The Brussels Post, 1905-5-18, Page 1Vol. 38. No, 45 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 18:, 19Oa. New Advertisements. Local—Mro, Kirk, Looab—$, B. King, Strayed -3, K. Baker. llyomei—R.O.', Booth, Defy the Moshe—Jes. Fox, Diamonds—H, L, Janson. Dressmaking—A. (Meacham House for eale—W. H, Cross, Court of Revieion-F. B. Soots, Firet•olaeo Buggiee—Ewan & Co. Wateheo and 0looke—J. G. Jones. Bueineee Academy—Geo. Spobtou. More New Goode—MaKinnou & Oo, Notice to Creditors—H, J. D. Cooke. Mistrirt IL.1atot vs, eel. Mre. J. Qeoil Hamilton has relnrned from a visit to Toronto. Mies Lilian Halstead, of Kansas City, it. the guest of Mre. J, W. Boost. The fire bell rang Bentley afternoon owing to trouble at the gee factory, bub ae nothing minces was the matter the brigade were not oalled out. On Saturday evening John Clegg, teem• star, of thief town,, met with a moat an,. fortunateaooident. Re was drawing in hay for lee. Wilson, end when on Mill street, nearly opposite the Hay foundry, the load slipped end threw him upon the ground, His hip was fraotured in the fall and the dootore here thought it best to have him removed at onoe to the hospital. He was taken to the depot at once end put upon the evening .train for Stratford. WV roxeeetr. Miee Hastings, of Bowiok, is the gueet of her dater, Mre, R, J. Henn. D. and Mre. Rae and children spent Sunday with relatives in Morels, Raberh Bleak has taken Conrad Raise ae partner in the Greenlaw 1? our Mills here. Rev. L. Perrin exchanged' pulpits with Rev. Mr. Dobson, of Gonne, on Sunday morning. Fred. Kerr, of New _B;embarg, epent, last week with George Allen at the station. A load of young people spent a sooial eveuieg with the Salem Epworth Lea• gue lett Thursday. A load of members of the W. F. M. B. of the Presbyterian ohnroh attended the annual meeting held in Belgrave on Tuesday. A. meeting for the arrangement of sports for the let of July oelebration here will be bald in John Douglas' store Friday evening. - 0. and Mre. Koehler, of Ayton„ ao. oompanied by their nein, Mies Jean Moffitt, are visiting the latter'e parents, A. H. and MTs. Moffett. WATCHES JEWELRY A very choice stock and guaranteed to be as represented. Fine Ran __be of Clocks and well Selected Line of Very Neat Silverware Violin Supplies, Pipes, Eto, Of -Repairing a Bpeoiaiby., Our Ain In TO ProAez Con Qaemoatane. J. G. JONES WY, E. A. Hall will preeoh hie fare. well eetm0n in the Episoepel oburoh neat Sunday afternoon before leaving for Dorohteter, New llrunewink. Mrs. Robert Bleak returned from Strathroy on Friday where the way at. tending her brother, who wee seriously ill; but who le now slowly improving. atone Eddie Bryan(, eon al Alex. Bryant:, ie home from the Medical College, Toronto. A large number (ram this loaelity at tended the funeral of lbe late Robert Mo. Innes on Tuesday afternoon. D. Roy McDonald hoe taken a position with Walter Innis on hie peddling wagon. He should make a competent hand. Oran b roots. Jacob Long bas eold hie driver to H. James, of Weenie. Several members of. 0renbrook 0. 0. F. attended the funeral of the late George Rogers of Brussels on Wednesday after. noel0. - Lest week Dun. McDougall, of Waeh legion Territory, arrived home on a visit. Hie brother Alex„ who was here, has returned to Bt, Thomas: Mre. McDougall ie still on the siok lief. Two months have elapsed einoe ohs took ill but her numerous friends hope re. oovery is nigh et hand. She is about 72 years of age. Psot cow. Some of our reenters attended the fennel of the .late George Rogers in Brussels on Wednesday. The Ladies' Guild of SI. George's ohnroh held their regular meeting at John Boarlett'e laet week. The C. 0. F. will bold their annual At Home in the Workman's Hall on May 24th. This popular gathering will no doubtbe an enjoyable ae meal. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church will hold a Gorden Patty on the Poreonagegrounde on 'Tuesday evening, May 23rd. A good program is being ar ranged and Brussels Band will be in atbendenoe. f3larevnle. Mr. Clark, of Sunehine, spent Sunday at 0. Stewart's. Malcolm Aikonhead spent Bnndey with Wingham friends. Mies Eva Messer, of Listowel, was home over Sunday. Wm. Messer made a business trip to London last week, Miss Bl Ile Burgess visited her Dieter, Mre. W. L. Fraser, in Morrie, last week. Miee Mabel. Oliver bee returned from a three monthe' visit with relatives at W oodetonls. Mine Annie Mitchell, from near Brute eels, has come to learn dresemakiog with Mrs. Bailey. Mies Mary Scott bee returned from a tbree monthe' sojourn with a eiok relative Rt Hamiltco, Wm, and Mre, Elliott, of Warren, Ohio, have been visiting the former's sister, Mre, R N. Deft. ` - Maleolm Boott left last: week' for Saska- toon where he has a good position in the hardware store of his tamale awaiting him. Q onemnnion service will be held in the Presbyterian oburoh a week from next Sunday. A week from Friday Rev. Me. Radford, of Belmore, will preach the preparatory sermon. - l&twere, . Forreet't new grist mill le going hp rapidly, and the oement walla will eoon be completed at the present rate of progress. - Alex. Cameron and Wm. J. Marshall left on Tuesday morning of last week for, the West, the former going to Balgonia and the latter to Regina. ed that et hal Elena factory shipped a t of April cheese, 180 boxes, on Tneeday of last week to Hodgson, Brea, Montreal. The previous saleWeeat 110. and - the last shipment. brought 110. The new oreeter ' Hell is going up at a rapid rate under the swift workman ship of Robert Richmond and hie son George. The hall will be built of white brink and promiseeto be a very credit- able struttnte. Mre. John Morrison, Newry, had the misfortune to severely scald her right arm on Friday evening, 61h inst. She bed stepped into the woodshed ho empty some boiling hot dish water when her toot went through the floor and this threw the eaalding water over her arm. ressmaking meteleellbtettierte leittNM, We have pleasure in informing the ladies that we have been fortunate In making arrangements with Miss Mias Maggie MoArter to open a Dressmaking Shop in connection with our Store. Miss rtes has had longand successful experience as a Ml a McA p Dressmaker and has also spent four seasons in Toronto in one of Establishments in the e Clit. andr ability most fashionable Arita h y he ltbl ty was there recognizedbeing gnized by made overseer over one of the De- partments. Call at the front Booms up -stairs over. our Store where you will Dr-essmak in. line attended to with despatch have anything in the r g p and satisfaction guaranteed. Our Stock of Dressa Goods, Trimmings, Liningsr Buttons,s, etc., comprise all the latest and popular linos. No fancy prices, but everything at right values. Aih�ttllhnhrlU'IpQll�hdlfllr'11hPh n A. Strachan. a. She bad on a tight iltting-eleeve, and In removing this to Men the wound, the ltoeh wtte torn from Mee arm and large blisters eon formed. The annual meeting of the E. L. 0. E was held April.27Eh, when the following ollioero were aliened 1—Pres. Wm, Thorn. eau ; let, Vice, Harold Peter ; 2e0 Vloe,, Blew J. A, MoBsin; 6rd V;oe,, Miee Annie Bolton ; 4111 Vice , Miss Ida Pen• Beo„ Mre, J.33, Turnbull ; Treas., Mies Mina Graham ; Organist, Mire Nellie Hamilton; Aeeietant Organiet, lllyelyn Turnbull ; Treas. Forward Movement, Mise Marie Arnold ; Repre sentative to Dietriot Exeantive, Mies Edith Penball, It wee decided to ohmage the night of meeting from Thursday to Wednesday. 1 -Le 'err ern Tun LATE Ma Kinn,—Brief reference wee inade some weeks ago t0 the demise of Mr Kerr, of this locality and now we give further partiaolare. He wee born in the Go. of Sligo, Ireland, on February 25th, 1837 when he lived with hie per este until September 1867 when they moved to Ballina Go, Mayo. Later he pnrohaeed.a farm near Kdlale avhenhe was united in marriage•to Mies Matilda Wilson, of the samc plane. They resided there uetil 10 years ago when deaeaeed and hie family tame to Canada, locating, at Henfryn, where they have continued to make their home. He le survived by hie widow, seven sone and two daughters who mourn the lose of an affectionate husband and kind father. The sone aro William and Thos., of Maple Creek, N. W. 0., Jno. H., of Toronto, and Charles, Jamee, George and Robt. B , at home. Mr. Kerr was a quiet, reserved mart, hie desires never taking him far from home. He was a true Christian, a member of the Epieoo- pal ohnroh and always endeavored to train hie family in the way they should go. As Warden and Sunday School Superin tendent at various times be took an interested part in churn work. Although never takien a active part in politics be was a arae Ooheervetive. Prior to last September he bad enjoyed a healthy and active lite. Last Fall bet weatreoted rheumatism from getting a wetting in the harvest field and despite all the doators or kind friends meld do he paid •Nature'e debt on April 26111 and his spirit wing• ed its flight to a land where all pain and enfferiug are at an end. On the Friday following hie remains were interred in Elma Centre oemetery, his five eons and a nephew being the pelleearere. The funeral wae Attended by a large number of relatives and friends. "Released from sorrow, sin and pain And freed from every °are, By angel bands: to Heaven oonveyed To rest forever there." ivtttel. Connell meeting will be held here on Monday next. On and atter Mouday, May 22od the stores will Mose at 7 30 p. m , Wedaeeday and- Saturday and eights before ho idaye excepted. The stone will ale( be Mined on May 24th all day. • Nearly $100 hae been raised by the three Epworth Leaeoee of the Ethel atonic for the Forward Missionary move• meet this year, a good record. "Union" League leads the van. ' ,.aerreepoodent says of former Ethel. Bee :—A number of young people of St. Paul's church, Shipley, mumbled at the home of Augaeh Eokmier on the even• ing of the 21st alt. and presented Miee Bak/nine with an addreee and bandeawo oaks dioh. Miee Balmier ie the efficient organist of Shipley ohnroh. WEDDING QnxM&e.-The home of Aiex. and Mre. Cameron, Elmo et„ Listowel, VMS the eoene of a pretty home wedding Wednesday of last week, when their eldest daughter, Miee Lucy, was united by the Rev. S. Hardie, Presbyterian minister, in the holy bonds of matrimony to J. A. Soots, of Prince Edward. Miee Oameron entered the parlor on the arm of her father to the sweet strains' of Mendeleeohns' Wedding March played by Prof„ Keller. She looked charming in a dainty gown of Swiss mnelio, trimmed with ohiffon and lace.. Little Miee Gert- rude Cameron acted se flower girl, look• ing nate ina neat arose of aream lustre and parried a shower baguet of aream roeee. Following theoeremony about 75 guests eat down to a sumptuous repot, served by the bride's mother in her effiolent manner. After tea was served the party upset the remainder of the evening ingames, flinging and eoaiel intercourse. Many congratulations were extended to the happy couple before the gathering dispersed. The bride's' going away gown was of blue lady's (loth with hat to tnatob. The groom's present to the bride was a eonburet est with garnets and brilliaate, The presents were numerone, ooetlyand beautiful whioh testified to the high redeem in which the bride was held by her menet friends. Bride war a resident of Ethel at one time and several from this tonality attended the wedding. May Mr, and Mre. Soott enjoy many happy, prosper. one genre. SABBATH SCHOOL CoNVirnmloN.-The An. nnal Circuit Sabbath Sohooi Convention will be held in the Methodist church here on Wednesday of next week. Program will be an interesting one and is as follows Afternoon, -2.00- Devotional exerelees ; 2 16—topio, "The eioging in the eohool," L. Frain ; 2,80—dinoaeeion ; 2 50—eioging, Roe's choir ; 8 00—Copia, "How to awoken and maintain en inter est in the eohool," Mies Bernice Blom mon ; 3.15—dleouseiou ; 8 85—singing, Union choir; 8.45-"'Peaohing a ohm" practical oxnmple, R. McKay ; 4.15— dieauenon ; 4 80—singing, Ethel choir ; 4 40 --topic, "The teacher's preparation" Mier L. Shannon; 4 60 -- disanetion ; 5,10—Appotntmout of Nominating Com. mittee to be eeleoted by the Chair. Com, mittee to meet before 7.80 p, m. ; 5.16— deflection sad °losing exeroioeo. Refresh, menta in Township Hall from 6,20 to 7.80. All ars requested to bring their baekete and daring this time we will have a airmail) molal r°•union. Evening,-7.80 —Dedational exeraieee and gong 0000100 ; 7,46—Blackboard object Ieeaon,L. Mason; 8 10—dieogeelon ; 8.20—singing, Union (Moir ; 8,80—"Normal training for Sunday eohool teachers,' Mies Saaie Pearson ; 8 40-- dlnomin ee ; 8.50— singing, Roe's choir.; 9,00—"Our opportanitiee for nee. fulness in timidity eohool worts," Thos. Doherty ; 0 10—dieaueelon ; 9 25—ei°g• ing, Ethel oboir ; 9 $5 -"The lofluenee of Sunday eohool ou Ole aharaoter of the oommuniby," J. Ii. Baker ; 9 60—Rspert of Nominating Oommittee and introdno• tiao of new ofloere'; 10,00—Colle6tion and closing, 13eellgra,ve. At the oiose of the prayer meeting in the Methodist church on Thursday even- ing, May 11111, Rev. A, E. Jones waled Mies Ulla Owens forward. Mrs, (Eav Jones read an addreee and Bits, Chas. Proctor, on behalf of the members of the congregation, presented Mies Owens with a benatiful gold watch and (Main. The following is the addreee Miee Elia Owens : DEAN FRIEND,-Wa deeply regret that you find It ne0eesary at this time to sever your oonneotian with ne se organist of our church and take this opportunity of expressing to yon our gratitude for the kindly and efficient way in which you have done the work for the past six years. Ws know something of the responeibility and burden of the position and that you have faithfully served the °Moron in the oapaoity, often at considerable ntariflae to yourself. We also highly appreciate the kind larietian spirit whiob you have ever manifested toward the members of the choir and congregation. Bo it is with pleasure that we present you with this gold watch and chain ae a token of our appreciation and good will Signed ou behalf of Belgrave Methodiet ebetroh, Mne, Wtt. Woes, Mae. W. 0. Paooxon. Mies Owens replied thanking them for the beautiful gilt and -spoke with regret that owing to affliction in her home ehe had been oompetled to retire from being organist. WA t -rtes - Elton Cardiff, 501) line, is making gaiee a enclose of hie Chatham incubator. Rev. R. Manndere is spending a few weeks at home prior to attending the an• nual Conference of the Methodist ohnroh where he will come up for reception and ordination. Somebody took a steel orowbor from the Bide of the roadway opposite James Daaoan's farm the other day, which the boyo were using. If it ie not returned tbere may be trouble. It is said John Barr, 4th line, was offered the hnndaome figure of $300 for his white "Costumer" driving mare but declined to accept. Thepurchaserwant. ed her to match another for a hearse teem, we understand. We are pleased to state that Mies Mag. gie Hall, 6th lint, .ie making favorable progress from the injariee reoeived by the burning ebe met with some weeks no. Her many friends hope she will soma be as well ae ever. A. loiter from Henry Mooney, of Wey• born, N. W. 0,, says that Mre. Mooney be not making as favorable preemies to• toward complete restoration as they would wish. The weather hae been dry and as x cooea ea themope are somewhat qu oe o op backward. earexe. Township Coattail next Monday. Walter MoKay, 9th con., is away on a visit with friends at Galt. Jno; Blake, 14th neo., is home from Detroit Medioal College for his holidays. Robert Pearson and wife were visitors with their daughter in Hallett feet. week. Will. Gorealitz, of Stratford, attended the Mart—Fogal wedding on Wednesday of last week. Quite a number of farmers have re. e hired helpthey implied for oeived the ey last Winter from the Old Country dor. ing the peat week. The majority of the new arrivals are inexperienced' as to farm life but appear to be deeiroue of aogairiog the knowledge. Mre. Chas. Rozell, 9th eon., left on Tuesday for a vieit to her daughter, Mrs. Joo, Engle of Paw Paw, Michigan. She will also go to see her eon, W. J., and Mre. Resell, at Grand Bend, Mich., be. fore returning, Mies Annie- Bozell le speeding a few weeks in Blyth with Mrs. N. B. Gerry. Robert MaInnee, of Manitoba, arrived this week to attend the funeral of hie father, the late Robert McInnes. The interment took place on Taeeday after. noon, Rev. 0. P. Wells, B. D., of Ethel, oondnoting an appropriate eervioe. It is 11,0 years eiaoe Mr. McInnes was home i will A memorial eery oe w ii be held next Sabbath morning at Roe'e,ohnroh. Jno. Cardiff, who has been an old and web known resident of the 8th line, will remove to Brnsnelle next month, where he has purchased a oomfortable home on Peinoeea street tram Harold Creighton, The family will Derry the good wishes of the aommanitq with them. Fred. Cardiff will tele in hand the tilling of the farm and will have to eooure a booee- keeper. Tan Poor extends aongratnlatione to S. R. Crerar, who has completed hie. course at the School of Praatiaal Soiena°, Toronto, and now hae authority to sign B. A, Be. to hie name. Mr. Orerar de servo oredit for -"paddling hie own canoe" and will be all the more able to steer a eteady ((nese in Ibe fatnre. He may go to Simaoe for a few menthe for the praatioal training in Civil Engineer. ing work in the (Joantiea oontiguone 00 that town, Memnnooaler,,—A very pretty wedding took plane at the reeidenoe of Henry and Mre. Fogel on Wednesday, May 10th, when their emend daughter, Miee Adelia, Was united in marriage to linty ,Marr, briok maker, of Redeye. The ceremony woe performed at 6 O'elook in the pees. eine of about thirty gneete, by Rev, 0, P, Wella, B, D.of Ethel, Groom was supported by John Fogal, brother of the bride, while the bride had for her meld Mies Carrie Geroalftz, To the otrains'of the Wedding March, played by Mise Nellie Gaynor, the happy couple enter• ed the drawing room and took their W. H, KERR, Prop. FAMOUS PEOPLE BY FANNIE M, LOTHROP Dbmay_ lyaepn emALw,,plc Cn, KRTHUR J. -BALEQUR The Evolution of -a Prime Plinister The Prime Minister of Great Britain, Arthur James Balfour, is a.strange paradox. A power In politics, he cares nothing for the game; with little or no ambition, he has risen to a position second only to that of the King; of a dreamy, philosophic temperament, he has proved himself a man of instant action in every emergency. ' He was born in 1848 in Scotland, the son of a wealthy Scotohman, and Lady Cecil, sister of the late Lord Salisbury. At Eton and Cambridge he won no medals for special brilliancy, and no microscopic examination re- vealed a germ of future• greatness. He was a member of "The Souls,' a society of enthusiasts vainly seeking the "ultimate" among the list of life's; unattainables. When twenty-six be entered Parliament, and was bored and cynical, taking neither himself nor his work seriously; a spectator of life rather than a struggler. As the weak member of "the Fourth Party," he was the good-natured butt of the House and was usually summed up by, his fel- lows as "clever but hopelessly lazy." In 1886, to the amazement and amuilement of England, Salisbury, his uncle, named him the 'successor of Sir Michael Hicks -Beach, Chief Secretary for Ireland. This post that had brought the snow of age to the heads of strong Hien and had even killed some of them in the fierce days of the "Land, League," was given to this young, gentle, easy-going individual. The Irish members smiled knowingly and rubbed their hands' in the glee of anticipa- tion—but it was all premature. Daniel was surely thrown into the lion's den, but the lions had not reckoned on the marvellous transformation. The indolent, careless manner of Balfour suddenly fell from him as if it were a magic mantle. He stood before them a man of keen judgment, iron will, vigorous and virile force and a master in executive power. He braved alike their taunts, their threats, their insolence and their abuse until they; became tired. They were like fairy bullets that hit him but did not hurt him. His firmness, liberality and good sense at last won his enemies. From onehighposition tot another he rose without any seeming effort, till his present honors fell at his feet in 1902. Balfour is a man of deep relig- ious spirit, sweet and gentle in nature, serious and serene in temperament, simple- and unaffected, seemingly unconscious of his strength, a philosopher turned statesman, and so sensitized to the great realities of life as to be uni mindful of many things that absorb thewholelife of smaller men. Eoterod according to Aot or the Parliament otennad.,In tkeyar 1904 by W, 0. Meek, .t the Department or Agrlonitura. plane. After the ceremony was per- formed and hearty congratulations the company was invited to the dining' room to the well laden tables, to partake of the wedding dinner, which was very neatly prepared by the bride's mother. The bride 'looked (harming in a beaatifel suit of drab ladies' cloth, with white silk waiot trimmed with overlaoe and chiffon, while the bridesmaid's costume wee of light blue crepe de chem. Both ladies had beautiful bMquen of white and pink roses. In the evening about forty more invited guests assembled when games, dancing, singing and other =memento were kept up. Music on the violin,, was supplied by L. Taylor, N,`Dunoaaeon, H. Gorealitz, L. Gaynor and on the organ by Misses Henry, Gaynor and Coates. The home was very neatly decorated with evergreens. After lnnob the bride and bridesmaid abanged their costumes, the bride's being - of white pique and the beideemaid'e white - muslin, trimmed with iaoe and lace insertion, The prep. ante were very numerous and costly showing the high esteem in whioh the bride was held. At daylight the com- pany departed wishing Mr, and Mre. Muer many joyoue and happy years of wedded life. They will take op housekeeping in Henfryn. Thegroom it a eon of Joseph and Mrs. Mutt, otBrussels. WAR IN THE EAST. Wednesday's dailies say : — It is emphatically stated in St, Peters- burg that the Russian fleet hes lef0Han. kohe Bay andthat its whereabonte ie unknown; In view of previous Rueeiaa. reports that Admiral Rojeetveneky had left Frenob neutral waters, reporto whiob subsequently turned out to be false, not much reliance tan be placed upon these statements. Admiral Rojeetveneky is evidently following the taotioe he pursued no no. oesefolly et Kamranh Bay. Ordered away from Honkohe Bay, he leftthere on the Oth, but returned, and according to Japanese information, was quietly at anchor there on the 12th. There is no doubt that Rojestvenaky"e continued penman in French watere le doe to his desire to allow Nebogatoff'e squadron to refit and take on supplies before pro. carding on the final journey Northward. And whet then ? Die meeting cannot under nay oiraumeteenee be much longer delayed, Bnt will there be a general naval battle or a Darien of ocean skit. miebeo ? With Togo's andonbted infer. iority in battleehipe—againet hie tour the Roeniane can present seven—it is reason, able to expect that the Japauoee Admiral Will withhold hie armored vegetate of every kind until he Mas fully toted the possibilities of hie torpedoes ; bat if be does not meet with euaoeee here, then pir00mstanaeo may compel him to bring his armored force into play against the andiminiehed Remise fleet. He may My by rapid movements to outmanoeuvre the Russian, thereby effecting a prelim ineryredootion of force or creating au opportunity to (lose at advantage. Again he may close at once with the Russian fleet in a general melee, which ie the easier ooaree, but which leaves to the Admiral very little responsibility till the ootoome is settled. It is more probable, though, that Togo will exhalant every method of tactics before exposing hie fleet to the chances of a general battle. In all these weeke that Rojestven. sky has been drifting abont in French waters nothinghas been heard of Togo, which argues that be ie close to Japanese territory, where ho ash -nom mand all contrite of information, and away from the regular trade routes. Formosa, of coarse, offers good harbor. ape and exoaptional ehelter,-for, the inland being ander martial law, all the ports and cables are in the Mande of the Japanese, thus ;nearing that no infor- metton of the fleet's presence aan get out, 1/11013011 CHIVES. There will be Divine eervioe in the Catholic church, Brunets, next Sunday at 10.30 a, m: The Wingbam Dietriot meeting will be held in the Methodist church, Wingham, next Tuesday and Wednesday. The first Aeeiniboia Conference of the Methodist Church will be held at Moose Jaw, oommenoing June 12, Rev. Dr. Garman, of Toronto; will deliver the ordination swoon. e -A Mie0iooaty Band of about half a dozen young men of Victoria University, Toronto, will hold missionary meetings all week, oommenoing an May 28, in the Central Methodist oburob, Stratford, under the supine - of the Epworth League of that ohnroh. Rev. W. H. Snelgrove, B. A., of Delhi, hae been sleeted as successor to Rev; E. A. Hall ae rotor of the Anglican oherohee' iu Gorda, Fordwioh and Wroxeter, Mr. Soelgrove bas 000sented to go and the Bishop will be requested to make the ap poiutment without delay. - Wllliam Jeesop, who hae been Gen, Seoretary of the Brantford 0. M. 0. A. for two years, hes resigned. B. Brune Wilson, now inM. 0, A, work in St. John, Ni,B., and formerly of Entente,be Mee en appointed to seaweed Mr. Jessop, Rev, A, MoNab, M. A., of Walton, and Rev, Dr. Roan esehenged pulpits last Sabbath. In the morning Mt, MoNab spoke on "The neoeseity of a waviest" and at the evening service hie topic was 'Prayer," Last Sabbath morning the Annsal Roll Call of members was held in the Meth. enlist cheetah here. A abort memorial nervine wag alert held when the names of hits. Louise Skelton, Rev. 13, t?anl, Mre. lane Hall, Mre. F. Fiehleigb, Mre. J, A, Creighton, Mre. Backer ern Jae.' Oiivoe and Mre, -Jno, Jones were read anti ref• creme made to their demies during the poet year, ' A fine discourse wae given In the evening on " lod'e mindfulnses of man," Rev J. P. Monter gave a brief, well pointed addreee to the Epworth League. Snoday Iasi Rev. der, Carlisle, of Lon. don, took the serving in St, oburoh, In the evening o mernotiel ear - viae was held relating to the Mown of the former beloved incumbent, Rev. I, 14. Webb, There was is large nongre,. gation proaeut. '"The ohnroh was- theme/ for the occasion, Rev. Mr. Webber name will long be cherished by the . people of St, John's ohnroh. W. M. S,—The annual meeting of the Woman's MIseionary Society of Brae eels Methodist ohuroh was held at the home of Mrs. Oharles R' zell, East of Brussels, on Thursday afternoon of last week. Reoeipte for the year were $50.00 Following are the officers for the currant year t --President, Mrs. J, L. Herr ; let vioa President, Mre, 0, W. Qneens ; bed vine President, Mre. J. T. Wood ; Cor. responding Secretary, Mee, A. J. Lawry ; Rewording Seoretary, Mrs, J. J. Gilpin ; Treasurer, Mre, W. F. Stewart. The Society is lo a healthy condition and le building on a prosperous year. There wee a large delegation from Biel. villa ohurah W. F. M, S. attended the Presbyterial Missionary meeting at. Bel. grave on Townley. In the number were Rev. Dr, and Mre. Rues, lleadames Devil Rose, Habkirk, Watson, Geo. Thomson, L Thomeoo, McGuire, N. MoLe.uoblin, E. Caber, J. H. Cameron, Graham, Fox, R. K. Roes, tud 3. G. Skene and Miens Ada and Lizzie Rose, May ' Deadman, Maggie Stewart and Belle Henderson. Thos. and Mrs. Davidson, of Grey, oleo attended. One feature of epeo;al interest was the preseooe and most intereoting and inebrnotive addrese of Dr, Mergaroe McKellar, who has been a suooeosful Missionary in India for a number -of yearn. Maitland Presbytery oleo met is Belgrave on Tuesday so that a number of olergymen were also in attendance at the evening meeting. The Braseele ladies were well pleased with the day's proaoedinga and will no doubt profit by the informatian.reoeived. ;y;;CONVENTION, — Repreeentntivea from each of the Preabytorian, Metbodletand Baptist Sunday Sahoole and Y. P. Sweeties met in Knox church lecture' room, Goderiob, on Monday evening last, bo inaugurate preparations for the Doming convention of the County Aesooiatioi,e, which are to be bald in Gorierieb- that for Sunday School on Tuesday, June 18, and the 0. E. convention on the follow. ing day. It ie probable the morning and - ' afteruoon missions of each will be held in Victoria street cheetah, and the, evening meetings in Knox church. Arrangements are in program for a union oboir to lead the singing, and the following were are pointedoeuvaeeing committees for billet.. ing Knox church, Misses Polley and Strang ; North street ahamb, Misses Washington and McLachlan; Qiotoria street; trusses Hale and Elliott ; Baptist, Mrs. Robertson Rad Mies Lewitt, Tea local representatives are ambitious to ere these gatherings most euoceeafnl, .and will ,rare na eff,rt to-o"utribute to that end. The program.• for nob gatberieg will be announced next week. J II. Macdonald of Tor oto manag- ing ann . ing Director of the Confederation Lite' Aeeooiaticn, hae been eleoted President of the Ontario Lord's Day Allianoe in ono - 000010n to the late lamented Rev. Prin- cipal Caveo, and has accepted the office. Many of those now in assooiatioo with the work of the Lord's Day Alliance may not know that Mr. Macdonald wae Prin oipal Oaven's predeoeeeor also, &eying bald the preaidenoy from the organize. tion of the Allianoe in Marsh, 1895, till October, 18 Moreover th 0 8, Moreo er 9 v proposal tos organize a -Lord'' Day Alliance bad its origin in a oonferenoe between iter. Mao- donald and Rev. J. G. Shearer, the present General Seoretary, which took plain in the autumn of 1894. Mr. Mao. donald is widely known in the business world ae a successful financier, in the Presbyterian ohnroh as one of its most energetic and capable laymen, in Bible Society, Children's Aid Sooine. and other like organizations ae oneof their moat generous oupportere and wise ooatl, 'lore. The work is honored in hie wonting tbo presidency end Mr. Macdonald feels' it an honor as well as a great reoponeibiliby that the Alliance has pet upon him. New Eden wheal in East Nieeouri has been aimed as a 900000tioa agai0et small pox, Hon. N, Monteith addreaned the Borden Club at Toronto ou Tuesday meanies of last week. The Thames Qnatry Company, Bt. Marys, have boagut oat the atone quer. ries of James Elliott in that town, skeet. ed on Walter street, Elliott's quarries are koowu far and wide for the excel. lent quality of atone they turnout. Mr, and Mre, Roy, of Rueeeldale, who intend leaving non for Prince.' Albert, Saeaatohewan, were presented by the congregation of Mount Pleasant Metho' diet church on the Fullerton aironit, with a table and two makers. Mr, Roy's Ben. day eohool Woes also presented him - with it neatly written address with a fountain pen, Word was received of the death of Jenks Johnston, which took pleas et Dauphin Man„ on Wednesday, Delay 10th Et the nge of 34 years, Demand teas a son of Wm. Johnston, inenraaoe agent, river road, Blansbard, His 'Mother Lorne, who represeete Parke, Davis, & co., draggiets, of Detroit, Mioh., and who is travelling in Manitoba, was by hie Indeid° when the vital spark fled, D.I. ceased was a member of the flub Can .1. tan contingent that wee neat out.te South Akin and eemalued there during the Boor war, and at fin n000laoiao he received a medal with two olaepe, There is no doubt tie hard Swath Menem climate and the exposure he wan enbjent• ed to °owed the nada of dise,tso in hie .once 01800000 oonetitutiou, The sympathy of theaommtleity goes out to the father, Won. Johnston, anti' brothers nod enters iii their sad bereave. ment, His remains were butted ah Dauphin Man.