HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-1, Page 5/ILLICIT TORONTO, ONT,, pen, YON4n AND Ar.aoANnnn STs. SOMMER, SESSION during July and August for Pnbile Soboot !reach• ere and °there, All of our graduates anyjtime, i'hle School is uonts l '' tand- ung Mill" or"backing no,' but Is a°u- etantly "going ahead" Circulars lroo, W, J, ELLIOTT, Priuoipal, 3SgP.511rQ itF1cC% rfkAr; ink' t1 +?5 2 1 3 TRAIN UP A CHILD And whop nor 81 sendt0 him or ((( L/STOWEL Terni opens April 11th, 1904 Two Couree8- Commerolal and Shorthand. Send for Oollege Journal. A. L. MoINTYRE, Manager, liketiPetrif;Z5..51-1rarc:1$5 ' MEDICAL CARDS. DR, R. A. BURNS - Successor to Dr. J. A. MoNatitehlon ItrnNNCls, Ontario Graduate al Polyclinic) Post Graduate School of Medicine mud Surgery, New York Member of Oolleg8 of PhyOiChtue and Sur- geons of Ontario. Ofllee and treeidenee Name OB formerly 0c- oupled by Dr. MoNaugh ton. Diseases of womeu a specialty, BUSINESS CARDS. N..L MONEY TO LOSOOT'ANrA'rr 5BrusselsPER pent. 13'. S, , , NAT H. MoORAOREN- 1 V • Beier of Marriage Lioenees. Of. ace at Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels, 1 HARMS FOR SALE -THE UN' DEABIONED )las several good Farms ler sale and to rent, easy terms, 10 Townehlpt of Morrie and Grey, & S, S002."2,13rueeele C1. O. I'. Court Prin00Be Alexandria, No. 21, 0.0. L'., Brussels, moots lu their Lodge Room, Sias - hill Block, on Oho Sud and last Tuesdays of each mouth, at8 o'atoek. Visiting brethren always welcome, JAS. BURGESS, 0.R. A. 1;. MELLISH, it, S. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAM' INOaa0N e, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. ii1 S. SOOTT AS AN AUOTION• .1 • nnli, will sell for butter prices, to better man it lege limand lees eborgee than. any other oher Auctioneer in Mast Baron or he won't oharge anything, Dates and ordore eau always bo arranged at tole offiee or by p"reonal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Telma t enfnnablo. Sutra arranged rot at Ibe t Moe of jus Poop, Brnsaeie. 223f VETERINARY. G A CUNNINGHAM- • Honor ell ndnaeo of the Ontario Vet- erinary college, i0 prepared to treat all die - mums of domeeGaatod auimale in a o0mpet• tint manner. 'Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Mills Fever. Calls promptly attended to. Office and Inarmary -Four doors Northof bridge, 'Poruberry at., Brunets. LEs1Al AND CONVEYANCIND, AB. MACDONALD- • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Rte. Seesaw= to G, F. Blair. Oflleo over Stan- dard Bunk, Brunets. Solicitor for Metro. politau 1384k. WM. SINOLAIR- )Barrister, Solicitor, ,Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Offioo-Stewart's Block I door North of Oentrel Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank, pli0UDFOOT; HAYS & BLAIR- BARRISTERS, SOLIIT 0 , NOTARIES PUBLICW. PAoonroo0, E. 0. 12, 0, HAYS G. P. BLAIA. 0f2oee-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, GOmtnl011, ONTAA00. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College . of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. and Firet•alaOO Honor Graduate of Toronto University, °Moe next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, CERRA STRATFORD. ONT. �'R 1 You oan get a general oduoation in 4D any School but 001110 to the CENTRAL for Praetioal Business '2 mining. This College 1180 a Oontinoutal reputatiou for thoronghnes0, Op0orttmitlee are for tbo00 who aro prepared, Our graduates always eu000ed. You may enter our °laemee at nay time. Write Menne Catalogue, tf ELLIOTT & Mo1AOHLAN, tt Triuolpale, Our EutraneeItr 11feanroecdtP'Deterinluation, lc Huuu TL'ltio SpoLLon Shorthand and l3uaiuewy Academy x.ar.mo-snrzz. OPENS SEPTEMBER Atli Over ono.ltal1 the etudonte wo mm doom. 010date aro enrolled for the above date, APPLY EARLY, Shorthand and Tynowriting department will bo second to nano, Drop up stain, Vandriak'e •Black, and see 00, GEO. SPOTTER SUSS14IORPBY, Principal & SPOTTER, Lady Principal, 3 isttiitt Cllvsk Jain Donald Richardson was visiting friends at St. Marys Met week. The frosty pigtail are rather bard on growing Drops in Oda vicinity. Sahara No.10 Hawick arid Grey, is to be rebuilt trait keaeon. Tenders are arked for the work. Teacher Strachey attended the union oonvenlion of the Teachere' Aeeooietioe of Huron, left week end aria 00000g0000e, there was n0 Debo0I. '2. R. Bennett, of Forestville, bas finished seeding on three farms of 290 sores, having pot in 115 ooree o1 Spring orop also 2 aures of mangolde and an aura of potatoee. This with 19 ooree of Fall wheat and 46 noree of hay is a uioe little crop to taste off. He already has 8 drills of turnip sowed and manure out and ground prepared for 5 aoree of turnips.. aVioeatartaeo. Rev. W. Lowe preaohed Missionary eermooe in Luakuow and St. Helene San• day.he stonework of the new poet•offlae has been completed and the briokwork is oozy iu prlgreee. Charles, son of Rev. Dr. Gandy, par. poses preparing himself to enter the miuelry of the Methodist 'thumb. Mr: Oorbauld, manager of the Bank of Ramilton, ie recovering from hie tenant illness, and Is able to eit up for a while each day. Mies Hattie Reid has returned from the Deaoonees Home, Toronto, where she has spent several menthe in training for the work of a Deaconess, 1t is expected that H, Bell will shortly return to Wingbnm and take the manage meet of oils of the Ferneries of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers. De. T. Chisholm, member for East Huron, Dame home to epeud Sunday with hie family. He returned on Monday morning of last week to hie poet at Ottawa, The teoohore of our Pnblio school at. tended the nnion meeting of the Teaoh ere' Association of East and West Huron, in Clinton on Thursday and Friday. [3.tW 00(7. Mrs. 0. H. Fnllertou and two Baugh. fere, of Winaheeter, are visiting at the home of her parents, Lemuel and Mre, Pelton. Eima Cheese 0o. shipped 240 boxes of May oheeee on Tuesday of last week to Hodgson Bros., Montreal. The price realized was a very good one, The looal Sone of Scotland Sooiety, Melrose Chimp. have decided to ran an excursion to Owen Sound on Saturday June 10th, goad to return on Monday. Dr. Kidd has improved the appearance) of the glon0de of h18 handse0ie property on Main street by planting a number of spruce trees, They will add greatly to the beauty of the place. The Sacrament of the Lord'e Supper was dispensed at the Presbyterian ohuroh Sunday at 11 a, m. Preparatory eervioee was held oil Friday at 2 30 p. m , oon• ducted by Rev. Mr. Burnett, of Moles. worth. Robert Smith, of Mooklon, bee Bold all his property in that village to Alex. Chalmers for a good figure. Mr, Smith has sectored a laorative po.ition in Torso• to. We wish Mr. Smith every 2000008. Ne will be much missed id M 0kt u T1111 AU011 MONO OP TUE AGE. Nut war, more deadly than aver this modern butobery-but Catarrh wbioh leads to oonenneptnoa and annually kii1e more than famine and {MC oombinell. The doctors now euooesefullyfight oatarrb with a remedy that never fails-"Ontar- rhozone," it's death to every type of oatarrh. It destroys every root and branch of the disease so thoroughly that a relapse need never be feared. It troubled with colds, nasal or throat Qatar. rh, or eubjoot to bronohitis or asthma nee Ontarrhozone and you'll be cured forever. tlotterrf(,It. Manager Saunders, of the- Organ Oo., made a boeiuese trip to Montreal and Toronto, M. A, Macdonald bas passed hie final examinations in law at Oegoode Hall, We aongretulate 11im. "Trusty," the well known dog owned by Rev. 134, ''Rathbun, wag chloroformed the other day on account of old age, 13 years. (Mut Goderiob, No, 82, 0. 0. F., will have their anniversary sermon preaohed to them in St. George's otarab on Saw day, June 11t11, at 8 p. m, W. G. Coutts, a well known Goderiob boy, who has for some time bele lu Virginia, has returned to the old town ar,d will open np a general plumbing burliness here. Mrs. Colin Campbell loft for Beehive Ontario, on n Woman's Institute teatime tour, and will, later, continue her journey through Naw Ontario. She 0xp00te 10 be absent 5 or 6weeks.- The writhe of the North American Chemical Co. have closed down, seem ingly fora long ;red. The ahat'down fe not paused by obeap salt, but it may be it is due to combine methods. As a retina of a oollaetion made among the 01/120ila on behalf of the Muskoka $aniterinm, the sum of $69.20 hae been forwarded to the secretary of that insti• Mien, and a further sum will be sent as soon as it ie banded in. The worst on the foundation of the new North 010°01 iblotbodiet church has to far progr000ed that it hae been puna. heftily deoidod to have the oorner atone laying on 'Thursday, Juno 15th. The oeremonioa will taste plaoe in the after. noon, followed by a supper in the Temperature Hall and an entertainment in the oogrt bailee in the evening. The little boy who wne not from hie horns on Monday evening of left week, 000heioning eome Mere ae to hie safety, turned rip all right that evening, He had wandered off with a larger boy, Harvey Dietrich and Reg. linden have completed their worth et the Col. lege of Pbarmaoy, Turon1o, and Sword Hart hoe paused in dispensing preeorip• hone, pruotiaal ahemietry, pharmacy and praotioal pbarmarry. One evening Robert MnOlaren, who ie os thr 0. P. R. oaoetruation work, had a narrow eeoape from drowning, while arming the Maitland Greetle work. The walk wne narrow, but Mr. Stubbs saved his friend from serious ooneeque0800. l.laatovv(Ol. Janke & Dresser, of Sarnia, o0ntraotot•e for the new steel bridge on Biemarok etreet, have had a gang of men at work building tip the cement extensions to the abutments, which are now finished and ready for the etruotoral work, F. R. Blewett, Grand Warden I 0. 0. F„ and S, J. and Geo. Stevenson, went to Collingwood to attend the funeral of the late David Lamont, which look plaoe on Saturday afternoon. The deoeooed was a member of Listowel lodge I. 0. 0. F. Peter MoLaren, an old and reopeoted resident of the Wallace boundary West, passed away on Sunday morning of last week, at the ripe age of 82 years and 7 months. The funeral took plane o8 Tuesday afternoon to the old Lietowel cemetery. Hie wife survives him but no phi l d ren. W. 0. Kidd ie having the interior of hie reeidenoe decorated by Mr. McQueen, of Obeeley, ao expert In that line, Soott's bank and rooms in R. 11. Hay's, and J. M. Sobiobein'e, have also been done by thie artist, and the resolt is very floe. Mr. McQueen was one of the door.. atore at the World's Fair, The Manned cerate have let the eon• tract for a new brick hotel with Dement foundations, to be erected on the site of the hotel at the station recently destroy. ed by Ore. Bamford Bros. and George Fritz are the contractors, the latter doing the Dement and brink work and the former the oarpenter work. The eon. treat price ie $5,300. PIIYSIOALLY EXIIAIISTED, Looking in courage -ort of joint with everything-eoaroely on speaking terms with even fair health. Saab low epithet are pitiable. Your brain le fagged, vitality so exhaueted your oo08titution is well nigh ruined. What you need ie Ferrozone, that great vitalizer and nutri• rive tonic. It's by making flesh and blood, by infneing iron and oxygen into the system that Ferrozone helps ; it re. pairs weak ep,,te, iaetile new life into woru-ort organa -makes you feel like new. Ferrozone lifts age from the old and imparts resilience and baoyanoy to the depreesed. Be manly, ruddy actor - ed, -cast aside weakness and enter the happy lite that comes from using For. rezone. Fifty Dents buys a box in any drag store, 131v IL. E, 0. Wilford has returned home from Toronto, where he has been attending the medical college, J. G..Emigh went to Brantford and returned with a driver tb,t has the reputation of being both fast and stand some, N. H. Young has moved from Sudbury to Fort Franuee, where he hae secured a good position with the Canadian North. ern railway. P. H. Dangler' a former member of the Blythbaseball doh, is now playing right field for the Britannia club of the Hamil. ton pity league, T. Jones & Co, have disposed of their butcher bueinees to Wm. Heffron, brother of John and James Heffron, who formerly ooudnoted the butcher boeiuese iu Brussels. The Ladies' Aid society of St. An- drew's church have decidedtochange the dale of their ioe cream scene' from June lith to June 21st, Wingltam band will be in atteodauae, Steam shovels are doing 0. P. R. work both Emit and Weft of the village at present. It is expeoted that the roadbed will be built and the greater part of the iron laid by Ootober let next, A. M. Emigh, eldest eon of Joe, G. and Mre. Emigh, of Blyth, has been ooleoted by the United States government to go to Panama and taste charge of one of the departments of the railways controlled by the Uuiled Statee in that country. For the peat 15 years Mr. Emig)) hae been a resident of Buffalo, where he has held important positions in the offices of the Grand Trunk and Pennsylvaniarailweye. John Jones, brother of Thomas Joues, of Blyth, died at the reeidenoe of his eon•in•law, James Fulton, of Leadbary, on Saturday morning May 20th. Bright's itemise was the cause of death. De - mama was in the 70th year of hie age end was well and favorably known in Blyth, where lee was at one time ae• eooiated with his brother in the batober. INCUBATORS I have secured the agenoy for one of the best Cana- dian makes of Incubators, Prices right. FOGS FOR HATCHING Buil Orpington's. My birds are bred from the best in Canada. None better. JOHN WRIGHT If You Want Hens that will lay in Winter. If yon want Birds for labia use. It you want beauty, utility and quality get into tbo BUFF WYANDOTTE breed by baying a few Battings' of Eggs at $1.00 per 15 from Jaynes Ballantyne BRUSSELS. ing business. The funeral took place on Moodily afternoon, interment being made in the Maitiondhank cemetery. The eervioee at the house and grave were con. Booted by Rev. J, Edmonds, of Blyth, and Rev. H. M. Lang•Ford, of Brunie. FO ref wl Ola. Robt. Musgrove, of Toronto, is spend- ing a few days at bis old home on the 6th eon. Samnel Beewitheriok ie naming a eon eye these days. He wee etruok by a splinter and he had a narrow escape from losing hie eight. Mies Viola Young wee presented with a beaotifal ring by the girls of Mre, Walkey'e Sunday School algae prior to bar departure for Berlin. Wm. West has returned to Howiok after spending the Winter with his mother in London, England. He had a vary rough voyage to the Mother Laud last Fall and woe delayed many days Doming out by ice floes in the Golf. Jae. Young, who has been working in Berlin, Dame home and the family left for Berlin, their future home with him. Mr. and Mre. Young have been good oitizene. On Monday evening of 1net week the Foreelere and Oboeea Friends assembled in the Foresters' Hall and presented Mr. and Mre. Young, each with a very oomfortable rocking chair. THE 311,00D IS T11E TAPE. Owing to faulty notions of the kidneys and liver, the blood heoomee filled with disease germs that imperil health. The first warning is a baokoohe, dizziness, headache and lack of vital energy. Aot quickly if you would avoid the terrible ravages of obronio kidney oomplaint. Get Dr. Hamilton's Pille today ; they Dara kidney and liver complaint for all time. No madioiae relieves eo promptly, nothing in the world of medicine aurae more thoroughly. For good blood, clear complexion, healthy appetite, the proper treatment is Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25o. per box, at all dealers, lain tout. W. D. Fair hae taken the agenoy of the Dominion Express Go. A new smoke etaok wan pub up for the Maopberson & Hovey Estate. Ed. Jenkins has returned from Vic- toria Oolleoe, Toronto, for vaoation. G. A. MoRee (oon•in law of W. Doher• ty) has beau elected President of the London Old Boys' Aeeooiabion, just form• ed at Oal ar . li y One whole in a position to know nye there are at least 300 doge in town, yet there are only 72 on the assessment roll. Sprneg's bridge on the Base line, was shifted out of position, the remits Of the Spring freebets, but we understand it has been repaired, There wee a narrow escape from an accident at the new p. etoffioe in Wing. ham the other day. A large atone was being lifted by the Drano, when it fell not far from Contractor B. B. Cooper, who le glad it missed him. The friende of Mre. Jacob Taylor will regret to learn that she hae not been enjoying good health for a few weeks past. Her medical advisor has ordered her into the country in the hope that the &lenge will do her good and she is at preeent staying with her dater, Mre, Rodaway, et Stapleton. Thrnip See -ds Always get the best as it costs no more to grow GOOD than poor Seeds of any kind. The success no doubt depends largely on the preparation of the soil, but not less so on the QUALITY of the Seed sown. Impressed with this fact we always procure our Seeds from one of the most reliable firms in Canada. We now have in stook the following varieties of Turnip Seeds, viz. :- BRUCE'S NEW CENTURY -A Purple Top Swede, resembling the Weetbnry, of splendid uniform growth and flue quality, It ie the beat Swede we know of 40 reeie1 mildew and i0 a heavy Dropper, NEW KANGAROO -A very hardy Swede similar in size and growth 40 the Ele- phant and inoreaeing in popularity each year. HARTLEY'S BRONZE TOP -Small neck and single top roots, very rich in quality and a good keeper, HALL'S WESTBURY-A well known standard variety and one of the Web. BANGHOLM-A large and bandeome variety and a popular turnip, WRITE SWEDE -Remarkable for ite nutritious prepertiea, hardiness and long keeping. GRAY STONE -A white fleshed turnip ; early, hardy and of good quality. Our Customers Highly Recommend these 'Varieties. A.la TRA CHAN tedierkeeir we,131d. Oanteloa wiilrepreaen4 the W. F", M. B•, of Wesley oharoh, at the annual nt-"tog of the London (I4ufer• 0 moth flue,: , e ill St. Thomee, Mre. f Walikr Al log will represent the !mule 00ui81y in tl,,tario Street oharoh. Mr, Taylor, arohltact of Brantford, was here and looked "over the 'moral eights Ibat ere in view for the erection of the new ISuitting Factory, He was in• ebrnated to prepare plane for a suitable building that mould be erected on any of the ease, Ii(alaWltll. Rev, D. Wren has returned home from Viotorio College. The population of Hensel' le now 900, it ought to inoreaee 10 1200 in the next 5 years, The W, C. T. U. look oharge of the prayer meeting in the Methodist ebnrob on a recent evening, Workmen are busy palling the end ort of the foundry wbioh will be enlarged to twine its preempt dimensions. The amnia' meeting of the members of the South Heron Farmers' Institute will be held in Miller's Hall, Heiman, on June 1013* at 1 o'alook. John Suede °aye he would pay a liberal percentage to any person who would put him on a sobeme to make 810,000 at a abort nobles, Mr. Bcalliok, who has been foreman .0I the Relation works for over three menthe, resigned bis position lest week aid intend° removing to London. Geo, Trott, photographer has patellae. ed the new residence which T. Welsh is erecting near the West end of King street. It ie to be finished for 000901100 when Mr, Trott oomee home from the Beed. 1TIIE NEW INSULATION TBEAT0IE0T. For weakness o1 the longe, broaehitie and catarrh, it hag no equal in medicine. "Oatarrbozone" ie ire name and every dootor prouoonoee it a marvello00 en0• one.. Oatarrhozone ie soientiflo and certain to care ; try it. Exeter. Ohms, Perkins suffered another stroke of paralyeis and as a result ie now eon• fined to hie bed. Hie condition, however, is not considered eeri000, although the stroke was rather severe, A very beautiful vestry organ has been pnrahaeed and planed in the School Hall of the Trivitt Memorial oharoh. The instrument ie in a quartered oak oath and presents a baodeome appearanoe, It will be pleasing newt to many to hear that Rev. and Mrs. Godwin, who have been etrioken with severe illness for several days, the former with pneumonia and the latter with pleurisy, are on a fair way to recovery, although both are yet quite i11. The Board of the First Methodist oharoh in London, of wbioh Dr. Hannon was superintendent about tbirtytwo years ago, has given biro a cordial invita• tion to take °barge of ite Richmond street and Kensington Mission ohttroheo for the ensiling year. For some time poet a movement has been on foot for the orgaoizotion of a Band in town. Ou Monday evening of lest week a meeting of those interested was held and as a result a band was organized with the following offioere viz ; Pres., J. Senior ; Vine -Pres., 0. W. Welsh ; Leader, I. J. Gidley ; Manag. ung Committee, Geo. Eamon and Ed. Treble ; Seo'y Treat., E. J. Christie. Wm. Sweet, V. B., met with a very painful eooideit on Sunday eveoiug of last week. He had just arrived home from a short trip on has wheel and as be was about t0 g0 Over the atoning near hie home he loot 000tro' of the wheel and taking a header fell heed first on the hard road, 011481011)g a badly broken nose, and split lip and he wae otherwise shaken up. It required several etitahee to oloee the wound. NOW 118 THE TIME • FOR HYOMEI. For Easier In Cure Catarrh Now Than At Any Other Seamen, Now is the time to use Hyomei, when the early Sommer days make it so easy to oars oatarrahal troubles. The Hyomei treatment breathed for a few minrawl three or four times a day in May or June, will do good With as easy as it did in January, and nearly everyone knows that used faithfully then, it completely ride the system of catarrh. Hyomei is a purely vegetable preparation whose active ourative prop. ranee are given off when it is breathed by the aid of the pooket iohaler that mimes with every outfit. It destroys all germ life in the air paeaagee, perinea the blood by supplying additional ozone, and ite healing, volatile, aotieeptio fragrance reaches every corner of the reepitatory ira0taa no medicine taken through the stomach man possibly do. The complete Hyomei outfit oasts bat one dollar and maiden' of a treat inhaler that can be married in the parse or vest. pocket and wid laat a lifetime, a medi• oiuo dropper, end a bottle of Hyomei. Extra bottles of Hyomei man be pro. cured, if desired for fifty ciente. At this eeaa0n of the year when oatarrbaltroubles oar be eo easily and readily cured, the merits of the Hyomei treetm0nt ehou'd be carefully inveetiget. el by everyone and a complete outfit should be lin every home. James Fox gives hie personal guarantee with every Hyomei outfit they Bell to refund the money if it does not give satisfaotlon. There is no risk whatever t& the pnrobae. er of Hyomei. Solomon Brown, a teamster, dropped deed at Comber. Thomae Maokle,ex•M, P., died sudden. ly at Pembroke. Hon. 0. S. Hyman bate been appointed Weirder of Pnblio Works. • The Gananoque Inn was damaged by fire to the extent of $8,000. North Oxford Cooseevativea nominated 3, G, Wallace, barrister at Woodetoak, for the Commons veoanoy, Two little boys named Fred. and Nor. man Andereon were drowned by the upsetting of their canoe in Vernon Lake, Muskoka. A000rding to a London Ont., oomee• pondeot the freste of two nights have done eenaidorable damage to early garden prodnote. The GoveroMent of Qnoboo have phial. ed an not tie tax oommoraiel oorp0ratione including bahke and brokers and all stook brokerage at the rate of two per cent on every 9100 on the transfer of abates, bonds, debenture° etc, t 0 SPECIAL AL, Men's Colored Shirts -On Saturday we will put on sale 10 Dozen Men's Fine Shirts to clear at .75 Comfort and appearance are looked for in Men's Shirts. Comfort is only found in well proportioned, well made Shirts. That is the kind we sell and the kind here advertised. Appearance is a matter of taste. Our stook is so large and well assorted that we can suit any and every taste, and the workmanship on every Shirt we sell will stand the closest scrutiny, The Shirts are a special purchase, and at the price are remarkable values. -Men's Fine Noglige Shirts, in fine colored oambrio, laundried neckband and mar. They are this eeaaon'e latest patterns in neat and fanny etripee and figures, correct ooloring, eizee �� 14 to 171 inoheg. Regular $1.00 qualities for.,........ . -Men's Fine Colored Oambric Shirts, laundried, short bosom style, separate link oaffe or Duffs attached, fall size bodies, assorted patterns in stripes and figures, light, medium and dark ooloringe. Sizes 14 to 17 inohes. They are 61.00 qualities. While .75 they Met ItI"Watch for them in our window Saturday. Gentlemen! I have opened for your inspection a nice line of the latest up-to-date styles in SUMMER VESTS They are correct in style and perfect fitting vests. All shades and all sizes in stock, at prices from 75c upwards. See them. D. 0. ROSS LEADING CLOTHIER, BRUSSELS. Asisseitairussztemeireinmur SPECIAL V IN--- DINkV SET AT Thomso zirxRscr BUGS Our Fine and Up-to-date stook of Bug- gies is now on the market and we invite intending purchasers to cal and inspect, They are all made of best material with the very latest improvements. Have you seen our fine display of Oak made Wagons ? Every one warranted to be as represented. Repairs and Painting promptly attended to. Tops Relined and Covered and made as good as new. Call and see us. EWAN t