HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-6-1, Page 108
Vol. 33. N o, 4 47 — -_ __� __._ `-'"'--,_-.-
New Advertisements.
Looale—I. 0. Roharde,
Spring energy—Jas. Fox,
Flowers & Plante—Mies Rally,
Binder twine—Gerry & Welker.
Sheep strayed—Peter MoIntoeh.
Sale by tender—J. W Whitfield.
Bargain hunting—MQ inn0n & Oo,
To our customers—John Oober & Sons.
1 xzx:t4035.
stationed at Tupperville, Chatham
Diatriot, le down for Ethel. Rev. Me,
Wells is pleaod at Blnbeim, near Ohet•
ham. Of course the list is eobjeot to
oorreotion, Mr. Armstrong fa It flee
young man,
The Sabbath School Convention held
here last week was a deoided emcees.
This week Rev. Mr, Wells ie attending
the Methodiob Conference at Lietowel.
Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson and children
visited friands at Harrietou on the holi-
By notice elsewhere it will be observed
that a little daughter has arrived at the
home of George Dabeou, at Innerkip,
formerly of Ethel. The26th of May was
the eventful date. Congratulations.
Wonioto'e INeroTn2n, — On Saturday,
June 17th, a meeting under the anepioee
of the Women's Inetitote of Ethel will
be held in the Temperance Hall. The
speakeee will be Mre. Joy, of Toronto,
and Mies L. Shuttleworth, of Guelph. A
most interesting program is promised
and all the ladies should attend.
Oa the first draft of atatione of the
Methodist ern F.
Armstrong, B fA., erene Rev. g
B. D., who hae been
i3elt rstwo,
Rev. A, H. Brown B. A.., B. D., former
motor of Belgrave Girouit, will preach
next Sabbath at Briek church, Sunshine,
and Belgrave.
Bootie in 1841, and oame toWyyomiing in
1868 He had for many yop
the largest natioof any physician in
the county, He served at different times
in vari0ag municipal offing, and took a
prominent part in politionl matters, being
menti oned ls s fro-
pantyame was
seaoapdidate for
neveraooept d a
anomidoctor honorsbat the
nomination. He also
took an active interest in the Mae0nia
order, and wag a V. D, D, G, M. at the
time of his
death. A end
children anra vehim. In hie wdeath the
The funeral bee
aido aygreat
took placeonTuafter.
noon at 2 o'clock.
131 isevale.
David Patton jr, has been on the Mak
Miss Ida Olsghorn hue returned home
from Toronto.
Root, Stewart, of Toronto, is visiting
hie parents here.
Mies Cora Messer, of Listowel, was
home over Sunday.
Midoolm Aikenhead attended the
Teachers' Convention ab Clinton last
Mre. Morrow and Mies Matheson, of
Wingham, wore visitors at R. N Duff's
on May 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Wingham,
visited Wm. and Mre. Forenoon in Blue -
vale on the 24th of May.
Quite a number from Blnevale ntteod-
ed a piooia held on Linton's Hate i0
Teruberre on the 24th of May.
IL N. Duff attended a meeting of the
Beet Huron Liberate t Bruesele on
Tuesday, He was re elected President.
James Wilson, al Toronto, was renew
ing old acquaintances here this week.
He formerly taught in Ramsay'e school
house in Morrie and has many friends
to and abont Bluevele.
. Monday, Joe 20th, le the date of the
Women's Institute meeting which will
be addressed by Mre. J. Joy, of Toronto,
and Mise L Shuttleworth, of Guelph, on
topioe of housebold interest.
Yon will find of alCaGreenhouse
any quantity Tomato,
Celery and Cabbage Plante. Tomato
Plants 100, a box or 13e. a dozen loose.
Fine collection of Flowering Plante.
A nein lot of Geraniums and
Annuals for bedding.
Cat Flowers supplied.
Floral Designs meds to order.
Vi 7rox(iter.
Mies Jennie Miller bee returned from
Alvin Hemphill returned from Toronto
this week.
Mr. Iiiehen is the guest of his brother.
in law, G. 17. Howe.
M. Oook, of Hensall, visited in the
village over Sunday.
Mise Letitia Morrison visited last week
with Orangeville friends,
John Hartley
pulpit in
the Epioo aloutoh nSonda,
Adam McLean spent two days last
week with hie mother in Harrietou.
Wilfrid Barmaids, of Markdale, was
the guest of Aaetin Harrison last week.
Mre. W. MoKeroher and Mre, 0. Smith
spent Thursday with friends in Brussels
John J. Gibson, ot Bernie, spent Via.
toric Day with kis stater, Mr. F. V.
John Hartley and Miss E. Henry
attended the Teachers' Oovention in
Clinton last week.
Mre. Brawn has retnrned from 'Pavia -
rank where she spent a few days with
her eon, John Brawn.
Mre. Overheat and little daughter,
Doris, have gone to Loudon end Meacham
wbera they will spend a month.
Rev. J. H. Oeterho0t and John Breth-
aner attended the animal Diatriot Meet-
ing of the Methodist Oburoh in Wingham
Int week.
Oar foot bail team went to Fordwioh
on Wednesday of last week and played a
tie game with a team from that plaoe,
the sone being 1-1.
Dr, J. L. Wilson, a former principal of
the eabool, bas been renewing acquaint-
ance(' in the village daring the past week,
before leaving for the Northwest.
Lion on May 19th, on the 12th or 14th
cone. of Grey, a new waterproof novae
for oovering the wagon, size 6x12 feet
Finder will be suitably rewarded.
A. MaDowALn, merchant,
Misses Snead Marie Long and Mies
Elizabdbh Calder were viaitore at At-
wood last Saturday.
This week Garfield Long went to
be will be employed iu
BCIlaeaie where
George Walker's livery.
A choice stock of Boats and Shoes hex
jest been received by A. J. M. Helm,
Gell in and see them and get prioe0.
Norma — All persona indebted to A.
Mohair, Oranbrook, are requested to pay
before July let, 1905, After that all
accents will be put in a oolleator's band.
Rev. R. 141anudere took the service in
the Methodist church here last Sabbath
o• neral of the laeaxal
Mrs. Stephenson,a attending.
A. McDonald and hie sou Robert went
to Toronto this week to oonsult a
specialist relative to anoperation on the
latter for appendioitie. He Las been
poorly all Spring but we hope he will
soon be o. k.
• What abort a telephone lime to Oran•
brook 7 Wo could work it trona the
present line on the 8th eon., which would
only give 2i miles to build. Walton is
in or one to should we as it would be a
people of this heathy call a meet Will
en what could
raising a sub oiptix
ontomthe y
oonetr otthe
line 1
man. The fine display of presents testi•
find to the kind wishes of many tri ado
for a bright and happy
happy couple will take up their realdenae
in London,
A Preto.NT Sonrnigz.—Mrs. G. Read.
man, 7th line, got a pleasant surprise
when on returning from Walton on Mon.
day of last week ehe found that Will.
McLean, who purohnsed the tbreshing
outfit from R. Maiuprize, had come and
est her Bammer'a wood, He had been
costing wood at home and when be got
through be, with all the men who were
helping, Darn and out Mre, Reatlman e
wood. The people on the 7th would be
hard to beat ae neighbors and if honest
work and kindnese helps a man the Mo -
Lean brothers! ought to do well with their
new enterprise.
VIT eon.
Dan. McDougall renewed old friend -
eh pe iu Walton last week.
Robert Humphries returned from
Toronto University Baia week,
Mr. Grainger, of Brussels, will preach
in the Metbodiet clinch next Sunday [n
the absence of Rev. R. S. Baker.
Rev. B. S. Baker is ntbending Confer.
nos the latter part of this week. He
has been ordially invited to return to
Walton circuit for another term.
The work of pntting a oement base.
meat under the Methodist church is
proceeding rapidly thin week. In the
meantime services are being held in the
A O.U.W,Hall.
The sonnei At Hams given by the 0.
0.F. on the evening of May 24th was
largely attended and tboronghly enjoyed,
being the moebs000eesfal eine the inane.
oration of the yearly entertainment. Iu
the gp early part
given, of the ,ewith James Bow-
man interest -
mon, of Morris,pgram lunch wee servednia d
booAfter the grog
the floor cleared for dancing which was
continued until tete in the evening, Bros -
eels orchestra providing firet•olass massa.
Mr. and Mre. (Rev.) Baker received
the sad news on Baturday of the
of the latter's father, Dr, Harvey,
bereaved sBSaturday and Revaker went to .
Mr. Balzer on Monday to attend the
tenant', The following partieulare were
given i°the ono of the deity
ldHarvey, est and beet known.
physicians in be county of Lambton,
died at Wyoming, Saturday morning.
Friday afternoon, while engaged in some
outdoor work, he fell to the ground, and
was (carried into his bones in an nn.
e never
rallied. aso
The doctorn was bom which in Nova
(et re.a'.
Mies Tena Battrey spent Viotoria Day
A few families in Monarieff locality are
atilt bothered with measles.
Teacher Buchanan attended the aon-
vention at Clinton last week.
Mrs. Jae, Brown, 10th con., has genua
to Barrie to visit her daughter,
A gang of men are at work on the 0.
P. R. between Monkton and Monorieff.
One ona day
st y is week Thou. Lott, 911) nail and gave the palm of
his left band quite a wound.
Rev. A. Mall:ibbin, of Alen Craig, was
a visitor at "The Maples," East of Bras
sale. Mr. MoEibein is a brother to Mrs.
Tbere will be a change of teachers in
S. S. No. 9 atter mid Summer vacation.
The present pedagogue will persue hie
etadiee at a Collegiate,
Last Sabbath evening eervioe was con•
looted in Bethel church, 16th coo., by
Rev. D. B. McRae. The Sabbath school
reopened last Sunday.
Marie, the little daughter of D. K.
Livingtoa, 15th con., was quite ill with
measles followed by pneumonia bat ehe
is better now we are pleased to state.
The anteater is at work removing
Wm. Smith's large barn, on the boundary
as it is now on the right of way belonging
to the 0. P. R. The building ie 60s80
Albert Fox, 10th oon., was in Toronto
recently with hie son Harold, 7 years of
age, wbo will undergo treatment at the
Siok Obildren'e Hospital. We hope the
lad will 5000 be 0. k.
The following teaohere from this town-
ship attended the Union Convention held
at Clinton, Thareday and Friday of last
week :—Misses Smith, Z'mmer, McKay
and ud 11
respectively u
and Messrs, of Noe. 1,
Buchanan and Lamont of Noe. 3, 4, 9
and 10 respectively.
Hugh Ramsay bee purchased a good
Durham bull 12 months old,. bred by J.
H. Morrison, of Winthrop. For breed-
ing, size and quality be is bard to beat.
He ie only in fair condition yet tips the
scalae at 1,000 pounds. Be is a
son of the great sire of prize winners,
"Royal Sailor," imported by D D. Wil-
son, of Beatorth, and afterwards headed
the herd of Mr, Watt, Salem.
On Friday evening of last week N. D.
Ross, the genial teacher of No. 8, enter-
tained the Clinton Model Claes of 1903,
at his home near Benefield, the teachers
having driven out from Olinton where
theybad beenle eaattending
nttime was spentin
dmthe u
meeting. A p
social chat, music and song. A hearty
vote of thanks wee tendered Mr, and idre,
terwhich be pedagogues &tlw family
ihr enjoyable
for home all agreeing that their re -union
was a very eacoeesfel one in every re-
the prformanoe or many other Iu. pfol
Rote, rendered faithful and epoudldly
exeanted service no organietl and leader
of praise at the Friday evening and dab•
o, wbioee bast been �tofia lmost
exceptable oharaober to all, In ado itien
to an expression of our appreciation in
words we desire to give more taugible
proof of our Bunke and therefore ask
you to accept this gold watch ae a
memento of our love and kindly regard.
We wish
y and
prosperous years ann
daou eh
y00 maany rk the
rapid flight of time we hope the watch
will often remind you of the many true
friends yon have in Jumeetown looalfty.
Signed in behalf of the neighborhood by
JNo. Gun, A. Wnraui,
Ann. Blames, B. BNELL.
W. 1191950,
Mies Btraeban replied briefly, thanking
the friends for tbeir highly prized gift.
To Our Customers
Having had the misfortune of having our
Factory destroyed by fire on May 25th we find
it necessary to make prompticollections and
therefore request that our accounts be settled
AT ONOE. Anything not paid, or settled, be-
fore the 15th of June will have to be placed in
our Solicitor's hands for collection. Kindly
take note of this and govern yourself according-
ly. Thanking you for past patronage,
We are, Yours Truly,
.Tno. Cober & Sons
W. H. KERR, Prop,
Waterloo P. (tantalite,
Sent, shop and 0onuen s,
$376,eand Mutual Walter
chop,table and ooutene$4n
Wellington ;
R. E. Rose, flour mill and
contents, $4,000 Gore and tMiliere ; Mae:
Sheriff, ma hone, 8—Western ; Corner
& Sons, factory and entente, $6,500 in
tire. .narhouse,
80,Meopolittan ; Geo. Walker's, Geo
Edwards' and J. Querin'e damage to
hotel yet to eettie,
erne Whennhe got d not the righteease lwas
to make ppointi
mento and diomleeale be ebowe his
liberality and that 1e believes in the
prinolple thati'lto the viotorbeloge the
epolle" and the first party reported from
his riding was bimelf, although for
reasons not made known, he afterward('
withdrew. He hue demonstrated he is
no broader than any thought he was who
knew him, and at the time of the cam-
paign he fooled 0o Liberals in voting for
him. He wee defeated in East Huron
while he wont into the fight with a
m« jrity, according to the election in
November of a Government that swept
the country, of 60 in his favor and cow I
AM nob Bailiff I am satisfied if he la.
"Fair Piny" thinks I should have re-
signed. It is a wonder he don't think I
t leave applies.
a Alli they, the same
office oalllad
argument app to those who
o[ me was to do my duty
employed me and paid me and I did so,
bed I for one moment thought that the
bolding of it meant the approval of the
party in power they would very soon have
bad my resignation. I tbiuk I have
shown that I have been dismissed
oontrary to law and only to satiety the
petty revenge of a few very liberal mind-
ed Tories of Eat last
two months have bbeen peddling theuron who for sofiioe
among Tories to get one to swept it, so
they could parry out theirspetty spite and
after refusals tbey eaooeeded in finding a
victim. Yours,
F. B. Soon.
Brussels May 29th, 1905.
To the Editor of TIB roam ;
In last week's Herald appears an
article under Ibis heading from a party
signing himself "Fair Play" but had 135
given his correct name your readers
would know that there was no such
attribute in hie obaraoter. He eboold
have signed bimeett "Bip Van Winkle,"
it would have been more appropriate ss
It is °aid be has been in his shell or hid.
den away for some time. He finds fault
to this dismissal being kept before the
public and blames the tonal pries. I do
nut see how they could do less than they
did and take any notice of it at all.
The Herald says it'e object is to stir up
the Tories to their duty bat some of its
readers mast think and he moat think
he is not let into the eeorete of the party
or he would not have to make the seiner
mule be bas been doing over the Olegg
appointment, the Miller diemiseal and
the reason, and mine and it soma be bee
offended "Fair Play," "Fair Play's"
object is not to correct the Herald but
for the same reason that I have been die•
missed viz ; to satisfy 101e revenge and
have a elate at me. Whitney's reason
was tbat I 'took too active a part in
politics." I wont deny that I took an
active interest iu politics, I did it bemuse
I thought it my dnty ae a citizen and
benne I enjoyed it end 1 always will de,
as I have dose. Bot that your readers
will aorreotly understand the question
and not be mislead I will give them the
faces. I am not appointed by the Liberal
Government but before the Government
bad the appointment or entre' of the
Division Court offices when appointment
was by the County Judge. My appoint
went says "I am appointed during the
pleasure of the Judge of the minty of
Huron and the law is that be oau remove
me from °funs ab pleaenre, giving to
reason" Suoh was Lite law when I was
appointed bat in 188(1 the Goveromeut
took the appointments into their own
hands and out of the bandsthe
Judges end in doing e0 provided how
such offioere as then held aloe oonld be
removed. The entices are 80 & 31 obap.
60, R. 6. 0. and are as follows :-30.
"The Judge of the County Court may at
pleasure enspend or remove any Clerk or
Bailiff within his own County heretofore
appointed by a Judge." 81. "The
Lieutenant Governor may upon the
report of the Ioepactor or of the County
Judge dismiss from office foe misoondaot
or incompetency any Clerk or Bailiff
heretofore appointed." Your readers
ORO see that the Judge could alwaye have
dismissed me at pleasure. I have been
Bailiff for 27 years and except for 8 years
the Judge of the Oonnty hoe been Tory in
the persona of Messrs. Toms, Masan and
Doyle, all three having been appointed by
Sir John A. McDonald (although Doyle
was raised by Sir Wilfred) and yet I was
not removed. Have always coed the
same in my duties as Bailiff as I did as a
citizen and in politics and during that
time there never was a complaint against
me that I ever heard of for dereliction of
duty as a Bailiff or any other wrong doing
in my office. Under section 81 another
means of removal is provided viz ; by the
Lieutenant Governor, which means the
Government, but it rant be for two
reasons vizi inoompetenoy or misoonanot
and on the report of the Judge or In'
peotor. Now relying on those two
sections se they are the ones governing
my diemiseal (bad I understood that the
holding of the office
a f BzaililifI would
curtail my g
not bave been Bailiff 24 hours) I
did my duty as Bailiff and sated as a
politician above board. I never did any-
nything as snob that I am ashamed of nor
would not again do and I defy any cue
to name cue corrupt act 1 ever did. The
real reason I have been c Ismisaad was
that I have been a thorn in the aide of a
few local Tories and I will say only a few
as I have as good friends in that party as
Liberals and ones who do not approve of
this action of their party as it was only to
satisfy the revenge of a few on me that I
was removed. They made the report to
the Government, nob the County Judge
or Iuspeotor es the law requires and
when I tell you what the office is worth
you can fully understand their low mean -
nese, For the last five years it has
averaged $68 00 and up to the time o1 my
removal this year the sum of $14 28,
about the same as the defeated ot East
Huron epent for personal savanna in a
2 menthe' canvass of the riding. I think
your readers, eepeoially the Tories wbo
used to howl all over the riding that. Dr.
McDonald was close feted will think that
both some were very liherel for one to get
to be your representative, the other to
say that I mast not exprees my views en
politica or have the right° of citizenship
or 1 will be dismissed from office. Yet
snob are the parties who cow have the
patronage of the riding in their hands.
During the campaign you were told by
the defeated that he was not r bide
bound Tory and untitled to Liberal votes
and in proof he told you he appoin eddm e
to aSiee which wart tale se I was appoiut-
ed before be eat in (Ninny Donnell. I
was appointed by Messrs Mooney and
Hislop and the onstom is when appointed
to retain it while doing right. I Was
appointed benne I wee Clerk of Brue-
The Best Pure Mamilla Twine on
the Market is the
The clearing on of all the old ends
and email frame buildings was 0,01 all
evil as it removed a menace for a blaze
almoat any time.
George Walker very kindly donated
$10 00 to the fire Brigade for their efforts
in ening hie livery baro, for which the
brigade is grateful.
The force of the wind on Thursday oan
eaefly be imagined when it is stated that
burning embers were carried aver 1}
miles North to Wm. Bryan' yard where
fire was started.
Quite -a Dumber from outlying towns
Dame to town to have a eteve3 of the
damage. The reports received at some
pointe were greatly exaggerated as to the
extent of the blaze.
Thuell Bros. carried no insure -nae on
their stable and coal hoase. Geo.
Edwards was the same as far as his foo.
tory was 000erned and Jno. Oooeley was
ditto with his stable. •
Shed and barn room for horses is at a
premium and the Central hoe been taxed
to overflowing almost every day while the
oburoh sheds and private stables have
been celled into r,goisitioo.
A gentleman was here from Manitoba
the day after the fire wanting to
pnrehese tw oarlonde of boegiee from
the Oober Carriage Factory. Of course
the order bad to be declined.
George Edwards and family wish to
thank the kind people who sided in the
saving of their property on the day of the
fire. Had it not been far their energy
the lose would have been mush heavier.
Ib net the town $22 00 for the Liao.
wel Fire engine and members of the
brigade. The epeaial train from
Palmerston, necessary to convey the
Lietowel contingent here, will bave to be
settled for also.
Lessee to some parties were oonsider•
ably inoreased by the reeking handling
al goods in the rush to save them from
the flames. In some oaeee it would bave
been as well to let them barn ae to be
damaged irreparably.
Mrs. Grieve, who was the tenant ot
Mrs. Sheriff's house, M111 street, had no
inenranee and lost ooueiderahle of her
household effects upstairs. She wishes
to thank the kind friends who assisted in
the removal of ef#ots saved.
Messrs. McLennan & Broadfoot lost a
buggy, trotting cart and cutter, also a
Boston terrier female dog and her pup
and the pedigreed Fox terrier bitch
"Lady Mao," for which Mr. McLennan
h J refused .and 850. Be
Cameron ronwereksr se at
Clinton attending the Teachers' Gou
bion and on being apprised of the close
call tbeirfhome had drove over here on
Thursday seeping to find everything
ell right, so went bank to Clinton Friday
Thareday afternoon of last week Harry
Querin took a header off the roof al the
Queen's Hotel to the stable roof, a
distance of about 25 feet, and then
jumped to the ground. He escaped fairly
well for nob a tumble, suffering a
bruised heel, elbow and a scorching that
effected his eyes,
The topey.turvey condition of things
occasioned by the big blaze on Thursday
afternoon of last week, has been squared
away to a large extent, the majority of
the insurance losses settled, debris (dear -
ed away sod preliminary arrangemnte
made for rebuilding in several instances
and with a mock mare subetantial clave
of structures. Owing to the widespread
obaraoter of the blaze it was necessary to
try and oover as many pointe ae pcssible
with the hose but when J. Conley's
stable, near Queen street, caught and the
Oober Oarriage Worker a few minutes
after there was no possibility of render•
ing them assistant° save by strong arms
and buokete, which was of course in
adequate with the strong galea blowing.
The looses might easily have been largely
augmented had not the greatest care been
taken in fighting off firebraode. There
was 5, tired lot of firemen and citizens
when the shades of evening fell and with
it the welcome rain.
Joseph Querin 18 getting the ground
ready sad material hauled for a large
oement etable, 4505 feet with walls 18
and 19 feet high, flat. roof. It will be
built to the Westerly side of the lot.
Harry James, the owner of the Am -
on • li a propen rty oniwill the ortherly limit at up a similar nof
hie property.
P. Scott has a temparry blacksmith
shop at the old steed and is at work.
He will rebuild with cement, a one storey
shop 26x95 feet and will utilize the lam•
ben now in uie in bhe8oakeshifb built last
The refuse on the lot of Q.'x0oillor S.
and a
oement shopwill be 50x45feetreeved in
dd dica
stead, the airaotnrs to be one storey.
Mr. Plum bee ennead the blacksmith shop
known as the John Wynn property where
he is attending to the wants of bis
customers. He bad no insurance on the
contrite of bis shop ae it had expired.
It was hoped that R. K. Roes would be
disposed to rebuild 1318 flouring mill but
he has decided otherwise and has sold
the property to Walter Lowry who will
fit it up for a stable to replace the one
be had burned. It will make a0 extra
good one. Mr. Bose will likely take a
well earned holiday before he decides
wbera he will locate as he has stuck very
olosely to work during bis business
oaosr. Ib is 22 years since the mill was
bought from W.F. Mann. We hope Mr.
Roes may see his way clear to remain in
Bruesele as 1e and his family are moat
highly respected residents.
Fred. Adams will rebuild we expect as
he has a fine trade established chat he
could hardly afford to oast aside. In his
Toes were many dollars' worth of partially
finished &Mee
will nee
cement if 130halide, it
as Ws. ok k cannot be
The walls of the main building of the
Oober factory were pulled down on Sat•
urday to avert any danger by their. fall.
ing. Menne. Oober are not definite as
to what they may do. They would like
to go ahead in Broeels but their loss
was a heavy one and building is so expen-
aive, espeoially for one the neoesary size
for them. It is said they bave been ap-
proached by oma other towns. There is
no plane where they are better known
than in this enee
would stand obanoss of doand ing better
than eleewbere,we believe. Some think
the town should aid them along the line of
a loan, but whether or not, Too PosT
speaks'tbe sentiment of many in express'
ing the hope tont they will resume business
here. The firm had the factory in good
shape and bad a large quantity of timber
all ready for the contention of their
cutter outfit for next Fail and Winter.
Capt. Stratton will erect a new house
it is said, to replaoe the one burned. He
past yearton improvem ne teidereble o dthenbeild
Ing destroyed, erect a
Some say Mre. Sheriff may
oottage on her 1131 on Mill street, I1
would find a ready tenant ex there is a
groat shortage of any bonne to rent.
Oflune tato Wet.
See Jamestown news on page 5 of this
Mies Godetha Ooombes was visiting
at her home last Sunday.
The contractors are busy this week
contracting a new bridge at J. E.
What about a pia•nio at Jamestown on
July let ? It always was a suooeee so
make ready in time.
The Brethren held eereioe in the Hell
last Sunday Bele, is to take gthe eervioee next Sunday
The foot bell team here went over to
Tunaberry on ed
game with e
Gerrie Blnevale 24th and and
and came
out a tie in both games.
Geo. Innes was home the other day and
bad a smile on him after putting in hie
time as three years wibb Wiltonprentice nt ne.8 Turnbull,
Annus AND PoO°NNTATI0N. — A large
number of {rinds of Miss Bt aohan gathered at the parent'sMarjorie
on Thareday night of last week to say
"Good•bye" and also bo prosenb her with
a gold watoh ae a Mall token in acknow-
ledgment of servioee rendered by her in
Viaboria Hall as leader of praise and
organist since the Hall was built about 4
years ago. She left on the train on the
following morning for Hamilton, where
she was fortunate in obtaining a position
as musician in the Asylum. Mies
Strachan curiae with her the beet wishes
of the entire neighborhood. The evening
was filled by a program, gob up by Mise
Taylor, who is a oarepetent band at the
work. It 000isbed of songs, solos,
recitations and addressee. Ward Cala-
beak occupied the chair and although
nervous at the start, after getting his
breath he carried out hie duties very
creditably. After the program was gene
through all were tented to a sumptuoae
lunch. "God be with you till we meet
again" was sung and all went home
pleased with the night's entertainment.
The following address was read by Juo.
Outt and W, G. Coombe° made the
presentation of e, tip top solid gold
need watch t—
llfisa Marjorie Straellan
Quite a number from this township
attended the Liberal meeting at Braeeele
on Tuesday afternoon. Gounoillor G.
Tailor was oboeen ae the manioipal
The many old friends of William $hed-
tortgetth line, abpnbare onceleased mo eto Bee afterbiable
his long
imprisonment from the aooideit by
wbiah he broke his thigh.
Thee, Bradshaw, 4b line, had hie left
foot damaged by oomiug in oontaot with
a saw while outting wood at R. Shad.
den's one day recently, and is now taking
unaaltad holidays. We hope he will soon
be better,
While Meagre. Belly and Peens were
driving sels the
iht of
the fire heyyoWere firrefrom dnat t n
from e. swamp
cm the 7113 con., the bullet going through
the top of the buggy. The user of the
&term was located and there is trouble
ahead for him are too oi
f he an be found. Snob
action to be taken as
a joke,
11fes Weon0NO,-4 greasy May wed-
ding caused a flatter of excitement at the
rgidenae of W. H. and Mrs Watson, 5th
con., Morrie, on Wednesday May 24th at
12 31 p. m„ when Isaac Jaokoou, of Hen•
salt, was united in marriage to tbeir
third daughter, Miss Mabel S. The
interesting ceremony was performed by
Bev. A. E, Jones, of Belgrave, and wee
witnessed by the immediate friends of the
bride and: groom. llIiieeeBeattie
played the Wedding e
treating partie presented themselves ton
the nuptial vows. The bride was glean
away by her tether and was prettily at-
tired in white silk trimmed with over.
lane and lace chiffon aid oarried a
besntifal bouquet .of white 00en, The
bridesmaid, Miss Berrie Wean, was
Greased in white muslin with °enlace
end lace trimmings and carried pink
carnations. Groom wee neeised by bis
brother, Will. Jaalteon, of Heneali. The
bride is well known and highly esteemed
by the eurrounding country and the
'iia E° mos who
exemed plary goring
Blue Ribbon
650 FEET TO THE L13.
W111 b
' sold during the month of allone
- 13 Oents per Ib., Oash.
Dein Fntnil,-'-We re aesembled here
foie evening to exprSe our regret at the
faot of year expeoted removal from our
neighborhood and et the same time to
oougratnlaleyon upon yo05 appointment
to a wider ether° of neefnlnese•
past three years you have in addition SO
"Man's appeal to God," was Rev. Dr.
Rose' morning eobjeot in Melville ohutab
last Sabbath and "God's appeal to man"
was thetheme in the evening.
The General Assembly of the Presby'
terian ohuroh will meet in Grand Mem.
oriel Hall, /Kingston, on Wednesday,
June 7th. Rev. Dr. Milligan will preaoh
the opening sermon.
Next Sabbath Bev. Martin J. Wilson,
B. A., of Teeswater, will occupy the pal.
pit of Bruesele Methodist church at both
services. The pastor is attending Con•
ferenoe ab Lietowel.
Last Sabbath morning
Re in the
Herr, of Blenheim, preened
Methodist church here dieoonreing on
"The Divine interested in man," The
pastor's eobjeot in the evening was
"Lessons from Nehemioh's greatest
Oommanion serving will be held in
Melville church next Sabbath. Prepara-
tory service on Saturday at 2 30 p.
when Rev. John Barnett, B. A., of Moles•
worth, will preach. Rev. D. B. MaaRee,
of Oranbrook, will oonduot the thank..
l Wxtgiau0uoe on D e a oTaaFolloWing at 10 30am.
some statistics of Wingham Diatriot :—
Oieenite, 18 ; poaching planes, 49 ;
ministers in motive work, 19 ; ordained,
18 ; probationers, 1 ; superan0nated, 4 ;
ehilta, 1ip4,498 ,
membership yer, 4,588;dsean
90 ; removed by letter during year, 887 ;
highest salary paid, $1,200 ; lowest, in -
elusive of bore. keep, $610 00. This is to
ordained ministers. Total amont paid
iu satar(es, $18,599 ; an average of 8756.•
65 to each minister. To keep ministers'
horns for the Diatriot, $770,00 ; mar.
riagee solemnized, 79 1 bnriitle attended;
101 ; 14 oionits report handsome lo.
crease In Missionary glvings, 8 have
fallen a little behind and one bae pet
held its own. Total Missionary givmgb
on Diatriot to general fond $3,778, an
increase over last year 8786 00, There am
12 Women's Missionary Somatise on Diet.
riot wbiah steed $085,00 for Missions, an
inorease over their giviege for last y0er
of 8148 00. Amounts raise for other
purposes, Snperaanumed Ministore,
81,045 00; Educational, $285.00 1 Oon•
togent, $76.00; Gs
neral G
$170 00 ; U. Church Relief, 868.00 1 B.
S. Aid end Extension, $86,00 ; Sustante.
tion, $60,00 ; Temperance, 800.00 •
General Epworth Lieagne, $23 00 ; Lewd
B. S. expeesex, 81,367 00 ; Looai B.14, 0, E. cantina $720,00. Total aneount
contributed by Diatriot during the ysar
for the carrying on of the work of the
13roedfoob, onbenbe stable, 0300 Royal ; Lord, $98,089,00.
The Iaenranoe Oompenise were prompt
in their settlements end the following is
the result as far as we have ascertained :
—Joseph Querin, on etablee, $1,100 in
Waterloo Mutnal ; Thoth Thompson,
8325 on hoebold effects, Weston; Jas.
Stratton, 3400 on bon°, Perth Mntnai ;
0. T. Plum, shop, $500 Waterloo ; Mre.
Streehan, cottage $800 ;. H. Jennie,
Stable $700 Waterloo ; MoLennan &