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The Brussels Post, 1905-6-8, Page 5
VIIMEMBIZESIBIElerno TORONTO ONT, s 008. Vinson ANn ALnoANnitn B08. j; C BUNKER SESSION during only and August for Pantie School Totten - ore and otbere, All of our greduate0 Set P08310170. Students admitted at an time, 'Ala S0b0011snot'•etaid- y Ging slot" or"buni ad, Bi but is eon. .j stoutly "ffalug ahead;' vir0ulure irge, earl W, J. ELLIOTT, Frluvlpal, 41 TRAIN 110 A CHILD And criteria, eto0nd him or ed eg L1STOWEL 1 'Perm opens April 11111, 1004 Two Coursee— Oommorotal and Shortbaud. Sandler College Journal. A. L. MoINTY1IE, Manager. MEDICAL CARDS. 1f11?. R, A. BURNS— Successor to l)r. J. A. MeNnughton Brussels, Otactic Graduate at Polyclinic Post Graduate Sohoot of Mediolno end Surgery, Now York Member el College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ootarlo.. Mee and-ireeidenoe same as formerly ao. copied by Dr, MoNanglitou, Diseases of women a specialty. BU$U4ESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN A'1 6 PER omit, F.B. 8001"1', Brussels, H. MoCRAOKEN— V V • Issuer of Marriage L10en00, 01. lice at Grocery,t'urnborry street, Brussels, 'L�ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN• n010810008 hoe several good Fortes for Bala and to rent, easy berme, in Tow uebipo of Morrie end Grey. F 8. SCUTT. Brume's C. 0. F. Court P01000ea Alexaudrta, No.24, 0. 0. 1%, Brussels, meets in their Lodge Boom, Bias - hill Wools, on the acid and last Tuesdays of each month, at 8 o'olook. Visiting brethren always Welcome. JAS, BURGESS, C.B. A. 81. MIELLISIT, R, S. M. MORRiSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM' INIURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH• AUCTIONEERS. 1-i' S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• 1' • HEIS will melt for bettor pilaw), to better men in lose time and lees °barges than any other Anotionoer to Rust Boron or be won't°barge anything. Dates and orders eon always be arranged at this officio or by personal application, ROBT, H. GARN1SS BLDEVALEI — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. gales arranged for at the 01000 of TBE Poor, Brn00e15. 2201 VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— ...A • Honor modem(' of the Ontario Vet- erinary College. is prepared to treat all dls• eases of dome8tloated animate in a wawa - out manner. Purti'lutar attention paid to Veterinary Ueebletry nod 'kink Fever, Oaks promptly attended to. Mee and Iu8rm0ry —Four doors North of bridge, Turnborry et., Brueeele, L€,DAL AND CDI4VEYANClNU. B. MACDONALD- 17.• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. 8uoeesoor to F. Blair. Oi1oo over Stan- dard Bunk, Beeson', Solicitor for Metro- NV" polituo Bark, M. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solioltor,100000000000, Notary Public, dco. 011lao—Stewart's Block 1 door North 01 Central Hotel, Soliei1or for the Standard Bank, pitOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRISTERS SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC), ETC, W. Pa0170000T, IC 0. R, 0, BATO G. F, BLAIR. Offibes—Those formerly occupied be Messrs 00010000 at }loft, GODERTOII, DIoMolo. DENTISTRY Df?. R. P, FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal college of Dental Surgeoue of 0008110 and irlret-oleos donor Graduate of Toronto Enivoroity.. Ofliaa next to. Brewer's Photograph Gallery, CW188EL8, eCENTRAL dille4e STRATFORD. ONT. 1 You can get a gsooral education In any Soltool but mime to Training, 0ENT30AL for Practical Bueiue0e training,. This Sdollege has a Continental romid:Mien for tboroughtleee Oppor]ueitiee aro for those who aro prel]ared. Our ri graduates alwaye 80000(14 You may enter ou0' cls Das at arty time, �ppp Write for free Catalogue. 7;I,I,10fi!T & MotA0$LaN, Principals. rF Oux itntranvoltequlrnmont"Doterminatlon !0 tiUooeed;' The Spol,ton Shorthand and Business Academy OPENS SEPTUIBER 4th Over ono•kult 111.0 ahnlent8 wo On1 1100001. motlate are eer0lled for the above date,. APPLY EARLY, Sborthaud 11(1(1 Typewriting department will be second to none. Drop up stairs, Vaudrlck'%Block,and see 00, 0170. 8001111N, MISO MORPBY, Principal .t Pron. Lady Peiaoipai, 'J'nu POST gives the news. Ir looks vary moll as if R. Henderson Mood in with Oho weatherman on the street watering this year. D. EWAN & Co. to k of extending their Oerriagu Works boildiag to the corner ot Tornberry end Market streets, The va0ant property belongs to them. BATc11DAN afternoon of next week, at 2 O'olook, the Dirsotore of Dam Huron and Gray Branch Agrioultnral Societies will meet in the Council Chamber for. preliminary arrangemonlo in connection with East Huron Fall Fair to beheld on Oat. 5 and 6. Deowx0D.—A d rowniog accident occur• red Sunday, May 28th, on Lake Muskoka neer the mouth of Muskoka River, A yoaog man named Mc$eozie, with a friend, was puddling on the lake when theo0noe was overturned. They began to swim to the shore, whiob was bot a short distance away, when McKenzie took a cramp and sank, The victim was formerly of Seiforth, having worked in Bracebridge for only a short time. De. hosed wan a eon of Dan. MoRenzie, who woe killed by the Salt Works team here several,eare ago. THE Clinton New Era of last week says •—Last Thursday night, when Principal Cameron, of Scheele Public School, who was attending the Teaobere' Convention here, heard that Braeeele was on tire, and hie owe property in danger, be naturally felt mooh alarmed, and gemming a horse and rig, he started for home at a palm that put the late John Gilpin in the shade. Fortunately, when be got to Brussels, the danger had piss. ed, and he returned to Oliuton ata much more leisurely pace. Ona authority for the following is the New Era, of Clinton :—Amoug the young men who meet to be ordained at Lon• don aonferonoe Ibis year are Metiers. Hunter and Fiudlay, both Huron boys. The Iatte1'0 ordination depends on hie yet passing an examination iu tour eub- jeols. If both are ordained they will shortly afterwards pass through another ceremony, that of being married to obarming Huron girls. In the case of Mr. $anter, his bride will come from Dungannon, and in the Ogee of Mr. Find lay, the lady ie a resident of Wingbam. May their anticipations be realized in each instance, is the wish of the New Era. DIED VERY BDDDt*NLY —Tbe very sud• den death occurred Wednesday evening of lash week, of Alfred Deadman, on eon. 4 D., lot 5, Delaware township. Deoeaa. ed went to bed Wednesday night, appar• ently in the beet of health and spirits, but had not been asleep long when his deep breathing alarmed hie wife, who en• deavored to atones him, Failing in thio she immedi0tety eam0noaed al)r, Mr. Dead• man had, however, passed away. Death ie supposed to boyo been due to apoplexy. He was 45 years of age, and the youugeet eon 01 A. J. Deadman, Delaware, His aged pimento are stili living. He loaves 000 eon, Charles, aged 13, a brother, G. A. Deadman, of Bru88eie, and one sister, are. S. Weld, De!uware. The deceased diad in •the lathe iu whioh he was born, He wag a member of the A. 0 U. W., of Lambeth, wbo took obarge of the burial. Elton' JDNIt FO0EOABT —Rev. Irl Melo, in figuring ant the weather probabilities for the former part of this month, nays : —The 3rd, 4.1 and 5th are central re. uationary otorm dates, with conjunction of moon with sou and earth on the 3rd. By the 3rd storm conditions will be wall organized in Wtetern 000110n0, the barometer will fall to storm readings, the temperature will be high and rising, with oloudioeao increasing to precipitation. From the 3rd to 5th, ioelueive, theee oo"ditiona will pa•e progressively over the country from Went to East, ()analog rains and thander•etorma generally in their pa080ge, The mercury perturba- tions is central on the 3rd, extending over this reactionary period and covering the next storm period following. This mer. Cary disturbance will tend to prolong oloudy, threatening conditions between the two periods. Mare period begins about the time of new moon, on the 303, wl.ioh additional 10588 cm will help to obliterate the interim of fair weather between thane periods. The storm period extending from the 7th to the 12011 promisee to bring enme of the meet general and severe dietitrbanoos of the month. W. J. KEW DEO2ABEA—Thio Week we record the demise of W. J. Kew, a highly respected resident of Whitoohnroh, and for many years agent of the G. 1'. R. there, For some time past there had been lndieatione of failing health, and on T1ursriay, May 25th, the messenger of death came, and found him ready, await ing the 'ouminons. Deemed wag born in Norwich, Norfolk aonaty, England, in 1886, and hefine wag in hie 69th year. He came to Canada in 1857, and in 1863 Wag united in marriage to Mise Annie Weloh, of Hamilton. In 1877, ander the ministry of Rev. Than, Welsh, of Clinton, he wag converted, and einoe then had lived a devoted Ohrietian life. In 1873 he removed to Wbiteabarob, and served the Methodist Churoh there faithfully KB an of110ial, taking a very active part in the building of the new oburoh in that village. He had been in the employ of the Grand Trunk 2iailway for 48 years. He leaves a widow, four crone and six daughlero. The eons ate George, of Niagara Falls ; Thomas, of pphiteohurob; olid Arthur, of Philadaipbia, The dongb• tors are—Mrs. J. L. Bahl, of Woroeeter, Ohio ; Mre. J, A. Skeldieg,of Shelburne; Mies May Kew, of Toronto; Mrs. 0. H. Hendoreon, of Whiteohurob d Mrs Wm. Field, of Wingham ; and Miae Lydia, at borne. Among thoee from a distance at the Enteral Were --his sone, George and William, of Niagara Fo11e, N Y., ; Mies May 2ety, of Toronto ; Meth Skidding, of i p See Always get the best as it costs no more to grow GOOD than poor Seeds of any kind. The success no doubt depends largely on the preparation of the soil, but not less so on the QUALITY of the Seed sown. Impressed with this fact we always procure our Seeds from one of the most reliable firms in Canada. We now have in stock the following varieties of Turnip Seeds, viz. :-- BRUCE'S NEW CENTURY—A Purple Top Swede, resembling the Westbury, of splendid uniform growth and line quality. It ie the beet Swede we know of to resist mildew and ie a heavy Dropper, NEW KANGAROO—A very hardy Swede similar in size and growth to the Elo• Omit and in0remeiO3 in popnlerity each year, HARTLEY'S BRONZE TOP—Small neck end single top ratite, very Holt in finality and a good keeper. HALL'S WEBTBURY—A well known standard variety and ane of the beet. BANGHCLM—A large mod bonhomie variety and a popular turnip, WHITE SWEDE—Remarkable for its nulrilioae properties, hardiness and long Iteeping, GREY STONE—A white fleshed turnip ; early, hardy and of good quality. Our Customers .highly Recommend these Varieties. A. S T R A !-7 A N Shelburne ; F. Meme, nephew of de. ceased, of Witham, Essex county, Eng. land, Interment took plectra on Saturday ab Winghsm cemetery. Thos. new, a eon of the deceased, served hie appren• ti0eship at the harness making in Bros. stale in the shop of H. Donnie, now of Chatham. 0. 0, F.—To show the many ohangee inoddeut to a community it is stated that out of 260 pereone initiated into Court Princess Alexaudrin, No, 24, Breegels, in the past 26 years only 180 are now on the register. There have only been 7 deaths, 8 of them within the past month. Chas. Ritchie wee appointed Chaplain in the place of George Rogers deceased and Jae, Jonas Auditor for the Emma cantle, In orae otcemoval from town of Juo. Wil• bee, the present Chief Ranger, 300. Boo• pee, who filled the obair for the past term will preside. S. T. Plum, who was elect. ed adelegate to !be High (Iona, atGUnao. ogee will not be able to attend owing to the change in offaire on a000uot of the recent Ora. W, H. Kerr Otte the alternate, but will be unable to go either. The Conrt will oonsegaently be represented by one delegate, armee Shuttle. ME11AL700 LONG BABWO ,—The Char. lottetown, Prinoe Edward Island, Patriot speaks as lollowe of a brother of A. D. Mellish, of the Metropolitan Bank, Broo- mall' :—Capt. A. J. B. Mellish, of thio oily, has received the medal "for long eervioe in the oolonial auxiliary foroee." The medal ie given to those who have served al least twenty years. Yesterday woe the twentieth anniversary of the day on whiob the two oompanieo of the 82nd Regiment were sworn in at Charlottetown for active nervine in the Northwest Rebellion. Captain Mellish was a mem. bar of one of these companies, whiolt wee under the command of captain (now 0olan11) Stewart, Captain Mellish has servedoon0iououely in the militia ever 0ino0. He has taken oo0teee in Kingston and Frederiotoa,and as ie well known, the good service under the British flag in Booth Africa. We congratulate him on receiving his well deserved long -eervioe medal. Mr. Mellieb ie now praotising law in Charlottetown. Tae Clinton News -Record of last week givee the following aketoh of Inepeolor Robb, of Brussels •—In February 1864 D. Robb began teaohing in the Public Scheele wbioh were then known as the Common Schools. He there remained for three years when be reeigoed to at. tend the Military Oollege at Kingston where he obtained second and first plass oertifieeteo. He joined the Volunteers and served daring the Fenian Raid of 1866. He then returned to teaohing, taking (Burge of the Pnblia eahool at Birmingham whets he remained until he entered the Normal School at Toronto and after remaining there for one year he came to Oliuton in 1881 to acoept the position of methematioal master in the Collegiate Inotihute, wbioh he filled with entire satisfaction until hie appoint• men0 in June 1890 as Peblio School Inepeotor for Beet Huron. He holds Specialiste oertiflc0tee in mothematioee and edema and ie a graduate of Queen's University. He takes an motive part in all that pretaino to the canes of education and in him every teacher, who does hie or ber duty, has a personal friend. The schools throogboat his inepentorata are Kept up to a high standard. Like his colleague. Mr. Tom be ie a member of the Presbyterian Church, In Messrs. Robb and Tom the meaty bas two inpeotore to whom the care of the Bohoolo oar, eately be intrneted. Woman's INoTTTO'TEo.—The following ie the bet of Women's Institute meetinge arranged for in tide county 1— Speakers and Sahjeote— Mrs.• J. Joy, Toronto— "Food and He relation to the body," "Water, Milk Beveragee," "Meats," "Vegetables," "Value of ennehine and fresh air," "Balanoed rations for men," and "Physical Education of Children." Mies L. Shuttleworth, of ©eelpb—"Home Dairy Work," "Fraise—methode of can- ning, preserving, eta ," "000l di.hee for Summer nee." Evening eubjeot—"The care of milk for factories and dream. cries." "Evenings at the homestead," Exeter, Town Hail, ,Tune 10th ; Bayfield Town Hall, Jane 121h ; Clinton, June 13th • Holmeevilie, Methodist church, June 14th ; Goderioh temperance hall, Jane 15113; Constance temperance ball, Jane lStb ; Ethel, temperance hall, June 17th ; Molesworth Orange Bali, Jane 19th ; Bluevale Foresters' Hall, June 201,13 ; Gorrie Town Hall, June 2100 ; Fordwioh Forestera' Hall, June 22nd. Preserve this list for lathe referen00, WHEN YOU 4UOW 0E0 The body needs patching — waited tiaeoae moat be rebuilt, played•oit organs restored—blood needs extra nom, iehment. Elderly people need Ferrozone —need it because it vitalize', and rejuven• area ea n0 other remedy can. Ferrozone builds up the kind of strength that makes one feel good—keep baok the decay of old age and makes you look young and handsome again. Forget nervone exhaustion, renew your vital energy, again reenter the lite of youth. Your remedy is Ferrozone, only fifty Dante per box at all dealers. Ulla Con. Part of the machinery was put in place in Maohinery Hail, Doherty faotory, *'0J, Houston, E. JIT, MoLeen sed 0. Mo - Kinnon go to Toronto in Jnly to aot as associate examiners. Dr, Bert. Jaokeon left for the West. He has not decided where be will Moine, but probably at Lethbridge. Mrs, Searle received word that her younger eider, Mre. Pope, of London, had the mietortnne to lose her eyesight, The Canadian Order of Forestera has arranged for an exo0reion to Niagara Palle on Friday June 16, the return fare from Clinton being $2 05. A gentleman in town wbo has passed the tbree•eoore mark experienced a slight fllnese last week, and makes the boast that it ie hie first Moses for forty five ye0re, J. 0. Stevenson and W. S. Harland, two of oar well known bneineee men, leave in a 0onple of weeks on a trip to the Old Country, They expect to begone three mou0he. Um. 83. H. Beesley, formerly of town, who now resides near Mooeejaw, was lately presented with a anal of money in reo030ilion of her eervieee as oburoh organist. Agnes, the three•year Old daughter of Dr, Holmes, had the misfortune to break her arm. With 'her mother, she was walking! along the etreet, when she stepped off the sidewalk to pink a donde. lion. Unfortunately she put her foot in. to a drain and fell with the above result. NOW for the Wool season i The undersigned is prepared to pay the HIGH- EST PRICE, in Cash or Trade, for all the Wool grown in this locality. Blankets, Shootings and Yarns manufactured in our own mill, positively Pure Wool. Tweeds, Flannels, Worsteds, cue., procured from the best Factories in Canada. These goods will be GUARANTEED to be exactly as represented, Here to do business probably for the balance of our active life BO an HONEST, STIOAIGHTPORWARD TRADE Is oil RM AI ander ev y pains will be taken to please our Customers. Custom Roll Carding attended to promptly. Fetch your Wool to Brussels Factory . and thereby prove the correctness of what we say. y LL T. WOOD EXCELSIOR KNITTING MILLS, BRUSSELS .. D, 071111091, of Ingfevfood, bag 1001W the 1leotric Light plant ever to hie 8110' 1 ccoeeore, Wears, 1tsveneon & N,diger, I` both of e h ,n have been oonneotsd with j the esiabl. Intent far oonre time, User.r (4 .)uoe, of Wingham, who hue been 00 inmate of the Houre of Refuge formB s time, a t e, died on Saturday, May 27th. He wag a pensioner from the Britieh army, stood over six feet high, and even though advaf1eed in years be carried himself in an erect and dignified Matinee. Tbe remains were interred in Clinton Cemetery, 101/0301111 A HARD SWELLING. Mr. Gus. E, Gerona, writing from Pembroke, tells how be was injured in a lumber tramp. "A heavy log rolled against my leg and I was laid np with suffuses and a bard swelling. When I applied Poleon'e Nerviiine I got relief. A few rubbings with this good liniment cured me." Io the bash, Nerviline is indiepeneable ; it cares neuralgia, colds, rheumatism and internal disorders too, No person can afford to be without Nee. vlline, Uaolul for all internal and external pain, Large bottles 260. at all dealers. (T, r H.V. Beiloo7. RAM,—The following f0 the Mantling of the popile of S. S. No. 10, for the month of May :—Average atteodanoe 44. Sr, IV—Louise Carson, 76 ; Ruth English, 65 ; Mamie Denman 57 ; Jas. ()mitts, 54 ; Boa Rothwell, 68 ; Florenoo Whitfield, 60 ; Grace Speiran 49; Charlie Buttrey, 47 ; Jessie Campbell. 44. Br. III—Alma Speiran, 63 ; Katie Denman, 60 ; Pearl Oxtoby, 56 ; Nellie Carson, 52. Jr. 3rd—Irene Engler, Iva Speiran, Geo, Evans James Doul), Blanche Whit. ffeld, Myrtle Speiran, Wilfred Whitfield. Margnerite Hutchison, Mary Maoban, Lily Beane, Herman Pickerel!, Pt ray Word, Delta Whitfield. Jr. tad—Hut. well Speiran Christie Engler, Reuel Ooatte, Minnie Hanna, Willie Wrrd, Freddie Cox, Pt. II—Stanley Mahar, Millie Cox, Gordon Whitfield, Edith Piokerel, Lnoy Taylor. Bt. Pt. I—Oertie Speiran, Andrew Coote, Henrietta Dao• man, Maggie Lowe, Milton Oxkoby, Fred Hollinbeok, Earl Bothwell, Wesley Bat- lantyne, Emma Taylor. Jr. Pt. I— Stan. ley Speiran, Bennie Hollinbeok, Gladys Hollenbeok. Carrie Ward, Jennie Ward. 8. 13. Lamour, Teaoher. W Ingham. A new aro lamp has been placed in front of the Town Hall, A large verandah is being erected mk the Presbyterian manse. John 13e11 has returned from London, after being eight weeko in the hospital, nursing a broken leg. Wm. Bolt and Chas. Adams, of town, are patenting a costal device, known fie a Ditetleee Coal Ashes Sifter. Mies Morton, evaogeliet, Mooed a three. weeko' eerier/ of services and lett so Mon. day morning of last week for Wheatley. At the repent Pharmacy examinations, we notice the name of a former Wing. bum boy, Adam, eon of Wm. 0ornyo, of Wingham. Piper McDonald and Mies Mabel Mo. Donald will anoompany the S. 0. 8. ex• 000010n to Owen Sound on Saturday, June 10th. A. Roe, of the Queen's hotel, under- went an operation for the removal of cataract(' from hie eyes. A epeoialiet from London performed the operation. At a Band meeting the following of& cera were elected :— Pres. R. Barrett ; Viee•Pree.— Ed. Fetter ; Seo,— 0. H. Green ; Treas.— A. Felon ; Auditore— ano. Fraser and A. Niohols ; Property Com.— A. Hingeton, and A. Bird. The Treaenrer's report showed that while $200 bad been raoeived from the Conseil dor. ins the past two years, the band had ad• dad about $500 worth of band property, nett as instruments, uniforms, mueio, stands, eta, A speoiol meeting of the Wingbam Town Council was held on Monday even- ing of last week for the ooneideratioo of the bylaw to raise by the issue of de- beatures the sum of $12,000 for the pun pone of improving and extending the pre- sent waterworke eyetem so me t0 make it more adegnate, for fire protection par. poses. Aleo a by-law to fix the rata of taxation of the Canada Furniture Mann. brotorers real property in the town at $20,000 for a period of 10 years, io consideration of whioh the company will ereot an addition to the Union factory and inoreaee the number of haodo em- ployed, Tbe company will employ in their three taoloriee an aggregate of 160 men, at least 70 of these to be hones- holders. Vote will be taken on July 5th RIGHT TIME TO CURE CATARRH, Janine Fos Guarantees Uyomef Will Care 1f tleed New, The early Sommer when the weather beoomee warm and settled, to the beet time ot the whole year to treat catarrhal troablee with the expeotation of oompiece nod lasting relief. Everyone who has oatarrh of the head and throat should know how foolish it 18 to try and onre it by drugging the atom. aoh. Until recently y0nr physioian would have said that the only way to ours catarrh would be by a change of climate, but now with Hyomei yen can carry a health -giving climate in your puree or vest pooket, and by breathing it a few mt0ntee four times IN day soon core your. self. Everyone who bee oatarrb, or even a lentleney to catarrh, should nee Hyomei now, for the benefit will be gained , twioe as quickly and the disease thoroughly eradicated from the system. The complete Hyomei outfit costa but one dollar, and includes a neat pocket inhaler, a medicine dropper, and eulfi• oient Hyomei for several weeko' treat. meat. The inhaler lute a lifetime, and if more Hyomei is needed extra bottles can be obtained for 60 oente. In Stagings there are 605000 of well known people who have been cured of oatarch by Hyomei. If it does not cure you, jamas Fox will return your money. This ie the strongest evidence ho can offer as to hie faith in the remedy. Judgment given In the Supreme Court ouetains the right of the Federal Parlia- ment to rennet the amendment to the railway act of 1903, providing that the railway oompaudee shall not °entrant themselves out of liabiliay for oompen. nation to employees for ;injuries through the 0Ompany'e negligence. SPECIAL SALE. Men's Colored Shirts —On Saturday we will put an sale 10 Dozen. Men's Fine Shirts to clear at .• Comfort and appearance are looked for in Mon's Shirts. Comfort is only found in well proportioned, well made Shirts. That is the kind we sell and the kind here advertised, Appearance is a matter of taste. Our stook is so large and well assorted that we can suit any and every taste, and the workmanship on every Shirt we sell will stand the closest scrutiny. The Shirts are a special purchase, and at the price are remarkable values. —Men's Fine Neglige Shirts, in fine oolored cambric, lanndried neokband and onffa. They are We aeaeon'e latest patterns in neat andfancy stripes and fignree, 00rreot eoloring, sizes 14 to 17} inches. Regular $100 qualities for a 75 —Men's Fine Colored Cambric Sbirte, laondrfad, short bosom style, separate link Doffs or miffs attached, foil size bodies, waterbed patteroe in stripes and figures, light, medium and dark colorings. Sizes 14 to 17 inches. They are $1.00 qualities. While .ly� they last "'Watch for them in our window Saturday. Gentlemen I have opened for your inspection a nice line of the latest up-to-date styles in SUMMER VESTS They are correct in style and perfect fitting vests. All shades and all sizes in stock, at prices from 75c upwards. See them. D. 0. ROSS LEADING CLOTHIER, BRUSSELS. SPECIAL VALUES DINNER SETS AT Thomson's .•.a111%. BUGGIE S Our Fine and Up-to~date stook of Bug- gies is now on the market and We invite intending purchasers to call and inspect. They are all made of best material with the very latest improvements.. Have you seen our fine display of Oak made Wagons ? Every one warranted:: to be as represented. Repairs and Painting promptly attended to. Tops Relined and Covered and made as.good as new. Call and see us. W 3531ZITSSE31.4S