HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-18, Page 7WO RY HELITTO E FOLLY Laws That Never Slumber and Sleep Are T. king Care of Man. A despatch from :Brooklyn, Isf;Y„ says:.--liev. Dr, Newell Dwight IBMs preached fitom the follotring text:- "ConsIdor the IhirdS of the air; con- sidin the lilies of the fleld.". Josue is talking about the wicked - suss of worry. Ho says that man ,ought to ho happy and tranquil bo- om.= God is a (ethos always near ett hand. Try as man may, ho can - 003. escape from God's clear loony or llts loving providomw. Therefore, take no burning thought for tho mor- row, For worry is wicked. Worry consumes Ilk° a flume; worry eats l'kc. rust; worry cuts into the nerve as a moth cuts the gamma; worry laws; His laws think for Him. Law .0011 bring the whole structure of lifo clown in reins. Why should man is (Imre love Made automatic.. There- for° thtso laws that never slumber e• worry? God has maintained the hex - vests and filled tho Lhickots and -"" hedges with abundant fotaL The TAXING CARPI OF MAN. lark rises early and works, but, as Think you the sun's fires aro going soon as It has fed it gives itself to to burn out to -morrow? A million song. But the piercing sweetness of years ago Gtol stored tho coal in the the lark's song and the tranquil ground for the heat against the win - loveliness of the modest violet or ar- Ler. Four hundred summers hove butus lily condemn man. The grass passed aver our CO1lLinin3. 410310 our of the tiold cannot speak, /old yet 131 fathors crossed tho soa, and not onco slionee, by beauty, it reproaches num has seedtimo or harvest failed. Novae for his worry and his unduly anxious have the wells been empty in this thoughts. But if Christ's warning against worry was noeded in that povoety- stricken aud troubtous age, how much more does our generation need ill To -day men. are anxious ABOUT MANY THINGS, in (1 0(131 wide universe. alai Ito hei- ghts to worry and talk about tho bore and limitations of llfe, 133, ao mach as man is higher than 1.110 flower and the bird, by that mite's ought ho to ho happier. Man °ugh t to soar and sing with the lark. Mon ought to grow and unfold like the rOSO. Worry is foolish as well as wlokod, To =courage the habit of anxiety Is to fly in tho face of naturo and hor kindness. Jesus aillems that Cod him first (pastern was (Bream', Eor a momonL, theroforo, lot is angry, ro- Sonts the construction put by Joeus gime Ilis formor question, then hoot - Uy (Menges tho form of Ids original inquiry to a simplo and straightfor- ward What hest thou dune? 36. My kinguom-J elms proves him- self emnidote master of the situation by holding his inquisitor to tho otl- gloat form of the question, and pro - cootie to explain the trim nature of his kingdom. Pilate Is forcea into an attitudo of respect, and listens, 37, To this nd-To oRtablIsh in the world a kingdom not of thls world. 01.144.444.414442444"1444+4+ x 4.'"rfN Home ),!4.4'44.4,44.74.4+"114 CAE:ES, Deliciouct Citron Cake. -One mann of awn, one clad one-half pounds 0 sugar, 0110 pounct 03 hinter, twelv( llave I been. born, . . ,am I 03010 1,113, ono largo or two small cocoa - ewe Iwo p0110415 of citron olice. -Both porfocts Mist:rib° Christef birth rin 18 grated, two poinicle of blanoluel (that is, his having allhol al with humanity) and coming not 01 cut fino and one teaspoonful of mare. (Imam the bettor and limn' merely oa historical faets, but Its 'vitt th„ 5)13(111, 1.01111 the yeths 0( 3.1311 abiding in their resiilts. The Letith-jesiis idontines truth, that; is, absolute, uitimato truth, %vitt; the kingdom which 110 had eggs, add the. stiffly beaten whites, then e,d11 all to the butler and cream fair in Um citron and almonds, and hath establIshed an order in nature, to establish, laetly the cocoanut, Parenta have to stop each lnoraing Every Ono that IS Of the truth- H,°berl' 11' Lee CI1LkP'-irweive and think for this children. But God Every citizen ,of the kingdom of .0". "1- - we alit sag•ae, half their has organized His thoughts loth truth. woight in flour, tho juice and grated 88. What is troth-Pilate's life nod rind of two lemons and ono salt - habit. of thought were not in ham „ spoonful of salt. Bake in, jelly -cake mony with the spirit, of truth and puuus• To two and ono -half pounds of Christ's kingdom. Honen he fall- 01 1413I" add the Moe of four Or - 011 to comprehend the words of jefeis tinges and the grated rind of two and having failod, he seeks to end and the Juice of two lemons. Mix the conversation by what. is rather a all and sproad between tho cakes skoptical romark than a serious when quite cold; also. spread over tion. Ito did not expeet an answer. the top. This meantity notices. two 40. Barabbas--Evidontly woll cakes of three layers each. known criminal, sinco ho alone is (Black Fruit Calce.-One pound of mentioned. Tho men who later maw flour, cow pound of sugar, one cruoilled with jestts are not suggest. pound ot butter, ten eggs, one anti od (comp, Matt. 20. 55). one-half pounde of currante after tlicy aro washed and dried, One and one-half pounds' of Reed= raisin% ICOSSUTI-1.1_S LETTEB.. three-fourths or a pound of sliced citron, two nutmegs and the juice Interesting Experiences of the of two oranges. 1111x like pound coke, Great Patriot, flour tho fruit well and mix well in the cake jUSL before iL is poured into A few weeks ago a Hungarian, in tlie buttered cake -mold, obedience to royal summons, pro- Savoy iliscuite-One quart. of flour, smiled Monsen! berme the emperor and one pound of sugar, eight eggs, beat - submitted his views on Mato affairs. Repgrately, anti oneefourth of a Whot makes the episodo an. intorest- pound of butter, ltoll thin, cut in Mg one is the fact that. this same rounds or squares and bake In a man was, as a child, imprisoned ho- quick oven. These aro very nice to comes Ms father held tho very prin- eerve with coffee or wine. 11 desired. (Miles bo is now advocating, Ho is a little grated nutmeg anti cinnamon the son of the patriot Kofeeitle who can ho sprinkled over the cakes be - worked, fought and was exiled for (gee beeme, his country's liburty. Kossuth Arlington Tea Cake.-Orre pound of of to -day, who im tho president of now., one pound of Stigar, one-half the Independence party, flocs not pound of butter, two eggs and one adhere to tho extreme principles of and ono -half teaspoonfuls of einna- his father, bot ho strongly urges an. 11)00. Mix the butter and sugar, economic separation from. Austria, then the eggs, and lafnly the flour, Louis Kossuth's rebellion brought into which spoinelo -the einninnon. its loader great suffering and in.11011 I3011 111111, cut willi cake -cutter, glory. A life of the patriot, pub- glove each cake with the beaten white lished 1851, gives some intermit- of ogg and sprinkle mitineg and eh:L- ing exporiences which befoll hint and motion OVee Bake in a !undue - his family, ately quick oven. Whorl Kossuth was banished anti old-leasihioned Pound Cake.-Twelvo his children imprisoned, a prof:lama- eggs, one pound of butter, ono poUnd L1011 Was lesto..1 against Madam Eos- of sugar and throe-Po:Milts of a salt etetting that whoever harbored. pound of flour. Beat Gin eggs some- hor should he considered under mar- atoto until very light. Wash tint law. The poor women wandered all salt from the butter and sift aluod in various disguises, froquent- flour into it a littlo at. a titno, ly passim': tying() days without food. cronniing quite =moth. Boat the At last Ito 30'010I'! 3)3.300 WaS re- emtlfs of the e.go•s with the sager, add moved told ehe v:US allowed 10 join the whites and bent together ontil heir 31(31!! (1(13(1, who Wore relviisod, 171.11 Very light, Add ihoSe to the nolo. still kept under the eyee of the anti inix well. Seaeon with ono lea- Th'elt t he liconslis eh owod spoonful of oino it off tract. 11(1(1(531 their love of the leader, and 'looked the pane and butte, giving it time to to give holp to 11(0 family. Shoo- rise me y011. Won leaf broad. makers mado shoes end tailors motto clothes, and would 1 Este -no pay. Pea- METH Fait HOUSEWIVES, seas poor that they hod no offer- ing but a couple of oggs brought Whim soot falls upon the carpot or thorn to the who their logo. "1 -le rug, more attempt to sweep it up will come again to us," thoy *aid. al onno, for tho roeult is surf+ to be "1-1,1 DCVOr left. his IVe a '1 1811gariat; werh• °ever -It thick - shall have our 'Kossuth agaill." ly with ni rely -dr ha l salt, which will Jit the inoan1 hoe the exile ti as in enable. you to swoop it up =misty, sore straits. (inc clay, beforo a so that not the slightest stain or group of followers, he romarked that sibaur win be lart'' he had written a litter to Palroor- When choosing Soh Roe that it is ston, but that lin WaS too poor je stiff; tho bingo' It has been kept the PaY a 0011 riot' to tako it to England, mere nabbY 1 1weemes• Fish should' An Englishman who bail left his "a ho bought out of stetson; it is country t 0 aid Hungary said: then 11000r g.00d, and may be un - "1 wiil take it." wheleS01110. "11111 1 have no claim ors you," re- A Ye""g ("w! maY 13"w11 by the turned K ossu largeneos of the foot and joints; and, "Voit. liave a claim on evcry Eng- after pluck signs of age ale shiny 11 by a thin nocle runt violet liehman," "It inuet roach its destination in 1h1f1ths, -'1C''' (1 in torkeys aral fowls. ton days," "I pledge my word for It," assured W11011 haaging nwat in the larctir Casament.. it is well not to put tho metal hoolc At the end of the Orst, day's Jour- through 111(1 meat Reale but through ney Casement. found himself back at a loop of clean white string or tape his staiiting-point, .1 le =to that he tied to the Joint. WaS t1•111C011 and watched, but de- Pure glycorino is tho best thing to mantling free road in the Immo of use 301' hands ihaL haVe tiso English government, he managed rough with much work or with tho cohl. Rub in a little evory Liam often washing. It roost be thor- oughly rubbed in, or it will not have (ho deRired effect. A crackod chippod ogg not Moak any flirting if you add a small (moot ty of salt to tho water before putting in the egg, lnetiend of polishing the stovo eveey day, ertimple an old newepapet, slightly damp it, and with It rub mow tee stovo to remove any SpOtS, then sive o flnal rub up with a dry paper. Unless a great deal of cook- ing:I 114 *110116 this treatment will keep Ma stove Oval), and. it will nOt need blackloacling motet then once or iAVICO a week. All soave, toilet fie laundry or household, go much farther if kept for sumo time in a dry plaoo before using, New soap 1n 1110310 too freely Lo waste, therefore it, is mom eco- nomical to buy a. quantity arid keeP the bars or cakes soms time, insneact of buying it as you actually want it. Got, obout five cents et'orth of good varoish, and well varnish the solos of tho boots. .Lectvo it for tWo days and do tho same again. If the boots will take a third coat of Yar- n SO 11111033 the better. IlooLO hay. Mg MI6 this troatment. when neW will wear Given times a.e long as others, and thie will also snako them Waterproof. To wash WOY011 underelolliing without shrinking, add one table- spoonful of lignid ammonia to a tub of lukewarm wotor, with oorno :decocts of Soap to make a lather. Int- tneese tho garmonts tampletely: any poetioti left misoused will shrink, Clover the tub with a eloge-ntting 13(1 for ono holm, then gently squeeze, After it rinsO in titan looter thOy wIll bo 'qttite dean ' end 'Should be dried in a windy platOt .Aiter a rub land, nor has the great river yet been run dry. Long beforo you think of hunger God begins to pro - pare tho broad. Moo stands in the midst of this groat world house end palace. Cloci's laws aro servants that foteh and carry for his earth Child- ren. Tho lilies do not worry lest -Our people are conStoned with the there be no heat for next August. feverish desire to get on. What jeal-; ahy should man worey? The etoems wales in the world of commerce!! of tho winter lond spice to the fruit What, tier= enmities In politics!! of tho summer, and whon sorrows What bitter criticisms between lead -1 come, why not believe that thoy ors! What heart -bulldogs In the later on lond richness and ripenoes social circle whom woman reigns!! to the life Mon are os anxious as And these worries and anxious' if there were en olio to tho wort struggles work havoc lib the health.' and they could fall one but, try as Worry plows furrows in the face; it!man will, gravity holde ono down whitens the hair; it robs the woman' and he cannot itunt.i.) ever the of hoe beauty, it makes childhood! world and fall tin:moth spates. c; 11,15 prematurely old, It makes the laws Lako cam of him-butte...es him strong mon aged beforo his time. .And yet tho flowers aro unworrieO. Plant a, lily in e, mud puddle, and 03 goes placidly on unfolding a while bloom that publishes its victory over this black bog. In tho windows of the tonement-houee region ia Olancey street saw a box of beautiful blossoms where the geraniums waved fore, look 110, not down. Look for- th* banner of victory over un -'..ward, and not' hack. Look out upon friendly conditions, Put a bird 17e-1 tho birds and tho and then hind iron bars in a cage ancl it wil1! work and pray and love and trust sing. But put a mart as a free mon. God and yeJoice. about. God's boinales me round about man as tbe mountains are round about Jerusalem. Tho ongel of God's providence goes before; the angel of Clod's mercy encamps cot man rearward. The angel of his mercy and love enconip's on 11131,11.13 right hand and on hls left. Them - THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONA.L LESSON, MAY 21. Lessors VIII. J'esus Before Pilate. Golden Text, John 18.37. LESSON WORD S'TUDIES: Not e -The Word Studies for this lossull aro based on Cho text of the Rovised Version, Tho Day of Suelering.-It WEIS doubtless near Midnight udion ,1 0511S, In company with "tho Moven," niacin:11 tho secludod roireat of Cloth- somano, on the side of Olivot. Isiere it was that all the agony of that doead day of untold physical pain and mental anguish, tho dawn of which was already near nt hand, was lived t hrough in anticipation whon Jesus, going a little apart from 1118 wrostled alone la agoniz- ing prayer. Then, the lost complote serrender of himself in obedient= to tho ot tho Father having been mado and tho strengthening vision of ministering angels reccived, ;Jesus went forth in the majesty of that int- faltoring poiso of his divine -human personality-vietorious in tho midst. or apparent defeat -to meet his be- trayer and. death. The betrayal and arrest took place in tho gaeflen eoinetime botween mid- night and dawn (Matt. 26. 47-56 nod parallel passages). Then followed the trial before the Jewish °utility- ities, Oaiaphas, soul the San- hedrin (Jnbis 18. 12-27; Matt. 26, 57 to 27. 10; and paraliol pasisogos), with 1,110 accompanying incidents of rotor's Modal, and the ropentatme and stdoide of Jutlas. 11) was still early morning wilco tho chief priests with tho elders and scribes and the windy council "bound Jesons and car- ried hint away, and deliveroct him up to Pilate ateark lo. 1). Voesto 28. They -Tho whole com- pany of Jewish b'" 1,81,11, elders, 0.011 scribes who had gathered at' the first trial beforo 00111011 OS (comp. Luko 28, 1), Calaphas-According to josephile, tilts full name was .10001)11 °Manilas, Ile was son of Annas, high prima: of tho Jows A. D. 7-14, himself ap- pointed to the high priest by 00 Romani governoe Voiceful* Grottos, the prodocessor of Pontius. Pilato. Prootrin in -The palaco in which tho governor or procurat or of a provinco Tho Praotoriunt at Jerusalem WAS the magnificont pctlace Sterol tho Groat had built for himself. The word meant enigthally the lientimmetere in a Rointin camp, the tent of the cola- inander in chief, Bo deilled-13econio coremonially un- clean by entering a Gontile's house from which ell leavon had riot boon romovod in proparation for tho p11513 - over. Might eat tho passover-Tho rept' birly appointed time, for the eating of which Must thtls havo heett still in the future. 29, Pilate -Tito procurator (that is colleetor of llotneol ((wenn(' invostod with judicial poWer) of jodea, Sam - 0110, Iduirmett. His official reeidence was at Onotgomai but cd, the thoo of Gni JeWilds foaSto ha usually wont up LO joeusalent. 0305 impolidocl to offleo A. le 24 or 25. Surornmiod to 1101110 tO nneWor chorges of unduo triteitY hio fiantitritan subjeets AeYeritl YOars Otte 1/10 (loath of .Testis, he suddenly disappears from authentic) historic records, According to earey tradition, ho cominittod suicide at Nome during the Garly part of the reign of Califtila. 30. door -Thus literally in tho amok, ovil, and to cite Sithsomont- ly they necueod Jesus of conspiring against 1110 Roman 0111 hor11 i013, W111011, had tho charge been truce would havo enlistod their friendohip and support rather than their oppo- sition and hatred. Moto the evasivo- ness and itisolonco of the answ.,,r, al. 'Pak° 11101 yoorselves-Pitato's pidicial megor was supreme excopt In cases of Roman citizons, who might appeal to the oniporor. ters portainhig to the Jewish roil- : glom hottest -or, tho Santo...Orin oar: no/mated to determino, and in enS0 of trial to flx penis:Rios, with thri 1303. coption of the death penalty, which they wino not permitted to Lieu...rite without sanction of Gm Roman male oritics. 'Phis Remotion to 01300113.0 the (10a Lli ponalty, already dotorini lied upon among themsolvos, tho Jetts mom in this caso to have oxpootod from Mato without further delay. 32. The word . . „ signifyiug what manner of death be should die -The word recorded In Mato 20, 1.8, 19: "Tho Son of man ehall ho- trayed unto the chief presets and unto the scribes, and they shall con- demn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, nod to scourge, and to crucify him." Cruci- fixion ail a method of capital punish - moot was contrary to Jewiell laite but was tho common method 00.- ployed by tho Itornans. to make his way out of the country. 88. .Art thou -'The emphasis is up- In ten days ten lottor wets in 'Pal:n- on tho pronoun. The. appearanco of eeseeeig heeds, mei mailing more Jesus did not suggest royalty. was heard of the boater. Not long after ICoesulli made /iis famous Palermo to America, and WaS roceived with the greatest enthusi- 0001. As his train WW1 draWing out of the Hartford etation, aftor ono of his burning speeches, a man ruabod L13001101 the crowd and ilirust a hook into ICoesulli's Hands, threllgli Lilo enen Oar window, Tito book Wail 0 hiotory of Trutt -gory, and in it was a note: This is from the mirson who car- ried your litter to Palmerston in ton days. ht. CASEMENT, "Ott, if T could have just olaspial his hand and thanked him!" exclaim- ed Kossuth% Tho ICing of tho quo:1110a upon cl osor exami nation 8001115 to imply that tie appreciatod fully tem wholn eltomtlon, Tho uso of the (10(111(10 article briforo t(ing must not: be ovaritiolted. Pilate know of tho Diessianie expectations of ((10 .Tews, and ., also that Jesus claimed to bo their promiseil Messiah. He 11101130We "perceived that for envy the chtof pelests bad clolivered hint up" (Marlc 15, 10). lionce the Roblin irooy of Ms guns - tion is; against the suet:sore of JeallS w011 ass against tho pris- on= of unpretentiolis oppearesive himself. It is a. limmin governor'e sarcastic referoneo to the prosumptu- rents expectations and haughty spirit of Silhioat people, aS W011 aS 110 the exalted claims of the 11111.11 who stood before him 11011110SS nrlSoller. 84-Sayest thou , this of thyself- Wondm 1101 of a helpless dependent, but of an equal and ouportor, it is ;Pilate bcifore Jesus, a provineial 3.3)03.. 0(1(013 before "the liing," rathOr 1.11011 tho reVerse. atoms with digni- ty and poifto worthy of royalty ig- nores tho irony and Cho Savor Of 'Ole inqUiror, and asks, "Art thou WW1, ested of thy own a0Cord 1(11011 1110 truth 0011corning my claim, ot art them but ropontiog what thou hast hoard from 0there? ' 835. Am 1 a Jew -'1110 queation of emJus plitend Pilate in a. prodiceniont as awkwaed as thnt in whicsh on en- Othor occasion "the thief priest011intl elders" were Placed by his ipidlrfon concerning th0 WW1 iSill Of ohn (comp. Matt. 21 . 24-26). ley (Other of this poestible altothativo ore:woes Pilate would hoot) nosociatetl (13(31141311 10 0110 troy or another with tho jeWS, against whom tho sarcasm 03 A BEFLECiTION ON THE PAST, William Pinkertoo, the dotective, woe praising the various 011011 rogis- tering iloviceo that 1101,0 001110 of lato yearn into world wide use, '"nhosio machinos,'' he 531( 11, "hall° Undolibtedly (1 1(11(1115310(1 crime. I heard or a clerk in a grocery the other 03I10 getting, 88 a wieffic. Ilo had to 1)0 on duty at 7 o1elalic tho morning and ho WaS not -Through Lill 7 and Sometimes 8 at, night. "He toand Unto, though, 10 got Married, and tho wook after tho Car - /10104 he asked his employer for a raiso '"Why, Vorace,' the employer said, 'you ore gettiog $8 a wook. What ails you? When I Was yotir ag0 33 kiln 0. Wifo and leVo children 631 88 O woek, saVod onnoty bosidete", " "lhoy didn't lictVe colds rogiaters in those dayo," said TIOrace,' bitter - with a eoot iron they will be soft and uashrunken. APPLE8 TIlla SPRING, When apples begin to show decaY sort them carefully mid use up the specked ones as us postsiblP, 11 rit,ls ft corromponflost , 3. this time of year there are always p3011 3-1' Of empty fruit lays aud quite a larg- os' number of Glow. 1 fill with. sli,Wod apple without sweetening. 'While not. ormal lo fetish apples for plo, maims a good substitute and 131inlich 1013 or Illan 1111,11 apnloS. 1 oleo proparo a good supply (13 mince meat at this time. It keePs for a long while ir put In a Moos Jar tn a cool place. Part of it, howovor, I put, into glass jars and soot Froln 1401110 of the red -skinned ap- ples 1 make jelly. Baldwins are reefillent for this) purpose. Tiny motto O vory firm jelly of a. good rod color. Apple ginger is still another waY of using up the apples. WO like it vory 1111.1(11, not only to eat with moat, but also with Mond foul but- ter. IL snakes a good filliag for saralwlehos. Try this ream,: To 4 pot:tole (atter cuttin(1) tiara, sour apples, chopped very tino, Loki 3 Pounds) sugar, 2 ounces groan gin- ger root, chopped nor, I grated rind, 4 lemons arid 1111.0 of two. Boit slowly two hours or until it looks clear. CATUi Cio HAIRBRUSHES. Brushes of all kinds, front silver- niountecl hair-ernshos to tho ordin- ary cleaning brush= timid in the kitchen, need frequent and thorough washing. Hair brushes should, in fact, he washed as often an once in two wooks, if not oftener. Care should he takon in doing this that the hacks aro not claminintel at all. For tido washing either soda or 001- 11101110 can be used with hot. water. Put tho water in wash -bowl, and add for ono quart a tablospoonful 03 ammonia. Remove all heirs front tho bruols, and dip the bristles in and oin of tho (valor until they look clean. Then dip in. the same way Into (Mar cold water. 'Wipe all traces of moisinro irons the back awl handles, and, after shaking the brush, Well dry in the (mon air, in the simehine posegiblo. Do not attempt: to dry the hristles by rub- bing, them, and do not put soap on therm 'Tho backs of ebony brushes, and, indeed, the backs of ordinary wood, should be rubbed over with a very little boilod linseed oil. the oil being thoroughev rubbed info the mom, Silver books may be cleaned occasionally with littlo powdered whiting moistened with alcohol. -But when tin oilvor Is in the form of trimming on; ebony great care must be taken in tho use of any cleaning powder that may leave a white mark on the wood. THE ATTENTIVE HUSBAND. 01 all varioties of husbands, the generous husband, the hoino-staying UShand, the punctual hueband, the proud huoliand, none are so intense- ly appreciated* as is the 0110111Iva hoeband, Daily find hourly Litton- tionR are more to most wic-c% than much fino gold. Money may be MOTO, *110 home not over -luxuriant, mending. and re -making may he ab- solute miccissities. yet will thesto 1731 regarded as nothing when it brings) devo i on and 1 ovi ng 011130 13011 from (ho partner for whose sake, they are dono. The man who COMOil home and _flings down money for his wife, who supplies hor with evory blowy, but who never sees that sho is pale, that sho is torn with anguish over the baby's illness, that fdre has been worried the W11010 day with petty troublos cued tthooyances ill the house is the out:rivalled by the attentive husband. TIIE ART OF DARNING. The secrot of this liornoly art lies in looming Ow throat' of the darning erdLon So far On Oftell Side of the holo llint It does not, i nuicliat oly fraY and pall out the goods. Take a long throad or darning cotton to begin. with, and run it at hetet half an inch along the goods on oath eido of the hole. Continuo this until iles hole is ;snugly covered. Xow eross those Gironde in regular darn- ing style, taking cam that the seam precaution is observod. A stocking darned in this tray will wear, OS far as thy darning is concerned, as long as if no liole liad oxisted, IIE WANTF,D INFORMATION. Carl, aged throe, and Ids baby Sill - ter of eightoon months, slept in the same room as their parents. Carl woke up early and tormented his still sleepy father with questiona. "Father, can a cow speak?". "No, my child," "Father, can It clog speak?" Tho father, thinking Carl was go- procured adequate proof thet he was ages -0031u things than travelling Ing through the °Miro list of animals actually anvil, and not soninone vise gluier the sea, and imp' we USE11.31, INF ORMATI ON. Bits of Knowledge Which It Would Be Well to KnOW. The cost of cremating a body In France 18 only three flames, oqual to 62 vents. New Zealand's frozcrt moat (Melo with Great Britain now equals about, 15,000 sheep it claY. The purest water in Britain is that of Loch Katrine, withal has but 3113. of soil suspended in 1,000 gallons. AMONG THE MERMAIDS MANY FATMOMS UNDEN WAT.g14 IN A ST/BUARINE, Experience of a Man Who Tried It Por the First Ti1110., 13.was not an inopiriting introduc- tion to sew first and only eXperlence (A going down among tho mermaids Gevinan timintedriviirs aro given e In a submarine to have /ay attention gold medal und a 191110 of money for tdirmatt,vialg..111,1 ut,alise 34.1,:::)171/101stlii-eto1)0w1,11i,e, itu Ir.); efies,eii,riyatoo p.asst geretee without ac- mains of the Ili -fated Al, whieh some eaAusedclouad-110nisis.st al 2013 lIvi's. �vr tIn tho Phillppinas ao rt'ullsesiti•nigcruB‘hal.1: 1,auTinicyalnlalit41.1lrait1 bue147- ssi,evv,enti tiontemhse,s or raln fell in twenty- lataar7y 10r a";:itiVa t'ff'rtin (1"1 1 )N11% at Gr 101tellii Although 31C,,1100 marriages took out. to the submarine in the ittrebor place th Japan last year, it is slat- which was to provide ale with a ett that not ono bride was over twen- novel sensation, 1111;1 a a writer 111 ty-two years old. Loud= Tit-Ilits*. Tho tvood is not ebony, Aftor (di, I eould ant help rolloct- but cocos. It grows in the West ing, Ono 314 as likely to meet one's Indlos, and is used. for making flutes fate while crossing the Strand as la and similar Instruments, sinking a low fathoms under water; The Crystal Palace, London, ac- and it was encouraging, too, to re- commodatos snore people than any call tut account I had just 'been read- boothlaer11(i)uoi,10.10ionglwbolpt]lam world, Tt will mg of tho exporioncee of the crow of no American submarine, who note Mary and Rose Rinner, two Apr- only stimairool over ton hours under vant girls, of Vienna, have been left. water, but thoroughly tnjoyed tho house TroPerty worth $60,000 by experience. their late mistress. "Tho FIrriritR of the crow," wroto In South 'Australia it costs the the chronicler, "appoarod to tut - railway companies af30,000 a pole to Move tlie longer wo remained below; keep their lines free from vegetation the time Was Silent lo catching of various kinds. clams, singing, trying to waltz, Muir Glacier in Alaska,, is the playing cards, and writing letters to largest in the world. It equals in wives and eweetliearts, Our only size all those of the Alps put to- visitors during the day were a: gather, and covers 1,000 square couplo of blo,ek bass, which camo aud miles, LOOKED IN AT THE WINDOWS Probehly the most extraordinary journal in the world is publiehed weokly in Athens. It is written en - (hotly in verso, even. the advertise- 111011tS, Tho jeWelS worn at the last Royal Court, Duckinghain Palace, are esti- Mated by an expert to have repro- sented a suni cd 860,000,000, A weIghing-machine, said to he the most powerful in. tho world, is being made in Birmingham, England, It is capable of registoring a load of 220 tons. Fourteen calves. 240 fowls, and 220 gallons of wino were consumed recently at the wedding feast of John Schulz, wealthy fernier of IIidegkut, Hungary, New South Wales is just two and a half times the size of the British Isles. Queensland is equal to three times the German Empire and Bel- gium put together, The British Empire produces one- third of the world's coal, ana-ninth of its copper, one-eighth of its iron, one-fifth of Its lead, one -ninth of its silver, and one-half of its gold. 'The German Emperor possesses 150 full military and naval uniforms, with all their appendages -swords, straps, belts, sashiss, caps, hats, hel- mets, and Rlialfos. A student, aloe spending thirty- for within that tiny craft were pack - five yoarS at Utrecht Univeroity, dm- oci two sets of machinery, (sleet:lc ing Which period lie has been regu- motors for ilfie 11111dir Walor, a gas - engine for surfaco propulsion, tanks for oil, air, electric be 13erios, or- pedo-tubee, and so 00-tattil the wander grew how it was possible to crowd so notch into so little room As we WIWP all on hoard -two of- ficers, nine of the crew, mid tho pas- sengers-tho conning -1 owor Was her- metically closed, and I prepared for develorments. Polow the carmen - tower wero visible, standing orb the ladder, -Gm logs of the licutonant 3(1 charge of the craft. Tie was calling out instructions to UM mew, who, in swift obedien imillipdal cert levors; but as there was no sensa- tion of movement broom to think that something had gcate wrong with the machinery. "What Is the matter?" asked my nautical friend; "won't She sink?" "Sink's" int laughed; "why, we aril several fathoms under water and flying along like a fleii. How much deoper woultilyou like to go?" "011, about a hundred fathoms," 7 rinswerod, jocularly. "If laic wore to sink a hundred fa- thoms she would be crushed," he said, ",11.1KL 05 you conld Or11511 an agg,shell in y6iir hank!. Why, AT FIFTY PATIN/MS the pressnre of the walor Is eight and a half tons to the Square foot. and lier sides couldn't st and a much bigger stmoozo tho L." It seetincel imp000llile that at last I waft realizing my boyieei dream -- Merit -oil by doles Verne -that th0 great sea woe rolling over my head and that 1 was darting through the dark wnters almost ns swiftly and securely as a fish. Though we worn complotely shut. off from the oulor air, bresithing tons as oasy as in a well -ventilated drawing-roorn, and T was 1 old that We could stay a clot - on 110103 invcier weirs' without olio supply of air falling. A f er all. there wern Inane loge with a great doal of apparent later- eet." But in spite of the agreeable pro- spect thus pictured I must efonfess that my heart sank a littlo wheo at last I found snysolf an the heaving back of what looked much like a sleeping whato, which might at any moment awako and carry One dOW11. ii110 1 110 telaok depths of water. To the centre of the narrow deck on which I had a precarious footing W318 a conital projection, which I had sufilciont knowledge to reeognizo as the conning -tower; and, following my expert friend, I climbed doom it, as ono might doseond the interior, of a chimney, by nwans of a perpondi- culao iron laddor, and found mysolf in a. long, narrow, brilliantly -lit corridor about 6 ft. high and 4 ft. wide, which appeared to stretch from ono =el of the vessel to the other, a thRtaine of perhaps 100 ft. At oath side of this distinctly cheer- ful, if cramped, corridor were mysterious levers and screws by which the complex machinery of tho vessel was worked. Little wander, as my friend in- fornyod me, that the quartere avail- able for the crew were so "CIABINIDD AND CONETNED," larly mucked, has just gained Um degree of Doctor of Medicloo. It may not be generally known that minium= the King orders his Court to go into mourning King's courisel aro 1111110r a distinct obliga- tion to obey Ills Majesty's command. Tlireo-tenths of the earnings of a Belgian convict aro given to hi113 on the expiration of his sesame. Somo prisoners thus save more money i11 gaol than they have ever been able to SONO out Of it, Sophonisim Benini, a peasant girl who has 'boon discovered in the Han- na village of Copper°, rear Floe- enee, although) Only lhirleon yearS old, stag& 5 feet high, weighs mom than 211.1 lbs., and is 58 inches round the chest. PREMATURE OBITUARIES. "Report of my death greatly exag- gerated," wrote Mark Twain, in com- menting upon an obituary notice of hint which appeared in a nOwspaper. But a Spanish diplomat has haft to go a slop further, and prove that he is alive. The gentleman lived in Paris, and recently visited Greece. On his return journey he stopped at arcachon, and, writing to his secre- tary at. Paris, sada Ite would be re - tensing in the courso of a, Week Or so, In tho meantime, his solicitor receive(1 0 tolegrain saying that he lutd died at Xeres. The lawyer at ono° notified the authorities, WhO proceeded tie place seals upon tho Properly, in accordance with the 111.03. The seerotary, doubting the fast of his employer's death, tele - groping] to Areachon, and receivod tho roply: "I may bo a eoepso, but I ehall appoar on earth to -morrow. Moct. 1110 the station." Next day 111 arrived accordingly, and drove to his house. But the police refused to Id t him in, as- did t.he Justice to whom they referred. 111111, and it was 11,11. Until 110 had, with 3301110 difficulty that he knew, said sevorely: masquerading cis himself, that ho was Rank and 1.050, skimmed alotig the surfaeo rst nine tools an holm and plunged again, as it 000med, Intact foremost into the sea. (Afire 0413,34 8101111 i31 a(13r01 tli1OritabeNoNiiiro ii),0101auh.iyv(l;Na.a.111500 °vol., 7 made my way mit of the (303(111 114('431(1031' and tato the tipper "ho animal cart spook:. 'And emit allownd to take posseesion of his must -now keep quiet, for father propeety. The mistake had arisen wants to sleep." through tho death in Spaitt of an - For a lung Gino the child remaiand 000 num boatiing the soma name, quint; then, baing 110 longor tibia to mslroin his curiosity, he asked, tim- idly; 'Ifettlior, what. kind of n 811"1IIVT (1141; Wrf ION IN 11114 POSS' 0043.1 by?'' aanimal world of Rproailing ot ((11(1 i103 ands ba men, I Mt that I' shouldn't really' mind taking a similar trip onets. 13 day for the rest of ney tiro ON JAPANESE RAILWAYS, puovnssiroxAt• IMPLEMENTS. Chaplain Of Prison (to (ionvict)- 'Your teens of impeisonment, oxplres to -day." Convict'-"Iam Odd to hoar he" "I Mims thot fee= now on you will ead etis honest, 'upright lifc." "Von may bo atire WM." "Are yOU suro that you will not 'Otero. to your oVil ways?" "Nov= again Will I ba op tO 33(3.331. 11111g crookod," "Vott can go noW." Tho ealoaacd conViet Choplain-"Why don't you go/ hat are you waiting (Orr.' "Aro 'Mt going to give mo bitelf 1)31 clot* lontOrn, rind 11131 joirtniy, tho res13 of my professional 1111- hoM riLS?" -- fiermaoy is the timothy that ShOWS tho groatost siumbor of women In the PoRl) and Telegraph service -24 2,000; sbo is riln vevy clooe by the 'United States With thole 289,000 female Post Office assistants, whilst Groat Britain talfeo lace, emploging 18-4,000 women under Alto PoRtinas- ter-General. Tho other States, how- ever, do not go in so cettinstvoly for femalo officoro, In Prance 'Moro aro only 81,000, In Austria 50,000, and British ludia 60,000, japan and lemons, very d33(e00111 though their ViOWS are on many points, ogpecial/y at tbo progent 11101110ot, omploy the (433 1110 number of wont= in their Post 011100 seevire-603000 caeli, end rmarly all thei othor Stotts of th0 Poet Office 1111100 100- 31)3311 aro let toi tottod in S11141101, or greater numbers, At the entrance to tunnels of Ja- panese railways a Dotty° watelunalt is statitmod, whose ditty it. is to 1011103' elOSOly-WOV011 Whi011 18 Ruspontlod above tho entranee, as soon ail lila 1.3131131 IlaS Catered, Tlio erfeel, of thus closing ono end of tins' tunnel is that. the steam so follOWN the train that When haS moorged coo tee etietaio is 1'31195(1, yee)! littin statue le left in tho Tho mimeo. ha,Ve only had railways a few seoare, but they 11.e.00 abrader WoEtod ot.t gonio probloMO that linee0 mauled 1331311,111 engineers.