HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-25, Page 1Vol. 83. No, 46
New Advertisements.
Laoal-B, Crone.
Strayed-RabG. Qnnt4e,
Money totted -Tun Posy,
Apology -Samuel Barka.
Blue Stone -F, R. Smith.
County Oounoil-Wm, Lane,
Store for sole -John 0. Cooke,
Men's colored shirts.. -D. 0. Roes,
Homeseekern' exonreioue-O, 2. R.
Men's welkiog &haat-I. 0. Rioliarde.
itRiztritt Razz,
George Bateman end family have mov.
ed to the Holland farm, lot 20, oon, 7.
blies Shannon and Will, I2okmier at.
tended the Teaohers' Convention at
Clinton this week.
Township Council met here last Mon.
day, The neaal large grief of ,munioipsl
badness was ground oat.
Rev. 0. P. Welle, B. D, and J. K.
Baker were at Wingham thio week attend-
ing the Dietriot meeting,
Sabbath afteruoon last Dr. Moffatt,
Tract Society Agent, occupied the pulpit
of the Preebyterinn choral in this place.
At the Dineen meeting, bald in Wing•
ham on Wednesday, Rev. 0. P, Wells, 13,
D., of Ethel, wee elected n member of
the Stationing Committee of the London
Lieet•owe eel .
At Listowel Friday night the home
team won from Atwood in an intimated
iate W. F. A. game by 4 to 0.
Sere Roneen.-The acts of the Grand
Central hotel was titled some time dor•
ing Saturday night and the aooteube,over
$800, carried off. The robbery was not
demented until Monday morning on
B. S. Panl'e opening the sate, which he
found looked as usual. It is thought the
thief or thieves must have had some
knowing of the combination as there were
no marks of violence in or around the
Winnipeg 830 00 alebevan 1;898 00
Afowbrny l Yarkbnn f
Duiorain 81 00 6heho 99 50
Bonds } 39 7G
Brandon 8198 Lipton
Lyloton ateoaeiaw 84 00
Lenore 85 00 eaekatoon .....8008
Minloaa 1 Bribes Albert... 88 00
Bineoartb 88 28 Calgary
88 00
.O ooeomin -82 20 Calgary . 88 50
Amis. 82 50 lied neer . 80 8e
Going June 18tH, returning until August 14.
Going June 27th, returning until August 28.
Going July 18th, returning uatil Sept. 10.
Full particulars from Canadian Pe.oiflo
or write 0, B, Foster, D.1', A., Toronto,
ohioe, The till alone by oontaining some
4.10 was not tampered with, There are
soma simpletons oharaotsrs notlosd
around town lately but so far se boowu
there is no alae which might lead to an
arrest being made,
The funeral of the late' R. el. Moore,
who died as the result of a knife wound
iaflioted by a crazy Italian at Bellevue,
Liebe, tools place here iaet Sunday
and was attended by friends nod au.
quaintaoons of the family. Deceased
WAS well known in Listowel end locality
in hie younger days, Interment took
Oen in Fairview cemetery,
W al ton.
Geo. A. aud titles Alice MoVittie are
visiting Mende in town.
J. M. Dennison, recruiting sergeant,
le busy gathering up volaobaers for bbis
year's drill.
The Methodist Garden Party on Toes.
day evening was a decided moose, The
weather being favorable, a large number
were in 001604an05 and beartily enjoyed
the evening's oatiog. An interesting
program was given and Brueeeia Band
added to the evening's attractions, Re.
oeip's were in the netghborb,od of $75.
Wnnnlxo.-A very pretty tbough quiet
wedding took plates at Lha 509148nn of
Mrs. D. Oempbell, io town, on Wednes
day 24th inst., when her dangbter, Mies
Laois, was united in marriage to Charles
Drager, one of MoKillop'e moat popular
young mac. Tbe ceremony, which took
plane at high noon, eras performed by
Rev. A. MaoNeb, M. A. The bride was
unattended and was attired in a superb
mauve ooetume with travelling tines of
brown, Only the immediate relatives of
the bride were prosect, After partaking
of a enmpktous wedding dinner the
happy couple left on a short tour, during
wheel) they will visit some of the groom's
relatives. On their return they will take
up their reeidenoe in Walton and their
many friends here wish them happiness
nod prosperty.
Elcel: rave.
W. M. S,-Tbe W. M, S. of the Bel -
grave oirouit held their annual meeting
in the Belgretve Methodist church on
Thursday, May 4th. Following officers
were eleoted for thie year Pree„ Mrs.
A. E. Jones i Vies Pres., Mrs. W. C.
Proctor ; Res, and Correa. Seoy., Tilly
W ilkineon ; Treas., Mre, Ohae, Graeby,
The moiety bas enjoyed a pro5perone
year though a number of members have
.been lost through removal from the
ciruoit. The gaps bave been filled with
new members and the amount contribut-
ed to Missions advanced to $46.62, an in -
muse over Met year of $10 61.
0510A W>tnnlxo,-On Friday evening,
May 19,1, W. 0. and Sire. Proctor, 4th
line of Morrie, celebrated their china
wedding. About sixty of their relatives
and neighbors were present. After tea
the evening wee spent in oonveroation,
mesio and games, every one having a
good time, Twenty years ago Mr. and
Mrs. Proctor began life together in the
right way by dedioatiug themselves and
their home to God, and by opening their
borne for ouch gatherings only as they
believed to be honoring to their Master
and helpful to those assembled, Today
they are lintel and esteemed members of
eonial and ohnrob oiralets with their
family following iu their footsteps. On
reaching this milestone in the pathway
of life thev were the reoipieute of earner -
one beautiful gifts in obinaware and of
many congratulations and good wishee
from their Irienda,
W roxe em e•
George Paulin is to Toronto this week.
The Epworth League held a eooial
evening last Friday.
Mies TIna Rae spent the holiday with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. Rete, of Milverton, was the goeet
of hie eon, Conrad Reis, last week.
Alsx. and Mrs. Stewert, near Brussels,
spent Saturday with Mee, 0. Smith.
Mrs, John Brawn, of Tavietook, spent
a few dnye of this week withrelatives
Rev. Mr, Osterboat and Jno. Bretbauer
attended District meeting at Wingham
this ween.
Peter Smith left for Hamilton thie
week where be will be employed in the
Traders' Bank.
Austin Morrison and Mies Ada Mor
aeon spent a few days of last week with
rolativea in Arthur.
Mies Cowan returned to Galt last week
after a few week's visit with her ,mole,
John Knox, of Howlett.
a,nb'la'b19d1104MI t V110b11M'I,
We have pleasure in informing the ladies that we have been
fortunate in making arrangements with Miss Maggie MSArter to
open a Dressmaking Shop in connection with our Store.
Miss MoAr'tel' has had long and successful experience as a
Dressmaker and has also spent four seasons in Toronto in one of
the most fashionable Establishments in the City and her ability
was there recognized by being made overseer over one of the De-
Call at the front Rooms up -stairs over our Store where you will
have anything in the Dresemak ing line attended to withdespatch
and satisfaction guaranteed. p
Our Stock of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Linings, Buttons, etc.,
comprise all the latest and popular lines. No fancy prices, but
everything at right values.
,11101 1011,1ll'I ielt.V11 10,010
A pio.nio ander the aaepioee of S. S.
No. 2, Sabbath Sohoot, was held in
T.ynton's Flats on the 24113 of May.
A, W. 17. Hemphill was amongst the
anooesofat number in passing the reoant
.rbarmaoy examinations, Ooogratola•
Ata meeting held in John Douglas'
More Friday evening for the porp000 of
arranging for a day of &porta bore on the
let of July, tbe following phone ware
appointed :-Pre&„ GJ. Howe ; Seo„ N.
3. Robinson ; Tyne., Thee, Rae,
.7same it10owee.
Last Sunday Ikir. Carr, of Wroxeter,
woe the speaker io Viotoria Hall.
hire. James Castle, of Clinton, a
daughter of 17. Jaeklin of ,hie locality, is
dangerously ill witb pleurisy at the borne
of her parents, We hope a speedy res
toration may ensue. Mr. Castle was
called here on Monday.
This week Miss Margery Strachan will
leave for Hamilton where she takes a
position as pianist and a0companist in
the eaylom. While sorry to Ione Mies
Straoban from this looality we believe
she will do credit to any pont she may be
assigned as she is a oompeteut mnntoine
and well acquainted with leadership in
publio functions. She will be eepeoially
missed from her poeitioo as organist at
Viotoria Hall. She 'e a daughter of an,
and Mee. Strachan.
Oreenbn sole.
Mien E. Calder spent Viotoria Day
with Listowel friends,
Mies Brame Kinsmen was visiting Mrs.
J, P. Maolotosh 011ie ween.
Chas. and Mrs. Brodie, of Seat.ertb,
spent Sunday with Mrs, Ritchie, of this
A, Reymann had a touch of erysipelas
in hie face but we hope its visit is now
W. E. Forrest and J. Mann, of Strat-
ford, were visitors et the home of the
former, last week,
Ooubribotione have been asked for in
both the churches here for the farther.
sons of the Lord's Day Allianoe work.
Cranbrook Methodist ohuroh hag de-
cided to bold their annual Garden Party
on Thnreday, July 7th. The Brunets
Band has been enured for the 0000eion
and the clonal big time is anticipated,
Work was commented Monday of lest
week on the Dement sbntmente for the
new bridge over the Maitland river here.
One of the old abutments fell letting
down the South end of the bridge shut-
ting off public travel over it.
It ie said that Bev. J. 0. Carry,
formerly of Oranbrook looality, who has
been laboring as pastor of Brioeitre, Min -
newts, Baptist ohnrob, will shortly take
unto himself a belpmeeb from his con.
gregation. May joy be with them.
Wednesday of thie week Rev. D. B. Mc -
Ree tied the matrimonial knot between
Riohord A. Lindeay, 854 oon. Grey, and
Mies Maggie, eldeat daughter of Robert
and Mee. Coutts, llth 005, Ceremony
was performed at the manee. We with
Mr. Lindsay end bride many happy,
prosperous years.
Last Sabbath morning Rev, Dr.
Moffatt, TrttataSooioty Agent, preached
in the Presbyterian church. Not.
withstanding the fact that the rev-
erend gentleman has been preaoh•
ing for about 50 years he has a good deal
of vigor yet and is very enthusiastic over
hie epeoial work of the Tract Society.
Fall wheat is doing well.
Township Council uext Monday.
Thos. Brown, 0th line, had a freak of
Nature so his farm in the shops of a 4
legged gosling. The mother goose tramp.
ed on it caning the death of the leather•
ad quadruped.
Light Croats hat no serious damage ea
Mies Barbera Hogg, of Welleoley, is
the guest of Mrs. David Walker, 0th line.
Miss Bertha Sharpe, 5th line,to en
j'iying a brief holiday in London with
her. sister.
A large number of Liberals will attend
the East Huron Convention at Brussels
next Tuesday afternoon.
A few weeks ago John Evans, lot 21,
son. 8, was thrown off the land roller and
hadihis left wrist sprained. The teem got
away and brolte the tongue of the roller.
Alex. Nichol jr, bas been bothered with
an attack of shingles. Not the red
oedar variety but a kind that oauae moob
annoyanos, We hone be will soon be
0. 15.
Last week Evans Bros. lost a good
working horse, valued at $150. It was
kicked in the tillable by another horse re
setting in a brokeb bind leg. The
animal had to be shot,
E. W. Sellers left last week for Sanka.
toad, N. W. T., where be purposes taking
up is bomeotead. He took a oar of sob•
tiers' effects with him. Mr. Sellers bee
spent his life tip to his removal in Morrie
townohip. We with him and hie family
A very good temporary bridge has been
put over the river at Bodmin to permit
of ermine the Maitland nen the. old
bridge was taken away by the fresbet.
Borne wonder why the Council did not
take bold of the matter properly, as more
people ale benefitted by it than the 4th
line. Councillor Taylor wag the only
man apparently interested. •
Tuesday afternoon of this week, Minnie
L. Ker, teacher of S. S. No. 3, end her
pupils, celebrated Empire Day by giving
a free concert in the eohool, A Targe
nurebsr of the parents, and young people
of the notion were present and were
delighted with the excellent program pre.
rented, The different nnulbere were not
only appropriate and entertaining but
highly iuetruotive as well. Following is.
the program :-Lord's prayer Gang by
eohool ; address of tveloome, Cooil Wheei.
et ; Song, "Tbe Mbple Leaf," school ;
geography lagoon on Britieh Bmpire,
Chas. Conuon, teasher; patriotic exer-
oiaee, "Britannia," by sobool ; song,
"Soldiere of the Ring" by eohool, led by
Mary Spoie; recitation, Selina Wheeler
reading, tido Kee ; doll drill, eeveral
little girls ; recitation, Ernie Miobte ;
nag delis, Aggie Keighb, teather; aoroe-
tic, "Britain;' 7 boys 1 patriotic exer.
oiee, "Where the sugar maple grows" ;
recitation, Myrtle Wheeler ; song, "Land
of the Maple," school ; "God save the
King." The school room was tastefully
decorated with evergreens and nage.
r 8 58 W.
The new wire tattoo is being put up at
Shine's school homes, lltb con,
Kra, Duncan Livingston is home from
an extended visit with relatives et
fare. W%Osten Aiulay, of Brancato, wee
visiting her hater, Mr0, J. D. McNeil,.
5nd other friende in Grey this week,
Sohoot re Opened last Monday at Mon•
otieff atter an enforced holiday on
a000nnt of measles in the notion,
The long continued wet, oold weather
bail been detrimental to Spring farming
on the low lying lands in this township.
Mrs. J. 3, Vincent and baby, of
Thamseville, were vieitora with Mtn,
Livingston and family, Ent 01 Braeeele,
this week.
Charlie and Mies Vinic Armatroug,
18th oon., are away to Bt. Thomas on a
visit to their mule and mutt, Fred. end
Mrs. Herd.
Aux, Ranee. - About 2 weeks ago
Leaps, the 5 year old son of Ieaso Lake
fell down stairs in the barn and broke hie
right arm just below the elbow, He is
making favorable programs and we hope
be will soon regain the proper use of it.
Lest week A. Hislop K, P. P., perches.
ed a line imported 3 year old 111y, The
animal was brought out by Mr. Mont.
gomery, a nephew of Mrs. Hugh
Stewart, 15th oon, of Grey. The Dolt
oomee from an A 1 femily and we hope
the new owner will do well with it.
Last Sabbath morning a very interest.
ing memorial service wee held in Roe'e
obarob having reference to a lately de.
ceased member in the person of Robert
MnIunis. The pastor gave a most emit -
able address end epeeist appropriate
music was supplied by the choir, L.
Frain end John Bryan& also spoke,
This week Mrs. W. 0. Hamilton, nee
Mine Ella MoNail, of Medioine Rat, N.
W, T., and her taster, Kies Jane McNeil,
who has been engaged in Mission Work
on Bribieb Colombia coast for the past
live years, arrived hers on a visit to their
parents, L. and Mrs. McNeil, 14th oon.
Mina McNeil has a three months' fur.
lough. There 'are no white people where
she is engaged outside of the Missionary's
home oirole. fibs is greatly made op in
her work. The ladies are weloomo visit.
ors and we hope they will rally enjoy
their stay in Grey.
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland met in the
Metbodieb church in Belgrave, on May
16th, with Rev. J. J. Hanle, Moderator,
in the chair. The attendanoe of mem.
bees was good, and the meeting fall of
The commissioners to the• General
Assembly as finally agreed upon are Rove.
L. Perrin, R. McLeod, W. J. West and
D. T. L. Mo$erroll, Ministers, sed
Norman Nicholson, Peter Link
later, Peter Clark and Archibald Mo.
Intyre, Elders,
The Statistical Report was rendered by
the Clerk and showed that there WAS a
gain over laabyear's contributions to the
Bohemea of the Obarah within the Pres-
bytery of $071,00 and is gain in the con
tribnbione for all purposes of $4070.00.
While this was eo, there eras a loos minae
the previous year of 75 communicants
and 26 families.
The Report of the Finance Committee
showed that the finances of the Presby.
tery ars in a very satisfactory condition.
Rev, James Malcolm tendered hie ren•
tguatiou 01 the pastoral charge of Tees -
water after a eaooeesfnl pastorate of over
17 years. The Teeewaber congregation
18 Targe and somewhat scattered, and Mr.
Malaolm has for some time passed been
feeling'the prefigure of work so that be
determined upon seeking release. Hie
purpose is to rest for some time before
eeekiog another oharge. His resignation
WOR aooepted to take effeot on the Met
Sabbath in Jane. Mr. Perris, of Wing.
ham, was appointed to deolare the pnlpib
vacant on the following Sabbath and to
not as interim Moderator of the Session
during the vacancy. It was with great
regret that the Presbytery felt oonetraio•
ed to release Mr. Malcolm, 0e it was with
great regret that the oongreg%bion agreed
to hie leaving them. The greatest har-
mony bas prevailed during the years he
wits with them and hie worki has been
greatly prospered. A resolution was
pasted expressive of the esteem in which
le held by hie oo.presliy
ter&, and the, regret with which they
anticipate bis removal from their midst.
Rev, David Wardrop&, of Teeswater,
having teethed the year of his minister.
ial Jobiloo, a oongratnlatory resolution
wan passed by Otie Presbytery, and a
committee wan 043901nted to matte ar-
rangements in conjunction with another
0ommtttee to be appointed by the Teets.
water people for a public oelebration fb
Teeewater, on the 26113 of June and also
asthe events materialize to bid farewell
to Mr. Maloolm,
Rev, John Roes; baying the degree of
Doctor of Divinityn
conferred upon him
reoenbly, the following motion moved by
Mr, West and seconded by Mr. McLeod,
was carried ;- "That the Presbytery
desires to uprose gratifloation et the
teethe of the Senate' of Knox College in
•conferring the degree of Doolor of Divin.
ity upon one Of Its members, Rey. John
Roes, B. A. We oongratnlate Dr. Roes
on the notation of this dletinguisbed
honor and we hope that by the blessing
of God he may be long (spared 00 enjoy it
as the well•mertted reward of earneot and
devoted labors in tbe cause of the Church
and of the Chorob's Lord," To this Dr,
Rose suitably replied,.
The Presbytery, having been intormed
that Rev, 0, K. Rutherford, of Dungan.
non bad to 00118e work tot a while owing.
to limns, pegged the following resolution
of empathy :-.That eve desire to extend
to oar brother our oiboere eympabhy with
bim in his present illness, and to express
the prayer that it may please God to
speedily restore him 50 mob a state of
queen's and American Barns S. T. Plum's and P. Scott's Black-
smith Shops ; .['. Adams' Pump Works ; R. K. Roes's Flour
Mill ; Cober & Sons' Carriage Factory ; Edwards' Shop ; T.
Thomson's, Mrs, Strachan's and Mrs. Grieve's Residences ; and
Stables belonging to Geo. Edwards, Walter Lowry, Thuell
Bros. and John Cousley go up in Flames.
Losses will Total Thousands of Dollars.
Thnreday afternoon about 2.45 the
large barna of the Queen's Rotel look
Ore, 000seioned by some workmen putting
up eavetrooghing. Almosniin au 'natant
the flames oovered.tbe building sod the
hay and other Inflammable matter
burned like a torah. The flee alarm was
rung and a rush made for the fire engine
but for soma reason a considerable time
elapsed before water was thrown and in
the meantime the high wind was tanning
the blaze into a perfect fury.
In abort order the fire was swept anon
Thomas etreet into Walker's livery barn
and Pinee'e bianksmith soup end Weot.
ward to T. T. Tliomeoa'e residence. The
first mentioned was saved largely owing
to the metal root bet the othore fell a
prey bo the devouring element, despite
the battle with buckets.
Flying embers started a blaze in the
American Hotel stable and it and the
shade soon fell but before this fire was
carried into P. Soott's blacksmith shop
and the adjoining pump works of F.
Adame and they were wreathed in
Ulnae, Mrs. Straohau'e cottage, South
of the American stable and Geo. Ed-
wards' stable were ablaze also and ewe
levelled to the graded. Across Mill
street the lire fiend leaped and the imple•
meat ebop of Fletcher Spatting, Geo.
Edwards' planing mill, R K. Roes' float
ing mill, Mrs. Grieves' dwelling and the
°tables of Walter Lowry end Thuell
Bros,, burned like match wood and only
by energetio work the electric light
powerhouse was paved.
This was bad eoongb bet the gale of
wind had lifted fire away morose the
river to Joo. C000ley's stable and the
fine brittle carriage tenors, of J. Cober &
Sons and they too were conadmed.
Tbe intense beat from burning wood
behind Rose' mill adjacent to fire engine
stand compelled H. Jamey and Berry
Mooney to abut down the engine and it
was feared at one time that the Are
fighter would be destroyed by the ale
menta it was menstruated to annihilate.
Many buildings near by the pathway
of the Are had close calla and only by
energetic work of men, women and
children in the working of basket brigades
averted a more eerioue result. The cot-
tage of Mrs. Al000k alongside Walker's
livery wag scorched.
Oooe it looked as if the Queen's hotel
was doomed as Bre ban oaoght the
oornioe but bard working men on the
roof wrought valiantly and won the day.
It tbie had not been the Daae a large por-
tion of the Main street buildings might
have gone up in smoke as with the bigb
wind it would have been next to impos-
sible to prevent the biggest conflagration
Brussels ever bad to contend against,
As to what the inns will be is im.
possible at this hoar to estimate but
many thousands of doliore will not pay
for the denotation. With the largely
inoreased pries of building material the
gaeetion of rebuilding is a very expensive
008 to face, Tea POST sincerely eym-
pathises with the loans, several of whom
were absent from town at the time.
3.11100 0PAR58,
Fire is a good garnet but a bad
What was the matter with • the firs
apparatus 7
Hundreds of people from the neighbor.
eng 5000553 drove into town.
R. K. Ross bad a Jorge quantity of
Manitoba door in stook in hie mill.
A shower of rain in the early evening
helped drench out burning debris,
Many of oar Citizens and (Molders
worked like heroes and rendered very
effective aid.
Some of the older reaidente called rip
inoideutsin ooa0e0tion with the "big"
fire of 1877.
The Ross mill wag through the fire
betore when the property of the late John
Grower. Date was May 24, 1871,
The flames went with the speed of a
race horse and cinders were Carried be.
yond the Northerly boundary of the
it ie said the Other factory migbthave
been saved bad not their staff been over
mining in fighting the throes where the
fire started.
Some estimate the total loss at from
$35,000 upwards. A good many of the
aufferere Derry more or lees insurance
A epeoial train Dame down from Wing -
ham with from 50 10 100 people. The
rumor in that town was that lbs fire was
on the Main street,
This is the 8th Are that Captain
Stratton's property has met with. In
We blaze be owned the hoose T. T.
Thomson lived in.
While all who suffered by fire will feel
their looses the destruction of the Rose
mill and Cober factory with their thane.',
ands of dollare worth of maoihnery, stook
&o will he no small loos to the town and
vicinity as well so the owners,
A borne and rig belonging ;to Joseph
Whitfield, of Grey, were learned in rile
Queen's stable and new buggies, the prop.
arty of Joseph Clegg, of Morrie, and cue
owned by Joseph Qaerin met the Rama
Mayor Watson, of Listowel, was '0
town and telephoned Chairman Hay of'.
the Fire and Water Committee, to seed
their flee engine which was soon des.
patched by a epeeist train from Palmer.
sten. It was set to work in drowning
oat smouldering mine. The service was
prompt and the Mayor and Mr, Hay are
well deserving of hearty thanke,
health and strength as shall enable him
to perform, with his wonted energy and
entbneisem, bis ministerial functions ;
and that hie present condition may remit
in his spiritual enrichment, throng: deep.
er experienoes of the nearness and father.
linen of God. We ensure biro that it
will be a delight to n8 to know of bis
restoration and to eee him in ,taut midet
A vote of thanks to Rev, Albert E,
Jones and the Official Board of the Meth.
odiet obarob, Belgrave, for the use of
their ahnroh building for the meeting of
Presbytery was passed.
It was agreed that the next regular
meeting We place in Wingham, on the
third Tuesday in September, at 10 a. m.
ANnnmw MAoNA13,
Clerk of Presbytery,
Walton, May 23rd, 1905.
Wingham District Meeting.
Winghatn Disttiot Meeting Convened
in Wingham on Toeaday and Wednesday,
May 2Brd and 24th, The Ministerial
Seeeion met at 2 p. m. on Tuseday, the
Chairman, Rev, Joseph Philp, B. A,, B.
D„ in the chair. After rod call the nsaal
routine bnsinese was treatment! the die
ciplinary questions in regard toobarauter,
gaalifloations, &o., being satisfactorily
answered. Two oandtdatee, W. G.
Connolly and K. J. Beaton, were reaom•
mended to the Conference to be received
on probation. A reootution was paned
uo0nimously, expressing (sympathy witb
Rov. James Walker, of Salem, in the iota
of his eyesight which compelled his re.
tiring from the Work alter 42 years of
service. The state of the work and new
plane and reethode of work formed an
interesting baele for the reed of the die.
Rev. 0.0. Raine was elected R0wrding•
Secretary ; Rev. A, n4 Jooee, Financial
Secretary ; and Rev, E, W, Edwards, 13,
D., and 3. Joynt, Auditors of Sobedule.
In the evening an evangeltstio senies
Was lead by Mies Motion, who to at
pre05nt oonduoting 0peeiel serviette in
Wednesday morning's tboeion Wee
opened with devotional exercises after
which the roll wee nailed, both mtnietore
and laymen responding to their neme5.
There wag a good full attendpnoe, The
financial raiment were vary gratifying ie
many ,binge. On aaoount of removcle to
the ,Vest there Was a net d&Oreaet, of 09
in the membership. The Cohnolional
funds were all reported to be well up and
the Miesionary givtnge are $800 in ail,
vanes of last year. The Epworth League&
which raieed $644 08 last year Inc the
Forward Movement, this year raised
$1004.12, in addition to $130 of a special
fund for Rev. G. H. Raley, of Kilamaat.
The Sunday Soboots raised $210 67 for
Missions, of whtoh Brussels Sunday
Sohoot contributed $101,
The elections resulted tie tollowe !-
Member of Stationing Committee, Rev..
0. P. Wells ; Reserve Member, Rev. Dr.
Gandy; Sunda School , y S o Committee, Rev.
E, W. Edwards, B.A., B.D„ and W, H.
Kerr ; Epworth League Committee, Rev.
0. 0. Koine and John Joynt; Contingent
Fond, Rev. R. Miilyaed and R. J. Evans
Snstentation Fend, Be,, Al. J. Wileon,
M. A., and J. K. Baker ; Temperauoe,
Rev, J. W. Holmes and Wm. Wray ;
Memorial, Misoellaneons and Resolution
Committee, Rev, W. A. Smith, B.A., 13.
D.; and J. J. Taylor ; Church Property
Committee, Rev. T. W, Ooeeoa and 13.0.
Foster ; State of the Work, Rev. A. I1,
Jones and John Brethaner ; Nominating
Committee, Rev. S. V. Pentland and Jno.
Kerr ; Ssbbatb Observance, Rev. W. R.
Veen and Geo, Clark ; Tempsranoe
Committee for the Winham Dietrtot,
Revd&. Holme, Pomeroy, Gandy and
Megan. Joynt and Wray.
A resolution protesting against the !,
Educational clauses of the Autonomy
Bill was loot on dtvtsion, Oommnnioa.
Ilona re Junior League work and Tem-
perance were ropeived from Mee. Vann
and Dr. Chown reepeotively, and re0oin.
tions passed indicating sympathy and
pledging the support of the Distrimt
Meeting to the same. A reoolation wee
also passed ncanimonsly protesting
egainet the Bill tntrodooed in the Domin-
ion Parliament to make less stringent the
law against gambling and betting on
horse renes, and depreoatine the present•
day tandeoay to go to exeeeees iu (porta
of all kinds.
Votes of thanks were tendered the
Chairman for hie faithful performance of
his duties during The year, and to the
people of Wingham church for (bait
hospitable entertainment, ..
Wednesday evening after cominghome
front eohool, Edwin, the tot.yeer.old eon
of Henry and Mrs. Gethke, Stratford
road, wont to the sellar and eke a pine
of %eke which tontelued strychnine And
bed been placed for rate. When the
mistake war found out he was geiokly
driven to town to the dootore where a
stomach pump wee used wino good of.
feat, He wag taken home again not
much the Wargo for the close dell he bad.
At the last tne0tieg of the quarterly
W. H. KERR, Prole.
Mnrye, T. D. Stanley wan °looted to at.
tend tbe dietrint meeting at Atwood,
A atrongly worded reeolutioo of
appreoiabion of the aervio00 of Rev, Thee.
Manning as pastor for the past three
years wee permed, aleo %nether reaffirm-
ing the invitation to Rev, Humphrey
Graham, B. A.
People We Talk About.
Mrs. Douglas le visiting ab Drbrnhn.
W. Ie. MoOraokeo was in Toronto thio
W, F, end Mee. Stewart are at Toren•
to this week.
Mies Love WAR a visitor with Mies
Laura Ntobolla,
J. T. end Mrs, Wood (peat Viotoria
Day at Rookwood,
N. F. and Mrs. Gorey were visitors at
Blytb Isot Sunday.
Mie( Rills Hunter was visiting at
Trowbridge last week,
Mies Nioholoon, of Wingham, is visit-
ing at A. MuGoire's,
B. and Mrs, Gerry are visiting rela•
hives at Blytb kbit, week.
Miss Nellie Orr, of,Wingbam, is vielt-
ing Misr Nettle Brown.
Lagrippe pot Prinoipal Cameron on
the reserve list laob Friday,
Mrs. R. Kainprizo and children are
visiting relatives in Wingham,
Misses Ida Fulton and Olive Mainprize
epent Victoria Day at Walton.
Jamee and Mrs. Cooper were visiting
friends et Wingham this weak.
Mrs. McVey, of Cleveland, Ohio, ie the
gnat at her sister, Mre. Herrin sr.
Miss Jennie Fowler, of Toronto, i5 the
groan of Mrs, R. J. Williamson, town.
Jao. Sharpe, of St. Themes, was vinit.
ing relsttvee here during the peat week.
J, Leolle Kerr was laid up for Iwo or
three days from the prevailing lagrippe.
G. R. Rankin, of. Wingham, was a
visitor with his sister, Mee. A. McGuire.
Alfred Lowry le in London for a few
days. Hie eon, Harold, accompanied
Miss Mary Lynn, of Fordwioh, was a
visitor with Mrs. Watson Ain'ey last
Plies Annie MoBein, of Atwood, was a
visitor with Mime Maggie Stewart, Queen
Brine Scott and Dentist W. J. Carver.
on, of Palmerston, ware here over Suu•
Mro. R. W. Metheeon and daughter, of
Luoknaw, are visitors under the parental
Bert. Gerry and George MoLaaohlin,
of Wingham, were in town on Wednes-
Mieees Agnes Blaok and Nellie Martin,
of Wroxeter, were visiting in town ou
Jaren Thomson hen gone to Detroit
where he intends making hie home for a
Misses Nellie and Ethel Campbell, 01
London, are vieitora at the parental home,
Mill street.
Chief. Beeker is home from Toronto
where he has been attending the College
of Pbarmeoy.
Mrs. William Lookridgs left for Arn-
prior this week. She intends to make
her home there.
Alex. MoKelvey hos completed the
Medioei College term and is now home
enjoying a holiday.
H. W. Farrow, of the postal service,
was here this week on a short visit with
hie father, Postmaster Farrow,
Miss Beatrice Hartle has been laid up
with inflammatory rheometiem but we
bops complete convaieeoenoe will soon
fol low.
Samuel Wilson bee been laid up teethe
past three weeks in Ilowiok from lsgrip•
pe. We hope he will soon be oon•
Mrs. Gordon Mooney, Mies Pear/ Bak-
er, and Mrs. Watson Ainley were visitors
with Mrs. Hugh Molotoeb, MoKillop,
last Friday.
Misses Jean MoLauohlin, Luella Roes,
Maggie Brown and Lottie Brown end R.
J. MoLenehlin, and J. Leslie Kerr spent
the holiday in Obesley.
J. D. and Mrs. Ronald, who have been
sojourning in California, have returned
to Strathroy and are visitors with Rev.
W. T. Chaff and family.
Mies Olive Bailey, who is training es a
nese at Guelph, is visiting her parents
nd sisters in Brunel&. Leelio Boiiey,
E Stratford, was also bare.
hilae Julia Sharpe, nurse, of Ingersoll,
&home for a few days web earned
olidaye. Norse Sharpe is making a
real 000oeee of her profession.
Anthony Sample has gone to the North -
set where be has work at hie trade tie
sinter, He is a good band t,get a most '
scent young moo why deeerves to tuna
Mite Maggie Scott, slater to Mre. P.
Watson, Brueselo, hes not been enjoying
cry good healtb in Detroit and bee gone
o Petrone for a visit with her sister,
re. Harris. We hope the change of
it and 00005 may prove beneficial.
Inape000r Robb, Principal Cameron and •
ism Scott, Wilson, Smith rind Ritchie
,tended the Teachers'. Convention at
Linton. Mr, Robb is to speak nn "Bots
o inbereet parents in the new eo0ree' of
tndy," and Mr. Cameron bee au addreee
n "Home Buda."
J. Leckie left Met Saturday tot Owen
ound where he tool the 0.2. R. ateam.
r marmite to Vert William end /tont
here to Winnipeg. He will probably go
e far 'West as Calgary where he hats
roperty, We wish Mr. Leckie a good
ime and aide return to his home here,
W. G. Shaw, of Greet Falle, Monttana,
Ito baa been vioiting his perenta here,
eturned to hie home thin week taking -
ie Don Mad, who hoe made hie home
with hie nnola and aunt, T. and Mrs.
'cholla, for the past five yeare, They
i11 miss him very mnob. Re is a emarb
J00, and Mre, Grimoidby, of Walton,
ere 'Miran with Barry and Mrs.
°Pney, Benguela, during the eat Week,
bile here little Mise Elva Irene
riming and Erten Little Moony weta
aptiaed by Rev, 10. W. COON. Mr.
rimetdby'e hand,wbfoh eras injured in
he mill at Walton, 11 improving quite
Maly and he With soon be able to r05nme
hosed of thg Ket:odted enure, St.' wont we hope.