HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-25, Page 5LL/OTT
f4 Con YQNON AND ALEXANppa f5'!w,
dud BEdome joydud 140,not for 1'uhtlo Holtum) Teuob.
Ora nuts olllor8. Alt of our graduates
get pmalllone. Students admitted at
any lino. Tide Nohon) is not W,tenrb
)ng still" ar"baeaiu4 up," but is wit-
0ing ahead." Sitare free,
W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal,
d t?f-Re sits t fit i�
And 101(311 11414 aoml i,ltn or
'1'erm 0)101)0 April lith, 1904
Two 0001.600—
Commercial and Shorthand.
Send for
tl 11
o u 0n �l4d
.3. L M INTYlt F, Manager, �1
* 4i3 Sreiat3ra st r ty
Suceesoor to Dr. J. A, ,llo\aughlon
Itrue,010, Un'arlO
Graduate of Polyoltnlo Poet GI'adusto
Bobnol of Modiolus and Surgery, Now York
MOmber of ()otiose of Pity:datane and Sur-
geons of Outarie,
0111coand ,residolteo sumo to formerlyoe-
culued by Dr. M0Naug1tou,
Dieeasea of women a specialty.
1j�.�'( ONE! TO LOAN AT 5 PER
1F;L Dent, F.H. 800'44'2', brussels.
IaenST of Marriage Licenses. 01.
Duo at Grocery, T'urnourry atreot, brussels.
rEne1ONI.n has lovoral good Roans 101
Halo and to rent, easy terms, to '1'eleneb1p.
of Morrie and Grey. F B,. SOOTT, Bruaeo'
C. 0. V.
Court Princess Alexandria, No, 24, 0.0, F.,
Brubeel0, meats lu their lodge Room Blee-
ltiti Block, oil the 2nd and last Tuesdays of
each mouth, et 8 o'clOok. Visiting brethren
always weluomo. JAS. ft Ulm Safi, Cl. lt,
A. 1•i, MNLLI014, 18. B.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
• non, wilt soil for better unser, 10
butler mon in lase Num and 1000 chargee
then any other Auctioneer in Avast Boron or
be r.on' t charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this o1Doe or by
prreoue] application.
)1LUI.V,ILI'1 — ONT.
Anetioneor for Enron County.
Ternla 400044431'), K„Ira arranged for
at the tdnee of 7 um rns'r, Iituabole, 8211
• Nonni. .04 n.loa.a of the Outarin Vet-
erinary College, ib prepared to treat all ills -
044000 of dom0H5leate,l animals i0 a colopet-
e(t manner. Potholer attention paid to
1 and Mint Fever, Daneprommproplyy1eetretr y
promptly attended to, bridge,
, ami 1)ornInfirmaryo
—Four doors North o[ brldgo, 1'mvborry et„
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, NM.
bummer to G. F. Blotr. Oilhoe over Stun-
dard Bank, Brussels. 8ulieltor for Metro-
politan Bank,
t�e Barrister, Solicitor, 'Oonveyaneer,
Notary Public, dm.- Oflloo—Stewart's Block
1 door Nor tit of Ooutral Rotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
B 41t1tI8T1441) ,440X,0,IN7'l0s, NOTAIifD4
W. Paovnl40OT, II. G. R. 0. 11400
ODhee0—TIto00oi� lad Meeors
formerly H
(030101(00144 ONTARIO,
Graduate of the Royal Oo11og0 of Mutat
urgeooeolOntario and Fire •01000 ltonor
v'adcate of Toronto University. O]loo
neat to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
e 'lou 10
You can et a general tluoa
to DN'TaAL
Wool got omttot 1 otl
an 6tlbo b
0 1 ego 1i a ml3Ooutieo theft reputationi
for tho:01;01 nes. 011No1'tneittee aro
for those who are prepared. Our
graduates always 811100041. You may
r1./.0 enter our blames at any Unto,
Write for fro Oatalog00.
ELL/0'2 T h 140LAOIiL"N,
Dor )3111 auceR,pulreinent°Determination
to Hnococ 1."
The 1 �otof1 S11 1tlfltf
and Business Academy
Over ene.loi f Ilia et0)400)0 wo sup aoonni.
mediae aro enrolled 100 t)lo above ditto,
8horthaud au4 Typewriting doper:mm)
will be 0000nt1 to 110110, Drop up 000140,
Voudriok'a block, and 4400 US,
01'0, S9071'1001, MIS8 310111'31Y,
Priuo)pal & Pr'ou. Lady Principal.
'ural Remo Item
WEDNltenav w0.0 a quiet day in town,
Tux good old game of quoits is taking
e new lease of life in preemie.
Tim 33rd Huron Regiment will not go
to Gump at Loudon until the 19th 0f Jona.
Itlet)2' of tie eohool teachers ere attend
i0g the Convention at Olinton Ghia week.
A Naw plate glass was planed in W. F.
Strotlon's jewelry store to repl00e the
oreoked one.
A 81111001) of Brn')eelite') attended the
funeral of the late Robt, Moore last Sob•
bath at Listowel.
Tun Po80 glen the news, 80 cents, in
advnnoe, paye for it for the Matinee of
1906. Don't borrow any longer.
SIMS shearing is at hand, Market
your wool at Btuaesle and amen the
highest price in either (ash or trade.
Ooonoitlor Thomson, Alf. Baeker and
A. B. MaaDoneld were among Brueeelitee
who took in the Jockey Ulub raoe0 at
EAST Mama Liberals meet on Tuesday
afternoon of next week, in the Town Hull,
Brest/els. Every Liberal in the riding
Should make au ell irk to attend.
LAST week the Main attest received a
80140pittg by the grader and the surplus
mud woe carted away, giving the. street
a tidy appearance and removing the
(muse of considerable duet during the
coming Summer.
Tut flame work of D. A, Lowry's new
r0sidenee, Queen street, is ready for the
brink veneering whioh will be done forth
with, Jou, Hunter and sone, of Oran.
brook, have been doing the earpenteriog.
Mr. Lowry will have a comfortable plaoe
when completed.
EXCURSION To GaoLrn.—The Annus.)
Exonroion to the Model Farm, Guelph,
will be run on the W. G. 13., from Kin -
sardine to 13eafryl inolueive, on Thurs.
day, June 16th. Special train') each way
and tioketa good to return on the follow•
i0g day. See bills and dodgers for fur.
Iter particulars.
Enema, Bnos, placed the electric light
wires last week in Tnu POST blook for the
Odd Fellows' new Hall. Building will
soon be reedy for 000090tion tie pl00ter
ing is now in progress ; plate glass is
ordered and painters will soon beat work.
The new emblemstio carpet for the I. 0.
0, F., arrived last week and is a dandy.
Tun annual meeting of East Harm"
Farmer.' Institute will be held in the
000uoil Chamber, Breese'%, on Taeeday
June 0 h, at 1 80 p. m. Secretary Tress
urer McArthur will give his report ; the
Auditors' report will be presented ; off:•
oars for next year Mooted ; places of
regu ar and supplementary meetieg8
eugge01041 and other bneineeo matters
A Goon 1200011tr0Nn —In the past few
weeks delegates from the Insurance
Companies in West wawauosh and the
Uo of Brant have been interviewing the
llowiok Mutual Insurance Co, Board to
0eeur0 painters as to better methnde than
have been in vogue by them eino0 their
inception. The Howlett is One of the
strongest purely Mutual Companies in
the Provinoe Oarrying 0030 over e x m)! •
lion dollars in Hake. . It hes been in
operation 34 years and is well o$f1ered
and managed.
Tun Huron Expositor of last week
snake wisp words whish we reproduce :—
The annualstin
ma of the Etat Huron
Liberal Aseooiatfon, as oo0atftated for
both Donituion and Provinoial porpo0es,
will be held at Brueaels, on Tuesday, May
00 1, at 1 o'olook p. no, Although there
is nothing oxoiting on the Liberal boards
at thep resent time t g should
this merlin h
OO d
be largely lttte0ded by representative
MSC from every municipality. The
Hurons have been going in evil ways,
pOtiliially speaking, for some time, and it
behoove') the Reformer) in eaoh of the
three riding') to come together and look
matters squarely in the Noe, and the
loose eorew0 and tighten them up So the
msohiue will he reedy for efficient work
when the Gime 00me8, The time to do
alit) i0 now and not when the turmoil and
exoitement of an election ie on. Bat 40.
where is this preliminary training more
needed than in South Heron. We give
the hint and hope it will be toted upon.
Eternal vigileuce is the prise of liberty
and unify and harmony are the forerun-
neve for viotory.
If011ON 0o,—Following are the figures
representing the population of the various
munioipolities in this 000nly for 1008 and
1904 1—
Mnnioipalities 1904 1908
Ashfield 2911 8045
Oolborne 1679 1740
Goderioh Map, 2260 2800
Grey 8184 3201
Hay 3486 8895
Howiek 8671 $788
Hellon 2721 2721
14'loli i l lop. 2470 2868
Mortis. 2304 2497
Stanley 2038 2014
Stephen 8918 8096
Tookoremfth 2170 2348
Turuberry 1986 2006
Uehorno 2161 2191
Wawaaoab E. 1792 1865
Wawanoeh W. 2012 2012
Bayfield 619 688
Blyth 880 866
Bruaoels 1224 1216
Clinton 2270 2280
,fixator 1917 1895
Goderioh 4040 4015
/fantail 708 722
Bealorth 2177 2116
Wingham 2218 2266
Wroxo1er 481 626
Totate 66861 57964
These figures show that of the sixteen
towae)ip8, one shove no alteration,
three inarea0041 by 171, and twelve lost
by 1011, the total lose being 860, and that
of the towns and villagoe, five gained to
population 180, and $ve lost 4494 the net
lone being 208, making a total lose In the
eognty of 1U8,.
Iasi re la it<rw .
The anniversary ,-f the Look/tow l?ree.
b tori
an (Mundt e
h wit hr •J n
9 1 o Sunday.
The firm of Atldraty r2 Wobeter, im•
pl8tnent agents, Ma been dieealyed, Thoe,
Webster retiring from the firm.
",E, F. Cain Ilse tient hie feet peeing
mare, "Dobbin 0,' to the track at Wing.
ham nnd044 the oharge of Joe Welsh,
The Diroetore of the Luoknow Public
Library have recently added a large
collection of standard works to the
Aire, Millyard, mother of the Rev, R.
141. Mlilyard, whose serious illness was
mentioned in our lean isms, died at her
horns in Thornhill, on Monday of lest
week, in her 80th year,
The anniversary of Christ Morph wee
oelebratod on Sunday.
The 0. P. R, eurveyere have finished
their work for the present „on the pro
potted Linwood to Lietowal bre.noh line
of the Guelph and Guderiott Railway,
A greet deal of80110yanco and danger
le enacted by the flee of fire orackere,
torpedoes and toy pistols on the etroete.
This praotioe is nontrary to the law, tied
Chief of Police Harding (aIle attention to
the town Bylaw prohibiting persona
from setting off a gun or fire acme, lire
balls, fire crackers, or any other fire
works within the town limits.
LioTowoo. Bu000 oo COLLttOg.-rhe
following s'ndents 11008 been eneoeeelnl
at Ltetaw01 Business Collage and have
been awarded diplomas Iu the short -
band Department—Nies M. R. Dunbar,
Ethel ; Miee May Gibson, Burne ; Kiss
Violet Greer, Gowotlotown ; Mies Ada
Grant, Listowel ; Miss (Millis Meyers,
Listowel; W. J. Ztllax, Lietowal, Mies
Myrtle Smith graduated in February.
In the Commercial Department—Alf.
Perrin, Listowel ; Gordon Simmons,
Nems were received in Lietowal Tues
day of last week of the death in London
of Sarah A. Soots, relict of the late Jacob
M. Halsted, Mre. Halsted was a sister
of oar townsman, J. W. Soott, and leaves
but one child, a daughter, Lillian, M.
Halsted, of Kansas City, Miseobrh Mr.
Soot) and Mies Halstead ao0ompanied
the rem0ine to Wioghem, where they A PERSISTENT BACKACHE.
were met by S. A, Related, of Mount Can have but one oaaee—diseased
Forest, and a large circle of relatives and kidneys, which must be etrengtbened
friends, Burial was in the Wingham before backache eau be cured. Why not
oemetery'Thursday upon 'be arrival of use Dr. Hamilton's Pffla 7 They oars
the morning train from London. In the the kidneys quick, make them strong and
early sixties Mr. and Mrs. Halsted were able to filter disease—breeding poisons
residents at Listowel, tater removing to from the blood, At once you feel better,
the Southern Stater, but upon Mr. stronger, brighter. Sidney health is
Halelead'o death Mrs. HBletead returned guaranteed to every user of Dr. Ham)).
to Canada and had resided in Wingham ton's Pills. Get a 25o. box from your
tor many years peat. druggist, and refuse eubolitdtes,
If your child Domes in from play
eo0gbing or showing evidences of Grippe,
Sore Throat, or sickness of any kind, get
out your bottle of Nerviline, Rub the
cheat and neck with Nerviline, and give
internal doses of ten drops of Nerviline in
sweetened water every two hoard. Thie
will prevent any serious trouble. No
liniment or paid reliever equals Poison's
Nerviline, which has been the great
family remedy in Canada for the past
fifty years. Try a 25o. bottle ot Nervi -
INCUB , /"1 F,t 1r'nrl lletirt wa0010871 r eegnal140 tc the
1 1, 1 rl'dht0.t (00,11114 fforing or atll 0tloo
I have secured the agency
for one of the best Calla.
mak s of Incubators.
Prices right.
Ruff Orpington's. My
birds are bled from the
best in Canada. None
If You
Want Hens
that will lay in Winter, If you want
Birds for tall'e use. It you want
beauty, utility and quality get into
the 13UFF WYANDOTTE breed
by buying a few settings of Eggs at
91.00 per 15 from
James Ballantyne
The annual meeting of the Women's
Foreign Missionary Society of Weo'ey
ohnrob was held when the following
fakers were elected :—President, Mre.
W. S. Harland ; 1st vice, Mre. A. O.
Pattison ; and vice, Mre. H, M. Manning;
Reo,.Seo., Mre. French ; Cor. Sac., Mrs.
E. Oantelon ; Treas., Mrs. Hodgene ;
Organist, Mrs. A. T. Cooper ; Executive,
Mre. Hall, Mre. Balmier, Mrs. Biddle.
concha,- The report, covering eight
months, showed a proeperoue work done
by this 'moiety, over 9100 having beeo
raised for mie0ione,
Guy Bros. have engaged the Town
Hall, for Monday, Oot, 30th.
Dr. Gaon and wife lett last week on a
trip to Chicago, They may go further
Wool before returning.
Mies Irene Jookeou, daughter of Thos.
Jaokeon, has so far recovered that eine is
now able to walk around.
Ou Monday of last week OOotelon
Bros., shipped to Montreal a carload of
eggs consisting of 16,580 dozen.
Inspector Robb wail ioepeotlog the
Public sohoole of the district Inst week
and made his headquarters iu town.
1. L. and Mrs. Oourtice left on an ex-
tended visit t0 friends in Eastern 041•
tario. They may be away for One or two
R. Levier, of the Base Line, is in the
Hospital here, having undergone an
operation. He ie recovering as well as
can be expected.
R. Worthington, (eon of Mre. Worth.
ington, of town) who reee0tly went to
Detroit School of Medicine, has just pass
ad hie flat year a examination with
Among the appeale entered against the
assessment roll is woe by Mr. Searle, who
ohjeote to the whole roll, on the ground
that the Act was not oomplied with iu
making the aesessmen4.
Judgment in the Soo eleotion mese was
given by Chancellor Boyd on Tuesday
of last week when William Coyne, Pet.
Holt Gavle and Lack Kennedy were tined
$800 each. In the Daae of Kennedy if the
oasts are not paid within a week he most
go to jail for six months. He is held
reoponeible for the Minnie M. trip and le
also found guilty of procuring person•
'6V i nate to rn.
And, Small left on Monday of last
week for Listowel, where he has secured
e situation in one of the furniture factor-
The Court of Revision on the current
year's armament roll of the town of
Wingham will bold Its first Sittiog in the
town hall on TOeeday, May 80111.
A meeting of the repreae0tativee of the
three Globe in District No. 2 of the junior
aeries 0. L. A , was bald at the Queen's
hotel here, E, Armstrong and W. A.
MoKeezie represented the Kinoardine
ohm. W. S. Bartley the Lietowal slab,
and H. H. Wightman and J. Vanetone
the Wingbam club. The following
eobedule of games was drawn up t—June
1—Listowel at Wingham June 8—
Winghem at Kincardine ; June 16--
Kinoardine at Listowel ; June 22—Wing.
ham at Listowel ; June 28—Kincardine
at Wioghem f July 1—Wingham at
Listowel ; July 6—Listowel at Kinoard.
i0e ; July 14—Listowel at Wingham ;
July 21—Kincardine at Wingham ; July
28 Listowel at Kincardine; Aug. 3—
Wingham at Kincardine ; Aug. 10—
Kinoardine at Listowel.
Mies JENNIE ELLIOTT Dxaaaean.—The
following from the Thermion Advocate
refers to the death of a niece of Charles
and Thos. Elliott, of Wingham. Deoeae•
ed wee well known in Wingham and
Horde Township w ht
p —The funeral of the
late Jennie Elliott, daughter of Mre. 0.
Elliott, Day Mille, took place on Satar•
day afternoon from the reeideooe of her
brother.in.law, Donald McAlpine, to the
Little Rapids oemetery and was attended
by a goodly. number ot friends and
aognaintauoes, The deoeased was born
in Blenheim Tp , Oxford 00. in the year
1862 and mune to Algoma with her
parent° twenty two years ago. She wag
the eldest of a family of five all of whom
survive. They are—Mrs. D. MoAl.pine,
and J. H. B Mott, Theeealon, Adam
Elliott, Day Tp. and Dr. Elliott, of
Eaoanaba, Mioh., all of whom were prey
ant at the funeral, The deoeased hoe
been in failing health for the past five
months and the last six weeks was con.
fined to her bed when finally her over.
taxed eyetem yielded to the struggle and
death added another to its many victims.
The late Jennie Elliott wag a model
woman and member of society whoa
Turnip Sem
Always get the best as it costs no more to grow GOOD than
poor Seeds of any kind. The success no doubt depends largely on
the preparation of the soil, but not less so on the QUALITY of the
Seed sown. Impressed with this fact we always procure our Seeds
from one of the most reliable firms in Canada. We now have in
stook the following varieties of Turnip Seeds, viz.:—
BRUCE'S NI1W OENTURY—A Purple Top Swede, resembling the Weetbury, of
splendid uniform growth and fine quality, It is the beet Swede we know of to
reeiet mildew and IS a heavy oropper,
NEW KANGAROO—A very hardy Swede similar in size and growth to the me..
phone and inor8aging in popnhtrity eaoh year,
IIARTLEY'8 BRONZE TCP—Small neck and single lop roots, very riob in quality
and a good keeper.
HALL'S WESTBURY—A well known standard variety and one of the beet,'
Alargeand handnome variety and a popglar turnip,
WHITI] SWEDE—Remarkable for ha notritiong properties, hardiness and long
GREY STONE—A white fleshed turnip ;early, hardy and of good quality.
Our Customiers Highly Recominend these Varieties.
A.t RA C HA N•
1010/14444 her friendo .and aogttuinloI'oee,
Bit0 kn. w 1110, lite'e tenure wee eller',
butt wit' Feeleared for the axil when it
4440)018 041.1 3(41)4 RC anolmgdod mind, Dor
rounded by her loving family end the
peace of Chtlet3an resignation She peened
to her reef. To the escrowing mother
and family is extended the heartfelt
eympatby of the community at large,
Yon couldn't be otherwise with snob a
dietreeefng malady. Well, for one dollar
spent on " Oatarrhouono" you can be
thoroughly oured. foolish to delay,
because asthma eteadily grove wore8,
Get 0 torr
a hoc>ae today and once your.
golf ; it fa p e00a0t to nee, very efmpie,
and gnar0itteed• Presoribod by thousands
of doctors and used by the people of nine
nations — Certainly Oatarrhoz000 must
be good ; it hasn't failed yet, no matter
how ohmic the ease.
The neutral telephone office hag been
moved one door East on the Square.
Some ahenge' are being made in the
public room of the registry office, in•
n (ding a new counter.
Mre. Garrick ran a needle through two
fingers and she is now eofi'ering from a
swollen hand end arm as the result.
Robert Doak'e residence, on Keays
street, wail 0ir0ok by lightning Titers.
day of last week but the damage is nearly
oovered by insurance.
The substantial reaidence on the oorner
of East street and Oambria Road lute
bon sold by County Clerk Lane to G. M,
Elliott, for, it ie said, $1600.
Quite a number of boat houses have
been built so far thio season, and on ac-
count of the closing of the South channel,
at the foot of Maodermott's 0tepe, they
have been erected near the jouotion of
the breakwater, with the old Grand
Trunk dock.
A football team hoe been organized in
o0oneotion with the North ',treat Bp.
worth League. Aseriee of games with a
similar team from Viotor)a street Metho.
dist ahuroh and the Collegiate Institute
team will provide wholesome sport for
the young men,
Oa Tuesday of last week, the M. D ,
who bag been stteudiog Arthur Wilson,
who was dangerously shot a few weeks
since, succeeded in ex rooting the bullet
that had rested so long in the antortanate
youth. The lead was taken ant jug' be.
low the third rib, its octane having been
atter entering the abdominal wall, up.
ward, right through a lung to the spot
where it wasilitally looated. Mr. Wenn
ie alt)) far from being out of danger, but
the Dr. hopes that the removal of the
ballet may assuage the fever, and thus
help to full and quick reoovery.
On Tuesday of lain week Robert Oreer
died at the reoidenoe of hie sou•in•law,
Jno. A. Harrison. Victoria street. Hie
destb was no surprise to hie friends, as
be had been fading away for some time,
though hie vitality was eaoh that be was
up town the day before death came.
Robert Greer was widely koowo in thio
par) of Ontario, as hie business of a
headstone and monument dealer, took
biro far from hie SOltford home. The
deoeased was born in Ireland, end left
the green isle for Canada when a boy.
The family settled in Gorrie, and the late
Mr. Greer afterwards moved to Ben.
miller, later to S0lttord, and then to
Goderioh, where he lived a few 38ere.
The funeral took plane to 0ilborne came•
tery Friday afternoon. The deoeased,
who was a widower, leaves lour children
to mourn hie death—Oharlee, of Duluth ;
Robert, of London ; Simnel, in tee U
S., and Mre. Harrison, Viotcria street.
One brother sad two meters 0grvive, Ge,.
Greer, Looknow ; Mre. Bentley, Blyth,
and Mrs. Montgomery, town.
d111/140 Fox Guarantees Wound 10100
Care It Need Now.
The early Summar when the weather
beoomos warm and settled, ie the beet
time of the wholeyear to treat catarrhal
troubles with the expectation of oomplete
and lasting relief.
Everyone who has oatarrh of the head
and throat ebould know how foolish it is
to try and mire it by drugging the atom•
IIutil re000t)y your phyeioian would
have said that the only way to cure
oatarrh would be by a ohange of elitnate,
bat now with Hyomei you can carry a
health•giving climate in your purse or
vest pocket, and by breathing it a few
ml0utes four times a day goon once your.
Everyone who has oatarrh, or even a
tendency to catarrh, should nee Hyomei
now, for the benefit will be gained twice
0e gaiokly and the dinette thoroughly
eradioated trona the ay01em,
The oomplete Hyemei outfit costo bot
one dollar, and includes a neat pocket
inhaler, a medicine dropper, and euffi.
oient Hyomei for several weeks' treat,
meat. The inhaler lasts a lifetime, and
it more Hyomei iS needed, extra bottler
can be obtai0ed for 60 °eels.
In Brussel° there are some of well
known people who have been oared of
oatarrh by Hyomei. 11 it does not once
you, James Fox will return your money:
Thie is the etrongeab evidence he can
offer as to hie faith in the remedy.
Dannviiio'e new Methodist oharob
ham been dedioated.
Tbomae Dalmage was killed at Deeen
onto while operating some dump 04)18.
Mrs, (Rev) John Kenner, of Mitchell,
who has been ill with hemorrhage of the
lunge, le recovering.
The will of the late Hon, James
Sutherland-diopoeeo of an estate of
nearly half a million.
The swearing in of Ron. 0has, R.
Hyman ae Minister of Public Works will
not take pilaw for a day or two.
The Feseeden Wireloes Telegraph
Company will receive a Dominion charter
similar to that of the Marooni Company,
Justice Bain Of the Superior Court
of Manitoba,
after r ao I
ll a
se of five
years' duration, died in the Victoria
Eoepitel at Montreal.
Tbomae A. Lloyd, barrister, was it.
rested at Newmarket on the (harge of
refusing to amount for *met funds, 130
was admitted to bail,
Fetitfone against the eleotion of Hon,
W. S. Fielding and Sir Frederick Bordeu
were dfemined by Chief Juetioe Weather•
be, of Nava Sootia, as the 0ervioe of the
write took place out of Canada.
NNQ 111 & Co..
Our trade thio Spring has been a reword breaker, Never in the hie.
tory olOUR BIG U
we had snob largeal
o sales as dur-
ing the laet two months, and still the rush 000linuee, Our stook in 801O0
lines got pretty well sold out, but the large shipment) of new goods we
received 'hie week puts our stook in good shape again, Below we mention
a few lines of new goods we have just reesived :—
Allover Laoe, in bleak, cream, arab and white, at 85o, 600, 75o, $1, 91.25
and 91 76 per yard,
Ladies' Belts, in bleak and oolore, in new designe, at 26o, 3644;'500 and 760
New Parasols, in black and tawny stripe') sod floral patterns, at 60e, 760,
91, and 91 50,
Ohiidreu'a Parasols, in white, oardinal, sky and pfok, with fancy frilling,
at 25o, 46o and 66o.
Owlet Come in white and blaok, made of tine lawn and muslin, trimmed
with insertion, lane and ribbon, at 25a, 86o, 60o and 75o.
Ladies''Veeto, in 011l sizes with long and abort sleeves and sleeveless, at
7o, 90, 10o, 12io, 16o, 26o and 35o.
Ladies' Balbriggan Vests and Drawers, very spoilt) at 60e.
Ladies' Ooreete, made by Crompton, D, & A„ B. & C., S. & I. Rud Wray,
at 500. 75o, 91 and 9125.
Orompton's Tope Girdle, regular prloe 60o, for 86n.
The Naw 0. B. 0. Corset, straight front, bias out, with hose supporters
attaohed, in three styles—Batt Wing, Peggy from Paris and June o..4r
Bride—great value at $1.
Ladles' Stook and Turnover Collars, in blaok, arab and (+ream, also Se• ) )
gain Stook (Ware, in black and white in great variety, at close priors. 5_
Our Fine and Up-to-date stock of' Bug-
gies is now on the market and we invite
intending purchasers to call and inspect.
They are all made of best material with
the very latest improvements.
Have you seen our fine display of Oak
made Wagons ? Every one warranted to
be as represented.
Repairs and Painting promptly attended to.
Tops Relined and Covered and made as good
as new. Call and see us.
J=3RUS S hi S
AU, WRE.:9U.Agi
c w
Now that the season for buying Buggies has - arrived
we would like to inform the public that we are better
prepared than ever to supply their every want in Buggies
got up in the very latest style and best material that
money can buy—Steel Tires, Hard Rubber, Cushion ar)d
Pneumatic Wheels, with Ball Bearing Axle,
Lumber Wagons—the very best oak gear, with half
truck or high wheels, either 2i, 2' or 3 in. tires. Before
buying elsewhere be sure and call at the old reliable Car-
riage Factory where you will get the very best value for
your money.
1'Ttivo Cows for sale at 1'easonable figures,