HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-8, Page 1Vol, 83. No. 48
New Advertisements.
Wool—Alf, Backer,
L0081 —G, E.1 ing.
Notice—Wm, Oakley,
Looal—Gap, Thomson,
73r000h lost-1'no Poor,
Exournion to Model harm,
Tolman Powders—F. R. Smith,
Boots and shoes—MoKintnon & 00,
L iget.ow,el.
Fmu.—At 2 80 o'olook Sunday morn-
ing the large barn owned by F. Vandriok
and used by him for storage 'tarpons
was found enveloped in homes, which
spread to the house occupied by James
Vaudriok. and Sergieon's barn, which are
a total toes. It was only the able work of
the brigade that prevented the farther
program of the fire. The Methodlot
oburob was in ooneiderablo danger for
some time. Fortnoately there wee not
much wind. The oaase of the fire is
unknown, The buiidioge wore all incur.
ed. Lose probably in neighborhood of
B Iteevratee•
Psaeonare,—Robert Icing and Hurry
Moldardy, of Godericb, were visiting
relatives here over Soaday.—Thos. and
Ere, Coultas visited their daughter at
Moleeworth recently,—Mre. Fred. Ma.
Craoken, ot Brussels, vieited her mother,
Mrs. John Gardiner.—Miee Olive Scott
spout a few daye last week vielting her
cousin, Mre. Chas. Garnioe, near Bel.
grave.—Miee Edna lrlcDonald, of Mofee.
worth, visited her auole, Geo. McDonald,
thie week,—Mrs, Denman visited her
sister, Mre.Thoe. Walker, near Toomey -ter,
last week.—Mre. S. Plastow, of Render,
ie visiting her aunt, Mre. M. Spence.—
Any quantity of Wool
wanted for which the
Highest Market Price
will be paid, Wool will
be taken in at No. 2
Storehouse or the Flour
and Feed store.
Alf. Basket
Miee Mabel Oliver ie spending a few daye
with Mre, W. L. Fraser lu Morrie,—Al,
Ailtenhead and F. Both were vieitore
with friends in Morrie this week.
D, Wilson le seriously ill at preeent.
Miss M, Miller returned to Toronto
dut,otion on Sotnrday,
Reuben Sanburn le erecting a amble on
hie lob on Sanderson etreet.
Serb, Multelvie, of Cheeley, ie renew-
ing aogoaintanoee in the village.
Miee McLean, of Toronto, spent part of
loot week with her brother, A. McLean.
Mre, 0, Cook and little daughter, of
Heneall, are vieibiug relatives in the vit.
Mre. George Stewart and children, of
Toronto, are gueeto of Mre. 0. 0.
Byron and Ere. Simmone, ot London,
ore guests of the former's pareuts, 0. and
Mre. Simmons.
A foot -ball match between Gerrie and
Wroxeter theme wag played in the park
here Tuesday evening.
J. and Mre, Orr, of Wiagbam, and S.
and Mrs. Atkine ot Toronto, spent Sun.
day with John Brethaner.
The monthly meeting of the W. F, M,
8. was held at the home of Mre. D. Rae
last Thursday afternoon.
Mre, 0. Reiee and children have gone
to Milverton, where they will spend a
mouth with the former's parents.
In the abeenoe of Rev. J. B. Oeterhout,
33. T. parr °coapied the pulpit in the
Methodist ohuroh Sunday evening.
T. G, and Mre. Hemphill have moved
to the rooms in the Hemphill blook,
which have recently been fitted op.
R. Ireland, of Howiok, gave a large
party Wednesday night which a number
of young people of the village attended,
W. 0. Hazlewood end daughter, Mre,
0. T. Edwards, attended the Conference
held in Listowel, Thereby of laet week.
Several from this looality attended the
annual meeting of East Huron Farmers'
Inetitute at Brunets on Tuesday of this
Principal Hartley left dor Owen Sound
ou Monday where he will attend High
School. His work will be taken by Jae.
MoE wen.
Mr. Cornish, a student of Huron Col-
lege, will take the work of St. Jamee'
church here, nntil a resident minister
oan be procured.
0. Reiee, J. Sanderson, and L. Lovell
have had dement walks planed in front Of
their residences during the past two
weeks which greatly improve their ap.
At the annual meeting of the East
Huron Reform Aasooiation, John Dong
las was ahoeea as chairman for the vil
lage of Wroxeter. 6 better ohoioe could
not have been made.
The Dement sidewalk on Weet Bide of
Centre street from Eety'e hotel to the
bridge le finished, as far ae oan be done
at present, and the oontraotor, S. Barlow,
Union Farmers' Institutes
M ci d- 1y a.:.k
r m
Following Low Excursion Rates will Apply :
Fran TRAIN LEAvne.
KINCARDINE $1 55 6180 a. en.
RIPLEY 1 46 6;50 a, m,
LU07ENOW 1 85 7;10 a. m.
WHITEOHUROH 1 26 7;40 a. m.
WINGHAM 1 25 7150 a. m.
BLUEVALE 1 20 7;50 a, m.
BRUSSELS 1 15 8120 a. m.
ETHEL 115 8;05 a, m.
RENFREW 1 15 8;20 a. m.
Arriving at Guelph et 10,45 o'olook,
Children under 12 Years of Age Charged Ralf Fare,
Will take Speoiai Exouroion Train from above mentioned plane to
Guelph, Retarniug paesengere will leave Guelph by Special Train at
6:80 o'eloolr.p, m Tickets will be leaned from all nations, except Hemfryn, which will be supplied by Oondootor on train. A11 Tiokete good
to return by Regular Trains on following day.
Good Coaches Mast
Join us and Enjoy a day's outing-. Electric Care in full swing be-
tween the City of Guelph and the Model Farm,
Pres, East Anton Fanmere' Ise, Soo. Centre Bruce Partnere' Ins.
See, Soutil Brune Farteiore' Ise.
of Guelph, has oertalnly made a splendid
job of ie. A great deal of wall had to be
built in order to support the walls, in
some pleas there being a depth of ten
Net to get eolid bottom. The aneightly
plank railing with its supporta of cedar
pate has dieappeered forever and in
their plane (when finished this Fall) will
be seen a nine iroo railing. The im
prevenient to the Tooke of the street is
very marked. We believe the building of
this walk is the beet invested thousand
dollars the village hoe made for a long
Jaiwa tea t(t Awn.
Rev. Mr. Dobeon, of Gorrie and Ford.
with, will take the eervioe in the Hall
next Sabbath eveuiog.
A meeting was held an Wednesday
evening to disease the question of
Sabbath eehool pianie and the anaiver.
eery Celebration of Victoria Hall.
Mem.—About 8 80 Int Sunday afternoon
the spirit of Mre, Samuel Oaetlea took
its flight, Her maiden name was Mary
E, Jaokliu, being the fourth daughter of
Elijah and Esther Jaoklin, Lot 9, Oon, 2,
Grey. She wae born in that township
227* years ago and wae married to her
now bereft partner about a year ulnae.
Mre, Oaetles had been in tailing health
for the poet pis months with a oompli
nation of troublee. In the hope the
ohange might do her good she (tame 10
the parental home but deepito all that
ooald be done ebe enoobmbed ae above
elated, paseing away with a fall hope of
the better lite. In addition to her tae•
band a little daughter is left to the are of
others. The funeral took plane Wednes-
day. service wan held at Mr, Jaoklln'e
by Rev. Mr, Lang•Ford, of Brussels,
atter which tbe remains were taken to
Clinton for interment. The relatives are
sympathised with 10 their bereavement.
Rev, Mr, Dever, formerly of Walton,
called on old friends in tbie looality dor.
ing the past week.
Garden Party at Jno. Dundee', Mo.
Hilloe, Wednesday of next week. A tine
time le anticipated.
The Exoureion to the Model Farm,
Guelph, Thursday of next week is the
eubjeot of dieoueeion now. Special train
leaves Brunets at 5 minutes past 8 that
morning and a return ticket good for
Thereday and Friday costa 91,15. Any.
body wbo has visited the Farm knowe it
is a delightful plane to spend a day.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
woe observed in Duff's ohuroh on Babbath
laeb, when, considering the unpromising
weather, a large number of members
were preeent to partake of the ordinance.
Thirteen new members were joined to the
000gregation, whiob rename 26 einoe the
the year began, The aervioe was con.
ducted by the paator, wbo preached on
"If any man serve me let him follow me ;
and where I am there shall also my ser•
vans be ; if any mac serve me, him will
the Father honor," The evening text
was "Pray for thel peace of Jerusalem;
they abaft prosper that love thee." Pre.
paratory aervioe was oonduoted on Fri.
day by Rev, J, J. Hoetie, of Belgeave,
who preached an excellent sermon on the
text,"I and
myFather are e 8 e Dna.
Rama freehened ap the grass and gave
it a bright appearance.
Bodmin Lime Works tae burnt 7 kilns
of lime this season. Tbat'e good.
R. S. Nioholeo) has a dunk that tae
laid 65 egge, Who an heat that ?
The oement men are busy building the
wall ander Nicholson Bro. new barn.
H. C. Goff, of Palmerston, epent last
Sunday with hie lady friend of Eelgrave.
John Little
4th line, wears a smile
that won't rub off. 1t'e the welcome visit
of a new daughter.
Mr. Denholm, of Blyth, with his hay
press was kept busy last week on the 5th
Gine pressing hay and straw for the !arm -
G. Proctor jr. spent two weeks at
Palmerston the gueet of his brother and
eosin, A. W. Niobolaon, He reports
having a good time,
Be,. A. H. Brown, B. A. B. D,, epent
Sunday and preaohed at the different
appointments on hie former oirenit here.
Bis pleasant face was welcome.
A few of the sports took in the Foot
Ball match on Friday evening between
Brunets and Atwood and were glad to see
Bruesele winners in this dietriot.
Belgrave foot ball team and St. Angus.
tine team will play the return match on
8 sborday, June 10th, A,e these teams are
a tie and both out to win dome and see a
fast game,
LWi °aerial.
The web weather ie greatly deleying
the getting in of the root crop,
Next meeting of Morris Council will
be held on the last Monday of June,
Mre. Tnreey, of Toronto, ie visiting at
the home of her parents, S. and Mrs.
Oeldbiok, 2nd line.
James Moffett, of the North boundary,
lost a heavy draught mare and Dolt and
Jno, D. Miller, of the same line, had a
good oow die.
Jamee Shortie, 4th line, will go to
Gananogne next ween to attend the High
Conrb of Foresters ae delegate from
Brunets lodge.
A heavy draught oolt, one month old,
the property of James Menrrie, 4th line,
died from the result of a broken thigh.
It was a fine animal,
Rev. Mr, Finkbiner, of Sebringville,
was a visitor at Mre. Meanders' lest week.
Mre. Maandere returned with him for a
visit with bee daughter.
Mr, Barker, o! Wingbani, waa awarded
the outran of the gamont abutments, at
Bodmin bridge, 4th lino, and the Rin.
oardine Bridge Go. will supply the paper.
Morrie will have a number of represene
natives; on the Model Farm Bannister] on
Monday of next week. Some Mortising
go every year and have a good time on
oath 000003on.
Miee Lore, daughter of Mre. 8, Fear,
8th line, has taken a position in the
Induettlal school, Mimioo, Her aunt,
Mage R. Jackson, ie aeelettnt mabrbn he
the same institution.
The people at Sunshine were glad to
hear a former patter preaah in the pereon
of Rev. Mr, Brown last Sabbath.
(,vrr e; '.
Mre, Bholdiee er„ has been visiting her
daughter at Gowanetowp.
Mies Annie Leweom, Of Hallett, wee
Visiting at James Armetrong'e recently,
Mrd, ?atria, of Tbameeviile, is visit.
ing at her mother's, Mre, Livingston,
10th oon. Little Frankie Vincent le also
S. R, Orerar is at Toronto this week
and will attend the Convocation Enrolees
of Toronto University on Friday when
he will receive the degree of B. A, So.
Banco RaroeT. — Following ie the
report of 8. No. 2, Grey, for May.
Examined in Arith., Geog„ Read„ and
Spell, :-8r, III—F,iobard Sanuingham,
800 ; Mary Stewart, 140. Jr. III—May
Oliver, 828 ; Wilbur Turnbull, 822 ; Oae•
tie Stewart, 281 ; Iva Harris, 207. Sr.
II—Jennie Oliver, 206. Pt. II — Alex.
Stewart. Pt I —• Leslie Oliver, Ina
Cunningham. MAIM Zama, Teacher,
Croat rs t• noir.
Some youths from tbie locality are
away with the volunteers to camp at
The next meeting of the Townsbip
Coanoil will be held at Cranbrook. Date
not yet stated.
Laat Monday Rev. Mr. McRae proud].
ed in Melville ohorob, Brneeels, in sou•
neotion with the communion Thanks.
giving service.
Notion.— All persona indebted to A.
McNair, Oranbrook, are requested to pay
before July let, 1905, Atter that all
anions will be put in a collector's Band,
The congregation in the Methodist
church last Sabbath wag well pleased to
hear Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Teeawater,
Next Sabbath atternooa the pater will
LOST on May 19th, on the 12th or 14th
cone. of Grey, a new waterproof oanvae
for ooveriug the wagon, size 6x12 feet
Finder will be anAt.t
We are pleased to notice the name of
Thos. McRae, son of Rev. D. B. McRae,
in the liet of enooeeeful 4th year oan.
didatee in Medicine. Here a level headed,
olever young man who enjoys many good
wiebee for hie future none.
If all goes well a goodly number will
take in the exoareion"to the Model Farm,
Guelph, on Thursday of next week. The
epeoial train will leave Bruesele at 8.05
a. m. and Ethel at 8.15 o'olook. The
return fare is $1.15 from these pointe,
tickets good to return on Friday. The
farm looks splendid this year.
Pith el.
L. Dobson, wbo tae been on the sick
list, is improving, we are pleased bo state.
Much sympathy is expressed by one
village for the loge Jno. Oober & Sons
sustained by the recent fire at Bruesele.
They were former residents of Ethel.
Excursion to Model Farm, Guelph,
Thursday of next week, Special train
leaves Ethel at 8.15 a, m. Return fare
only 1
.15 good for 2
$days. site a
number talof going, Q
Instead of Rev. Mr. Wells going to
Blenheim he will have Gorrie ae hie oir•
ouit for the doming term. Thie will leave
him a member of the Wingham Dietriat
still. Rev. Mr. Armstrongwill be the
new Methodist paetor here. He is an old
Goderich boy and a hard worker, The
Conference year oommenoee on the first
Sabbath of July,
The Presbyterian Sabbath School will
hold their anneal pio•niO on July 5th
inet, As firet•olasem, m it
0o tees have
been appointed to look after the several
prooeedinge of this pio•nia it ie ander.
stood that it will be a record breaker, A
Braes Band will be in attendance and
among the other amuaemente wilt be a
oalithampian procession which promises
to be the event of the day if not the event
of the seaeou,
Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Waikertou, will
give a lecture on Tuteday night, June
18th, in the Townehip Hall under ane.
pioe0 of Y. P. 8, O. E. of Presbyterian
ohuroh, The object is "A triparound
the world" and will be illustrated by lime
light views. This lecture eaould be the
event of the season as Mr. Wilson is a
first elate lecturer and the views are jnet
a little out of the ordinary. The Endeav-
ndeavor Sooiety ie to be congratulated on
enuring Rev, Mr, Wlleon for that even.
Smoot REPORT yon Mtv,—Senior dept.
—Claes V—Exam. in Ale., E'k'ing, Eno.,
Geo., Lat., Comp,—L. chambers 87, M,
Slemmon 87, N. Simpson 61, Sr. IV—
Exam. in Lit., Pby., Spell., Geo., Read.,
Comp,—E. Freeman 74, B. Eokmier 70,
P. Bremner 69, F, Imlay 67, H, Coates
67, X. MoOallam 60, E, Dunbar 50. Jr.
IV—Exam, in Lit., Phy., .Spell., Goo„
Bead., Oomp:—W Barr 70, S Malntoeh
69, G MoKee.64, E Mo3ee 64, L cooper
63, J MoOallum 46, 11 MoLeod 17.
Exam, in Tait, Geo, Spell, Read, Comp—
It Fraser 81, R Lovo 79, L MaLeod 74, R
Eokmier 78, L Strachan 72, I Heath 66,
E Hemsworth 49. Sr. III—Exam. in
Geo, Spell, Read, Comp—A Cooper 87, 0
Haneald 81, E Thampeon 78, R Gill 77,
0 Dane 76, A Hemsworth 75, A NeKee
72, H Eokmier 71, J Bremner 69. Jr,
III—Exam. in Geo, Spell, Read, conip—
F Freeman 85, F MoOallnm 82, A Barr
80, L McIntosh 68, V MoGail 84, L
Henry 60, R Thompson 58, J cooper 65,
$ Meltee 53, R Lucas 48, W Eakmier 26,
A Fletcher. Average attendance 41,
L. SHANNON, Principal,
—Junior Dept -Exam, m Arith, Rend,
and Spell—Jr. II Sr.—P Gill, E Dobson,
C Eokmier,.8 Hemsworth, V Pollard, 0
Dunbar, 5 Strgoltan, A MdNeeland, R
Ooates, E MoLeod, M MoNeeland. Jr, II
Jr -t4 Addy, 0 Hooper, N McKee, G
Eokmier, R Gill, 0 Davidson E Heath
W Yeo. Pt. XI---W'Thompean, 11 &h.
miar, L McNeeland, A Ward, R Herne.
worth, 0 Cole, 111 Fannon. 8r, Pt. I ---
It Dunbar, Et Tyermnn, II Love, T M
Sanding, L Tyerman, G Pollard, W Cole.
Jr. Pt. l—L Tbibidean, 11 Mega, Ii4
Conn, 11 Freemad, 8 Gill, L Longeway,
P Dobson, 0 illeflallnm, B McDonald, J
W. H. KERR, Props,
Heath, E Malntoeh, W Milne, L Ward,
L Raynard, Average attendunoe 42,
LAnna E. Nsottor.ra, Teacher,
To tine Jdttor of 'Mrs Poor:
Duan Bta.—Laeb week's Pon oontaine
a oommanioation over the oignatnre of
F, 8. Soots in reference to that diemieeal
which ie oanepi000ae for three things :--
Tory abuse and apparent hatred ; praise
of F. S. Scott ; and signs of displeasure
for being turned out of offios. First he
had a whack at some of the local Tories
and eventually brought in the whole Rid
ing which gives your oorrespondent and
others a right to make a few statements
in reply. I have nothing personally to
say against Mr, Scott for I found him a
gentleman pinna I first made his ao•
quoinbanae bat it is hie eayinge in Tun
Popo that we have to deal with. Re is
apparently annoyed at some writer in
The Herald who has not given hie name.
There has bean oonaiderable of that kind
of work done, for I am reminded of two
letters which came out in Tun PosT just
before tbe lust election, without any
name but signed "Liberal" and filled
with horrible dirty stuff against the Oon•
Oervativea, I will . nob say thole Mr.
Soott was the writer of them bat this I
do say that the style of writing and Tory
abase is jean about the same but the
former on a larger Beale, They did not
have the desired effoot, they did not pan
out according to expeotation, rather the
reverse for the more that was written the
more the big majority Dame down. Just
like on the eve of the D..minioe Election
the ocunty wae flooded with what appear-
ed to me to be immoral literatnie and
the more they unloaded it on the three
Hurons the more Hurons they lost. We
have heard from time to time ooneider-
able about Mr. Scott's great and ineee-
sant work for hip party, of which he ap.
pears to boast in hie letter. I ask what
great things has he done ? Hae be been
working for the uplifting of bnmenity ?
Has he been doing all for the upbnilding
of Bruesele, hie native town, in building
faotoriee and other plaoae of industry to
give employment to meohauios and
laborers and to help the public in general ?
The answer ie No I Wheo we Dome down
to the fine thing we find that he was
working merely to keep hie polftioal
party in power ; to keep in power a tot-
tering Government against the will of the
people ; that be was working to keep in
office a Government which had resorted
to tricks and eobemes to prolong its
existence. In regard to the ealary for
being Bailiff, we know tbat for many
years atter Mr. Soobt got the °Moe the
pay was mach better than of late for be
has informed us that during the last five
years it has got down to the low average
of 363 00 per year. We find that Mr.
Soots had the office for 27 years and if
we multiply that low average of $6800
per year by the 27 years we will have a
net prodaot of 91,700, Why, man alive!
he ie $1,700 ahead 0f any conservative
in Brunets beeidee interest and oompoand
lntere0t, ;Under these :otroametancee I
can't see where any squealing ought to
name in, If we atop and do o little think•
ing we must eertainly come to the oon.
elusion that the Reform party ought to be
an extra rich class of people for they
have had the Government patronage for
32 years and during that time no Oon•
eervative need apply. Onoee were creat-
ed right and left until the offioe.holdere be -
mine a little army, each one drawing a
salary and giving his support and in•
fluence in favor of the Government,
Like the Jews of old, who claimed to be
the oh en rape sae
oreo le and all the rest
p p
were Gentflee, just so with the Reform
party. They apparently thought and
acted ae if they should have all the ofli-
oea and all the good things for like the
Jews of old they claimed to be the people
and all the reel were Tories, Then the
poor Tories had to stay outside and get
along es beet they ouald for 82 long, long
years. Yee 1 Mr. Boort, kindly oondee•
oende to gall the great.Liberal Oonserva•
tivo party Tories, whiob is now composed
of both Retotmere and Conservatives and
long may they live to keep down all kinds
of wrong doing and corrupt ante.
JAtrxe Bonoan,
East Huron Farmers' In-
The annual meeting of the East Huron
Farmers' Institute was held in the Conn.
oil Chamber, Brussels, on Tuesday after.
noon of this week. Rain no doubt inter-
fered with the attendanoe but there was
a fair tune out, 85 being the total,
Chair was occupied by T. MoMillan,
President, who addressed the meeting
Minutes of last annual meeting and
Director's meeting were read and adopt,
ed on motion of A, Gardiner and T.
Executive's report was read and accept,
ed, J. McTaggart moving the adoption
and Jamee Elliott seconding it.
The Auditors' report was presented
showing the receipts to be 3418.05, in,
olnding balanoe parried over of 8180.88,
and disbursements of $198.22, leaving a
balance of $224 88, Report wae adopted
on motion of J. MoTaggart and W. $sox,
after an interesting disonseion of various
It was suggested that regular meetings
be held at Brunetti and Gerrie and sap.
plementary meetings at Blnevaie, Ethel,
Fordwich, Walton, St. Oolumbian end
Atter a Mauler wee road from the
Agl. Department relative to the duties of
officers, eco„ the eleotion of officers took
plan the following being tbe result
President, Thos, McMillan; Vine Peeei.
dont, Robt, l]lliott ; 2nd Viae President,
Amos Smith ; SeoreearyTreasneer, P.
A. McArthur,
Howiok R. Edgar, Adam Graham,
Jae, Aemetrong V. S. and J, A. Strong ;
Wroketee -•T, A. Gibson, Wm, Rote
and R. B. Harris ;
'I'urnberry—Jac. Elliott, Jas, Orr and
Jno, MoNougbton ;
Morrie—Wm. Miohie, Stewart Smillie
and Jane, Lawson ;
Grey—Jno. MoTaggart, Wm, Petrie,
A. Smith and S. Campbell ;
Brneeels — W. la. MoOraoken, Geo.
Thomson and W. B. Herr ;
Mo:liillop—Jae. Simpson, R, Soarlett,
Jae, Evens and A. Gardiner ;
Hallett—'Phos. MoMiilan, Jae. Watt,
Foster Gibbone and Wm. Britton.
Anditore—Alex, Lamont and T. Ben.
Regular meetings were deoided to be
meld at Bruesele and Gorrie and supple-
mentary meetings at Fordwioh, Moles.
worth, Ethel, Jamestown, Blnevale, Wal.
too, St, Columbian, Harlook and Win-
On motion of Meeera. Gibson and Mo.
Taggart the cum of $80.00 was voted to
W. H. Herr for Bermes ae Seoretary,
pro tem, on decease of Secretary Hood,
Moved by W. H. Herr, eeoonded by A,
Gardiner that Blot Boron Institute
affiliate with the Winter Fair at Guelph
and that the neaeeeary fee be paid. (Jar.
On motion of J. MoTaggart, saoogded
by James Elliott 910,00 was granted
to the Eeet Huron Women's Institute,
Meeting then adjourned to meet at the
gall of the President.
Brussels Council.
The regular meeting of Brussels Conn.
oil was held on Monday evening of this
week ; Reeve and all the Oonuoillore
present. Minutes of last meeting read
and passed. The following amounts
were presented and on motion of J, Jones
and W. F. Stewart were ordered to be
paid ;—
Jae. Turnbull, aseeeeor & postage $ 41 75
B, James, engineer of tiro engine,
19 50
Alex. MaLaaohlin, tottery 26 00
Geo. McNichol, work 3 50
Lietowel wet Fireo
0 22 00
Geo. McMillan 3 00
Gutta Peraha Go., hose 109 20
Canada Fire Engine Oo.,....,10 00
Robb. Bell, fire dept 7 25
.N. F. Gerry, fire dept 18 45
R. Henderson, etreet imps 5 40
Ed. Bpeiran, 90
P. McMillan, " 50
J. Evan, Watchman at fire,l 75
Moved by Jas. Jones, eeoonded by 8.
T. Plum that the Olerk forward a oard of
thanks to the people of Lietowel and
Wingham for their kindness in assisting
at the recent fire and that the latter be
Wilted if they bad any expenses. carried.
A Fire Limit By law was read and
Passed enlarging its powers to the entire
blocks East and Weet of Tarnberry etreet
to John andElizabetb E zabath ehreeta.
W. M. Sinolair, town Solicitor, present.
ed the hill of ooets in connection witb the
sewer ease and explained it. The total
will be about $2.000. Nearly $700 of
this amount went to ooets of Mr. Proud•
foot ; and $800 to Mr. Ayleaworth for
taking ease at Supreme Oonrt, 3850 has
been paid on noon to Mr. Sinolair,
Moved by R. Thomson, seconded by S.
T. Plum that the a000unt be laid over
unbil Jane 19th to be ooneidered. Oar-
Tenders for gravel were opened from—
Sareened Uneareened
W. Denbow 88a 68a
D. Denman 86o 10a
Moved by R, Thomson, emended by
W. F. Stewart that the tender of Wm.
Denbow be accepted, Carried.
Reneipts for scales for month of May
were reported ae $61.95•
An informal talk was indulged in over
gravelling, cement sidewalk repairs and
the purchase of new hose.
The Reeve stated that Ewan & Co,
were prepared to extend their carriage
bueineea and would pat in 910,000 it the
town would loan them $15,000 without
interest for a term of years. No Ration
was taken.
Council then adjourned to meet on
Monday, 19th inst.
Pres bytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland held a pro.
rebate meeting in Luoknow on June let,
to oonaider the resignation of Rev, Sidney
Whaley, of the postoral °barge of 8t.
Helena and East Ashfield. Mr. Whaley
has rendered aervioe of a high order in
the past ten years. There were nine
representatives of the sessions and oon•
gregatione present and these bore non.
imoue teebimony to tbe pease, love and
harmony that prevail in tbe oongrega•
tions. They also bore testimony to the
quality of the work done by Mr. Whaley
while teethed been with them. They were
prepared to offer him six months leave of
absence that his health might be restored
by rest, eo as to enable him to (tontines
ae their pastor. Mr, Wbaley, while folly
appreciating the offer of his people, knew
that unitise he was treed from hie charge
he would not be able to free hinteell from
feelinge of responsibility, and therefore,
hard ae he found it to do, he adhered to
his resignation.
Having thus expressed the desire that
hie resignation be aoaepted, it wag moved
by Mr. MaoNabb, eeoondtd by Mr.
Malcolm that with great regret
we aooept the resignation of Rev,
Sydney M. Whaley, of the pastoral charge
of St. Helene and East Aebfleld, to take
offeot on the 15th day of June. In doing
eo we would plane on record our high
appreciation of his ability and fidelity a0 a
preacher, end a pastor ; of the exoellenoe
of the work done by ban ; of the energy
and enthusiasm with whinh he tae
devoted himself to the Service of big non•
gregatione; and the eonspioaone 0uooaee
that bag attended hie labore ler their
weal. We rejoice in the harmonious
rale -tient, existing between himself and
hie people but wo regret that he had
not spared himself more that be might
have served them longer, Aa a member
of bhie Court we shall mien him, sines he
has been diligent in attendance, has al-
ways taken a helpful part in the prooeed-
inge, and haft over beau ready 10 bear any
burden of work imposed Upon him, We
earneetly beooeoh the Heavenly Father
to graoioaeiy keep our brother in file
tender ogre, to grant him rest and reobp•
oration, and in Brie own good time to
open the way for biro to a enitable field
of labor where be may for many years to
Dome devote hie eoergiee and enthusiasm
to the service of hie Lord. Rev, G. M.
Dunn was appointed Moderator proteor
of the nations daring the valiancy,
A, Pitman'
Clerk of Presbytery.
Fourth Division Court,
The Fourth Divider' Court woe held
here on Wedneeday before Judge Bolt.
Grown Attorney Seager afftoiated ae
Clerk of the Coart se the oilioe is now
vacant, A. Coseley having removed to
Winnipeg, F. S. Soots performed the
duties of Bailiff.
The doolret wee as follOwa ;—
Gaynor vs, Grabber—Aotion for rent
of farm, tried by Judge and Jury. Ver.
diot ,for Plaintiff for 955 60 and poste.
MacDonald for Plff, and Sinolair for
Simpson ve. Trneteee of Walton School
—Aotion by teacher claiming 8 months
salary for wrongful dismissal. Jndg.
meat reserved. Halloran for Plff„ R. L.
Diokeneon and MaaDoeald for Dfts.
Davideon ve. McLeod — Aotian for
wages by Plaintiff and counter olaim by
defendant for alleged injuries to hie
horse, Judgment for Plff, for $8 50 and
counter claim diemiseed. MacDonald
for Pia. and Sinolair for Deft,
Thnell Bros. vs. Holmee.— Aotion on
amount. Verdiot for Pill, for $10 10 and
aceta. The defendant had previously
paid foto Court the sum of $8.10, which
Judge held was payment in tall for
electric light Recount, the $2 00 being
allowed for wood. MacDonald tor Plff.
and Sinolair for Deft.
Holton ve, Stewart — Aotion on
account. Judgment for Plff, by consent
for $100 and suets. Sinolair for PIM,
MaoDonald for Deft.
l;l1lJ14 f!
C11 NS.
Rev. A, MaoVioar, B. A., of Atwood,
will °Derai t the services in Melville
obarob next Sabbath,
B. Gerry and W. H, Herr attended the
Conference and Laymen's Association at
Listowel last Saturday. The latter spoke
on the imitation of Chortle Union.
At the Communion service in Melville
ohuroh last Sabbath 388 members, in•
eluding 12 visiting members, partioipated
in the sacrament. Seventeen new mem,
are were reoeived into ohorob fellowship.
Rev. W. H. Graham, pastor of Via -
torte etreet Methodist obarob, Goderiob,
has been appointed to visit the Methodist
olnrohee of the Goderiob dietriat in the
intereets of the Forward Movement for
Missions, and willaddreee meetings.
Rev. Martin J. Wilson, of Teeeweter,
preached in the Methodist ohuroh here
last Sabbath morning from the text
"When be came to himself." It wee a
most excellent sermon, suggestive and
practical and will not soon be forgotten.
In the evening the congregation wee
pleased to tear Rev. 8. J, Altin, a former
pastor, who tock a ran up from Confer-
ence at Listowel, He was warmly
Last Sabbath afternoon was the
monthly Missionary day in the Metho-
ethsdiet Sabbath School, to addition to the
lesson Bert. Lott gave a reoitation ;
Misses Thnrea Gerry and Ethel Boort
sang a duet ; Mise Fannie Thompson
oontribnted a reading ; Frank Lowe
rendered a solo ; Min Minnie MoNeugh•
ton related incidents in aonneotion with
Japanese life ; and Rev. 8, 3, ANN, of
Park Hill, addressed a few words to the
eohooi. collection was $7;01.
In connection with the preparatory aer-
vioe to the Communion in Melville
ohuroh, Rev. Mr. Burnett, of Moleewortb,
preached a very appropriate disoanree on
Saturday afternoon. Tbs pastor's text
on sabbath morning was "To know Him
and the hour of Rio resurrection, &e"
and in the evening the theme was "The
keeping of the soul," Rev. D. B. Me -
Rae, of Cranbrook, '000apied the pulpit
at Itlooday forenoon's service and die-
oonreed profitably on "The Pentiooetal
prayer meeting." A large number par-
took of the Sacrament Sabbath morning.
Tim Conan S, B. AND 0, E. CONvnN-
ozoNe.—All workers in Sunday Boboole
and Young People's Societies should
remember the annual County Conven-
tions to be held in Goderiob next week—
that of the S, 8. on Taeaday, Jane 1811),
and the 0. E. and E. L, on Wedneeday,
June 14th. The programa for eaoh
gathering are of a praotlaal and intereat-
Ng character, and soh speakers ae E. A.
Hardy, Provincial Training Teacher, and
Mrs, Duncan, Primary Expert, and Rev.
A, Beier, of Toronto, in addition to the
county olergy and workers wbo ale billed
far topics, ensures distension which will
welt repay a visit. The people of Gode-
riob will provide entertainment for all
delegatee, and the sessions will be held in
Victoria Street Methodist and l{nox
Presbyterian ohueohes.
BUINDAT SCHOOL CONvrnoxfoa,—The ad.
vane program of the International In.
etitate preceding the Eleventh Inter.
national Sunday eehool Oonvention, to be
held in Toronto, June 20.28, premises te
riot treat to all Primary Workers who
are fortunate enough to attend, Ildward
P. Bt, John, of /yew York, will give e
oonrae of five lantern on "Ohfid Nature
and the. Sunday eobool," and Miee
Florence Darnell, the celebrated teaober
of Blaok•board Work, Will give a acnree
in her epeoial line, Mre, Ocafte, Dore.
Hennedy, Mies Baldwin, Mrs. Halp0nny,
Mre. Hamill and a host of other promih.
ant worltere are named for addreeoee, and
last but not least, illiba Nannie Led
Frayeer, of Kentucky, when inimitable
manner of storytelling movee strong.
men 10 tears, will tell of tier work. A11
eoeeione of the Momentary Section
khioh inoludes 3egiune10, Primary and
Junior work) will be held in Bond Street
Oongregational ohorob, and are tender
the direotioa'of iltoluternational Primary
Secretary, Mre, J. W. Baena. For flit,
then information apply to Mise M, 88.
Johnttob,296 Spiediva Menne, Toronto.