HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-25, Page 8R TO SPRAY Standard Bink of Canada
Aeeo1'iling to the reports of the Agricultural College un-
blemished Fruit cannot be produced without epraying,
Of eiiur4n if you have not already sprayed you will be too
late for the first one, but the second spraying should be
Hone as Boon as the blossoms fade. We have
the best that sail be procured for this purpose. We will
also furnish you with the formula for making up the solu-
tion. You will find the Dost very small as compared with
the increase in quality of the fruit whieh you will have.
pug Etirrs Mems,
A ohiel's among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll print is.
Limn fronts.
Tam Bowling green is in trim shape.
A num/cm change in Brae6818 is moot.
60 CENTe gets Tim Poss to the end of
GeBD51 staff is a long way behind this
Linen news on page 4 of Reis Platte.
Read it.
0sat8Nr walks have been put down at
Alex, Stewart's and A, J. Lowiaks'•
FooT BALL, Bowling and Teunis con-
8tfiu, .d the eporte on Wednesday in town,
111;;re,.;'is flati-er factory oommenoed
wore : proepeote are very
n, .,.,, -till be cleaned up for
Be -nee
.istt by Wednesday
t:f nt : .+ latest.
,,t e..m will try 0000lua•
NI ,,` ;;:1 iu the latter town on
1, i !hie week. We hope
to -
gee faeelee, Surgeon Eye, Ear
suet dee ens preperly Next
vi. ', ',_.t 161,. store, Brussels,
i emended the Garden
Pe ee eei the `l. thodiet Parsonage
gruai116. Tu,Aay evening, and
rr-nel•.,r ,',i •i choke t'r.lram.
1✓It e vrx8, 1.,pe1cLv.1i4t, of London, was
he < 1 ,.d . L •n ilia re5nlar proles-
eiaa:,) lie ill be in Brussels again
on '1't.,. •(n•u: 27th, and may be
Lena :.t 11. 'ri.:^t:tilil'tl drag store.
Vico sell :flu u:tv .4,h Division Court
Cleirk b ? Verities :,tames are mention•
ed as lii:e:y r.ii ,'i:: 1 te. If we were ask.
ed fora sugge,,tt^u we would say 'none
but a men if quiet integrity ahoald have
the all.'nintuieet..
Some a,neil ronled person visited the
garden of John A:Qualey and helped tbem-
0e;ves to early ''Omits and destroyed
other vegetabiee. Hie tracks indicated
very faiely Liegobs' spbioal location. He
may have salt Supplied him with the
"g..rtden ease” next time.
Tao Pae5 le iu receipt of a tidy pampb.
let fruto Eneer Pum, of Vanognver, B.
0., formerly of Brueaele, entitled 'The
Bonnie doorway of the Dominion." It
i8 fa<aed by the Tunriet ABBOBiatiOn end
is ieeerfptive of the many pleasant spots
of that wee known locality.
A 5ONTINnm:fr of Brussels Rifle Club
went to Siete on Wednesday and took a
band in the Co. RifleAeeooiation'smatob.
Tho repreeentativee from here were W.
M. 8inelair, J. T. Roes, D. 0. Roes, Jae,
Bo : -man, Rue. Brown, P. Hogg, Norman
Smith and Gilbert Speir. Competing
teams were from Goder1ob, Goderiah
Teenehip, Auburn, Londeeboro, Blyth,
Brumeie end Sitlttord. The malt was
no; known when Br0(881ite8 left for
S Laeohinger, of Elmira, and hie eon,
Bleier J., who its hare from Joh80080-
berg, dough Africa, were visitors with J.
T. and Mrs. Wood, Elizabeth street, for a
few days. The Brat mentioned gentle.
111816 is a brother of Mr6. Wood, Mr,
Loaohinger jr., is mining engineer tor the
British C0usolidated Gold Mining Co.
He has been there for the past 10 years
and will return on June 218(1 with hie
family, going via Europe, This gentle-
man nen tell some very interesting
o0oarro0ces of life in South Afria% Bor-
ing his experience tee a mon and after.
wends in the eiamand and gold fields.
Part of hie stay was at Kimberley,
Mee, 3N0. M5BAIN DBA0—Telegrams
were reoeived from Toronto Monday
morning giving the east notification that
Lizzie Wilson, beloved wife of Jobb Mo•
Bain, of Toronto, had pegged away end.
dealy the Saturday evening previo88 in
the midet of good health. Deoeaged wae
the third daughter of the late W. R. Wit•
sou, of town, and wan married here to
her now bereft partner, who wag also e.
former Brueeelite, aboat 10 years ago
end en removal resided at Toronto, UX•
bridge and Toronto, Ooe child, Wilson,
viae born to them. Mrs. MoBain wag a
general favorite and her demise ie a
oan86 of 6100808 regret. She was about
80 vear9 t•f age. Interment took plate
me Loaden nn Tnen ,iy. Mr, Meieln and
Bon wi+l a -,512 ,edea eympathy from all
wh,r 6no:a lrirn. Onto—Tem I5"ye Witne8e of Biala
1d, oeya of the late Geo.
f;rmtrayof Bruaeela:—The
old brat no:1 !,,lung may die. On
Mev 2. rl C t orae i'fiziatrick 000868d to
the (4raa n-s0nd et the advanced age of
neeriy t v .sea. Iie had been low
for. roe 1w talfi rieg intensely but
paten r y ver tn-t>,v weeks' and the grim
mare, woereire (neOOenger but for
pat,111g i f ferooy "r. Making 12(8 home
With hie n ye 11,1 03 and Ieaao ninon they
opeeet tat r .ca, 1,+110 c1000ased became a
fotoliae aro to alt Biretieitee anti
though Mem t, the Lin more mark was
botlt native and ever ready to exchange a
612811ry word with ntt(Zan8, but foe poet
.couple of year„ age and -It8 inflrmitiee
preee(ltnd him from setting Cab. While
we syrnputhi'se Willi 0121,88 who's° family
oleo,. him been braisen regrets are vain
for .'0o who hae aompteted life's work,
prepared for the fate that awaits eaab
and was anxiously listening for the
8ttmmc00 home,
Tam two new Dream gathering canopy
topped riga for Brussels Batter Factory
were pmt on the road this week. They
were mannfaotured by Messrs, Ewan &
Oo., of Brbeeele.
Soma good shooting baa been done at
the rifle range during the past week in
some practice shoots. J. T. Rose beaded
the liar at 500 yards scoring the possible
25. W. M. Sinclair, J. Bowman, P.
Hogg, Ras. Brown sod Ronald Sinalair
made 23 out of 25 at the same range,
whioh is good markemanehip.
IT ie said that Wm. 11100811 has die -
posed of hie house and lot, cleaner of
Oharoh and John streets, Br088e18, to
Thos. Bonit, of tbie town for the gum
of $1,000, Mr. and Mrs. MoOalI will re-
turn to their farm, 7th line, Morrie. We
wish tbem improved health. N, Flatt
bee pnrehaeed Mr. Ennio' property.
W. HENRY finding (bat the express
business and telegraph office will not
00mbi0e with hie work se station agent,
owing to the necessity of keeping a down
town office open will not retain the new
appointmente. There are several appli-
oant8 and no doubt someone will be
selected at on early date.
B ro oka.--Tbe wedding announce.
meet and oarde have reaebed Tao P088
from Ottawa giving the interesting society
news that Leon F. Jaoks0n, a former
Brueselite, and Mies E. A. il4, Lamour-
eux, of Ottawa, were united in marriage
on Wednesday of last week, 17th inst.
May their jays be many and their troubles
IA 620051 05NT8.—Mre. Tboe. Keliy's
0051858 Tornberry etreet, and J88.
8138rpe'e residence Queen steed, hae been
brightened op by the painter's braeh.—
Ioopeotor Robb le having new shingle
roofs put on the terrace, Tnroberry
etreet,—The old house adjoining Mre.
Sinclair'e, Mill etreet, is being torn
down and removed. It is an eligible
ONE OP 1185 BIIPP4L0 &C588. — The
following item appeared in the Boffin)
Illaetrated Times with a picture of the
horse, ''Dolly M.," belonging to E. A.
Rowley, by ' Moobare," 2.I11, P8 five
years old and will be campaigned this
year in Western New York. ' Sbe ehowe
moot promise. The picture thaws her
hitched to road wagon and wan token in
the Park." Mo0bars 2.11 le owned and
kept in Braeeele by the well known leoree.
man, Thoe. MoLauahlin,
DIED IN Tag HooPITAL,—We regret to
bear that Lorne Hunter, son of the late
Alex. Reciter, of Brussels, died in the
hoepital, Taranto, of pneumonia, on
Wedueeday evening. He had been paint
ing Pe Oshawa when be took ill. Hie
mother and sitter, Miee Riga, were in
attendanoe when be peened away. De•
ceased wee about 83 years of age. The
remains will be brought t0 Brussels by
Thareday'e evening train. Funeral will
take place from his mother's re8iden08,
Thomas etreet, lent dale was Dot set when
TB8 Pon went to prase.
OONDor,aNOE.—At a meeting of Court
Primes Alexandria, 0, 0. F. No, 24,
Braeeele, chefollowfog resolution was
passed :--
Mrs. Geo. Rogers and daughter's ;
DEAR FRIENDs•—W8, the offioere and
members of Ooort Princess Alexandria,
No. 24, Braeeele, seek this early oppor-
tunity of expressing our sympathy with
yea in the Budden goiug away of ha8•
band and father. He seas a )barter
member of oar Order and its first Chief
Ranger, As the years paned by be
evideooed a large interest is our Court
and e8 a resale will be greatly missed,
We trust that the Father of the families
of the earth will lovingly and kindly
direct you 6bro0gb this life Bo that in the
Better Land a happy re•bnion may come
to pass. Bro, Rogers' name will not
soon be forgotten and it will be a pleasure
to our members to do anything we eau
for you for hie sake,
2 To 0,—Thio was the more of the In•
terneediate Foot Bell game played on the
Palk here last Friday evening between
Listowel and Bruaeela. Good ball was
played and both sides were after goals
but the home team bad the beet al it
winning two goale in the fleet half and
goon close shote in the latter part of the
game. Every player did well but better
combination can be pat on yet, One of
the leaders on the viaiti05 team was the
Marcie, beak, Wm. Lindsay, who won
with Brussels leen year. He playe a good
game. Will, ZIIIlax, formerly of Brns
gale, is also a member of the Lietowel
oontingent, Dr. Krueger, of Berlin,
refereed the game and kept everything
straight. He pot three players to the
fenoe daring the game for tripping, The
Mame were 4Omposed of the following
J 131Rf:a(8 or,s, GoalLISTOWIIL,,
H Ray
emahana0 1Backe 6 Ramsay
4 Anderson.,,,,. Gordon
.W Oardiff .,...... Lindsay
It Brown 8 Baoke Brielter
F Archie 7,illtax
W 7villler Backus
S etraohan Smith
111 Bryan Forwards ,. Bamford
D 'Mother
1(1 $eiley,, ., „LoyeJ a
e Soott., ,....Spar° Bamford
Braeeele will try oonol08100s with Wing -
bran fn the return lnatoh 115 that town
Friday 8v881ng of thin week. Atwood
hnetlere will bo here on Feid8y evening
Of the following Week, Ode boys, should
stand a good ohm in *hie dietriot hot
80068 hot timeo may be expected helots
the akin of the schedule,
ZST.l1. P-E-.2Sx56581 1272
A. General $t6Rl;tn 13111?tineraaa Tram rtctecl
"—°N,eS A V I N C S SANKV''"-
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on whioh
le added to acoonnte every six months and becomes principal.
—MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any person.
only for whioh no charge is merits,
YOUR BUSINESS will re08iv8 our 0nreful end oonrteous attention.
A. 0. MACFARLANE, 405115,
.6.114/4131114 of Brneselitee held a private
9(0.030 Dear Ethel ou Wednesday after-
noon and spent a fine time. Anorhar
acme off on the banks of the Maitland
Weet of the town.
t't Mae. STEPHENSON, who has been eo
dangerously id for weeks, pained away at
the home of her pare018, N. and llre,
Platt, Thomas street, on Thnreday af',88-
noon, She bee been a great sufferer.
Tem IP LAND—James Haggard and
Norma Pollard have taken up land for
1120m88(1ee and also a quarter 680tlalt for
Samuel Roggard, of Graham's 8arvey,
Br0eeele, in East Mountain Dietriot,
Assn. Mr. Haggard 90rpoees moving to
the West in the near future.
TUMMY of this week Andrew Coneley
left for Wionibeg where be par90088 to
posh his way. The Methodiet &torah
presented bine with a ebegae for $2500
as a small recognition of valuable work
he has rendered as Seoretary.Treaoorer
for the p881 10 years. He reoeived a
salary of $25 00 a year. A reeolation ex.
preseive of good wiebeo for Mr. Ooueley
and family acoompenied the gift. No
permanent appointment has been made
ae hie 8000880011 in 00,10801i00 with his
office but in the meantime the finsj,088
wi(1 be under the direction of T. Farrow
and W. H. Karr and B. Gerry will look
after any 130einee8 in connection with the
cemetery. Io the ohuroh abide and
Sabbath School iefr, Coneley wag a frtith-
ful worker for years, Tall POST will be
pleased to ohroniole hie 8000888 in the
West and his m8oy old friends of nearly
25 years standing hope be will mieeeed
BanI0ofl A0010aNT,—MitoheIl Advbente
of last week nye :-- "Oleonbas
Worth, Toronto, brother of Mrs. W. R.
Davis, Mitobeil, met with an 80oident on
Saturday evening whioh It is feared may
prove fatal. He was wheeling Weet on
Queen eteeet, near 8pedi062, on hie
bioyele, when according to one account,
be Corned in to avoid a byoiale passing in
the same direotion, and toppled over
against a Weet bound oar, the eideboned.
ing of which struck him a scraping b'ew
on the head whioh knocked him un-
0onseione. He was parried to a drag
store, and later to the hospital, where it
wee found that hie ekutl was bridle,
feeedered, Mr. Davie, bearing of ibo
unfortunate murrains, started on 11.8t
train for Toronto, but on reaching In
hospital, MS not permitted to Bae the
patient. He is still in a 9emi•aone0iaue
condition." Mr. Worth is a oaten to
Mrs. B. Gerry, of Brussels.
Wermen Barra DEOBaBEn,—.After an
ilium of nearly two years, wised by
paralyeie, Walter Smith, a well kuowu
resident of Brussels, passed away 'boat
6 p. m. on Wednesday, aged 76 years, 4
months and 6 daye. He had 112,08
strokes of paralyeie. Mr. Smith wee
born and married in Scotland amine to
this aonntry shortly after entering the
benediotibe relatiooebip over 50 years
ago. Galt wee the first Stopping plana,
Harparbey and then Bra98818 where be
spent the peat 86 years, Deemed win a
wagon maker by trade and was in 160
employ of tbe late W. R. Wilson for a
lengthened period.. He was an indmetri us
outspoken man, with strong oonviot'•one
along the line of nationality, polities and
religion, taking au active interest in
Liberalism. In thumb rolation0hip
he was a Presbyterian. Mr. Smith vas
a )barter member of the Canadian Ortier
Of Foresters' Court in Brunets and for
many yearn was Recording Sweeney.
Hie demise was not uoexpeoted, only the
vigor of his exoellent constitution length.
ened hie life and his demise wae a bumpy
relief to himself, In addition to Mre.
Smith there are living five eons (Welter,
of Treherne, Mon, ; Thos„ of Newnrk,
N, J. ; ann., of Kamloops, 2. 0„
of Brussels, and Alex„ of Roseland, B.
C.) and three daughters, (Mre. William•
eon, now in town ; Mrs, Murphey, of
Emo, Northern Ontario ; and Mrs.
Oarrie, of Salmon Arm, B. C.) A
eon and daughter are deoeused.
The funeral will take place on
Friday afternoon al 2 p. m. 8ervtoe at
the late home of deceased at L80 o'olueit.
Interment will be made at80088618win-
tery and the funeral will be ander the
direction of the 0, 0. F. Mr. Smirb'e
brother died a abort time ago at Seafarth,
Business Locals.
Ir your colt hat rbenmatiem try Golden
Liquid. It will mere. For sale by R.
GUM, Brussels.
Fran Cum Toe Cream at Mrs. Kirk'%,
oonemenoina Batorday next. A good
Lunch. (live 00 a trial.
OOt8ORTADLE ho09e and lot, with sta1le,
pomp &o., conveniently located on Queen
Meet- for Bale. Apply to Tab POST.
Money found in Braeeele. Oweer may
have same by proving pruperty and pay•
ing for title notice, by applying at Tay
WANTED,--Agge 178. trade, 14o. each ;
full pedlar's prioeo. We want any
quantity of °hoioe Tub Butter.
Goo. E. Kraal Wingham.
Da. Bremen, the London 8pea(alist,
Will visit Brneeel8 professionally and
may be found at the American Hotel on
" JUNE 27th
All interested ahoald bear these Wee in
To 1ZENT.--5 nioo Well 1niehed mine,
bolds pantry and hall over the Poetoflioe
to rent by the year. A nide balcony ten,
noted with the large parlor, cool end
Mee for the Summer afternoons. Wood
filled, Clothes line wheel, hard and soft
water, Rent 940 per month,
15 peok8ge6 garden 'seeds for 25o. We
guarantee these seeds to bo equal to any
, package seeds on the market. Jame
That Sev81.—If your lawn mowers or
any fixturee need repairing, do not worry
but hurry to T. McGregor and get them
toned to your fanny on Mill St., Bruseele,
Brussels get10o1 080afll,
The regaler monthly mama of the
Public School Board wee hold in she
Board room, last Friday eveuf05.
Members peanut were D. 0. Rose, J.
G. Skene, W. M, Siuolair and Thoe.
Moved by W. M. Binolair, seconded by
1) 0. Rose that J. G. Skene be ()hair-
line pro tem. Carried.
The minutes of the 1886 regular meet-
ing were read and passed.
The following amounts were present-
ed :—Geo. Brown, wood, $12.00 ; J. G.
Jones, repairing cloak, 75 ciente. Moved
by D. 0. Roes, ascended by W. M. Sin-
clair that 800080ts be paid. Carried.
Moved by W. M. Sioolair, emended by
D. C. Rose that the Board ask the local
ooal balers for tenders for a Oar of
Soranton coal, egg seas, not less than 85
tone. Carried.
The Board then adjourned.
The ooutreot for the 60621 wag 8f6er-
wards let to Wilton & Gillespie, their's
being the lowest tender.
(30111013 Cllf,ill3i.
The Brussels Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist aharoh aoutemplate bolding a
Rev. Fr. Oornoran, of Seofortb, con.
dinned the regnler monthly Bermes ire
the R. C, &enroll last Sabbath morning.
Rev. T. W. Oceans and W. H• Kerr at-
tended the Dietriot meeting in the Mehl.
0diet chetah, Wingbane, thi8 week.
Meeting was held on Tuesday and Wed.
"Christian Consecration" was the
subject of the pastor in the Methodist
Womb last Sabbath morning and "God's
Grown Jewels" in the evening. Rev. R.
Maunders gave Short, well direoted
addressee in the Sabbath School and
Epworeh League.
Leet Sabbath morning Rev. Dr. Rosa
preached a sermon on •'A Revival".
Rev. Dr. Moffett, Trait Society agent,
ocoupied the pulpit in the evening taking
as hie text "My eon be strong in the
grace that i8 io Christ Jesus." Ea oleo
referred to the good work being done by
the Society he represents and urged
liberality towards 10. Dr. Moffatt hae
been a faithful toiler in the vineyard and
has done a good work.
Rev. A, O. Tau preoebted the Statie•
that report of the Sunday imbecile of the
Stratford Dietriot. From this it was
learned there are 88 eoboolo in tbe
dietriot oared for by 419 officers and
teaohera, having 8,907 eebolars and an
average attenda0ae of 2,464. The cradle
roll 010We a email Woman, while the
total n0mber of workers and scholars in
tbe distrait has inareaeed by 163. Dur-
ing the year 275 from the schools have
united while the &enroll. The children
have raised 9379 for missions, an between
rst�aw+.me,4a'sy - ea'ae•eeeN„,nr,2eac••..._.....�.,.T.�•' z'•M4'w..
REV. 1t, H, wARDI111, D. D, s. J• M001113,President, Viola -President.
TIIgg, nnADWIAW, P LA, are 150)0006 Ian. w, women MARX, x,0. D. E. 8110000020, x, O,
J01120 ialleTTno05
Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmere' Notes Diet:mated,
Sav9u m's, Seam AsPonzrazriri$'
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all ems of $1 and upwards
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
of $47 25. The largest amount oonbrib-
and by any single school woe 995.81,
contributed by the Stratford Central
SInday school, closely followed by Mit-
obeli Sunday school, with $75, and
Listowel Sunday eohool, with $43.
• The June session of the County Court -
ail will open a000rdi05 to regulations on
the first Tuesday of the month, whioh
this year falls on the 8th, The feature
of the opening day will be a conference
between members of the County and
Towoabip Connoils and A, W. Campbell,
Aeaiatant Oommiesioner of Poblio Works,
in regard to the million dollar Govern.
went grant for good roade,
GoonwIs,—•Io Dorobeeler, on May 16111,
to Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Goodwin,
formerly of 80088ele, a daughter.
M0Nera, — 1n Grey, on May 1716, to
Mr. and Mm. Neil MoNair, a dough•
LWDBAY-000896.—At Oranbrook manse,
ou May 24113, by Rev. D. B. Makae,
Mr. Riebard A, Lindsay, 3rd aoa„
Grey, to Mee Maggie, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coons,
11th 0on., of tbe name township,
onsT413 .
HoNTzn.—In Toronto, on Mey 24th,
Lorne Hooter, formerly of Brussels,
aged 38 years.
111o8ern. In Toronto, on May 20tb, Liz.
zie Wilson, beloved wife of J. H, Ma -
Bain, formerly of Braeeele, aged 36
BAHT$:—ID Braeeele, on May 24th,
Walter Smith, aged 78 years, 4
months and 6 days.
ESR'Cr>EVZ1". v .e2A22.A.E'S s.
Fall Wheat 90 90
Harley 43 45
Peas 60 65
Oate 87. 87
Butter, tube and ro11615 16
Eggs per dozen 18 14
Hay per ton 5 50 8 00
Flour, per bbl 6 60 6 80
Potatoes per bus 45 45
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25
Hoge, Live 6 25 6 25
Wool . 17 18
Salt, per 1261., retail 1 00 70
81101550 in the Village oe Blyth for sale
or to rent, Por further partioulare apply
to Jei0. 0. 00016,
45.4 Box 7, Brussels.
lot in the VI lag° of Bluevals for sato,
For further information as to pries, terms,
&o„Write W. g• DUOSs, Swan Lake, Man-
itoba. 46.4
i� Inns of the undersigned, Lot 28, Oen, 4,
Morrie, on Mayl9th,2 two-yeer•Olde,a steer
and a beifer. One le a grey and the other
red. The owner ie requested to »rove prop -
arty, pay expeneee and take them away,
40.4 Brussels P, 0.
to wear, and
Walking Shoes.
Good solid wear, and
real comfort in our men's
heavy street shoes.
Built to wear and stand
the walking which you
will certainly feel like
doing when you wear
All the best makes,
in all shapes, sizes and
widths, are here. Easy
to get a fit—easy shoes
hard to wear out.
If you buy from us you carry home money which
you expected to spend.
How do these prices strike you e--
—Gent's durable and comfortable shoes, $1.25 to $4.00
Reduced Prices for 30 mays in Single Harness.
'Convenlont dwelling Moen to lot, D9,7e1114g and aeras land for sale °heap.
1. 0. : I HARD .
May there strayed from Lot 00, don, 0,
(bray, a year old heifer, blue bleak 1u color,
Anyone giving inf.:n=41ou that win lead to
her reoovory will be suitably rewarded.
48-tf J• I[,BASLOR,BenfrynP,Q,
Court of Revision.
The Court of Revision ou the Aeseesment
/toll of the Municipality of the Village of
Brussels for the year 1009, will be held at
the Town Hall, in the Vinege of 13 roseate, on
Monday, June 9th, at the hour of 9 of the
o(o0k in the evening, F. 8, 800Tr, 0111311x,
Huron County Council.
A. few Moths can work it groat
deal of hevoe in a short time in
your rum end Woolens, It
doesn't pay to take ohanoee. If
yea will, in paoking thea) a 1110(88
away put fu a imitable quantity
of- Moth Balls, you eau feel
sure of finding your apparel sale
when you unpack It in the Fall.
Tile mat is but 8 trifle at
I hereby apologise to William Holt, of the
township of Grey, Jomeetowu P. 0., for
slanderous r. orde which I uttered against
him. 1 regret very much using the w011d8
oom910(8812 of au there wan and f8 abeol.
utely Do truth m them,
A. B. 81atemee015, 34561117(0 8111I11e.
The Commit of the Oonuty of Huron will ea;a <a orliEs
t i th it h b i theT
mee n 000000 0 am Or n 0(8II tit IN A
of Goderioh at 0 . 411 k on Tuesday the Lith
day of nye next. 411 Merl ell agitiu81 the
then est d a obef meeting. Olerk'a laude before
1128 first day of meeting•
W. LAONlerD,
Dated at 90(18111011, May 20061,, 1001 008.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Adam
Beoker, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Hnroo,
Stonemason, Deemed.
Notice is hereby gtveo,parsuant to Revis-
ed Statutes 010010rfo, 1897, Chap, 120, Sec.
88, that all creditors and others having any
claims against the manned the said Anam
Booker, Stouemaeon,who died on or about
the nth day of October, A, D. 1904, are re-
quired on or before the 7111 d ay 01 Jnne,1906,
to Send by post, prepaid, or deliver to H.
3, D. Coolie, et the Village o1 Heneati, in the
County Wanton, Saliottor for the AOmlu-
180303rlx, their Christian and surnames,
addressee and descriptions, the full partici.
Tilers of their manna, the statement of Choir
amounts and the nature or the securities
(10 any) bell by them,
And notion Is further Om that niter the
said last meniou811 date the said Admluis
trans will, proceed to die1ribnie the assets of
the decease«i amongst the parties entitled
thereto, baying regard oalgto See dm., of
whioh she shall then have notion and that
the Bald Adminietratrix will not be liable
for the amens 011 any part thereof, to any
person or persona of whose olaims.nottoe
shall not have been received by her at the
time of soon distribution.
Dated the ]8th day of May,]005
Ii. 0, D.0006D.
46-0 Solicitor for Atlminiotratrix.
A very choice stock and
guaranteed to be as
Fine Range
of Clocks
and. well
Line of
Very Neat Silverware
Violin Supplies, Pipes, Eta.
tarRep8iring a Specie -16y.
OUR Art se To PL0A01 Oen
—On Saturday we will put on gale 10 Dozen
Men's bine Shirts to clear at 75
Comfort and appearance are looked for in Nlen's
Shirts. Comfort is only found in well proportioned,
well made Shirts. That is the ]rind we sell and the
kind here advertised.
Appearance is a matter of taste. Our stock is so
large and well assorted that we can suit any and every
taste, and the workmanship on every Shirt we sell will
stand the closest scrutiny.
The Shirts are a special purchase, and at the price
are remarkable values.
—Men's Fine Neglige Shirts, in fine colored eambrio, lanndrled
118okband and cuffs. They are this 888800(0 latest laments in
neat and fanny 86ripee end figures, oorreot coloring, slue 'yr
14 to 179 Online. Regular 9100 qualities 60' a (r,
—Meh'e Fina Colored Cerebri) Shirts, lanodried, abort bosom style,
separate link ouffe or onffe 'numbed, full size bodies, aasorted
patterns in 810(988 and figures, tight, medium tuna dark aol0ri1ge,
8the!138 last14 to 17 inches. They are 91.00 qualities. While ' r,
l 'Watch for them in our window Saturday.
I have opened for your inspection a nice lino of the
latest up-to-date styles in
They are correct in style and perfect fitting vests,
All shades and all sizes in stock, at prices from 75c
upwards, See them.
D. A