HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-8, Page 6V3eJ,eeeeeee.;eieeseeife.e..eeceese..e..eseeee.eveeteeee-e')
Fas ill
{y. •f� �1f�.f�11�f r1 rf a fla�fe ° � i• �f ff°.°,f yi
IYlade Sound and Strong by Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills,
e", If your blood is weak, 11 it is poor
etc alai watery, a touch of cold or in6u-
. etza will settle in yotn lungs and the
{ 0Pparcnty harmless cough of today
will becometato racking consump-
Riebus's cough of to -morrow. Weak
blood is an open invitation for con-
sumption to lay upon you the hand
O of death. 'l lie only way to avoid
nglconsumption nil to strengthen 011(1
01'I brace the whole system is by enrich-
d- :mg your blood and strengtheniug
rr-Iyoer lungs with Dr, Williams' Pink
ul'Pillo. They matte new, rich, warn
0 -i blood. They add restating• power to
the Mugs.. They have saved scores
lonfronl a consumptives grave -not at -
ml ter the lungsd
are hopelessly dtseaso
or but when taken when the cough first
00 attacks the enfeebled system. l:iere is
p01011111' Proof. Mrs. Hairy Stead,
o1 St, Catharines, Ont., says: "A Any
! years ago I was attacked with lung
c trouble, and the doctor, after treat-
1er fug ole for a time, thought I was go-
ing into eonsulnplion. I grow pale
d and emaciated, had no appet!te, was
o troubled with a hacking cough, and
I felt that I was fast going towards
tile grave. Neither the doctor's
' Medicine nor other medicine that I
stook seemed to help me. Then a
s good friend urged rue to take Dr.
t Willfame' Pink Pills. Dy the time I
ea had used four boxes it was plain that
they were helping :lee. I began to re -
,y cover my appetite, and in other ways more,
felt better. I took six boxes ore,
and was as well as ever, and had
gained in weight. I believe Dr. Wil-
t Hams' Pink Pills sawed me from a
et -consumptive's grave, and 'I feel very
✓ grateful."
Now, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills build
d up the strength in just one way -
they actually make new tiood. That
uP is all they do, but they do it well.
s They don't act on the bowels, They
er don't bother with mere symptoms.
They won't cure any disease that
isn't caused by bad blood. But then
The small hat continues,4 favorit
The old-fashioned Leghorn is haul
4 groat vogue, and certainly no oth
straw has quite the grace and stan
Mg quality of this braid, 31 col
bines well with velvet and roses, a
is substantial enough to be an exce
foundation for ostrich plumes.
Listen, coats will be a bigger vont
than ever this year, Sense of th
will be sack coats, and some
them fitted just a little, and sol
The surplice waist is the waist
the 5008011, and next to this in flop
clarity conies the draped bodice. Tit
draped sleeve, shirred in the in
seam and sometimes in both - seam
is a groat favorite. The soft an
clinging fabrics which everyone 1
wearing lend themselves well t
draped effects.
Very good indeed Is the ligle0 gra
Maple furniture made along 1ni1Si0
lines. The grain o the wood show
lines. The grain of the wood show
and the soft. gray makes a perfec
background for draperies in Orient
Blacks and white seems to be vel
Much in vogue for evening wear. A
some of the smartest functions in
Paris many of the gowns were of
tulle and satin, all in black, exceP
for a white boa, a corsage bouqu
of roses, or white at the revers o
ort the edges of the bolero or jacket
With the white gowns black is use
ve1'y much in the some manner.
Domestic pongees are making
Sonia of tho handsomest, as well a
easeful coats and gowns of summ
vvardrobes. Very rich effects are alt
tained with them, their coarse, roug
surface lending itself to excellel
color and fabric combinations.
Among summer furnishings, sot
for the bedroom of beautiful creton
nes are displayed in the shop win
Bows.. These include laundry bag
sewing cases, work bag, handkerchie
and glove boxes and other necessities
of life. They aro well and substan
Bally made and are Vey summery
to look upon.
The walking skirt of the season is
of umbrella shape; that is to say,
it is a circular skirt, but cut tui(1e)
than of yore. A favorite skirt is
the box pleated one, fitting closely
round the hips and having a great
deal of fullness at the feet. This is
admirable in soft -faced cloths. In
heavy fabrics the circular skirt looks
best when made perfectly plain on
the hips and full and long round
the feet.
The gown most frequently seen on
the street is the coat and skirt suit
worn over the thinnest of lingerie
blouses. Despite the waren weather,
the coat is as often long as short.
Materials are silk, mohair or voile,
as. a rule. Black and white checks,
or some shade of gray, appear to be
the favorites, as far as color is con-
cerned. Plenty of brown, blue, green
and violet aro seen, but the gray
effects are numerous enough to claim
A now shoe is an oxford do with a
projecting sole and a high Cuban
heel. Instead of being buttoned or
laced, the shoe is closed with three
straps and buckles. This comes in
tau or black Russian calf and in can-
vas. Tan and black are the only
permissible shoes for ordinary wear,
with white canvas and linen taken
for granted,. but for evening wear it
is proper to have the shoes imatch
the gown exactly.
Yellow bedrooms are especially cool
and fresh looking in summer. Select
a - pale yellow, not the warmer
shades. Poppies, tulips and small
roses are to be bad h1 wallpapers.
There should bo plenty of green fol-
iage, and the effect is better 11 the
white ceiling bo brought down as far
85 'the picture'molding, which, in
turn, should bo no higher than the
tops of doors and windows. With
the yellow paper green stained furni-
ture is very good, or white enamel
may be used.
1t nearly all common diseases spring
from that one cause -anaemia, indi-
gestion, biliousness, headaches, side
- aches, backaches, kidney trouble,
lumbago, rheumatism, sciatica, neul'-
f algia, nervousness, general weakness
and the special secret ailments that
growing girls and women no not like
to talk about even to their doctors.
But you must get the genuine with
the full name, Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for rale People," on the wrap -
Per around each box. If in doubt,
send the trice -50 cents a box or
$2.50 for six boxes, to the Dr. Wil-
liams/ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.,
and get the pills by nail postpaid.
Tho Scottish Trade Union Congress
which has just concluded its annual
sessions at Hawick, adopted several
resolutions for the betterment of the
working class, the more important
being for the increase of Government
inspectors in coal mines, and favor-
ing eight hours as a day's work in
all trades. Speaking of the inade-
quacy of 1111110 inspection, Mr. Gil-
mour, of Hamilton, said the death
roll in mines was 1,000 a year, and
this might be reduced to 500 with a
system of proper inspection by prac-
raytical men. There were 400 mines in
Scotland, 'and only six inspectors.
Tho Congress agreed to call upon all
co-operaLivosocieties to employ only
trade union labor.
Mothers should never give theirditt-
tle ones a medicine that they (10 not
know to be absolutely safe and
harmless. All so-called soothing
medicines contain poisonous opiates
that stupefy the helpless little one
without curing its ailments. Baby's
Own Tablets is the only medicine for
infants and young children that gives
the mother a positive guarantee that
it contains no opiate or harmful
drug. Milton L. Hersey, M.Sc., (Mc-
Gill University). has analyzed these
Tablets and says: "I hereby certify
that I have made a careful am1013 815
of Baby's Own Tablets, which I per-
sonally purchased in a drug store in
Montreal, and the said analysis has
failed to detect the presence of an
opiate or narcotic in them," This
means that mothers eau give their
little ones these Tablets with an as-
surance that they will do good -that
they cannot p051012ly do harm. Tho
Tablets cure indigestion, colic, con-
stipation, diarrhoea. simple fever,
teething troubles 11111 all minor ail-
ments. Sold by druggists every-
where or sent by mail at 25 cents a
box by writing the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont,
Taffeta and veiling gowns are ap-
parently to be within the reach of
every woman who can afford even a
small amount for her summer ward-
robe, Tho department shops are fill-
ed with most attractive morsels of
gowns in both these materials, and
the prices asked are surprisingly lore
in comparison with the Prices de-
manded by private dressmakers. But
it is possible to make most attrac-
tive veiling and tatieta gowns at
home in thiss li's styles, l>
sea a s and at
a cost that is within tate limits of
a very moderato chess allowance.
The distinction between the gown
that has skirt a11(1 waist of the same
material and the regular shirt -waist
_, .•own is not easily discernible, but
the former is always an more finish-
ed lines, as it: were, very simple in,.
detail, and made without lining, on
the sante order ofgarment as the
original stir
1 a a t Na14t.
Taffeta silks, s plain afn and changeable,
(11'0 more , fashionable
this seasonal
than are the figured' foulards. They.
aro to he had in a softer, lighter,
texture than ever, but raider the
best of circumstances they do not
masse such cool gowns for summer as
fourlards, so for that reason the pttt•-
atds, so for that reason the pur-
chase of a foulard is quite a 10180,
thing. There Bever wore so malty
didermtt Colorings and designs,
DTt' 3N S0TJ1'lf AFRICA.
Oteleg to bac continued dry seasons
111 South Arden, Which have eaus011
the destruction of large droves of
cattle, a. forge demand for pumps and
wind -mills has sprang 11p. The Sink-
', Ing of wells has bec0m0 a 'eretoullc-
od ne0essily. Even the government
beefs* ma'ehine9 hallo been called in -
;to use to shpply Cattle Willi the nee-
eesary quantity of Water to sustain
A Bndapeslh police constable nam-
ed Paul Robaska, has unexpectedly
inherited a fortune of $500,000 from
a wealthy relative. Ile is stili to be
seen 011 his beat in Bathory street,
as he does not intend to leave the
service 1111th his application for per -
m1551011 10 ]etre with a pension, af-
ter eighteen years' service, is dealt
with in the ordinary way,
Charitable Lady -"But a
man last
week told me exactly the same
story." Tromp -"Yes, lady. Y: er see,
I made a stupid mistake in not
havili' the history of me life copy-
Interesting Gossip About Some
Prominent People.
The 4hah 01 Persia is fond of knit-
ting. as a hobby, and likes to knit
silk stockings for 1115 personal
friends. 11e 01100 Presented the Prince
of Wales with a pair, his 01011 hand-
The German Emperor has a Very
0u1'fou5 hobby, He le fond of col-
lecting' neckties and scarves of all
ages and of all countries, and Is
said to Have no fewer than 18,000,
some of a very glaring description.
Lady Carlisle at one time institut-
ed a custom at Nawerth Castle
10111011 recalls the Admirable Crichton.
She had all the servants to dine
daily with the family in the great
hall, as was tho custom in the olden
days, This, however, soon fell into
abeyance, as it dill not increase the
comfort of either side.
Lord Ashton has benefited the
town of his birth (Lancaster, Eng-
land) to the tune of over £100,000
within a period of throe months.
Within a little ever twelve months
he has devoted nearly 11:250,000 to
various good works. alts riches conte
from the great carpet and linoleum
factory which his father founded in
Lancaster when last century was
comparatively .flung, but which 01vcs
its 11101111015 development to Loris
Ashton himself, To -day the business
is reputed to bring him in £1,000,-
000 sterling every four years.
The Duke of Atlloll spends most of
his time on his Perthshire estates.
110 is a pronounced pluralist 111 the
matter of titles. Apart from .his
dukedom, he is twice a marquis,
four tiinls an earl, four times a vis-
count, and four times a baron lu
the peerage of ScoU.and, 011(0 an
earl and live times a baron in the
English peerage, and co -Heir to /lye
other baronies. It is conceivable,
therefore, that he might hold at one
and the same time fourteen baronies,
making the total of his titles twen-
Few members 0f the British House
of Oonllnons can make a long speech
without drinking something. Mr. Bal-
four sips at- a glass of water that
contains a slice of lemon. Tho late
Sir William Harcourt; in his Parlia-
mentary days, liked a little claret
and hater 1011011 speaking. Viscount
Goschen, when Chancellor of the
Exchequer, is said to have introduc-
ed Budgets on a glass of rums. Al-
most unknown among the leaders,
neither Mr. Chamberlain nor ItIr.
Asquith has been known to drink
anything during a speech in the
Lord Grimthorpe, who has been
devoting his eighty-ninth year to de-
signing a clock for the towel- of the
parish church at West Melton, York-
shire, is surely 11te most remarkable
of living clOcl:nlakers. It is more
than half a century since he was
busy superintending the clesigu of
the greet clock at Westminster; the
original "Big Bea" was the child
of his inventive brain, and its suc-
cessor bears in Gothic letters the
legend that it was cast "under the
direction of Edmund Beckett Deni-
son, Q.('." (as he then was) as long
ago as 1858.
The Grand Delco of I7esse, ;who
married the Princess Elmer of Solms
recently, is one of the few male mem-
bers of Royalty who are exports at
needlework. Embroidery Is His
Serene Highness's special delight,
and often when he has a particular-
ly fascinating piece of work on hand
ho will breakfast in heel and 'remain
working with his needle until the
d'oyley, or whatever the trifle may
be, is finished. Music is his other
hobby, especially playing the piano.
He composes a little, too, and is the
author of several sonatas, ballads,
and waltzes,
Mme. Patti, who recently celebrat-
ed her sixty-second birthday, may
1)e said to have discovered the sec-
ret of eternal youth. "I will be
young as long as I live," she is snid
to have declared as a child, and few
have kept a vow with more fidelity
than she has, Perhaps the secret of
her youthful aPPea•anco and unim-
paired vitality is her love of fresh
air and her careful dieting. In win-
ter and Slnnlner 0110 is always out.
for three hours daily, and the ele-
ments possess no terra's for her.
111010. Adelina Patti is a great ad-
mirer of the Jewish people, and al-
ways weals -what is known as a Mes-
soussah, a Jewish medal 10111111 bears
the Toll Commandments in Hebrew
characters, and was given to her by
Diaz de Sa•ia.
The career of Lorca Milner illus-
trates holy a private secretaryship to
a statesman often leads to appoint-
ment to the most distinguished and
highly-salariedposit10ne under the
Crown. 110 began his official career
as private secretary to 1171•, Goschen
as Chancellor of the Exchequer in
1887, at .:300 a year. In 1889 he
w'a1 promoted to the oflice of Under-
Secretary for Finance in Egypt. 170
became Chairman of the Board of
Inland Revenue in 1802 at a salary
of £9,000 a year. In 1807 ho was
appointed High Commissioner of
South Africa at a salary of £3,000 a
year; and itt 1901 the now post of
Governor r
o e n of the7 'r
alisvaal andOr-
an c River Colony was conferred
upon him, bringing his salary up
118,000 ayear. Lord
Corson began
his official career while M.P. for
Southport as assistant private sec-
ee-retary to Lord Salisbury, and in
1898 he was appoiutcd Viceroy of
India with a salary of X.25,000 per
a stun.
Great Britain, it is said, can, with-
out fear of contradiction, claim the
honor of Having originated the Iost-
mark. The first ono, which was (150(1
in London as long ago as 1660, wile
a very simple affair, consisting of
a smell circle divided into two parts.
Id the top portion were two letter's
indicating 1110 montes, while In the
lower half the day of the month WAS
eh wtt, N endeavor o ao 1v m t
NO 1 was ads a
denelo the year, anis it is only by
the dates of the letters on whieli the
marls is impressed'that 11 is possihle
to fix the date of its use. The ear-:
first known Was on a letter written
it 7.1,00.
Then His Rheumatism and Other
Pains Vanished Once and For
All -His Case Only One in Many.
Marwick, Ont., May 20 -(Special).
-That Dodd's Kidney fills will cure
Rheumatism, or any other disease
resulting from disordered Kidneys
is the experience of many of the set-
ters in this Rainy River country.
The case of William John Dixon of
this place:, is a fair sample of the
work the groat Canadian Iiiclney
Remedy is doing.
"I had Rheumatism so bad. I had
to use a stick to walk, I had pains
in my back -and right ]tip, and had
no comfort in sleeping.
"1 could no store than dress or un-
dress myself for nearly two months,
and I was for nearly three weeks I
could 1101 lace my right shoe.
"11Ty brother advised me to try
Doe1d s Kidney Pills and I diel so.
After taking three boxes I could
wane around and lace up my shoes
and do 1ner work. Six boxes cured
use completely."
Dodd's 1{idaey Pills are the one
sure cure for sick Kidneys, Sick
'Kidneys aro the cause of nine -tenths
of tho ills 111e human family sutlers
Russian Activity on the Frontier
of Afghanistan.
Russia's aggressive policy on the
Afghan frontier continues. A now
branch line of railway is now being
constructed from Samarkand to
`L'erllles, o11 the Itit'er Oxus, opposite
Balkh, which will be completed with-
in a year.
Balkh, in Afghan Turkistan, is
about 13 days' Journey from Kabul,
across the mountais, though in a
straight lino tho distance is not
above 200 miles,
New military roans are also being
mode towards various points 011 the
Afghan frontier, and in spite of her
need of troops in Manchuria, helve
Recces have not been depleted in this
part of the world. They 1111101111 to
five army corps, -01' about 200,000
Preparations are now 111 progress
which clearly indicate that after the
conclusion of peace Russia intends to
endeavor to rehabilitate her shatter-
ed prestige by a movement south-
ward. No invasion of India is pro-
jected, but the opinion prevails that
she proposes to cross the Upper
Oxus, and oeouPy Northern Afghanis-
tan to the line of the Hindu Bush,
to seize HIerat and occupy Khoras-
sen, and to matte her influence su-
preme in Teheran. and Northern Per -
This program could bo carried out
even now without the slightest dif-
ficulty, and without the possibility
of its being prevented by Great Bri-
tain. Russia would make at present
no further advance beyond that in-
dicated, and 1f Great Britain active-
ly resented Russia's action, sale
would hn.t'e to operate fa: from her
bases. It remains for the Lnperial
Government to decide promptly What
policy is to be pursued when the in-
evitable advance occurs.
This, it is thought, will constitute
the first great move of Russia to-
wards the Persian Gulf, and will pre-
pare the way for the ultimate chal-
lenge Of British supremacy in India.
A good husband is always sympa-
thetic. Sympathy is love's healing
balls, spread by pity's tender hand.
Over 30,000,000 Published.
An Oakland lady who has a taste
for good literature, tells what a
happy time she had ou "The Road
to Weilville." She says:
"I drank coffee freely for eight
years before I began to perceive any
evil effects from it. Then I noticed
that I Was becoming very nervous,
anti that my stomach was gradually
lasing the power to properly assimi-
late my food, .111 Gino I g0teso weak
that 1 dreaded to leave the house -
for 110 reason whatever but because
of the miserable condition of my
nerves and stomach, 1 attributed
the trouble to anything in the world
but coffee, of course. I dosed my-
self with medicines, which in the end
would leave 010 in a worse cm 1(1(1011
than at first. I was most wretched
and discouraged -not 130 years old
and feeling that life was a failure!
"I had given np all hope of ever
enjoying myself like other people,
till ono clay I read the little book
"The Road to Wellviile." 11 openers
my eyes, and taught me a lesson I
shall never forget and cannot value
too highly. i immediately
It all
g Y e
of the old kind n of coffee and be-
gnn to drink Postern m l'oocl Coffee. I
noticed the beginning of an improve-
ment In the whole tone of my sys-
tem, after only ,100 clays use of the
new drink, and in n, very short time
realized that I could go about litre
other people without the least re-
turn of 155 dd
formerly gave110norvoho 'so muchreatroubltheat,
111 fact my nervousness disappeared
entirely and has never relnrood, al-
though it is now a year that I have
isomi drinking Postutn Food CoIT1o,
And my stomach is now like iron -
nothing cal upset it!
"Last week, during the big Con-
clave in San Francisco, I was on the
go clay and aright without the slight-
est fatigue; and as i stood in the
immense termed watching the great
parade that lasted for hours, I
thought to myself, "Phis strength is
What Postern Food Coffee h115 given
tnel' " Natne gIvet by Poslurn Co.,
lla,ttlo.Creek, Mich,
rPhol&fi'a 1e0snn,
Ili llltle 1001( "7130 Road to Well -
zits e'? may be foiled in °very pkg.
Results from common soaps;
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
800 ref. the Ocln5nn liar
To California and Lewis and
Clarke Exposition, Port-
land, Oregon,
A personally conducted excursion
to the Pacific coast via the Grand
Trunk Railway System and connect-
ing lines leaves Quebec July 5, and
Montreal and Toronto July 6. Tho
route will he via Chicago, thence
through Council Bluffs to Omaha,
Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops
will be made at each of these places
1111(1 side trips taken to Manitou,
Cripple Greek, Garden of the (Nods,
etc, From there the party will con
time through the famous scenic
route of the Denver and Rio Grande,
through tato Royal Gorge to Salt
Lake City, thence to Los Angelee.
San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, Port
land, Oregon, Seattle, Spolcane, and
Home through St. Paul and Minnea-
polis. The trip 1vi11 occupy about
thirty days, ten days being spent on
the Pacific const.
Tile price for the round trip, in-
cluding rallroad fare, Pullman tour-
ist sleeping cat's, all meals in the
dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is
8165.50 from. Quebec, or $160.50
from Montreal and $150.00 from
Toronto. This first trip is designed
as a vacation trip for teachers, al-
though many who are not teachers
will improve the opportunity of tak-
Ing the trip at the remarkably low
price afforded.
For full particulars address E. C.
Bowler, General Agent and Conduc-
tor, Room 808, Union Station, To-
There was a maiden so unique,
She daubed blue paint upon her
Fier friends would sigh
as they paese1 bigli,
And noel, and call the girl a frique!
'Tie a hraruellons Thiu9, -Whon the
cures effected by Dr, Thomas' Lclectric
(111 are considered, the speedy and per-
manent relief it has brought to the
suffering wherever it has been used, it
must be regarded as a marvellous thing
that so potent a medicine should re -
stilt from the six simple ingredients
which enter Into its composition. A
trial will convince the most skeptical
of its healing virtues.
Phil 0551101' -"The world is full of
inconsistencies." lied -"Why, what's
the matter now?" Phil -"Well; I was
just thinking that, although race-
horses aro undoubtedly stable crea-
tures, you cannot depend upon
Have you Eczema -Nava you any
skin disease or eruptions? Are ,you
subject to chafing or scalding? Dr, Ag-
new's •0111tusent prevents and cures any
and all of these, and cures Itching,.
Bleeding and blind Piles besides. One
application brings relief In ten minutes,
anti eases cured b1 three to six nights.
85 Certs, -71 He --"Clara, I want to ask you a
question." Sha -"This is so sud-
den!" Hc -":f know; but 1 can't
stand it any longer, The fact is one
of the legs of your chair is on my
foot, and 1 was going to ask you
if you would kindly remove it."
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
Is 0. speedy cure for dysentery, dime
Theca, cholera, summer complaint, sea
sickness and complaints 1n0(dental to
ehildr511 teething. It gives immediate
relief to those suffering from the effects
of indiscretion In eating unripe fruit,
:ucumbers, oto. It acts with wonderful
drapidity and never falls to conquer the
isease. No one need fear cholera 11
they have a bottle of this •medicine con-
Tourist (in retired village) -"So
that's the oldest inhabitant? 0110
hundred and four years old? No
wonder you're proud 0! hint," Na-
tive -"I clunno; ho ain't clone nothin'
In this yer place 'cept grow old, and
it's took 111111 a sight 0' time to do
Mivard's Lioimeot Neiiev,; Neuralgia
SOME "NlVlel30,"
Never leave until to -morrow what
can bo done to -clay,
Never think that tI lean harries
for beauty; 110 manly 111x1 over does.
Never look on the world with a
sad face when you are able t0 smile
at will,
Never despise the homely woman; a
good wife Is one of man's greatest
Never worry; nothing is more fruit -
lees; nothing takes so 11111e1i from you
for 10 little return.
e s
Never fort -
cit rho0
ort opinlon £nl
on oP
your neighbors; reputation is one
of the prizes of existence,
"Close up, boys, close upl" said a
colonel to his regiment. "If the
enemy were to fire 011 you when you
are straggling along like that they
weeldn't ]rill a single man 01 you.
Close ups"
Most peopplo''think too lightly of a
cough. It is a serious matter and
needs prompt attention.
it Ix' ,
C.. ,ii kSb:;1'uJ3f3hL i tlrLf, k_n
C, 'The Lung
' rTonid
101011 the first sign of a cotagh or
cold app ae"
rs,1t will aero you
easily acid quickly theft later it
Will be Harder to Mare,
Prices, 250., Sec., and 11.00, 311
Wattzezrasasa.mt :S=W1 9 ppn muY ene'igt��.r
Never Put ft' Till To >f:,r ow
What should be done to -day, so go AT ONCE to your
Grocer and get BLUE RIBBON TEA, To TRY IT
ONCE is never to be without it.
The Grand 'Trunk i(ailway System
aro dlstribtiting a very handsome
booklet dese•iptive of the Royal Mus-
koka Hotel, that is s11u0tctl in Lake
llosseau, in the Muskoka Lakes,
+'I.7lghlanda of Ontar10." The publi-
cation is One giving a full description
of the attrnations that may bo found
at this popular resort, handsomely il-
lustrated with colored prints of lake
and island scenery, the hotel itself,
and many of the special features that
may be found there, It is printed on
fine enameled paper, bound in a cover
giving the appearance of Morocco
leather, with a picture of the hotel
and surroundings on the same, and
the crest of the hotel embossed in
high relief A glance through this
booklet malc05 one long for the plea-
sure of Summer and outdoor life,
and copies may be secured gratuit-
ously by applying to any Grand
Trunk ticket office.
r --
A man usually begins to appreciate
Ms wife about the time that ho has
]tilled her appreciation of him.
Mioard's [Aimee Cures Daodrulf,
"I want to do something that will
draw out the conversational abilities
of my friends," said the hostess.
"That's very easy," answered Miss
Cayenne. "Give a musicale.'=
Yo are,
Aro yeti a sufferer with corns? If
got a bottle of Holloway's
Corn Cure. It has never been known
to fail.
Robert -',!Rave you ever loved be-
fore?" "No, dearie; 1: have often ad-
mired mon for their strength, cour-
age, beauty, intelligence, or some-
thing. like that; but with you, Char-
lie, it is all love -nothing elec."-
I1emoves all hard soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood
spav111, curbs, splints, ringbone.
SW50 nog, 0ti11110, sprains, sore and
swollen throat. coughs, ate. Savo 550
by use of ono bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful lllsmish Ouro ever
There would bo a whole lot of
money in inventing something that
would make money unnecessary.
Indigestion, that menace to human
happiness, pitiless in its assaults, and
110 respecter of persons, has met its
conqueror in South American Norvine.
This great stomach and nerve . remedy
stnmelittes digestion, tones the nerves,
aids circulation, drives out impueities,
dispels emaciation acid brings hack
the glow of 110.1001 health, Cures 1,un—
tlrods of "alu'onics" that have haffied
physicians, -O8
"Russia will one clay have univer-
sal education."
"Maybe so," answered the always
doubtful main. "taut it looks to Ise
as if it would take the average man
half a lifetime to gat through the
spelling book."
Gents, -I have used your MIN-
Allll'S LINIMTIN:l' in nay family and
also in my stables for years and c0.u-
si(1e' it the best medicine obtainable.
Yours truly,
Proprietor Ro:cton Pond Hotel
and Livery Stables.
Roxton Pond, July 4, 1901.
Thera are nine crernntorinns in
Great Britain, and during the last
twenty years there have been 4,450
]Itihl in Their Action.-Parm•ilee's
Vegetable fills are very mild in tnoir
a, o5, .They do not oauso gripping In
the stomach or cause disturbances there
as so many pills do. Therefore, the
most delleate can take then without
feat' 01 1111plea05,11 results, They cant
too, be administered to ohildren with-
out imposing the penalties which fol-
low the use of plus not so carefully
Prof. Albert Nona, an 01110111 Ger-
man surgeon, has booieetrtl red to
pay heavily, for Sending itis motor
car, 111 the tank of whC01 there was
about three gallons of petrol, from
Munichto Ocasm]eur. Petrol of is 1
on d 11,11adangerou .cora]usati
bio and
the I n n f' 04501 lvus accused of de-
frauding the State railway of the
amount due for the carriage of the
spirit. As combustibles aro charged
according to their weight, including
that of the receptacle in which they
aro contained, the railway officials
weighed the motor car with the pe-
trol, and the professor lase been ask-
ed to pay a fine of .$5;385.
On the apex of the P'r1nc0 of
Wales's crown, which he 3001115 On
special 110casi0ns, is a e111101s fea-
ther, or rather a tell of periwak
feathers, the toll of which is adorned
with a gold thread, This feather .is
said to be worth $50,000, and ]las
t]ie distinction of being the only one
of its kind In the world. It took
-twenty years to pro1l110 it, and 11
caused the death of more than a
dozen hunters.'The reason tlia pur-
suit of the 1]' l ltyak is 4o clangorous.
is because it inhabits the jungles and
outer 7 -Manta of tigers,
Can bo dens 00rtsetly by our lama Promos. Try 1t
0517185 AMMAN OVUINO 00.
20 Ayrshire Dulls -four to twenty
months old; Ayrshire b'tnnales all
ages; also imirovod Yorkshire pigs.
APPly to HON. W. OWIiNS,
TTante hello, Rue,
"Where is your family going to
"It1(1 isnthe't$111nadecided yet,” answered
14Ir. Cunu'ox, wearily, "Mother and
1110 girls are still writing letters to
fin(1 out which hotel charges the
most" -
They Aro a Powerful NervIno,-Dys-
pepsia causes derangement of the nerv-
ous system, and nervous debility once
engendered is difficult to deal
Thereoro many testbnontals as to the
aboacy of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills In
treating this disorder, showing that
they never fail to produce good ream is.
13y giving proper tone to the digestive
organs, they restore equilibrium to the
nerve centras.
Ethel -"Ma, 1 want some water to
christen my doll." i1'thel's Ma -
"No, clear, it is wrong, you know.'.'
Ethel-"We11, then, T want some wax
to l 0141111110 ]ler. She's old enough
to have something done to her."
Help the Overworked Heart. -Is the
great engine which pumps life through
your system hard pressed, overtaxed,
groaning under its load because disease
has slagged it? Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the 1 -leant Is natures lubricator and
cleanser, and daisy demonstrates to
heart -sufferers that It is the safest
surest, and most spec,,' remedy that
medical science knows. -'7
Tess -"So 011011y is to marry Miss
Crnbbe. I7o's entirely tbo young for
her, don't you think?" Jess -'Ohl
he'll age rapidly enough after he's
married to hot'.
Hoard's Liuimaot for sale everV eere
"Freckly," said the teacher to
Freddy leangle, "you have spelt the
word 'rabbit' with two 't's.' You
must leave out ono of then." "Yes,
miss," replied Freddy, "which one?"
There canbo a difference of opinion
on most subjects, but there is only one
opinion asthe reliability of Mother
Graves' Worm lilxterminator. It is
safe, sure and effectual.
Conductor -"Your little girl's fare,
please." Fond Parent; But sho's un-
der six." Conductor -"Silo looks
older." Pond Parent -"Yes, poor
child! She has had lots of trouble!'=
A Cry for Help, -A pain In the book
is a cry of the kidneys for 11519. Soutlt
American Kidney cure is the only euro
that hasn't a failure written against
it in oases of Dright's disease, diaheLes,
inflammation of the bladder, gravel and
other kidney ailments. Don't neglect
the apparel ten Lly insignificant "signs.
This powerful liquid specific prevents
and oures.-70
"Anti 11010," whispered the lover, as
he caught her in his arms, "What
shall WO do about the rope ladder?
Wo shouldn't leave it hanging there."
Don't worry about it," replied the
eloping damsel. "Papa said she'd pull
it up again so I eouicsu't got bac]c,'1
Minard's Liniment Cures guns. etc
Bither people have hard work
marrying thos0 they love or loving
those they marry. '
Lever's Y'-7 (Wise head) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder is a boon to. any
home. It disinfects and cleans at
the same time.
"Is her voice cultivated?"
"No, she raises it natu'ally.
FOIL 01711111. (11X'r0 YIi Alls.
Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used .by' millions of mothers for
their children 01111e teething,. 1t soothes
the child, soften: the gallas;, allays 1111111,
cures windeol10, regulates. the stomach
and bowels, and is the bast remedy for
Diarrhoea.. '1'lventy-11ve •ce1t0 a bottle.
Sold by druggists throughout the
world. Do sure. anti ask for '1llrs,
Wlnslow's,Soothing Syrup. -04
Tho Shnp10 Life -Doing your. 01011
Th i
c S t1 mu ou
9 Life --Doing
other f 11 w'
0 o alc
Th e Modern Life -.Getting 10010
other fellow to do Sour work.
Il LS �i
A (
FIN PA1.11 '
ZSSVE Np, 211'L05.
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