HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-18, Page 5,? 7 TRAIN UP A CHILD ce And whoa Up mond him or bur to ,c.1srvwa "Truth" io a Strong Argument l Not ONE Graduate 01 the popular ELLIOTT Teras opens Apl•il 11th,. 190L Two Courses— Ceremonial cad Shorthand. t. Send for College��.I41A, I, MONTYRE , Manager. L/,(.rg.t MEDICAL CARDS, DR, R. A. BURNS— Succegsor to I)r. J. A. hloNaug;hton Itrlteeela, 00(0.1.10 Graduate of Polyoliu(o Post Gradaatc School of Medicine and Surgery, Now Yorlr Member of College of Phyelolaua and Sur- geons of Ontario, 0111oe and ,roeidenoe same ao formorlyoo- ounled by Dr. McNaulhem,, Disoueee of women a apooialEy. BUSINESS CARDS, ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER Dent, F, R, SCOTT, Brussels, '`V H. MoCRAOItEN— Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 01 - ace at Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels._ 1_1ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN. DAMMED has several good Farm[ for colo and to rent, easy terms in Townships of Morris and Grey. F 8, SOOTT,Brussels 0. O. F. Court Prinoeoe Alexandria, No.24, (3, 0. 1 ., Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room, Blas- hili 13100a, On the 2ud and last Tuesdays of numb month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren always weloomo, JAS. BU1tC:1000, A. E. SIBLL18ll, ft. S. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT, ROBERT OUNNINGHAM• INBan0010, PIKE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J. LECKiE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE), LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, 011ice over Hureley's Drug Store, Nov, 8rd, 1902. 80.801 Brussels. .Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 3OTADLIen8n 1840 Insurance taken on 'the cash and premium' nota.0ystam at current rates. Before insur- ing elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent of the Company. ROGEIt8, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. 1f S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- . runt, will Bell for better prices, to better men, in less time and less oharcoa. than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or be won't°barge anything. Dottie and orders can alwaya be arranged at this office or by personal application. • ROBT. H. GARN•ISS BLIIEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Hiiron County.. Term» reasonable. Hales arranged for 01 the once ai.7na Poem, Brussels, 22tt VETERINARY. ("-A. CUNNINGHAM-= i.i..A • Houor titaduace oI the Ontario Vet- erinary college, iaprepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated animals .in a coronet - 0111 wanner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dectlstry and Mille Favor, Calls promptly attended to. 0lawo andln0rntary —Four deers North of bridge, 0arnberry at., Br:eselt. LEGAL ARID .CONVEYANCING. A B. IIIACDONAL• D— Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, •',Eta. boeee900r to G. F. Blair. Olaae over Stan- dard Bunk, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro- politan flack. 'S 141. SliWLAIR- 1� a Snriietar, 8ollolto r, t000y031000031; Notary Public, &o. Ulllco—Stewart's Bleak 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the. Standard Bank, PSOUDFOOT, HAYS & ffLAIR- 13A13R18Tk7Re,31108003L0101IOITDI%9, NOTARID8 , 17310. W. Pno0Dsnoo2,1H. O. R,•0. RAIN G. F, 13LAIR, Oftleee—Those formerly occupied by Messrs Orlmera0 & Bolt, 00DRRIOD, •ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. DelNTI8T Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeoned .Ontario .. anis Firet•olaes Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Office n0Xt to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, 03111781ELa, CENTRAL lad STRATFORD, ONT. You eau get a gonad education in B any althea! but come to the CENTRAL ay e ire sin Thio finances tattling. g • c foe 11 r' aE to Pi 91 uontnl reputation Oo t130r raga Oonu fol• thoroughness, Opportunities are for those who aro prepared. Our graduates aiway0 0ne00013 You may lima at an . i aesos Y ire of eater Write for Igoe Uatalaguo. I ELLI031T & U00LAOHLAN, Principals, Llgurp:=Orligari z, TORONTO, ONT. • • fl 00n P0Ndre AND ALEXANDRA 928, 19 ant of a position today, It Is the 1,u(11 whet, wo elate that "Our Stud- ents aro uniformly nn000s0ru1111 get- ting good positions ;after ggraduation," Our 0(11001 is a High Claps ono curl the best in Canada, .Enter now. 001- )000pekthe entire year. Catalogue free, W, J, ELLIOTT, Principal. PtS={-'S� 3�3�� 8 Ftri�l2rr f1�5i?rf� grim' 11..etu 1 i.Cirto, A. 0 U. W. will meet on Friday evening of this week. NEST Wedneeday will be Empire Day and a Public Holiday. A.IrIammer8 combat was on the program on Monday forenoon. "Tanglefoot" was et the bottom of it. Coma of Revision for Brueeele will be held in the Council 011amber oe Monday, Jane 5111 at 8 o'clock. EAST Hum Liberals will meet in Convention in Brugme'S On Tuesday, May 30th, It ie the annual meeting. ELROTRIo NOES haus been restored in. the rtorea of A. Btradian, J. Ferguson & Co., and E. 0. Danford & Son, a math= eatietaatory arrangement having boon arrived at between the Mors and the owners of the Eloolrio light pato. A 000DLE number of prime have arrived in this locality during the past week from the Old Land and will &erre as form helpers for the season. The young meu;are of excellen(typo and should do well when acquainted with their _duties. FOOT BALL.—The second intermediate Foot Ball match will be played on Vwtoria 'park, Brussels, on Friday even• ing of this week between Listowel and Breese's,Game will be called at 6.15 o'clock. Next match here will be an Fri• day, June and. Tart consolidated rural eahoole of Guelpb have been a great sa00088. Papila are convoyed dieta000e to this eohool in wagons. The enrollment at the schools ie now 195, whereas the mexlmare at the four schools whiob have been consolidated was oily 85. TENNIS ball tossers have commenced operations for the eea80n on the fine lawn at J. Leckie's. Persons desiring be be come members ehoold hand in their earner+ se the Club 3e 1113xiene to have a larger number of young people try their hand et 111ie interesting game. P1nnNT0 wbo have boys or girls study- ing for the enlraooe examination to High Schools hold note that candidates are now required to take 40 per pent on each subject and an aggregate of 60 per cent. The per oentaformerly required were 83i, and 50 respectively, Only those who have to do with the examinations Dan realize how mnob the increased peree00• age mean. Venae parents should see that pupils do their work faithfully and eend them regularly to school. Tart Seaforth Expositor in. speaking last week of Postmaster Farrow'- letter iu Tut Poem 00n0erning the relenal to restore lettere once mailed in poetoffioe to the writer, says :—Thomas Farrow, post- master of Brueeele, 5118018 attention to a provision of the postal law of whioh, we dare say; very few are aware. It would seem that this very absurd regulation le in operation in England as well 0e in Canada. It is, no doubt, a ,Olio of the pest arae andshould be obliterated, in eo far as Canada le concerned, at any rate. Tbere is no earthly ree.son why, when a miet0ke of $be nature referred to, has been made, it should not be remedied by Ehe poetmaeter heeding beak the letter to the writer in caeca where he knows no deoep•ion is being praolioed. The beat and moat careful people are liable to make mistakes 0003e811:nes and it 0eem9 ridioulouo that they should not be allowed to remedy a mietalle snob as this when a remedy is possible without in• convenience 0ience or injury to any portion. AuOTIONE as AN» Pamine.—The Poi. Towing i0 a lint of lioeneed Auctioneers and Pedlars in Huron Co. ae reported by Go. 'Treasurer .Holmes :—Auo3ioneere,— Thomae Gundry, W. 0. Onrrie, Jae.. Stanley,. F. S. Scott, Thos. Cameron, Henry Boseenberry, Geo, Elliott, A. Dulmege, Robt. H. Garneea, Geo, Beck- ett, W. H. Newton, J. G. McMichael, John Gill, Henry. Brown, R. M. Charles, G. Barton, Jae, A. Smith, Henry Tor ranee, C, H. Wilson, ans. Jones, Alex, Kelly, Thomas Brown, 0. F. Vandriok, D. Diokinooq, John Pervie, Alex. Mor• neon, Edward Bessepberry, B. S. Phil. lips, 0. Hamilton, Joseph White. Pad- •fare.—Lonie Raehkop.ki, J. E. Harowell, Alex. Roe, Louie Fine, Jas. R. Cali, Wm. B.uebfleld, Anguetine MoGnire, W. R. Whaley, W. J. Miller, Geo. Beatty, Anthony MoDonald,Elam Mauro, Walter Steele, Guo, Vanderbargh, Thee, Wel. lane, Henry Hayden, Goo: Frennh,. W. J. o0raokon, G. F.' McPhee,' Fred. Dose. man, Waller Tanen W. J, Powell, J. E. Frey, Thos. Langan, .Heron should be well supplied with 00a0ioneere as .there are 30 of them in the list. The • !Manse fee ie 1112.00 per annum. There are 24 Witten. with perhaps a .few more who are dodging the fee of $25 a year. TEACHERS! A8 C'010T0ON,—A 001011 meet• ing of the Raul and West Horan Teach. ere' Aesoniabions will be held In the Oollogiete Inetittite, Clinton, on Titers• day and Friday, May 25th and 26th. Following hi 1130 program •—Tboreday,. ()peeing exerelaee, reading minnt48,' appointment of aommilteee, ",Should the LeavingExamination, melt wtls fen yearn ago be teetered ?" .13y 0. Binett, Orechten • ..The Melric System;', E, Mame, Clinton • President's address, G. S. Howard, Blakereading with °lase, Mies J. Wilson, Clinton • stipple. mentary reading, W. J. Moffett, Sen. forth ; report of delegates to 0, E. A., G. S. Howard and Mien A. E. Coneiit ; "Spelling," Inspector Toni, Goderioh ; "Home birds," J. E1. Cameron, Brueeele repr0e0ntstfvee of firma 'who are ,allowed to addreee the Institute. Thureday even.' log, President's addreee, G F. Rog6te, B. A., Sesfortb•; Maoio, vocal• and in. etromen0al ; lecture, “The Ladd of the i. Maple, Ron. E E. Scott, Gait. Friday, ele°lion of ofyicer8( etc., ; re rt of the 111101utien ecmmitt00 " 3afinitone0e, 0000raey end eimplioity in t Sabine," W. R, Lough, Clinton ; r'13o0to interest • 0 Parents In tate new 00nr40 of elndy." In8peetor Robb ; '.Writing," 3, W, Weetorvelt, London , 'Lights and uhadowe in the teacher's life," EI. J, Strang, Goderioh ; "Nature daily," J, Forest and Mho A. 1. Cnnsitt, 131114• green ; Promotion rxeminethms, G, Baird, Olda)on, and A, Sooty, Seaforth ; Question drawer, 1tlepe000318 Tem and Robb. Program i8 neatly gotten up with portrite of Inspectors Robb .And Tom, and 11, I. Strong, 13. A., of Goderioh, the otlloere of the two 1188oniation, 'interested and the Clinton Collegiate, The Exeter Times did the work, 11.311.4133 According to the a0849eot'e retinae Blyth bee in0rea0ed in population dur. ing the past year from 870 to 998, a gain of 117. Rev. and Mrs. J. Holmes and Mid Lathe Holmen ere in Exeter this week effendiug the funeral of Mrs. Rollins, deter of Mre, Holmes, N. 13. Yonne, formerly or Blyth, but late of Sudbury, has gone to Fort French], where he holde a position with the Canadian Northern Railway, James Moore, who hae oarriod the mails on the Blyth and Auburn mote for many years, died at hie residence in Auburn at 1045, Wedneeday night of last week, The funeral tools place Fri. day afternoon to the Union cemetery and was meditated under the 80Bpi008 of the Orange [moiety, C. Hamilton hae completed the a0eeee• mons of 1130 village for the present year and from the roll are taken the following pertioulare :—Real property, $61,639 ; baildinge, 9178,317 ; taxable i0oome, 98 945 ; business aeseeement, $34,630.60 ; total real and pereonal property cud tax able inoome, $283 531 60 ; population, 993 The religion of the population i0 se follows •—Preebyteriane,; 420 ; Metbo• diets, 327 ; Angiioane, 210 ; Roman Oatholioe, 20 ;. Evangelical, 11 ; Lother- °me, 5. Ford melon. The Foresters will hold their Exaar• Mon to Niagara Fella on June 15th. Rev. E. A, Hall will preaoh his fare• well sermon in Trinity church on San. day, May 2101. The intent daughter of Robt, and Mrs. Graham was interred in Fordwiob ceme- tery on Wedneeday of lad week. Rev. A. B. Dobson was in Tomato lad week, attending a meeting of the Presby terinn Synod of Toronto and Bingeton. The Women'e Institute meeting June 22nd, will be addressed by Mre. Jean Joy, of Toronto, and Mies L. Shuttle. worth of Gnelph, Mre. W. J. Johnston, of Sault St. Marie, Ont., has arrived in town and will spend five or six weskit with Mende in end eround Fordwicb, The North Wellington Dietriot Coun- cil B. T. of T. met in Mount Forest 00 Friday of Taut week. The local Council was represented by E. Fallis, District Vioe•Ooauoillor, Mae L. Brown and Editor Watters. A deplorable aooident book placa on the second concession, Carriok, one afternoon recently, the victim of whiob was Mre. Nioholae Handles. She was engaged in burning some rubbish in the yard when her dress oaughht fire, and in spite of Mre. Ernestine and her daughter, they were unable to extinguish the flamoa nn• 011 her clothes were completely burned. The unfortunate woman was horribly bathed all over her body, her back suffer- ing worst. Her daughter was also badly burned About the bends and arms while attempting to relieve her mother. The arforbunate woman, after coffering great agony, died on Suudaytaorning and was buried on Wednesday. PURGATIVES ARE DANGEROUS. They gripe, 00088 burning pains and make the oonotipafed condition even worse. Pbysioiane say the ideal laxative is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut ; they are exceedingly mild, composed only of health.giving vegetable extraete. Dr. Hamilton'e Pills restore regular movement of the bowele, strength• en the stomach and purity the blood. Por oonstipntion, sick headache, billions• pees and disordered digeetion no medi- cine on earth mnk08 euoh remarkable aurae as Dr. Hamilbon'o Pills. Try a 260 box yourself. Lu cie no -'w. Mrs. Rooke and eon, of Portland, Maine, were the guests of her eider, Dire. Harvey Ham. T130 anniversary services of the Luck now Preebyterian church will be held on Sunday, May 2180. Dr. Spence has removed bis home and office to' the house he recently purchased from Mre. Joboo0on, next door to Sid• dal'9 Bank. J. G. Murdoch & Co. have taken into partnership John MoLennsq, who hae been in their employ the past three years. The style o! the firm will remain J. G. Mardooh & Co. Rev. Mr. Millyard was eaddeniy palled to Thornhill on Wedneeday of lost weak j 1•'17 7'j� A r 0 "Cj Cr Ohasloy, eo foremen, who will be Isere to 1 \J lJ hJ?ti 1- LL 1J hike eharee within three weeke, and will rrnrgedinr,•,y ret the factory in ole poi lOr x41101 ,1 It ie expected to be 1" riper. mem bi U, lit of June. I have secured the agency for one of the best Cana- dian makes of Incubators. Prices right. EGGS FOR HATCHING Buff Orpington's. My birds are bred from the beat in Canada. None better. JOHN WRIGHT If You Want Hens that will lay in Winter, It you want Birds for •tab'e use. It you want beauty, utility and quality get into the BUFF WYANDOTTE breed by buying a few eettiuge of Eggs at $1.00 per 15 from James Ballantyne BRUSSELS. to see hie mother, who ie seriously ill. Mre. Millyard is in her 803h year, and very little hope is entertained for her reeowery. J. W. Murray, of Aohflold, received by (pedal train ou Wedneeday morning of last week, Bevan oar loads of steers tbat he had purchased near Ohathem. There were 140 head in the bunch and taken altogether were a floe lot. At the meeting of the official board of the Luoknow Methodist church, on Tees day evening, the popular pastor of the cherub, Rev. R. W. Millyard was heartily preeented with a epeafal gift of $50 as a mark of the appreciation of hie eervioee ae tinder and preacher for Ibe past two years. A oall armee to Rev, A. Mackay from the Free church congregation at Magna. eie, Scotland, signed at 0 congregational meeting and two days after by 312 mem. bore end adherence over fourteen years of age. Mr, Mackay cabled accepting the oali and ihtende bo sail for Glasgow from Montreal on June 14th. STRAINED BACK AND SIDE, "While working in a saw mill" writes 0. E. Kenney, from Ottawa, "I strained my hack and aide so. severely I bad to go to bed. Every movement oaneed me torture. I tried different oils and 1i01 - menta, but waotl't helped till I used Norville°. Even the first application gave coneiderible relief. I0 three days I was again at work. Other men in the mill use Berri/hie with tremendous bene. 00 too." An honest record of nearly fifty years has eetabliehed the value of Pol. eon's Nerviline. LIoleo wel. Scott Barton, who hae been ill at Calgary, arrives Boma on Wedneeday nigbl of last week. J, N. Hay is around =min after being oonfined to hie borne for several days with a &ore knee, caused by blood poison. ing. Tenders are being ached. by the Maooell estate for the erection of a white briok hotel building, on the site of the elation hotel lately deetroyed by fire. 3, 0. Hay's new ooaf Meade have been completed. They are eaffioiently large to store a seaeon'e coal. The walls are built of cement, and the sheds are roofed in. W. E. Binning, arohiteot, bas the plane prepared and pert of the material on the ground for a new dwelling on the North part of the lot, corner Penelope and Divioion•etroete. It will be a very ab. traetive brink building on a cement book foundation. ' 8. J. Stevenson has sold his 100 acre farm on the East aide of the town to T. H. Rolle, for the cam of $7,000. The farm is within the corporation limits, and ie exoeitently adapted for grazing, for which purpose Mr. Rolle has bought il. There are Pair buildings on it. An effort i& being made by the Prop erly committee and Park Conemieeion• ere to have the town park put into shape; With a view of making it look like a park, and not allow ft, to 000110ue any longer in the neglected and discreditable elate in wbioll it hae been for the pact fifteen or twenty years. D. Hibner wee in town and has com- pleted arrangomeo0e wish the former oompany for taking over the chair foe. tory. He hae engaged Mr. Wetlaaffer, of 311 IC LiTAi? SeCds Always get the best as it costs no more to grow GOOD than poor Seeds of any kind. The success no doubt depends largely on the preparation of the soil, but not less so on the QUALITY'of the Seed sown.: Impressed with this foot we always procure our Seeds from one of the most reliable firms. in Canada. We now have in stock the following varieties of Turnip Seeds, viz, :- BRUCE'S NEW 00NTURY. A Purple Top Swede, reeembling the Weetbary, of splendid epitome growth and fine quality. It ie the best Swede we know of to reeiet tnildew and ie a heavy cropper. NEW 0ANGAR00-A very hardy Swede similar in Size and growth to the Ele. pbant and inoreeeing in popularity each year. HARTLEY'S BRONZE TOP—Small neck and single top roots, very rich in ga0lity and a good keeper. HALL'S WESTBURY-A well known standard variety end one of hbe beet, BAMGHOLM—A large and handsome variety and a alar turnip. p' W1fITE SWEDE—Remarkable ler 118 nulritioae properties, hardiness and long keeping. GREY STONE—A white floalted turnip ; early, hardy and of good quality, 3IfC'.Xllb[tl 1, Davie & Wi111s are starting a granite acid marble boeinese in the btoCloy block, Haouall 01381.01180 eitou d e8tablieb a reading room and bathroome 3n wanes.' lion, for the young men of oar town, R. Qudmore •ed Geo, Ali Kay expect to get to work mannfeetnring Dement btooka for building purpoe08 right away. E. Runodo has been appointed dole. gate to represent Henaall O. 0. Fast the High Court, to be hold' In Oanaoogne 1u Jane, Tookeremith Donnell, with up to date enterprisehave bougbt a new stone crusher aid eel it up at John Arahlbaid'o quarries. The assumption of the Public Library by the aouuoil at the last meeting was a wise move in the lntereete of that inatilutlon. The old board managed it remarkably well coneidering the dial.. wattles' whish they labored under owing to a ohooge in the Government, EiThe Observer says 3—There is some talk of uniting Belheada and Srx. =MO rMethodiet churches under the oversight of the miniatere of one of the Exeter shushes. This would make Heneall a station. A better pion would be to unite Ohieelbnrel, Bethesda end Sexemilh and joie Kippen to Heneall giving Hillagreen to Varna. The decision in the Mol;ay vs Blaokali and Ooxworih Daae tried at Zuriak last week was that James Ooxwortti pay for putting in of the cement walk on the South aide o! the Queen's Hotel. It will be remembered mat the council gave permie0ion to have the walk oo 003100ted at the expense of the petitioner, Mr, Mo• Ray who aonotraoted the walk entered a joint suit against Dr, Blookall the tenant and Jaime Ooxworlh the landlord for payment. DOCTORS DON'T KNOW ALL. When tbey say Asthma le inoareble. Every day bad oases are oared by "Oatarrhozooe" ; this eoientifio treat• men) is a perfect mods—Try catarrh• ozone yourself. taoderlelt. Thomas Merdermott left for North Bay, to join the engineering staff of the G. T. P. The annual meeting of the West Huron Liberal Aseooiation will be held on Tuesday, May 3031. The reduced Satarday.to-Monday fares on 0190 G. T. R. to Goderioh from inland pointe are now in effect, Mies A. B. Spence, Victoria street, re• turned on Saturday last, after a six months' visit to Cleveland, Ohio. John end Andrew Flynn, of H0llett townabip, sold a team of horses the other day to Mr. MoOlnekey, of Goderioh, for the cam of $450. A trestle bridge hae been erected be - Vegan Squaw Ielabel and Atlrill'e, thus giving easy communication with that Wised from the North shore, Rev. Walter Jamleeon, of Heepeler, made a brief visit to tows teat week. He was accompanied by Mre. Jamieson, who is remaining here for a few days, II is eaggeated that, fn order to pro- vide mush needed additional room at the poetoffioe, a wing similar to that on West side might be added at the East. The old.eetablished stove and tin - Ware bneinese of G. N. Davie has been purchased by W. T. Pinder, who bac been employed with 0. O. Lee for the past ten years. A gang of 15 moo have started work on the oouetruetion of Ibe telegraph line of the new Guelph to Goderiah branch of the 0, P. R. They commenced to Work at Guelph Junction. The front has been torn nub of Walter Kelly's jewelry afore and 'the adjoining store and the brickwork for the new front has been pat in. The two stores will be thrown into one for Mr. Rally. The Dement foandetioo for the North street Methodist church is nearly finish. ed, and the names ere pushing the work so as to bave everything reedy for the laying of the corner stone on Victoria Day, Catarrhal Troubles Prevalent endue Months Cance ebekuese, Breathe Ilyonbel, and Be Cured of Catarrh. Catarrhal troablee are more mamma at this eeaeon tbau al any other time of the year. The sadden changes that o0me during the Spring months .are pro- ductive of many Daae] of (Mandl that without proper treatment will become ebronio. The pleasantest, mod convenient, and only eoientifio method for the treatment and euro of catarrh, is Hyomei.. Simply pui twenty drops in the little _pooket in• haler that comae with every outfit, and then breathe bt for three minutes four times a day. No dangerous drugs or alooholio oon- 800110ne are taken into the eye0em when Hyoneei is need. Breathed through the inhaler, the baleamio ftagraooe of Hyomei penetrates to the moat remote eells of the noes and throat, and thus kills the catarrhal Berme, heals the ir• Mated masons membrane, and given oomplebo and permanent pure, Thoneande of leetimoniele have been given as 10 the astonishing sures made by this remedy. J, S. Nugent, treasurer of the New York Life Insurance Com. pony, writes ;—"ome o oared my daughterHyotoaeibarrbha,frcom whiompletelyb she has been a eafferer for years." The complete Hyomei outfit boats but one dollar, and ae the inhaler will fast e ifetime and therm le suflbeient. Hyomei or several weeks' trelitmeot, it is; the moat eoonomiaal oatarrhal remedy known. Extra bottles Can be procured for fifty bents'. Ask James Fox to show you the strong guarantee ander which lee eelle Hyomei, John MoLanchlin and It, E. Sayles, graduates of McMaster University, have obtained fellowship] ie history and eyetematio theology, respectively, '[n i n' Ch sago U Iereiiy. Mt, Bettereball, of Stratford, recently gave 0110 acres of );round for sporting C 08e n a as and offers i e p p s e n tend roar er five aores for athletio parpooea cad park. The finance committee and the ,udime Gun Club will arrange the de. nils, Me. 13atterehall Imo already given 500 to the Pertil Humane 800iety and oneiderable same to the General fospit• al, Our Customers Highly Recommend these 'Varieties. t) A. S TRACHAA The Fun Starts IIINIINNImemmansumg The F Fun atthe' epvnln g of avhool, and then look out for the lively boy. He wants to look decent all the time but he has got to have his fun and the care of his clothes is a secondary matter ; try the Lion Brand of Boys' Suits and Knickers and you will get the best on the market. Coats are made with French facings which give them a solid and lasting appearance —Knickers have double seats and double knees— double sewn seams and linings boxed in—nothing on the market to equal them, and the price is no higher than what you pay for inferior goods. Once a Cus- tomer, always a Customer. We are the only Agents in town, I'M HERE AGAIN Those who know me always welcome me to their homes. I'm quite good-Iooking though very black, and no amount of washing changes my color. Got double knees, toes, heels, and am ready to make your acquaintance. My present owners will introduce and part with me for 25c, 35c or 40c, according to weight. I'm the Black Cat Stockings for Children and Ladies. Will you try me ? D. C. ROSS LEADING CLOTHIER, BRUSSELS. -4- SPECIAL. VALUES DINNER SETS AT Thomson's ew Buggie Now that the season for buying Buggies has arrived we would like to inform the public that, we are better prepared than ever to supply their every want in Buggies got up in the very latest style and best material that money can buy—Steel Tires Haid Cushion and y Rubber, Pneumatic Wheels, with Ball Bearing Axle. Lumber Wagons—the very best oak gear, with half truck or high wheels, either 21, 2i or 3 in. tires, Before buying elsewhere be sure and call at the old reliable Car- riage Factory where you will get the very best value for your money. • .'Two Cows for sale at reasonable figures. JOHN °OBER & SONS