HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-5-11, Page 8i$ D NG SUPPLIES mboo Poles in the different 'lengths, Lines, Hooks, Sinkers, Eto, ALL KINDS of BALLS Hard and Soft Rubber, decorated and plain. Base Balls from 5o. up to $1.60. Fuot Balls, Lacrosse Stinks, Tennis Balls. We keep the Ga T. If, Ezpress Wagon 4fa • Besides other kinds, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. ORANTRUNK RAILWAY. 8OUTnt'RN ENTENSION W. 8. & E, Trains te..00e Brogue's Station, North and South, .:s follows; Goma Seems GenNG Nonma. 2/ail 7:00 a.m I Mixed 8:40 eau Mired h 1:20 a.ri i Maii 1:08 p,m Express .. ,. ete2 p.ni Express .... 8:61 pan ,oc't nibs 't,emst A ohiei samang ye takic' notes, A u' fettle _Ie'lf print it. Doren -no weather for area, lbntieaaa { :e ih+te Ito innings, tllauar.T t•,01: 2)0,-1 a8 Brueeele. ' IATDER s a •o tiling but seasonable. Goo, a,,, '122.0 How's your grippe 0 icnogL B era Friday evening of this week. Now Tim • T-•lz'e on the G. T. 11. next Mon.^2)v GRT:saiiy for the visit of the Sanitary In peotor, Tun van,, of .h? fawn mower is mote More "neer' ;0 '.112) land. Da. Geatrta eta fined op bie °Mae, in the. Geah•"m a rola in Set °lase style. taceesE I:coroaroo CLEGG was in town on 3`01 bay . l hit week attending to the duties of hie net,' ; Mae. Tare re the ':n for whitewasbing— eve: R R v r : i, 31 P. P., is seising foe a i;t rhii . nit ea it. A Man 111)0: Ittosee Oil= been pot sip at the G. T. It. r d L: D. A. Lawry for the sterna, of late 1`reaoht in by rail. Bee- eers vi» --apply the bride and groom for a 1.11022200 wedding and the bride for .. rrot'eotive Oxford Co. bridt groom. Monet, F-: in Ileourei m to Guelph will be ran on T' 125,1 :y June 15th. Speoial train to enc. from the Royal Oily. The trio ie a 01.1 a: j.,;, -able one. THE go`d racy f:4. 2)011 rain coat adver• Mood In TIM Pi se were olalmed. The right kind o+ atdvertioing in the rigbt kit of a p: ter pays any time. U L. 'Women bas withdrawn hie bus from the G. T.B. station route finding ino,:moienttuahaeee to make it pay. The Dlaldoou bo. e+,rp.iee the demand. Sotto coo +.mrtibie individual pat a email atone • ::rough a pace of fanny glass in one of the windows of the Methodist ohnrch teat -.telt. If he is located it will ben dear bi• of "fan". No axons(•. for retaining garbage and refuse on yo'r promisee any longer as a dump groat •1 le now open, South of the aernetery. Perseus doing the battling are oantioned 8e to the certainty of seeing that the entrenoe r;a8e is closed. Tan reef. •nee of Alex, Ellie, Queen street, is bolo; veuaared with cement and blocked off, mouth improving the appear• anon and contort. Tho old house on Mr. Ellie' earthing lot has been torn down. It Lad stood there for a good many years, CottoLAINT ie being made by some of the`buoineee °Sepia that the doors of some persona who agreed to close at 7 p. m. • are still open to the pnblio and they do not ooasider it fair, If the agreement he to be kept in -toroa it can only be done by theoarefnl aid faithfgl obeervanoe of all interested. The ringing of the bell ie the signal for tbe locking of doors, PUBtX0 LIBRARY.—The pubifo ie noti- fied that from May 15111 to Sept 16811, Brussels Pat •ito Library will be open on Tuesday, Therodav and Saturday after. noo0e from 2 00 to 5 o'olook p. m. and ob Tueeday, anti Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o'olook. All interested should take note of the Summer hours and govern tliemeelvee 8000rliingly. MINISTERIAL —Pia oongrabulate Bevde. Jag. E. Ranier and Robt. Maunders, of this 1009,114', on the oompletio0 of their probationary studies at Victoria Uoiver• city, Toronto. Tbey will come 0p for ordination it, Jane. After this will fol- low the superintendency of a oirontt end the.enthronir•g of the Parsonage queens. H. W.'Avison, 0f Alma, took 75% in his first year'doo"rse and IC. J. Beaton, now of Clinton, pat“,ed his preliminary with flying 01,1008 WO w1sb the gner6e6te the suooeoe in Got vineyard they desire. SLAY THE Wanne.—By a reaentamend• Merit to the Aiuo:cipal Aot, pat11maetere are no 11)00)" ••egnirad to look after the o0ttio 4 of n, ricus weeds on the high. MVO 10 their ilivreion. Every owner or Moment of laud 82) 8,010 required 10 out the weeds wowing op the highways ad- facent to the thud, Obapter 27, of the Btaiu8ee of 1904 provides as •0011owe :—•It 011811 be the tiny of every owner or aro onpnnt of lama in a municipality to out • down Or dast,ny, or Oases t0 be oat down or (115207041, •it the proper time to pro 22etit the riiterrih•o of their - seed, all noxi• tie tv00,, graving on any highway udfo.nnhg 671,:1 hull, not being a toll road, .from the 'molder!' of each land to the 'aware lint of enol, road and in matte of delimit after 1100822) from the Ioepeotor or Overseer of Higbwaye, Or where no 108pe0tor or Oar.roeer is appointed, from the (Mork of the mnnieipality may do elle Wdrk, and my , add the post thereof to the taxo8 ego' ,ot thv lend in the Ooileo. tor'e31a18 ani/ 0ofie06'enob coot ho the game manner e8 other tease, THE Electric road oommJttee did not meet ou Friday last as the outsiders uonld not get here' for 1bat date. Mies ARDELL, of Gerrie, has taken a situation in the tailoring shop of Messrs. Dodds & Habkirk, Stratton block. WE ere pleased to report a 88eoesef01 operation woe performed last Friday on Mrs. E. C. Lowry and she is making se favorable progress ea could be expeoted. Walter Lowry Dame home from Guelph on Tueeday afternoon. DV82Ne the peat week a number of splendid cattle have been delivered here to be put on the grave, Not a few floe buaobee were taken South to Tooker. smith and MaKiliop. Some of them looked plenty good enough for export. TEecnaaa' Aseooramr000—The Teaohere of both East and West Haron Inepeotor• Mee will hold a joint convention in Olin• ton on May 25-26, An extensive two days' program ie being prepared, and a large and profitable convention in anbio. Mated. On the evening of the 25111, Rev. E. E. Soott. of Galt, will deliver an ad- dress on "The land of the Maple Leaf." THE Brnssele Foot Ball Club will go to Atwood to play an intermediate match with the 01012 of that town on Friday 808200on of this week. They will go by. the 3 o'elook train and return on tbe 8. Speoial rates will be given and any deeiring to go may be sure of seeing the game and able to get the evening train. Game oalled at 6 o'clock sharp. Go along and cheer the boys to viotory. Now TIME TABLE,—Next M°ndey a new Time Table will come into effect on the W. G. & B. Going East the morning train will arrive at. 7 05 instead of 7.15 ; the mixed at 11.26 instead of 12 30 and the afternoon express at 3.02 instead of 8,08. Going North, tbe mixed will get here at 8.40 instead of 9 a. m. ; the after. noon mail at 1 38 in place 003.25 and tba evening train at 8 51 instead of 8 35. These ohanges ebould he noted or aome- bady may masa their train. Time table rimy be read at head of tonal news. "Tan Boon OF VIoTORr."—Henry Bosh D. D., of Ildertoa, was in Brnesele this week pushing the sale of hie book entitled "The Book of Victory." The well known author claims to be the second John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ's Snood Coming and save hie mie8io0 tet to bleats every oburoh. It is 40 years eine "Dr." Bneb oommenoed the Seoond Revelation and nae .travelled thousands of miles, 16,000 of which have been ao o°mptieb80 in the past 8 years. He is 80 years of age, but pommeled of good health, he gets about very lively. The voluble "Dr." eaye he may spend next Winter in Florida or California, He "tarries the "oongaering flag" on hie 000• veyanoe. SOME Sanas.—Mary's little lamb has played a very important part in the world but it does not begin to count with the sheep b088085sin Montana, John Donaldson, of Braseele, bas three brother% North of Mile% City, Montana, who do a big business ranohing, James Doualdeon has .been there- about 15 year's and has 18,000 ebeep and he figura on 550,000 this year from hie wool and lambs. He also keeps a large number of cattle and horses and has a property worth from 575,000 upwards, The three brothers have about 30,000 (sheep in all. The Miles City Independent eaye One of the beet °lips of wool whiob comes to 6118% market are tboee belonging to James, George and Albert Donaldson. The combined clips thie year will amount to 225,000 pounds and so far this 8e08on has topped the market. L. R. Hervey pnrohaeed it for a Boston house at 23ao. per pound. 300800 AND D0NBORD yo. THE VILLAGE OR Boveszne,—Thio potion has now been finally terminated by s, judgment of the Supreme Mouth delivered on the 2nd snot.,. whereby the appeal of the village wait diemieeed with costa in all of the Comte. As the point involved le of some import a0oe, a short history of the litigation may not be amiss. In 1903 the village of Brunets of its own motion decided 6o oonetruot a sewer on Turnberry street at the poet of proporty.owuere alleged to be benefitted. A notice to that effect was ton/Malted la each of the village paper%. The etatete also requires that a per conal mottos "chaff" lie 'served on oath owner to be benefitted. This the village neglected to do. The statute further provides that onleee a majority of the ownera within one month after the first publication of the notice in the Howe. paper' petition the council not to go on withhe woe t k, i6 meet proceed. The proposed drain wae intended not to pass plaintiff Danford's Jana and only half- way 880088 that of ROOM. AR they did not get the personal notioe provided for by statute, they were ant out of the right to petition against the work and an 0,p• peal to the court of rovieion and the 00unty Judge 00010 only vary the a8eeg8 month. The plaintiffe moved before the Chancellor to gnash the bylaw. fie ale. nagged the motion. The plaintiffs then appealed to the Point of Appeal, when the judgment of the Chancellor was on. animously reversed sad the bylaw gca8120d. The villsgo then appealed to the Supreme Clout, with the above re. Wt. A. B, Ayleeworth, R. 0„ and W. M, 'Modiste argued the case for the village in the supremo Court and W. Prondteot, $+ 0„ for the plsintiffo, Standard BFAnk of Canada 18T.A.T,: X,a1B=-M1030n lama 8t7RPLII8, OR 1*)silRWM Loan 8 1,000,000 TOTAL A88ET8 OVER 16,000,002) .. Genotrn,l E aia1zUnip IL3ttlslne1ty Tert,nhfLetCd 00••00 0000-•.., ...-nr —c SAViNGS BANKV' —DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and npwarde reoeived on whiob INTEREST 'I8 ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the H 10$ BANK RATE. AOCIUED INTLr1i1 sT in added to ewe/ante every eix menthe and beoomee prinoipsl. —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposita without the intervention of any person. LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES OASH©D, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for which no charge is made, YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oarefal and oourteone attention, A. 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. RETURN fare to Atwood on Friday evening ie 65o. Come along and enjoy the game, BritseELe Foot Ball testa will play at Atwood Friday evening of this week. Oar Eastern neighbors put up a good sample of ball. DE. Ovine, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear and Nose, the gleesee properly. Next visit, Smith's Drug store, . Braseele, Tuesday, May 23rd. GRAND TBUN2 SHIPPING.—During the pest week the following oars have been shipped :—Black & Barr, oar of cattle and oar of bogs to Toronto ; R. Grahrm, oar of oats to Montreal ; Geo. Beet, oat of bogs to Palmerston. Inwards was a ear of coal for R, Hendereon ; oar of lumber for P. Ament ; oar of poets and 2 oare of wire for 0. P. R. ; oar of mach• inery for Andrew Hislop ; oar of pota• toes for A. Meeker 1 and oar of cement for P. J. MoDonald. BIRDS AND THEIR NEeTe,—Complain to have beat made of the wilful destruction of the neete and eggs of our belie/total birds by boys who ebould know better. Here is part of the law pertainiug to these birds :—"It shall be unlawful to shoot or injure any bird, or take, injure or have in possession the nest or eggs of any bird except hawks, omen, blank birds and Eoglieh eparrowe. The tine for the violation of this Aot ie from $1 to 520 with costa, the whole fine to be paid to the prosecutor." THE following ie the eohedute for the Intermediate series in the Rerun dietriot : May 12—Listowel at Wingham, " 12—Brussels at Atwood. " 19—Listowel at Brussels. " 19—Atwood at Wingham. " 28—Brueeele at Wingbam. ' 28—Listowel at Atwood. June 2—Wingham at Listowel. • 2—Atwood at Brume's. • 9—Brussels at Listowel. " 9—Wingham at Atwood. Preserve this list for reference, Goon HORSE FLE0B,—Last Friday Ooanoillor Thompeon brought home a fanoy sorrel driver purohaeed in London from o Mr. Robinson. Toe animal is bred from a sire named "Oboe- ter."—A. Currie has bought Jno. 33680108 0 2 year old Kaplan Dolt and now has a pair, his other one being 2 years old. The oolte are doing well and may melte some money for their owner.—The well bred and speedy trotting mare owned by Dr, J. R. MaoDooald, o! Wingham, oame into possession of George Thomeon, of Brueeele, in exchange for 246 good dollars. She is bred from "Wild Briuo" and is in foal to "Monbare," the trappy blank etaltion of Tboe. MaLaoabiio, of town, who has a mark of 211. A Tin GAME.—Leet Friday evening the initial Foot Ball matob in the Iater. mediate aeries was played on Vittoria Park here between the home team and the Wingham olub. The game lasted 60 minutes and resulted in a tie, no goals being eoored. Brussels had the beet of the game but oould not score but neither teams put 0p very moth of a oombiu- alien, whioh was no great surprise on account of it being the opening with poor weather for praotioe. There is good material in both °labs which will no doubt be apparent ae the matobes pro. grass. Brown Jaokeon, of Seafortb, refereed the game on Friday and gave good eetiefao5ion. The following ie the line up :- 210068EL8. - WINGHAM. J SL herr Goel B M°At T Sample .1 (( R Wbealer ter Backe A Anderson R Cardia ) H Mitchell J Mitchell R Brown } 4 Backs i- W Burgess F Arden 1t D Wilson 2)V Miller ••„ .,J MoGillivary J Strachan ,,,..w Aveley A Lowry Forwards P Damen 0 Earley... areas .... Forwards .••M Aikenbaad 9 J H Ansley D another ...............8pare G Lammas Blumeno8 Bath BoaIET,.— Following are the amon0te contributed to the Bible Society Fund for Brussels Branch for the past year, with the 08mee of tee oollentore Oolleation at annual meeting,,.,,511 12 Brueeele, East, Mre, Donaldson and Pities Eva MOOraoken, 7 50 Brunie, West, Miens Jewitt and MoArter , 11 80 Brueeele, North, Miee Moore and Mrs. Dodds 15 60 Grey, Cone, 1 & 2, Miesee Ontt'and McKelvey 2 20 Grey, Gone, 8 & 4, Kisses Elsie Strachan and Cart 4 15 Grey, Cone. 6 & 6, Mieees Mo Arthur and Jaak,oe 6 70 Gray, Cone. 7 & 8, Mfeses Smith and Cardiff 8 86 Grey, Cone. 9 & 10, Mae Ferguson 6 15 Grey, Oone. 11 & 12, Mame Mo Nair Dud Cameron 27 34 Grey, Cone. 18 & 14, no returns Grey, Cone, 15 & 16, Mre, Harrison and Mlee Garble Hanley 10 06 Ethel, Misses Speooe and Milne., 27 41 Morrie, 7th line, no returns .. , Morrie, 6th line, Mimes M, Walker and Jaokeon 8 82 Morrie, 5th line, Miesee Kaye and Obarpe 1 80 Morrie, 4th line, Mimes Black and Currie . 2 90 Morrie, 8rd line, Miesee Bowman and Dlitohel1 2 93 Morrie, 2nd line, Mime Bryant and 130kmier 6 60 Vioborla Hall, Jameetowh 5 05 Depository eaJeo, F. R. Smith,,,, 1 21 Total 5155 6d The money wee equally divided between the Upper Canada and the Quebec Bible 90eieti06, AN upright piano was placed in the American Hotel last week, the property of Dire. U.H. Broadfoob, BARGAINS IN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE — Mise Oliver win bold a private sale of Houeehold Furniture, outdating of bnreane, tablee, stands, theirs, parlor suite, curtains, &o , in the rooms of Mr. Leokie, over F. R. Smith's drag 'store, Brussels, Saturday, 13th inst..from 2 o'olook. Bargain' will be given as tbe goods most he cleared oat. NEW Hemnte.—Toronto dailire of Wed. nesday evening announoe the appoint. ment of Samuel Wileon, of Brussels, as Bailiff of the 4th Divioion Court. F. B, Scott, who has filled the bill with neat. gees and despoteb was not even ached for hie reeiguabion. Reason for the obange, "soott is a Grit,” While the office is not a "fat" one Mr. Wilson will no doubt MMI it ail right atter he gets acquainted with the ditties.' REv. I. M. WEED PA96E0 AWAY.—The death of Rev. I. M. Webb, formerly in• oumbent of St. John's ohuroh, Brunetti, 000urred on Saturday at s private hoe. pital in Toronto, where be had been for the past two weeks. He was a graduate of Huron Oollvge, London, and was ordained fonryeare aao. Rio first charge was in Windsor, where be was °orate to Rev. Oanon Blocks. He left to take 2)p the duties of reotor of St. John's ohuroh, Brgeaels, which he bed to resign a few months ago owing to ill health. He wet a very promising young man, and hie death will be greatly mourned by bie large oirole of friends. He ase the second eon of A. Webb, of Granton. Hie body was taken to Granton, and interred in Birr oemetery on Tueeday. The raver• end gentleman wee an at11106i0 looking man, almost the last one a person would suppose to go down from coneamp tion, He was a general favorite from hie genial manner ; was a good preacher, an attentive pastor end a williug worker in the advancement of the general good of the community. Rev, Mr. Webb Deme to Brueeele in September, 1902, and epent about two years, nitbough the latter part of hie itteumbenoy he was unable to at. tend to bie duties. The news of bie demise wars reoeived with no email regret by the people of this locality. Bev. Mr, Lang -Ford, Dr. Fetid, Mrs, James Jones and Mies Minerva Jones attended the funeral. Daring Mr. Webb'e reoideoee in Bruseele be carved on the Public Lib- rary Board and took quite an interest in bees ball and tennis. He was unmarried, MR. EWAN WAS KILLED RY Team -- Leon week !Tan Poor reported the death of Wm. Ewan, of State Line Mills, Penn., an 000le to D. Ewan, of Brueeele,, whioh took plane on Tueeday abort 1 p. m. The old gentleman had been away to Donau'' a neigbhor about the p0robaae of a tree and wa0 returning on the railway track when i" a beud in the road the ex prese overtook him, He woe thrown in the air and struck tbe second time and oaet into the ditch, death being ineton. taoeo00. Hie batik wee broken mud hie left arm in 8 pleoeo. The train stopped and the body was conveyed to the 'cation 500 yards away where e, coroner's inquest was held. Mr. Ewan bad resided there for 24 years. The funeral took plane on Friday from the Presbyterian ohnrab and was largely attended. Deemed was 75 years of age and is survived by two song, Douiel sod John, of the Berne State, and a daughter, Mra. Freeeon, with whom the old gentleman lived. Mrs. Ewan died 8 years ago. De - (teased was born in Aaabterarder, 8oettend. He bag a stater in the Old Land yet. Mr. Ewan was well off, being interested in oil. D. Ewan, of town, taken the oil well. The uncle had spent three Winters in Brussels and was only bome 8 tveeke before bie death, He wee a good man and well ready for the the enmmons. Mr. and Mre. Ewan arrived home this week from the funeral, Business Locals. Fattens plowe are Bold by John Long, Btion,rnsoelo, and 020 Bore to give nati0860. 0otm'o1rABLE dwelling and a -agree land, ahoiae fruits, good looaiity, will be sold cheap. I. 0. Banana. OoM,ORTAn of house and lot, with stable, pomp &o„ oonvenie0tly located on Queen street for sale. Apply to Tan Posy. . Dvfnmate rooms to let over store, very conyenient,soft water, &a. I. O. 110811anne. Dn. Bunn, the London opaoialiet, will visit Brussels profeeeiooally and may be found at tbe Amerioan Hotel on TUESDAY, MAX 30th JUNE 27th 11 interacted ahonld bear these dates in ind, 15 pookages garden seeds for 26e. Vlle 0arantee these mode to be equal, to any aokage seeds on the market, lams A m BALLANTINE. Helen and lot for sale in Btuesele. Comfortable bodee, O acre of land, with fruit trees, &e, For further partioulere apply to Moe, J, R. SotITE. TIME SAVE».—If your lawn mowers or any fixture ' e o need repairing,dworry Yq not bat burry to T. MoOregotnd get the toned to your fanoy on Mill st., Brnesele, Ont. To Rztm,-5 nide well fniehed rime, beside pantry and hall ovet.the Postal oe to tout by the year, A nine balcony COD. fleeted With the large parlor, 000l and nibs for the Bummer afternoons, Wood ehett, ototheo lino wheel, bard and Witt. water. Rant 54.00 per month: aro�cr,,"r+,z ::u"OrZt attO ="s"" , vol.- --Orot •nateaotiO ay,,:.sW..talt Ot ` METROPOLITAN BANK WALL CAPITA up ItE6 1:1YE FUND . $1,000,000 i s S $1,000,000 Directors BEV, B. H. WARDEN, D. D„ 8, J. M00RD, Prooidenb, Wee-Prooidont, TIi00. 0RAD3182, 1f LA,. Me n0E070 DIR. W. MORTIt2E8 002,10$, 1LA, D. E. 0100170070, R. 0, JO7(N 0010(3TRnp05 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W D. 11088 - - GENERAL D1ANAGE1 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DrafIe Boggbt and sold. Farmer's' Notes Di800unted, e" p',Ydv/iv"i i='emir Biors3Yr6°atz°d dt° Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sumo of 51 and npwarde BREA&RAS :',QXe°.tx A. E. MISLLISH, Manager. eutincll 0111111;4, The Presbytery of Maitland will meat in .8elgreve on Tueeday of next week at 100. m, Leet Sundaq morning Rev. Mr. Miles, of Kincardine, oonduoted bite eervioe in St. Jvhn'e ohuroh here. Rev. Mr. Lang - Ford was at Kincardine. "Timet of Rofreehing" was Rev. Dr. Rose' theme loot Sabbath morning in Melville ohuroh, and in the evening it WEIR "Spiritual Springtime." The annual meeting of Maitland Presbyterial W. F. M. S. will be held in Bolgrave on'rueeday of next week, begin. Meg at 10.20 8. m. Mies Dr, MaoKollar, of India, will give addressee at the atter. noon and evening meelioge. Last Sabbath was the quarterly eervioe in the Methodist Church. The pastor preached an appropriate diesouree in the morning from "The humiliation and exaltation of the Saviour." His evening theme was "The aonveroion of Lydia." Ne26 Sabbath morning the Annual roll call will take plane, a short memorial eervioe will also be held relating to tbe members of the ohuroh who have died singe last Oonferenoe. At the meeting of the Oifioial Board of the Methodist church on Tuesday even• lug, W. H. Kerr woe elected delegate to the District meeting, to be held in Wing- bam on the 24811 inst. The flnanoee were reported fu good shape and a eta plus of over 5100 in Sinking Fond to apply on oharoh debt, Rev. T. W. Comte, the highly esteemed pastor, 1018 surprised by the Board giving him three weeks' bo idaye at bie own choosing of date daring the Bummer, The member ship for the °barge le reported at 290. At the Monthly Mieeionary services in the Methodiet Sabbath School feet Suri• day a short reading on China Wae given by Joe Ranter ; J. T. Wood read an interesting letter from Rev. Mr. Joliff, a mieeiouary in Chentn, China ; Mies Eva Oantelon eaog a Bolo with chorus by the young ladies i° the same elites ; Misses Bertha and Piaui Sharpe muttered a duet. Colleotion was 57 50, The S. S. orobeetra has been etrougthened by the addition of Richard Cardiff with hie violin. There are now three violins, a flute, cornet, trombone, base viol and the organ. L. J. Demers, M. P. for Levie, ie dead. An epidemic of measles is reported at Hamilton. The Temiekaming Railway loan bas been renewed by the Government, A Snowstorm lasting thirty hours Oo• ourred 88 Lloydinineter, N. W. T. The steamer Pallaoze, at Halifax from Hamburg, brought 907 immigrants. James Kirvan, of Brantford, was smothered by a coal oil lamp exploding in his Bleeping apartment, John Skeet, late of Ipewiob, England, committed seaside by shooting et Mont. gomery, near Virden, Man, 1=OR 0T . ARMSTRONG.—In Molesworth, on April 23rd, to Mr. and Mre, Richmond Armstrong, a daughter. BRowN.—In Blyth, on April 8081, to Mr. and Mrs, Ieaao Brown, a daughter, GOLDEN In Blyth, on April 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Golden, a dengb. ter,' Mantozzsoa—In Grey, on May 8rd, to Mr. and Mrs, James Moandz'en, a dangbter, $BGRTRRED,--I2) Morrie, 00 May 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sbortresd, a eon. x6.ARR2�0�, WALEER—MOLA1GBLIN.—At-the reeideaoe of the bride's parents, 4th line, How - Mk, on May 8rd, by Rev. A. B. Dob. son, Mr. Thos. Walker, to Mise Elizabeth, only dangbter of Mr. and Mre, Robt. MoLaaghli0, MolNNEs.—In Grey, on May . 10th, Robert Melones, aged 67 years. Motlnaraam.—In Blyth, on ;April 90.12, Jane MoCreigbt, daughter of Alex. and Mre. MoOreight, Wz00.—Iu Toronto, on May 6181, Rev. h Morrison Webb, formerly of Brun. eels, in his 29th year. 7:3R'07a220.:,:.taiR..L.E,.X112C.T','o'm, Fall Wheat 90 Barley 42 Peau 60 Care 87 Butter, tube and rolls16 Eggs per dozen 12 Hay n 6 00 Flour, peperr obbl 5 50 Potatoes per bus 46 Apples (per bbi.) 1 00 Hoge, Live 6 75 Won) 17 Sa't, per bhl., rotoil 1 00 48 65 37 16 18 6 00 6 20 45 1 25 6 76 18 70 • • THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. WTANTED. — A EELIABLE lad i • to take or dere,o ourtailor mane oostuntee and gOrme,tiVo have le leran lead, DOMINION GARMENT CO., 444 Box 209, anemia, Ont, NOTICE. The Gourt of Bevai0,, on the Assessment Bolt of the Muneipalttyof the Township' of Grey -foe the year 1003, will be bold at the Teaneltlp Bell in the Village of Ethel, on Monday, May and, at the hoar of 11 of the blook lathe forenoon,- JOHN MCINTOSH, Datum, NOTICE. T be Court of Revision on tin, Aseassment R oil for the Township of Morrie for the year A.D. 7900, will be held at the Town Hall, Morris, on the Beth day of May feat., com- mencing at tau o'aloolr, a m. All parties interested will please take ,notice and cot accordingly. Dated at Morris this gib day of May, A, D„100: W, CLARE, 44.2 Omuta. YOU WiLL LIKE Severe] montbe ago before you had any theugbt of Papering we began a oearoh for new and 0000 doeigne in Woli Paper for pe the spring swoon, From thoueande of the latest emote we care• fully selected tbe boot and aboioest. Tbeee selsotiouo we are now showing. If you admire beauty in Wall Decoration we want yon. t0 0ee Oar 1116515y, ON FRIDAY of this week we will have on .este some very ahoiae peakag00 of Remnants von• elating of 0, 8 & 10 Roil lots, In order to olear we offer et lees than halt regular prices at • DRUG STORE. ,.+0•,s••-111:•••=.111111•••...., The Fun Staxts setneemeresse The Fun starts at the opening of school, and then look out for the lively boy. He wants to look decent all the time but he has got to have his fun anti the care of his clothes is a secondary matter ; try the Lion Brand of Boys' Suits and Knickers and you will get A.4 the best on the market. Coats are made with French facings which give them a solid and /aging appearance --Knickers have double seats and double knees— double sewn seams and linings boxed in—nothing on the market to equal them, and the price is no higher than what you pay for inferior goods. Once a Cus- tomer, always a Customer. We are the - only Agents in town, I'M HERE AAU-! Those who know me always welcome me to their homes. I'm quite good-looking though very black, and no amount of washing changes my color. Got double knees, toes, heels, and am ready to make your acquaintance. My present owners will introduce and part with me for 25c, 35c or 40c, according to weight. I'm the Black Cat Stockings for Children and Ladies. Will you try me ? D. C. LEADING CLOTHIER, s BR'UISSELS. xxxaccxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx MOK fNfolON Co. BARGrAIN DAY ti..g Every day is Bargain Day at our Big Caeh Store, where you have one 0`S of the largest stooks iu the county to °booth from, and everything is new ” and 2)p to the miuu6e. Below we quote a few prate) whish will give you an idea of the b8rgaine you oan got here every day till they are cold' out —Linen Towelling, 16 inohee wide, regular rice So, for So, p —01roular Pillow Cotton, 40 inches wide, worth 15:a for 120. —Flannelettes, in fauoy etripes and °hooks, 00 inches wide, in light and dark colors,good valne at 8o, for 5o. --Eoglieh Saxony Fleuneletiee, wide width, soft finish, in new fanny 8608500, regular 1250, for 10o, —Ladies Oravenette Rain Coats, very special at 55 —Men's WaterproofOoato, in robber lined, orevenette 8nd tine ocean --ENO' cloth, at 52:60, 58 60, 56, 07 60 and 59 Knickers, made of strong tweed, lined throu shout, in all eizeu, gteet valve at 45o, 518o and 65o. —Clothing for mon and boys, in ail the new patterns mad 'deaignn, just reoeived at °loch prices, -Grey Cotton%, wide width, line oven Dread, worth 7e, for So. —Bleached 0ottone good width ver at G ,g Y 8 Speoial n. —Table Linen, la yards wide, good yaltle at 30o for 25o. —Ladies Oaebmote H000, regular price 230, for flip. —L• adieu Heavyt Ribbed Cotton Mae, worth 180, 2 pair for 20o. GROO ERI ES —4 lbs, Beet Seleoted Raieiho for 26o, —4 the. Beet Gleabed Onerante. tor 250. —Laundry Sterol), re30 sr 7o, fir 60, or 6 lbs. for 20o. --40 bare Good Laundry Soap, the So Eliza, for 260. —Royal Glove Starch, in pound pp aoka'oo. worth 8 t for 50. �qr,,�iqq�,,tc�p �a�p�t�p�a�,a�t��,�w 1��ar�ra r�Lr�r� q�pFt�ir,�p�p X=x=xxx atsxxx XX " xxx=x2wce