HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-1, Page 8MEMBER TO SPRAY
According to the reports of the Agricultural College un-
blemished Fruit :cannot be produced- without spraying.
Of course if you have not already sprayed you will be too
late for the first one, but the second spraying should bo
done as soon as the blossoms facie, We have
Ate- " .i r
the best that can be procured for this purpose. We will
also furnish you with the formula for making up the solu-
tion. You will find the cost very small as compared with
the increase in quality of the fruit which you will have.
ec i Beal 4tems,
A ohiei'e among ye thick' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
CorseiL meeting next Monday evening,
Tata is June, the mouth of roeee and
Fovenn Division Court will be held
W edneedey of next week,
BRUOBELS School Board will meet on
Frilay evening of next week,
Ioe GREATS served at Mre. Kirks, also
a good lanais at 10 cents. Gell in.
ROBERT OLITnR, Queen street, is im•
proving hie property by aeiug the palate
er'a i r +11 nn-I'.ie reei,ienee.
;izeeeee.•-- Ail makes of the beat
bele - ea ler cal.- lit Coati McArthur at
lilt, Kat & 're. a ere, Brass -1s. See him.
TiTen FottT ru n, -:I out three Seta of
wei„ttete tee,txt•ene and three Sete of
fn.,, t -'ca.r is ails peat week. Snob
ie 't`.
Note Tom dee tie Brussels Volunteer
O. -,eries fee the animal drill at
L set rr. It le`et ;sited that 20 or more
mel; i`i.iiN:..
W. 11 •1C" etiereet is improving hie
properrs leier t -treat by filling in
the trent e irw .ear the eidswalk and the
old foist.. Eire.
Tun itenatt meeting of East Huron
Frattet•Y Insitirrtte will be held in the
Town red', Brieipale, on Tuesday of next
week el 1 20 eieeink. A large attendance
is reeeeered. ?i.atillatione have been
sent eie, :,v th.. elenretary.
Ca. kTr ,RNrrT SEAttr:R, of Goderioh, was
in Brueeate ie,. t=een in connee'ioo with
the re::tee tier of A. (lengthy, 4th Diets
Mu CL,-ttt. Eseerai nemee ere mentioned
at to whs. met, be his. ;methane but we
havellat ite,trdof en appointment beteg
made t et.
T. A. Hewer:e Ilea a miniature model
farm thin aeallon and is rauning it on the
multnttl in parvo principle. Itis said be
has r:rren:;ed with the veterinary to
deborrt bi3 E:riy Here °errata shortly
and its; a aim np teeming bens from
treepit cin ; nen his property.
CAxL er 'l'i sips—The undersigned
wiehee to expree:r hie thanks to the many
pereoue who shied in the removal of goods
from my bowie on the dey of the fire.
Also to the Western Inanraaoe Company
for their prompt end satisfactory settle•
meet. T. T. Taonteos.
TEE funeral of the late Lorne Hunter
to:,k piece from the residence of hie
mother, Thome street, on Saturday
afternoon. Rev. T. W. Ooeene conducted
the service. Interment was made in the
family plot in Braesele cemetery. The
relatives have the eympatby of the
WORD was received on Wednesday of
thio eerione illneee of John Sbretton, of
Uxbridge, a broth -r to Santee Stratton
and Mre.JLo, Mooney of thie looality.
The ailment le disberee with whtoh he
has suffered for some time. Mre. Stret.
tou diets come years einoe. Mr. Stratton
Whit a one time resident of Breathitt fol.
lowing the trade of pump maker.
A•rwoon Foot Ball Team will be here
on Friday evening of this week to play
the final matob in Brussels in Huron
District. The vieitort pat up a good
sample of ball and will keep our team
hunting to beat them. In the former
game at Atwood the ecore was a tie. See
the matob at 0 16 Friday evening. The
winning of it by Braesele will give them
the D.etrict.
GRAND TWINE NoTEO. -Albert Hofferd,
who hag been aeeietent at the Grand
Trunk station for the past 10 months,
went to Mount Forest this week. He is
euaoeeded by Sydney' Fairweather, who
Domes from Port E gin. Mr. Hofferd
ma a very agreeable young man and we
have no doubt Mr, Fairweather will be
the came.—Shipping has bean somewhat
gates f.,r the poet few weeks.—Saturday
exonreion rates to Kinoardioe are now on,
good to return on Monday.
battle between Japan and Russia gave
the farmer a complete victory. Over 22
vessels were ennk or captured, it lose of
over $70,000,000. Thousands of Roseione
lose their lives and many of the leading
officers drowned or made prisoners,
a„,t,ue "It-- ,•,te,• E„ ir,t; the great Rojest.
v .k;;. wh .!:all war fractured, The
Hui r-.ct : r rr .. e,:•,ple should r00108
at ri,' swelniethia of their fleet oh it
citric to their greater
h,1 nein 3 I a meeting of Ootert
Prier _:: le No. 24, 0, 0,
Brat ee r, ti; r Play, ib was moved,
eeeottlesi erei ;,,;; cit.:: that the following
tea t,11 ef rt.•i,l, thy be forwarded to
Alm te titter Keith and family in
unit fryer ,,,ttr the decease of Mr.
Airs. Waiter SIAM. and Family r
Todep we followed the remains of our
deceived brr,ther For' -°ter. to the silent
o['y of the dead cud as we know he will
be wilt ns in nuc (`.unit deliberations no
mothh we ere filled ws')re,
ret. Since the
inception of clonic Printout!) Alexandria
Bee, Smith Beel. rely and attentively
r e
warked fox it a ram tt
on and for moo
• r8 wee --cow ',
yea a fi it rg Secretary, We
wish to tender yon our eympatby in your
bereavement and hope that all oar lives
may he so guided That in the High Oeurt
above we may meet to part no more,
Signed in behalf of Conic
J. WI/,ase, 0. R.
IT is reported that S. Wilson may not
swept the Bailiffehip of the 40h Division
MsecrbKELLY calls attention to her'
Sommer shook of flowers and plante &o,
in thie issue.
GARFIELD LONG, of Oranbrook, has
taken a position as assistant at G. L,
Walker's livery.
Boaz of Health will meet next Mon•
day evening to the Connell Chamber at
7.46 o'olook. All members asked to ab•
A NDoruEr of Braseelitee are away to
Seaforth today (Thursday) attending the
ranee. There is a program for Friday
DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear
and Nose, file glaegee properly. Next
visit, Smith's Drag Store, Braesele,
Tuesday, Jana 27th.
BEN. EDWARDS captured a milk snake
io the Duuoan oreek, Morrie, on Wedges•
day afternoon. Ib wee over two feet long
and was on exhibition at THE PoeT.
Owego to damage to the line by fire
last Thursday the eleotrio light was not
in running order for a few nights end a
hitob in the engine threw it oat again
until Wednesday evening.
Coon or Tasman— The ondereigned
wishes to very heartily thank the mem
and boys who worked eo hard in bile sav-
ing of his livery barn, horeee and rigs
from the threatened fire last week.
Their beep was very highly appreciated,
more eepeoially le the owner's absence
from town. Geo. WALKER.
The standing of the teams in the
Enron Dittrich ie as follows :—
Won Lost Tie To Play
Brueeele 2 0 2 2
Atwood 1 1 2 2
Listowel 1 2 1 2
Wiogham 0 1 8 2
The winners will have to play Bayfield,
they having won their district from Hen.
eali, defeating them 3 times and 1 game
to play. The winners will then play the
Northern League.
MRs. STEPHENeoN.—Lash week TEE
POST made note of the decease of Mre,
Jno, W. Stevenson on Thursday evening.
Her maiden name was Flora May Elect.
She was a dangbter of N. and Mrs, Platt,
at whose residence, Brussels, she had
been ill for the past six weeks. Mrs.
Stephenson had been in poor health for
several menthe prior to this, dropsy of
the heart being the cause. She was born
M Morris townebip 23 years ago and
was united in marriage on Feb. 10th 1903.
Het husband and a little daughter 4
months old survive. The subject of this
notice was an industrious, highly esteem-
ed person and a member of the Meth°
diet ;thumb. The funeral took plane on
Sunday afternoon, the service being taken
by Rev. A. E. Jones, of Belgrave, mud
Rev. T, W. Omens, of Brussels. Pall
bearers were Geo. (Cardiff, Geo. Kays,
L. Parr, Wesley and Fred. Stepbeneon
and Alien Lamont. Mr. Stephenson is
aympathised with in the lose of hie
partner in life. Interment was made in
Brussels cemetery.
Owen GALL,—Lest Monday afternoon
John H. Kerney had as close a oall to
seriatim injury without receiving mach
damage as the most of people have. He
had been healing the expreee goods to
and from the G. T. R. mad on that day
owing to the rain and wet seat be was
etaoding np in the rig and driving the
bores. The animal shopped suddenly
owing to a plank on the street near the
knitting factory but Mr. Kerney went
right on. His feet slipped between the
horse's bind lege wbioh frightened the
animal oaneing it to ran away. How to
advanlaeeoosly remove from his seat on
the wbiffie tree was the problem and in
short n0lioe J. H. decided he would
throw bimetal[ off sideways and did so
receiving a bunt in the beck and a braise
on one of hie limbs where the wheel
passed over it, fie might sully have
been killed. The horse was caught ab
Mrs. Livingston's, 10th oon, Grey. The
outfit was not much the worse barring a
broken shaft.
Beneath Wok,—Brunie Iotetmediete
team drove to Wingham last Friday to
play their return match with the kicker°
of that town, Oo a000ant of Wingham
nob having an official referee on the
grenade, Garf. Beaker refereed the game
cad gave good satisfaction to all. The
Brothels boyo went on the field quite con,
fident of winning and to make it sure had
Garden and Lewis MoDonald to play
the right wing, Lew. Booting the goal in
the first half by a neat kiek from the side.
At half time the snore was 1-0 in favor
of Brnsasele. The owed half opened up
and It was not long before the torwarde
began to pat in co0Dtere and before 16
minutes elapsed the soore stood 4-0.
With 8 minutes bo play Wingham by
some good rnbhee scored 2 goals which
ended the game, 4-2 in favor of the visit.
ing team. Following are the names of
the players :—
B1t1188EL8, WINGHAM.
J L Serr Goal 13 Walter
R Buoheeen lR Wheeler
A Anderson,,,,) Sankt j J1Mitohell
It C ardisfBacks H Mitchell
i; Brown
F Arden- 8 W Burgess
)1 {j D Wilson
W Miller,,....,,, „J McGillivary
JStraelran _ if r a d W Aeelsn
HU Partin
0 w Y e rk
L McDonald.,, MAManhood
G MoDoneld, et Anew
8 Scott Spare GLamant
It Braesele wine thin Friday evening
from Atwood they will be %genets of the
Dietrich, not baying lost a game. Dome
and cleat the boye to viotory,
Standard Bank of Canada
ms is` eteet2-+StBT Te 1872
SDRPLUB, 011 POO80RVel FDND le 1,000000
.e1 G eoeeral Bnrxldna lEathesillethethe 'X'x'fxnt-;aoted
—2-VSAVINGS SANK r-*''''
—DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on whinb
le added to accounts every els months and becomes principal,
—MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any person.
only for which no oharge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oarelnl and oonrteoue attention.
Mas. P. Wemeos, Brussels, received an
invitation this week from her neioe, Mtee
Erretioe, daughter of Rev. Andrew Beat,
of Normal, Illinois, formerly a Morrie
township boy, to attend the Dommenoe•
moot Exercises of the Illinois State Nor-
mal University. Mise Soott bee been a
tesober, but is graduating on June 8th.
She is a clever young lady with bright
Pease Deere.—Following is the lief of
stations on first draft, whish is an'•jaot
to oorreotion, of Methodist ministers for
London Oonferenoe as tar as it relat's to
this District :—Wingbam, I. B. Well.
win ; Kincardine, Hugh W. Looks ;
Findlay, M. Smith ; Lnoknow, Rueben
Millyard ; Brussels, T. Wesley - Co: ane 1
Teeewater, Martin J. Wilson ; Etbei E.
F. Armstrong 1 Fordwioh, J^..mos
Hussar ; Gorrie, Joseph W. Hole, o ;
Wroxeter, John H. Osterhont ; B'aetele,
George Baker ; Ashfield, Wm. A. $nr•tb ;
Salem, S. V. R. Pentland ; Ripley, E,
E. Holmes ; Bervie, P. Myers : Tivertoo,
Edwin W. Ildwarde ; Wbiteoharob, 1, B.
Ayleeworth ; Belgrave, Albert E. Jeees.
Revds4G. H. Oebblediok will go to Wood -
stook ; J, Holmes, is down for Dore' set.
er; W. E. Herr for Empreee Avenue,
London ; 0. P. Wella, for Blenheim ;
S. Anderson Lfor Blyth. The flea, list
will appear next weak.
Business Locals.
As000 two tboneand pressed red briok
for sale. I. 0. Eroaeets.
Le your colt has rheumatism try Golden
Liquid. It will ante, For sale by R,
Onoto, Brueeele.
COMFORTABLE house and lot, with stable,
pump &o., oonveoiently Ionated on Q teen
street for sale. Apply to Tar Poem.
COMFORTABLE and convenient dwelling
rooms above store to let, both bard and
soft water. Rent $4 per month.
I. 0. Breathes.
WANTED,—Eggs 17o. trade, 14o. oesb ;
full pedlar's prioeo. We want any
quantity of choice Tub Batter.
Geo. E. KING, Wingham,
16 paokegee garden eeede for Ne. We
guarantee these seeds to be equal to any
package seeds on the market, JAMES
Dn. BUTLER, the London specialist,
will visit Brueeele professionally and
may be found at the American Hotel on
All interested should bear these dates in
Perot' Riohards wee a holiday visitor
at Toronto.
Mre. (Dr,) Holmes ie visiting at Port
Elgin this week.
Moe. Lewis and Mies Ketbieen epent
the 24th at Atwood.
Barrister Sinolair was in Toronto this
week on legal business.
George Rose spans a few days with Ivan
Jobneton in Wingham.
Dr, W. J. Cameron, of Palmerston,
spent Sunday in town.
Mrs. Harris and her sister visited At-
wood friends last week.
George McMillan has gone to Ariel to
assist in the Ameot mill,
Mr. and Mrs. Potter end son vieibed
friends at Ethel last week.
D. Shultz, of Rockwood, was a visitor
in Brussels for a few days.
Mrs. Jno. Querin and son, of Berlin,
are visitors at the Qoeen'e.
Mrs. (Dr.) McKelvey wee visiting with
friends at Derham lest week,
J. and Mrs. Donaldson were visitors
with relatives in Goderioh for a few days.
Mise Zetta Ferguson, of Teeewater,
was visiting with triaode and relative; in
S. and Mrs. Askin, of Teeewater, were
visiting relatives in thio looality last
Miss Carrie Hingeton was visiting her
brothers in Wingham last week for a few
W. A. and Mrs, Orioh and children, of
Seaforth, were visitors at F, Adame' on
Mies May Reid, of East Wawanos), is
a vfsttoa with Mrs. George Walker, Alex.
ander street.
John Hewitt and daughter, Rhoda,
were visiting relatives in Hamilton end
Buffalo last week.
M. A Macdonald, Barrister of Toronto,
spent Sunday with his brother, A. B.
Macdonald, in town.
- Mrs. Ohne. Wood, of Berlin, ie the
guest of her son and wife, 3, T, and thio,
Wood, Elizabeth arrest.
Mrs. Gillespie, of Seaforth, was in
town for a few days visiting at her son's,
Will. Gillespie, John Street.
Mesdames Gordon and son, of Cheep.
vide, were the guests of Mre. R, Pan',
The ladies are eisters:in-law.
Mte. Jae. MoOratkeo wee oalled to
Goderioh this week, owing to the illness
of her mother, Mre, Baoketep,
Mrs. R. T. lingston, MII0 atheist, is
laid np this week with lumbago but we
hope the will then be ail right,
Editor McLean, ot the Heron Exposi-
tor Seaforth in
, was n town teat Friday,
He Dame in to gather home partiot,:ere
of the fire,
T. A. Hawkins fn a
week attending two 00naerte given 00 the
holiday in that city, by the London
Chortle, assisted by the Thome Orches-
trm of Chicago, and eoloiats from New
York pad Chicago, The Concerts were n
grand emcees and Mr. Hawkioe was well
pleased with hie trip,
°barba Hingeton, of Wingbam, vleitod
at his home in town on Sunday,
Mre. Wm. Hewitt, of Hamilton, is
vieittog Mrs. John Hewitt, of town, and
other former old felonde in this locality,
W. H. Robertson, formerly teacher of
Oranbrook sohool, is Dow engaged in in-
Bari/Doe boeiness and is ceiling in this
Thos. Grille and Mies Edna, of Harris•
ton, were visitors at R. Leatherdale'e
this week. The former is a brother to
Mrs. Leabherdafe.
Mts. Cosene and DeWitt were at Sea.
forth last Saturday visiting the former's
tether. They ere at Cent mouth this
week at Listowel,
Thee. MaGillioady, of Toronto, former•
ly of TEE POET is on the 1906 program of
Grimsby Perk for a lecture ou July llth,
His subject is "Dust.'
Mrs, Edward Lowry has gone to To.
conte to secure medical treatment for
their youngest child, which we hope will
be promotive of good results.
George Thompson, of the Harbor Mill,
Goderioh, was in town en Tuesday in the
intereets of the lumber business mud the
recent burn oats in Breeeele,
George Howe, of Wroxeter, end his
brobhar•in-law, J. Kitchen, were in Bene•
este oo Wednesday. Mies Mnry Howe ie
also spending a few days with old friends
Hlton Hunter was here from Alliston
for the funeral of bis brother Lorne.
The towner has spent nearly three yeare
in the newspaper office of the above
mentioned town.
W. H. Wille and family, of Seaforth,
were in Brussels over Saoday. In the
absence of the oaganist of the Methodist
church that evening Mr. Willie officiated
most proficiently.
Jno Ritchie, who baa been engaged at
the harness making for nearly two yeare
at Seaforth, bas oma bank to Braseels
and wilt complete hie apprenticeship in
John Donaldson's shop in this piece.
Rev. W. E. Herr, et Blenheim, was
(telling on relatives for a few days while
en route, to the London Oonferenoe ab
Listowel. He is a member of the
Stationing Committee eo had to be on
band for Monday afternoon.
Mre, (Dr,) Rneobtel, of Winnipeg, and
Mre. D, A. McQaarrie, of Rainy River,
and eon are the guests of D. 13. and Mrs.
Moore, Turnbsrry street, Brussels. The
visiting ladies are daughters of the host
and hostess.
Mre. (Dr) MacDonald and Mre. R. J.
Clegg, of Wingbam, were callers on
Brusseliteo. They accompanied their
bnabanda who were attending the annual
meeting of Lent Huron Liberals on Tues-
Dr, Whitfield, who hos been at Belti•
more, U, S., taking a poet graduate
ooaree, wa here lest weak visiting his
Sister, Mrs. Fletcher Roe, The Dr. still
adheres to bis baobelor ways despite the
fad tbat the world is full of beautiful
The Clinton New Era says of a former
Bruseelite :—Iovitatione are out for the
marriage of e, charming Oliutonian, in
the person of Mies May 0. Shaw, young
est daughter of Jno. and Mre. Shaw, Jura
Cottage, Mary Street. Thio important
event Witte plane on the 7th of Jane and
the fortunate groom to be its W. J.
Mair, a popular young bnaineea man of
Port Elgin. Though Mies Shaw has been
away from Clinton agood deal, ebe ie well
known here and exceedingly popular.
NeaBLY A CENETauraN. — Mooday of
last week Mrs, Eremite, of Holmeeville,
entered upon her 991b year, undoubtedly
the oldest resident of the county. She
was bora in Kilkenny, Ireland, was
edeoated in Dublin and same to Canada
and Huron in early womanhood, Mrs.
Holmes bas been in many reepeote 8
remarkable woman and though she bas
long since passed the alioted span she
takes au active interest in ourrent even DS
t 'r
and re eine all her cid fondnete for read-
ing. Her husband is long since passed
away, but three Sons and four daughters
remain who surround their mother with
affectionate oars. She ie the mother of
Dr, W. J, R. Holmes, formerly of Brae.
sale, and now of Goderioh, and Dr. T. G„
who removed from town to Detroit some
soars ago, We tender Mrs. Holmes
hearty oongratolatioee,
The annual meeting of Eavt Heron
Liberal Annotation was held in the Town
Hall, Brothels, on Tuesday afternoon of
this week. President Duff 000upird the
chair and opened the meeting by ap-
priate remarks%
Minutes of last annual meeting read
and aoefirmed on motion of Wo.Iebister,
seconded by Robe 141011llan,
A Committee on Reactances woo ep.
pointed in tbo persons of R. Molylpllau,
Dr. MacDonald and T, Strachan, the
motion being moved by A, Hislop, 141. P.
F., seoonded by A. B. MacDonald, •
Oiroular wag read from Centre) Provin•
offal Liberal Aesooiation, Toronto, rela.
bivs to the working of the organization,
It's plea wag accepted by resolution.
motion of mo ton wagi en that
Articls III of the hiding Constitution be
amended changing the annual fee from
10 oente to 26ne nts,
Election of office beneath was taiten np
with the following result :—Preeident, R.
N Duff ; ltb Vtoe, W. 141, Sinolair ; 2nd
Vroe, Al. Mnrdie ; $eo.•Treele, W. II.
herr; Andibor, F, S. Scott,
Meme[pal stud polling eob.divisiotl
Oheirfaeh t—
.aid .. �,...... d..,..�
;L'E Spring
CAPITAL—Paid lip 31,000,000
RESERVE PUNT) - 31,000,000
REV, R, 1;. WARDEN, D, D„
8. T. MOORE,
Vice -Pro Aid ant,
Time, nRADenew, FS.e, nus noNOR ttn, W. Mous TIMER CLARE, B.O. D. E. Tl0MBGN, a, 0,
1000 PI1rsTnnooE
W, D. 11088 - - 0E51ERAL MANAGER
Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Dieoounted,
Internet at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of $1 and upward()
, A. E. HELLISH, Manager,
the Bruen property, Turn berry
street, Brussels, is offered for sale. Icor
further information as to prise, termer
&O., write W, 8. 0I1003, Swan Lake, Man-
itoba. 40.4
Howiek—Alex, Mo5engblio, Fordwioh.
Div. No, 1, Jno. Gowdy, Belmore ; div.
No, 2, John Dar•roob, Lakelet ; div. No.
3, Jae. Heade, Gorrie ; div, No. 4, Alex.
Gibson, Fordwiob ; div. No. 6, Jae.
Edger, Gorrie; div. No. 6, M. Aldriob,
Wroxeter—Jno, Douglas.
Gray—Jno, Me`i'aggart, Monorieff.
No, 1, Jas. 'Plumbed, Jamestown ; No, 2,
Jno, °rarer, Brunie ; No. 3, °liver
Turnbull, Walton ; No, 4, Henty Mo.
Naught, Monorieff; No. 6, 0. Bernath,
Ethel ; No. 6, R. Close, Ethel ; No. 7,
Wan. Cameron, Oranbrook.
Tnrnberry —Max. Kelly, Wingham.
No. 1, to be appointed ; No, 2, David
Moffatt, Jamestown ; No. 8, P. Mo.
Dingell, Gleotarrow; No. 4, R. Muir,
Morris—Geo. Taylor, Belgrave, No.
1, A. Laidlaw, Blyth ; No, 2, R Bewley,
Brneeels ; No. 3, H. Johnston, Belgrave;
No. 4, Mahaim Black, Brueeele ; No. 5,
Wm. Iebister, Wingham ; No, 6, Geo.
'.purvey, Blaevele.
Brueeele—F. S. Scott.
Wingham—R. Clegg.
East Wawanoeb, 3, T. Carrie. Polling
enb division obairmeo to be the same as
those chosen for West Huron riding as
East Wawanoab ie 10 b ,tb oonstitnenaies.
Blyth—Wm. Campbell.
Hullett—Thos, McMillan, 8saforth ;
No. 1, Geo. Stephenson, Conetaooe ; No.
2, Jas. Watt, Refloat; ; No. 8, Jno, Oar-
bert, Clinton ; No. 4, R. Adams, Londee•
MoHiilop—Jno. McDowell, Seaforth.
No. 1, Jae. Evans, Beechwood ; No. 2,
Jas. Herr, Benforth ; No. 3, Jao. Mowry,
Beeohwood ; No 4, R. Archibald, Lead.
The following resolutions were anonb.
monely adopted by the meeting :—
Moved by Robt. Miller, seconded by
John MoTaggart, "That we the electors
of East Huron, in Oonvention assembled,
take this opportunity of expressing our
endoreation of the general policy of the
Lanrier Government and also to express
our satisfaction with the Goveroment's
settlement of the N. W. Sabool neeetiou,
believing that this poliey was conceived
in the spirit of justice and fair play to
the different interests involved,"
Moved by R. McMillan, seoonded by R.
Clegg, "That we in Oonveution as -
ambled deeirs to record our continued
ooufidenoe in the leadership of the Hon.
G. W. Rose and express the hope that he
may be long spared to the public life of
this country,•ae hie great abilities, no.
tiring energies and strict integrity have
endeared him to the people of Ontario
and planed him in the front rank of
Canadian statesmen."
A abort address tree given by De. Mao
Donald, the late M. P. for the riding,
who dealt with the N. W. T., School
gnetition, upholding the notion of the
Dominion Government in the o°nrse pur-
sued. One fact brought out was that
instead of the School question being oar-
ried by the Quebec Provinoe vote it was
prevail that tf every Roman Oatholio M.
P. bad been excluded from voting the
bill would still have passed by a majority:
of 20.
A Hislop, M. P. P., was °ailed upon
and spoke briefly referring to the late
Proviuoial election and mune 0013 -
tributary to the defeat of the Rosa
Government and the work of the past
A few remarks were atom offered by W.
H. Kerr, R. MoMillan and T. Straoban
when the meeting was brought to a close.
The Liherele of East Huron are not
by any mean§ diaeouraged by the losing .
of the Dominion seat in last election and
the 60 or more representatives wbo at-
tended the annual meeting on Tneeday
afternoon will the that energetio and
practical work is done in the time to
Dome, looking toward the winning and
holding of the riding.
C1R. M.V
DoBeoN —In Ionerkip,$ Oxford Co., an
Friday May 26th, to Mr. and lire.
Geo. Dobson, a daughter.
JAorceorr—WATeorl,—Ab the reeidenoe of
the bride's pareute, Morrie, on May
24,h, by Rev, A. H. Jones, of Bel.
grave, Mr. Isaacs Jaokeon, of Hensen,
to Mise Mabel 8, third of
Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Watson, of
STEFEENsON•--Io Brunets, on May 2611,,
Flora May Meth, beloved wife of
John W. Stephenson, aged 28 years,
6 menthe and 18 days.
}ESxo TT to x., DSA IS= 'MtX'S,
Fell Wheat 90 90
Ber'ey 43 45
Pepe 60 66
()eta 87 87
Butter, tube and retie14 15
Eggs par dozen 18 14
Hey pet ton - 6 60 6 00.
Molar, per bbl 0 60 6 60
Potatoes per bas 46 45
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 26
/loge, Live 6 26 6 25
Wool - 20 21
See t, per bb',, retail 1 00 70
iJ TAonan in the V it lege of B l ytb tor pale
Or to rent, For thither ``rartienlare apply
to JNO. 0, 00O.K,
46:4 lint 7, Dru9aeis,
from the premises of the undersigned,
Lot I6, Von. 0, Grey, on or about May Otb,
three cheep and bvo lambs, 811 white, The
sheep are ear -marked --a piece out of one
ear and a split in the other. Ley informa-
tion loading to their recovery will he suit-
ably rewarded. PATER MCINTOSH,
47.11 Ethel Y. 0.
Pane Will be reoeivod by the under-
signed up to July 1st, for the purchase of
the Henfryn brink Methodist church and
frame eked. The highest or any Offer not
necessarily accepted. For further partic-
ulate as to terrne, etc., apply to JOSEPH W.
WHITFIELD, r eeretary of Board, or
47.4 J100, K. BASE0, Rsnfryn.
Huron County Council.
The Council of the county of_ Huron will
moot in the 0000011 chamber in the Town
of Goderioh ata o'clock ou Tuesday the 0111
day of Jnue next, An accounts against the
county must be is the Clerk's bands before
the first day ot meeting,
Dated at Go0erlah, May 220(1,1906.
Winter clays are trying onee to even the
strongest and the obangiog weather
eoeditions of Spring only add to the
burden, That explains why eo many ere
tafferieg jest now from the ills Lunt 00111e
With lowered vitality and other debilitat•
ing oonditlons.
Beef, Iron and Wine
le a splendid remedy for any ruu•down
condition of the system, It supplies
material for rioh, rod blood and healthy
tines nod by ice tonic notion renews
aottvity of all the organs. Pleasant to
take and espeoielly good for women and
children at
1 3 May there etrayod from Lob 30, Oen, 9,
Grey, a year old boiler, blue blank in Dolor.
Anyone giving information that will lead to
her recovery will bo suitably rewarded,
464f J. 1t, BAEHR, Henfryu P.O_
Court of 'Revision.
The Court of Revl?Mn 0n the Aeseeenxent
Roll of the, Muuiriyality of the Village of
Brussels for ilia yerr 1900, will be held at
the Town Roll, In the Village of Bruseele,on
Monday, June kb, at the hour of 8 of the
°look in the evening. F. 8. SCOTT, (Menu,
I hereby apologize to William Holt, of the
township or Grey, Jamestown 8. 0., for
slanderous ;verde rvrdob I uttered against
him. I reg, et very runah using the words
complained of as there was and is absol-
utely no trubb to drew,
N ltuees,
Sulking Shoes.,
Good solid wear, and
real comfort in our men's
heavy street shoes.
Built to wear and stand
the walking which you
will certainly feel like
doing when you wear
All the best makes,
in all shapes, sizes and
widths, are here. Easy
to get a fit—easy shoes
to wear, and hard to wear out.
If you buy from us you carry home money which
you expected to spend.
How do these prices strike you t--
—Gent's durable and comfortable shoes $1.25 to $4.00
Reduced Prices for 30 Days in Single Harness.
t 'Onnvenient dwelling rooms to let. Dwelling and 9r earth land for sale cheap.
MCK ANN C N & Co. 14
Lath week we visited Toronto on a bargain hinting expedition, and
we struck it right. We found on a000an& of the ooid backward Spring
several of the wholeoalere were lett with large quantities of geode on their
bends, whioh bbey were noxious to diepoee of at reduced prices, and know.
ing as they do tbab we pay Spot oath for everything that w,' buy; they out
the prices down to the lowest poesib'e point. In buying roods the first
consideration with us 10 quality. If the quality is not gond we turn them
down, as the best goods aro noon too good for our eaebomere. We bought
pretty heavy in Deese Goode, Silks, Wash Goode, Whitewear, White
Undershirts, Corset Govern, Men'.e Neglige Shirts, Overalls, Smook and
Staple Dry Goode. We gat a greet seep in eao'oh Linolsume, 4 yards
Wide, worth 54o. to tall et 50o per square yard. Bat the greatest bargain
of all was in
We were offered a large lot of New'Yoek Sample Hate, there being
over 200 bate in the Mt" It rather etaggeted tte, but es they are all the
latest etyle pad got up speoially for the June blade, and AR we do a very
large Millinery trade end being offered at lees then ball price, we Gieaned
out the whole lot They acme in Bleck and White chiffon, Ready to.
Wear and Outing Mete, al
eo Le houh and
Untrimmad Hate, , The
are then t lot d 0B o of oats we ever ehowed. oweTheyu exclusive Me oxo nerve et lee and
being samples there are no two alike. Don't ise the (thane° Of getting
year °holo° of over 200 new up•tredate bete at halt price,
Wo pay the IlKet Pelee Is *aslt or Whale far Butter and Eg'
XXottt'✓-'hf-diel cillo x azicWaoel'cotou mbc6em'bmabi„f