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vw 4 --That the Ciovornmeut of Ontario be
(bye pUruti,' els Vast, meed to fix a milling:1m aviary for ...
8—That the qualifieabion of a Principal
TlfURSDAY, ,TUNE 8, 1905. o! a Pablio eohool of two to five rooms,
inofueive, be a Second Class Certificate,
,that the gaulifiotttloue ot a Principal ot
Palate eohool of six or more rooms be a
First Ulnae OertiAeate,
6 -That Continuation oleseee in Pah
lie eohool ohne A be placed up'm the
eame basis as corresponding grades of
High schools ae regard eqeipment, goy
arnment and teachers' gaaufloation.
7—That the government of Ontario be
asked to materially inereaee the anneal
grant to Public schools,
8—That,the preottoe of asking teachere
when applying for eoboole to state eatery
expeotett is mob to be regretted.
9—That in order to encourage protest•
eional strict/ by those who hold First
Ohms Oertificatee, the Educational De
partment be requested to arrange with
the authorities of Toronto Uuivereity for
snob teaohere to take a few subjects each
year until they nom leis their
10—That the privilege of writing off
two or three subjeete of Senior Leaving
work beexteuded to Second Olaee Teaoh
ere who are engaged in teaohina.
Mr. Westervelt, of Foreet City Boei-
nese College, took a lesson etc "Writing"
with a cissa of smallp ap le. Hie lesson
wits intereeting and praotioal and he wee
given a vote of thanks by the Aseociation.
Mr. Strang, Principal of Goderioh
Collegiate Inetitnte, then gave an inter.
eating addreee on "The Lights and
Shadows of a Teaober'e Life," The
ehadowe of a teacher's life Dome from
several came, (a) from onreeivee• (b)
our pupils (a) ; from parente ; (d) from
Education Department. Although
there are many shadows in the teaohere
life there are brightoeeeee also. One
brightness ooneiete in the eatiefaotion of
having done our duty. Work well done
bringe plasma. . There ie joy in serving
otoere and seeing the development of
ohildren. The opportunity of creating
enthusiasm, ambition and character
eboeld bring light to the teaober'e life.
Perhape the greatest joy of all i9 the joy
of having helped others. Mr. Strang's
addreee was warmly reoeived.
Mr. Cameron, of Brussels, gave a
splendid address on "The Birds of Oa•
Curio." He showed himeeif to be an
enthneiaetio lover ot birds, and would
advise every teacher to become acquaint.
ed with our feathered songsters. He
spoke more especially of the sparrow
family. He reoommended the works of
John Burroughs for study in nonneetion
with outdoor observation.
Mr. Forest, of Hillegreen, read a learn.
ed paper on Nature Study, giving many
ideas on energy, vibrations, eta.
The Aeeooiation then edjonrned, all
feeling that a very enooeseful eeeeion had
been held.
God Save the King.
J. HABTLEF, Wroxeter,
Seo. -Trees. East Huron,
W. H. JonNeTON, Kippen,
Seo.-Treae. Weet Huron.
The Inetitute meeting held at Clinton,
wee oiled to order et 10 80 a. m , May
26th, by G B. Howard, President of west
Huron Teaohere' Aeeooiation, J. Hart.
ley, of Wroxeter, oonduoteddevotional
exercises. Minato of last session of the
Aeeoolation, May 21, 1904, were read and
approved. The following oommltteee
were appointed ; Resolution — Mature.
Gowans, Delgaty, McKay, MoD.ugall,
Musgrove, Shillinglaw, Lough, Cameron
and March, and Mise Ball, Aaditore for
West Huron, Meeere, Brownlee and Haw.
0. Bluett, of Crediton, introduced the
subject "Should the Public Sobool
Examinations be restored as it was 10
years ago ?" He held that it should be
re introduced eiooe ohildren who pees the
Entranoe Examination in rural sections
are generally too young to leave their
homes, that too great a period elapses be•
tweent he Entrance and Junior Leaving
b ould
give teachers a the w test to see how their
pupil's are progressing, and it woold be
an-fnoentive to pupils to do better work.
He would enggeet that the examination
be divided into two parte, the first part
constituting the enbjeoteifor the Entranoe
Examination, the ee000d part the sub.
jests for the Public School Leaving
Examination, and a oertifiaate be given
for each, The discussion was oontioued
by other's.
It was moved by Mr. Holman, eeoonded
by Inepeotor Tom that the matter of
Public Sohool Leaving Examinations be
left to the Resolution Committee to bring
in a good, strong resolution io favor of
the examination.
Mr, Baird introdooed the subject of
Promotion Examinations and the eubjeot
wee oontinaed by others.
After the reading of the minutes G. S.
How„rd gave hie addreee on ':The Teaoh-
i¢g Profession'
" showing what it was and
what it should be. The address was an
exoelleot one.
It was moved by Mr. Lowry eeoonded
by Mr. Baird that the address be given to
the local papers. Carried.
Mise Wilson, of the Clinton Model
School taught a leeeon in reading with a
third clan. Her plan was to have the
pupils thoroughly understand the leeeon
they ate to read before they begin to read.
The lesson was well taught and elicited
coneiderable dieenseion led by Messrs.
Dalgety, Musgrove, Holman, Lowry and
Inspector Robb.
Mr. Moffatt then gave a paper on sup•
plementary reading. Supplementary
reading ie a nodal addition to the school
curriculum as it oreatee a taste for good
reading, broadens the pupile knowledge,
gives pupils Beat employment and helps
to keep them longer in the public sohoole.
G. 8. Howard and Miee A. E. Conant,
delegates to the O. E. A., then gave very
able reports of the papers read there. A
hearty vote of thanks was tendered the
delegates for the splendid report they
Inspector Tom dismissed the eubjeot of
spelling. He would teaoh regnlar forms
first. By aeing a word•bailding exercise
he would teach how to combine the
vowels and ooneonaote, using a large nam.
her of examples. He would teach the
reason in alt oases why oertain lettere
follow eaoh other as they do. The paper
was an exoelleot one.
In the Town Hall at 8 o'olook the
meeting was opened with Mr. Rogers,
president for Eaet Huron, in the chair.
A splendid maefosl program was render•
ed. Rev. E. E, Soott' of Galt, delivered
his famone lecture, "The Land of the
Maple,” and those who heard it had the
pleasure of listening to a most enthus-
iastic, interesting and inspiring lecture,
in feat words fail to convey to those who
didn't hear it, a proper conception of the
splendid word picture he drew in desorib
ibg the greatness of our country.
Whether speaking of the magnitude of
oar fiaheriee, our immense foreete, un•
bounded mineral wealth, the great possi-
bilities of our agricultural reeonroee or
the magnificence of our scenery, be was
equally at home.
Separate union for the two Aeeooia•
tiona were held for routine business.
WEST Ronna. — The auditors report
^showing a balance of $82 36 was received
and adopted. The election of offioers
was then proceeded with, with the follow-
ing result :—Pres., W. McKay, Hensel' ;
Vice, Miee Augustine, Dungannon ; Seo,-
Treae„ W. H Jobnetoo, Kipper]; Oonn-
ofliors, P. Gowans and W. J. O'Brien,
Exeter ; J. S. Delgety, Bayfield ; Miee
amnia Hamilton, Farquhar ; Miee Edith
Wiggins, Goderioh. Moved, eeoonded
and adopted that the West Heron Teach-
er's Convention be held in the McDonald
Institute, Guelph, next year, A. nom•
mitten ooneieting of Meagre. Strang, Tom,
Tigert, Fleming and McKay was appoint.
ed to make all railway,arrangemente,
EAST HURON. — In the Eaet Huron
Aeeooiation the following were eleoted
Pres., Inepeotor Robb, Brunets ; let
Viae, Mr. Moffatt, Seatorth ; 2od Viae,
Mies Wilson, Clinton ; Executive Com.
mittee—Mr, Musgrove, Wingham ; Mr.
Cameron, Brussels ; Mr. Summers,
Blyth ; Mies Hardin, Gotrie ; Mies
"Roadhouse, Fordwiob ; Sec..Treas., J.
Hartley, Wroxeter ; nditore, Meeere.
Munro and Wlleon, Wroxeter, The
treaeurer'e report was read and adopted,
showed a balaooe on hand of $17.00.
The Association decided that for next
year we meet in Guelph in union with the
West Huron Teacher's Association. The
Executive committee in aieooiation with
the West Horoulo8mmlttee ie to make
011 railway arrangements,
0NION e808/0n,
The following reeolutione brought in
by the Resolution Committee were adopt.
ed ;-
1—That the Publio Sohool Leaving be
reeturod ao a Provincial Examination,
2 --That in the meantime the County
establish a County Publics Sahbol Leaving
8 --That there be One Promotion Ex.
amination in the year and that it be held
et Easter, That no eeleotions be made
for Literature and that papers be get for
Jr, and Sr, 2nd ; Jr, and Br, 80d and Jr.
If you are tired, nervone, eleepleee,
have beadaohee and langnor, yon need
Dr. Hamilton's Pills ; they tone the
etomaoh, assist digestion, brace you up at
Gm. Taken at night you're well by
morning. Siokneae and tired feeling
disappear instantly. Vim, spirits, happy
health, all the joys of life comes to every•
one that uses Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No
medicine eo satisfactory. Get Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pille to -day, 25o. per box at all
Deanery of Huron.
The Sunday Sobool Convention and
Rari•decanel meeting of the Comity of
Huron, were held in Exeter on Monday,
May 29th. The Uonvention commenced
with a celebration of the Holy Uom•
monion at 10 a. m. Ven. Archdeacon
Richardson and Rural Dean Lowe con.
ducted the eervioe ; a large number nom.
manicated. At 11 a. m, the members
assembled in the eohoolroom, when re•
porta were read from all the Sunday
Schools in the Deanery, which showed
the eoboole to be in a very proeperoue
oonditiou. At the afternoon session, a
very inetrnotive and interesting paper was
read by Rev. H. Thomas, of Lucian,' on
"The Art of Teachiog." Rev. Dr. Tuck-
er, organizing Sao, of the M. S. 0. 0., ad-
dressed the aonvention on the enbjaot of
"Missions in connection with Sunday
Sohoole." The addreee was moat edi-
Eying and interesting, ae well ae prao-
Boal. Ven. Archdeacon Riohardeon, D.
0. L., then addreeeed the convention,
after which Rev. M. Turnbull spoke of
hie appreciation of Dr, Tooker and
tbonght that every pariah io the
Deanery should have a regularly organ•
ized Mieeionaey Society. Revs. J. Ed.
monde, of Blyth ; Jennings, of Bayfield,
Rhodes, of Holmeeville ; and Perkiue, of
Exeter ; aleo took part in the dieoneeione.
The election of odioere was the next
business, whioh resulted ae followe :—
President—.Rev. W. Lowe ; Viee.•Pree,—
Rev. M. Turnbull, Goderlah t Rea. Sea.
—Mies Houghton, Wingham. The Con.
vection will meet (D. V.) next year in
Wingham. The Chapter then met in the
vestry, when several important matters
were ,discussed in 000neotion with the
deanery, snob ae the rearrangement of
parishes, raising missionary allotments,
In the evening Dr. Tooker preaohed a
powerful sermon from Rev. 8; 8—"Be.
bold I eat before thee an open door,"
There was a large 000gregation and a
liberal collection for minim. Everyone
went away highly pleased with the
hospitality of the Exeter people and with
all the meetings. Too moot oannot be
said about: the kindness and oonrteey of
the Rector of Exeter, Rev, R. Perkins,
and his amiable wife,
The following address was read to Rev.
Rural Dean Lowe, of Wingham
DEAR MR. LowE :--
Upon thie, the first occasion of your
presiding as Rural Dean of the County of
Huron, we deem it a fitting opportunity
to offer you oar oongratnlatione upon
your appointment to that colon. It is an
office of honor, no lees than of asefuletee,
in our Church of England. There is no
Deanery perhaps more important in the
whole Aimee than theDeaneryof Heron,
on account of its eize, wealth and Agri.
cultural importance. A great work for
God and Hie Church has yet to he done
in it, by expansion and ooneolidation.
"Murch land remains to be poeeeeecd"—
Joshua KII11 L A who and strong
leader is needed ih our Rural Dean, and
one who enjoys the full confidence of his
brethren. We believe yon have thoea
qualities and yott enjoy that ooriiler•oe.
Tun will be iba first to recognize, we are
sure, that those are clear olergpmen in
the Deanery upon whom this honor
might have talion, gentlemen well gnali•
lied by ability and eaperieuoe for the
poet, But Hie Lordehtp has serge ed
yon—primus later pares—first am ng
equals—a man beloved by his brett ren
s judgment, for itis lniraees, good )all. t,and c+el
for the welfare of the 0lturoh. We
pledge yon our loyal eupport, oou6de•ne
tend affection, and will second your rtery
effort for the advanormoot of the Ohorult
of God in thie great deanery of Huron.
Signed -
0. R. Gonne, Rector, Clinton.
E. 0. Jennings, Inoumbent, Bayfield,
A. H. Rhodee, Summerhill.
W. J. Doherty, Heitman.
H. M. Lang Ford, " Bruseele.
J. Edmonds, Reotor, Blyth.
R J. M. Perkins, Reotor, Ex -ter.
You catch a little oold to•day, by to-
morrow it baa reaohed the throat, next
day the lungs are affected and yon with
you had used "Oatarrbozone" which lolls
colds in five minutes. In the drat pleas
Catarrhozone soothes the irritated mem.
branee and relieves congestion — then it
onto out the phlegm and destroys the
germs. It enables the blood to retain it
natural euppIy of oxygen, Iuu •food
vitality. Ie any ouugh, bronchitis or
long affection it's guaranteed to positive
ly cure. Decline any substitute for
The Police Trustees intend extend'ng
their oemeut walk to the station this
The Trustees of Fordwiob cemetery
have purchased a lawn mower for use in
the oemetery.
Goggin Broe. had two ,beep and three
lambs killed and one sheep worried by
lege on Sunday morning of last week.
The owners of the doge are not known
The Howiok Sunday 8ehool Oanveotnn
will be held in the 'Presbyterian ohm, h,
.Fordwiob, en Tuesday, Jane 20th. Thr -re
will be two eeeeione, afternoon from 2 to
6 and evening from 7 90 to 10. There
will be an excellent program, "Tire
Teaoher" being the eabjeot for the alit r.
noon eestion and "She Bawler," in the
evening eeeeioe.
Aooasoo,ENT of Howfox Fou 1905 —
Number of aores cleared, 67,510 ; Nu of
acres woodland, 8,472 ; No. of aores e'i.,h
land, 284 ; No. acres waste, and ewa,r p,
25,408 : value of property, 91,985,331 ;
value of buildings, $876,680 ; bush, es
assessment, 918,476 ; Total seaman. ot,
$2,867,508 ; pupo,ation, 8,659 ; child, .n
between ages of 8 and 14 476 ; ohildren
between agee of 5 and 21, 1,087 ; ohildieo
between ages of 5 and 16, 782.
1131 v th.
Rev. 3. Holmes and Wm. Jackson were
in Lietowel attending the annual session
of the London Oonferenoe.
John Wilford attended the Runnel
meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of
British America, in Owen Sound lad
John Moore has secured a position ae
traveller with MoOoll Bros., & Oo.,
wholesale dealers in oils, eto., Toronto,
and has entered upon hie new duties.
Part of lot 70, MaDonald'e survey,
Blyth, now the property of this oorpwa.
tion, has been Bold to, the Guelph a••d
Goderioh Railway 0o. for the sum of 940.
A. special meeting of the Council r as
held on Monday afternoon, May 15th.
All the members were present. Coen.
Metoalf moved, eeoonded by Con,,,
Milne, that Samuel Westlake be eng.•g•
ed by this corporation for the term of
one year as constable, weigbmaeter, b -II
ringer, fireman and all other duties as re•
gaited by the chairmau of the street
committee, or the reeve, end
for such services the said Samuel
Westlake reoeive a eatery of $410 a ),.,sr
and mob salary to be at the rate of $88
per month from June let, 1905, to
December let 1905, and for the following
six months the rate of $80 84 yer month.
Corn salves poison and burn ; besides
they never once the corn. Potnau,'e
Corn Extractor has been oaring corns
for fifty years, Paiolees, sure and
guaranteed to act io tweotydaar home.
tree only "Putnam,."
Listowel ranee June 20, 21 and 22.
Oal. Bricker, of town, eeooeeefuily
passed hie second year examinations at
the Ontario Dental College, Toronto.
Albert Dunlop, L. D. S., has returned
home from Sudbury, having sold out hie
dental business there. Be is thinking of
going Weet.
F. S. Howe has purohaeed from J. W.
Soott the two story, brick cottage 00
Wallace street uoonpied by G, M, Yates,
Mr, Yates will occupy one of the double
dwellings into whioh the Ooogreeatiouxl
oburah is befog oouverted. T. E. Hay
intends removing into the other one whin
both are completed.
The Wiarton Bubo of last week spathe
ae follows ;—The many friends of J. P.
Newman will regret to learn that he
suffered gaits serious injatiee by falli'.g
off a pile of Matter. It appears that he
was loading a oar,1 when in some manner
he tripped and fell about twelve feet, hie
head etriking some boards. He was
taken op onooneaioue, and as we were
going to preee it was learned that his atm
was badly braised, and the wound on his
bead was bleeding profusely, and that
some of hie ribs were fractured.
John Stratton has assumed oharge of
the G. T. R. depot.
A deputation from Bayfield will wait
upon the Oounty Oodnoil thie week iu
regard to the Bayfield bridge,
The local Orange Lodge deoided to
have church service on the first Sunday
io July, which false on the 2nd.
The Registrar's office is being ret
arranged, and will now be more ow,
venient for eearobers and oflioiale
The rooms formerly 000npied by the
public library are being oonverted into
dwelling roome and will be oocupled by
William Lane.
George Porter, after a siege of rbeuma.
Mem whioh oonflned him to the house
for eeveral daya, is again abie to bo at tete
store though badly crippled.
E. N Lewis, M. P., for West Heron
le a member of the epeoial telepbo.'a
committee of the Rouge of Oommona, a d
was one of a party of Parliamentariane
who visited 'Montreal a guests of the
Boll Telephone Co. and examined tint
great telephone ayotem of,the company fu
that oity.
nd -
i i t e i fader -
The action of the qwn h p of
lett ve the township df Oolbonrne, avis
ing ant of the (tatting down of the
Holmeeville hill, woe adjonrned by eon.
sent to the July tilting of the Divieion
The ooruer emus of the new North
etreet Methodist ohoroh will be laid on
Saturday July let. Tho Ladies' Aid
Society icteod serving dinner et the
'leneperanoe 11,11, and it grand ocueert
Will be given iu the evening.
Sabbath of last ween Rev. Jae, A.
Anderson entered upon the eighteenth
year of hie pastorate in Knox church.
He made it the occasion, at the morning
servioe, of speaking on the subjoot of "A
pastor's joy, a people's rigbteouenese."
In addition to the remembrance of his
Ohrintian Endeavorere, he wee made
the reoipient of a large and handsome
bouquet of fiowere at the Wednoeday
evening prayer meeting,
His Nerves
Played. Out.
And Health Broke Down—:1 Life
Saved byOleTimely
Use of
Mr. Karl E. Newsome, of Rntheeay,
writes :—"I owe a debt of gratttnde to
Ferrozone whioh saved my l,1e alter a
severe stege of nervous prostration.
About a year ago my health gave out
oompletely. I was in much a weak
irritable oonditiou that I oou'.du't work,
and found that the doobore did nothing
for me but take my money. My drug•
gist recommended Ferrozone ae the beet
preparation for nervone troubles, so I
oommeuaed 01 once to take one tablet at
meals. Every box of Ferrozone I took
seemed to do me more good than the
previous one and it wasn't very long ben
fore I was strong enough to move around
again. In three months I was complete•
ly oared, and I know that I wouldn't be
alive today if I hadn't used F errezone.
It braced up my nerves, gave me a etroog
healthy a000titution, and is certainly a
marvellohe restorer and tonic for
nervous people."
The reason Ferrozone is eo enoceeeful
in curing nervous dimes is that it eon•
tains the very elemente that are needed
to restore the wasted nerve cella. It ie a
nourishing strengthening touio that
costa 50o. per box, oontaining three
weeks treatment. Six boxes for $2 50,
Sold by all druggists or by mail from
Tbo Ferroxone Oompany, Kingston, Out.
Dont tail to get Fereoz,ne today, it
dteenree health.
Dr. Sproule was re•eleeted Orange
Grand Meeker of the Orange Grand
Lodge of British America at Owen
Mr, Von Melaka, the Lancaster bank
clerk, whose plank saved the property of
the bank from burglars, was presented
with a watch, chain and diamond locket
by the citizens of Lancaster.
Captain John Baroley, far over forty
years eaperiutendent of the Allan Steam.
Alp Company died at Montreal,
North fiddle r •
The 6 a a andNorth Perth
exouraion to Guelph Agrlouituret ()allege
is on June 27, It le nnderatood that the
Perth Teltoilera' Aeeooiation will go on
'hie trip as a enbatitate fur cue day of
their ne a'onions.
h t u l
60 sore farm for sate mug South half
Lot 0,0on, 7, Grey. Mostly seeded down
and well immured, Good bank haru and
comfortable house. Oloee to eoboal and 2d
miles from Bruseele, 9 scree of Pall wheel,
in. Apply to J, O. TUGH, Brussels, 80.61
JAL' doreigued offere her 100 acre farm, be-
ing Lot 20, Oen. 7, Grey, for sale. There
is a comfortable house, bank baro, or-
chard„well,, do, Farm le only $ mile from
the thriving village of Ethel, e'er further
p F
artiaulaxe ae to trice terms &a apply to
NRB. BATN� B.OLLAN D, 79 terms.
The undersigned offer !or eale hie
farm, being Lot 1, Oon. 18, Grey. It is sit•
natol on the Gravel road, 2 miles South of
eruesels and contains 100 nares of goodland,
alt eluared but lel aores. There .Is a first
,lie brick
class 1,r olr oodesand
nkitchen,e�heated w
uruaa wood ehod, artesian well with
n 1and water is pumped to ha.
Barn is 10x0e fees wall stone stables. Flay
barn 80x00 feet. Good orchard, farm
fenced ; pleatautly situated Will be sold
on easy terms. Apply00 premises or Brus•
sola P. 0., D010A8 OR1013.
I have secured the agency
for one of the best Cana-
dian makes of Incubators.
Prices right.
Buff Orpington's. My
birds are bred from the
best in Canada. None
If You
Want Hens
that will lay in Winter. If you want
Birds for table use. It you want
beauty, utility and quality get into
by buying a few eettinge of Eggs at
81.00 per 15 from
3ames Ballantyne
People with Weak Stomachs in a Continual
State of Disorder.
Nearly all dieease germs that find
lodgment in the eyetem gain enhance
with the air we breathe, or thrpngb our
food and drink.
If the Dam-MIMI end digestive organs be
weak, so that food does not readily digest,
they will oontaiu a soar, slimy ferment
ing mase, an ideal spot for the diseaee
germs to grow and spread through the
whole system.
People with a weals stomach are in a
onntinnat state of danger, andthey
should use the beet means, Mi o-na, to
strengthen that organ and tone up the
whole digestive eyetem. Thie remedy is
a certain mire for all dieaeeee Of the
etomaoh exoeptiog canoer. Used before
molt meal, it eo etrengthene the whole
digestive system that yon can eat what
you want and all you want without far
of indigeetion. Th• re will be no ferm_n•
t,itiou offood, and the stomach and
inleetines will be so olean and pore that
diseaee germs cannot possibly live when
Mi-o•na is used.
If you Buffer with headache, baokaohe,
variab a app -tate, nausea, gnawing at the
pit of the s'omaoh, sallow skin, heart•
burn, furred tongue, eleepleeenee+, and
general debility, it shows that the atom•
aoh has bean overworked and weakened.
A fi'ty Dent box of Mi o na tablets will
give quick and epeedy relief.
Aek James Fox one of the moot reli
able druggists in Brussels to show you
the strong guarantee under whioh he
Bells Mi•o•na.
to wear, and
If you buy from us you carry home money which
you expected to spend. ,
How do these prices', strike you :-
-Gent's durable and comfortable shoes 151.25 to $4.00
Prices r 30 Da.. le Harness. s in Sin
Reduced �' xces i'o y i;
reV'Convenient dwelling rooms to lot. Dwelling and 9 aores land for eale obeap.
walking Shoes.
Good solid wear, and
real comfort in our men's
heavy street shoes.
Built to wear and stand
the walking which you
will certainly feel like
doing when you wear
All the best makes,
in all shapes, sizes and
widths, are here. Easy
to get a fit—easy shoes
hard to wear out.
It 0. R I 7./ H A R .6./ Si
eu,m ae,A.wr sr .uaxta,a aMMv?..v ee.
1liessrst Dodds & llabkirk
blank the Public for the t5 pat-
e open-
]'Ont' e t
ing our shop in the atretton
Block, Brussels,
We keep a new, well select-
ed stock of goods and attend
to the manufacture of the
same in a Fashionable and
Workmanlike manner.
High Class Tailol'ing our Spoolalty
r t
e ion assured
to all our
Wo give our personal supervision
to all departments of our business.
Give us a Trial Order.
Winnipeg 830 00
Souris )
Lenore I
F¢vegg 00
Ycrktstoannu 1
81 00
f 38 76
98 60
Re ina tt
81 61, Liptonvv 04 00
82 00
Saskatoon 86 20
Prince Albert, 36 00
92 26 Macleod 98 10
82 20 Calgary .- ...... 88 60
33 00 Rad Deer 39 60
Strathaana 540.60
Going June 18th, returning until August 14.
Going June 2701,, re turuiug until August 28,
Going July 1601,, returning uctIl Sept. 1a.
Full particulars from Canadian Pantile
Agent, ,Brussels,
or write 0,8 Foster, D.P.A., Toronto,
Royal Yai1 Steamers
From Mon trent From Quebec
Tunieian lune 2, 3 < in, June 2, 4 p.m
Victorian lune0,8 ..tu. Juno 9, 0 pm
liavartan June 10, 3 a.m. Jnue 10, 2 p.nr
Virginian June me am. June 28, a p.m
First Cabin, $70 and upwards ; Second
Cabin, Liverpool and Londonderry, 342,60
and upwards ; Third O,a,e, 527.00 and 528.75
to Liverpool, Derry, t rlfast, .Glasgow and
Montreal to (111150(001' Itlreet.
lion dollen Wrn, June 7112 (daylight)
Nen' York 10 (Glasgow
Parisian I burs, Juno 8, 2 p,m
Montreal to Letnl"u. and Havre
Sardinlail June 101 •,armatian.....,Jnue 21
For further particulars apply to
Agora, Brussels.
'W a
Our Spring Stock of Wall Papers is to hand
and it is a choice lot and well worth inspect-
will be given in small roll lots carried over
from last year, some of them as low as 3c.
per roll.
kept in stock and will be sold in quantities
to suit purchasers,
Shop in Smale's Block, next to Metropolitan Bank