that they had sPirits', 11000 eenee'lred 03 as a Prism
sentiment and its immeasurable never been born." boost: walled city front which Christ
power is that Clod and conacience are Newell Dwight IIillis. alone Can release.
90. tars ---Symbols of pre-grainenee
of visione setting forth the tiltima.te and authority (comp. Num, xxiv.,
and the deliverance of the saints. he
mast 17; Dan. xii
mph or the kingdom of .Angels-I,iterally, messengers. Very
is ordered to tvrite down what he Probably the reference hero is to the
INTERNATIONAL LESSON, mice togothee with several dennate rulers and teachers of the coligrega-
JITNE 11. messages from the Christ to separate
typical churches, that Is, continual -
Lesson XI. The Messag•e of the ties of believers. 'Many portions of
Risen Christ. Goldon Text, this wonderful book yield definite
• Bev. 1., 18. spiritual illumination by themselves.
liut fel' a larger understanding 0( 1110
message of the book as a whole it
Note. -These Word Studies am bas- should be carefully and patiently and
(4 011 the text ot the Revised Version. devoutly studied from beginning t
The APoettlYtise of Jestia Christ - end without serious breaks in the
he. word Apocalypse mean14 literally continuity of the study,
n 'uncovering; a laying, bare; the Verso 10. 1-.1 oho, son of Stiebodee,
throning of something ittchten which disdiple of our Loed (comp. "1
iVeS light Lino knowledge, to those vesse 6).
vtio 1-si14411d it.hence, a Revelation. tile S311r11-X.08t devout medi-
book bearing this title can° there- tation, here implying also a state of
foee not 11440e.1.10011 intended to bo a trance or spiritual ecstasy.
nyalery and forever unintelligible, !Elie Loed's first day of
)111 inest have i'or its turpoSe rather the week, early observed by 0h1,'
1140 disclosing.and elusifying or truth Hans instead of the ;Jewish Sabbath
once concealed. "The Apocalypse of as a day of worship 14(1 rest.
Jesus Christ," riS the welter himself As of a trumpet -Note the wore's
calls his book (cOmprtre verse 1.) Is "os of." 31 WaS 1101 a trumpet
not the martirestation or disclosure sountl, but the sgend of Et "great,
of Christ, bet the revelation &Veil voice." 1,1 seems espeeially fort -
3,y him tor the girding of the church nate that: theoughout these visions
with a nmv spirit of conildenee and the simile and not the metaphor is
hope. The earlinf,b, 1,11011glitr111 [91.1.1- 1141(4. A simile is a figueo of speech
dent mots reasonably expect, al least by which a, likeaess is pointed out
that his insight into spiritual truth between two thing's 111 other respects
will be eilhanced-the purpose of all elflike, The only point, of likeness
rOVflatiall-by a study of this hook, between this voiaa 4n11 the trumpet
and that 1.116 message 01 the book EIS the volume of solnult
o whale Will be definite and lanai- 11, Write in a book -The first or
gent, And so ladeed we find ift. soven hooks inenthitted la the Revala-
Jobe the beloved disciple 111. a time Lion, It has been called the Book of. The oldest 01)01)11911, '3 811033 in Ellg-
Or [great dribillotioa ail& persecution, the Christophany„ land is stild to bp at Eneresborough,
of the eerly chinch, himself "a par- Seven climehos-Typioal atof repro- a quaint old Yorkshire town, The
taker with others in this tribu1a11011 mmtative congregaticms of a larger earliest date to which 11 411)11 bo 1,1011
44111! kingdom of patience Which are group, od back 10 1720, but how much (.114
114 Jesus, a lonely exile -on the is-, Elphosua,-.The Boman capital of the ee than that it may be cannot be
14nd of ratmos, is granted rt scriciS proeOnstliar province' ,Asia; found-,aseetinited,
corruption and political 1011110, and
the air 1(1 411544110(1 as by fire.
Once the stolen has cleareS, lol the
life again is safe cold Justice dwells
in 1110 land. Itut many there are who
harden their hearts, ',Who blind their
et'es and stop tip 111111' ears. Warned,
they refuse to 11114,11. What a word
is this; "Some inen's sins go before-
hancl unto judgment and some fol -
tion. In Daniel (sit., 8), those aro
compared to stars, and 111 -Malachi
(it., 7) the priest is called "the
senses of Jehovah of hosts."
Oftnelestielis , . elturches-fl'he
Jewish cloirelt, symbolized In. the sev-
en -branched candlestick of the tabe.0-
110.010 (Extol xxv., 81; Hob. ix., 2),
was the national einweit of a single
People the Chtistian church, symbo-
lized in these seven separate (411111l111"
91101(5, though essentially oile, is.
composed of many peoples. The liter-
al smelting of tho word here trans-
lated candlestick is, Inmost:and.
Money is more evenly distributed in
Frence than in any other civilised
country, According to the taxation
retains fewer then 20,000 persons
have propeety valued at $200,000.
Of these, only (1,000 have fortnnes
exceeding $850,000, while not mere
than 100 have $2,000,000 or over,
end there are just ten fortunate per -
soils who have more than $25,000,-
000 of this woeld's good, .
OLDEST CliEMIST'S 1111011.
TN Home
Twelve stalks (444] '(441(13(45, two-
thiras oup chicken stock, one-fourth
slice 0111011, yolk 0110 etig, elle table-
spocia lieuty Crean!, 01111[(4,h1 11 tea-
spoon stilt, few grains pepper. Peter
aeparague with cold water, bring to
boiling point, drain mid add to the
stock and onion; lel. simmer eipti
lititlutes, rub throligh 4"' '0:11.,
add ereitin, egg, and stiasunities,
strain and serve,
Tomato Bisque -To -thirds clip can-
ned 1:OulatOes, ono -fourth Slice onion,
bit of bay leaf, two cloves, ma: -
fourth cup boiling woke., ma -eighth
teaspoon soda, one-half tablespoon
butter. one-fourth teaspoon salt, few
genins PePPer, two tablespooes heavy
cream; cook firs1 five ingredients for
eigh1 IlilIlUl 04111111> through 81040,
add soda, butter in 44111,11 pleoes,
seasoning', and cream. Serve at once
Cauliflower Soup. -One-third cup
cooked cauliflower, twasthirtls cup
chicken stock, small stalk celery, one
fourth slice on inn, one yolk, one
tablespoon heavy cream, two tea-
spoons butter, salt and pepper, Cook
cauliflower, stock, celery, und oulon
eight minutes. Rub through a puree
strainer, repeat, and add egg yolk
slighly beaten, ereato, buttsr, and
11141511000114 Solip.-Thren mnshrooms
two-thirds cup 'chicken stock, one-
fourth Slice Onion, two teasocams
butter, one egg yolk, one tablespoon
heavy Crearn, one teaspoon sauterne,
salt and pepper. (Sean mushrooms,
chop, and cook in one teaspoon but-
ter five minutes. Add stock and let
simmer eight minutes. Rub through
a punte strainer, add eg'g' yolk slight-
ly beaten, etram, remaining butter,
seasoniag's, and Wino.
Spinach Soup -One tatiltspoon
cooked chopped spinach, two-thirds
cup chicken stock, yolk one egg, one
tablespoon heavy cream, salt, and
pepper. Cook spinach with stock
eight minutes; rub 'through a puree
strainer, reheat, add yolk slighly
beatsm, cream and seasoning.
In the diet, of tho diabetic the car-
bohydrates are to be eliminated as
far as possible and the proteids end
fats increased. 'Phe change in diet
should be,gradual, since too sudden a
reduction of the carbohydrates
might, prove fatal.
the gasoline 3 111 0 a glass fruit fao; ment appeared before him to showl '
The best fats aro butter, cream. Further reductions in the present
and then put in the ties and shake; their skin with the broadsword and;
eggs, ebeese. olive oil. and the fat
one occasionally while the ties are ltdts' tho battle-axe, he presented them" 0e:white-tit telegraph rates betweea
front bacon meat, and oily- fish.
to soak for an hour or two. Whoili eaCh with a guinea, which was' India and Etngland are in contem-
fourth pound of butler and one-half
thclY look Clean they are. taken out: promptly tossed to the porter at plation. At present the tariff is half
pint of cream should be teken every
of the gasoline aud hung in the open: the gate. a crown per word for private mos -
day. to dry. -This gasoline seen ev"-t, The campaign in 1700 against tho! sages and one shilling per worS for
in, press telegrams:
porates. This operatiOn must not be:French Republicans was mainly
canted on in a rOorn where there Flakier's, and it was during it that' The vicar of Offey (Bedfordshire)
is a fire or a lighted lamp as there!the regiment won its sreittieestet,i declares in the parish inag•azine that
it the shocking behavior and constant
is danger of an explosion. the vultur loathor in its bonnet. It
use. Por 1111 purpome it, Is far 11101•0'
effective than perfumed or toilet
seuP, and is kept by many " 54(10
know" in the bathroom for this pia,
11.11011 palls aro to Int driven into
wood which ft Is feared they limy
split, first lay 1 hem In soapy water
or drive Into a bar of soap, and
there is no danger. Carpenters and
makers or handmade furniture al-
ways have it piety of yellow soap on
hand for 111143
Snap shavings ‘,v small lump of
yellow onto 1110104 into mouse
hole printed the reamhar3trice of the
gow This Regiment Was Organ-
ised and Something, About
Its Career.
In the order of precedence of the
301.1.110phi! 1.41.0inents of the I Sri 11811
Army there are just forty-one names
placed before Die Black lAtil.(11, tf
this ordes depended on military futile
111Stead of, as it tioes, on tho date
of first engagement, it would be (.11111-
g luster, with less work than fore leis famous body of 111,;1,101[8,
A 11 tle soLip 11118.41 with Ed 01;V 01,11, to deeitie if a single roginient Of
11a 11 1 rodseils a holier and moro the whole army should he placed 110-
('111111 ring
without it, They have fought tsit s the writer
Both plettst and solid silver may of au article in the "Leisure Hour")
bc eleniled 11.7 1,') (1144( it 91 111111 1 111,'0 ill tit least seventy great. battles,
01' 1011r hours 111 1101 401111'1' 111 401,10h and the 1111111eS of tWolity-two of those
a handful of borax and 1, rill 1 er bar are etworded as "honors" on the
of yellow soup has been eta up end otiose; and tong though. this list may
dissolved, This method detts not be, it must be remembered that it
wear oiT the plate aft (1008 the (Wale» was not until 1.74)) that, thay rawly
steeled their career.
arAY 111111';U1111101cdo, of Soap and sugar will IL was in 17110, or thereabouts, the
draw a swelling on the Maier 40 a highlanders being then in a state of
head in a few hours, and the same snueildering rebellion, that a loyal
poultice will draw a splinter from highlander, Duncan lembes of Cello -
finger or no.11.
den, proposed tu the British govern-
ment that the Ilighlanders them -
TO CI-SSAN 'nth./ CHIMNEY. selves would possibly 30000 the best
n1011 to keep their fellows in order.
311104,11 trouble with chinints's filling It was a risky step, but the gov-
ernment agreed; nieditatieg, doubt-
less, that if these unruly men must
inevitably be lighting someone, it
could do no harm to pav them to
with soot may Ito avoided by
burning the potato parings. The
chemical itetion is such that the soot
is entirely cleaned out, so tints. is no
danger of its becoming- ldl. up, fight 031 tile right side, tio the six
even when soft conl is used In the -independent companies' were forms
stove. Zino eut in small idee's and ed -three of 100 men, and three of
thrown into tho stove or furna00, only 75 -and quartered throughout
when the fire is burning 11i'113111 3Y• will 1 110 Highlands on what. was ',nett -
also have tile sante effect, and a salty pollee duty; soinetimes catching
handful used once in three or four up a Lowland cattle mider, now
weeks will keep the chimney clear quieting two rival clans; and, genes -
Occurrences im the Zama 'MO
neigna Supreme in the 003)4"
(4141441.01 World,
The Bishop of Beistol has beea
tined 5s. for "suffering" a chimney
at 1118 Wart, 1.4.1 be on Eire,
Very smartly arrayed recruiting
officers tire proposed. as a means of
luduciag young 111011 to join the Brit-
ish army.
Two carrots recently •tillg from a,
garden at Ash Thomas, Devon, meas-
ured 811. and a third 3 feet
01 lam.
One inch of rain falling on tho
Whole Urea of the Thames -Valley its
equivalent to a river 570 miles long,
250 feet wide., and 10 feet deep,
IAverpool's mew cotton exchange,
which is to be erected Old
atreet, Will cost zi33,000, that be-
ing the accepted coatract price.
No wedding had taken place 111
Codieote PaiSsh Church, lIertfOrd-
shire, for twetity-three yetti•s until a
feiv days ago, when two were 801-
Several Japanese nightingales -
beautiful 11t1 141 birds rich in plumage
and gifted in song-haVe been releas-
ed in St, James's Park, London, and
an making themselves at home.
Bemuse he only received Os. 10d.
a week after over twenty-oite years'
service, the sub -postmaster one ot
tbe most important branch offices ia
Carnarvon has relinquished his ap-
pointmen t.
A veterinary surgeon at Malley has
fitted a dog successfelly with a glass
and the (11'dt good, no matter wont ally, represent Ms eye. The animal has made no at -
fuel is iised. linently 01y kitchen Kings in a land where these were
the ll-""avarlan tempt to remove IL with its Paw.
and runs about apparently without
range did not draw woll and the, none too dearly 10,„(1„
placed a large handful of 81110 SCra!ls the "Black Watch," for they wore a,
8, tho least ineonvenience.
1 Three lionesses made a combined
oven wm1111 not heat ProPerIS', 90 1 [ 1!'r0111 tlin first they were known a
in the fire and went (mishit) to watch , tartan of black and blue and a eon attack on a. magnificent lion in San -
results, The smoke came out in which seemed sombro beside 1 -ho rod -1 gees circus. at Wrexham, near Cites-
; ter. After a short struggle they
clouds and was very black, and in a noted regillars. So tvell (Int these I killed him. Spectators describe the
short tint° the draft, of the stove WaS :Highland Watchmen do their worlc,1
combat as brief, but terrible,
perfect and oven soon became bot.- 'that in 17,10 the government resolv-,
p .1 ACCording to a statement to tho
Marian Meade.od 111 rIliso (4.
I Royal Meteorological Society, Seath-
with the companies for a basis. It ,,,,„..e,
it a. flumberland village, is the
was done, and almost immediately, ' "
wettest spot of the British Isles. '
the new regiment was ordered to ,
• . .
'Mere arc, several ways of cleaning, march 1.0 Londrin.
1 about
kInd of tie and the coneltion it is I out to see the notorious wild sat,'
in. Very light, ties may be cleat -ma i ages of the North, and great was. 3-sullington Church, near Lewes, in. ,
is credited with being the
with chalk and magnesia rubted on; their surprise to find that In lin10.3! "USSINC.
• smallest pince of worship in England.
with a clean dry brush and allowed, of
i peace the Highland fighter was a'
Its direensions aro only 16 fnt
to remain. several hours, then thor-
square There are skc houses in the
. polished gentleman, Ewen the King:
()uglily brushed off. Gasoline may , hiinself did not know the men he had.
also be employed for this work. rpt; sent for; and When two Of the regl-, parish, and the living is worth Z4.0
soiled neckties, depending Mum (1144' The inhabitants on tile wny turned . trundre'd and thirty-sevon
Strawberries aro Untisnally plenti-
ful and cheap in Canada for this
time of the yeat', nnit evevy one is
interested in new and old ways of
serving 1110111.
In England the berries aro picked
front the vines, laid on crisp lettuce
loaves or on a plate surrounded by
a border of their OW11 leaves. Tho
stems or hulls aro never removed. A
generous plateful of these freshly
picked berries is pland before oath
happened thus: The 111.11 Dragoons'
talkiag, gigling, and passtng of coin -
had retreated before the Frenchmanta does not cease amongst 011'-
4001p leaving behind their two guns' tain girls at Sunday evening ser-
- •
Almost every lamp wants boiling in the possession ot Om enemy. sleet: V1CCS, le \Vi11 name em. pub 411y in
occasional ty when the light borne 1 mg tho situation, the Tiighlanders : 1110 next issu0.
dimly, and no attention timmediately charged, and brought'
o oil or A Strad violin has been discovered
wick will make any difference. Take the guns tutu safuy. .
tPor their ke- at New Shildon. It had been in the :
the lamp apart 1e411000 the wick, and possession of a family for over a
ward they still wear the red feather
then boil both burner and wick in
hot water in which has been othe ra qmils who aco!
century, and 10145IS looked upon. as
person. and with itis served a dish thrown witha whiteone (nits Wworthless. It was StOred aWayill an
overt, attic es handier, and had been used
in the firimoan War the highland
of powderea sugar. Each bony is part has been thoroughly cleaned
sugar and eaten. from the lingers. the wick, trimtit, 1111 the lamp with
tattoo by the steintam, put. in 3313,11111. was under Sir Colin Camp- as a toy in the nursery,
bell, and it was before the battle of, .411red McNeil, an organ -grinder,
who was sent to prison for Ave
, dipped in tho and as thoroughly
the Alma that they received those
Try it some morning for breakfast; oil, and the light will bo brilliant,
you will be a. convert to the English
way of eating strawberries.
.A. neW way or serving strawbeeries
at breakfast in. this cotintry is to re-
move the hulls, put the berries in a
thin white china bowl, cover them
over with sugar and pour thick,
r m
soucreaover diem. Thn They ade-
1i41404 in this way, ant the so.,,„ was established in Edinburgh in 1708 up on the doors of Ids parish church, 1 which he "landed." On being opened .
cream is said to digest better than by one Peter Williamson, who kept,i Kinglako tells us that the brigade it was found to contain forty gold
sweet cream. a coffee -shop in the hall of the Par- went into the battle with a "joyous,' ring's and eighty watches' the latter
For dinner a fruit salad made ofl 'lament House. ('01111001011('01111001011attending , assuring cry," and the weird bag...! mostly without cases. Itis suPpos-
strawberries with sliced banallaS Isithe Courts mado use or Williaillson's PiPes played an accompaniment. Tho' cal to have been a haul from a jew-
delicious. Pet a leYce of line ripet hop to forwaed letters by porters, Bleak Watch went -still under Sir. tiller's shop.
Flow the Business of Carrying
Letters Was Conducted.
The first penny Post in Scotland
famous orclers:-"Now, Wien, you are months, in London, took his three -
going into action. Remember this- shriemai.:-00Intldcl:ciolcIntrilo,uuanidlythpelusethreedetsitwitihn
whoever is woundod-no matter what
order that its tears Might excite the
Ms rank -mist lie where he falls 1.111
the banitsmeo eonni to attend hint,' sympathy of pastors -by.
No soldier must go carrying WTI A London angler was fishing ill a
wounded comrades. If any man does stream near High Barnet, when his
such a thing his name shall bo stuck hook became entangled in a bag.
berries in a glass dish, then a
layer of thin slices of bananas, then
a layer of' berries, and continue this
process till the dish is full. Sprinkle
In time this business increased so Colin Campboll-to .the relief of ' While the carriage of a quarter of
Lucknow. The regiment WEIS also at wheat front Kettering to Leicester
Tet-el-Kehir, which was, however, a (twenty-seven miles) is is SOI., the
smolt affair. nit at 'Pamai, soon af- 8111110 oUantity, a correspondent
each layer of the berries with pow -
ter, 010 fighting was fierce; when the points out, is carried from New York
dered sugar; cover the top with a,for the purpose of collecting letters. British square Ives broken by 00 to Liverpool for 101d, Twenty yoars
His messengers wore uniform, and were killed , ago the cost; 4s per quarter.
Arabs 00 of the 42nd
thick layer of whipped cream; dot
as they proceeded on their round while only 20 were wounded -a. sure! Three Men robbed the mail on a
the 1100(41(1 over with small, verrillpo
rang bells to give notice of their ap- Proof of how sure the fanatical lonely road fotir miles from New-
When the Post Office was first es-
tablished ill Ireland, in the seven-
teenth contery, it was managed by
a deputy °postmaster, whO W014 direet-i a. unique record, perhaps imt the then decamped, leaving the driver
ly responsible to the postal author
is least; memorable fact being that the locked 11181(114 1.110 van. , Upon recover -
ties 111 I,ondon. Tha earliest refer- Wildest fighters in the British Army ing he obtained assistance, bllt llo
eneo relating to the use of a stamp have also Proved themselves the most arrests hex° been made,
Or postmark boars dote 26111 AtIgust orderly In peace. While a cow was being driven down
1673, Colonel Roger '417111110y, who lligh Street, Canterbury, it dashed
was then Deputy Postmaster ticneral LISPORTANT, rot, the entrann to- Baker's Tetnper-
much that Williamson entablished a
regular penny post. He had hourly
delivevies throughout the city, and
agents in different parts of tha town
berries, and you have a very attrac-
tive delicious dessert.
No other shortcake can compare
with the delieimis home-made short-
cake, which is made after these (Urea -
tions: Mako a rich, light tea biscuit
crust, using twice 1110 411105111 of
shootening used for.biscults. Instead
of milk mix the doup,th with cream,
Roll it 011t thin; bake it ill a ciniCIC
oven, on round jelly cake this, Whim
hot Out each cake, in two layers tvith once hotel and went in. 11 (0114011.44a strong silk thread, as a knife will to the Earl M. .Arlinn
gto, Writing to There is but one sure curehot the sixteen of the stairs and was then
side of each half. and when cold put land, on the subject of returned 1e1 14.
hot hutter one 1:1:5, War:bniairit,14:811:, 1(10 11(1)11117 propt,").90 a 6..151,4 in outing
Ire- drinking' disease or habit, and that'
is tho simplest of all.
fruits, 'The "" c0n." 1(0110411(111(1(11'2011.1t111Y, 90111414114. 4111010113)041
make 11 heavy,
on El, big plate; cover it with half- stitm
one 01 the layers, crust side down, That will cure
pc yt both of us might know
crushed strawberries, Palatably them agnine." No stamp, however,
appears to have been used for post -
sweetened; then put a layer Or the
cake, erust side down, on the layer marking letters 'until about 1701,
and then only in the chief office,
or berries; cover that layer with tho
crushed berries; then a layer of thBailin.e
cake, crust, side op; cover this with '1'1)0170 weri
e, n 1070, only two
whole bellies, and Sn1'1,0 with sugar
and plenty of sweet cream,
tribesmen struck home. The soldier castle. 'limy attacked and bound the
with an earnest cause, evan though (1,' driver, afterwards going through
mistaken one, always makes a hard: the mail bags and retnoving What -
fighter. The "Auld Forty-Twa" has eyee they considered of valuo. They
The windows 1'0111S0 lo go up and
down withoet a great deal of tug-
131)113 and
pulling, or bureau drawees
Seell 10 51,1014, brown 80011 111 a. friend
in 11004.
Take out the drawer and I'111) the
soap 01 the miners and the groove
ill which drawer is hung, and,
tater pushing the window 1111 as fo
(Psim Isretich pollee authorities aur-
as it ill go, (413) the soap on the pried f1our 1V,)11111'05140111V,)11111'0514011 m
en in the
sash, or take the window out on- act of tearing up the pawing in front
tirely and eat) the soap onOm edges. of the Pantheon, in Paris, during the
11 the windows ere taken out mid all early 111()((11I(1, hours one day this
tho ropes and the edges of the clean- week. Being asked what they were
"a1A°1r10s50 A'Tasv"e...lca,idroolqo0L. ,corn*
ed windows aee rubbed with soap, doh% they repied that trN010ltllf5OrYsesi-eti011171 onnl tdueaithere will be 110 trouble with them eng1110011n11d that theyio;00;4tiu11Abuynm30(lytuitlunc
for a yearWhenthe soap may bo charged with thWorkof transform -
" (
n ,
schoolas soon (('4 theyratthin the age
M11000E, Mg the dome of thPanthecm 11110 -01 sits,and remain then milil the age
Brown seal/ May be used to ada lege oentainthat they werof foureenThe first four 'years
vantage anywhere in the 1101190 8111110 about to take 90(11113 ((13)9 for the they teach them the Jainnese and
it has no offesve odorla 01.110(111)" 11,0011111110 14(41,4,1 The poliee Chinese langnagesand the later
lC101and is most (119440411(4371113, escorted the weld&he engineers to
to bugceirThe odor perspirethe district police statonThey
tan call 140 ofeettallY remoVed onturned out tO be escaped inmates
the warmest dy of he year by its of a l'rovinclal lunatic(044113041,
iopot was 1(1011(10114051011 to three 114(109 1113(41(41)71)144811aas.No 4414444114rsoldier or hsotv11regttwa5
weekly, and in1708 to six posts asaw a man or woman who liked eroping ohotita1:101igleileaps03
fuit and who had an appetite for "" ' "
drink, N(11(81)14 ever sae, a Well, ffcan,said 110, oir watsh-
or woman withan appetite for drink 111,, Inan4 erratic mowyrotMs for
who liked NMI, 'Pile two tastes 10(4 a few moments In silence, ''1141,00 you
at deadly eeinity witit ach 01her' lostt11441111/e.'
and there s 1111 room foboth of“Well, sir," 14.111 (('11 th81114,1101',them to the same 1111104410 44011s111111- "Its Yost like this, file illid my
lion, Ono will certainly destroy 1110 male, Jck Mlle, had jest oe, nto
other. the 114014(41108 last night, When1I1e
il18r.1aR la(Tow, (111(1 111,07k,)
Jack'scap eimn 031' viol a round
'All! /,1,4 iY10olir r:iiii
ho 1110:101t:1
Ws, 514'," responded the 'melt,
The orderly bad not 1301151 111011y
med, bowevor, 34114110(0 a 51111\1011
hottglit seemed o strike him,
Irnhe called outwhy on
10114 004445 (11(117 (4(1(1 I1(3)1i0111441104141,
its way into the street, without do -
the worst case of Inebriety that over
afflicted a person. 1(4 will entirely. lag any harm.
destroy the taste for intoxicants and
' - -
will 111411:43 the drunkard return to TOMMY'S LITTLIS JOICE.'""
the thonghts and tastes of his Child- It was during a siege. An officer
hood, when he loved the luxuries na- was PaSeing
posts a week between London
and ism) had provided for him, and '10140(1vteril
y from btyhe ae-npeamryt 'sorshoht
Dusblitn ard (11-3101' Partsny"1 Trelanhfe
his appetite eh, ad not,ecome colt- s"ti
'iIn. ean,dht s, .. of .
Ahou1380 thfeqor tLaminated by false eultivetsd 144911.5
A local penny post -the first. out-
side of London -Wile eStaillished 111
Dublin on 10111 October, [7711.
130.311111111 011 LUNATICS
boy and girl aro 3)'1'44110n1 c'11 from the Seallflt.(U 41008)1 1,
'Tack 11101' 10r It' 111111
C0111111011 5e110019 they eall " 'Valise Ma head AVaS ill it!" Watt
bend and speak 10,nglish, the unettpeotett and startling eeply.