HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-25, Page 7,1,'1q,,1,,1»;..e,,'.Rr,,w,A,at'';.�,;,•o,�r®,;,a,�3'e T T� (� .�. ter Doctor's ... �� cor9p Patient P 4. 0, "Ih•, Santos hu.t (rrived, futhuc." "Show 11110 111 "Alit (Motor, 1 sun /;lad to Ore you. 'Elsie, my girl, stud us In 00100 refreslunenl. '1',11(1 (b" arl0,11.1 , Sautes, and titan let 110 gel. (Ito ,U11. - nese °ver llri:t, and 1wc von have !t plonSttnt chat utter, Noe, 1 under - stead, Molloy, that you have fitted your 13°11811 up 00 n ::oriof privet() asylum, and on. preoril•ed to accept, pat tools who arc-1(1•-wel), hardly respOnslblo for their actio1S?" ;"'Thal. is so, 31r. foster, but tit) smolt loan hardly fulfilled my expec- tations. (luo(l patio!; guest a are bard to get, told i r: mu(. un'urd to accept pour (mos." "1 undorstaud, Well, now, T. 11 got a patient (0)' you, and 1 nal p pascal to pay fifty pounds a an0( for .hito to be well looked after. patient, I am sorry to say, is 1 twin hl'oL 1 ht Inures, 11.0 settb3ol Liverpool stone 7oar1 )1o0, and W1 mot with an accident turd surto( smote injury to his head, 'there 1v no direct consequences at the tion 'but with advaule1ng years nu'lancho has set In, and Lha symptoms t not wholly void of a tendency homicidal 1llanin, Being a l>ach11 the puoPlo w'i'll ivhoIn Ito has be living have scut. to sur to have h takon case of. 1~111 yell take him "!yell, as 1 haven't got a sin patihnt. In the house, I can give h my undivided attention, When c, be comm?" "1 was going to tisk you to go Liverpool and bring him down," "Oh, certainly, .I will do that." "Then (hut is settled. All! here is f! isle. with the refreshments. By -tho away, doctor, you Ilavo not congr'at- `ulnted my 11)I.le gh•1 yet on her en- 'ag•en c'nt to ]cert Kennedy. All set- , tied last night, and the Wedding in ';10101( months' time. "I-1 givo you my best wishes, ]hiss • "Thank you, Dr. Santos," "I tell you, Santos, I am dnli;•ht •ed," said Andy Foster. "Fino young fellow, and will make a capitol oyer. Clotting Clotting on well, too; just pur- chased a junior partnership for eight thousand pounds In tho famous Min of Cobham and Short -now Cobham, 'Short and Kennedy," Thu doctor said good-bye to Andy .Foster, and Elsie accompanied- hint to Um garden gate. "I ata afraid my congratulotlons 'did not sound very hearty, Llsir.. Ah! but you know bow i have wa.it- •ed; how 1 have hoped. Can nay man love you as 1 do? I am not rich, but I shall he, and I would have devoted my whole lite to your haPpi- 010aH." "I son 00007, Very sorry," she (111- Swerod; "but Fieri and 1 have boon lovers since childhood." "1 have loot the only prize worth twinning, With you the wife. of en - .other, 7 cannot Hoar to think of the future; but -I hope you will bo aa1P7." 'And without analog word he deft her, "And so," he muttered "Bert Tt;en- nedy is the obstacle over which T have been stumbling during the post months, But he has not lntn0ri011her .yet, and, what with this patient 00(1 the three hundrecl pounds Konnudy has mooed to ]end ane, it will go hard 1f 7 -can't do something to pre - vont On the following day Santos fat 1tawley •Cross for London to catch an early trait for Liverpool, Before 'driving• to Euston, however, lie call- ed at Bert Kennedy's lodgings, where he found t11u young lawyer at brealc- fast, "Well, Santos, old boy, you are up to time." ave to - 1 01 1'ho 2)7 hl in charm. of an old hnusolto'por, whoa 1)11(1, 210, Santos as he entered his house, "7'114 pntl('1lt 118(1 been very gotta. all day, 410, and he is now in bed. 7 411411 11000 to go into the vllblgn for 801111( 1.111)114'x, sir, and ;1 should like. to 11tro two or three 111(10-8 Lo go and 441(' >r my 4141''1' " ":1J1 fight., IL 110 is 1(t 11011, Seo that, there are two lights In his roots, and 1001: 1114 door." 1V11ten he strolled over to the 1,',•1- 101''4 1111 11()1011 Andy Paean, and Berl, leamoollo "1 01)144 con010snliuti 0(01 lnbnring mote. great exelt1urout, "11 .1i»"1 use, Bert, 111,v boy. 1 nice very a.__ -,v fur you both, but sly mind lo mode up, 1. is Lino theft you hats only boon a pllruler for night 10001i0, and )vera I10o wii(h d as to 11114 true mote of nn'ai('8, but for some 1(2)11. to coons L11e firm or C'othun, Short, nod TConntdy 10.111 be axecraled 011(1 reviled In (Voly newspaper in le0gland, rind tmlt.11 this (1(1'), 1' has blown over 7. cannot lot Elsie beta' your nautc, "13u1, sir, It. 10'!11 nit'an lu0111.118, Ts 1t beciuse 11un'e lost my money'?" "No, Bert; you know Loll 1101)1110 that the money 11) nothing, 1,11410 will ha01, twmtty thnus0n(1 pounds the day she is 11tarriod, .1 ant not asking you to broalc the engage - 111011 1; I a: m onl wish n* t v ( 11( to g,Y postpone It it lu!rnoss to my 4irl. L 1)01'L you 11(1 k i ant right, doc- s Tor. c('1' (11, Tia iia to 1r, en int 1410 Int 111 to of its Huperrll.Itians inhabitants 11.01 mire t H 1 9 la( old ( 1 ,1 1 II n 1'.t that ! Y hour, so when Dr, Suht.uH plunged heavily along 1,110 road alloying a bulky sack, 0000 passed 1)11(1 on the way, Poaching On ( (((1147, he upend tbt lark, Then, .for a brlol ;poets, las Poised the body on Lho lnwwtxll, and in another instant the mortal ('(1- /1181114 of Jams I''osles, (daft in his brother's clot1108, 01.0411('11 down 200 foot to the bottom, Altel' kicking• up he earth ar0un11 the won (o f111(i- rate 011408 of a slrugg'1, and tutoring Andy Foster's wul(4ing'-stink, sna1,- ,I in two, by tiro 10nd:;ide, Santos returned t0 ltls house unporeeived. l) tvtt(1 long aft or widn1 111 when those crone n food _knock -mg at the door, 1'118114 1,i,ster had sent a gt•oom over to inquh'O if her father had tet left.. "1: have not soon Mr. Foster to- night; answefe1 Santos. Ifo loft home shortly after nine >'clock, sir, to walk to the station 211.11 117*', Kennedy and has not been ark since." "Strange," said Santos, "Stay a moment- and I will Come bank with you. Cot 1111 the moll you con nod and send them out: with lanterns. Let them search everywh(rn," 'Thu sten were sent in all directions and Philo paced the house a prey to horrible misgivings, As the morning un rose in all /Ls brightness 9110 saw a sad procession 110luing over rho hill bearing In their midst o. roughly - constructed bier, "We have s'nt for the police miss. Doul play ham happened hett','.said 1,11(1 gr00m. "h0uud Lhe (ulster at the bottom or Lan old steno quarry, land itis stick, broken in two, lying 10 the road." In reep0nsc to a telegram P -ort Kennotly arrived at :Hawley Cross) som0 three loans later, and found that 11r, Sa111o4 had taken tem.por•- 401'y conuottud of the Fosters' 1)Ous1, "Phis is a terrible occurrence, San- tos. 1(11. foster was till right when I lerl !tint last night 11y ,W)4 old (IUarry," "Yost had some sort of a quarrel, ida't you?" ' "Yes, we had a few words; but Ow' cto you knot'?" "Oil, I -I only guessed," Said Satin- s, correcting his slip, The inquest was fixed for tiro 1•21 - wing 21 - wing day at the Itawhiy Arms, mod ot.11 Dr. Santos and .'ort Kennedy oro summoned to aPpear. When the inquest was opened a borer deposed to having seen iien- scly and Mr. Poster standing by 1e old quarry in violent aileron: on, and another inhabitant of tho llago stet TCe11nedy coming front e spot `alone, and these. two facts Impressed the spectators that ten Kennedy MIS called there 10•4S 1n01liing resernhling• a 1xoe,tile deut- stration, which was quickly sup- '4'sitocl, In tanslver to the coroner, Kennedy nlilte(1 having had a quarrel with e deceased, 11/121 that th..ey hall rted with 801110 bitterness. IL 19 known, 141x, Iinantdy, that tate day the deceased met his 4th ho had twenty laves pound notes his possession, These notes have en traced to your account at your ))kers,.. Can you inform us !tow u received them?" Tat Ih a low words they ouch oxplaln- ed 101 J, la had t>u , l t c1) 1 1 u 1 )1)111 1nl 1! 1 ,.( 1'8 rapidly 2)4 possible t11ey crossed the MOM; to 1"1(4101 s house. They rme1)- 1d the garden, where a gleam of 1h;11t, 81111)01 through 1111' partly open Pewit w!ulluwra, Elsie roster sit. at tato table with her head burtea 10 her hands, tool leaning over I hc' (laek of hoe rutile stood i;autos, Kennedy 8Jproaelled the window (lone. "You elm limo marry ,70(11' 1;1111- rr's nti1rderer. Set) know 1 111)21' 1(1111; loved you; will you ant. r'ew'ard 111e dealt Ton 1(l' yeaha by letting ole 1-uke you away to a enunt0y 91 11.1•0 1910 1'11(, 1111'! !'1'' ') on(' hal'pi•to01 ')1111.• all this 1roubin'! "No, n1); 1: cannot, 1 1.111 141,1 Bert 18 in meenl " With a ereall the window- s new ,open and Bert burst into the (room, "Elsie." 11'1(.11,4 cry of joy she throw 1)111)1.11 into his arms, "What1 Kennedy! 7Toip! help!•' AL 1.114 doctot''s cry two poliee )'111- cers, who had )chained i1( Om house, rushed into 1(11) room, "Seize the murderer of Antsy Otis - Ler." "You scoundrel, Andy T'oster 18 not dead. ,Sec, he -stands before you," As Andy 1''1(1))41,• enter • ed 1,h• room '.oat all started i1( umazainent, "Fa tharl 18 it really you -and alive?" "\'es Elsie; the dead plan is my brother ,lames, and 1 charge ih(tt villain Santos with his cleat.)). (NlM- 1'0r4, sea that he dors net escape," Doth Kennedy and Santos were re- moved 12) charge of the police, and 011 the following morning, On Andy Foster's evidence, Ilort was (shamed and. ilio doctor was committed for trial. "And now," said Andy T'tst,,t•, "as it will he 1)01)11( time before. the trial, the best thing; you and Elsie cul do Le to get qult1ly harried :old g11 away f0)' a few weeks. But don't leave the old, man long, as he is feed - big rather shaky since that terrible Limn when he -took tan place of 1.11e dootor's patient.•' -London 1'11 -Bits. b ")'las; I am Just on 111y way to i,iverpool to bring clown Jaime; Fos- ter. 1 can't, stay a nlienite." "All right, I won't !c0('p you; hero are tho )101.108 I promised ,you. I hope this will put you straight. Don't hurry about. repaying; any tima will do." "'Thanks, Kcnnccly; you aro a good felloty. I shall ht all right »me." I)r, Santos had bc'n given to 1111- tlet'sLonet that Janine Foster teas :Andy's twin brother, and he had an- !taCipated that there would he 8)1)1(0 resculbaauca between the two, but when h1( allw 11!8 patient ho 10'48 1100(11,0 prcpare(1 t0 111111 Such an 0x- tra0rdinOry Iikenees, 1t was one of James 708100's good days, and 11e went with tho doctor (1)15 docile as a child. The sante 0v0n- ing 110 was Safely in1Lnlled in 11141 privet.) n8yh11(1 at Rowley Cross. With the advent of James Foster: a new era of prosperity set in with Dr, Santos. Wit11 141)4 debts paid, a fair income, 011(1 an unfailing 0x11)180 ).o call upon ilio Fosters, and Un- limited opportunities for setting El- sie, he beg'aa to Lave vont !lopes for 111e tutor). 111e usod (Ivory 1110011s lo lois power to i.ngrntioto Moteelf with her, end although the, wedding was 01(17 a Month off ho still had h0pcs 01 h•us- trating it, A. foto clays Mtge lie went to Lon- don for the purpose of 1()11414141114 a ratan to look alter his patient, and s ho got into tho trails to rct11r4t 0(110 a conten15 3)111 'of an evening Now a110(t.ec1 Ids nttent.101*;-- "Suicide of a Wolf -Known Lawyer," ..t1'e pm'chas0J a ,,,aper and. turned to the pare,grrn.Pll "It!Lr, ltiihard Chatham, the 8cnlor Portlier of the Welt -known arm of lawyers, Cobham, Short, and lion- nody, shat himself through the head at his 011(00 this morning, It is utun- Cteed that trust moneys to the • anus:int of many thousands of pounds have 110,011 misappl'oprinted,"' 1t. smile of malci01t1 pkaanlre lit up its faen 1112 ho road the news, and o )petit' d to )4.11 upon the Fosters s 800)4 as ho 1)411 boon to his atl10, paneling the illrival of tho moo ((1- t011ln'.nt, Jlt(tici I1"oster had.' boon left "T tum wry sorry to !teal' tile bad news, Kenur(ly," said Santos, "but T think Mr, Foster is right, and you wilt fool happier when the 1uv080pm lion is (woo, "Everybody is against me, of course Well, 1 must 1201V to the inevitable. Excuse ole, I will go and find Pa- ste," "A sad thing, doctor," said Andy I''ostor, as l.�ennotly loft the 1.00111, "It is one, of the most disgraceful frauds of modern times. Konnorly loses every haifponny. Talking of money, I've just burn to rho basic to get a lttutdred pounds for you. That will out us right until the end of tee nlonllt. Ohf and I should lite you to know note that T made my wilt c1' today, and have provided six hun- dred a,year for my brother in ensu of h death, so that you will be all right, How is Jimmy to -day?" to "Rather improved, I fancy, 1 left !tint asleep•" to "Kennedy is going back to London h by the ton train, I will walk as fat, w as the' station with lilin, and wilt call fa at your house coining back la and have a loot( at poor Jim, if you n won't think it too late." 11 "Not at all; I shall be glad if you ti will." vi Before Santos left ho sate Kennedy th alone and offered 1111n his Gondol- so onces. iv) "IL's an' awful blow to yott, old so chap; I suppose it about clears you on alit? 14)1 "IL strips.- me clean," answered Konnecty; I shall have to bog•in all ail over again, but'lI do not fear tho th Moro, I can soon. pull it up." Pa "!yell, 7 owe you three hundred pounds; it might help you if I re- on paid a hundred now," do "7t would rather, if you can spare fn it; but I dei t want my trouble to be make worry for you," ba "Ott, that's all right; here You alts, yo REAL MISER STORIES. Marquis Became a Pauper Patient to Save Money, The 0o80 of tar, Tato millionaire Countess Ilo1a BaLlhyani, whose will IS being disputed at Posta, and who on the ground that sooner than pay for rho operation which it was vain. ly hoped would save her life assumed I tho garb and the )tame of her nuai(1 and secured Lrcatnloot free of cost in one of the bards of the Metropolitan c Hospital, where 14100 succumbed, is 11;y i 110 means an isolated one, writes the s t7araptis0 De b'ontonoy i1) '1'110 Now s aol•lc Tribune. For I remember the (*mimes surgeon. Velpeau telting me a number of years ago of a similar (0- 1 stance which came under his notice. 1 c Ire was visited one day at his house Abort the oo�md o se ''t7lii ":•17•"�':'�J1513� ,AiDly X3'3 31' '( 971' 1'11 11111113,'11711. Stewed 1lhubard.-When very young and fresh Ilse :skin Is thin 2)11(1 tud„r, 80 ).hut occasi0n1111y peeling 10 un- u')i40 na'y• At. the base of (.22012 Stalk, 1'8 1t i9 1111110(1 from the foot, is u lough, wl1110 oa(1 1'0001 ono to 1 W 11101108 1(1g; tlils 81101(111 ho discuried (10 it 18 quite bitter. The lower hail is frequently flouted with a rud'1is11 color; whole the skin cwt be raisin - ed, this pretty -lingo is imparted to the Sauce, giving a 11leasai.1 change ill appearance. As 1.11) ,talks become oiler they must b0 peeiod; this Is hest dome by lnos)uia4 the skin at (ho 11)1)01' end and pulling It on' long, thin strips. Cut the pripa 810111:8 in inch piece, and it le ins for 1180, At least nue cupful of su will bo heeded for (atoll duan of fruit --fry 1 . 1 untl v 101110 to 1 1a prove suliiciel11, The use of soda 1m8 h rt<uuunended by ,nate economic inolinod hou8cw11c:v, but 100 can 12110)0,' tit,, iugt estlon, Put fl• and Hagar i)1 1411 411'4)0 0)• 1101'0('10 lined saucepan, add 4110111, a 1,•111))1) of water to start the :syrup, r1( 0))111 stand over a slow lire until sugar is dissolve/) and the f1' tender, but nut broken, Hord b 1118; will quickly disintegrate the r barb, giving a stringy Mush, 111 is by no moons as inviting; to t (',v1' or palate cls the tmlder pieces to clear syrup, Jihubari, 'rapines. -('oak one hen 12),;• quart of prepared rhubarb A two scant Cupfuls (.1 0 (g1'.)' h i 2i I AlA. Ni water. Add sugar and lemon -rind to taste. as e, S • v gently ' 1'1 1111 in 1 ( h Y t t 11 )pen saucepan for about forty misname, Serve cold with fully 011• chopped al- I0omis, 'l'o (loan a laattreos, 1Y1110Ve all the /lair remit 100 tick, Turn the lith 111)111,- out and 1011811 thor- onghty, dry, and Mangle. 1'luce the horsehair hair inn tui> 1'f. warm, soapy water, anti :anise it up and dawn fur 1)110)1' 1111m)1os, 1111911 rinse in coil travel' and dry on 44111)1434 of paper in the 4(3)1, WHEN IN T1111 1C1'1'('11h:N, "Why do women wear suet ugly clothes i1( their Kitchens'?" lluneuted an artistic young (vutnun, "They wow:, 4,12). the!(' old things, and the colors 01 thea! aprons are ugly he - (0119e those colors (10 not wash out," responded her practical friend. "That's fhu melancholy part about it." was tho sad reply, "but if a woman has to spend )half her life i2) who kitchen, why doesn't. she put a little thought o11 what she wears there, instead of saving every in penny and ,very stitch for het' afaer- rad noon frock and wearing; any old adv thing in the morning? When I ung gar 11rar1'ied. I shall wear the perkiest cut sweeping caps I I g u eau dcvisn instead c 1>f 01- (101»g my 11)411 up in a towel. lily out husband shalt 4)111111.0 his kitchen ally wife AH 01ud1 as his Sitting -MOM nut 1)hfa" 7'he prncl.i0111 friend, roused alt by this, responded, "A kitchen wife lin- is known by her cooking, and the: 1(11 skill with which she boils and broils! tel• S Idle 71011 bastes 15)1(11)01:4)11 is more im-i portant than the way she 1(11)1244 when Ai1 she (loos Jt." "A luun's stomach is tits not the only way to his heart," pro- tested t110 lheol'tsm•. "Iiia eyes must 1011 be feasted 110 also. There are cheap fn and practical kitchen gown materials which aro pr(tty as well, 1)0 I Sh011 w00t pretty frocks, and I know that nil their becomingnoss 10111 not cause my meats to burn nor my calces to a QUEER WAYS O UTII0RS BEI1IND TIIE SCI N�S3 WITH: PAIVLOUS W1tITzra, Now Sona, Brilliant Meal of Let- tare Produced Their Gr eat Warks. Authors: do not Invite us 11+11tind 11)1' sarn1, but tv0 110)'0, )113) c1 (hvh'ils,. (stored with occasional glimpses of the (111'roomliu4"( under 1011X11, rel.- ( In of tho most brilliant 10'01101:4 prodia,x! thu'.e 1:•1)11,'; 10111011: have 1412)10 1)14143' thl'i)• ntun,:s famous, 11'1111 111(4 not h,•ar11 of the story told of 1'Inlers0a', Alfa soddenly 1 n ibnty tc11 1.11(' 01. light, )chile as yc't :his Ihul,1)1 )core nnl;onwf to her, and anaiou1ly inquiring, as 1)110 heard hint moving about, if lte warp i11?. ' ho- only r2) idea," tuts tlln rr.- '8ponnc; as he pro2ecd0il to 110114 1L clown Verdi rem:Ito,2 tete saclu81011 and s!Ienro of Ilia study before any now production took shape and von- 8istcaen. Visitors or society in any form were fatal to his work and 1parniyzed his genius. Salso g O with) Ca117141 anti 1latrwl1orlx, (U. ]AI l? ' 1 r 1..S t 1tr.Al1., after culloctin�g all the farts(' and do tails accessary for a atory, settled ,dawn to seven or eight hours' mantt- al labor a day, and in three month:) the hook 100.1) advert/sod. Kingsley was 01(nistmned to Toaster his sub- ject thoroughly in the Open air, in the ga101an, (.11 the moor, or by the side of ,soma lonely trout -stream. After returning front his morning walk Word?wot'Ih used •to go to lord, and while breakfosting there dictate the linos he had put together When on the ma,'cll, Anthony Trollope confewa d' that it' 90(18 his 008104)1 to Lente with his watch before hiss and to roman) front himself 2,10 words 02'017 quarter of an hour. Longf.11ow'is translation of the "Inferno" woo the result of ton mainnt0s' flatly work at a, stand- ing desk in his library while his cof- fee was coaching the boiling point. 4o sant as the kettle hissed ho fold- ed his portfolio, not to resume work until the following morning. Du1Ton declared himself utterly 'near tilde of thinking to good purpose except in full Court dress, not even OMITTING 1315 SWORD, It was the habit of I0llmns the younger, when he had a 110W work in baud, to glee from Paris a1rd 011008'3 ha solitude of his country chateau. 'his is all the more surprising when t is rc'meml.01101 that an author so Parisian, so hold, anv1 so fond of '011 tory should flee from his models 2)d, amid the silence and seeluslon 1 Ills surroundings, white such posf- Ive, aggressive, and lively works as tlioso which boar his 11:(1)12'. Shil- ey was 12) 1110 habit of continually nunnhin4 bread wh,1) 0011poisin' a1181 r wrote rho "liovclt of Islami' while lying in' a boat on the Tlll,uoea t Marlow: Keats, his "Odle to the inhti)4lalo" in a lane at 113an1p- t rad: and Burns IOmposrd his meg- litlrent. lyric, -Scots calla 11110 101' 'n11nco bliv1," while galloping on 01 s"l.ack over a wild moor 10 Scot - ilnuble boiler until the fruit. is t der, then skim iL out bite a soli 111)411. To the syrup in the kettle, a ,sufllcient boiling toaiel. to realm quart altogether. When boilin sprinkle in two-thtt•(Is of a cupful fino tapioca and stir frequently un it 1141) swollen; then cover and to 1.11111 clear, Pour 01)1s over t1 fruit, chill and servo plain or wi sweetened cream, i1 variation of 111 t•ccOipt can be made by skimming. the bruit into a baking dish. When the tapioca is cooked, poor it over the rhubarb; drop over the top a 1ah10- spoonful of butter, out into Hits and lake to a moderate oven for half an hour. Serve with n foamy sauee. Rhubarb 13roacl-Prepare two quarte 1f rhubarb and cool: slowly, euttin t in half-inch pieces, so 08 to ave tri,nglness. Stew with Ono pial (gas, addifng more if too tar When very soft rub through a s!1( urd return to the fire until at t1 loilIng' point. •'1(aye ready a 111( 10r of slices of !w1( -clay old treat lulLOre(l generously. Spread thous a a platter and pour over standout 1 the hot sauce thoroughly to soak hem. Add another layer of broad, over with the rc111aindcr of the 11uc0. Set asid(1 until cold and servo laid, cream and sugar. A simple tut very good dessert. Prepare and ook two quotas of rhubarb. Boll no cupful of rico in a large kettle f salted water for ten minutes, then rata and turn into a double boiler. 1111 front time to time as much of he syrup from the fruit as it will bsorb, cooking until. very tender, hfix lightly with i-1 t.he. r1t•tl.incd 001(1) of bruit incl mold in cups. 0)20 cold, using; any syrup which 0)11a111s as a sauce; or a custard auto may be sui8L1Luted, Rhubarb Slump-1'eel and cook to •other until tender two quarts o tubarb and two cupfuls of Hagar ix 10gethor one point of flour, on, 1'1f of a teaspoonful of salt a11' l'1( scant teaspoonfuls of baking 010110)', 12ub i1( one tahlosp,onful o Ater and mix to a soft dough will teed) m1110. Roll out in a thiel. eet• the size, of the saticepau. Lay in over the fruit, cover closely 2)i keep the saucepan )there. the nit will boil logy gently. Do not cover for throe quartet's or an 1(r, 'Poen .out on a platter, pour e bruit, over the crust anal some with 1t a foamy sauce, Baked lihubarh,-Prepare in the soma way as 1011 5tewocl rhubtlr'b, glut fruit and sugar ill layers in an earth- en dish, cover closely and place in a odel•t.Le oven until the fruit is ten - ell °d SHOWING LOVE AT II 031.1E. a Love, shows itself in our willingness g, to do littl1 or big things that will of please our loved ones. A man may 1,11 not care for vi0lots, but he shows 1(k his lova for hls Ito ff Ito t'i11 for her 1c sako go down on his knees in the to grass, and gather a hunrA just for is her, Ile may think that they ought to Know' he loves them. dearly, be- cause every day of his life ho is working for them, But his love is not all that it alight he until it leads him to do the things that aro 0Speclally pleaslug to his family. Numerous cares, doep thought, an. absorbing life wont, a crowded day,1 g free no mon from tiro duty of show -;1 id ing his love at longs in ways which of are wholly of his wife's or his child - t, ten's choosing. The 1/1.11 who corn- a v1' plains of rho useless demands his 0 11' family makes upon hint had bettor t no tight about face, and ask himself how much ho is doing to make such lot,- 1 ing claims s0en1 no long0r like de- 1 11lands, au(I all this is equally truo-h of the wives and children. a A RUSSIAN SPY, .A)1 Incident of the Present Russo Japanese War. A party of Japanese •soldiers 1 Maw:huria had just. tlnlshed tine evening meal when a Chinaman Puss cal them, apparently on his way horn 1101)1 a d03''0 work in the h(ld, (11 of the soldiers called to him an 8aic1 1u Chinese, "A cup of water plenae1 Fetch it lora." One of th Japanese officers tells what followed an incident which shows better that any number of s0rmolls or other - "prcachulinits" how merciless an)l t horrible war is. • The Chinaman. slopped for an in - 1 slant. Ile did not even salute Us, 1 aoc1 Lltou, 1'8 before, ho t.urmld Itis co face north and began walking aw'ary. 1,1 Not that w•1' 14011011 1114 services So t1' 1 very much, but the insolence- in that 1t' haughty and silent air of the native al twenty (1001-s, and Many (hanks for "Yes; ahoy were, paid to me by Dr, the loan of them.", Santos In part settlement of a Lantos )talked home in a thought- ful framo of mind. When he t•oaclted 1118 Own place he found the house in darkness, and he remembered that tho housekeeper was in the v141ag1 and tho patient James Postel• was tho only occupant. "Been left alone for three hours; I hope he's all right," he muttered, ns he placed his key in the loch. To his supriso the door mooned Montt. a foot only, and denod his efforts to push it any further, 80011ted as if some heavy object 11 (141(6n behind it. Striping a alas; ho gave one look, and toll hack wi a cry of horror. A man, clothed only in a night- shirt, lay in a huddled heap behind the door, Blood flowed from 02) ugly w0Und in h(1) forehead, and his Mad hung limply on one shoulder. "Great heavens! .lames Poster! Boadl Ito must have Neon trying to get dolt and broken his nock by folio ing down the stairs, 0011101111(1 my luck, and good -hyo to my paying patient and six huudrod a year. 73y rleOrg01 and'Andy Foster 10111 be koro in an hour. Ile must not sou than to -)tight. I must prevent Min souse - /10w," IIe carried the )lead man to his room and laic! 111111 02) the hod, end was more struck than over by 1110 extraordin0ry likeno88 to bis brother. Almost immediately a plan leaped to 1118 10111d, so Glaring in its con- ception that, cl14ver 8ch0mer (1S - 110 10118, 110 felt startled, Halt 0.11 hour later a knock at the door ann0ut10011 the a1•rlvn.) of Andy Foster, "Colne, In Mr. Foster. 111avo just boom up with yon)' brother; he seems rather queer isanight, and has just 14'0)10 to steep again. 1'! you doih'I, mind, I would rather you did not disturb hum." "Certainly not; I should he sorry to go against your opinion." "!But you 800111 upsot, 000)0 info tho dining -mom and let too givo you a. glass of wine," "Thank you, I will, Poor 'Bort IC0nn0dy thinks I am unjust to him; mut, goodness knows, 11)1n wily acting for his good. '(Vo had a tow lint words and he left mo by tho old quarry, Funny tasty about th18 1911 2)e," ' .Perhaps it 18 a little corked, A131 it is. just a minute, and I'll slip clown to tiro collat' for another' bot- tle." yan108 was gone. soma neo m• six minutes, and who)) 110 re-entered the dining-000in old Andy Poster was ly- ing; back 111 his chair breathing' Iene- ilv, "All! he's good for (We1V0 1101.111), :\1(d )1010 to vror1 before bars, Brooks ('01(1')18," 11e 11(1111(4)1 Andy Foster 1n 1)114 arms and carried hint upstairs to whore. his ((earl brothel' lily, Ih a foto 411iY1- 4)1c8 the 1m1y011801°)48 num 10104 strip- ped 81111 pineod 111 bed, and the doe - tor proceeded 1(1 array the COMM) in his bother's clothes. Rowley ('foss is a. 101101y ltht)e alloy tat o'clock (4t night, and tow dent." 1)r. Santos, pale and haggard, but outwardly calm, described the scene with ICennedy and, AL•. Foster, 111111 how tho deee08od had proposed to call and see his brother after having boort to the station with Kennelly; how he hall sat up wailing, the search with the leen, (110 Rioting of tho broken stick, 01111 tho aiscovely of tho body. "Alla now De. Santos you have It; heard the last witness declare that all the )weepy -five pound notes which ch he Paid into his banking account tat were received from you. is that true?" "It is true that I owe 143r, Kenne- dy three hundred pounds; but I re- g'ret that I have not yet, been able to repay 111111 any of iL," Witlt an exolantation Kennedy started to his font, but was 3i18tant- ly forced bade by a constable, "'rhea ha did not reco1Ve the notes from you'?" "ffe ).aid not." After turner inmtatcriai e 1(10) c1' '1110 jury consideed their thedict. It took theles but a COW 111.11)11)78 to agree. Wilful muffler against Iwemlerly," :Amid a hubbub of exTitement ICen- 1 at -Paris during the consultation! o hour by a Marquis bearing ono oft the Bost -known names of the I''au- t bourg St. Germaain - colossally rich, I c but renowned for his closeness tai s money matters. Atter having ding -i nosed the case Velpeau informed the.! Marquis that 011 010(111ti011 was not c only nocus8coy, at Logout, an(1 11( 0 response to an inquiry added that it)o w0ul.(1 cost 4,000 francs, at w'hic11 11 the noh1cr11an 0111(10 a 14017 face. A About as month later Velpeau, while t making his daily rounds in the great a. Hospital do la Charlie, had his et- tonti011 attracted by a face that p roamed familiar. In answer to 111s S inquiry it was stated that the pa- r tient was a footman of a nobleman 8 in tho Faubourg St, Germain, a story which was apllar0ntl,y borne g out by the clean shaven taco of the el man, and by tho livery which hung AL on the tool. beside his cot, 011. tea It ambling tho slcic man the surgeon t found that, his Casa reseulb)0d in p every particular the somewhat un.us- hl 1)01 ova for which the Marquis had s consulted him sono 110041119 previous- 1)h to. 11'0 made no comments at tho it time, performed 1,110 necessary opera- at Lion, and it was only. about lhyro Ir weeks afterward 101101) rho patlnllt un WAS shout to bo discharged cured ho at De. Volpoau collect 111m nsl(lo th cl saicb "I am extremely flattered 2C Pleased to have Loon able to '4 you. There is, however, a small rurality with which you wilt have comply hetero I can saga your eat, That is, you will have to 12) e mea check for 10,000 francs der, the benefit of the Public Chara- s Bureau of your ntetrOpnlitau Be trict," (1) Phe patient's fico h00am.o Neill. 111 `S''ott can 110 What you Bite about ,1)u 11 h 11 land. ✓ Byron composed the growler part _ of "Lara" at the toilet tattle, and O alto pr01Ogve 01) t.lto 0(1111110(4 of 11( lhury Lane Thsatra inn 1)t ago-coocli. d Moore's sp1(•ndiel I':a4tern 1'0m4ln•r0, , "LALLA ROt?7Cii," O was written fn a cottage blocked up by show, w1114. an 1111g1i11 winter 1 howling; round. Al tho time whet 14tachiavelli com- 11o8v1 the works which: have, immor- talized Ms name loo was living in obscure rel.ir(.lnent, where his only monitions wore rustics, a.nd in a ttor to 4 friend 00 011 111 that. he illed away his days, but his nights ore given to inlena study. Schiller, so, was a night worller and and in- th an an c2) f1( Lo ex giv for node was arrested and placed 1t cue- Lie tociy i1( n. room at the fon pending Ms his removal to tins country gaol souks neo miles sway, Whitler be WAS tak0tt a few botu's Inter, it, But the inhabitants of Hawley y0 C0088 were not yet done )lith aen8,4- Ino tions, for later on it began to be ad rutnorc(1 that Kennedy had escaped, in nod this was 000(112110(1 by a tole- 1111 grain to rho village police, tvh While the police MVO SC01111ng tiro Per neighborhood too the fugitive hon- I /ugly 141.y cr011011111g !11 the braultsn Ino with his oyes fixed cu tate doctor's tht house. 1108 ".L will wring' the tt•uth out of the800uudr)11 01' choke the lie in his throat." .As rho twilight gave place to dark- ti' � ., 1)089 he tort Ma hiding -place, , aand0Ve creeping round to the back of tho pea 110)153 he 0lrtnred the peemi,os ste through on unlatcln((1 window. He 1110 motto his way through all rho totem' 33 roosts, but the place sec)u0d Lo (1e Pat (inserted. 0(1 reaching tho top of the and first landing An V0111ii)114' groan 01'- ivy rested his attention. It tam/oared to for11(m0 froth aroom at the end of the Cho corridor, not Vail of (leterntivation to wind Son- whi too he turned the key In it heavy so oak (100e and entered the rooln. All lov. was dnrk)10118, atul as 11e st1•uelc a anymatch he sate is figure lying rigid on resta bud!, "Bort IConnodyl Bort-Bort-sato Mol 'rake mo out of this)". "Why, you must be James foster, Ti goad yet, as you 1i v1( )lover sotto me, is o how do you knots toy none?" nae) "NO, no, Xonnedy, don'ts you 0117 Wal that; .T. am 'Andy Fostor, drugged by In 0 that Villain (cantos, and Rept lone in of t this strait -Waistcoat," • ' an r "'011011 (ho dead mala Whomx ant end aecusod of killing is .tauter 708101') opal y1t11' b aot110I',t2 - 1SOaa1 0111 -fashioned Rhubarb 114'ILiers- at together two eggs, add ono cup - 1 of milk. Mix together three cup-. Is of flour, one tablespoonful of gar, ono half touspo001141 of salt d two teaspoonfuls of baking pow- " continued the doctor, "but it an • Stir into this the 1(14'10 mixture, U refuse, all Paris will Know to- tie. 1•rn o that rho Marquis do F. on opted the disguise of a footman to order to 8eetne free treatment at s hospital and usurp the place telt belongs by right to a patl- t is necdle88 to acid that the 1103' W218 pall by 1110 1Targeis, who elks to this, was saved trout (m- ine. SUIC1DI:S 7;N iI1t1T.t..LTN, hero are more suicides in Berlin it city, 1111C1 the figures allow 0 to 620 in 1904. This is about for evory 100,000 inhabitants. London •18. salt entiont author - on psychiatry gives two reasons Berlin's ttoenViable distinction - Clanton otttiorial character is Yet fittott for the strenuous life eh the moo for wealth entails sudden inififortune hw bust/leas or atteets the Ominous morn limn other nationality; the second AUSTRALIAN OPALS. to !Meet opal known In 'Austratin, btabloci at White Oliff8, nom' Wit - art, in tato oolooy of Now South s, Whertlikboot 800 >Mimes aro nisch D..t. $880 OM 0111140. TO the of 1904 $4,000,000 Worth or 'Ft had boon baported Iran NeW • pint, of choppcd rhubarb, one blespoonful of 111011,0(1 butter and nuno milk, Decessary, to make thielt drop batter, lery in small, think (mites in a Owing pan, 'turning whoa ane side ineely browood, 01/0 with plonty or hotter and cited Mario sugar. Se gr U8E7710 IMO'S. Cisterns should be thoroughly Cleaned out periodically. Oreose spoils on loather eno be re. 111 000(1 With the white of an egg anti dry ia the sae. Thickening shouIci be power'. into gra fire lun qu reg 1,1 tut wa and bru of 01111 and 81 Ale vy when the saucepan is oft the or gas, Otherwiso it becomes tam point by tlaing a. small antity of whiting on tlamp rata It -Using a mould keep it full of Water Until the moment it is of ammonia to every qoart of tor used, star of paria, Poets powdereal; rub gelitlY but, thoroughly 11)10 the and then shake out thoroughly brush With a soft, perfoctly clean sit stovo-pollsh foto clislo add pro,t8 Water nod timpani:Om, a raw drops of vanish; mix this llabO12811. Let tho polish dry, mut 11 peeled, plaeo the (Mat In cOld Made an impression on us, One of us who read the full meaning across the back which the Chinaman -had (^1. el ate CO1lee flanker, emge :•411111 were always; executed night, Laxly of tho manor during e day, devoted to Her gmeata, mak- ork, it was at One O'clf)ekt In the wpsohom wore fast asleop, that 'Has nies awoke. and arroutplished her 1`011 1WSt 10 Write in aressingasown, (I slippers; and it 12 assert,w1 of clams that ssome quaint littlo 0.11,,.0 figures on liio dosle wore ao oh needed for the easy flow of itiug as blue ink co, quill perm, 4 tanned 111/00 iln, said, "Pm!" oriel at without another word he took after! th the Chinaman. Without: any 1001110 in he caught ap With Win, and an Ile W 1111,11 11 18 impolito hand upon tile no- In tivo of the soil, the. Chinese helmet ottr soldier stood, in tho costume of 111 handsome soldier of Russia. no Six of us rushed upon Moo nod 1 If moment lator lie Wan ()Ur prisoner. br 11e had wandered through 1 he 1,11 country occupied by our army, nod. a., passed and repassed our eawnpS with that) 8Weet 010 011111 Lly innocent.° of a. child loitering through the roads; JUST Al301.1T NOSES. of his naive Ile had Made xl ceitient and detailed examination, or our dofensws, of the number at oti/ men, at the tronehes, of the posi- tion of filo main force; nothing scented 10 linvo escaped him, death 1119 courage sot impressed the Japanese that t captain said: "Permit ino to say that I am fac- ing' this clay one, of tho bravost men it1 any army. We regrot that 100 1100 e0r0P01 100 10 witness your death. As an individual I cannot retrain front pro.eonting to you, buinfily, my re - Rood: and admiration for your bray - Tho !Russian spy replied: "At tho time triton I was captured was ihorotighty aware that this moment. wouni come to too; nevertholese, your words of sympathy touch ine deoply. T1118 Tito or mine I have of - feted to my master, I only thank you for your words of sympathy and tenclurrmes," And with that 110 etretched out 1118 hood toward the captain. You can betimai that the hand 01 taut cap‘ain canto out promptly, and thoro they :shook hands on the Manchurian a olVilot tic) you linow about his past?" oaken Mabol, "Just onoisgli to inake Ira a, Mato sloepretousi about slog the youitg mon had. aoitt Iota .A eaille ie not Made right001211 by •What Artists and Scieatists Mayo .A. nose which in soy way suggests deetned ugly. Generall,v spool; ng, tho long nom> belongs to the moots: mongoltans have short noses. With the lesquinutux the 1101.40 19 esid to he in many e0809 90 161 1. that a rola might bo 1/111e011 80 OS 0 rest, upon both ohoolos milhout touching it. In. man Um othooless of tho nose haVo lolls, which. visibly dilato and con- tract under tbo halm -owe of passion. among civilized people the nose is nearly alwayS deflected 'toward the right, which he attributes to tho custom of wiping t.he nose with tho right Imatt. Loonardo de. Vine' dis- covered that there worn over teli forma varieties of oose, seen in otos filo, and 11 when. looked at in Omni. the Inost chnottotosistIc feature of tho face, nod recommended ladies regulato tho style of their dress Lavator went 50 tar as to stay that than a kingdom, that It, nevor tie- sociatod with an Italy taco. Itatttomoo-"Whatae tiro matter With the baby?" rapa-4 fe was playing Mellon rim Walla and, bo toll 01111 bumped his head MI Ono Of tile pad. Is ho banly hurt?" Papa -o."011, not rortlatately WWI tho Sort padal,"