HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-1, Page 7y,•;„k' S^•,� ,!r','1^•1, d'•A'; 4'3� ,k 1crY•�4' 3'14”; rwk' PasilxiiM Hints. i 4414•&'44141 "1,1 E x'11 ^i 1 t 44 fr'% I IVl:RYTIIUNU MUST MATCth.. Tho P10 !), Closely fitted waistcoat of white pique in a great favorite with Parisian (»alte)•s of street suits ,Adjustltblo collar's and evils aro also seen open muny severely tailored street frocks. There 1$ n sailor serape that Is ]moving wonderfully becoming to many Women who could never wont. the ordinary sopor. This has a short brim null the lop of the crown is oxten'ded as wide as the heir), 330- tween is 0. hollow space, which is f111etl in with riliLon or flowers. Such a brat would be arinvirablu for travel- ling, Tho short sleeve is tntgnesti onably reinstating lido bracelet, and the broad bracelet, too, rather than the inconspicuous chltius set with ca- bochons, gents which have had a VOgua of tato years. Ona of the most useful ganmonis a woman can have is a long coat for travelling, automobiling or rainy -day wear, Such a coat is made of light rainproof 010111, with a double cape, ov0r which is a wide collar, which can be turners up for warmth or pro- tection. A belt, loosely caught about the waist, defines the figure vaguely. The sleeves aro ample, and finished with 'broach cuffs. Cashmeres have not roused as much ent11u3"lasnn hero as in Paris, but in tho finest cpnalities these materials are greatly liked by the grent lh'eneh dressmakers. Indian cashmere, in particular, phenomenally line and light, is in demand. The close fitting bolero admits of none variety in detail than the short fitted or sack coats, but 11 intended for morning street weal' and of the tailor genre, the plainer boleros are really smarter in effect than the much trimmed models. 1lmbroidorod linen belts of every variety are to be popular with the summer girl, and some extremely fetching belts of this class are in plain linen, buttonholed in small scallops on the edges, They are of tho crash -belt order and aro sold in sets, 'Wilt turnover collars and cuffs to match. No accessory of dress is made more of lately then the belt. The craze for ribbons is partially responsible, but every variety of linen belt and girdle is also being shown. A now idea is to have a matching stock and belt in two colors of linen, :Slue and white is the prettiest combina- tion, but all colors are to be bad. heavy Irish crochet ornaments and guipure of the embroidered linen va- riety, so heavy that they seem to belong with the passemonter'ies ra- ther thiol the laces, appear on every- thing from mousseline to broad- cloth. Flat buttons of plain or shaded enamel are upon a large number of the 11'reucln frocks and it is possible to obtain almost any shade 131 them. There aro many now shapes hn dull gold buttons which are finding favor and thero are also several successful novelties In mother of pearl and smoked or colored near1 10111011 have found ready acceptance, Tho latest thing in small leather bags has not only purse and card case and notebook equipment, and a vanity compartment furnished with tiny powder puff, mirror and lip salve sticks, but also a diminutive pair of op01'a glasses, The whole is enclosed compactly in a bag not so ]ergo as that ordinarily carried by shoppers. Satin -not the thin Oriental satin, but the rich strong satin of other 'lpys,-is going to bo in favor once more, All shaded colorings are in vogue for dress and millinery. Plollnees, for example, grow deeper in color toward the edge, and Benno dresses resemble nothing so much es a flower petal. Scarlet, poppy rod, coral, flamingo, reel currant are all fashionable. Short silks of the most rococo patterns are seen and shot glace is used to strap cloth skirts when tho coatlet is es the glace, Violet satin low shoos with big clusters of violets upon the insl'on are mor0 charming and less sp0atacu- tar than the description sounds. Carter fittings an(1 corset clasp sets or plain or jeweled gold ail of v silverr' tyro among the extradegant littlo things, but there aro nary pretty,in1xpensivo garters mmltufac- tureil out of ribbon and elastic and beautified only 'by dainty bows and sirir'r'ings, says th'e New York S.un. One of tho latost is a round garter natio of soft liberty satin ribbon shirred over elastic and finished at tiio joining with a bow, Around the lower edge of the garter is shir- red a frill of two-inch valelciennes, and the effect, while dainty, is ir- resistibly suggestive of the 01d1imo pantaletll, The s1101)5 are blopntin'g with gay parasols and sunshades, Par and away the most attractive ninon(I' the c colored stinsliades .is tho English or club coaching umbrella. This has 11 long stick enameled to match 1110 si111, Others h s/o natural wood s handles. The long handles of Wood, ' terminaling in .n carved head at -n animal or bird aro v0ry smart. Tho c cblor1)ng of biro heads is most artis- tic, 'fico shirt waist stilt of silk or voile is a vary delightful addition to Mil' wn(drobo, but 0110 151181 confess 1 0 a feeling of I)lrom1i101eness of Cos11)1)10 when sallying forth, on all 1 but the Warmest and brightest Of <ley8 and one of the prettiest anti '0 most w•el'cOmo of fashion ac'quisi- t lions is planned to obviate this very shortCOlning, it is a tiny, ultl1)ted 1 00!1'00 .iacket. like a full, platted bo- 1. Iwo, with elbow Sleeves, and pre- ferably of tho same material as the g0wr1, The most modish linen suits 'all possess this droesY, 'eape'iilco. 110• li aossory. THE SECRET OP IIEALTE, Io Itich, Red Blood -Ar. Williams' Pink Pills Make New Blood, Goof' blood -rich, reel flood -is the only euro for such complaints to ne- t -tend a, e-ac+mia, decline, heart palpitation, skin eruptions, rheumatism, kidney troubles and a host of other every day - ailments. Coad blood makes you loss liable to dlseaso of every kind, bemuse it strengthens and stimulates every organ in the body to throw o; 1luy ailment that may attack it. (loot blood is the secret of lire, and the secret of good, rich, led blood is lir. Williams' fink fills for Pule People. These little binod- build1iit pills have saved lives that docto'H 11114 nlrl'Isey 1101'0 dissuilecl of, 'I hey have cured thousands or others -they will curd you loo, kiss, Win. Boothe, lilontrosv, (Pot„ says: "For a couple or years my dunghtor Meta was in failing health. Sho conlpin(ned of headaches and dis- tressing weakness, and seemed to be rapidly going into decline. We con- sul.ledl several doctors, but they did. not help her, She was apparently bloodless, and w0 wen; afraid she would not reenter. She had 110 ap- petite awl was greatly reducer) in. flesh. At this stage a friend advised oto to give her 1'11'. Williams' Pink Pills, awl in few weeks we noticod some inlpi'ovelncnt in her condition, and that her appetite was improv- ing. We continued the tr'oatnnlent for a couple or months longer, and by that time she was again in the hest of health. She had gained thtrty- twa pounds in weight, had a good color, and was in the best of spir- its. I do not think I am putting it too strongly when I say :t think lir. Williams' Pink :pills saved her life." Dr. Williams' Pints Pills do only one thing, but they do that well, They do not act upon tho bowels; they do not bother with mere symp- toms. They actually make elm new, rich red blood that goes right: to Um root of the disease and drives it from the system. But you must get tho genuine with the fill name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peo- ple," printed on the wrapper around every box. All modiclno dealers keep these pills or you can get them by mail, at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr.. W'illdams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont, EVER SEEN ILEAL GOLD? Few people know the real color of gold, because it is seldom seen ex- cept when heavily alloyed, which makes it nnueh redder than when it is pure. The purest coin over rondo wero the fifty -dollar pieces which once were hi common use in Califor- nia. Thole coinage was abandouod for two rea5011)1; first, bocauso tho loss by abrasion was so great, and, second, bocauso their interior could be bored out and filled with lead. The 1ilTerence in weight was so small that it could not bo noticed in such laxgo pieces. They were octagonal in shape and were the most valuable coins over minted and circulated, All gold is not aliko when refined. Aus- tralian gold is distinctly redder than that taken h1 California, Moreover, placer gold is more yellow than that which is taken from quarts. This is ole of tho mysteries of metallurgy, because the gold in placers com08 from that which is in quartz. Gold taken from different placers will vary in color. Tho gold in tho Ural Moun- tains 7s tho reddest in the world. BABY'S BATTLES. ".Baby's Rattles" is the title of a valuable littlo book or the care of infants and young children, pub- lished by tho Dr, Williams' Medicine CO„ Brockville, Ont„ which will bo sent post free to any another who asks for it. It tolls you also some- thing about Baby's Own Tablets, a medicine that cures all tho minor ail - 111011 1.5 of infants and young chilcb•on --a medicine praised by every rnother who has used it. Mrs. Richard Smiley, Leonard, Ont., says; -"Wo hada very sick baby in our house until we got Baby's Own Tablets. They were the first thing that did bar ally good, and I think were" tho 100a0S of leaving our littlo one's life. I praise them to all mothers." x)11 modicino cicalas sell these Tn111ets, or you can got them at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MON1S'S TRAGIC END. Suicided Before the Altar tin a Belgian Church. )luring ilio celebration of Mass in the chapcl or the iledomptorist. l'athe's at lloulers, Belgium, an ex- traordinary tragedy occurred. Kneeling to pray before tho imago of St, Gerard, at a' moment when the clilil.el was =Copied by a 1a1•g0 <tolgrogation, 11001) ling many wo- men and children, li'atller liorrom'ans, ono of the most respected of the Ro- dcnu)itorist priests, suddenly drew a ds razor from beneath his coss0011 and cut his throat, Uttering• a choking ly, ho toll "lead bef0rlm tho shrine. In 'the rllidsl of the. confusion eaus- ed by tho tragedy, shouts of "firer' Vero raised 0(11 (1e1150 Olen as, Of 11Oh e Spread through the building, h: cong'Ogatiob panto stricken, •wisher) to iho doors and 19000eed01 in seeping from the butrlvhug chapel, It Sva8 111en dbirove•ed, says the 'Petit Journel," 111at tho flro ori- ginated in the dead priest's cell, tvher0 a mass of books an'rl papers {yore in flame. Wil 11 considerable difliellly tufa tiro was filially 0xtingu- 1111er1, Theis) was no doubt that 3101110)' Bo•romnns had dcliborately t.an'ted Ilio ilro before going in to he service in the chapel, The occurrence Is believed to have n Ira duo to high a i f v r 'i• i g e o1 from whirl 11d'rinonlc was snlio'fng, Tess' --"Miss Moonier mend to keep Oe youth still," Joss•-" keo; and ho keeps her ago PONT'S 1mOIt 1311SINTiSli 011118 D0(1'1 be late to ,your work and than expert consideration bocauso you aro a young lady. Don't expect to he treated as if you were in soc- iety. You euro probably doing the work that was duan formerly by n hall, and if In small ways you not considered as mucic as you at 1lonro, remember that you are business. Don't barn your frier 001110 in to sea you during bosun boars. •Don't lot your friends r1 you up at the office, oven in t lunch boor, Don't complain co s1antly about your work. If y0 work 1s not congenial to you, ma u1 your 011)111 to grit some 0111er in pinyment, but don't whb10. Th never helped anyone. ALL T1111 WORLD'S 11AR1Lh;LS. "rho invention of new machinery has motto rho cooperage business 1 largest in the world," said a nu Interested in that industry "'l' largest consumption of 17arrels is the cement business, Which appr,l mately demands 86,000,000 a y for the trade, while flour comes 0e with a demand for 22,6600,000; fun staples, bolts, nuts, and nails r quire 18,000,000, and sugar 15,000 000. .).toasted coffee, spices, 000el<at and fruit and vegetables use 1 about 5,000,000 barrels a year ear" while the glassware trade, baking - powder companies, distilled liquor manufacturers, and sweet tobacuo, and cheese /inciters aro big users of barrels, averaging in each trade front 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 barrels." _--rr ENTERING TIIIE ROYAL NAVY. An Applicant's Experience Fifty ru^o nre !13 Quebec Man Cured Itis Kidneys ng With Dodd's Kidney Pills, and go Xis Lumbago Vanished, 1 r Quebec, P. (1„ May 22. -(Special).- , ca John Ball, a bricklayer, residing at 11_ 67 Little Champlain Htreet, this city, has added his statement to at the great mass of proof that 1,unibn- go is caused by disordered _Kidneys, and consequently easily cared by Dodd's K1(1)1ey )'ills, Mr, 13a11. sayst "I was tr0ubied with Lumbago for two years. I could not work. I had ho to get up at nights to urinate s0 111 often. that my rest won broken. 1 110 read of cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills I, and;au:(10 up nuy 101(1)1 to by them. }:i- Aftehe first box I could see and Dal' feel hange. T1n'Cc boxes cared 1110xtc0mely,' 0e Lumbago, lilto Itheumatifnl, is 0- caused 1),y uric acid in tiro blood. - Uric acid eamlot stay in the. blood if 'Y tho Kidneys aro working right. ;1? Dodd's Klduoy Pills make the .lifd- 1, THERE IS NOW A MASS OF -PROOF TIIAT LUIYEBA,GO IS .ALWAYS CURED BY DQDD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Years Ago. The contrast hetwo°n ollta'1•ing tho English navy fifty years ago and now is amusingly tlesm'ibed by Ad- miral 1`leemantlo in "1110 Navy as I Hutto Known 11," Notice of his ap- pointment reached him in rather a striking manner w'hllo he was at 9h0ol, a boy of thirteen. The master in oh'arge had gone out of the room, and a friend opposite, sitting near the door, took advant- age of his absence to throw n book at in0, a compliment. 1vhich I natur- ally returned. Just at this inOntenit the master re-entered the room, and it unluckily struck him lightly on the head'. Ile immediately disappeared. 'When, therefore, a moment later, I was told that the head master wanted to see lite, I naturally thought that "I was in for it," and I was much as- tonished at being met at the entrance of the "long roomy," where 100 dined, by the Bead master, who said, ".I salute you as a member of the royal navy " I scarcely knew what to make of this somewhat stilted annowncomen:t of soy new dignity, but it seamed that I had sudd5nly become an im- portant person. My u11c10 took m0 to Woolwich the next day, and when in the train asked aro if I was prepared to pass my examinalion. This was a sur- prise to me, as I had not before heard the question or examination mentioned, as I told my uncle, when the folfowirig conversation tools phaco: "Well, what have you been rifling at school?" "011, Vergil, and a little il'ornco, Xenophon' Antibes's, and so on."' This slid not seem: to he near enough, as nary uncle looked grave; but seeing my somewhat troubled look, he soon added: "Weil, I don't think you'll be asked much of that. What leave you dome in mathematics?" So I began again: "Erections, decimals, so marry books of Ilurlirl, algobra as far as quadratic equations," and there I stopped, Again my uncle said: "Well, I don't think they'll ask You much of that," sand then added, "Can ,you (lo the rule of three, and can y01 write English from dicta, tion?" 'Ivo which I rerlied that "I thought I could," an'd ho protni3111y relieved my mine by saying: "Well, Eddy, I think you'll pass." Little Ethel (laying clown a 1 ooln -"Do Princes always dress in silk and velvet, and woar a cap with a whit° feather, and ride a sweet little white irony?" Mother -"Not now, my pot, They dress just like other boys." Little Ethel (sadly) -"Then I don't think I'll ever marry,'= DAME NATURE MINTS. When the rood Is Not Suited. net's work right. 4 WITEN PROGRESS BEGINS. As soon as a roan begins t6 Iove his work their he will also begin to make progress. -George E. 'larbell. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR To California and Lewis and Clarke Exposition, Port- land, Oregon. A personally conducted excursion to the Pacific coast via the Oraud Trunk Railway System and connect- ing lines leaves Quebec July 6, and Montreal and Toronto July G. Tho route will 1.10 via Chicago, thecae° through Council Bluffs to Omaha, Denver and Colorado Springs. Slops will be remade at each of these paces and side trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, Carden or tho Gods, etc. From theta t.ho party will con, tinuo through the famous scenic route of the Denver and Ilio Gran•tle, through the )loyal Gorge to Balt. Lake City, thence to Los Angeles, San Francisco, ATt. Shasta, Port- land, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and home through St. Paul ami Minnea- polis. Tho trip will occupy about thirty days, ten days being spent ou the Pacific coast. The price for the round trip, in- cluding railroad fare, Pullman tour- ist sleeping ecus, all meals in rho dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is $155.50 from Quebec, or $160.50 from Montreal and $150.00 from Toronto. This first trip is designed as a vacation trip for teachers, al- though many who are not teachers will improve the opportunity of tak- ing tho trip at the remarkably low price afforded. For full particulars address 71. C. Bowler, General Agent and Conduc- tor, Boom 308, Union Station, To - rant 0. 4 NONE MISSING, "Do you think that mosquitoes car- ry malaria?" "I clumno," answered farmer Corn- tossel, "They never took any away Iron here." The thousands of people who write to me, saying that 110hPS Consumpti cure, The Lung Tonic cured them of chronic coughs, cannot all be mistaken. There must be soma truth in it. Try a bottle for that couflh of yours. Prices: S. C. Wsnas.& Co. 910 55c, 50c. $I. LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. ,ueugex,5041 .: ♦ ..pen .,,"1 n. ..:sr•,iv^,? JAPANESE i A RLOi1SM, During tho past three years the Japaneso in threo big centres In the United States of Japanese popula- tion -San Francisco, Seattle, and Honoluiu-havo contributed to the war fund a, total of 155,015,442. A Cashot of Pearfs..-Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tables would Prove a great solace to the disheartened dyspeptic if he would but test their potency. When Natw'o gives her signal that They're veritable genn� 311 preventing something is wrwtg 1t 10 generally the senting of stomach disorders, by With 1110 food; the old Damn is el- aiding and etimelntlug digestion -60 of Ways faithful and ono should net at anvil. To put off tiro change is to rishc that which may ho irreparable. An Arizona 10)1.)1 Saya: For ,yours 1 et0uid not safely eat, nuy braakfasl. I trioti alt kinds or TOA oven SIXTY 373Ayts. reakfust foods, but they wove nil soft, starchy messes, which gave nn, nlrs, lvdnslow's ri0othing 1,1yrnp has been - Ueetl Il' 1111 111UI1N Of 2110 thUCy fo these. health "pearls" in a box, and they cost 8;1 cents. 001505 mondorl by most eminent pl'ele) ns, -6L .. Virtue becomes a. Vico as soon you are vain of 1t, a distressing hoot -1 chis. I drank strong thdr rhddron while teething It eooth,., Our Honest Is that We have e N I - brought Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or harden thein. It will make thein soft, white and fleecy. 733 ,mvr er Yd, DInnerSets Free FOR C6 +Id TRADE, BENEFITS 'HIE MERCHANTS BENEFITS THE CU$T0M1R A, hfao)lent In yoursolsl1herheo1 ie shoving h,. 0yl)roelSt)ou f vssh trade by HiRIlrl uhsoletely true, those 001311<1L 1f you do pet know I VA Mnrohonb, e•Nto 51 mud we will 1101 only tell you was 01 is hot forward you a ha11diomo souvenir SAM Tho British Canattlxn Crockery 00„ Ltd, 00110:11104, CANADA. MMEEIEM t."_"o-'-"17,,, .11 arsiii" -'-..a :_-=..it'd• Fw•eddie-"'That meatus° actual] told me to mind my own business, y'knOW." Cholly-"Tho impertinent wretch," Fweddie-"Positively in- sulting. As 11 to insinuate, don't y'know, that I was in business," Ireser8, C. C. RICIIARD3 & CO., Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen, -In January last Pram - cis 1.00101x, one of the men employed by me, working in the lumber woods, had a tree fall on flim, crushing him fearfully, Ho was, when found, plac- ed on a sleo and taken home, where grave fears were entertained for his recovery, his hips being badly bruised and his body turned black from his rills to his feet. We used ALINARD'S LINIMENT on him freely to deaden the pain and with tiro use of three bottles ho was completely cured and able to return to his work, SAUVIUR DUVAL. Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Que., May 26th, 1893. A RACE TRACK DIFFICULTY. "Your husband," said the physician "must not lot his system run down," "Doctor," answered young Mrs. Torkins, 'lie has been doing bis best to keep it up. But it never wins." Y South American Rheumatic Curet Cures Rheumatism. -It is safe, harm- less a'ncr acts quick -gives almost in- stant relief and an absolute ea00 in from one to Vireo days -works won- ders in roost acute forms of rheuma- tism. Ono man's testimony: "I spent (3 weeks in bed before commencing its use -'k bottles cured me." -fid 1)0011 DAD. "I would )ilea t0 see yoln' mother, I arta giving lessons in firing hand - painted china." "Gear ma don't need no lessons, she's an expert at firin' anything." Do Not Delay, -Da not let a cold or cough fasten upon you as it will if neglected.. Dr. Thomas' l/cleetrio 011 will break up e. cold and curs a cough, nine should be resorted to at onto when the 110st Symptoms appear. It can he disguised so that any unpleasant taste it may have will bo intpereeptibio to the delicate. 'Pry it and 110 convinced. "111'y wife has a remarkablo collec- tion of curiosities." "Was she col- lecting when site married you?" "Yes." "That's what I thought:" I1Iinard's Liniment Cures Distemper MODEST WANTS. The fewer our wants rho nearer we resemble the gods, -Socrates. Cr. Agnow'o Ointment Curtis Piles -Itching, Bleeding and Tine Piles, Comfort in ono application. It cures In three to six nights, It cures all skin diseases 1n young and old. A. remedy beyond compare, and It never fails. 85 001ts,-68 - - NOT 'A SAlr113 TOPIC. The man who has a strict regard forthe tl'lltll seldom tants ahout his own achillvem011ts, A Sound Stomach Means a Clear Ilcnd,-'rho high pressure or a nervous lira which husblest/ mor) of 111,1 present clay are constrainer) to lice make draughts upon thoir vitality highly det- rimental to their health, It is only by the most careful treatment that they tiro ablo to keep themselves alert and catty° m their cork= callings, 11101)3) -of than brow 1150 0111)10 f Par- Inolce's Voi;otabl0 Piny iu roggulVI.?ng too headch and cdnlseclu0ntiy )deeg the 11001) cleat', 1°II.IAI., LOVE. T1ne Father (sternly)--"1otnlg' roan, :11) n 1 was y. our ago I saved up my n0ney," i9ta San -'"1141111, governor, I don't know direr I should (to if yon cof11c too, ivhich appealed to houo0t the child, softens the gums, allays pain, 1 r Cut es wuviculk, regnlntes the stouinch n no at thio time but added to the ,, and bowels, noel 1s thn hest 1'eul0dy for headoclros afterwards. Toast Ou(1 111o.rrhooa, 'I'wcuty-Ove (0,715 tt botMo, ooll'eo w'11r1 no better, for I found tho oast very constipating, 'A friend pe'Srlacl0cl one to 0)1111 ho old coffee and the sterchy break - est, foods, awl lige POHt11111 C•otico nMd G rape-Nu1S in8tdatl. I 511a11 lave(' regret taking his advice, I be- an using Blom tlu'eo mouths ago. chongo they have worked in100 is w'onderhil. I now have no more of the distressing sensations in 11,y stomach after eating, and I never ave au,v headaches. I havo gained .2 pounds in weight and fool better 11 every way. Grape -Nuts make a delicious as 30511 as a nutritious (fish nil I Ilmi that Poston Correa is d s tisi ly ign, ta(1 and Hover produces lyspops.ta eylnptonsll Name glvea by t'dstuln 00., Math, rook, 311011, There's a reason. Got the little book, "The Roar) Wallville,'! in '0a011 pkg. L t 1 g I a 0 0 t1 Sohl by 61 nggisls throughout the world, Bo sure and ask fur 'Airs. Winslow's ;soothing Syrup." 23-04 WI IAI l:, MIi1A'1'. Newfoundland has recently dovolop- od a naw Indo»try, 1111111 114 stated to he (t sueressful 0110--11111,0ly, that of placing 011 the market w1 nln -110011 in place of bear, Whalo meat tastes m1ro liko venison then beef, and is quite a tonlpting rlrtielo of diet, A firm intends shortly to try a ship- ment to the English market, w'herc 31 is °xpe0txrl they will bo a1110 to retail whale meat at fr011) t.lire0 ecnis to six emits epee pound, ':rho neat hf<s already been shipped d in largo 11mnn1!11,11 to 1110 'West Incites, Whorl) it is much appreciated by the datives. liklncetiolt 1 More titan• a preirnra- tion for 11fo; it is a 111o, '1t -'toren' t its4 TEA, as near PI RFECTHON as modern methods and materials will permit. BLUE. RI BON TBA has aDISTINCT INDIVIDUALITYV that lifts it above the line of COMPARISON with other brands. TRY T. 41 t PAIR OF SKATES FREE. we 11.170 to get 111 touch With. every ()tenor of a bicycle In Canada as 110 wish to place before them all, the advantage of the improvementsnow to be found 011 tiro bicycles we handle, 1'or this reason we want asman persons as pcssiblo to send in from their locality a good list el bona lido owners of bicycles who should be Interested in the purchase of a .new blcycl0 with the modern Improve:um:1s. The lista will 6e received in 00g0= lar order and to the writer of 00111 1 w,01y'41111 151ter±n. the. order received, ww will send free 1)1 clomp one pair pi our Improved lloeltey Cycle fikate'), manufactured by us, sole regularly at $3.00per pair. The lists must be eerily written out with address and name of make of present bicycle and should be addressed as follows: 1hepartment. 13 Canada Cycle & Motor (:o. 1,1.1 , Toronto Junction, Canada, Lists must be received not later than May 21t17. We Sell the erkk's Best . tiles THEY RAVL 0115 Cushion Frame, Morrow Coaster Brake, and Sills' Handle liars. CLEVELAND MASSEY-HARRIS BRANTFORJB VVHELLAPdD-VALE Canada Cycle Motor Co., United, i° [Makers of the World's i -est icycles," Canadian Headquarters for Asateralnobiles, TORONTO "When I first met you," snapped the woman who had been married for her n10115y, "you occupied a low men- ial position, and it's only due to me that your present position—" "Is a hymeneal ono, my dear," intor- 1'upted her husband, smiling sweetly. IIinard's Limine it Cures Diphtheria "Wily am I like a pin?" asked Mr, Jones, triumphantly, of his wife. lie expected 511e WAS going to SOY, " ile- cause you are so sharp," and he was simply paralyzed when she re- plied:- 'Because if your should get lost it wouldn't be worth while to spend time looking for you." Mother Braves' worm i5xterminator is pleasant to take; suro and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best results. Sweet Innocence. -"Para says that you can't arfo'd to marry." Guile- ful Youth --"011, how absurd) Why, it only costs a few dollarsl" Sweet Innocence -"Ts that BO? flow foolish Papa isl I'll tell him," Dr. A)enow'o Catarrhal Powder . - llev, W. R. Main, pastor of the Baptist Emanuel Church. Buffalo, gives strong testimony for and is a flim believer In Dr. Aguow's Catarrhal Powder. He has tried many kinds of remedies with- out avail. "Altar using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder 1 was benefited at once," aro his words. it is a wonder- ful remedy. 50 cents. -65 "This," said thio school friend, Who liad not seen her fora year, "this is the girl )0)110 vowed to me that she never would belong to any Teen, cit?" "I don't," said she who had boon married the matter of soino few months. "Re belongs to met" Lifobuoy Soap - disinfectant - is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard ngainst in- fectious discuses, 22 A CIIOI011 OT' EVILS. Tommy (Crossed for eveulug party) -Mother, shall I wash my hands, or put on gloves? ] inard's Liniment Cures Colts, 82 "I rockon John must drive been cut out for one o' these here geniuses that writes for the lnaga:illma," said the old man, "What makes you think so?" "Can't make money enough to lit his hair cut, arc would rather watch a star than dig a we'll" ENGLISH SPM fill LINIMENT ilernovos all hard sot) or calloused lunges and bl,mf,hes from horses, blood 050viin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stl)n's, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, elm, SaVo $50 by ileo of ono bottle, warranted the most wondmlal Blemish Cure over kuoW)i. Tom -"You soy that the bride end bridegroom looked nice. What about, Lilo guests."' 11'ilI-"tit, they took the rake!" Ilr, T. P. 7tellogg's Dysentery Cordial Is prepared frotn :limp: known to the profession as thoroughly reliable for the dere of dialers, dy rent Pry, diarrbocn, griping pains and t+name 00110,)0.i [its. 11 has been used successfully by medical practitioners for 0 number of vaera 101(1) gratifying results. If suaarin g, train any summer complaint it 10 J00t, 1110 medicine that will core you. '1 ry' a bottles It sells for :15 cents. "dere," said the clerk at the Skins nein llotel, "Wo have eighteen. 1111n- 61rod servalt1S," "'Well," said rho departing guest, "1 must hallo over- looked Tom' or, five, I'll quite surd 1 haven't tippet) so many as iliac," Why go liinp!ng and Whining ai,out' 001(17 00005 alien it 85 08(11 bottlo of Rollowayy s Corn Cure will remoyo them4 live it a trial and you will not repot it, - 011 SALE -350 ACRES VALUA.- ble farming land; first-class .im- provements. Also several other fine properties in Southern Alberta. Send for list. G. r. 331 L13;E, MacLeod, AIberta. Eger f r Sale 150 h.p„ in good condition. Very cheap. S. FRANK WILSON, 73 W. Adelaide St., Toronto YOUR OVEOL #ATS 8134 faded BWts wools look (loon' d$ ed, If nn aeny 01 our lc 5050 10100, wr00 01,00) laoetrNRI, Dos 154 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINO CO. MONTREAL, No Breakfast Table complete without An acimirable food, with all its natural dualities intact,. fitted to build up aacl maintain robust health, and to resist winter's extreme cold. It is a valuable diet for children. The Most Nutritious and Elconomlcai. EGG -SWALLOWING RECORD. A singular story of egg -swallowing comes from Afaritzburg, the capital of Natal. A weI1-known citizen made a bot with a local auctioneer that he would swallow forty-two raw eggs in ten minutes. Igo per- formed the. task in eight minutes, and then offered to swallow sixty raw eggS 111 fifteen minutes. Anown to 'Thousands-Parmaloe'1 Vegstahle Pills )0gnlate the action of the (mcrettons, Puray the blood and BCCI, the stdnnnelt andbowels free from deleterious nal.tt.er. Taken according. to direction they will overcome dyspepsia, eradicate biliousness and leave the 01. gostive organs healthy and strong to perform their functions. Their merlin 000 well-known to than:an:1s who know 01, 0xpar1enc0 how be:lunch:I tit 13/ 0,0 in giving tone to rho sy8tata, 1:ig.;gs-'"fro think that a num should pelt an enemy i11 his 11)011t11 - to steal awry his booths!" Griggs -"'Yes; and th1111< What a Bunt it roust bo for the enemy sola0timesl" MMard's 6113 She -"I 1309 reading this morning of a main who cooked ids ow'n break- fast, for iilteen years," Ile-itHe'' 011181, hl'avr. hem very hungry when ho tinnily got it done," 'T ROTEC T YOUR !0111? WILSON'S FLY HILL THEM ALL AVQtt1 P00R..JMITAtION)S ISS1Th(1